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Stylist/Owner: Melanie Por ter
Stylists: Erika Hofacre, Jessica Gerow, Aly Holub, Megan LaFountain and Beth Broderick
Driving Routes for the Community Shoppers Guide $200-$250/mo Delivery done between 6am Friday and noon Saturday Must have reliable vehicle It takes two people to deliver, one driving and one hang ing papers Must have working phone Stop in to apply (117 N Farmer St , Otsego) or online at communityshoppersguide net, click on employment tab
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If you wish to apply send a resume, cover letter and completed application to: Jen Colin, Otsego Township Cler k at jcolin@otsegotownship org or drop off at Otsego Township hall in person or in the drop box at the front of the building 400 N 16th Street, Otsego
DELIVERED TO 12,920 HOMES ...EVERY SATURDAY! Community Shoppers Guide 269-694-9431 or at www
9/30/1934 12/12/2024
To know Elden, was to Love Elden! Elden was above al e se Resilient, Fair, Truthful, Honest, and Devoted to His Fam ly! He Never Gave up, and Lived Life to the Fullest to the Ver y End! When was Elden bor n, You might ask? Let s divulge a little into the time period that developed His character It was September 30, 1934, it was the midd e of the Great Depression, and the drought of 1934 has been eroding the Great P ains, resulting n soil from the Great Pla ns reaching Chicago, Illinois The Mayor of Chicago at that time was Edward Joseph Kelly The President was Franklin Delano Roosevelt n his first ter m and the Vice President was John Nance Gar ner The future “King of Rock ‘N Roll,” Elvis Presley, had not yet been bor n Charlie “B rd” Parker, the Future Greatest Saxophonist Ever tur ned 14 years old on August 29 1934 and wou dn’t make his professional debut as the GOAT Saxophone Player until 1937 The Chevrolet Master Deluxe, Ford Tudor Sedan, Dodge DR Conver tible Coupe, Cadillac V-16, Lincoln KB Willoughby Chevrolet ½ ton pickup Ford Model 40 pickup truck Dodge ½ ton pickup with a straight-6 Eng ne were traversing the landscape The price of gasoline was 19 cents per gallon, a loaf of bread was 9 cents per pound, a dozen eggs had risen in price from 17 cents per dozen in August 1934 to 28 cents per dozen by mid-November 1934 The price of gold was $35 per ounce and silver was 24 cents per ounce There wasn’t a minimum wage standard yet, the Fair Labor Standard Act wouldn’t establish the first minimum wage until 1938 at 25 cents per hour The 1934 Ford V8 automobile cost approximately $539 Although incomes varied, the average income for workers ranged between $700 and $1,200 per year It is interest ng to note, the Philco 16B Radio, which wasn’t the most expensive radio on the market, at that time, was $89 50 The telev sion, while invented in 1927 and demonstrated by it s inventor Philo Far nswor th on August 25 1934 did not replace the rad o until the late 1940’s and early 1950’s “It happened One Night,” was a current film Fred Estaire and Ginger Rogers perfor med Night and Day in 1934 Top Songs on the radio waves were the following: Bing Crosby s “June in Januar y Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra, w th vocal by Bob Lawrence s nging “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” Big Crosby’s “Love in Bloom,” and Duke El ington and His Orchestra perfor med “Cocktails for Two ” Bor n at L ttle Company of Mar y Hospital bu lt in 1930 on September 30 1934 to Lawyer Edwin Clarence Podewell and His Wife Vio et Catherine Podewell (nee Raske), was Frederic “Elden” Podewell Elden had dark hair and stunning blue eyes! He became the younger brother to sister Arlene Podewe l (Ronshausen) bor n in 1933, and older brother to Judith Podewell (Hook) bor n in 1940 Elden’s Grandparents were Edwin and Anna Podewell and Fredericka “Ricki” and Joseph Raske Elden is the descendent of Knight and Count Heinrich Von Podewils (1695 – 1760) of Saxony Ger many Elden attended the Dearbor n Grade School and Calumet High School in the Bra nerd Neighborhood Elden described to His Children how nobody threw things out, that was useable, during the 1930’s and 40’s You had to find a way to be resourceful and reuse things