Logan University - Fall Tower 2016

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Promoting Evidence-Informed, Learning-Centered Communities Breaking Barriers: Logan Creates Collaborative Partnership with Cuba Logan Engages Students Through High School DualEnrollment Program College of Health Sciences Reports Record High Enrollment Numbers





6 International Relations Cuba engagement provides collaboration opportunities

18 Research

8 Partners in Education Dual-enrollment program preps students for college

21 In Practice

12 Chiropractic Takes the Field SIUE student-athletes benefit from Logan’s integrated care

36 Under the Tower

14 Nutrition Degree Thrives Logan reports record enrollment for MSN degree

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19 Where Are They Now? 20 The Insider 22 Donor Snapshot 24 Student Life


The Tower is a publication of Logan University for Alumni, Students, Employees and Friends of the University

THE TOWER Vol. 3, FALL 2016 The Tower is published three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On the Cover David Parish, DC, MS, CSCS, DACBSP, ICCSP, associate dean of clinical care and director of sports and rehabilitation. The Tower is produced by the Department of Marketing and Communications. Reader comments can be sent to the editor via email at Tower@logan.edu. THE TOWER Logan University 1851 Schoettler Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 Tower@logan.edu | logan.edu 1-800-782-3344

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The Logan Five

For the third consecutive year, William Purser, DC has generously donated a $50,000 Chiropractic Excellence Scholarship to an incoming fall trimester student. The criteria included an incoming GPA of 3.5. The student must maintain a 3.25 GPA as a full-time student while at Logan. Anna Schissler from Perry Hall, Md., is this fall’s recipient.

Logan welcomes academic success coaches Bridget Dressel, MEd to the College of Health Sciences, and Amy Pollack, MEd to the College of Chiropractic. They will work with students from matriculation to graduation to help overcome obstacles and identify resources available to maximize their success.


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Logan students in the new chiropractic curriculum are demonstrating the success of the program by surpassing National Board of Chiropractic Examiners score averages. In the spring of 2016, 93.9 percent of Logan students passed Part I, while the national average was 74.6 percent.

Logan’s College of Health Sciences reported its largest class for the Master’s in Nutrition and Human Performance program. More than 115 new students registered to begin classes in September, which represents a 100 percent increase since the program’s inception in 2011. It is also the largest master’s class in the history of Logan’s College of Health Sciences.

Logan welcomed Richard Brown, DC, LLM, FEAC, FRCC, Secretary-General of the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC), to campus on Oct. 6. Dr. Brown spoke about chiropractic from an international perspective as well as what the WFC is doing to advance the profession.

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At Logan, we belong to many communities. Geographically, we belong to the Chesterfield and the St. Louis community. Professionally and academically, we belong to the health care community and within that, the communities of chiropractic and health sciences. We are a part of the communities of students, educators and leaders striving to make a positive difference in the lives of those we touch. Whether it’s in our own community or the communities of others, we are dedicated to educating students, patients and our peers on restoring health and improving quality of life. We achieve that through instruction, care and service. In this issue of The Tower, you’ll read many stories about the work we are doing to promote evidence-informed, learning-centered communities, which is one of our seven core values. Right in our own backyard, we are collaborating with our peers in academia to create programs that impact tomorrow’s leaders in health care and sports. We partnered with the Collegiate School of Medicine 4 FALL 2016

and Bioscience (CSMB) for our firstever dual-enrollment program, giving CSMB students access to Logan professors instructing chemistry and physics for high school and college credit. Across the river at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE), Logan students are providing chiropractic care to SIUE athletes as part of the school’s sports medicine department. This is a prime example of the kind of integrated patient care opportunities we strive to offer our students. We also launched the first ever formal sports medicine and chiropractic education agreement with the Institute of Sports Medicine in Havana, Cuba. By inviting the Spanish-speaking world into our community of health education, Logan is well poised to thrive globally and improve health care far beyond our current campus footprint. Finally, we continue important work in the profession through our partnership with SpineIQ.org, a web-based clinical data registry. This online learning-centered community provides a unique opportunity to develop data-driven spine care pathways, identify those patients most likely to respond to treatment

“Right in our own backyard, we are collaborating with our peers in academia to create programs that impact tomorrow’s leaders in health care and sports.” protocols and compare patientcentered outcomes and costs among and across professions. It’s important that we think of ourselves as not just our own community but as a member of many communities coming together to advance human health and performance. Our investment in this area is invaluable. As we deepen that investment, the results will be tenfold—innovation, collaboration and the growth of new ideas and programs that keep us aligned with our vision of becoming a community of lifelong learners.


Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan A campaign to secure chiropractic’s role in the future of health care. Last year, Logan launched Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan, a sustained scholarship endowment program. It is the first permanent program designed to support current and future Logan students who cannot shoulder the cost burden of education alone. Your commitment is needed in ensuring that future.

The Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan Scholarship Endowment accepts gifts and pledges, beginning at $10,000 and payable in annual increments. The Endowment is professionally managed by an independent investment firm and scholarships may be given to students at all points of their educational career.

Forever Chiropractic, Forever Logan ensures your gift has a meaningful impact, year after year: enabling the leaders of tomorrow while sustaining Logan’s future as an institution. Visit logan.edu/Forever to learn more.

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Logan Leads in Establishing Relationship with Cuba Logan’s global footprint continues to grow and diversify. In its latest move, Logan developed a formal educational partnership with the Cuban Sports Medicine Institute in Havana, Cuba. The agreement calls for collaboration in education, research and patient care, including faculty exchange and development, joint educational programs and chiropractic care for the Institute’s athletes, staff and, ultimately, private Cuban citizens. It started with David Parish, DC, MS, CSCS, DACBSP, ICCSP, associate dean of clinical care and director of sports and rehabilitation. He was asked by friend and Princeton-based chiropractor Leonard Ershow, DC, DACBSP, ART, NKT, CKTP to join him in speaking to the Congreso Internacional de Medicina Deportiva in conjunction with the Federation of International Chiropractic Sports. That was mid-October 2015, and Drs. Parish and Ershow were joined in Cuba, not just by many interested sports medicine practitioners eager to share best practices,

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but also by a little good fortune in the form of a Puerto Rican DC attending the conference who had a strong grasp of medical terms and was fluent in both Spanish and English. Without him to translate their presentations, the future might have looked a little different. Dr. Parish’s talk centered on chiropractic education. He explained how his presentation opened the doors for ‘mutual understanding.’ “The Cuban health system takes very good care of its athletes, and they have a strong grasp of sports medicine yet little exposure to chiropractic,” he said. “I used my talk as an opportunity to link their acceptance of manual medicine with our approach to sports medicine and how closely aligned it is with chiropractic care.” Conversations quickly confirmed a shared interest in building a relationship to collaborate and bring together students, doctors and sports medicine professionals from both countries. Jorge Pavel Pino Rivera, director of the Institute of Sports Medicine, asked Dr. Parish if there might be a way to create an education exchange. Dr. Parish met with Logan President Clay McDonald, DC, MBA, JD to determine if Logan would be interested in exploring

such a relationship. A resounding “yes” led to a proposal from Logan and a trip to Cuba in May 2016. “I knew if I returned to Cuba with the president of my University, it would show our sincere interest and respect to the Institute,” said Dr. Parish. The trip led to a discussion and corresponding formal proposal, resulting in a flourish of approvals and enthusiastic “let’s get to work” endorsements as well as a recent return trip to work out the details. In July, Logan announced the first-ever formal U.S. – Cuba Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Partnership. The Institute of Sports Medicine is the health care provider for elite athletes in Cuba and a subset of The National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation (INDER). INDER was created in 1961 after the revolution when Fidel Castro announced an end to professional sports leagues and created a national amateur sports program, which governs all sports and recreation in Cuba. Sports is a core subject of the educational curriculum at all levels and is given equal weight with other educational subjects. Further, while the Institute, like much of Cuba’s health care program, is significantly underfunded and lacking technology, it maintains a strong


international reputation for quality of care. Dr. McDonald said the prospect of working closely with one of the world’s most highly regarded sports institutes and bringing chiropractic care to Cuba’s elite athletes and ultimately to its public is an incredible opportunity for both Logan students and faculty. “We are committed to increasing our global reach and building a significant presence in Central and South America and the Caribbean is a natural step in that direction,” he said. Building on Dr. McDonald’s interest in further developing a robust global footprint, Logan’s online Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation curriculum will be translated into Spanish, with help in part from the Cuban Sports Medicine Institute, as well as other bilingual experts at Logan and other North American organizations. Dr. McDonald said this is an incredible opportunity that opens the door to both traditional and non-traditional students.

“There is a vast and largely untapped population of people and future caregivers who want to learn our methods for improving human performance through sports medicine, rehabilitation and ultimately chiropractic,” he said. “We intend to have a fully translated curriculum and Spanish-speaking faculty on board to offer enrollment by fall 2017.” As part of the agreement with the Institute of Sports Medicine, Logan will also be participating in the Sports Medicine section at the Congress of Sports to be held in Cuba in November 2017. Logan is also working on exchange opportunities for each organization’s faculty, staff and students beginning in the spring of 2017.

(From left) Dr. Clay McDonald, Eduardo Antonio Becali Garrido, president of the National Institute of Sports Medicine and Recreation (INDER), Dr. David Parish, Dr. Jorge Pavel Pino Rivero, director of the Institute of Sports Medicine, Lic. Roberto Leon Richard, first vice president of INDER and Marta Licid a Ruiz Perez, Cuba’s director of international relations.

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Logan Creates Dual-Enrollment Program with St. Louis-Based High School When high school student Nya Martin found out that her senior chemistry class would be taught by a college professor, she was ecstatic. Not only did it mean she would receive college credit for the course, but she would also enjoy reduced expenses when she begins college. For Nya and her classmates, they could not imagine a better opportunity. That’s exactly what the leaders at Logan University thought as well when they partnered with Nya’s high school,

the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience (CSMB) in St. Louis. This fall, the two institutions entered into a dualenrollment course agreement. The two courses—chemistry and physics—are taught at CSMB by Logan faculty and provide select high school seniors with the opportunity to earn credits that satisfy both high school and college requirements.

