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Identity and Belonging - mentioned 1751 times
Businesses to sponsor benches, maybe schools could be involved in designing them the kids may take more pride then
Christmas was alive; festoon lighting everywhere, carol singing in the square, late night shopping
We need a really good museum in Newport!! See the Isle of Man for an example - I think the museum building could be much more used than it is and could create a very good Island focus
More opportunities for busking on the streets and variety of music
Camp hill Prison should be turned into a museum and celebrate the Island history with coffee shop and indoor play area all year round more colour to buildings, pavements Decorations, bunting, flags, lights, attractive signage
Meet and great for visitors a central large community centre type building could be good
Extend the use of the library and local school facilities for community groups to access
Living and working here can be amazing, tell that story!
Create a town 'tradition’ with an event in the spring, summer & autumn
Hand painted street signagethe isle of wight has so many talented artists and crafts people
Use empty buildings for community projects if empty for too long
Keep the character, keep it unique & not like every other town in the uk! Dress it up with more floral arrangements, encourage tourism, make people want to visit!
Create town centre manager post to run series of initiatives to raise general conditions in town centre and promote street artists
Community as ambassadors –friendly, litter picking etc
Go in to schools and get ideas on how to improve things, get young and old to work together on ideas, create a sense of community, make people feel that they are worthy to help