Nobody ever threw out a bicycle or t re You had to re-patch and re-patch the rubber tires Rubber and metals were scarce Elden Podewell’s favorite Movie, l felong, was The Wizard of Oz, which was produced by MGM in 1939 and based on the 1900 nove The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written by L Frank Baum Elden s parents raised pet dogs, Collies, Tawny and Terr y were prominent ones Elden’s Father, Edwin Clarence Podewell, was a Committeman to elect Dwight D E senhower President Elden tur ned 18 years old on September 30 1952 Elden’s first vote for President of the United States was for Republican President Dwight D Eisenhower, on Tuesday November 4, 1952 Elden Podewel , at the Age of 90, voted n H s 19th President al Election! He voted on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 for President Donald J Trump, the 45th & 47th President of the United States! Elden has had many lifelong friends, and a few Best Friends H s Best Fr end Joseph “Joey” Balletto, unfor tunately passed away n 2004 at the age of 69 One of His Best Friends, and also brother-in-law, Thomas Hook, passed away in 1973 at the age of 33 Elden was an award winn ng Saxophone Player in H s youth, and oved Music! Elden played numerous spor ts and was ver y athlet c! The spor ts included, the following: Basketball (Elden Shot the “3,” before it was the 3! and Executed the no look pass with precision! ) and won many City League Basketball Championships He played Tennis, Volleyball, Chicago Sty e Softbal (16 inch ball, no gloves), and Table Tennis (ping pong) Elden played many years of softball for Timothy Lutheran Church in the Church Leagues Elden F Podewell as he would become to be known as, graduated from Calumet High School in 1952 and Graduated from the University or Arizona, Go Wildcats!, with a degree in Business specia iz ng in Accountancy and Finance in 1956 Elden was hired and employed by the State of Illinois and later became the 2nd highest ranked Top Auditor in the State of Il inois He worked as a Top Auditor of the State of Illinois from 1956 to 1991, when He retired at the age of 57 He was retired for a little over 33 years! Elden enjoyed playing racquetball, tennis, and basketball with His co-worker and great friend, Lance Evans He also had a great friend, and for mer co-worker, Dan, who was a devoted friend to Elden Elden let others pass Him, to become the #1 Top Auditor, He was ver y happy at being #2! When asked why He didn t take the top spot, he was quoted as saying, Because it would have been $1,000 more in pay, and a m llion more headaches, and I didn’t need it ” E den chose instead to be actively involved in His Family’s Life Elden Married His Wife Georgene Kay Podewel (nee Beilfuss) on August 3 1963 Georgene was a ver y Caring Loving Thoughtful, and Passionate Wife! Elden lived in Chicago with H s Wife Georgene, until 1969, when He moved to Palos Heights, Il inois Elden & Georgene loved to see their many friends over the years especial y those from Lamplighters (Candle Snuffers) Pangees, Timothy Lutheran Church, and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Elden & Georgene, a ong with their Ch ldren enjoyed raising many animals over the years including the follow ng: Toy Poodle Renee; Afghan Hound T ffany; Toy Poodle, Magic; Toy Yorkie, Star ; and Toy Yorkie, Christa; Rabbit, Ester Hopper, as well as numerous other animals like Geese Ugo & Amigo Tropical F sh Hamsters Mr Jingles & Angel Elden & Georgene enjoyed many things together spor ting events, especial y the 1985-86 Chicago Bears with Walter Payton and the 1991-93 and 1996-98 Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen! They also enjoyed listening to music, mostly Countr y, Big Band, and Rock Dad espec ally liked listening to Johnny Cash and Elvis Presley songs Elden & Georgene and Family enjoyed listening to Elden s Cousin, Po ly Podewell sing! Elden & Georgene raised four Children, they are: Stephen Elden Podewell, bor n May 9, 1965 (Mother’s Day), and Married to Erica (nee Hughes-Buckman) and Children: JeanAnge ique Podewell Annaliese Podewell Br yce Elden Von Podewell, Marissa Victor a Podewell, Jenna Buckman, Andrew Buckman; Diana