“may be effective” to describe vaccine safety and efficacy. Now compare this information with that available on the Health BC website; information that reads more like marketing propaganda than science: “Vaccines are very safe. It is much safer to get the vaccine than to get COVID-19. Serious side effects due to the vaccines were not seen in the clinical trials.” 3 The BC Center for Disease Control website similarly reads like a paid PR announcement: “The vaccine will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in B.C. Vaccines save lives by preventing disease, especially for people most likely to have severe illness or die. If enough people get vaccinated, it makes it difficult for the disease to spread.” 4
These statements are not supported by the data, nor the information provided by Pfizer and the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. This distortion of the facts raises concerns that our regulatory agencies are acting dishonestly.
Fully Informed Consent Every health professional administering a vaccine has a legal and ethical responsibility to ensure fully informed consent prior to treatment. The consent must be voluntary and free of any disadvantage or coercion. For consent to be informed, patients must be provided with the following: evidence of the benefits of the vaccine; the risks of the vaccine, both known and suspected; the benefits and risks of natural immunity; and alternative treatments to vaccination. Specifically, with regards to the COVID vaccines currently available to Canadians, it is imperative that those considering taking these medical devices be made fully aware of: • the experimental status of these products • Phase III safety trials have not been completed • Interim approval was granted based upon only two months of safety data • The Pfizer and Moderna products are utilizing synthetic genetic technology never before approved for use as a vaccine • The Pfizer and Moderna products include ingredients never before used in a vaccine, making these products highly experimental • The risk of vaccine enhanced disease • Effective prophylactic and treatment options • COVID vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal immunity for any injury or death caused by their products Rather than a health care system based on honesty and transparency, we have a system that has devolved into selling pharmaceutical products through marketing propaganda and coercion. It is imperative that health professionals take their code of ethics seriously. It is also paramount that Canadians take responsibility to educate themselves fully. The decision of whether or not to vaccinate is too important to rely on blind faith. Ted Kuntz, M.Ed. is a parent, grandparent, medical choice activist, educator, author, retired psychotherapist and president of Vaccine Choice Canada. www.vaccinechoicecanada.com
Endnotes 1) https://www.fda.gov/media/144416/download 2 ) https://covid-vaccine.canada.ca/info/pdf/pfizer-biontech-covid19-vaccine-pm1-en.pdf 3) https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthlinkbc-files/covid-19-vaccines 4) http://www.bccdc.ca/health-info/diseases-conditions/covid-19/ covid-19-vaccine/vaccines-for-covid-19
The right to dissent by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
overnment technocrats, billionaire oligarchs, Big Pharma, Big Data, Big Media, the high-finance robber barons and the military industrial intelligence apparatus love pandemics for the same reasons they love wars and terrorist attacks. Catastrophic crises create opportunities of convenience to increase both power and wealth. In her seminal book, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism,” Naomi Klein chronicles how authoritarian demagogues, large corporations and wealthy plutocrats use mass disruptions to shift wealth upwards, obliterate the middle classes, abolish civil rights, privatize the commons and expand authoritarian controls. The methodology is, in fact, formulaic, as Hitler’s Luftwaffe commander, Hermann Göring, explained during the Nazi war crimes trials at Nuremberg: “It is always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it is a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. “Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country.” Now the medical cartel and its billionaire Big Tech accomplices have invoked the most potent, frightening and enduring enemy of all — the microbe.
And who can blame them? Increasing the wealth and power of the oligarchy is seldom a potent vessel for populism. Citizens accustomed to voting for their governments are unlikely to support policies that make the rich richer, increase political and social control by corporations, diminish democracy and reduce their civil rights. So demagogues must weaponize fear to justify their demands for blind obedience and to win public acquiescence for the demolition of civil and economic rights. Of course, the first casualty must always be freedom of speech. After stoking sufficient panic against the hobgoblin du jour, robber barons need to silence protest against their wealth and power-grabs. In including free speech in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, James Madison argued that all our other liberties depend on this right. Any government that can hide its mischief has license to commit atrocities. The free flow of information and selfexpression are oxygen and sunlight for representative democracy, which functions best with policies annealed in the boiling cauldron of public debate. It is axiomatic that without free speech, democracy withers. To consolidate and fortify their power, dictatorships aim to replace those vital ingredients of self-rule — debate, self-expression, dissent and skepticism — with rigid authoritarian orthodoxies that function as secular surrogates for religion. These orthodoxies