Essay School Uniforms

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School Uniforms: Yes or No?

Jessica Sjöstedt

Damian Finnegan

Academic Writing

3 March 2011

School Uniforms: A Non–Military Proposal for Sweden's Students The word school uniform has negative connotations for many people. It makes them think of war, of soldier, of death, brainwashed airheads doing exactly the same as everybody else. It makes them think of reformed, collectivized groups of people with no personal identity. There are, however, reasons for the existence of the uniform; one of them being, as the name suggests, the purpose of uniting. At schools all around the world theschool uniform is a key factor to the success of the students. Sweden currently does not apply the rule of a school dress code, but there is a definitive need for one. School uniforms more content... And if it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then public schools should be able to require school uniforms" (Clinton, 1996). Studies have shown that when students are wearing uniforms there is a big difference in their behavior and their academic results in school. In his essay (Skiba, 2000) Skiba presents evidence from different studies (Cohn, 1996 and Loesch, 1995) suggesting that when children wear a uniform to school they are less likely to be associated with a gang and the dangers of walking pass the wrong neighborhood on the way to and from school is therefor eliminated. Loesch also points out that the dress code in schools help "establish a calm, businesslike school climate." (Loesch, 1995). In the Long Beach School District all forms of violence, beatings, hooliganism and other serious misbehaving offenses have almost disappeared since they decided all students have to wear uniform. (Cohn, 1996.) Another good example of how students seem to be thinking is this study where almost three hundred students were asked to describe pictures of people dressed in different clothes. Nearly all the students participating in the survey described the uniform–clad illustrations as "better behaved" and "more academically

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The Need for School Uniforms A safe and structured learning environment is the first requirement of a good school. Children who feel safe and secure will better learn basic American values. In return they will learn the basis of good citizenship and become better students. In response to growing levels of violence in our schools, many parents, teachers, and school officials have been forced to look toward school uniforms as one potentially positive way to reduce discipline problems and increase school safety. It has been observed that the adoption of school uniform policies can promote school safety, improve discipline, and enhance the learning environment. The potential benefits of school uniforms include decreasing violence and more content...

A uniform policy must also prohibit students from wearing a button bearing a gang insignia. A uniform policy must also prohibit items that undermine the integrity of the uniform, such as a sweatshirt that bears a political message but also covers or replaces the type of shirt required by the uniform policy. There is another big issue within the implementation of school uniforms. Schools must determine whether to have a voluntary or mandatory school uniform policy. Some schools have adopted completely voluntary school uniform policy, which permits students to freely choose whether and under what circumstances they will wear the school uniform. On the other hand, some schools have determined that it is both warranted and more effective to adopt a mandatory uniform policy. When a mandatory school uniform policy is adopted, there must be a determination as to whether to have an "opt out" provision In most cases, school districts with mandatory policies allow students, with parental consent, to "opt out" of the school uniform requirements. Some schools have determined, however, that a mandatory policy with no "opt out" provision is necessary to address a disruptive atmosphere. A Phoenix, Arizona school, for example, adopted a mandatory policy requiring students to wear school uniforms, or attend another public school. That Phoenix schools' uniform policy was recently upheld by a state trial Get more content

School Uniforms

Uniforms in School Angus Young, of the rock band AC/DC, is who comes to mind when picturing a school uniform. His costume is like that of an English schoolboy dressed in shorts and a funky hat. Another image that comes to my mind when thinking about school uniforms is that of a group of young fifth–graders, all wearing the same colored uniforms, assembled in front of a Catholic School. Such pictures of students dressing in school uniforms have led to stereotyping and a negative attitude towards schools enforcing a uniform policy. Students being thought of as robots without the ability to express themselves freely in a society that says you must express yourself and be an individual at all cost. The problem is that the cost more content...

