Executive Director - Welcome community. I am enthusiastic about Otsego and Plainwell, not because it’s where I grew up and where I live now, but also because I love the small town charm and the friendly people here.
On behalf of our OtsegoPlainwell Area Chamber of Commerce—Welcome! My name is Jenny Boerman, and I became the Executive Director in June of 2018. I was raised in Plainwell and graduated from Plainwell H.S in 1997, then headed not too far to the south to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. There I received a Bachelor Degree in Tourism, and minor in Business in 2002. I came to Jenny Boerman the Chamber with experience Executive Director in marketing, event planning, Otsego-Plainwell Area sales and business operation Chamber of Commerce management. Partnered with experience, I have a drive to promote the best interests of a city, and the businesses and organizations that are working hard to build prosperity into its
Our Chamber is currently 225 members strong. A year of membership brings opportunities to expand your business or organization, and grow our strength and unity in the community. All regions do benefit where its businesses and community groups come together in partnership with their local chamber. According to the Shapiro Group, 49% of consumers are more likely to think favorably of a local business if it is a member of a local Chamber, and 80% are more likely to purchase a product or service from a Chamber member. Membership will foster invaluable business connections through networking opportunities such as our “After Hours Business Mixers” and our Lunch & Learns. The Chamber promotes your business and the Otsego-Plainwell communities on our website, through social media, hosting events, and organizing festivals. So, join us! I’d love to tell you more about our Chamber and how we can help your business grow!
Mission Statement
“Our mission is to support businesses and encourage strong leadership in the Otsego and Plainwell communities. Through networking, training and community events, we are committed to working together for the success and economic growth of our cities.”
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