Dr. David Nafar instructs a Physics I course at the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience in St. Louis. 8 FALL 2016

The partnership is a first for both schools. “We were looking for opportunities to get more involved with the St. Louis community, and partnering with local high schools and community colleges was a great fit because of our undergraduate degree programs and general education curriculum,” said Sherri Cole, PhD, dean of


was going to be a professional high the College of Health Sciences at Logan. school environment between the “Being that CSMB has a focus on health advanced placement courses and sciences and we are a chiropractic and different opportunities offered.” health sciences university, we knew it was One of those opportunities has going to be a good fit.” been the dual-enrollment program. Only four years old and located across While dual-credit courses are from Saint Louis University’s School of more common in high schools across Medicine, CSMB is a highly selective the country, dual-enrollment courses magnet school designed to prepare are harder to come by. Dualstudents for careers in medicine and enrollment courses are taught by bioscience. Students come from across college faculty, whereas dual-credit the St. Louis metropolitan area and are courses are taught by high school required to pass a test and interview faculty trained to teach college process before they are considered for level courses. CSMB currently has acceptance. Dr. Sarah Luderer teaches Chemistry I to Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience students. a dual-credit partnership with the “We want to be sure the students are University of Missouri-St. Louis. capable, but that they also consider the “It’s very expectations of seeing greater confidence in these students difficult in high school, which are and a better understanding of what they schools, especially very high,” said can expect from a university course,” he “It was very innovative on the smaller Dan Edwards, said. “The students are very appreciative of ones, to offer a PhD, associate the fact that we’re doing this.” Logan’s part that they were dual-enrollment superintendent Nya said she was most excited about the the first university willing program,” Dr. and director of long-term benefit. “I’m going to be saving Edwards said. college credit money when I get to college and I won’t to do this.” Students have “You just can’t find for the St. Louis have to take the course again,” she said. different needs and wants, and quality teachers Public Schools. Forty five students make up the current with the expertise “Every student class of seniors—the school’s inaugural to match that, we have to offer to teach college takes a minimum class. Of those, 26 are dual enrolled in a vast array of opportunities. level courses in of two science Chemistry I and 16 are dual enrolled in a high school, classes each year, Physics I taught by Logan instructors Sarah We are so pleased with the especially in math and the general Luderer, PhD, assistant professor and David arrangement and hope that our and science. This curriculum Nafar, MS, instructor, respectfully. partnership with is filled with Dr. Cole said Logan is currently working relationship with Logan will Logan allows advanced with CSMB to offer Chemistry II and continue to grow.” us to have two placement and Physics II in spring 2017 and looks forward faculty members dual-credit to identifying other opportunities that –Dr. Dan Edwards with tremendous courses taught might exist between Logan and CSMB backgrounds in at a college level. students. chemistry and Students from “It was very innovative on Logan’s part physics to prepare students to make an our school theoretically can leave here with that they were the first university willing to easy transition into a university.” 30 hours of college credit.” offer dual-enrollment,” said Dr. Edwards, That faculty expertise, Dr. Edwards said, For Nya and many of her classmates, who believes what CSMB is doing with is hard to match. that, in addition to a strong focus on Logan will become a trend. “Students have Dr. Edwards said while the parents were medicine, is what attracted her to CSMB. different needs and wants, and to match thrilled with the dual-enrollment program, “I knew I wanted to do something in the that, we have to offer a vast array of some students were a bit apprehensive, medical field, I just wasn’t sure what,” said opportunities. We are so pleased with the wondering if they were capable of meeting Nya, who now knows she wants to become arrangement and hope that our relationship the professors’ expectations. “I’m now a pharmacist. “CSMB just seemed like it with Logan will continue to grow.” FALL 2016 9


Chiropractic Organizations Advance Profession Through Research, Education, Engagement ACA Tackles Opioid Epidemic In New Campaign

October is National Chiropractic Health Month, and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is raising awareness of David Herd, DC the value of a conservative approach to pain management in the face of the U.S. opioid epidemic with the theme and hashtag #Chiropractic1st. One of the most important aspects of this annual observance is the active participation of members of the chiropractic profession, collaboration and consistent outreach. Chiropractic care is an important first line of defense against pain and, in some cases, can reduce a patient’s reliance on addictive painkillers or prevent their use altogether. One of the communication goals of the ACA is to exhaust conservative forms of treatment such as chiropractic before moving on to riskier, potentially addictive pain medications. Statistics show that as many as one in four patients who receives prescription opioids long-term for non-cancer pain in primary care settings struggles with addiction. Every day more than 1,000 people are treated in the emergency room for misusing prescription opioids.

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High-quality research has found spinal manipulation to be effective for acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain. In the wake of the opioid epidemic, many respected health care organizations now recommend non-drug treatments. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that nonpharmacological therapies are preferred for treating chronic pain in its 2016 guidelines for prescribing opioids. In addition, the National Pain Strategy, an initiative by several federal agencies, recognizes chiropractic’s value as a method for pain management. As part of the campaign, the ACA is providing chiropractors with resources and information to share regarding the profession’s conservative approach and its significance to today’s health care consumers. Visit acatoday.org/NCHM to receive a toolkit to promote the #Chiropractic1st campaign.

WFC Supporting Chiropractic Around the World WORLD FEDERATION OF

CHIROPRACTIC The World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) has been busy supporting, empowering and uniting chiropractic across the globe. Here are a few highlights

of the WFC’s work to help the profession in the areas of research, education and practice: • The WFC is currently engaged in a number of World Health Organization projects, including Healthy Aging, Disability and Rehabilitation, People Centered and Integrated Care and Global Health Workforce. They will be commencing a project to update the guidelines on Basic Training and Safety and will also start work on a new benchmarking document on Standards of Clinical Practice later this year. • In August, the Supreme Court of Brazil threw out claims by the physiotherapy profession that chiropractic was a subspecialty and made a historic ruling that chiropractic was an autonomous, distinct profession. The national association in Brazil has been supported in its efforts over many years by the WFC, which raised over $100,000 to meet legal costs. • In Puerto Rico, the WFC’s intervention helped to lift a ban on chiropractors treating children. • In Indonesia, WFC advocacy has contributed to the government holding a symposium to look at the profession in more detail after arrests and imprisonment at the beginning of the year.

Richard Brown, DC, LLM, FEAC,FRCC

• In South Africa, the WFC participated with the Chiropractic Association of South Africa in an enquiry by the Competition Commission in light of


chiropractors currently being barred from working with medical practitioners. • Later this year, the WFC will be hosting its Biennial Education Conference in Montreal, Canada, while in March 2017 it will partner with the Association of Chiropractic Colleges and the American Chiropractic Association to hold its Biennial Congress within what promises to be the largest chiropractic event of the year. DC2017 will be held in Washington D.C., March 15-18, 2017. Visit dc2017.org for more information.

FICS Paves International Path for Chiropractic Sports Leaders

The International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) reports several milestones and Pete Garbutt, MChiro, ICCSP significant happenings that are providing more opportunities in the field of sports chiropractic. Recently, FICS signed an agreement that allows Logan University to come on board as the latest contributor to the Olympians Scholarship Program, which is designed to help Olympians gain a chiropractic education. This summer, Olympic and Paralympics Games were the third now to have chiropractors as part of the Host Polyclinic. Athletes from around the world are able to access chiropractic care at the highest level of their sport. In late 2016, FICS practitioners will work at an International Tug of War event in Sweden and an International Powerlifting event in Orlando, Fla. Both of these organizations have become strong supporters of chiropractic and keeping their athletes at the top of their game. Currently, FICS is also in the final planning stages for the 2017 CSIT World Sports Games in Riga, Latvia and the World Games in Wroclaw, Poland, and will host the FICS Assembly in Washington D.C. in March 2017.

The Demand for Chiropractic Care New Community Outreach Clinic Reaches Underserved It’s been less than a year since Logan opened its first clinic in collaboration with Family Care Health Centers (FCHC) in St. Louis and already referral numbers and patient feedback have exceeded expectations. The Logan Chiropractic Community Health Center, which opened in December 2015 within the Southfield Chiropractic Health Center, began with one clinician serving patients three half days a week. “Today, we’re open five days a week and scheduling 100 appointments per week with two interns assisting per day,” Clinician Alex Gafford, DC said. “There’s definitely a need for chiropractic care in this community.” Patients are referred through FCHC, a federally qualified community health center in St. Louis. Patients, in turn, receive conservative treatment options as a part of their comprehensive treatment plan for chronic pain condition. “The patients and providers at FCHC are grateful to have chiropractic as an option for the management of chronic pain conditions,” Dr. Gafford said. “We’re scheduling 10 new patients a week and treating everything from headaches to foot pain.” For Logan interns, FCHC is a unique opportunity to experience a kind of care that they are not used to seeing. Patients come from ethnically diverse, underserved communities in St. Louis, and many of them have experienced significant trauma. Dr. Gafford said because psychological factors have a role once chronic pain sets in, interns learn to elicit not only the physical manifestations of pain, but also strive to understand the patient’s pain experience—the meaning behind their pain and how it has affected their life. “We teach them to listen—every patient has a story, and to really get to know the patient as a person” he said. Continuity of care with the same intern is highly valued in our clinic so that this relationship can develop over time. The students have embraced this approach and really enjoy caring for the patients.” Dr. Gafford said he would like to see the clinic become more fully integrated with FCHC in the future and provide more opportunities for Logan interns. Saint Louis University and Logan are currently in the Institutional Review Board stage of studying the impact of this model on chronic pain and opioid use. “In the meantime, we’re just really working on becoming more collaborative with FCHC to enhance patient care,” he said. “We are eager to begin research about the chronic pain group that will be starting at FCHC soon, which will involve collaboration between psychology, family medicine and chiropractic.” FALL 2016 11