In fact, in 1995 the Texas legislature gave public school districts the authority to require uniforms under Texas State Law (Radcliffe 1999). The law, however, is a voluntary law; schools are not required to have a uniform policy. A Dallas attorney, Domingo Garcia, has proposed legislation that would make it mandatory to wear uniforms in Grades k–12 in Texas (Ramos 1997). The first fundamental issue that school board officials and law makers should look at before they make new policies and laws concerning school uniforms is whether or not these new laws and policies have a positive impact on students' overall performance. The question should not be limited to academic performances only, but should also include other socially learned behavior that will enhance the students' ability to conform to the social norms needed to be successful in today's society. However, it can be argued that if students are required to wear uniforms while in school they will have a better opportunity to relate to each other on a social level. Mostly because clothes seem to have a lot to do with the way students interact. I am sure that most students would not bother killing each other because one student has a newer tie than the other less privileged student does. A lessened degree of attention and concern with fashion will result in a better condition for serious study as well as lessen the cultural and economic challenges of students and parents

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Essay on Uniforms in School

School Uniform Outline


I. Introduction –

A. Thesis Statement– Wearing school uniforms in public schools has numberless amounts of positive benefits both at school and at home.

II. Body paragraph #1 – School uniforms can save parents hundreds of dollars a year due to not allowing children to wear the latest fashion trends. Supporting Evidence

1. King also points out," More specifically, many have argued that school uniforms assist in reducing school violence and theft; preventing gang activity, such as students wearing gang colors and gang insignia; providing discipline in students; helping students concentrate on their school work; helping students to resist peer pressure; and helping school officials easily recognize school intruders. (P.32, P.33) more content...

All this information is significant because it shows the advancement of education when there are fewer distractions around the room.

III. Body paragraph #2 – School uniforms allows students to stay focused on education, verses who is wearing the coolest clothes or shoes.

A. Supporting Evidence

1. Daugherty explains often schools uniforms are less expensive than the clothing that students typically wear to school. Nonetheless, the cost of purchasing a uniform may be a burden on some families. Districts planning to institute a uniform policy should address this issue prior to implementation. Grants of assistance have been available from federal or state agencies and from private sources, and graduates typically donate their uniforms to the school.

B. Explanation

1. Luscombe explains Kids change out of uniforms the moment they get home. They don't wear them on weekends. Nobody ever wants to hang on to them for one second longer than they have to. Consequently, they can be donated back to the school. People who can't afford new uniforms can purchase pre–loathed ones, with the money going to fund the school programs.

IV. Body paragraph #3– Parents usually make the decision to enroll a child in a school that requires a uniform, due to the higher safety

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Schools should have uniforms for students so they can be distinguished between grade levels and to have all students dress the same way and offer some protection. Students might be against it because they want to wear regular clothes to impress other students. School uniform should be allowed in private as well in public schools because it will help faculty distinguish students, people and prevent inappropriate dressing. "Having a uniform helps students and parents resist peer pressure. In schools with no uniform, children may feel the need to dress in certain ways in order to fit in. This can often mean buying a lot of expensive and fashionable clothes that families cannot really afford. It can also mean girls being pressured more content...

Another good thing that will help them is if they go on field trips, teachers will not have trouble recognizing their students because they know how they are dress and what color of school uniform they supposed to have on. It will also benefit faculty because they will be able to distinguish grade levels as well as students, in case of a fight or an intruder getting inside the school. It will also help if a student will decide to get out of campus, and decides to take a skip day this will help the faculty, and security officers distinguish or identify the kid and which grade level they belong to. They will also notice if some students are wearing gang colors or trying to form a gang in school. Even if they try to bully on someone just by the kind of shirt or pants they are wearing to school. "Only a few inner–city schools have had problems with children wearing "gang colors". Many of these have got rid of the problem not by introducing uniform, but by simply having a dress code which bans such gang clothes and symbols"(Debate, 2011).

Another reason uniform will help is by not dressing inappropriate because students now days express themselves by the way they dress this is why uniform is a must in all schools. First of all the uniform must be applied to the girls because girls now days dress very inappropriate they use transparent

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School Uniforms Essay

School uniforms make things more complicated

Firstly, school is the place where all of us step in at a very tender age. In one word, life begins at school. It's not just education but school gives us the platform to nurture our faith, emotions in such an early stage of life. The importance of making friends, working as a team– we learn all these in school. And wearing the same dress definitely brings a sense of unity among students. In every school there are students from different backgrounds but with the school uniform everyone becomes one–the only identity dominates at that moment is all them are representative of the same school. This is a great feeling of togetherness. School uniforms flashes out most of the drops of social more content...

