Vol 13 No 3 June • July 2013
Excellence abounds
Awards for Excellence
raises the bar
RICKY RICHARDS Notches up three
decades in business
Design challenges, material rewards
young leaders
Showcase their expertise
What a
SUPER EXPO! All the events in
words and pictures
the latest news from the sta office | new members | rtos & upcoming events
CONNECTIONS magazine is published on behalf of the Specialised Textiles Association Inc. by CommStrat Limited.
Publisher CommStrat Editor & WRITER Nicola Card nicola.card@commstrat.com.au Design & production Annette Epifanidis annette@commstrat.com.au National Sales MANAGER Yuri Mamistvalov Phone: 03 8534 5008 yuri@commstrat.com.au
PHOTOGRAPHS Nicola Card COMMSTRAT ABN 31 008 434 802
Level 8, 574 St Kilda Rd Melbourne Vic 3004 www.commstrat.com.au Specialised Textiles Association Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone: 03 9521 2114 Local call: 1300 555 787 Fax: 03 9521 2116 www.specialisedtextiles.com.au Disclaimer: Except where specifically stated, the opinions and material published in the magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher or the STA Council.
2 4 12 39
16 Tension Structures High level expertise 21 Innovation Metrics By Roger La Salle 44 Happy anniversary Ricky Richards A look at the US market
Report by STA President STA office update Young Leaders’ Challenge Brilliant design and execution STA welcomes new members
21 And the Category winners are … Showcasing the 11 designs that won the judges’ favor
subscriptions To subscribe to Connections for just $75 inc GST annually contact Ruth Spiegel ruth.spiegel@commstrat.com.au
18 The power and splendor of the STA/BMAA show 34 Super Expo in words and pictures
SPOTLIGHT ON MEMBERS 38 All Seasons Vinyl and the enduring success of Kakadu 42 Members’ products and services – Shann and Innova
TRAINING AND EVENTS 48 Industry events and RTOs
Special feature in the next issue of Connections... Blinds and awnings; Agriculture; Equipment, machinery & components If you would like to be involved in any of these features by providing commentary or insights please contact the editor Nicola.card@commstrat.com.au
From the office of the President Tom Gastin It is a great honour and privilege to be
We all know that if jobs are designed,
work tirelessly in educating, improving and
representing the members of the Specialised
engineered, manufactured and installed
raising awareness within this industry sector.
Textiles Association (STA) as President over
correctly that our products are a great safe
The Committee is launching some exciting
the next 12 months.
option compared to alternative solutions.
initiatives later this year.
Fortunately, there is no lack of passion in
We all know this … the challenge we face
The STA office – I would like to thank Ana
this industry and that is evident with the great
is educating organisations such as schools,
and Mina for all the hard work they put in to
work of my predecessor, Lance St Hill and
councils, corporate and government
increase the value to our members. Those
departing committee members Gary Smith
departments who are cautious in their
who have seen, first hand, the effort they put
and Kent Williamson. I thank them all for their
decision making due to lack of knowledge,
in to make our events and initiatives work
commitment, hard work and value they have
research and understanding of our industry.
are flabbergasted at how they manage to get
brought to our industry and association. With the support of our members, the last
It is time we took control as an industry and regulate ourselves before we get regulated
everything done in the time they have. Thirteen years ago I attended my first STA
12 months have strengthened our existing
by others. It’s time to show that quality work is
expo in Sydney as a young man in my early
initiatives and helped some exciting new
produced from our industry.
20s. I must say I was excited to be rubbing
initiatives blossom.
Please remove any fear you may have of the
shoulders with the industry leaders. I
accreditation process. This is not a witch-hunt,
learnt many things at that expo, but the key
development of this program has been
it is about strengthening the industry and our
message I took away was that this association
exciting to watch. Those who attended the
businesses. If you need help, leverage off your
had created a magnificent culture over
young leaders presentations at SuperExpo
membership and ask for help through other
the years. A culture whereby members –
would have seen the passion they have for this
members who may have business procedures
suppliers and fabricators – got together once
industry and for what they do. The industry’s
in place that you may not.
a year to share war stories, share challenges,
Young Leader’s program – The
future is in good hands with our young
So I ask those who need help, to please
share victories, and share exciting new products with fellow members.
leaders. We must encourage them to continue
ask … and I challenge those who are asked
developing their skills while taking the time to
to please help, as this is only going to make
enjoy working in this industry.
our industry stronger and will return the
side by side on projects together, using each
millions of dollars leaving our industry from
other’s niche skills and collaborating to create
our country.
award winning projects.
NWDF Training – Last year we were granted funding through the National Workforce Development Fund for training,
The New Marine Fabricators
A culture whereby fabricators could work
And let’s not forget, a culture where friends
which is now underway. Enrolling in training
Committee – It is exciting to see the
and colleagues with common ground could
is an investment for our industry’s future
leading marine fabricators in this industry
catch up and have fun.
and an opportunity for employers to make a
becoming more involved in the STA. The
difference in their employees’ lives. Education
marine sector of this industry is strong and
over the years that I intend to protect over the
is a wonderful gift and more of it will only
warrants representation from our association.
next 12 months as president.
strengthen our industry as a whole.
This is a great opportunity for more marine
We have a big year ahead and I am
fabricators to get on board and get involved
very excited to be working with such an
in this sub- committee.
outstanding team of Councillors, while
Accreditation – Our association has been working on the accreditation program for some time now and it’s now ready to take off.
The Fabric Structures Committee – As
It is this culture that members have created
strengthening our association and providing
Accreditation gives us a voice for lobbying
has been the case since its creation, the
value to our membership in this wonderful
and will help us gain consumer confidence.
Fabric Structures Committee continues to
industry we are a part of.
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The STA Diary Office manager Ana Drougas presents a round-up of association activities SuperExpo 2013 Wrap SuperExpo 2013, a joint venture between Specialised Textiles Association (STA) and Blind Manufacturers Association of Australia (BMAA), proved to be the biggest event our industry has participated in to date. With attendance figures reported at 4500 and over 100 exhibitors, SuperExpo 2013 has been declared a success. The Young Leaders Challenge team presentations and judging generated a lot of excitement in the seminar room. STA’s young leaders have once again raised the bar taking their project to a level they did not even envisage. The experience gained by our young leaders is priceless.
SuperExpo 2013 gave STA the opportunity to explore whether changing our traditional two day Expo over a weekend to a three day Expo during the week would work for our members, exhibitors and attendees. Overall the feedback received so far has been very favourable. The question on everyone’s mind now is what next? All I can say at this stage is …. Stay tuned!
time for all Expo visitors to view the award entries and winners. The Expo closed with the ever popular gala dinner - traditionally a BMAA event. SuperExpo 2013 gave STA the opportunity to explore whether changing our traditional two day Expo over a weekend to a three day Expo during the week would work for our members, exhibitors and attendees. Overall the feedback received so far has been very favourable. The question on everyone’s mind now is what next? All I can say at this stage is …. Stay tuned!
Business sessions held throughout the three days of the Expo covered fourth year we have been running business sessions during the
2013 AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE - winning projects live on STA’s website
Expo opening times. Although registration numbers were high, actual
A little about the judging process. Each year the judges face the
attendance was lower than anticipated. Those who did attend found the
difficult task of ranking each award entry based on appearance,
sessions worthwhile and beneficial. To ensure the business sessions
workmanship, complexity, level of design, innovation and overall
remain relevant, a review of the format will be conducted by the 2014
functionality of the project.
a wide and varied range of industry specific topics. This is now the
Expo organising committee. The trade Expo component of our SuperExpo occupied all four
In some categories there were many entries and the scoring was very close. In others there were only one or two entries, which does
halls at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. Having this
not guarantee that an award will be given in that category. The judges
amount of space available, gave exhibitors the opportunity to create
still rank each project based on its merits and determine whether the
interesting and appealing spaces. The number and quality of exhibitor
quality of the project justifies an award or special commendation.
stands shows just how far our industry has progressed over the years. High attendance numbers at each of the networking events indicated
All entrants can be justifiably proud of the work that they have done on the projects entered in this year’s Awards for Excellence. Some
continued support from members of both STA and BMAA. The welcome
projects are outstanding and truly demonstrate that we have world class
reception, which took place the evening before the trade Expo
operators in many sectors of our industry. This is also demonstrated
opened to visitors, kicked off the three day program. STA’s Awards for
by the number of past ACASPA and now STA award winners whose
Excellence dinner took place on the first evening of the Expo allowing
projects have gone on to win international awards.
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STA MATTERS Thank you to all who have made the effort to participate in this year’s awards. It takes some time and effort to compile an entry, however, I
Jamie Howard of RH2 will continue in the role of Councillor. We bid farewell to Lance St Hill of Fabric
am sure all will agree that the benefits make it a
Solutions Australia in Queensland who has
worthwhile exercise.
stepped down from COM following the
Congratulations to all our Category winners, see
completion of his fixed three-year term on COM,
pages 21-33 for more.
with his last year as President.
Young Leaders Challenge
also leaves COM having also completed three
Details on both team projects were presented at
years on Council of Management, and Kent
SuperExpo by each team.
Williamson of RMIT in Victoria has stepped down
Gary Smith of Campbell & Heeps in Victoria
A brief recap on the Young Leaders Challenge:
from the role of Councillor after completing his
Two teams made up of STA's young leaders
three years on COM however, will remain as the
were set the challenge of researching and
Association Treasurer for a further 12 months.
securing their own project. Ultimately, both engineer, market, secure sponsorship and
Farewell to outgoing President Lance St Hill
install a complete top to tail project. One of the
2012 incoming President, Lance St Hill had big
prerequisites for the chosen project was that it
shoes to fill. The role of President was a task
had to give something back to a community or
which was not taken lightly. Lance’s passion
group in need.
towards our young leaders was obvious in
teams were required to design, fabricate,
Both projects were unveiled and judged during
ensuring this incentive continued from strength
SuperExpo 2013 on the Gold Coast. The winning
to strength, a joint Expo with the BMAA and
team was announced at the Awards for Excellence
continuing to move forward with our accreditation
ceremonial dinner on Wednesday June 5.
program are just some of the highlights of Lance
In awarding a narrow victory to Green Textiles
St Hill’s year as president. Lance also wanted to
team over the Shade A Cause, the judges were
see the communication chain from STA members
impressed with the quality of both projects and
extend past the business owner. He wanted all
particularly delighted by the commitment of the
staff in the business to be aware of STA, to receive
young leaders to their team challenge.
email newsletters and participate in networking
Congratulations to all our 2013 young leaders for rising to the challenge and especially to both team
events. Thanks to Lance, this is now reality. Lance, thank you for a terrific year!
leaders – Ben Thorburn of Thorline Products and Brendan Allen of Ricky Richards. Read all about the Young Leaders and their projects on pages 12-14 of this issue. To be held later this year, the next Young Leaders challenge will be set at STA’s third Young Leaders Conference. Further details will be available on www.specialsiedtextiles.com.au and emailed to members by the end of July.
STA’s new president and Council of Management Tom Gastin of NSW based Pattons was appointed as the new President of Specialised Textiles Association. 2013/14 Council of Management (COM) also welcomes three new councillors: Connie Hellyar of OneLink Agencies; Daniel Gollan of HVG Fabrics and Glenn Barlow of Positive Resolutions. David Burton of Ricky Richards has stepped into the role of Vice President. 6 · CONNECTIONS
In awarding a narrow victory to Green Textiles team over the Shade A Cause, the judges were impressed with the quality of both projects and particularly delighted by the commitment of the young leaders to their team challenge. Congratulations to all our 2013 young leaders for rising to the challenge and especially to both team leaders – Ben Thorburn of Thorline Products and Brendan Allen of Ricky Richards.