Partnership with SIUE Provides Educational Opportunity for Logan Students, Athletes In an ongoing effort to create meaningful partnerships with local organizations and provide expanded opportunities in integrated care for its students, Logan partnered with Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) last fall. Through the partnership, Lacey Miller, DC, resident in Logan’s Human Performance Center, and Logan student interns provide chiropractic care in conjunction with SIUE’s current athletic training program. “Partnering with SIUE gives interns an opportunity to work in an integrated setting with physicians and athletic trainers on SIUE’s campus, and work on a one-on-one basis with the student-athletes themselves,” said David Parish, DC, MS, CSCS, DACBSP, ICCSP, associate dean of clinical care and director of sports science and rehabilitation. The relationship is symbiotic in that it provides an educational opportunity in a

clinical sports medicine setting for Logan interns, while simultaneously providing the benefit of chiropractic care to SIUE, said David Strickfaden, assistant athletic director for student welfare at SIUE. “There are a variety of tools you can use as a practitioner of sports and strength and conditioning,” said Strickfaden. “I look at chiropractic as one of those tools I can use here with my athletes to help them perform at the highest level.” Not only is the partnership beneficial for both universities, but it is also beneficial for chiropractic as a whole. Dr. Miller said working with Division 1 athletes who are being drafted into professional sports is a great reflection on Logan. “This shows that chiropractic is valuable in the athletic field and can be used on an injury basis or a prevention basis,” she said. “A lot of athletes are now using chiropractic to enhance their performance.” With visits to the Edwardsville campus twice a week, athletes are able to Dr. Lacey Miller works with a student-athlete at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. 12 FALL 2016

“A lot of athletes are now using chiropractic to enhance their performance.” –Dr. Lacey Miller

receive follow-up care within the same week, enhancing athlete performance and enhancing the education of the interns, as they receive immediate feedback, said David Strickfaden. Dr. Miller and Logan interns work with 16 to 20 student-athletes on SIUE’s campus each week in a variety of sports, including women’s volleyball, soccer and basketball, and men’s soccer, wrestling, and, most recently, basketball. Their care is currently focused on treatment of injuries and general aches and pains but is expanding into preventative medicine as well as pregame care in the near future due to the consistent growth both in the number of athletes and sports being treated. “The athletes are ecstatic and rely on us for care,” said Dr. Miller. “We’ve built an excellent relationship with the athletic trainers and the athletes, many of whom are further along in their college careers and wish we had been there to provide chiropractic care when they were freshmen.”


Activator Methods® as Core Technique Broadens Students’ Knowledge and Skill Central to Logan’s Doctor of Chiropractic program is the instruction in foundational chiropractic techniques, such as Logan Basic, upon which the University was founded. In September 2014, the Activator Methods Technique was added as one of four core techniques taught to DC students to broaden their knowledge and skill. Activator Methods is the world’s most widely used instrument adjusting chiropractic technique and is currently in use by more than 70 percent of all chiropractors. “Teaching Activator Methods as a core technique gives students another perspective and gives them a way to learn instrumentassisted adjusting that is different than typical chiropractic adjusting,” said Brian Snyder, DC, associate professor. “This technique is commonly used in pediatrics and geriatrics, but can be used throughout most patient populations. Teaching it as a core technique not only gives future doctors the knowledge and versatility to treat a wide range of patients, but it also gives patients a choice in their treatment.” For example, if a patient cannot tolerate the standard high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) chiropractic adjustment or has not had success with it in the past, Activator Methods offers an alternative. “Just like other special techniques, Activator is favored by some patients because their bodies respond better to it than an HVLA adjustment,” said Kendal Abel, Trimester 5 student. “My grandparents

and one of my sisters love Activator, but my mom and other relatives prefer Diversified. It’s all a matter of perspective.” It is also beneficial for both doctors and patients in that this method is backed by extensively published research on its effectiveness. The founders of the technique, including cofounder and inventor Arlan W. Fuhr, DC, September 1961 Logan graduate, have spent a tremendous amount of time, effort and money to provide accessible documentation and reference material that can be used to answer patient questions, Dr. Snyder said. Students take an online course simultaneously with the on-campus course, using technology both inside and outside the classroom, and have reacted well to this style of teaching.

“The technology used in class is helpful because the instructors can use their iPad, which is synced to the monitors, and draw directly on the PowerPoint, adding lines of drive, specific contact points and helpful tips as we go through the procedures,” Kendal said. “The full body skeletons we practice on really helps give a visual perspective on what we are trying to accomplish with the adjustment.” Kendal said she enjoys having options when it comes to helping improve someone’s quality of life, and the Activator Methods is another tool for achieving that. “As people are becoming more interested in what chiropractic has to offer, it is imperative that we as chiropractors are able to provide and perform different techniques,” she said. FALL 2016 13


Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance Experiences Dramatic Growth Since Program Inception Since 2011, the program has grown into a well-respected and sought-after program at Logan University. The Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance (MSN) has emerged as one of the most popular master’s degree offerings at Logan, now boasting 142 graduates and 255 students currently enrolled in the program. Offered entirely online, the program provides graduates the ability to analyze diet and health status, assess nutritional

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deficiencies and offer evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle recommendations. The curriculum, which blends research and clinical applications, has been well-received by a wide variety of students, including chiropractic students and registered dieticians, as well as health care and sports nutrition professionals. This fall, more than 115 new students

registered to begin classes. It is also the largest master’s class in the history of Logan’s College of Health Sciences. “When the program was first launched, we saw most of the interest coming from students who were already working on their Doctorate of Chiropractic at Logan and wanted to work on a master’s in nutrition degree concurrently,” said Robert Davidson, PhD, director of nutrition and human performance. “Now, we are truly seeing a wide variety of students coming from many different health and nutritionrelated fields and from various parts of the country.” Dr. Davidson said between the accolades, focused marketing, public relations efforts and word of mouth, awareness for the program has increased in the past few years and has helped boost enrollment. “In addition, our program offers targeted courses that no other master’s degree of its kind offers,” he said.


“With the online format, a highly-experienced team of instructors and focused coursework, this degree program checks all the boxes necessary to take the next step in a career in nutrition.” –Dr. Robert Davidson

“Students definitely see the difference when they take a look at our course listing.” While most master’s degrees in nutrition offer eight to 12 credit hours of nutritionrelated coursework, Logan’s MSN offers the entire required 36 credit hours in nutritionspecific coursework, including unique courses such as Nutrition for Pain and Inflammation and Nutrition and Behavior.

Course instructors are experts in their area, and almost all instructors are in practice in their topic of expertise, offering real-life experience and training. “With the online format, a highly experienced team of instructors and focused coursework, this degree program checks all

the boxes necessary to take the next step in a career in nutrition,” said Dr. Davidson. “As interest in nutrition and a healthier lifestyle soars, we expect demand for the program, as well as constant improvements to our offerings, to continue to grow.”

Logan’s Online Degree Programs Offer Convenience, Flexibility Students now have more flexibility in how they can earn degrees in health sciences. Logan’s Master’s of Sports Science and Rehabilitation Degree is now online, offering convenience and flexibility to those interested in advanced training to treat sports injuries and maximize human performance. Internships may be completed at locations of the student’s choice. Additional degrees offered completely online through Logan include the Master of

Science in Health Informatics (MSHI), the Doctorate of Health Professions Education (DHPE), the Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance (MSN) and the Bachelor of Science in Human Biology (BSHB). The MSHI degree focuses on health care information systems and is responsible for the design, development and utilization of

patient and enterprise-wide data systems. The DHPE degree centers on advancing health care through the education process and is designed to provide health professionals the tools necessary to be successful educators in their chosen health profession. Visit logan.edu/Academics for more information. FALL 2016 15


On Her Mark: Jenea McCammon Makes Running, Logan Her Top Goals There is no better feeling than crossing the finish line. For track and field star Jenea McCammon, that finish line takes many forms. Jenea (pronounced Jen-aye) represents Guyana on its national track and field team. Currently, she has two goals: training to make the 2017 World Championships team and attending Logan University to become an athletic trainer for Guyana’s Olympic team and eventually open her own sports rehabilitation clinic. Running is in Jenea’s blood, as many members of her family ran competitively. Her grandmother even ran the same event Jenea does: hurdles. A breakout athlete during her undergraduate career at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Jenea began competing for Guyana’s national team in 2014. Her first competition in the Guyanese uniform was the 2015 Pan American Games in Canada. Since then, she secured two national records in the women’s 100-meter and 400-meter hurdles. She continued her training in hopes to secure a spot on the

2016 Guyanese Olympic team, however, she finished .53 seconds short of her goal. In addition to the experiences she’s gained as an athlete, being a member of Guyana’s national team has opened Jenea’s eyes to the other side of the track and has inspired her to overcome her next hurdle. “Unfortunately, Guyana is a country that does not have much,” Jenea explains. “We have a designated trainer for our ‘big competitions’ such as the Olympics. I want to be their go-to person for those competitions. It would also be special to me because that is the country that I have represented and still represent for multiple years.” After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in sports science and fitness management with a concentration in physical therapy, Jenea knew she wanted to work in a sportsrelated rehabilitation career. That’s when, with counsel from her mother, she decided to pursue a master’s degree and discovered Logan by researching online programs. “I looked up all of the master’s-level programs Logan had to offer and I found the one that fit what I was looking for,” she says of the Master’s of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation degree. “With the busy schedule I have, I quickly realized that an online education would be best for me.” Jenea is currently living in Atlanta and enjoying her first Jenea McCammon with fellow teammates representing Guyana. trimester as a Logan student. 16 FALL 2016

Her Logan education will give her a distinctive edge in succeeding to be an athletic trainer. “[The curriculum] is enhancing what I already know from competing for so many years and having so much involvement with the human body,” she says. She credits her coach, Paris Simmons, with helping her achieve success in track, and her parents with inspiring her to remain focused on her educational goals. In the personal essay she submitted when applying to Logan, she stated: “[My parents] understood the true meaning of working hard for what they wanted in life. [They] raised my older sister and I to have the same work ethic they possessed, if not more. As I got older, I realized this is where my ambition derived from. I can now say my ambition is one of my many strengths in life.” As she continues with her education, Jenea said there is one thing she is looking forward to the most as a student at Logan: “Visiting the campus! I can’t wait to plan a trip. It will be my first time in Missouri.”