Cameras also will protect students by providing evidence if something unexpected occurs. More and more schools are installing security cameras in halls, classrooms and buses. Administrators say it helps protect students and staff, but some argue the practice is invasive. many students around the world have been falsely accused of something they didn't do. All of these problems can be eliminated with one little piece of technology hanging from the ceiling. That little piece of technology is a surveillance camera which can be placed almost anywhere. Many schools are determining whether or not to install security cameras in classrooms. Those who have, have seen dramatic changes in teachers, students, and even parents. Cameras have many helpful factors. For instance, cameras can be used to train future teachers, broadcast to students at home, and deal with bullying. Having cameras in a classroom environment are beneficial for students, teachers, parents, and schools because they hold teachers accountable, help students improve their behavior, and evaluate teacher and student interactions. Reconnaissance in schools has turned out to be more famous, for wellbeing reasons, as well as to screen the classrooms and teacher.The primary issue with influencing the schools more to secure is the methods by which to influence them more to secure without people feeling dismissed. A couple of activities to lessen the fierceness and wrong lead

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School Uniforms

"School Uniforms: Yes, or No"

The concept of having school uniform is a topic that has been debated fir any years. Some students find uniforms necessary, others just hate the colors. I think that the students who think uniforms are unnecessary are wrong. Uniforms are an excellent idea and can help school students be more disciplined, have an equal environment, and enjoy greater academics. School uniforms are a great way to maintain a level of social equality. There are more positive effects of wearing school uniforms than negative. School uniform makes student's lives easier because it eliminates the job of spending hours on picking out clothes for school.First, having school uniform maintains discipline in school. more content... If students are required to wear school uniforms, then they will automatically dress appropriately. Some students hide weapons in their clothes, so if there is uniform, no one will be able to hide any weapon. Secondly, school uniforms create an equal environment. Uniforms eliminate competition. No student will be considered less important than the other. Staying out of uniform is not a problem for the rich students. If there is no uniform, children, who are rich, will wear brand name clothes and children who are poor will wear regular, simple clothing. The poor children will feel left out because they are different. When children wear school uniform, every child is equal. School uniforms are less expensive compared to regular "play clothing", it lasts longer, and they can be reused. School uniforms are professional and help kids take school more seriously. When School uniforms help maintain or rise a school's academic standards. Uniforms help change a person's attitude toward success. Students go to school to learn, not to show off. Without school uniform, kids will spend more time on picking out clothes rather than doing homework. If children don't have choice to show off, make fun, or feel left out, then they will concentrate more on their studies. It is proven that schools that have uniforms have higher benchmark scores, SAT scores, and students which decide to go to college. In conclusion, school uniforms do not affect who

School Uniform Debate Essay
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Should our school have school uniforms or not? The topic of school uniforms is an interesting topic due to the many views that people have on them. This issue is important because it could prevent the issue of bullying. It also could also make teens get to know each other based on character, rather than appearance. Many teens are judged based on how they look or what they are wearing. The students are the ones most affected by this issue. My claim is that school uniforms should be enforced because it could prevent students from bullying. Having uniforms could also help teens stop judging and labeling people by how they look or dress. People should get to know each other based on how they and who they are as a person. If everyone wore the same thing there could be a less tendency to judge others based on what they wear. Teens should learns that their individuality comes from within, not necessarily from what they wear or how they look. Some reasons and evidence that supports my claim are that studies have shown that most of the time the root of bullying is how another dresses. I have noticed that teenagers (myself included) tend to judge someone based on how they choose to dress. If someone does not dress up to standards, people tend to think they are weird or they should be avoided. This shows that people tend to focus on how someone dresses more that how they act. One can dress up to standards, but they could also be a really mean person. This could go the other way as

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On School Uniforms

Should Students Wear School Uniforms?

School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems. Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self–esteem. First, wearing matching uniforms can make students feel equal. Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they are not wearing name brand clothes like the richer kids. Kids sometime tease each other because of the brand of clothes that they wear. Not all children's parents more content...