Kay Wolan (nee Podewell), bor n on August 13, 1968 and Married to Matthew Wolan and Children: Drake Thomas Wolan Garrett Matthew Wolan Ala na Kay Wolan; David Roy Podewell, bor n on June 1, 1970, and Married to His W fe Michelle Podewell (nee Rozenboom) and Ch ldren: Isabella Michelle Podewell Joshua David Podewe l; and Kathleen June Rusco (nee Podewell) bor n on June 1 1970 and Children: Kyle Joseph Rusco, Alyssa Joy Rusco Elden Managed and Coached a Baseball Little League Team (Bronco Open League –T gers) to Win a Championship in 1982 His son David was a great pitcher on the team shor t stop and homerun hitter Elden’s son Stephen was the third base coach of the Tiger’s Elden played a lot of tennis, table tennis, bi liards, basketball, and volleyball with His Family When asked in the early 1980’s who Elden would have liked to have been, if He were someone else in Histor y, Elden replied, Wyatt Ear p! Elden & Georgene, always enjoyed seeing Family & Friends at Forester s Gathering, espec ally Elden’s Unc e Ken & Aunt Dorothy and Families He always enjoyed talking with His cousin Roger Podewell Elden & Georgene also enjoyed see ng and hearing how His Uncle Lester and Aunt Beverly were doing throughout the years Lester Podewell acted n many mov es, Backdraft (1991) and Ground Hog Day (1993) and commercials on televis on Lester Podewell s granddaughter was actress Cathy Podewell who por trayed Cally Ewing in in the television series Da las from 1978 -1991 Elden Podewe l was employed by the State of Illinois as a Top Auditor of the State from 1956 to 1991 (Years they were Always in the Black) He ser ved under 7 Gover nor’s beginning with Republican Gover nor William Stratton in 1956 and finishing under Republ can Gover nor Jim Edgar He seemed to most en oy the time between 1977 – 1991, under the Republican Gover nor James R Thompson Big Jim Thompson was younger than Elden and preceded him in death Elden was offered $100 per hour to ser ve as an accountant for an Attor ney, when He retired in 1991 He tur ned that down and said, no, I’m all done with accounting Elden & Georgene’s next venture was working for Disney, they enjoyed their employment, for fun, with The Disney Store, during the late 1990 s and 2000 s E den Podewell worked at the Or and Park Mal and Georgene Podewell worked at the Chicago Ridge Store Since then, Disney has changed a lot from the original intent of Wa t Disney’s Disney Throughout the years, Elden & Georgene had enjoyed many family vacations that inc uded: Yellowstone Nat onal Park, Grand Teton National Park, Las Vegas, Tucson, Arizona, espec ally to see Uncle Steve & Aunt Florence They also enjoyed numerous vacations to Disney Wor d Disneyland and Disney Cruises Elden enjoyed ser v ng as a Greeter and Usher at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Palos Heights for 45 years Elden was a member of Good Shepherd for 55 years Elden enjoyed walks at Lake Katherine w th His Wife Georgene before Her pass ng on Februar y 15 2020 just at the star t of covid On September 30, 2024, We Celebrated Elden’s 90th Bir thday! Elden was a Resident of Palos He ghts, Illinois for 55 years and a Resident of Illinois for 90 years Elden Podewell was the Oldest Person with the Last Name of Podewe l in the City of Pa os He ghts, in the State of Ill nois, in the United States, and in the World, when he passed at 6:12 p m on December 12, 2024! Interesting to note, Elden had a full head of hair and had al of His own teeth when He passed! So, What was Elden’s Secret to Longevity? Toby Keith Once asked Clint Eastwood this same question, the response was Don t Let the Old Man In Elden, Dad, Grandpa was a Great Man Among Men! He loved to make people smi e, and Yes, Truly Laugh, especia ly with His voice impersonations! The kid in H m never went away! Even when He was 90 Years old, Elden would say, Young Mr Podewel is Here! To All that knew Elden, he wil be missed Always! Elden’s last words to His Family & Friends was I Love All of You, and Please Always Remember Me He passed away living ever y moment never taking any moments for granted Elden was a Strong, Vibrant, Gentleman Among Men! His absence from the World W ll be Missed!