Logan in Rio: Faculty, Alumni Participates In 2016 Games All eyes were on Rio de Janiero as the best athletes in the world assembled for the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer. Several Logan alumni and one faculty member served as coaches while one alumna competed. Richard Olree, DC (Class of 1981) For two years Dr. Olree has provided chiropractic care for three-time cancer survivor and blind athlete Ivonne MosqueraSchmidt. Instead of looking at blindness as a setback, Ivonne saw it as an opportunity to bridge the gap between disabled and ablebodied athletes. Through years of training and chiropractic care, Ivonne regained strength and endurance, and this past July qualified for the U.S. Paralympic Track and Field team. Dr. Olree joined Ivonne in Rio de Janiero for the 2016 Paralympic Games.

“She was in the finals for the T11 women in the 1500-meter at these Olympics,” said Dr. Olree. “Though she was not on the podium, she is a true chiropractic hero for all the work and hardship she has endured.” Today, Ivonne is the World Champion in Paratriathlon in the sprint and Olympic distances and has set four American records for T11 women.

Melissa Tancredi, DC, MS (Class of 2014)

David Parish, DC, MS, CSCS, DACBSP, ICCSP and Joel Dekanich, DC, RN, MS, DACBSP, CSCS (MSR Class of 2013)

Melissa Tancredi (left) with Canadian soccer teammates.

Drs. David Parish and Joel Dekanich

Dr. Richard Olree (right) with Ivonne MosqueraSchmidt (center) and her guide runner Kyle Wardwell.

of two Paralympic teams for the USA,” said Dr. Parish. “Having now been to the ‘big stage’ as both a doctor and a coach, I can truly say that Logan University has enabled me to reach for what I dreamed of.”

Representing the U.S. Para Powerlifting Team, Dr. Parish, associate dean of clinical care and director of sports science and rehabilitation, returned from the 2016 Paralympic Games as a proud coach of powerlifter Ahmed Shafik. Dr. Parish was joined by Dr. Dekanich, founder and director of Vail Integrated Medicine Group. Ahmed finished his second and final Paralympic games, taking seventh place. “When I first volunteered as a United States Olympic Committee sports medicine provider, I had no idea where it would lead. I certainly never dreamed I would be a part

After competing in the 2012 Olympic Games in London as a member of the Canadian soccer team, Dr. Tancredi completed her next new challenge: earning her Doctor of Chiropractic and Master’s in Sports Science and Rehabilitation degrees from Logan. This past year, Dr. Tancredi helped her team win bronze at the Olympic Games not only by scoring goals, but by using her skills to provide care for teammates. Currently, Dr. Tancredi is playing in Sweden for Orebro FC and has qualified for the Union of European Football Associations Champions League. In the future, she plans to practice chiropractic full time. “I see myself staying close to sports and finding a new journey and new challenges to take on,” said Dr. Tancredi. “I love my profession and I’m very excited to start fresh and create a new identity within chiropractic.” Kyle Peacock, DC (Class of 2012), Matt Uchtman, DC (Class of 2007) and Nick Barnes, DC (Class of 2008) also attended the Olympic Games in Rio to treat members of the U.S. Wrestling Team. FALL 2016 17


Research Roundup New Medical Acupuncture Textbook Features Logan Research The recently released second edition of Medical Acupuncture features the research of Norman W. Kettner, DC, DACBR, FICC, chair of Logan’s Department of Radiology. Dr. Kettner collaborated with Vitaly Napadow, PhD, LicAcc, associate professor at Harvard Medical School and Richard Harris, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Michigan, on the chapter “Neuroimaging: a window into human brain mechanisms supporting acupuncture effects.” Building on the scientific basis of acupuncture, the second edition of the textbook focuses on strong clinical application, including research of acupuncture on chronic pain, sports medicine, eye and skin conditions, dentistry, veterinary medicine and infertility, among others. Dr. Kettner said the book took about four years to complete and features global contributors. In the book’s forward, John Longhurst, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, physiology, biophysics and pharmacology at the University of California, Irvine, notes: “New methods of study like neuroimaging, and the critical role of acupuncture’s central and peripheral neural and local tissue actions, provides perspectives on new needling approaches and reflect our modern understanding of acupunctures mechanisms of action…I predict this book will have a major impact on the field of Western medicine.”

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Logan Represented on Opioid Task Force Dr. Kettner and December 2011 Logan graduate Jordan Gliedt, DC, FASA have been invited to serve as two of 12 members on the American Chiropractic Association’s newly formed Opioid Task Force. The task force plans to gather relevant data regarding the efficacy of chiropractic in acute and chronic pain and the role it plays in pain management. ACA President David Herd, DC, said that as the country’s opioid epidemic continues to grow, it is vitally important that chiropractic services be recognized as a viable first line of treatment for chronic pain before resorting to riskier options such as prescription painkillers. The task force’s goal is to educate the ACA membership and all chiropractors on identification of pain syndromes, treatment modalities and global management of acute and chronic pain. It will also disseminate literature conclusions and recommendations to the

profession, public inquiry and all related allied practitioners to raise their awareness and become recognized experts in the team effort to mediate and relieve pain.

Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging The 9th annual Joseph W. Howe Oration in Diagnostic Imaging was held May 26 at Logan and delivered by Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR and Fellow ACCR. Dr. Howe offered a historical perspective on the development and evolution of chiropractic radiology, a specialty that helped catalyze chiropractic integration into the modern health care system. Dr. Howe was instrumental in its evolution as a specialty, implementing and maintaining the highest standards in education, clinical practice and research throughout his long and productive career. Continued on page 35

From left: Drs. Patrick Battaglia, Norman Kettner, Gary Guebert, Joseph W. Howe, Alicia Yochum and Terry Yochum.


Tymothy Flory, DC

Pain Prompts Chiropractic Discovery Throbbing pain so intense that vision becomes blurry. Nausea that torments the stomach. All of the body’s senses feel as if they are on fire. Before Logan graduate Dr. Flory became a Doctor of Chiropractic in December 2006, he was a patient who suffered from chronic migraines. Dr. Flory’s migraines emerged in his year of junior high school after he was hit by a car in a pedestrian accident. Over time, his migraines became crippling, prompting Dr. Flory to turn to April 2001 Logan University graduate, and older brother, Matthew. Not only did Dr. Flory recover from his migraines, he also uncovered a new career path. Flory left his premedical studies for chiropractic college, following in his brother’s footsteps at Logan.

“I love taking care of patients, but I can have a much larger impact on patient care by making sure practitioners have immediate access to updated content and technique components.” –Dr. Tymothy Flory

His experience as a chiropractic patient shaped Dr. Flory’s clinical focus. In 2009, Dr. Flory opened his own practice, Atlas Spinal Care in Southern California, and practices as a head and neck specialist. Three years later, he completed his National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association board certification process and began teaching for the organization. Today, Dr. Flory says his work as a chiropractic educator and instructor provides him with a channel for helping more patients. It is also enabling him to take a more active role in helping advance the chiropractic profession by making sure DCs have access to continuous learning opportunities. “I want to bridge the education gap so doctors remain engaged from anywhere in the world, at any time,” he said. “By helping clinicians more rapidly enhance their technical skills, we can elevate the profession internationally. I love taking care of patients, but I can have a much larger impact on patient care by making sure practitioners have immediate access to updated content and technique components.”

Innovative Spirit Leads to Development of Latex Pillow Dr. Flory’s innovative spirit also led to the creation of a natural latex, memory foam travel neck pillow for patients. After investigating pillow options at the request of his patients, Dr. Flory says he couldn’t find a product he would recommend. After two years of research and development, Dr. Flory designed a 100 percent latex pillow, ideal for head and neck support.

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Lee Van Dusen, DC As someone who has spent much of his life working to advance the chiropractic profession, it seems fitting that Dr. Van Dusen has been chosen as Logan’s dean of academic continuous improvement.

After receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology at Utica College of Syracuse University and inspired by his father’s 50-year career in chiropractic private practice, Dr. Van Dusen earned his Doctorate of Chiropractic and began practicing in upstate New York. It was during that time he also joined the faculty at New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) where he taught bone and joint pathology and chiropractic technique. Dr. Van Dusen said he found that working with students was both motivating and inspiring. “When you see a student absorb the information you are presenting and it finally clicks with them, it’s one of the best feelings of accomplishment,” he said. Over time, his role in the field of education evolved, and in addition to becoming a full-time faculty member, he followed the path to higher education administration. Over the course of 17 years, he served as dean of chiropractic

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education and assistant vice president of institutional quality and assessment, all while continuing to teach. In 2007, NYCC earned the Empire State Advantage Excellence at Work Award, recognizing the College’s commitment to continuous quality improvement and excellence. After accepting the position of executive director of the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) in Scottsdale, Ariz., where he was later also president, he worked to continue his efforts to better the chiropractic profession. In his opinion, the CCE provided a number of opportunities to implement improvements as it is the accrediting agency recognized by the Department of Education to accredit chiropractic degree programs across the U.S. In 2010, the CCE was awarded the Showcase in Excellence Award from the Southwest Alliance for Excellence. After a few years, the opportunity to get back in the classroom presented itself and he became the director of institutional research and accreditation for Texas Chiropractic College (TCC). At TCC, he focused on the strategic planning and improving the DC program, along with state and federal reporting and also joined the faculty ranks working with first trimester students, which he had missed immensely. “Teaching first trimester students is incredibly rewarding as they are so enthusiastic and ready to take on the chiropractic profession,” he says. “In addition, teaching palpation is eye-opening because it really helps solidify a student’s desire to be a chiropractor and finding their comfort level with patients and adjusting them.” Now, in his new role at Logan, Dr. Van Dusen is enjoying the best of both worlds by directly impacting students through continuous improvement models while helping to define goals and identifying resources in support of the University’s mission. “In my experience, the more we align efforts, the better we can use the resources available to us at the University,” he said. “That leads to greater outcomes for both students and patients.”