STA Council of Management SPECIALISED TEXTILES Association Inc. Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Rd St Kilda, Vic 3182 Ph: (03) 9521 2114 Local Call: 1300 555 787 Facsimile: (03) 9521 2116 Email: ana@specialisedtextiles.com.au Web: www.specialisedtextiles.com.au ASSOCIATION MANAGER Ana Drougas Email: ana@specialisedtextiles.com.au President Tom Gastin Pattons—Textile Fabrication 80 McDougall St, Kirribilli, NSW 2061 Ph: 02 9955 2563 or 1300 799 980 Fax: 02 9959 3158 Mobile: 0414 952 007 Email: tom@pattons.com.au COUNCILLORS David Burton Ricky Richards 16 Park Road, Homebush NSW 2140 Ph: 02 9735 3333 Fax: 02 9735 3311 Mobile: 0419 277 711 Email: david.burton@rickyrichards.com.au Jamie Howard Total Shade Solutions 4 Aldinga St, Brendale QLD 4500 Ph: 07 3889 7200 Fax: 07 3889 8865 Mobile: 0402 274 636 Email: Jamie@totalshadesolutions.com.au Connie Hellyar OneLink Agencies 3 Toorak Close, Mollymook Beach NSW 2539 Ph: 02 4454 3101 Fax: 02 4454 3201 Mobile: 0404 086 158 connie@onelinkagencies.com.au www.onelinkagencies.com.au Glenn Barlow Positive Resolutions Pty Ltd 2/46 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton NSW 2170 Ph: 02 9723 9141 Fax: 02 728 3337 Mobile: 0409 273 284 Email: glenn@positiveresolutions.com.au Daniel Gollan HVG 46 Wodonga Street, Beverley SA 5009 Ph: 08 8348 6800 Fax: 08 8445 8455 Mobile: 0402 274 636 Email: dgollan@hvg.net.au Connections Magazine Advertising submissions: yuri@commstrat.com.au Ph: 03 8534 5008 Editorial: Nicola Card nicola.card@commstrat.com.au
STA Expo wrap
Covering all bases Combining the knowledge and communities of two like associations, SuperExpo 2013 guaranteed to provide more content and variety than ever before – and by all accounts it sure delivered. Here we take a look at the flavour and colour of the SuperExpo that was. Seen through the eyes of Nicola Card Product launches, industry milestones, company celebrations, an expo hall with wall to wall exhibitors, vivid colours all around, exhibitor stands soaring to the ceiling … SuperExpo had it all. Adding more flavour to this year’s Expo was the range of speakers and their coverage of topics that matter, that have a real and everyday impact on the industry and those who participate in it.
Local expertise on show
His live demo nicely illustrated the ease and simplicity of Formfinder which was developed by hi tech professionals who are expert in design and tension. Sketching an 8 by 8 metre hypar sail Trevor started by clicking on the grid to enter dimensions, using Cartesian coordinates and added height and manipulated edges and radius and lean, and support columns.
Our coverage of those presentations kicks off with Trevor Scott of Light Weight Structures whose address From Solar Shading products to essential Dynamic Solar was titled: Innovator or Imitator and covered Designing Tensile Structures with Formfinder In a nutshell he demonstrated how with a few simple clicks of the mouse design tool Formfinder enhances creativity and innovation to assist in the design and planning of all types of structures.
The smart software also caters for the sun’s movements - and hey presto a shading diagram immediately pops into sight. Trevor also demonstrated the ease of presenting two overlapping sails and line contours can be drawn for water run-off. To facilitate the process, jpeg images can be imported into Formfinder. Another prominent local innovator is design engineer John Clark of Aeronaut who took to the stage to introduce Silicon Eye Machine Vision. Everyone loves the ‘Eureka’ concept and that is exactly how John described the moment that he comprehended the potential speed and simplicity of a process tapping into low-cost digital cameras mounted above a cutting table. Properly configured this presents a breakthrough by streamlining previously complex and time consuming fabrication processes. How fast is fast? “The Machine Vision System process takes just 20 seconds … about the same as that needed to locate a tape measure!” John remarked. Top: Trevor Scott of LWAS Above: The HVG team lined up for business Left: Hunter Douglas turns 60
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Superexpo wrap “You can move objects and nest stuff onto fabric without any need for measuring, it provides resolution and accuracy. Tracing paper or card templates, matching patterned fabric, positioning cut profiles on scrap or printed material, nesting around faults, all these processes can now take seconds instead of hours.” The system’s ability to factor in leather imperfections for off-cuts was neatly demonstrated. And as John pointed out, previously a top-of-the-range camera would lighten the wallet to the tune of $10,000, a projector $7000, and with other necessary gadgets the bill would tally a mighty $32,000. “A decade on it has changed, cost are down, performance is up and
Chris Arkell, Innova How do I minimise the Environmental Impact of my business? and Chris Boyle from Queensland Building Services Authority Licensing for Queensland Installers. The business sessions concluded with a lively Q&A forum on Shade Cloth Testing with an update on Australian Standards review of AS4174-
digital printing is everywhere,” he said.
Synthetic Shadecloth.
Read more on John Clark’s savvy system in an upcoming issue of
The international picture
Connections. Control solutions as essential future building technology was the title Raising Standards for Fabric Structures was the essence of Beatrice
of the presentation by Peter Winters, Director Shading & Building
Moonen’s address. As Chairperson of the Fabric Structures Committee
Solutions with Dickson Constant and current President of ESSO
she presented ‘Everything you ever wanted to know about fabric
(European Solar Shading Association).
structures but were afraid to ask’. The Fabric Structures Committee had pooled their extensive
The focus of ESSO lies in energy reduction and savings, and playing an integral role in essential building technology is solar shading.
resources to produce an invaluable tool, a USB stick containing advice
Properly installed it can significantly reduce energy demand while
in 10,000 words over 25 pages, including a ‘how to’ guide for installers,
boosting personal comfort and liveability, Peter said. Working under
a consumer checklist facilitating informed choices, a handy summary
daylight (as opposed to electric lighting) is believed to dynamise the
of all state licensing requirements, information on public safety and
brain. See www.es-so.eu for more.
vandalism and more . Having been a director of Abacus since 1984, Beatrice is well known
Peter outlined the EU Commission’s push for renewable energy (PV, wind and others) and trend in Europe during the recession for new
in the industry. And a quick reminder of the industrious members on
builds to feature larger lounge windows to tap into the sun’s warmth and
the Fabric Structures Committee: John Rebecci, Trevor Scott, George
saving (heating) energy.
Formosa and John Simmonds. The active group meets every six weeks. Other local presenters were: Dr John Scheirs, Principal Consultant to Excelplas, on Failures and Successes of Geomembranes: The Role of Testing and Compliance; DDT’s Max Brady chaired the Geosynthetics
The EU2 20-20-20 plans to deliver 20% less energy and 20% less CO2 with 20% more renewable energy … and in the process save Euro €370 billion in costs. Statistics tell the sinister story: transport consumes 33% of energy
Installers and Suppliers’ Forum; Glenn Barlow Thinking outside the
produced, industry 26%, while a whopping 41% of energy is consumed
textile square, Positive Resolutions; How to increase sales through
by buildings, two thirds of which is used to generate heating and cooling.
digital and mobile marketing
With this in mind, just 10% saving through intelligent solar shading – automated and motorised – will result in savings of €37 billion.
SuperExpo highlight: Awards dinner Left: The colourful display of Clare Corban’s Goodearl and Bailey stand Bottom left: Jules Duguay of Mermet and Frank Hammond of Horizon Sails Bottom right: Chris Nolan on Nolan.UDA
Not to be sneezed at! As someone said: “The best energy is the one you do not consume.” “Solar shading is a key element for improving the energy efficiency and daylight management of existing buildings … and must be taken into account in the very early design phase of the building or at renovation stage.” Peter also touched on the extent of power used in transmission: up to three times the energy is consumed en-route from the power supplier to the consumer socket. A constant and sufficient source of renewable energy could instead be provided by the sun’s rays. Other interesting facts: In a bid to combat serious energy shortages, the Pakistan government is banning the use of air conditioners in government offices; air conditioners in the US consume about 15% of all energy generated … the building envelope is the main source of heat loss or gain. Should internal and external solar shading become mandatory, EU standards will become necessary. The following day Jules Duguay who is General Manager, Mermet
A glittering night for STA members, businesses and families, with superb entertainment in the form of magician Brad Manuel, fresh in from popular performances in Las Vegas. Taking the podium for the last time, outgoing president Lance St Hill described himself as “Johnny on the spot” for STA initiatives that had come to fruition during the past year, including the association’s new name, training with National Workforce Committee, all the projects and progress delivered by Beatrice Moonen’s productive and informative Fabrics Committee. He mentioned that still in their infancy were the Training and Editorial committees, and the newly formed Marine Fabricators sector. Also stepping down from COM were Kent Williamson and Gary Smith. Presiding over the new committee is Tom Gastin, with David Burton stepping up to Vice President. Jamie Howard continues on COM and newcomers are Connie Hellyar, Daniel Gollan and Glenn Barlow (who is also a "past president" of the association) Taking the podium, incoming STA President Tom Gastin paid tribute to Lance St Hill, Kent Williamson and Gary Smith before warmly thanking his wife Tamme for all her support . Tom highlighted the importance of mentoring and training and described the STA Accreditation Program as “huge”, other than all the associated benefits to members business it is a valuable tool in the education sector. Concluding, Tom quoted an old Tibetan proverb: “To the man who helps another up the mountain – he scales it himself.”
Corp USA addressed Latest technological advancements & global trends in fabrics. Touching on energy efficiency and sustainable design and focus on the growth of ‘green buildings’, much of his US based picture/ material echoed that of Peter Winter’s European outline. “While energy is ubiquitous and in constant demand, future
“The impact of the 2010 ACCC Act could pose a “serious problem” for fabricators and textile suppliers in relation to consequential damages, with ramifications over financial impact on profitability/cash
supplies are cause for concern. Increased energy consumption is
flow/business in general,” Peter said, before introducing the concept of
not sustainable for the ecosystem or in the financial context. The US
developing an industry scheme to cover this contingency.
government wants to constrain energy use and there is a drive toward carbon neutral buildings by 2025,” he said. “The green economy is helping drive solar protection - solar shade for windows/doors/skylights,” given that 30% of warmth is lost through windows. Jules’s slideshow outlined the science of fenestration (window) data, openness factor and solar heat and gain co-efficient SHGC. 100% of UV is blocked by sun shade fabrics which do not reflect UV. The solar protection industry comes with a swag of acronyms, among them IEQ (Indoor enviro quality), VOC (Volatile organic compounds)
“Our advice is to consider your exposure to the ACCC Act and costs would be lower if all STA members joined a public and products liability policy with a competitive underwriter,” he said. The premium pull was a chicken and egg exercise, and acknowledged that Best Practice and QC and STA member accreditation would be taken into account. Chris Nolan who is mindful of matters surrounding legal liability has been heavily involved in briefings with JLT.
Completing the SuperExpo
and GEI (GreenGuard Enviro Institute and certification for safer products).
Covering your business
Flying in from Sweden for the event was Henrik Svensson International Product Manager - Awnings, Turnils who addressed the Latest trends in external applications, A European approach to awnings; and The Blind Energy Rating Committee presented a string of Blind
Product Guarantee Insurance was the serious topic of Jeff Williamson, Chief Executive of chartered brokers Mainprice King, and Stuart McKellar of insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson. Bearing in mind that “the consumer is always right”, fabricators need to be aware of the extent of their liability under ACCC consumer
Energy Rating Scheme workshops. On the more physically active front, many members took to RACV Royal Pines Resort for the Radins Australia Golf Day to swing a club with varying degrees of success; and concluding the three-day SuperExpo marathon was the Gala Dinner & Hall of Fame at Jupiter’s Hotel.
legislation when it comes to remedy in the event of failure of their products to meet warranted performance. This liability, particularly significant consequential damages, cannot be legally transferred to a supplier, and they are particularly vulnerable
Editor’s note: The photos on these pages do not do justice to the size and vibrancy of the event, the enormous investment and creative endeavours by member businesses.
in the event of a significant claim yet insurance for this risk is virtually impossible to obtain.
Turn to pages 42-43 for more SuperExpo coverage and images. JUNE • JULY 2013 · 11
Young leaders
Young Leaders, new tricks The culmination of a lot of thought, planning and design was detailed by the two Young Leader teams at SuperExpo 2013. We can barely do justice over just two pages to the depth and breadth of these intricate designs and their execution, so what follows is a snapshot of each team’s creative endeavours that have benefitted the community in some way. By Nicola Card
Shade a Cause: a worthwhile pursuit
Representing the Shade a Cause Team at SuperExpo 2013 were Max
Project Manager: Brendan Allen of Ricky Richards. Team
Sydney’s west. In its present state the club house features an open area
members: Justin Esdaile of Triax, Max Hayman of Pattons,
which provides “good exposure” yet no shade, they said.
Michael Guinea of Shade Structures, Scott Bartlett of Bartletts, Chris Smith (in kind), Brad Clark and Linda Bester.