Funeral Held at The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 7800 S McCar thy Road, Palos Heights, IL 60463 on Saturday, December 21, 2024 from 9:30 a m to 11:30 a m
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my beautiful mother,
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my beautiful mother,
Your family loves and misses you so, so much
Every year charitable-minded Americans over the age of 73 face a dilemma: What to do with the mandatory taxable distribution otherwise known as a required minimum distribution (RMD) from their T raditional IRA account(s). One option is to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) and contribute up to $105,000 directly to qualified 501(c)(3) public charities, like Christian Neighbors, without counting the distribution as taxable income (if age 73 or older) Thus, you can receive both a federal and Michigan tax benefit fr om your charitable contribution even if you do not itemize deductions Make your donation by December 31 to qualify this year. When you file your taxes for the year include your donation on the relevant tax document Please consult with a financial advisor or tax preparer for specific rules and tax advantages
282 12th St ., Plainwell, MI 49080 269-685-4166 christianneighbors.org
The word love has many meanings We use the word rather loosely at times when saying things like, “I love the Detroit Lions” or “I love ice cream” or “I love the fall season ” Do we really know the meaning of love? Some years ago, bestselling author Dr Gar y Chapman wrote a popular and helpful book entitled, “The Love Languages of God ” I highly recommend reading it as a way of discover ing how we show love to others
The New Testament was wr itten in the Greek language The Greeks had several words for love The most well-known are as follows:
*EROS - from which we get the word erotic
*PHILIA - which means philanthropist
*AGAPE - which descr ibes God’s love Eros and Agape Contrasted: EROS AGAPE - Self-ser ving - Self-giving - Self-gratification - Sacr ificial - Conditional - Unconditional - Me first - God first
Now, let us ask ourselves if we are committed to shar ing God’s (agape) love? If so, we are tr uly exper iencing a miracle of the manger the miracle of God s love “THE MIRACLE
American Leg ion Post #84 of Otsego, meets at 410 E Orleans, 7pm, the 2nd Wednesday of each month New members welcome For info call 1-866-676-7884
When you find yourself facing the loss of a loved one we can assist in making the details you face a little e a s i e r To p l a c e yo u r o b i t u a r y announcement on our community pages, simply ask the funeral home to send the details to the Community Shoppers Guide or call/email us yourself Obituar ies are approximately $75 and are included in our online edition and on our website Community Shoppers Guide 117 N Far mer St , Otsego • 269-694-9431 www.communityshoppersguide .net email: info@communityshoppersguide net
State of Michigan Probate Court Allegan County Case
The decedent, William Franklin Simpson, born 10/24/1935, died 1/11/2022 Creditors are notified that all claims against the estate will be forever barred unless presented to Pegg y Simpson (238 W Franklin St , Otsego, M I 49078) and to the probate cour t at 113 Chestnut St , Allegan, M I 49010 within 2 weeks of the 12/21/24 publication of this paper The Shoppers Guide will be closed Dec. 24-25 for Christmas. Please be sure any ads for the Dec 28 paper are in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 23rd Thank you!
I can recall a few Christmas seasons while growing up that were rough for me and my family When I was 13 years old, my parents sank into hardcore drug addiction They were good parents who hit a huge rough patch We lost our house, our car, and our dignity My mom, dad, sister, and I missed out on having Christmas together when I was 13-18 years old We were broke, empty, afraid, and separated from each other But then something happened Jesus happened! I’m not sure if we found him or he found us, but the Jesus Christ we celebrate at Christmas showed up in a very real way He changed the direction of our lives We were too poor to give each other gifts, but that didn’t matter Jesus gave us gifts that last well beyond the Christmas season Through a personal relationship with Jesus, we experienced the gifts of hope, peace, love, and joygifts that keep on giving! Our circumstances didn’t change overnight, but we changed when God changed our hearts All of a sudden, life became worth living We got connected to a church that God used to love us back to life
Jesus wants to do the same for you He says, “The thief has come to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10) I pray with all my heart that you will begin to experience the full life Jesus wants for you We would love for you to join us on your quest for the full life Come worship Jesus with us any Sunday at 10:40am Our services are short but impactful We also have a fun-filled and safe program during that time for kids ages 0-10
PS: We hope to see you at our Christmas Eve Eve service on, you guessed it, December 23 (not 24 ) at 6:00pm for a meaningful celebration of
Christmas Eve Eve Service at 6:00!!! ~ Pastor Lenny Luchetti
Check out our website: www otsegocongregational org for more information about the church and our team
120 W MORRELL ST , OTSEGO • 269-694-6085 email: fccotsego@sbcglobal net
Pastor Lenny Luchetti
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Swegles Handyman Service: Roofing, plumbing, decks, all home repairs Insured, quality work 269-243-0468
Jeffrey B Hoy t, Builder, (269)760-0035 All your building needs, no job too big or small Licensed/insured Senior discount
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Eliminate Gutter Cleaning Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection Schedule a free LeafFilter estimate today 20% off entire purchase Plus 10% senior & military discounts Call 1-844-369-2501
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Readers: This publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised
The Shoppers Guide will be closed Dec. 24-25 for Christmas Please be sure any ads for the Dec 28 paper are in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 23rd Thank you!