Broad Perspective of Chiropractic Propels Alumnus’ Career Since graduating from Logan in April 2003, Brett Winchester, DC has made the most out of every experience he’s encountered, viewing each as a learning opportunity to improve patient care. That mindset has taken him from the fields of the St. Louis Cardinals’ Busch Stadium where he provides sports chiropractic to professional athletes, to the classrooms of universities in Europe, Asia and North and South America where he instructs students on various chiropractic techniques. “I believe chiropractic is hands-down the best profession,” he said. “That is what drives me to be the best chiropractic physician I can be.” Dr. Winchester never considered chiropractic as a career until he was a junior at the University of Missouri. “After spending one day with my brother-inlaw, August 1998 Logan graduate Bart Coleman, I saw how I could combine my own strengths that would make me unique in practice,” he said. After graduation, that goal was realized with the founding of a comprehensive, manual care clinic. Today, that single clinic has grown into Winchester Spine & Sport, a multi-site practice in Troy, Mo., which includes both functional medicine and functional training in the form of a new 7,000-square-foot diagnostic and treatment center for human performance, and a satellite office in Pacific, Mo. Building his practice from the ground up was a lesson in self-motivation. Dr. Winchester worked hard to create opportunities for himself rather than wait for opportunities to come along, and through that, patient care always remained at the forefront. “Focusing on patient care is the thing we do best,” he said, “and everyone from our trainers and massage therapists to our front desk team understands the value in customer service.” That philosophy has remained a constant

in both his practice and in the education of others, as an Advanced Biomechanics instructor at Logan, as a board member and instructor for the Motion Palpation Institute and as one of only eight worldwide certified instructors to teach Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, for the Prague School. Teaching and patient care, he said, go hand in hand, complementing each other through experiences and knowledge. “I could never teach without the patient experience. I learn so much in practice and those real life examples are a fundamental part of instruction,” he said. Whether he’s educating students or addressing his peers at a state conference, Dr. Winchester is a vocal advocate for the profession and for continuous learning of sports chiropractic among both current and future DCs. Last year alone, he taught in six countries, instructing 30 seminars for Doctors of Chiropractic, physical therapists, osteopaths and students, and he recently authored two chapters for the 2017 edition of Rehabilitation of the Spine. “The variety in what I do is extremely motivating and every day I challenge myself to be exceptionally better than the last,” he said. “We’re all going to make mistakes but whether you can take those mistakes and learn from them is up to you. That’s how practice is. Surround yourself with people you can learn from and take advantage of every opportunity.”

“I still believe chiropractic is hands-down the best profession. That is what drives me to be the best chiropractic physician I can be.” –Dr. Brett Winchester

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George Lukovsky, DC Dr. Lukovsky likes to joke that he got his first chiropractic adjustment wrestling with his brother as a kid. But the truth is, he credits that spinal manipulation with eliminating severe eczema brought on by a milk allergy. It would be years before Dr. Lukovsky would realize the connection between chiropractic and nutrition; however, that moment made quite the impression. “Chiropractic was a natural fit for me,” he said. “Looking back, I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Like many, Dr. Lukovsky learned of chiropractic through the experiences and success stories of others. “I had heard about Logan for a while, and it wasn’t just one person’s perspective but many different people and stories about the faculty and quality of education,” he said. It was at Logan that he became fascinated with how chiropractic and nutrition are related, not just through his own experiences, but also through those of others with allergies to foods such as peanuts, watermelon and carrots. “Logan provided an enlightening education and connection to health,” he said. Upon graduating from Logan’s Normandy campus in 1962, Dr. Lukovsky practiced with his brother before opening his own clinic a few blocks away in Duluth, Minn. Over the next 40 years he would treat patients of all ages, again focusing on the connection between chiropractic and nutrition. Throughout his life and career, Dr. Lukovsky has maintained a long-distance love for Logan, and though time has not afforded him the luxury of visiting often, he has always felt a strong connection to his alma mater. That connection recently prompted him to donate $10,000 to the Honoring Tradition Campaign to restore the campus Tower—a structure Dr. Lukovsky has not seen in person but has captivated him in pictures.

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“It’s a signature structure of the Logan campus, something noteworthy that people identify with,” he said. “I thought it was a worthwhile project to help maintain the facilities and attract students to come to Logan.” He says while the chiropractic profession has certainly grown in the past few decades, there’s still more growing to do. “For those seeking a health care profession, you can’t pick a better one than chiropractic. It’s not only a rewarding career for your own health and well-being, but that of others. You can’t put a value on the joy and delight you get from correcting the cause of a health problem by treating the patient.”

The Logan Tower: Bridging Our Past with Our Future Steadfast. Iconic. Timeless. It’s hard to imagine what the Logan campus would look like without the Tower. Over the years, the structure that was inherited has become a part of the University’s identity. Just as Logan has relied on the Tower’s presence for more than 40 years, the Tower’s future now relies on the generosity of donors to ensure its presence into the future. The Honoring Tradition Campaign seeks to raise $400,000, which will be used to restore and beautify the structure. Work includes the replacement of the roof, three bells and strikers, repair of cracks in the concrete, restoration of the Tower’s exterior and installation of a brick walk and masonry wall at the base. Restoration work is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2017, and your help is needed. Ensuring the Tower has a presence tomorrow is a priority today.

For any commitment to the Honoring Tradition Campaign at or above the $1,000 level, Logan will share a bell marked with the Campaign emblem to acknowledge your gift. Donors committing $2,500 or more will be offered the opportunity to personalize the bell. For those wishing to make a larger impact on the success of this Campaign, Logan offers Leadership Giving Opportunities. These naming prospects provide an ideal opportunity for you or your practice to celebrate its Logan roots and connect with our on-campus community. • • • •

Dedicated Naming Opportunity Masonry Wall at Base Brass Bell Lighting the Tower

$150,000 $100,000 $25,000 (three opportunities available) $15,000 (three opportunities available)

All donors to the Honoring Tradition Campaign will be recognized on a commemorative plaque at the base of the Tower. Visit logan.edu/RestoreTheTower for more information about supporting the Tower restoration project.

FALL 2016 23


New Student Ambassadors Serve as the Face of Logan

privilege. They also view it as an opportunity to enhance leadership and communication skills while strengthening relationships with their peers. “Student Ambassadors are important to every college for the same reasons that they are important to me: students learn From day one, Matthew Essington fell in love with Logan valuable lessons from other students,” and the Doctor of Chiropractic program. Today, that said Trimester 4 student Alyssa Troutner. “Personal stories serve as examples of passion has opened the door to a leadership opportunity. encouragement; managing stressful situations demonstrates professionalism; said Trimester 4 student Lauren DeVolder. “Both of my parents attended Logan, so humility is gained when a peer you “We, the Ambassadors, have a common I have a history with the school, but that underestimate teaches you something new goal of trying to ease the new students doesn’t define me; it just gives me another and empathetic communication is extended into the environment and make them feel perspective that another student might not from these interactions to the patients that at home.” have,” said the Trimester 3 student. “In my we will eventually new role, I want to serve long after be able to portray we graduate.” that to future Student students in hopes Ambassador that they love it as and Trimester 6 much as I do.” student Dalton Matthew is Wood, who first one of 14 Doctor fell in love with of Chiropractic chiropractic after students that have receiving care for been selected injuries caused by to serve as the a car accident, newest Logan said he was always University Student raised with the Ambassadors idea that the body for the 2016could heal itself 17 academic without outside year. A serviceintervention. oriented student “Chiropractic Sitting, left to right: Abbie Parrish, Lauren DeVolder, Elizabeth Rooker, Camille McClendon and Samantha Brish. group, Student believes that as Ambassadors work Standing, left to right: Jessica Billham, Alex Elahi, Alyssa Troutner, Chris Schriver, Matthew Essington, Kate Nielsen, well, and I want hand in hand with, Dalton Wood, Eric Blank and Jeff Mechtenberg. to share that story and as a part of, with other students,” he said. The Ambassadors, who must be enrolled the Offices of Admissions and Student Like several of her fellow Student as full-time DC students, serve as the Affairs, to provide new and prospective Ambassadors, Alyssa views the program “student face” of Logan at various students a better understanding of the as a way to grow personally and as an admissions events throughout the year, chiropractic profession and life as a Logan opportunity to give back to the Logan including Slice of Logan and prospective student. student body by sharing what she learns student campus tours. The Ambassadors “All of the Ambassadors are current inside and outside of the classroom. also serve as group leaders at the New students and have sat where the new “My goal is to serve as a bridge, uniting Student Orientation and the White Coat students are sitting—waiting to put on the prospective and newly admitted students Ceremony. white coat for the first time, anxious about with role models that will help them to For these students, serving as a resource starting the rigorous program and meeting reach their full potential at Logan,” she said. and role model is something they see as a all of the other new students and faculty,” 24 FALL 2016