Social status will also be less of an issue because everyone would be wearing the same clothing. Uniforms will improve students' individuality because they will have to express themselves through their personality and attitude, rather than through a brand name pair of jeans or an expensive pair of tennis shoes. Wearing uniforms will allow the teachers to form a better perception of a student based on how they act not by how they dressed. Students social standing would be based more on individual character. Wearing uniforms will help improve a student's self–esteem because they will not feel pressured to dress a certain way. Students feel pressured by other students when they can't dress like they dress. If all students are dressed the same, everyone will feel equal. Second, wearing uniforms will allow more time for studying. Students will be more focused on their school work and homework. Wearing uniforms will allow kids more time to do their homework, because they will not be focused on trying to find the hottest outfit to wear to school the next day. Students spend too much time trying to put together the perfect outfit for school. Wearing uniforms will allow kids the opportunity to understand what is more important and that is the school work as well as the homework. If students would put the same dedicated time into their school or homework that they put into trying to find the hottest

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High schools that require students to wear school uniforms can be found around the world and have even been proven to function better than some schools that don't require their students to wear uniforms. If Smackover High School required their student body to wear uniforms, it would come with quite a few benefits for the students, teachers, and parents. My view is that SHS should issue school uniforms. One perk to uniforms is that the cost of school uniforms would be less than if parents had to buy their children clothes that are school appropriate and, the clothes their children want to wear outside of school. This could certainly benefit most parents, especially those with multiple kids in school because they could buy them more content...

School uniforms can help keep students focused more on their education and less on what they're wearing. If everyone is dressed the same then no one has to worry about whether or not the outfit they're wearing will fit in or look acceptable. It has been shown that once schools enforced uniforms there was less drama and distraction in class and test score began to go up. Another advantage of school uniforms is that students are viewed differently by teachers and fellow students. Teachers view students as more academically proficient in uniforms than in regular clothes because, they won't be distracted by their choice of clothing they will also appear more professional and better behaved. Students will view their peers differently for the same reasons teachers will.

A major perk to school uniforms is that if there was to be an intruder in the school disguised as a student you could pick them out since they won't be in the school issued uniform. This would be especially easy if the uniforms had the school name on it. Obviously, school uniforms have many advantages for students and staff, however it does have a few downfalls.

One downfall to school uniforms is that it can lessen a student's comfort level while at school. Such as, if the girls were required to wear skirts, and a girl didn't feel comfortable wearing a skirt to school. Another way it could cause someone to be uncomfortable at school is that uniforms

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School Uniforms Essay

Essay On School Uniforms

English II

16 October 2017

Many schools have decided that having school uniforms is the best for their students. Other schools don't want to limit the student's freedom of speech. Schools can't decide which is the best – have uniforms or not. School uniforms should be mandatory for all students considering the cost, right to freedom and academic success. One reason why school uniforms should be mandatory is the cost. It is more economical for people because it will be cheaper to buy uniforms rather than to have a new outfit for every day. The students will not have to go out shopping every year for new clothes to wear. This can save families money for other activities. The may able more content...

Dress for Success

Uniforms provide a bully free environment for the students ("Reasons Why Schools Should Have Uniforms"). Even though many kids don't like wearing uniforms they still make it fun. They wear jewelry and do their hair how they like. They are able to pick out shoes them shoes that helps to individualize their uniforms. Students like that they can still show off their personality through jewelry they wear, shoes or how they do there hair. The students are still able to go shopping and buy new clothes for when they are not in school. These are just a few examples of how the students can still make their uniforms about them ("Reasons why schools should have uniforms"). Schools that require school uniforms look a little more formal and well put together because all students look the same and they are all wearing appropriate clothing. Schools that don't require school uniforms have kids wearing inappropriate clothing such as clothes that don't follow the dress code. Uniforms also help students focus more on school rather than what they are wearing. There are also kids that don't really care what they look like, so they wear sloppy or dirty clothing. It gives the school a bad representation if students are wearing those types of clothes ("Reasons why schools should have uniforms").

When kids wear uniforms, it improves their attendance at school. Kids are more

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