Drywall: New Construction, remodels, repair work Fully insured Over 38 years experience Tom Teunessen (616)218-2877
Concrete Construction: Basement floors, patios, driveways, sidewalks Residential Free estimates Call (269)377-3950
Monty’s Tree Service: Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)204-8207
We Buy Houses for Cash As Is! No repairs No fuss Any condition Easy three step process: Call, get cash offer and get paid Get your fair cash offer today by calling Liz Buys Houses: 1-855-504-0056
Need A Logo For Your Business? New Business Cards? Forms, brochures and more? We can design it for you! Email, call or stop by the Shoppers Guide! Reasonable prices, professional quality (269)694-9431 info@communityshoppersguide net 117 N Farmer St , Otsego
Acculevel Your Foundation Repair and basement waterproofing exper ts Whether basement, crawl space or concrete slab we’ll guide you on the right path to a healthy home Act now! Up to $600 off Restrictions apply Call for a free consultation 1-844-700-4986
Tree & Brush Clearing, yard clean-up Fallen tree and stump removal, tree cutting Reliable and insured (269)929-3149
The Shoppers Guide will be closed Dec 24-25 for Christmas Please be sure any ads for the Dec 28 paper are in by the end of the day Monday, Dec 23rd Thank you!
Quality Clock Repair House calls on Grandfather clocks, free pickup & delivery of all others Call Andrew Dirkse (616)990-8885
Propane Tank Filling: All sizes including RVs Ace Hardware, downtown Plainwell 135 N Anderson (269)225-1061
Rogers Plumbing, Heating & A/C Service, Inc Call the company that’s local & experienced Serving this area since 1966, licensed and insured 269-694-4673, 269-217-5454
269 Exteriors: Now Booking for siding, gutters, drywall and decks Licensed/insured Free estimates (269)806-0690
Concrete Flatwork: For all your concrete flatwork needs! Pole barn, floors, driveways, driveway replacement, sidewalks, patios Bobcat services available (269)509-2153
Budget Appliance Service. Prompt, Professional and Affordable Service Call us today for your appliance repair needs (269)685-8902 Ted LaFountain, Owner
Powerwashing, Replacement Windows, doors, and roofing Call Farmer Construction Local Builder Check us out on Facebook 269-420-9748
Standing Timber Wanted: Walnut, Oak, Maple Highest prices paid Payment in advance 269-998-1839
Exper t Cleaning Services, since 1985 Christian business, expanding and hiring Commercial/residential Free estimates! (269)349-1414 calltheexperts com
Snow & Ice Removal For Your Home For all your roofing and gutter screen installation needs, call Scott Keyzer Roofing @ (269)929-3149
Mar tin Transmission- Not just transmissions We offer full service auto repair Locally owned & operated for over 20 years Free quotes 565 Lincoln Rd (M-89), Otsego (269)694-5500
Dan's Tree Service: Free estimates Senior discount Fully insured (269)664–5455 or Matt (269)569-1031 www danstreeinc com Veteran-owned
Tree Removal, Trimming & stump g rinding Fully insured Over 30 years experience in tree work, very reliable and reasonable Free estimates Also, firewood for sale! RC Tree Service, owned and operated by Carl Sparks (269)377-0284 or (269)568-7231 Randy www rctreeservice com
West Michigan Glass Concepts, LLC, 116 E Allegan St , Otsego 269-694-1611 For all your glass needs, same day glass replacement! www samedaywindowrepair com
Quality Built Pole Buildings Built year round! All sizes, options available! Financing Available! C.L. Kruithoff Building Company, Lic /Insured Call (269)217-3850 www.pole-barns.com
Winter Clothing is here at Bushel & A Peck Consignment clothing for women, men and children Many sizes 130 N Main St , Plainwell (269)225-1108
...to our sponsors, participants, businesses, volunteers and Santa that made this year’s ...a great success! It wouldn’t be possible without you!
City of Otsego
Consumers Energy
Community Shoppers Guide
First Baptist Church of Otsego
First Baptist Church of Plainwell
Friendship Wesleyan Church
Mark and Lura Holden
Merica Family Farms
Otsego Arts
Otsego Christmas Ministry
Otsego District Public Library
Otsego Public Schools
Otsego Rotary
Otsego/Plainwell Area Chamber of Commerce
Otsego United Methodist Church
Peace Lutheran Church
A Together Otsego Prospers Event T.O.P.
Mistletoe Level Sponsors
Silver Bell Level Sponsors
Brave Fastener • Dykstra's Auto • Lynx Golf Course • McEwen Law Office
MillAssist Services Inc • Next Level Electric • Old Mill Brewpub & Grill
Pizza Perfect • Riverbend Estate Event Venue • Stacey Withee
TKH Group • Winkel Funeral Home • WQXC/WZUU
Tinsel Level Sponsors
CarZone • Greenridge Realty/Cornell & Assoc • Safari Circuits LLC West Hatten Creative • Wightman • Howe Patio & Windows