Combining Passions in the Dominican: Serving and Chiropractic “She walked up to me and handed me a Sprite bottle filled with homemade tea,” explained Trimester 9 student Alex Low. “Even though I couldn’t understand her, I didn’t need to. I don’t have to speak the same language as my patients because love is a universal language.” In August, Alex, along with eight of her classmates at Logan, eagerly left for the airport to catch a flight to the Dominican Republic. Accompanied by faculty members Jason Goodman, DC and Erika Hackett, DC, FIAMA, these students, who were selected for Logan’s Clinic Abroad trip, embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime journey that combined their passions for chiropractic and serving others. Like many of the students on the trip, Alex grew up with a strong desire to serve others. Through her collegiate soccer team and church group, she has had the opportunity to serve a variety of people with different needs. When Alex heard about Logan’s Clinic Abroad trip, she quickly jumped on the opportunity. “I knew I wanted to go,” she said. “It was such an incredible opportunity to serve people in need while teaching them about health care options that don’t involve drugs or surgery.” Over the past few years, Logan has sent

10 groups of students abroad with the goal of learning about the different conditions that affect those living in third-world countries, treating patients using the skills they have acquired at Logan and educating the population on the benefits of chiropractic care. This group of students, many of them without Spanish-speaking skills, put their hesitations aside and fearlessly put their practical skills and individual talents to work. For 10 days, the students served in two different clinics, completing 265 physical examinations and 470 chiropractic adjustments. West of Santo Domingo, in small villages filled with children and adults who don’t have access to health care, Logan students set up mini clinics in local churches and schools. While the students saw mainly health related problems caused by mosquito-born diseases, they also saw familiar illnesses such as

asthma. “I treated a young girl who had been to the hospital nine times in three years due to complications with her asthma,” Alex said. “She didn’t even know chiropractic could help with that.” Alex said she was able to identify the problems in the girl’s lungs and find what else was influencing her asthma. After completing treatment, Alex gave the girl a small doll to play with. “The girl told the translator she was going to name it Alex. It meant the world to me.” Alex said her experience in the Dominican was eye-opening, and it confirmed her decision to enter the chiropractic profession. “We want to serve people, that’s why we’re led to do what we do,” she said. “Being able to do it in another country with people who don’t even know what chiropractic is lights a fire in you to keep going and keep pushing through school. I want to do this for the rest of my life.” FALL 2016 25


Children with Disabilities Build Confidence at Logan Student Brings Local Sports Program to Campus When Trimester 6 student Warren Kalkstein first moved to St. Louis and began volunteering as a coach for Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN) at Saint Louis University High School (SLUH), he saw it as a way to take a break from his Logan coursework, provide harmony and balance to his life and meet other volunteers his age. Now, his involvement with KEEN has become much larger, and his vision to bring together two organizations for which he is so passionate—KEEN and Logan University—has come to life. KEEN is a national, nonprofit organization that aims to empower youth with disabilities by providing free, non-competitive, one-on-one programs of exercise, fitness and fun, led by volunteer coaches. Programs are open to all youth ages five to 21 with a physical or developmental disability, and KEEN St. Louis currently offers three sports programs, one of which now takes place at Logan. After traveling week after week the 20 miles to SLUH to serve as a KEEN coach in the high school’s gym, Warren realized Logan’s outdoor field would be a perfect place to host KEEN Sports. In spring 2016, KEEN St. Louis hosted its first KEEN Sports program on Logan’s campus, thanks to organization efforts by Warren, Trimester 6 student Zac Grant, the Public Health Club, Shelley Sawalich, PhD, MS, dean of students and KEEN St. Louis staff, including Julie Scott Soffner, executive director, and Kristen Peters Kremer, volunteer and program manager. “The goal with all of these kids is 26 FALL 2016

to have fun,” Warren said. “I enjoy volunteering with KEEN at SLUH and it really refreshes me for the week ahead. I wanted to bring KEEN to Logan students to give them that opportunity. I knew it would be really beneficial to the kids at KEEN as well because Logan has a great student body.” The sports programs at Logan consist of 45 minutes of one-on-one play that aims to foster confidence, self-esteem and community inclusion for the athletes. Afterward, the group comes together and each athlete shares what he or she did that they are proud of, which is followed by a round of applause. To close out the fun, the athletes and coaches end with the Hokey Pokey. Logan provides a unique space for KEEN, as it allows the athletes to play outside, whereas KEEN’s other activities are primarily indoors. Activities at Logan include soccer, basketball and sand volleyball, among others. Julie said there is something innately special and unique about being able to offer kids play and recreation outside in the sunshine, where they can smell the grass and run and fall and go home dirty. “It is something I think traditional children take for granted,” she said. “Our children are

indoors 99 percent of the time and are missing a really critical component in being outdoors. It was Warren’s vision to let kids play in the green space.” Not only does Logan allow for outdoor play, but its location provides easy access to West St. Louis County families, therefore allowing KEEN to reach more children. “We have such a population of children with disabilities in West County and had been looking for a West County location for a long time,” Julie said. “This space has become so much more than we ever expected. We’re so grateful to be welcomed into the Logan family.” Part of the success comes from the Logan student body. Many students have volunteered as coaches and KEEN has already been able to expand the number of kids it hosts at Logan for its sports programs. Spending time with a child who has a disability is a natural fit for chiropractic, Warren says. “It’s good for chiropractors because it allows us to really listen and watch to understand what they want,” Warren said. “We’re going to see this population later in our careers and you learn a lot from these athletes.”


Community Garden Yields Abundant Produce A year has come and gone since Trimester 5 student Kathy Klix and two of her fellow Public Health Club leaders, Trimester 6 students Zac Grant and Warren Kalkstein, planted the first batch of crops in Logan’s community garden, a 50’ by 20’ space just southwest of the Standard Process Courtyard on Logan’s campus. Now, students from all trimesters and programs have come together to lend a hand. From donating equipment to assisting with upkeep, the students, faculty and staff at Logan have all played an integral role in making the garden a success. “We had our soil tested at the start of the season and were given a green light to move forward,” said Kathy. “We tried a wide variety of plantings this year, not

knowing what would go well.” Thanks to abundant sunlight and favorable weather patterns, the community garden was able to yield many varieties of tomatoes, peppers, herbs, melons, lettuce, eggplant and more. Currently, Kathy and the Public Health Club are focused on spreading the word to the Logan community that the garden exists and is available for anyone to use. Eventually, the students hope to sell some

Logan student Kathy Klix helps take care of Logan’s community garden.

of the food to the Logan Café, which would not only increase their presence on campus but also provide healthy, home-grown snacks for their peers and they would also like to donate a portion to community food banks. “One important aspect about big projects such as this one is being able to adapt our goals based on previous successes or struggles,” said Kathy. “That is what we will continue to do with the garden.” Moving forward, Kathy plans to continue to create awareness and encourage involvement from her fellow classmates and faculty at Logan, especially those in the nutrition program. “One of our main goals of this project is to help foster a sense of community between students and faculty,” said Kathy. “We hope to continue to build on that in the future.” FALL 2016 27

Class of August 2016

James M. Cash

Steffen J. McCullough

Christina A. Schlesinger

Stephanie M. Ferris Treasurer

Athletic Director

Caleb M. Bryant

Ryan R. Cahall

Jessica L. Clark

Teala L. Connealy

Timothy J. Corrigan

John A. Gardner

Melissa M. Georgevitch

Erin A. Hogan

Jason A. Holt

Shannon K. Hurley

Brittany A. MacLennan

Lance K. Maki

Tember L. McNeill

Caleigh A. Miller

Jordan D. Mousley

Kelsey L. Rahmoeller

Shay E. Reid

Jason L. Rounds

Kenneth R. Rozell

Nicholas M. Rozell

Sarah E. Slattery

Andrew W. Strachan

Danielle M. Strawn

Jesse J. Suess


28 FALL 2016

Vice President


Mark R. Mudd

Doctor of Chiropractic Graduates

Brittany L. Jauernig

Refat H. Abdeljaber

Todd D. Anderson

Danielle R. Boyer

Dennis A. Brick

Daniel C. Costello

Jacob E. Crocker

Theodore E. Davidson III

Brennan D. Donahue

Michael G. Farrell

Neelam P. Jethva

Mathew J. Kachel

Cecily M. Kampwerth

Cheryl A. Koelling

Patrick M. Macauley

Kathryn N. Nienhaus

Erik J. Nothold

Pablo V. Orozco

Tanner G. Ozanne

Taylor J. Paul

Chase P. Rupprecht

Patrick B. Russell

Berkley M. Schuppan

Andrew A. Scott

Gabriel A. Shelton

Nicholas J. Tomasiak

Brandon J. Wallpe

Jake W. Whitby

Education Coordinator

FALL 2016 29


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREES HUMAN BIOLOGY James M. Billingsley Benjamin J. Christensen Meaghan J. Coleman Justin Matthew Gregory Rosa A. Lopez William H. McGilberry, Jr. Jessica Miller Katelyn M. Reckert Raymond Robinson Dylan C. Witthoft LIFE SCIENCE Ahmad M. Abdella Dayna Mae Bundy Cassie C. Kennedy 30 FALL 2016

Aaron C. Massa Katie Ione Millang Abbie Lin Parrish Morgan Kristine Pearson Robert Pugsley Marcos Andres Villarreal Nathan Joseph Wright

MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREES NUTRITION AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Maame A. Amponsah, DC Teala Luree Connealy Eric Matthew Facemyer, DC Taylor Jordan Funke, DC Cathleen Elizabeth Hardin, DC Ainsley Dena Hendon

Robert Keith Kelly, DC Nikki Malensky Andrew Christopher Miller, DC Sean McChord O’Donnell, DC Abbey R. Rickard Travis Clem Thompson, DC

Clayton J. Sankey, DC Kyle Edward Schneider, DC Candace C. Tiller, DC Alexander K. Vanhooser, DC

SPORTS SCIENCE AND REHABILITATION Zachary Edward Brocker, DC Nicholas James Divan, DC Jesse Bradford Gillham, DC Ryan David Herold, DC Kathryn McCalley Jeffrey W. McWhorter, DC Kaylin Montgomery John Andrew Morris, DC Jordan D. Mousley Tanner Gilman Ozanne