Hayman, Justin Esdaile and Brendan Allen who outlined their plans for inter-twining shade sails to be installed at the PCYC in Blacktown,
The team explained that to kick start processes they assessed the club site and surrounds, took measurements and then came up with concepts before sketching the ideas on the PC using sophisticated software, aided by Tom Gastin of Pattons. The merged sails symbolise interconnections which forms the fabric of any community, Max said. Using software to present their structure in 3D format enabled the team to spin it around and present a realistic view of the concept. The final design was agreed upon and then submitted to the PCYC for approval. “Their only request for change was the colour of the shade sail: from red and royal blue to navy and porcelain,” Max explained. Trevor Scott of Light Weight Structures took care of all design engineering processes and Max Hayman mastered the Gantt chart for all predictions. Steel fabrication was outsourced with Campbell and Heeps kindly picking up the bill. Scott Bartlett in Victoria took just two days to fabricate the sails which at the time of SuperExpo were en-route to Sydney. The Shade a Cause team approached the local Council to gain all necessary approvals and construction certificates, but unfortunately this part of the process caused unforseen delays.
Young leaders
Four team members have set aside time to install the shade sails and August 3 is earmarked for the launch. Reflecting on the processes, Max said in hindsight the team could have set more goals and carried out risk assessment and that contingency plans and more regular communication would have enabled them to spread the load more evenly. The Gen Y social media savvy team described Facebook as an
At SuperExpo 2013 Dwayne Rickard from Shann and Sam Duggan of MakMax took to the podium to present the Green Textiles team’s project which echoed the community based brief presented by Young Leaders Chief Jamie Howard. Describing the projects genesis Sam said “There was unanimous agreement that we needed to steer toward a greener future, and we wanted to promote the green house concept to kids, teach them the
invaluable communications tool for reaching sponsors and the public, and
benefits of growing fresh produce … so we designed a structure that
made good use of Evernote to circulate documents among the team.
is half greenhouse and half classroom.”
Max, Justin and Brendan thanked all Shade a Cause sponsors.
Green Textiles:Versatility and practicality Project Manager: Ben Thorburn of Thorline Products. Team members: Alberto Del Arco and Samantha Duggan of MakMax, Damien McDonald of DDT, Dwayne Rickard of Shann Australia, Brendan Saunders of Buz Software, David Splatt of HVG, and Michael Young of Nolan.UDA.
Wynnum West Primary School gave the thumbs up to the development of the green house, a 10 x 10 metre modular frame which allows classroom ‘walls’ to be open and closed. Each team member took on a different responsibility: Ben Thorburn was team leader for steel prefabrication and install; Alberto Del Arco and Sam Duggan took the helm for design and sponsorship; Damien McDonald of DDT was chief fabricator; Michael Young and David Splatt took care of marketing and sponsorship while Brendan Saunders of Buz managed marketing and social media. Shann provided channel blinds which enabled larger items to be installed in the structure, and provided the correct amount of shade. Polyfab provided Monofilament 70% shade cloth for the structure, a high density polyethylene weighing in at 210gsm. Selected for the waterproof component was Mehler Valmex TF400 Cristal. Other generous sponsors included Nolan.UDA, Steelman, Ozrig, Boral and the very industrious Focus Cover Systems. The MakMax team commenced fabrication before DDT’s Damien and Rob Miller took over.
Due credit Commending both teams, mastermind Jamie Howard said “Shade a Cause and Green Textiles team members have really stepped up to the plate to deliver what was specified.” The two structures were judged on their merits and Green Textiles was declared the winner during the evening’s Awards for Excellence ceremony. Photographs of the installed structures will feature in the next issue of Connections. 14 · CONNECTIONS
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special feature:
tensile structures
Defining tension structures The simplistic look and flow of a well designed tension structure belies the underlying complexity of engineering skill based on knowledge and expertise. By Nicola Card The architect for Phoenix Symphony
Tension structures: they look graceful
the Grand Pavilion: Oasis Tension Structures,
and harmonious, are relatively lightweight,
whose Managing Director Darryl Thomson
Hall advised the Oasis team he wanted a
can serve a variety of uses yet be onstructed
has been immersed in the industry for
large triangular shaped membrane on a
relatively quickly – what’s not to like and admire?
almost three decades and says tension
shallow incline. “After numerous and lengthy
structures are becoming increasingly
communications he agreed to change the
popular. Not without good reason.
design so it included a central flying mast,
Despite the burgeoning presence of such structures adoring the landscape, the concept is not new; ancient man stretched animal hides
“Tension structures provide greater
which introduced anticlastic curvature to the
over wooden frames to provide crude shelter.
versatility for architects to provide
fabric form,” Darryl said. “The City then had
And in a modern twist, Germany’s high-
lightweight and imaginative solutions
to be convinced that the structural design
efficiency, thermally insulated ‘Bear Skin House’
to large open spaces,” he said. “While
was adequate and other documentation
was inspired by the heat-absorbing properties
aesthetics are extremely important, large
met their procedural compliance. After
of the polar bear which only loses heat through
spans, translucency, construction techniques
more phone calls I decided it best to jump
the area around its eyes and muzzle.
and time constraints often favour tension
on a plane. Thirty minutes after the meeting
structures over conventional building forms.”
commenced we had verbal approval.
Still on remarkable facts: the 2012 London Olympic Stadium was designed with amazing
He says there is more to the “fascinating
Any doubts about the value of person to
precision and accuracy: the positioning of
topic” of shapes and sizes, and points to
person contact quickly evaporated after that
the last compression ring segment on the
the perception that larger structures are
experience. [But] A year after the project was
structure measuring 340m by 260m achieved
technically more difficult to design and
completed the fabric was badly damaged
a tolerance of just a few millimetres. The
construct than small ones, but says. “There
by a window cleaner and had to be fully
pinnacle of precision, perhaps.
is an opinion that larger structures consist
replaced.” In his experience the worst
of a replication of basic modular elements
threat is excessive fabric movement, closely
Sidney Myer Music Bowl which is one the
whereas smaller ones can consist of
followed by fire, sharp objects, friction and
oldest tension structures, while the largest
quite complex and unique elements.
chemical attack.
fabric tension structure of its type is the
The capability of our industry to satisfy
Dubai Port which was Darryl’s first major
aptly named Grand Pavilion at Melbourne
a broad spectrum of briefs is the most
project in the Middle East was the outcome
Showgrounds, seen gracing these pages.
pleasing thing.”
of a chance meeting with a vehicle importer
Impressive here in Australia is Melbourne’s
Connections tracked down the specialist contractor appointed to design and construct 16 · CONNECTIONS
Sometimes meeting those ‘briefs’ can take longer than anticipated.
at a trade show in Dubai. “The journey to contract award wasn’t particularly easy due
“We apply some skin friction or drag and usually apply a porosity factor when wind loading knitted shade cloth. This is an area that could do with more research and testing to fully understand how these fabrics behave at design wind loads.�
special feature:
tensile structures
to the convoluted nature of business dealings
competent installers or engineers should also
inconvenient (or sometimes even optional)
in that part of the world. The structure was
be scheduled on a regular basis; depending
fully designed and fabricated in Melbourne,
on the nature of the structure not less than
and we trained a local business to do the
every three to five years. Regular cleaning
installation under our supervision. I must
should also be part of a good maintenance
admit it was quite amusing to see a scissor lift
operated by six people, but that’s Dubai!”
Enemies of tensioned structures he says
Coping with challenge Primary design challenges include: competitive tendering on fixed fee jobs
include poor detailing, which can lead to
with variable scope which squeezes the
the dismantling and re-construction phase of
connection failure and overall collapse;
ability to respond appropriately to client
Melbourne Airport Car park structures, with
insufficient pre-tension which can cause
expectations; nailing down the correct fabric/
the team “often tempted to lift a car out of
ponding and failure, excessive movement
support interface geometry; managing client
the way when it had overstayed”. Reflecting
or flapping and failure. “Dangers lurk with
expectations; and more up-front involvement
on that project, Darryl said it exemplified the
insufficient slope to shed water, causing
to make sure engineering considerations are
importance of a maintenance program for
ponding and potential catastrophic failure;
accounted for from the start.
tension structures in public places.
and when inexperienced or under qualified
A few hurdles presented themselves during
Little wonder Joseph advocates a “good
designers cannot or do not appreciate - or
interface and dialogue” between installers
facilities for imported vehicles, with large
can’t calculate and deal with - the forces that
and designers at both design and installation
areas of vehicles protected by a hail
can be generated by wind on fabric.
stages. Unfortunately this is something of a
An example being the major storage
protection structure of some sort. Maintenance
“Insurance companies will get fed up
luxury in the competitive pricing process –
issues vary however the common requirement
with paying out on poorly designed or built
is to ensure there are no holes or tears in the
structures that seem to fail every time there’s
netting. Some structures require re-tensioning.
a ‘decent’ storm and without significant input
installation hinges on safety, potential for
from the industry this will probably blow up in
damage, time efficiency and co-ordination
our faces and hurt everyone – even those who
with other trades and key suppliers,
have been doing it right all along.
and although every project has unique
Maintenance matters Joseph Dean of Wade Design Engineers
“These can be permanent structures; they
and frequently overlooked. For his part Darryl Thomson says correct
elements, the main challenge is designing an
concurs on the importance of maintenance,
don’t have to fall down in a storm … I look
aesthetically pleasing structure which meets
stating that regular monthly or quarterly
forward to the day when good engineering
the client’s brief and budget allowance. “To
inspection by owners looking for anything
of these types of structures is valued for what
achieve this, the steel design must be as
that has changed or deteriorated would “be
it is and what it means for the integrity and
structurally efficient as possible. Designing
a good start … and a thorough inspection by
quality of a structure and not treated as an
a structure that is functional and efficient to
“I always like the fact that the forms achieved in tensioned fabric (and cable nets) reflect a true minimalist approach where the fabric serves as both structure and cladding. The forms can be simple and pure – like living structures in nature which always economize on material and generally follow obvious, efficient and elegant load paths.”
construct is important, as is the choice of fabric
SP36 Pedestal
and how it’s efficiently, analysed, patterned and
Austech Welders are proud to announce being appointed as the Australian distributor for the Smartseal by Seamtek range of hot air welders and seam tapers.
detailed for fabrication.”
Material decision Unsurprisingly, the choice of fabric and other materials for tension structures has grown considerably over three decades. “The best materials aren’t necessarily the most expensive but more importantly those
SP36 Side Arm
which satisfy the technical specification and (hopefully) exceed the client’s expectations. The design of tension structures is dependent fabric,” Darryl said. “Consequently the best fabrics to use have been thoroughly tested, documented and are covered by a meaningful warranty.”
For his part, Joseph has witnessed few changes in shapes or sizes of tension structures and he commented that the basic anticlastic forms of hypar (hyperbolic paraboloid) and cone don’t change; these are the building blocks and can be combined in various ways to achieve just
Seamtek are industry leaders in rotary hot air welding and seam sealing. Their welders/tapers feature Smartseal digital control technology. As the first rotary hot air welder to use a touch screen controlled PLC (a standard feature for over 10 years) the Seamtek welder/taper makes it easy for the operator to control on the fly speed adjustments and differential wheel speeds, repeat complex shape patterns and precisely control production variables.
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on reliable technical information about the
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Austech Welders Pty Ltd Managing Director — Greg Schmidt Ph: 0418 771 600 Fx: (08) 9498 3015 Email: info@austechwelders.com
www.austechwelders.com NSW Rep – Robin Pethybridge Ph: 0413 744 315 Email: gosew@optusnet.com.au Vic Rep – Mick Jewel Ph: 0417 352 130
about any design in shaped fabric. JUNE • JULY 2013 · 19
special feature:
tensile structures As a young graduate engineer 24 years ago,
Joseph added that in terms of cost, function
Joseph Dean was convinced that lightweight
and visual appeal, the advantages of tensioned
fabric structures could always beat conventional
fabric structures come to the fore covering
structures on price, but his perception has
large public spaces such as sports stadiums or
changed over the years. “I’ve seen comparison
grandstands, cafes, atrium covers between or
exercises for similar schemes in fabric and
within buildings, entry structures etc.
other materials where it can go either way,” he
He explained that the term ‘tension
said. “I still think tensioned fabric has the edge
structures’ is used by people to define
over conventional structures for long spans. On
tensioned fabric structures created from solid
the other hand I’ve seen ridiculously small fabric
or impermeable fabric, and included in the
structures where there simply should have been
category are knitted shade cloth or ‘shade
a tin roof!
sails’ form.
“In my view well designed and executed
“The engineering analysis of both of these
tensioned fabric structures have a lot of
types of structures is exactly the same in
advantages over conventional structures
principle and theory. One minor difference is
for many applications in terms of aesthetic
that we apply some skin friction or drag and
appeal, as a visual iconic element, and they
usually apply a porosity factor when wind
provide great ambience when translucent
loading knitted shade cloth. This is an area
fabrics are used.
that could do with more research and testing
“Lower energy costs can also be an
to fully understand how these fabrics behave
membrane structures have lasted over 20 years before they required replacement.” But could it be just the beginning, the tip of the iceberg for fabric tensile structures?
