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Team Durham
Team Durham wish to acknowledge and thank Phoenix Photography - for providing the photographic images from the Palatine Dinner Birdman Photography - for providing the photographic images of DUBC Essence of Light (Jed Wee) - for providing the Sports photographic images throughout the brochure
Chantelle Dingley Sports Marketing & Sponsorship Manager Durham University The Graham Sports Centre Durham DH1 3SE Tel: 0191 334 2278 Mob: 07983 408967 Visit our website at www.teamdurham.com. Durham University ranked fourth in the 2011 overall BUCS points table
Every effort has been made to ensure that all information is accurate at the time of going to press in October 2011. However, changes may occur and Durham University reserves the right to amend or change any information contained in this brochure at any time. Copyright Š Durham University 2011 Durham University and the Durham University Logo are registered trade marks of the University of Durham trading as Durham University. All rights reserved. Ž Produced by Team Durham, Durham University with hpmgroup.
2010/2011 - A Sporting Review
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A Sporting Review