Doctor of Chiropractic

CLASS OF APRIL 2016 HONORS AND AWARDS Summa Cum Laude Kelsey Lea Rahmoeller Valedictorian Stephanie M. Ferris Magna Cum Laude Jason A. Holt


Cum Laude Steffen McCullough Jordan Dean Mousley Chase P. Rupprecht Masters of Science Nutrition and Human Performance Summa Cum Laude Abbey R. Rickard Valedictorian Nikki Malensky Valedictorian Teala Luree Connealy Magna Cum Laude Maame A. Amponsah, DC Cum Laude Andrew Christopher Miller, DC Eric Matthew Facemeyer, DC Masters of Science Sports Science and Rehabilitation Summa Cum Laude Kathryn McCalley Valedictorian Kaylin Montgomery

Clinical Science Division Awards Stephanie M. Ferris Jason A. Holt Kelsey Lea Rahmoeller Postdoctoral and Related Professional Education Award Jason A. Holt Radiology Department Award Kelsey Lea Rahmoeller

LOGAN LEGACIES Caleb M. Bryant Grandfather: Dr. Wendall Bryant (DC Class of 1966) Jessica Clark Grandfather: Dr. C. William Johnston (DC Class of 1973) Mother: Dr. Kristene Clark (DC Class of 1998)

Jacob E. Crocker Father: Dr. Jack Crocker (DC Class of 1982) Mother: Dr. Melani Crocker (DC Class of 1984)

Daniel Charles Costello Brother: Dr. Joshua Costello (DC Class of 2011)

Shay Elizabeth Reid Father: Dr. Christopher J. Reid (DC Class of 1997)

Magna Cum Laude Ryan David Herold, DC Tanner Gilman Ozanne Kyle Edward Schneider, DC Alexander K. Vanhooser, DC Cum Laude Nicholas James Divan, DC

DC OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARDS Basic Science Division Award Kelsey Lea Rahmoeller Chiropractic Science Basic Technique Award Kathryn Nicole Nienhaus Chiropractic Science Diversified Technique Award Neelam Prabhudas Jethva Chiropractic Science Division Awards Tember Lenn McNeill Jordan Dean Mousley FALL 2016 31


Fall 2016 Doctor of Chiropractic White Coat Ceremony

New Fall 2016 Students DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC MaKayla Adrian Matthew Allen Nicholas Altherr Jeremy Amerine Tyler Awe Joshua Baird Jacob Baldwin Amber Banning Steven Bashor James Baxter Curtis Bixenstine Anthony Bolin Chandler Bolles Paul Books Ryan Bourg Ashleigh Braun Jennifer Brenneisen 32 FALL 2016

Hannah Bressler

Kelsey Everley

Austin Jones

Esther Brown

Kaylei Fischer

Gage Kirstein

Jacob Brumbelow

Sean Flannery

Madison Kleve

Tershelle Burrows

George Freeman

Hailey Koch

Shelby Carter

Daniel Gepfrey

Johannah Kohler

Dominic Caruso

Tate Gordon

Michael Lea

Logan Chamberlain

Tory Hall

Dowon Lim

Tyler Clark

Daniel Hartwell

Alex Linne

Jay Cochran

Britney Hattamer

Shelby Mahaney

Janay Collier

John Hawkins

Allison Marshall

Kalyn Cook

Andrew Heck

Chelsie Martin

Samantha Davenport

Nicholas Hedges

Amanda Mathwig

Ashley Deeter

Olivia Heinecke

Brett McEwan

Alec Domjan

Lauren Heppermann

Natalie McKechnie

Christopher Douglas

Adam Hernandez

Kayla McVay

Jeremiah Dyer

Jeremy Hopkins

Shane Meyers

Grant Elliott

Alex Humbert

Jordan Miller

Daniel Elmore

Justin James

Kristen Moody

Tanner Evans

Caleb Janssen

Erik Morrell


New Fall 2016 Students continued Daniel Nigrelli

Tyler Torkelson

William Northern

Mariella Townsend

Kara O’Connor

Misty Tramel

Brett O’Kane

Candice Tran

Daniel O’Quinn

Audrey Vincent

Garrett Panno

Ross Vollmer

Miranda Parris

Daniel Wampler

Sarah-Jane Pavlik

Katelyn Welp

Kolten Pedigo

Hannah Wessel

Tyler Ploss

Timothy Williamson

Lauren Pratt

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NUTRITION AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE Oluwafisayo Adekitan Daphney Adelphin Omar Aguilar Todd Anderson Ashton Beck Blaine Beebe Lindsay Benezra

Siera Rallo


Jordan Reed

William Armonaitis

Randy Boozer

Melissa Engelson

Lisandro Bordaverri

Rocklyn Gillam

Hannah Boulaiche

Amy Koch

Brittany Bowen

Karen Manitsas

Zachary Brocker

Sean O’Donnell

Kelsey Brogdon

Julian Peters

Ashley Brosious

Richard Reinhardt

Dana Bufford

Nathan Prentice Taylor Ptacek

Lianna Repecki Patrick Rivelli Wesley Robbins Mollie Rood Joshua Rood H. Princeton Russell Romy Sagen Anna Schissler Patrick Sharp Shelley Simpson Morgan Skordos Atkin Smedley Marah Smith Cole Spillars Alisha Squires Morgan Steelman Zach Stetter Luke Stoltzfus Kacey Struxness Sheldon Stuckart Mitchell Sutter Blake Taylor Matthew Taylor Kamryn Terveer Hannah Tobiczyk

Shivani Bhoja Young Ho Bok Teresa Bonilla

Emily Burns


Ford Case

Kathy Bishop

Candace Cooper

Mark Brinley

Denise Dacey

Christopher Dumas

Dolores Daidone

Giddo Reggie Gonzales

Madeline De Freitas

Janie Gould

Emily De Jesus

Rajeev Kapoor

Kurtis Dennis

Robert Kelly

Chris Dirth

Jasmine Lewis

Sydney Drury

Youvika Menos

Garry Engle

Adale Metscher

Jose Espinosa

Ejiro Obayomi

Sarah Estrella

Diane Roy

Erika Evans

Aileen Vizcayno

Jackie French

Haley Chakalos Raychell Clarke

Farina Ganie Shannon Garcia John Gardner Christie Gerndt Jessy Gibb Noemi Gonzalez Shauntai Gracia Krystle Griggs Diana Groff Camille Harris Amanda Harry Harley Herd Lily Heun Harrison Higgins Aaron Hochmann Emily Hoff Maria Hopkins Monica Hottle Karletta Howard Macey Isenberg Michelle Jaramillo Serena Jaspera Emily Joiner Stephanie Josepayt Dillin Lanting Cora Lightfoot Megan Lowe Rebecca Lutz Camille McClendon Jameson Mcshea Jennifer Meadows Nicole Merrell Barbara Mikrut Tasha Milan Robyn Mitchell Taylor Moore David Motton Khadijah Muhammad-Kebe Altrameise Myers Caitlin Nappier FALL 2016 33



James Warner

Erin Strickland

Shelby Hummel

Yvette Waters

Brian Trautman

Steven Kenkel

Simone Webb

Reece Vega

Brooke Korhammer

Alissa White

Jeremy Watson

Thanh Le

Brooke White

Kyle West

Meaghan Malloy

Stephanie Oeltman

Jennifer Whitehead

Alicia Wong

Joshua Melton

Heather Osuch

Garrett Winkler

Whitney Wright

Justina Onwubiko

Mallory Pavilonis

Sherry Wood

Shelly Pierce

Maya-Lis Wright

Stephanie Pierce

Sherene Young

Natalie Plassmeyer

Lauren Patterson


Ryan Power

Anthony Adeniyi

Fredrica Thompson

Abigail Smith Brian Sylve

Jennifer Ranieri


Matthew Reid

Aaron Beck

Tami Bowen

Eryn Riley

Caitlyn Bowman

Mary Bowser

Sarah Ritchie

Veronica Buchanan

Kurtis Cameron

Carla Robinson

Richard Dale

Timothy Cappy

Celena Robinson

Troy Emhoff

Jasmine Carter


Carolyne Rojo

Jesse Grove

Michael Clohessy

Johannah Betts

Sara Royce

Patrick Hoff

Brenna D’Amato

Robin Bozark

Alisha Sasala

Jessica Horine

Kayla Elie

Karen Brooks

Osman Siddiqui

Deangelo Howard

Elise Estrada

Blake Chatham

Megan Solloway

Amari Kimble

Megan Holcomb

Kenneth Culligan

Katey Spach

Aaron Massa

Caitlin Howe

Jeffery Fishel

Christa Stamos

Jenea McCammon

Amber Hudson

Stacie Harris

Jenna Stedman

Julia McChesney

Michael Keller

Anna Klingenberg

Nicole Stewart

Zintiesha McKenzie

Lexus Ramos

Jared Lickerman

Sofia Syed

Alexandra Miller

Molly White

Angela Link

April Tacotaco

Derek Nelson

Zeta Zavradinos

Juhina Littles

Joseph Tarantino

Willie Ocampo

Tahirih Thach

Brendan Palm

Holly Tharp

John Parish

Malika Tookes

Nia Pratti Megan Quigley

Joseph Adeniyi Nicholas Adeniyi

Brittany Walker Emmitt Wheelan Caitlin Worsham NON-DEGREE UNDERGRADUTE

Ashley Miller Angela Muzzicato

Shontita Perry


Kimberly Vallone

Charese Reed

Janet Tanski

Jocelyn Van Buren

Chantelle Ringgold

Adam Aleto

Marcos Villarreal

Scott Rosner

Christie Volkernick

David Sence

Don Walsh

Chad Smith

34 FALL 2016

Deborah Curry Danton Dye Rachael Faust Alexa Gengelbach

Lindsey Schurter Kera Snyder Dian Ye


April 27 - 30, 2017

Featured Speakers Drs. Terry Yochum & Arlan Fuhr


Research Roundup Continued from page 18 Brain-Related Studies Shared Among Peers The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping held in June featured two papers authored by a team of researchers, including Dr. Kettner. “Investing brainstem circuitry supporting cardiovagal response to pain: a 7T fMRI study” and “Brain white matter microstructure changes following acupuncture in carpal tunnel syndrome: DTI study” were both presented during the poster session. The 7T fMRI study

investigated specific brainstem nuclei involved in processing cardiovagal outflow in response to pain (a strong modulator of autonomic activity). The DTI study investigated white matter microstructure changes in response to acupuncture in bihemispheric primary somatosensory areas. Dr. Kettner was also part of studies featured in two prominent medical journals. Dr. Kettner, along with a team of researchers, were invited to submit a large-impact research paper for a special

edition on imaging of the autonomic nervous system in the journal Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Using MRI, the team studied areas of the brainstem and the influence of pain on heart rates. The study, “Primary somatosensory/motor cortical thickness distinguishes paresthesiadominant from pain-dominant carpal tunnel syndrome,” was published in the Journal of Pain which investigated whether brain morphometry dissociates the paresthesiadominant and pain-dominant subgroups. FALL 2016 35