Spanning the millennium
advantage of using fabric in the right climate.
at design wind loads. What we do now is
I always like the fact that the forms achieved in
based on fairly limited research so there is
Many are confident of the vital role of fabric
tensioned fabric (and cable nets) reflect a true
plenty of scope for more work on this. That
structures in the post-peak oil economy: fabric
minimalist approach where the fabric serves
would be true to some extent for all fabric
is relatively lightweight, easy to transport and
as both structure and cladding.
types and fabric structure shapes.”
install and comes with low embodied energy
“The forms can be simple and pure – like living structures in nature which always economize on material and generally follow obvious, efficient and elegant load paths.”
Defining tension structures The category ‘tension structures’ - not to be confused with tensile structures which consist of elements containing only tension and no compression or bending - covers a broad range. The fabric element must be kept in tension to prevent it damaging itself and its structural support system.
and carbon footprint.
Life spans The life expectancy of fabrics depends on
to manufacture, fabricate and construct
their constituents: most knitted shade fabric
materials is constantly evolving, and that
structures last 10 years, PVC coated fabric
environmental and energy considerations will
structures almost double at 15-20 years, and
have significant bearing on future directions.
even more durable are PTFE and ETFE fabrics
“Advancements in fibre technology, coating
which are said to last for 25 or more years.
systems, chemical composition and recycling
According to Joseph Dean the first permanent
will continue to be driven by environmental
PTFE structure (seen at the University of La
and health concerns,” he commented.
Verne in California) turns 40 this year and
“Materials will become physically stronger
the fabric is holding up well. It would not be
but more light-weight. The development of
unreasonable to expect a lifespan of 50 or
new fabrics, composites and fire retardant
more years.
materials has been influential; InTeM ® is a
Given that the tensile fabric structure
Tension structures can consist of elements acting in tension and compression and sometimes bending. A typical shade sail structure usually consists of one or more sails under tension that are connected to posts acting as vertical cantilevers. The posts can act in bending, axial compression and tension depending on the individual load case.
industry in Australia is fairly mature, many
Desirable properties for tensile fabrics are: strong, flexible, lightweight, readily joined, while being resistant to UV, fire, dirt and tearing.
paramount. “Those structures have needed
What else might the future deliver? Darryl observes that techniques employed
structures will need fabric replacement
new form of composite material that provides environmentally safe thermal insulation.” Oasis invented InTeM in 2010, having no
during the next five years, which is good news
option if they were to remain in contention
for fabricators.
for a sports and Aquatic Centre project. The
The Wade Design team engineered some
alternative specified in the documentation was
PVC fabric structures for a fairly unique
a proprietary product made available to only
situation 21 years ago … glass was falling out
two other companies.
of a building and protection of the public was
A classic case of necessity being the mother of invention, you could say.
to have the fabric replaced twice since then because of the surface damage from falling
More information: www.wadeng.com.au
glass but they have done the job. Other PVC
2013 Awards for Excellence luminaries Intro: One of the highlights of the annual STA Expo is the Awards for Excellence ceremony. This year the prestigious event took place on the evening of the first day of SuperExpo, with hundreds gathered for a night of great entertainment and to help celebrate the success of an industry whose participants continue to raise the bar through increasingly complex and eye catching structures. From the large field of contenders just 11 winners – each displaying technical mastery and skill – could be selected. The text and images on the following pages illustrate the fruits of their labours.
Winner: Darling Downs Tarpaulins PROJECT: Floating cover at Sarina in North Queensland
Previously the product has been trucked
(Triad welders) was taken to the park with a
many kilometres to a landfill for disposal
portable generator for power. After battling
as it would contaminate local waterways if
some windy conditions we were able to
pumped in to the creek, transportation and
join the tarp in one piece after which we
disposal costing the company around one
devised a simple pulley technique (similar
million dollars.
to a roll-up blind) to roll the 4500 kg tarp on
There were some unique features of this
to a forklift and loaded it on a truck hired for
project: we were given just two weeks from
the purpose. Next we fabricated some air
hearing about the job to installation; and
tubes to fit in a pocket/sleeve that had been
had to manufacture a cover in one piece
sewn along one long face of the cover. When
measuring 115m x 114m; and install the large
we arrived on site we deployed these tubes
cove over a dam still full of product.
and inflated them with a "leaf blower" to the
Challenges included sourcing enough
required pressure. This gave us a tow point for floating the cover across the dunder.
The project was to supply and install a
suitable product in a short space of time
short term cover over a large holding dam
which our supplier was able to provide.
at a sugar mill ethanol plant in Sarina
Then we needed to both fabricate and roll
by providing a barrier between the two
North Queensland that was full of product,
the cover in one piece – the largest cover we
mediums and gave them a more saleable
the purpose being to prevent rainwater
have ever attempted. Finally, we needed to
contaminating the dunder.
transport the cover to Sarina and find a way
Dunder is a valuable by-product of sugar cane and is sold to local farmers as fertiliser
to deploy the cover with a minimum of staff. We fabricated the 17500 sqm cover in three
The project exceeded client expectations
DDT employs 15 staff and no contractors were used in this project which took 300 man hours to complete. They commented
provided it is not diluted with water, at which
large pieces which we then transported to a
that it was “Probably the largest tarp ever
stage it must be disposed of in a suitable area
local park where we were able to roll out the
fabricated in one piece and transported
due to environmental concerns.
covers for joining. All our welding equipment
to a site.”
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 21
Winner: Aussie Boat Covers (Vic) PROJECT: Beneteau Oceanis Bimini top and spray dodger at Sandringham Yacht Club, Victoria The client wanted a set of covers that complemented their boat’s lines, was functional, used the best fabrics, and was to the their specifications. In this instance the client had preconcieved ideas of what they wanted and wished to be involved in every decision along the way, including being present when the job was pattered. Apart from the specific design the spray
challenge, and teaching the owner how to use them proved valuable. Allowing lots of visibility
dodger covers the companionway and creates
for the dodger and bimini made for difficult
a covered area for storage on deck and out of
manufacture - but with great results.
the oncoming weather while sailing. The bimini
The size of the front clear panels in the spray
top was designed to create sun shade over
dodger is very different to traditional spray
the helm and cockpit and sit at the top of the
mast through the bimini. Easy storage was also important. Making the covers zip to the decks and frames for ease of removing and refitting was a
Design, patterning and installation took place at Sandringham Yacht Club, the boat is moored at Geelong Yacht Club and sailed mainly in Geelong Harbour and Port Phillip Bay. Note: every part of the project was manufactured by Aussie Boat Covers (Vic) including stainless steel fabrication.
Moving with the times – Awards for Excellence revamp Changes to the STA Awards for Excellence program include the scrapping of an overall winner and a limit of three project entries per category by any member company. Some sub-categories were added to make entry and judging fairer, while specific questions were included in awards applications to assist with project descriptions. The Young Achiever Category remains as is, namely for employees aged 35 or younger.
Winner: Blinds by Peter Meyer
Soltis 86 fabric was used as it is a precontrain fabric that was one of the strongest on the market. We also welded the pockets to ensure the strength would not deteriorate over time, and added three sleek folding arn awnings that were imported from Wareema in Germany for their quality and style. On these awnings we used their FR Acrylic fabric as this was required by the client.
PROJECT: Merewether Surf House at Henderson pde, near Newcastle
The fixed awnings we designed - the product isn’t readily available and we had to spend many hours developing it to ensure it was fit for purpose - were used on all levels
The client came to us with a specific brief:
of the building that face the ocean and the
a structure that could cope with the harsh
folding arm awnings were used on the rear of
environment, namely the strong winds that the
the building to cover the cafe areas.
Surf House endures year round. We designed
We used an 80mm tube that was under
a system to cope with all requirements and
constant tension that yielded in high winds to
won the tender on our technical ability.
ensure nothing would break. Designing the
We were also contracted to installed
right amount of tension so the spring held
motorised Roller blinds on the interior of the
tight, while the fabric would not get damaged
client’s building. Our specifically designed
was the hardest part. The building has won a number of Building
constant tension system - in-built high tension
Hours of testing was undertaken and we
spring system designed to give/yield in high
had to take our welding equipment onsite a
and Design awards and we have been
winds - gave these fixed awnings the strength
number of times to ensure we got the welds
nominated for a number of awards for
and stability to withstand high winds.
perfectly fitted, this in itself was no easy task!
innovative design with the fixed awnings.
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The complex part was the bush poles that the blind components had to attach to; with our client insisting we maintain the look and shape
Winner: WeatherSafe WA
of the poles. We built a frame across the gable spanning five metres and attached to the bush pole in such a way that the poles knotted and knarly appearance
PROJECT: Slidetrack patio blinds on bush poles at Stratham in Western Australia
was maintained. Then we squared up and attached the side running rails to the poles, noting in some instances the sail city knots in the poles protruded up to 80mm.
The client’s beautiful residence features an
The most difficult challenge we faced was
outdoor alfresco area with classic bush poles
attaching the side running rails to the bush
and wooden floor, a built in BBQ and bar fridge
poles without interfering with the poles’
and more, but it was of no use to thee owners
integrity. Our client wanted to see the poles
from mid afternoon when the sea breeze would
and their rugged appearance from the inside
blow in and hot sun pound down.
and there was no way to fit them on the
match the colour of the blinds and to contrast
outside without building an unsightly frame.
against the bush pole.
Our mission was to enclose the openings around the outdoor alfresco area to reduce the
Our brainstorming session produced a
We then glued the angle into the slot and set
impact of the wind, rain and sun and make it
simple solution: we sawed a 4mm groove
it to perfectly level. Once the glue had set we
easy to open up when the weather was fine.
into the side of the poles that we could slot a
completed the fixing with some screws. Once
length of 100mm x 50mm x 3mm angle iron
the angle was in it was a simple matter to attach
manufactured to completely screen out the
into. At our widest point there was at least
the Slidetrack blind system to the perfectly
weather when the screens were in place and to
20mm of attachment to the pole.
square framework that we had built.
The patio blinds were designed and
create an open exposed area when the screens
We manufactured a gig that we could clamp
This complex project has given us the
where retracted out of the way. Six retractable
into place onto the poles so that our circular
confidence to tackle difficult situations and
screens were installed to the height of the
saw would travel perfectly down the length of
unless this has been done before, it may be
patio and two permanent filler screens were
the pole and we set that at a depth of 100mm.
a unique solution that we can offer to other
attached to the gable.
We powdercoated the angle iron black to
STA members.
Winner: Sail City
of shade, reminiscent of the clients life as a
from 125/125/5mm RHS, trussed up with
sailing master on the tall ships.
yardarms and lightening ball then galvanised and
The shade sails are the focal point of the old sailor’s deck space.
PROJECT: The Ancient Mariner in Gidgegannup Western Australia
The timber framing under the decking
painted. The remaining side posts were carefully cut to lean out from the deck beams and fixed to concrete footing pillars. Roof attachment plates
consists of sensational old woods of very
were cabled directly to concrete footings through
large dimension. As the under-decks housed
wall cavities using stainless steel wire rope and
The project centred on continuing a nautical
the collected water supplies in vast tanks, the
turnbuckle tensioners
theme around the dwelling with shade involved,
builder used 12” by 12” solid beams and posts
the client being a crusty old salt, blown ashore
in abundance.
in WA and destined to serve his remaining
The 12' by 12" cross framing to the beams and
3D software was used throughout the design process and the customer easily understood the visual presentation. All design and engineering difficulties were
days on the deck of his plank home, confined
posts allowed fixing of a mast plate with thread
to a wheelchair (his albatross, he calls it).
adjusters, which allow the pitch, lean or yaw of
overcome, thanks to the quality of the framing and
the mast to be altered several degrees in any
footing materials available for all fixing points and
direction. The mast was designed and fabricated
load transfers.
