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Director Welcome
On behalf of our OtsegoPlainwell Area Chamber of Commerce—Welcome! My name is Jenny Boerman, and I became the Executive Director in June of 2018. I was raised in Plainwell and graduated from Plainwell H.S in 1997, then headed not too far to the south to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. There I received a Bachelor Degree in Tourism, and minor in Business in 2002. I came to the Chamber with experience in marketing, event planning, sales and business operation management. Partnered with experience, I have a drive to promote the best interests of a city, and the businesses and organizations that are working hard to build prosperity into its
community. I am enthusiastic about Otsego and Plainwell, not because it’s where I grew up and where I live now, but also because I love the small town charm and the friendly people here. Our Chamber is currently 225 members strong. A year of membership brings opportunities to expand your business or organization,andgrowourstrengthandunityinthecommunity. All regions do benefit where its businesses and community groups come together in partnership with their local chamber. According to the Shapiro Group, 49% of consumers are more likely to think favorably of a local business if it is a member of a local Chamber, and 80% are more likely to purchase a product or service from a Chamber member. Membership will foster Jenny Boerman invaluable opportunities busines suchas s our connections throug “AfterHoursBusiness h net Mixers” working andour
Executive Director Lunch&Learns.TheChamberpromotesyourbusinessandthe Otsego-Plainwell Area Otsego-Plainwell communities on our website, through social Chamber of Commerce media, hosting events, and organizing festivals. So,joinus!I’dlovetotellyoumoreaboutourChamberandhow we can help your business grow!
Mission Statement