Board of Trustees

• Joseph T. Lane, DC, (Class of April 1983)

Congratulations to the following individuals who have been recently named as Advisory Members to the Board of Trustees:

• Kurt W. Wood, DC

Faculty/Staff Announcements

• Donald S. Altman, DDS, DHSc, EdD

Congratulations to …

• Paul D. Eberline, DC, (Class of September 1979)

New Hires

• Patrick Battaglia, DC, DACBR, (Class of August 2012), Radiology Fellow,

Instructor (not pictured) • Sally Ayoob, MS, Lab Manager • Brittany Bailey, Copy Room Coordinator • Kelci Bozada, Library Assistant • Dawn Brokaw, Office Assistant • Lorrie Brown, MA, Adjunct (not pictured) • Vanessa Carr, PhD, Adjunct (not pictured)


36 FALL 2016

• Katharine Conable, DC, MApS, (Class of September 1975), Associate Professor, who was awarded Teacher of the Year from the International College of Applied Kinesiology-USA. • Kerry Hallahan, Director of Financial Aid, on her election as President-Elect of the Missouri Association of Student Financial Aid

Congratulations to the following individuals who were recently hired at Logan:

• Tiffany Andrews, PharmD,


passed Part II of the Radiology Boards and was awarded the Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology (DACBR). In addition, Dr. Battaglia and Ashley Gaines Battaglia, DC (Class of August 2012), celebrated the birth of their daughter, Emilia on June 21, 2016.

• Bridget Dressel, MEd,

Academic Success Coach (College of Health Sciences) • Regina Glenn, PhD, Adjunct (not pictured) • Che Joplin, DC, Adjunct (not pictured) • Mona Kidane, Event Assistant • Chassitty Loving, PhD, Adjunct (not pictured) • Michael Murphy, DC, (Class of December 1995), Instructor (not pictured)





• Laurie Nest, Event Assistant • Eric I. Park, PhD, Assistant

• David Sanders, MA, Instructor • David Seaman, DC, Adjunct

• Kristina Petrocco-Napuli,

• William Sobotor, PhD, Adjunct


DC, MS, FICC, Adjunct (not pictured) • Amy Pollock, MEd, Academic Success Coach (College of Chiropractic) • Suzanne Richins, PhD, Adjunct (not pictured) • Steven Salaris, PhD, MDiv, Instructor





(not pictured) (not pictured)

• Bo Sosnicki, MS, Adjunct (not pictured) • Jennifer Starks, MA, LPC, Student Care Manager • Tonya Triplett, Library Assistant (not pictured) • Traci Yoder, Administrative Assistant




U N DE R TH E TO WE R Personnel (MASFAP.) This is a three year term which begins January 1, 2017. She will serve as President in 2018 and Past President in 2019. MASFAP is dedicated to serving students, opening avenues to access the benefits of higher education and advocating for the maintenance of high ethical standards in the financial aid profession. • Joseph W. Howe, DC, DACBR, FICC, Fellow ACCR, Associate Professor, who was awarded the LeeHomewood Chiropractic Heritage Award by the Association for the History of Chiropractic. • Patrick Montgomery, DC, MS, FASA, (Class of January 1976), Associate Professor, who was awarded the Educator of the Year by the Missouri State Chiropractors Association. In addition, Dr. Montgomery has been appointed President of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. • David Rogers, Online Marketing Strategist, on his marriage to Hannah on July 6. • Terry R. Yochum, DC, DACBR, Fellow ACCR, Adjunct in the Department of Radiology, on the publication of his book, I Should Have Been LeftHanded. All profits from Dr. Yochum’s book are donated to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation and the Whitey Herzog Youth Foundation.

The following people have received new titles: • Zach Becker, Senior Admissions Coordinator • Lulu Brinkley, Senior Admissions Coordinator • Karen Dishauzi, DC, MEd, (Class of April 1994), Assistant Dean of Student Success • Jason Goodman, DC, (Class of August 1998), Senior Clinician, Preceptorships • Allison Harvey, DC, Senior Clinician • Daniel Haun, DC, DACBR, (Class of April 2004), Assistant Dean of Faculty, College of Chiropractic • William Hogarth, DC, MBS, (Class of December 1989), Senior Clinician • Cheryl Houston, PhD, Director of Health Professions Education and General Education • Atanas Ignatov, PhD, Director of Basic Science • Jeffrey Kamper, DC, DCBCN, (Class of April 1990), Senior Clinician • Kimberly Paddock-O’Reilly, DHEd, MSW, Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs • David Parish, DC, MS, CSCS, DACBSP, ICCSP, Associate Dean Clinical Care and Director of Sports Science and Rehabilitation • Rosemary Walker, DDS, MBA, MS, Director of Health Informatics and Interim Assistant Director of Faculty, Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation

• Barry Wiese, DC, DIBCN, MHA, Associate Dean Clinic Compliance and Director of Integrated Clinic Development

Class of April 1992

In Memoriam

Class of August 2010

• Justin Borgstede, Academic Consultant, on the death of his grandfather Allen R. Caulk on September 11, 2016. • Donald J. McLain, former Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Logan (1993-2003), passed away on August 20, 2016. • Deshae Redden, MA, Continuous Improvement Coach on the death of her father, Wheeler R. Sanders on August 23, 2016. • Brian Snyder, DC, (Class of August 1983), Associate Professor on the death of his mother, LaVinna Moser on May 30, 2016 and grandmother of Jared Snyder, Admissions Coordinator. • Jane Wibbenmeyer, DC, (Class of December 1988), Instructor, on the death of her sister, Patricia A. Wibbenmeyer on September 7, 2016.

Alumni Notes Congratulations to … Class of December 1982 Jack Crocker, DC, who was named Chiropractor of the Year by the Missouri State Chiropractors Association.

Brian Gray, DC, who was elected to the Pattonville School District’s Board of Education in April 2016.

Brock Martin, DC, FASA, was named Rising Chiropractor of the Year by the Tennessee Chiropractic Association.

In Memoriam Class of September 1959 Robert E. Richards, DC, June 22, 2016 Class of September 1960 Gerald O. Yurth, DC, June 20, 2016 Class of February 1962 John C. Bright, DC, September 3, 2015 Class of September 1966 Ronald Harris, DC, August 8, 2016 Class of September 1969 Robert L. Riesenberger, DC, July 29, 2016 Class of January 1978 Lane Freeman, DC, March 25, 2016 Class of April 2002 Mike Bauman, BS, September 8, 2016 Class of April 2013 (DC) and April 2014 (MS) Kenneth Seger, DC, MS, July 19, 2016

FALL 2016 37


38 FALL 2016


FALL 2016 39







1851 Schoettler Road | Chesterfield, MO 63017

P OS TG R AD U AT E EDU CA T IO N | November 2016 to February 2017 November 5-6 Advanced Acupuncture - Session #5 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac. Chiropractic Pediatrics Certificate Program – Session #1 Instructor: Suzanne Seekins, DC, DICS November 12-13 Inner Workings of the Myofascial Approaches to the Chiropractic Adjustment Instructor: Vincent DeBono, DC, CSCS November 19-20 Basic Acupuncture - Session #3 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac.

Location is Logan University Campus unless otherwise noted.

December 3-4 Chiropractic Pediatrics Certificate Program – Session #2 Instructor: Suzanne Seekins, DC, DICS

January 14-15 Chiropractic Pediatrics Certificate Program – Session #3 Instructor: Suzanne Seekins, DC, DICS

December 10-11 Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Supporting Vibrant Health on the Spectrum Instructor: Janet Lintala, DC

January 21-22 Basic Acupuncture - Session #5 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac.

December 17-18 Basic Acupuncture - Session #4 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac. January 7-8, 2017 Insurance Consultant Update Instructor: Kelly Brinkman, DC, MCS-P

January 28-29 Chiropractic Care for Women’s Health/Men’s Health Instructors: Michelle Smith, DC Christine A. Sigman, MD and Michael Thompson, DC, MA, CCWP February 4-5 Diplomate Acupuncture #1 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac.

February 11-12 Auriculotherapy and Scalp Acupuncture Instructor: Gary Ditson, DC, Lac. February 18-19 EndoNasal Technique and Ischemic Compression Technique Instructor: Michael Fiscella, DC, DABCO February 25-26 Basic Acupuncture - Session #6 Instructor: Zev Myerowitz, DC, Dipl. Ac (NCCAOM), Lac. Visit logan.edu/Seminars for additional information and dates. To register for postgraduate seminars, please call 1-800-842-3234

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