The purpose was to construct a comfortable entertaining area an interesting and novel twist
Winner: Abacus Shade Structures PROJECT: Freshwater Village Plaza near North Manly, NSW The project involved revitalising a dull dilapidated
In response to conflicting resident demands
west blocking summer sun from the west and at the end of the day.
community plaza in the iconic Sydney beachside
for more shade, Council sent 2730+ letters
suburb of Freshwater Village with a striking
to residents and businesses in the area
shade structure, covering a community meeting
requesting submissions on how to beautify the
was gaining support for the structure from
place.When the local council chose not to replace
space. 87% of responses supported building a
impassioned residents.
a daggy but well used shade cloth structure,
shade structure.
residents took action, and the project emanated
The design came from our portfolio of online
from a community push to have more shade for
designs. The final design was put on exhibition
their local plaza. In October 2011 the Manly Daily
for comment in July 2012 prior to going to tender.
posted a photo of a peaceful demonstration by 40
The public consultation and tender process
Other than tight timing, the main challenge
Our modus oeprandi: Start with a creative idea. Design it. Perfect the design. Then make it real. Make it happen. How special is that! The locals wanted more shade and they got more shade. As reported in the local paper
local residents, each under an umbrella to show
took over two years but once the tender was
“Freshwater Village is now a place in the shade.
their opposition to the lack of sun protection.
awarded, the structure had to be built within
Freshwater has a solid permanent structure in
eight weeks.
place, improving public facilities for visitors,
A lengthy public consultation process meant the project was up for intense scrutiny from the
The resultant shadecloth structure
locals and businesses.” With a community in the local area that is quick
onset. The initial 2010 upgrade proposal was
maximises the level and period of shade. This
controversial as some street parking would be
is due to the structure’s downward sweeping
to make their demands known not one person
removed for the larger benefit of improving
curves and the angle of the lower second sail
has criticised this project, and the Council now
community facilities.
of the structure which is directed towards the
plans to use the design in other locations. JUNE • JULY 2013 · 27
Winner: MakMax
commonly in Arabic traditional mosaic art and which enhance the natural appearance of the structure helping it to blend into the
PROJECT: Souk Okaz Public Theatre in Taif City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
surrounding landscape and architecture.
The Souk Okaz was a famous bazaar dating
challenge as the site contains many holy rocks
back to the pre-Islam era, which served as the
that were not to be disturbed or moved. Large
Arabic cultural centre for poets’ exchanges and
footings were prohibited and rock anchors had
elastomeric bearing pads to allow the required
challenges. It was revived in 2008 as The Souk
to be used. The fabric had to be printed which
thermal movements.
Okaz Festival, a public theatre with a seating
presented several challenges in both longevity
capacity of 3000 that serves as a venue for
of the coating in the harsh sun conditions of
project prevented construction of two concrete
cultural activities such as theatrical plays, poetry
the Arabian desert and in patterning and
towers; because fabric and cables were already
competitions and an annual poetry festival.
fabricating the individual sections to ensure the
being fabricated we replaced the large concrete
patterns aligned.
tower with a steel tri-chord truss column
This 10,700 sqm project took 700 man hours to complete. Founding the tension tie backs was a large
Located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Taif is
The sighting of holy rocks midway through the
founded on small plinth footings fixed into the
in a mountainous region approximately two hours
The main roof truss spanned 60m between
inland from Jeddah and close to the ancient holy
RC towers. Detailed coordination with the tower
site of Mecca. The project was to deliver both a
designers was necessary to create corbels
functional public space for cultural activities and
that could support the truss, allow for thermal
the entire truss on the ground and crane it
evoke ambience reminiscent of the ancient pre-
expansion and contraction of the steel truss
into position, so 24m high temporary scaffold
Islamic era of a bustling Bedouin market place.
and accommodate the anticipated construction
towers were constructed to carefully calculated
The architectural form was inspired and
deviations from design of the concrete towers.
install loads. Installation of membrane panels
adapted from Bedouin style tents, with
To achieve this an oversized steel bearing pot
had to be staged to fit in with other site works,
the superstructure designed using similar
was cast into the corbel after the main concrete
therefore analysis of the partially installed
details where possible. The membrane is
had cured and was fixed with chemical anchors
structure was undertaken to determine the
PVC coated polyester fabric printed with
and a large shear key. The truss bearing plates
temporary bracing required.
geometric shaped patterns and forms used
would then fit into these pots combined with
ground using rock anchors. There was insufficient room to construct
With a structure this size careful consideration was needed designing joints, allowing for adjustment at connections to ensure that any fabrication and construction inaccuracies could be easily dealt with on site. Many base plates were designed as two-piece plates, connected with long threaded rods to enable adjustment on site before being welded together with cover plates. The main connections at the portecochere are fixed with 89mm bow shackles to Steel CHS beams hidden inside the main tower. Here a complex sleeving system is used to jack the fixing CHS against the wall of the tower using hydraulic rams to achieve the design location of the front membrane plates with the ability to adjust as required. Souk Okaz Public Theatre fits into the surrounds and serves as a cultural landmark and on opening received very favorable reviews and widespread national media coverage.
Winner: Big Red Shade Products PROJECT: La Trobe University open learning space, Bundoora Campus Bundoora Campus, Victoria
Our steel frame has a bespoke design. The one-piece canopy extends from the front at 4m above ground to the back at just 700mm above ground to provide good weather protection with
The project entailed renovation of a quadrangle area at La Trobe University to provide a useable
very clean lines. Challenges included designing and
space with an iconic architectural structure;
manufacturing the complex curved
to provide an outdoor classroom and meeting
columns, also manufacturing components
area with weather protection and architectural
to permit on-site assembly, accommodating
appeal with unique design flair.
access restrictions.
The support columns are of a unique and
The project totalling 150sqm took 400 man
complex shape, as access had to be considered
hours to complete – successfully, on time and
in the design phase.
on budget.
NEW Durkopp Adler model: H867 Unbeatable high performance heavy duty sewing with Durkopp Adler M-TYPE technology
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The large clearance (700 x 157mm) facilitates the handling of large area work pieces bottom feed, needle feed and alternating walking feet
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Up to 12mm long stitches Extremely high sewing foot lift of 25mm The sewing foot stroke up to 9mm allows material piles New needle system of 328
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with the very best in after sales support via, product application knowledge, unequaled spare part deliveries and factory trained service technicians is the benchmark in the industry. Isn’t it time you took a closer look? | PO Box 130 | 3 Gunya Street Regents Park NSW 2143 Telephone (02) 9645 2500 | Fax (02) 9644 4711 | E-mail info@dasec.com.au | www.dasec.com.au
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 29
Winner: Light Weight Structures
The structure has a maximum height of 9.8m
existing building and required a full weatherproof
decreasing to a height of 4.1m along the framed
seal from the existing buildings to the structure.
perimeter. On droppers positioned on the
The northern end of the structure was designed
wishbone structural support energy efficient slim
with curved structural support to add stability
profile lights uplight and illuminate the canopy
to the curved fabric canopy. The low perimeter
creating a shadow free environment for nighttime
beam on the western side provides much
The 1820sqm project was designed to offer
use. The northern and southern ends of the
needed protection from hot afternoon sun and
weather protection to bowlers, nighttime use
structure are designed with curved structural
prevailing weather conditions (wind and rain).
of the green in a residential setting, and offer
support to add stability to the fabric canopy,
minimal cleaning maintenance over the life of
encapsulate artificial light, and provide much
the 44 mt span of the playing arena delivered
the structure.
needed protection from the hot summer, morning
an element of complexity. To overcome this
and afternoon sun and prevailing weather.
our design engineer developed the artistic
PROJECT: East Cessnock Bowling Club in Victoria Street, East Cessnock, NSW
Unconventionally the beauty of the project is held on the underbelly of the 1820 sqmts
Externally the canopy is a ridge and valley
Maintaining minimalist design lines over
copyright ‘wishbone configuration with valley
fabric canopy. Designed as an alternative to the
formation although the vast majority of the
cable’ (2011) using leaning arch single pipe
visual clutter and high cleaning maintenance
structure is hidden behind buildings. The
sections and valley cables to create stability
of existing trussed steel open ended structures
roadside external view of the structure
and support the fabric roof canopy. The
our design engineer created a fully framed
emphasises the high functionality of the project –
compilation of features determining the
structure with a wishbone shaped structural
protection from the elements and nighttime use.
copyright work include: ridge and valley style
steel support using two of the strongest
For environmental and financial reasons the
canopy; multiples of wishbone configuration
structural elements, arches and triangles in a
playing surface on the green was to be replaced
supporting the tensile canopy; leaning arch
leaning arch formation with valley cable.
with a synthetic playing surface. The presence
sections; structural cables positioned on the
of the structure would allow for guaranteed
top surface of the fabric canopy; full perimeter
duty pipe in a wishbone shape configuration
game scheduling and the ability to guarantee
beam; and lights supported on structural
with valley cables spanning the project width
nighttime bowling.
dropper members.
Our design uses large sections of heavy-
of 44.3 metres.
The project was designed as an elegant
The structural combination was well matched.
means of offering maximum weather
The wishbone configuration with valley cable
three wishbone structural configurations
protection, encapsulating nighttime lighting
offers support to the fabric roof canopy but does
support the fabric canopy. Adding strength
and encompassing minimal cleaning
not detract from the translucent beauty of the
and contrast to the canopy’s form, halfway
maintenance over the life of the structure.
tensioned membrane.
between each wishbone support, valley
Choice of structural design and fabric choice
cables sit over the canopy tensioning the
was essential to this outcome.
For this project over a length of 41.1 metres,
fabric and creating a series of deep valleys. Hence the Ridge and Valley canopy.
The eastern and southern sides of the project were constructed in close proximity to the
The local building code dictated that water runoff from the canopy had to be directed into retention pond before allowing the water to flow into the storm water system. Guttering
is incorporated into the perimeter frame with connection by downpipes to the storm water system. Specialised fabric flashing was developed to direct the water from the roof canopy into the roof guttering. Foundations: the geotechnical report and underground services report identified that the site consisted of fill and numerous services, which required careful vacuum excavation to
avoid damage. Site-specific foundations had to be developed for the project to overcome the numerous obstacles presented with the underground services. Tight timelines were dictated by the sporting
Winner: Clarke Shade Sails
club’s reliance on ongoing revenue from use of the playing surface and the restaurant, bar and gambling facilities.
PROJECT: Australian Open Tennis, Melbourne Park Complex
Delays in obtaining the Development Application through the local council resulted in
The project was to design, pattern and
an extremely tight manufacturing and installation
construct infill panels and shade canopies
timeline. From the date of signing of the contract
to player seating and the Umpire chairs at
the project was completed in just 22 weeks. Site
the Australian Tennis Open at multiple courts
survey, engineering and documentation three
around the Melbourne Park Complex. Rod
weeks. Development application approval ten
Laver /Hi-Sense Arena and Margaret Court
weeks. Material manufacture and installation nine
Arena and all the outside courts. Approx 40 +
weeks. (Onsite installation and disruption to the
in total
club five of nine weeks as suggested above).
The client requested that both seating areas
Achieving the promised handover date required
be able to carry areas of sponsorship signage
coordinated project management and error free
and printed designs while remaining cool
product delivery from all suppliers.
enough for the electronics within the seat
The project represents an authentic Light Weight Structure with the ratio of structural steel to surface area of the fabric canopy being 20.8 kg per sqmt
bases. The seating also needed to provide shading and sun protection. The Chair design was extremely challenging
of fabric. This project is an example of sustainable
in terms of shape and contouring. Liaison with
construction; it uses lesser amounts of structural
the frame manufacturer was critical in producing
steel to offer the same roof coverage but with a
a design prototype that would allow each trade
more sustainable outcome ie. Supporting a fabric
to finish the work with minimal delays. Multiple
canopy as opposed to metal roofing resulted in
prototyping was performed and run past the
a 54% reduction in structural steel. Furthermore
designers and client for sign off. Many a sleepless
The complex design of the hood with rolled
PVC fabric can be recycled at the end of the life of
night was had in this period!
extrusions made for a complex fabrication of the
the canopy through a recycling process.
The shape of the side wraps on the Umpire
Importantly this project represents a
chair was extremely tricky, having to meet the
to allow for a tensioned look when reinstalled
development in structural form. The combination
designers intent and required contours. A pocket
after removal for night games.
of the elegant minimalist wishbone structural
insert with an aluminium extrusion was 'invented'
support combined with an undulating fabric line
to provide edge shape and even out tension in
out neatly and uniformly. The result was a series
and soaring height creates an open expanse
the side panels.
of chairs which are very practical in their function
that has transformed the once exposed site into
The use of aluminium inserts to provide even
skins and the pattern needed to be very accurate
The fabric had to keep its shape and also pull
and that look fantastic up close and on TV. The
a multipurpose all weather function centre that is
tension was unique as the tension devices
feedback from users was very positive and the
recognised as a landmark within the region.
needed to be discrete and form part of the final
courtside staff involved in removing or replacing
In-house our company completed the full
shapes. While not new for larger type work the
the hoods say they are very easy to operate.
architectural design, engineering and project
fine detail of the chairs made it quite challenging.
management and installation of the built 1820
The solar canopies on the umpire chairs also
demanded by the chairs design and the accuracy
sqmt tensile structure. We supported regionally
needed to be removable and fit within the
required due to the extensive TV coverage
based Australian
seat edge and framework when folded away.
worldwide made this a very challenging job.
While small in nature and scope, the shapes
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 31
Winner: Jamie Howard PROJECT: Kmart Alice Springs, Stott Terrace The original hip and ridge shade cloth structures covering the Kmart Car park in Alice Springs blew away in a storm. Spanning 1799m2, replacement structures had to be long lasting and structurally sound, provide waterproofing and sun protection to the vehicles. The client did not want to involve multiple contractors; instead just one contractor who could manage the entire process. Jamie Howard who is highly skilled in all aspects of a project from estimation to project delivery successfully delivered the complete top to tail design and construction, managing the entire process and wholly completing all fabric patterns, detailed drawings (including a 3D model) for installation diagrams, fabrication layouts, cable schedules and corner plate details. Jamie also prepared footing details and set out diagrams for the surveyors, detailed drawings for the install of the steel, and bills of materials.
He gained building approvals in a different state with different regulations, and managed the engineering phase and design elements. More specifically: GA designs, engineering design meetings and documentation, design changes due to underground soil and service conditions, nesting of panels to suit fabric availability, membrane plate detailing, OHS documentation, surveying the original area with varying fall throughout, completing initial and updating Gantt charts, as well as managing freight, ordering all required materials, bolts, hardware, site set up and contractors. All of the components, apart from footings, were fabricated 2000klms from site and delivered in one process. One specific challenge involved the impact of the mighty Todd river which over millions of years has created a bed of river sand 1.5m below ground level. This meant all 20 footings had to change from an initial bored pier design to large pad footings. One footing had to be revised to straddle a major high voltage power cable powering Alice. Lighting was also included in the scope and Jamie had to ensure that lux reading requirements were tested and adhered to and also the electrical contractors could install in a streamlined manner. To enable the Kmart store car park to remain in continual operation throughout the installation process the temporary fencing around the site areas had to be moved many times. Jamie devised a plan to position the site storage in a location that was accessible from within the fenced areas at all times. Jamie was onsite for four days of the final install, throughout the final tensioning and sign off for all of the structures. He tackled this challenge head on from the start; was the first contact with the client and over 18 months he created multiple design options and budget revisions to accommodate the client’s needs. He was simultaneouly responsible for delivering more than 20 other projects. Jamie was just 21 years old when he started the Kmart job and yes, he did it all!
Superexpo wrap Images by Nicola Card
am rter Textiles te The Wax Conve
Debbie of ATS
Romance blossoms
Jennifer Elmer of Mermet
34 · CONNECTIONS k’s expertise on show John Clar
Daniel Gollan of HVG
What’s the Buz?
Other than presentin g generous prizes and giveaways “so you ca spend you’re whole n prove you didn’t day at the casino!” Miami Stainless sponso Café and Coffee Pit red the very popular stop areas as well as live music all day Th ursday and Friday.
One of Australia’s largest ranges of stainless steel shade sail hardware High quality stainless steel fittings and wire rope
Large stock holdings with same day dispatch and efficient delivery Australia wide Extensive range of hand and hydraulic swage tools, cutters and accessories Professional staff to help choose the right components for your project
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 35
The advantages of becoming a member Learn, share and network with others in the industry who have a similar passion for our industry at national and state based events held throughout the year. Have your say about the direction of our industry and association through involvement on Council of Management, industry focus groups and special interest groups.
Educate and inform others using Connections Magazine to communicate to a niche market hungry for knowledge and news about our industry. Members can use Connections to advertise their products and services to their target markets. Get listed in our comprehensive member and product directory - published in hard copy and searchable online.
Connect with buyers and suppliers by exhibiting, presenting or attending one of the premier exhibition and conference events in this region.
Differentiate yourself from non members by making use of the Specialised Textiles Association logo on your stationery and other collateral.
Be acknowledged for your great work by entering your projects into the Awards for Excellence, an annual competition, designed to recognise excellence and innovation in our industry.
Access expert information and advice by accessing the specialist knowledge and expertise of our member fabricators, installers and suppliers. Specialised Textiles Association is also a member of Australian Industry Group with access to comprehensive range of information and member advices on employee and industrial relations, occupation health and safety issues and much more.
Take advantage of event discounts by enjoying reduced fees on a variety of events such as the annual trade exhibition and advertising in Connections Magazine. Your membership also gives you access to IFAI bookstore at discounted rates.
Manufacturers, installers and suppliers. Together we cover the world.
Specialised Textiles Association Inc. Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone 03 9521 2114 n Local Call 1300 555 787 Fax 03 9521 2116 n office@specialisedtextiles.com.au ABN 83 594 171 330 n Registration Number A0010895W www.specialisedtextiles.com.au Association
Specialised Textiles Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone 03 9521 2114 Fax 03 9521 2116 www.specialisedtextiles.com.au n
Specialised Textiles Association Inc. Suite 201, 22 St Kilda Road, St Kilda Vic 3182 Phone 03 9521 2114 Local Call 1300 555 787 Fax 03 9521 2116 office@specialisedtextiles.com.au ABN 83 594 171 330 Registration Number A0010895W www.specialisedtextiles.com.au n
Membership Application Form
Current from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014
Company / Business Name ABN or ACN #
Please supply proof of business registration with this application
Does your business trade under any other name?
n Yes n No
If yes, what is the other trading name
Address State
Telephone (
Fax (
Name of Business Owner
Position held in business
Name of second business contact/representative
Position held in business
Has this business or any other business owned by you (either now or previously) ever been reported to the ACCC? (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) If yes, please provide details to accompany this application What area of the industry are you involved in? n Blinds and Awnings n Marine n Motor Trimmer
n Flags and /Banners n Sailmaker n GeoSynthetics
n Shade Sails installer n Shade Sail Fabricator
n Yes n No
n Supplier to the industry (specify) n Other
What Products do you manufacture, design or supply?
Full Membership Category n n
n n
FABRICATOR Construction/Manufacture from prepared components SuPPLIER Material/Component/Equipment /Services
Do you belong to any other Industry Association?
n Yes n No
ASSOCIATE Individuals interested in STA objectives AFFILIATE Organisations affiliated with STA
If Yes, please list
All membership applications are required to be proposed and seconded by 2 existing Specialised Textiles Association Members – If you do not know of any Members, please contact our Office for further assistance Proposed by
Company Name
Seconded by
Company Name
I, (name of business owner) agree to abide by the Statement of Purposes and Rules of the Association and its Code of Ethics. I understand that should at any time any of the information supplied by me is found to be false/ incorrect, my membership will be immediately withdrawn from the Association. Signature (of business owner)
Annual Membership Fees
Payment Details
Tiered fee structure based on average number of employees (Prices are inclusive of GST)
n n
1 to 5 Employees
6 to 15 Employees
16 or more employees Associate Affiliate
$1155 $160 $190
(pro-rata Rate applies July through to March plus $100 processing fee. This will be calculated by STA office)
EFT - Payments to NAB - BSB # 083 155 - Account # 1991 93312 Cheque
Credit Card Number Expiry Date
n /
Visa /
Name as it appears on card Signature Date
n n n n n
Amount $
Innovation Metrics - made simple ROI is the name of the game! Just ask any chief executive, businesses are about profits. Make no mistake about that. Consequently decisions and new initiatives need to be implemented with a mindset of returning value to shareholders. This is one of the prime responsibilities of company Directors and management alike. All significant investment decisions should be made with the mindset of the return on the investment they will deliver.
Outcome = Output / Input Where: • Outcome should be greater than 1 • Input is most often dollars spent in real terms in funding the innovation initiative and bringing new initiatives into the business as well as the time cost expended in dollar terms • Output is revenue earned or costs reduced as a result of the innovation initiative. No doubt many would argue, especially those charged with
The Innovation initiative
implementing innovation, that the above is too simplistic. However
Many companies these days employ people to develop and manage
one must ask, “why are we doing this if it’s not to improve business
innovation within the business. Some do it for the right reason, to increase
outcomes”? I suggest this is the question that really matters. Further,
shareholder value, others perhaps because it may be the “done thing” to
many will argue that if we persist with the innovation initiative long
be seen to have an in-house innovation capability.
enough it will surely one day produce that gold nugget.
If the innovation initiative is not retuning on its investment within 18 month
On the contrary, the longer the innovation initiative goes without
to two years at the most, then like all investments, its ongoing funding needs
producing a valued tangible outcome the less likely it is, as people
to be seriously questioned.
lose confidence and the initiative loses vigour and enthusiasm.
In the case of research the drivers are little different, especially pure research where outcomes may take a great many years to mature, if indeed
Some Real Metrics
they do at all. However, understanding the difference between innovation
Below is a list of measures that can be gathered as fact, not opinion:
and research and the different risk profiles is not the subject of this article..
• Number of ideas submitted for evaluation • The ratio of the number of ideas submitted to ones actually
The trusted and true business axiom There is an old axiom in business and management, “if you can’t measure it, don’t change it”. This is so true and any business that makes changes without some metric to test the effect is simply flying blind. The same can be said for innovation.
implemented • Rate or Trajectory of idea submission (you can be sure this will decline over time unless the innovation initiative is producing results and rewards) • Number of different people submitting new ideas over time (again the diversity of submitters will decline if there are no perceived
Keep it Simple In simple terms the measurement should be based on the simple equation as a figure of merit:
positive outcomes) • Cost trajectory of the innovation department or initiative within the business (you can expect this to increase over the first two years as the initiative gathers momentum. However, this must be curtailed if it is not delivering measurable outcomes).
What Now? The statistics cited in a research paper some years ago are sticking and highlight the necessity for innovation. Indeed the paper noted that whereas the life expectancy of a company in the 1920s was 65 years, today it is less than 10 and those that fail to innovate fail to survive. Innovation is an imperative, do it once and do it right and don’t be blindsided by some idealistic vision of innovation as some mystical pursuit for the specially gifted. This is business and business is about delivering real outcomes and real profits. This must be the overriding consideration.
Roger La Salle is the creator of the "Matrix Thinking"™ technique and is widely sought after as an international speaker on Innovation, Opportunity and business development. He is the author of four books, Director and former CEO of the Innovation Centre of Victoria (INNOVIC) as well as a number of companies both in Australian and overseas. He has been responsible for a number of successful technology start-ups and in 2004 was a regular panellist on the ABC TV’s New Inventors program. In 2005 he was appointed to the ‘Chair of Innovation’ at The Queens University in Belfast. Matrix Thinking is now used in more than 26 countries and licensed to one of the world’s largest consulting firms. www.matrixthinking.com
STA welcomes new and returning members
new members
Interviews with Nicola Card Thomas Broomhead ONE SHADE SAILS 60 Pinnaroo Drive, Padbury WA 6025 Phone : 0433 975 066 www.oneshade.com.au tom@oneshade.com.au Tom has clocked up seven years in the shade sail industry, and it was two years ago that he started ONE Shade Sails. “Previous to this I was working for Taskers shade sails where I started as an installer and fabricator, I later went on to manage the shade sail department before leaving to start my own company,” he told Connections. Back in 2004, after graduating from a “Specialising in shade sails, I think the
university in the UK, Tom pursued what many would consider a dream existence, spending
industry challenges lie with the lack of
almost three years travelling and teaching
specific trade standards. It is often difficult
windsurfing in far flung regions of the globe. It
in WA to compete with companies that are prepared to fix to structures that are unsuitable. “But as a company we are always looking to do things better … that means better designs and superior methods of installation along was a vocation that led to his current abode. “I decided to make Western Australia my
with improved work practices.” In the ideal world Tom sees a future for
home because of the perfect windsurfing
his company that involves a move towards
conditions!” he told Connections.
tensioned membrane structures.
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 39
new members Neil Hancock AUSSIE BOAT COVERS St Kilda Marina, Marina Parade, Elwood Vic 3184 Phone: 03 9537 3677; 0413 942 050 www.aussieboatcovers.com.au neil@aussieboatcovers.com.au Does the name Aussie Boat Covers ring a bell? The company picked up the coveted 2013 STA Award for Excellence for Marine, Motor Trimming and Custom Covers as featured on page 22.
“Our fabrics of choice are many and varied
“In the following ten years we relocated
from Sunbrella canvas to Strata Glass clear
the business to Bennetts Road, Mornington
and Marine Tuft carpet. We bend and roll all
in a purpose built factory which we built
and back then was located in Mornington. “The
our stainless steel framing which allows us
ourselves and employed many talented
business evolved from our company at the time,
full control of custom specific designs and the
people who went on to start their own
Mornington Trimming Service, and had been
flexibility to modify shapes in house to suit
established on the Peninsula since 1975,” Neil
each customer and their desires.”
Aussie Boat Covers was registered in 1992
Hancock told Connections.
Neil has not always been immersed in
“Over the next few years I was part of a committee that instigated a Motor
Patterson Lakes was home to Aussie Boat
marine. He commenced his apprenticeship
Trimming accreditation program, started
Covers until the buildings were demolished in
in 1977 while working for a motor trimmer
five apprentices of which three completed
2004 at which time they relocated to the current
in Melbourne’s east. Attending Batman TAFE
their time; finished three other apprentices;
premises at St Kilda Marina.
Neil won Best First and Third year apprentice
launched Aussie Boat Covers and relocated
and the Silver Medallion in 1981.
that business to Patterson Lakes Marina. Then
“Currently we specialise on servicing the larger boat community, motor boats and yachts.
Neil formed his own company, Hancock
I sold Mornington Trimming Service to focus solely on the marine industry,” said Neil.
From a yachting perspective we offer complete
Motor Trimming, when aged just 20 and
design and construction of spray dodgers, bimini
ran it until 1985 when he took a job as a
tops, link sheets, boom tent, hatch and winch
sales representative. The following year he
your own industry helps you to deal
covers, interior and exterior upholstery and
accepted a job with Mornington Trimming
with challenges and hurdles that present
carpets. For motor boats we offer the same as
Service working at Westernport Marina
themselves at a very rapid rate such as
well as clear enclosures for flybridge cruisers
and bought the company with his wife
staffing issues, quality training and guidance,
and large sports runabouts,” Neil explained.
Kerri in 1989.
government compliance (tax, super, workers
“My view is that being proactive in
comp etc), adequate relevant insurance, embracing technology and dealing with our environmental impact,” Neil said. “I see my involvement with the STA enhancing my skills and abilities to move forward in business and find new opportunities. The next five years will most likely be my most enjoyable from a business development point of view as I intend focusing more on my managerial skills and passing on my work skills to the next generation of marine fabricators.” Neil’s dream is for Aussie Boat Covers to go on and on and he said “nothing would please me more than seeing someone have the success they deserve from the effort they put in”.
Craig Embleton BOOMERANG CANVAS PTY LTD 3/45 Boyland Ave, Coopers Plains Qld 4108 Phone: 07 3275 1840 Fax: 07 3277 9379 www.vinyl-banners-canvas.com.au sales@boomerangcanvas.com.au
promotional tents. A relatively new addition is Liquid Laminating for vinyl advertising banner & billboards using a revolutionary protective coating system “Business has been absolutely hectic at Boomerang and it doesn't show any signs of letting up!” Craig told Connections. “We aren't a new member, in fact Boomerang Canvas was a member of ACASPA for as long as I can remember.
STA would like to welcome back Craig of
We simply let the membership lapse for no
Boomerang Canvas.
good reason, however I am very pleased
As Craig told Connections, Boomerang
Shane Hutchings AMAZING SHADE PTY LTD Unit 3/39 Olympic Circuit, Southport Queensland 4125 Phone: 07 5531 3105 Fax: 07 5531 3405 Mobile: 0421 126 777 www.amazingshade.com shane.amazingshade@bigpond.com
that we have renewed our STA (ACASPA)
which was established way back in 1972
membership because I feel that the
Amazing Shade & Sails has been designing
is already very well known in Queensland
association brings real value to its members
and installing a range of shade solutions
and beyond,. The company is 100%
and provides excellent support and
since 1995.
Australian owned & operated and has been
advocacy services to the industry as
since its inception.
a whole.
For his part, Craig has been involved with the company since 1989; first as an employee, then from 2008, as an owner. Snapshot of company activities: canvas
“I am especially pleased to see the combined expo on the Gold Coast.” Boomerang staff and management are committed to staying at the forefront of
and vinyl fabrication - PVC Vinyl outdoor
our industry through training and regular
banners and signs, marquees and
updating through the STA.
taking the next step
• • • • • • •
side retained channel blind spring loaded or motorised concealed latching hidden side fabric welds lockdown latch operates from both sides lockable in multiple positions internal mounting screws
All enquiries: Peter Monkhouse or Brad Penrose, ICL (SA) Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8352 9400 Fax: 08 8352 9494 Email: sales@iclsa.com.au JUNE • JULY 2013 · 41
SPoTlight on
In this advertorial section we look at members products and services
VALMEX FR580 – lightweight, strong and versatile The global trend towards lightweight
Valmex FR580 was developed by Mehler
structures, their sustainability and a reduction
Texnologies and is distributed exclusively in
of consumption costs continue to remain hot
Australia and New Zealand by Shann Australia.
topics, as evidenced at the recent Techtextil
Displaying similar characteristics as the
Symposium where the “Lightweight technical
premium Valmex MEHATOP F range, FR580
textile structures” lecture was a key event. A
offers architects, engineers and manufacturers
similar topic will also be the main theme of
with a coated fabric designed specifically for
the upcoming LSAA conference “Touching the
use on short span, shaped tensile architectural
earth lightly”.
creations, primarily permanent and temporary
Critical to the innovation and simple good
tensioned structures, tents, awnings, sun
design now being offered through advanced
shading, umbrellas and retractable roofs.
lightweight building structures is the availability
The product weight at 580 g/m2 enables
of equally innovative, high value technical textiles.
applications that require very light yet robust
Form must meet function, structure fabrics
fabrics. Technically, FR580 is created with a
that offer installation flexibility, clean lines,
PVC coated polyester low-wick base fabric,
light transmission properties, sustainability,
finished with a PVDF lacquer top side and
strength and performance under extreme
is available with a 10 year warranty. The
service conditions need to meld perfectly
product is treated with an anti-fungal agent,
with building material advancements.
is UV stabilised and its flame retardancy has
Choosing such a structure fabric to meet the
been verified under the major flammability
required performance and visual demands for
standards from across the world, resulting
two lightweight structure projects led Richard
in a product with outstanding performance
Dooley, of Creative Covers and Awnings,
and strength characteristics. Further, FR580
directly to VALMEX FR580. Designed and
is available in a wide palette of commercial
built by CCA, 3.6 metre span collapsible
colours and a convenient 250cm width,
umbrellas were specified for Sunshine
making FR580 easy to specify, fabricate
Café and an on-going project with Pittwater
and install.
Council and needed a visually impressive
Images above courtesy of Skyspan Umbrellas.
Reviewing the important sustainability
and technically superior fabric to match the
benefits of FR580, natural air flow and light
stunning design of the umbrellas.
transmission (light colours) can provide
energy savings while screening heat and glare provides a more comfortable environment under the structure. FR580 is manufactured responsibly, with energy and resource consumption sensibilities at their core and in the use of environmentally sustainable materials and methods. Further FR580, and all VALMEX products, are manufactured under the strict requirements of the European REACH standards (Research Evaluation Authorisation and restriction of Chemical Substances) ensuring compliance to set protocols and that only approved components are used in the production of FR580, specifically geared to the REACH standard for chemicals. For further information on FR580 or any other tension structure membrane in the VALMEX range, contact Shann Australia to receive your comprehensive Structure Pack.
FR580 shown in the new oriental emboss texture. Image courtesy of Creative Covers & Awnings. 42 · CONNECTIONS
Brilliant innovations from Innova at Super Expo ’13 It was hard to miss Innova’s rainbow-coloured, rotating conical stand at this year’s Super Expo. Created from Serge Ferrari’s superb Soltis® outdoor fabric and rising seven metres into the air, it could be seen from all corners of the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. It wasn’t just the magnificent, revolving giant conic that caught visitor attention. Exciting new textile collections from France’s Serge Ferrari and Sauleda of Spain were on display at the eye-catching stand, while comic relief was provided by Lano & Woodley’s Colin Lane on Innova’s in-house video. Serge Ferrari’s unique Outdoor Shade Collection introduces a complete colour coordination concept across multiple ranges, while the new Agora ranges from Sauleda are at the forefront of architectural trends with stylish and harmonious designs and textures. The new collections can be colourcoordinated or contrasted across different fabric constructions for specific outdoor applications and are ideal for Australia’s harsh and uncompromising climate. Fabulous new wide width Précontraint 582 stripes and textured STAM 6002 fabrics also offer unlimited design scope. Innova had a great start to the Expo with
Innova is proud of its continued commitment to the environment by promoting – through the Texyloop recycling collection program – the ®
collected over the three-day event in these recyclable Texyloop® bags. “Overall, the Expo exceeded our
five category awards won at the Specialised
importance of recycling and sustainability within
expectations and we look forward to the
Textiles Association (STA) 2013 Annual
the architectural and fabric converter industries.
2013/14 summer season as customers
“In 2008, we established the first Texyloop®
embrace our new and exclusive textile
Awards for Excellence using Innova supplied fabrics. Winning projects included Serge
recycling depot outside of Europe in
Ferrari Soltis® and Précontraint® textiles,
Heatherton, Victoria. In another Australian first,
available exclusively through Innova.
we developed new textile recycling initiatives
with Innova’s 25th anniversary. Since 1988,
in an effort to encourage manufacturers to
Innova has partnered with the best global
success for us,” says Managing Director, Ian
adopt recycling as part of their environmental
manufacturers to supply innovative, high-
Knox. “Leading edge Innova customers had
policy,” Ian said.
quality, performance engineered textiles
“This year’s SuperExpo was a great
some excellent wins at the STA Awards and
At SuperExpo, Innova introduced its new
the new ranges were very well received with
Texyloop® recycling initiatives to the blind
enthusiastic delegate feedback!”
and awning industry. Bright orange Texyloop®
collections,” Ian said. The brilliant new product releases coincide
to a diverse range of Australian fabrication industries. Year 2013 will continue this tradition.
bags are now available to customers for the
For more information contact Innova
in Serge Ferrari outdoor textiles – six other
collection of Serge Ferrari fabric offcuts.
Ph: 03 9551 8722
fabricator stands at the Super Expo also
Over 90 kilos of Serge Ferrari fabric used
Email: innova@innova.com.au
showcased various Soltis® ranges.
for demonstration purposes at the Expo was
It wasn’t just Innova displaying the latest
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 43
Glasses raised to Ricky Richards! Thirty years in business, 30 years strong. The enduringly popular Gottlieb family staged one large, sparkling celebration for family company suppliers and a host of industry guests to mark the Ricky Richards’ milestone. It promised to be an unforgettable night of nights for the specialised textiles community – and by common consensus excelled on all aspects. By Nicola Card
In early June 250 guests of the Gottlieb family gathered in the
With all guests well settled in, Ron took the microphone and first took
sumptuous surrounds of the Gold Coast’s iconic Q1 Building, the
the opportunity to commend his brother Norman whom he described
soaring tower presenting the ideal setting for a company that continues
as “the driving force of the business” for his energy and ambition.
to rise to new heights of success and now marks another high point:
And in trademark self-effacing fashion Ron stated: “We are just two
three decades in business.
ridiculous brothers doing our best.”
The Ricky Richards celebration provided the opportunity for the
For “doing their best” read “doing exceptionally well”: three
textiles throng to kick-back, relax and enjoy, and for Ron Gottlieb it was
decades in business weathering the ups and downs of the industry and
also a time for reflection.
economy and going from strength to strength, today employing more than 50 people. Little wonder the name Ricky Richards commands Perched a quarter of a kilometre above the glittering lights of Surfers Paradise, the iconic Q1 which boasts spectacular 360 degree views was the sophisticated setting for the ‘big picture’ Gottlieb family celebrating Ricky Richards 30th anniversary
respect and admiration and enjoys widespread support across the spectrum of the textiles industry. “We have magnificent suppliers and tremendous customers, but we do not exist without the commitment of all our people at home,” Ron said, “And I would like to pay tribute to all the dedicated and hard working people we deal with on a daily basis. We at Ricky Richards are blessed with wonderful people who are part and parcel of helping us function as a business in the most appropriate way.” Ron went on to say that Ricky Richards was very much a family company that dealt with many family business suppliers – Phifer, Citel, Sioen and Wonpoong – between them employing thousands of people around the world. Representatives from all four family companies were there to partake in the celebration: Beverly Phifer of the US based company of the same name which dates back 60 years and a market leader. Accompanying Beverly to the Ricky Richards celebration was her nephew Reese Brooks. Also present were Eduard Costals of Citel of Spain, a company boasting six generations of family involvement, Kate Park of Wonpoong Corporation in Korea and Rosa Rafales from Sioen of Belgium. “All are large companies that are family owned, and joining them are Bradmill which is now owned by British Millerain. (Established way back in 1880, British Millerain opened its first factory in Halifax, Yorkshire, UK. John Miller the elder and John Miller the younger were the leading lights of this team, driving the company to growth and prosperity.) Also joining these companies was Pro-Knit Industries from Brisbane, a younger company yet like the others totally focused on the production of high quality products.
As for the genesis of Ricky Richards, Ron paid tribute to his 82-yearold father and company founder Eric Gottlieb who “still arrives at work at 6.30 each morning … to come and play with his kids every day before spending the afternoon with his missus - it does not get much better than that!” In front of the large assembly Ron paid special thanks to the organisational clout of Marketing Manager Leanne Power and Kelly Morgan, the dynamic duo who pieced together all facets of the 30th celebration. Concluding, Ron commented he “hopes business improves for all”. All that was missing from the night was the sound track to “We are family …” However according to Ron “that was never going to happen!” Maybe at the 40th or 50th Ricky Richards celebration … ?
LEFT: (Top) Ron Gottlieb with his marketing dynamos Kelly Morgan and Leanne Power; International guests Rosa Rafales of Sioen Coating in Belgium and Eduard Costals of Citel of Spain BELOW: (Top) Norman, Ron and (centre) Ron’s daughter Brigitte; (Bottom) Leisa Manning with Andrew Turner of Wynstan Blinds
Did you know? At 322.5 metres, the Q1 Building is the world's fifth tallest residential tower and standing tall at 97.7m the Spire when illuminated can be seen up to 200 kilometres away. The asymmetrical design of Q1 was inspired by the curves of the Sydney 2000 Olympics torch which in turn was modelled on the overlapping curves of the Sydney Opera House. Construction took 2.5 million man hours and more than 2500 people were involved in the three year project costing $255 million and consumed 61,000 cubic metres of concrete, 9300 tonnes of steel reinforcing; 18,926 panes of glass; and 1000 kms of electrical cabling in the lifts. From level 3 to the pinnacle at level 85 are 9463 curtain wall panels covering 32,685m2 with a combined weight of 1303 tonnes of glass and aluminium. The SkyPoint Observation deck on Level 77 sits 230 metres above ground. Most visitors choose the brisk 42.7 second lift ride over the alternative – a tortuous 1331-step climb.
JUNE • JULY 2013 · 45
Member Profile
A tent for All Seasons In the last issue of Connections we featured news of the opening of All Seasons’ new factory extension in Currumbin. The company boasts a long and colorful history; here we bring you the abridged version. By Nicola Card The year 2013 kick started in a big way for the crew at All Seasons Canvas & Vinyl, with the opening of a smart new factory extension at Currumbin Waters on the Gold Coast. Business managers Steve Langley, Ian Fuller and Bruce Anderson took the move as part of the company’s 25 year celebration.
All Seasons has come a long way since first exhibiting at the Queensland Caravan Show in 1989 and is now famous for its custom
Did you know?
All Seasons quickly took action and
‘Kakadu’ stems from the mispronunciation of aboriginal language Gaagudju, once spoken in the northern part of the park. Aboriginal people have occupied the Kakadu area continuously for at least 40,000 years; there are more than 5,000 recorded art sites illustrating Aboriginal culture over thousands of years within Kakadu National Park.
also migrated from the name Kakadu
the company was closed. All Seasons Annexes & Campers to the more simple Kakadu Annexes. “The Kakadu annexe was particularly popular as it was open, airy and light thanks to much larger windows than conventional,” Steve said. “The public throughout Australia mostly know us as Kakadu Annexes rather than All Seasons Vinyl & Canvas! The logo is
designed Kakadu caravan annexe and
distinctive, and we have agents and dealers
camper annexe for pop top, motor homes
in all states.
and campers, and fabricated commercial and
fantastic other than the rain that came
domestic awnings.
through the mesh during a storm.”
Kakadu genesis
flaps and it was the start of something bigger and better … annexe modifications
Steve told Connections that “the All Seasons
The very popular ‘Kakadu’ annexe was
and extensions followed and Kakadu today
and Kakadu Annexes workplace has always
developed in 1990 following a request from a
boasts fold-out camper trailers, rope and
been very much a family business, with
customer for an annexe with mesh walls.
pole annexes, free standing annexes, bagged
many staff serving up to eighteen years
annexes for campers, walls to roll out
… we’ve watched youngsters we have
canvas roof, beige vinyl mesh with beige
awnings as well as annexes to suit anything
employed grow up, get married and produce
vinyl along the bottom of the walls, but he
from old caravans to top of the line, $800,000
kids of their own!”
loved it, he didn’t want it to stand out!” said
motor homes.
The All Seasons crew set about adding
“It looked quite drab – all beige - beige
Steve Langley. “He took it to Kakadu National Park and on return said it was absolutely 46 · CONNECTIONS
One company blatantly copied and advertised Kakadu as their product however
Family business
Steve and Ian first worked together in 1979 for Curlex Industries at Underwood where Ian was a contract installer and Steve the
cutter. Early in 1980 Steve packed his bags
The story goes that Steve had a mortgage
and travelled east to go fruit picking while
and a three month old baby, but adding a
Ian left to pursue other installation work.
business to his list of responsibilities“ seemed
However within 12 months they had both
the right thing to do” so he installed an old
joined Geo Pickers at Colmslie, and then in
sewing machine in the garage and bought the
early 1982 were coaxed over to Designex – the
first roll of material on credit with “not a cent”
company manufacturing annexes, household
in capital!
and commercial awnings as well as specialty
The first job landed by the business was
1989 Ian and Steve bought out the third partner
vinyl and canvas goods, which was formed by
a couple of vinyl banners for a Brisbane
and on their accountant’s advice their company
ex-Curlex staff.
signwriter; and with the caravan side of the
was incorporated on March 1, 1990. Five years
business starting to dwindle the bulk of the
later they bought two factories adjacent to the
“corporate type” who promoted Ian to Sales
early work was shop front awnings from
existing premises and relocated the business;
Manager and Steve to Business Manager.
Sydney to Cairns for Philip Morris. When
a few years on a third factory unit was
However under the direction of the new owner
cigarette advertising was banned they went
purchased and in February 2008 the original
business started to dwindle and several long-
“up and down the coast” replacing the signage
unit was leased once again.
term clients advised Steve and Ian of their
with Coke and Pepsi awnings!
The Directors sold the business in 1985 to a
discomfort, saying if they were to start their own business they would support them. The message could not have been clearer, and Ian and Steve rose to the challenge,
Bruce Anderson joined Kakadu Annexes
The duo invested in a new sewing machine in
in 1998, having met both Ian & Steve when
late 1987 and a vinyl welder soon followed, and
working for a Brisbane caravan dealership.
away they went.
Prior to that he had clocked up almost two
Early memories include rolling out vinyl on
decades with the National Bank.
registering their business All Seasons Vinyl
Steve’s paved driveway marking out awnings
& Canvas exactly three weeks after the 1987
while fending off a plague of black ants.
the dealership closed and with All Seasons’
Stock Market crash.
And one day they accidentally blew up the
booming workload employed Bruce as an
neighbour’s television with their vinyl welder
installer and salesman before promoting him to
but he had no idea it was them [and we can
General Manager.
only hope he is not in possession of this magazine story!].
“The public throughout Australia mostly know us as Kakadu Annexes rather than All Seasons Vinyl & Canvas.”
Ian had remained in contact with Bruce after
Other changes were afoot, Steve said. “To offer customers more, we had to be more automated, more technological and we needed
a more efficient work environment … and that
By later November 1988 business expansion
vacant block of land became available and we
warranted the lease of a 172sqm factory
drew up plans for a new facility, constructed it
at Traders Way in Currumbin. In mid
and moved in!
meant new premises. A reasonably priced
Hence the factory-warming celebration earlier this year.
A glowing future Steve describes business of recent times as a bit of a rollercoaster ride but he is optimistic of an “explosive” future for Australia and a strong outdoor/specialised textiles industry.
“The surge of money that will be spent by the baby boomers as well as the Asian influence will present many opportunities for the industry during the next ten to fifteen years and we at All Seasons are well positioned to take full advantage.” Strong words, positive sentiment – what’s not to admire? www.kakaduannexes.com.au www.allseasonsvinyl.com.au JUNE • JULY 2013 · 47
October 2013
The 2013 Young Leaders Conference STA event Saturday October 12 to Sunday October 13 For the third year in a row STA is holding the very successful Young Leaders’ Conference. The event welcomes those aged 35 or under with a minimum of two years’ experience and who demonstrate passion and initiative for the industry and the work in which they are involved.
August 2013 Registered Training Organisations NSW, NT, SA & QLD via Sydney Institute of TAFE Ph (02) 9217 4601 Fax (02) 9217 4963 Contact: Lawrence De Paoli lawrence.depaoli@tafensw.edu.au www.sit.nsw.edu.au/sailmaking Tasmania Tasmania Institute of TAFE Ph 1300 655 307 Fax (03) 6233 7830 www.tafe.tas.edu Victoria RMIT University Ph (03) 9925 9182 Fax (03) 9925 9129 Contact: Kent Williamson kent.williamson@rmit.edu.au 25 Dawson St. Brunswick Vic 3056 www.rmit.edu.au Western Australia POLYTECH WEST Textile Fabrication Training Ph: 08 9207 4412 Fax: 08 9207 4399 Gary McCormick Balga Campus Gate 1 Lockwood Rd., Balga WA
Marine Fabricator Workshop Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th August 2013 NSW Tafe, Ultimo Campus, NSW The first workshop of its kind is taking place over 2 days in Sydney. This will be hands on training for marine fabricators in – frame manufacturing, patterning and production. Spaces are limited. To find out more or to book your spot, phone Ana or Mina on 03 9521 2114 or email ana@specialisedtextiles.com.au
September 2013 Upholstery and Trim International 2013 Convention Wednesday September 18 – Saturday September 21 Nashville, Tennessee
October 2013
November 2013
IFAI Specialty Fabrics Expo 2013 and Advanced Textiles Conference & Trade Show Wednesday October 23 – Friday October 25
LSAA 2013 Conference Theme: "Touching the Earth Lightly" November 13-15
Orange County Convention Centre in Orlando, Florida The IFAI Specialty Fabrics Expo and Advanced Textile Conference & Trade Show is co-locating with the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) show under one big roof in Florida. The event takes place over three days. The Expo tagline is ‘Experience the future in Orlando, Florida.’ (for more details see advert on page 46)
The Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) Trim Convention will be held at the Hilton Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee, US. The event focuses on building relationships between the premier trim wholesalers and distributors in the industry, helping all participants to reduce costs and increase profits.
Hilton Hotel, Princes Wharf, Auckland, New Zealand This LSAA conference examines the most efficient use of materials and resources impacting the planet, our lives and our future. The aim is to get people thinking about building better, building for the environment and living lightly on the planet. Lightweight structures can not only be light they can be relocatable, reusable, recyclable and offer many sustainable advantages for architects, engineers and developers. Wednesday November 13 will feature a pre-conference site visit for delegates to the world renowned Alan Gibbs's Farm, a world leading sculpture park. Spread over 1000 acres (4 km2) the sculpture park which is situated 50 kms north of Auckland contains some art works that are large enough to be seen from satellite images.
Email: admin@LSAA.org
Just the ticket for reaching more potential customers … … and spreading the word about your business
Did you know? By advertising
Number of issues each year
Featuring the latest and greatest industry developments, Connections is the voice of the specialised textile industry and enables all who are involved in the industry to showcase their business developments, news and views.
Readership estimated at
in Connections you are reaching as many as 10,000 people who are actively involved in the specialised textiles industry.
Circulated to thousands in all facets of the textile industry, Connections casts a wide net by encompassing the geosynthetic, awning, shade sail, blind maker, and marine and motor trimmer sectors. It does not stop there: also covered are flags and banners, caravan and camping, canvas, cutting equipment, umbrellas, tarpaulins, side curtain and more … distributors of industrial fabrics and all related components suppliers.
10,000 Circulation
2500 “Connections magazine is the key communications tool for a large and diverse range of businesses encompassing the specialised textiles industry”
to advertise Call Yuri at CommStrat on 03 8534 5008 or 0419 339 865 to secure your place in Connections. Choices Your advert can be a quarter page, half page, full page, front or back page, horizontal or vertical – you call the shots. Yuri would be happy to email you the Connections Media Kit outlining all specifications and prices. Located at 8/574 St Kilda Rd, Melbourne Vic 3004, CommStrat is the publisher of Connections on behalf of the Specialised Textiles Association.
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strength and performance superior in
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National Distributor: Ricky Richards (Sales) Pty Ltd 16 Park Road, Homebush NSW 2140 Phone: 02 9735 3333 Fax: 02 9735 3311 www.rickyrichards.com.au
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