Osterman exhibits part 1

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Exhibit 1

EXHIBIT 1 Monte Osterman Statement of Economic Interests


Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

EXHIBIT 2 Root River Council INC. Corporate Records


Exhibit 2

Exhibit 2


Exhibit 2

Exhibit 3

EXHIBIT 3 Root River Council INC. Website Funding Statement


Exhibit 3

Exhibit 3


Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4

EXHIBIT 4 Root River Council INC. Website Donations Button


Exhibit 4

Exhibit 4


Exhibit 4

Exhibit 5

EXHIBIT 5 WISN 12 Article August 12, 2013


Exhibit 5

Exhibit 5 10 Ways to Volunteer for Clean Water UPDATED 12:43 PM CDT Aug 12, 2013 1. Volunteer Stream Monitoring: Through the WAV program, citizens monitor 6 water quality parameters in streams that can be waded into safely. They monitor: dissolved oxygen, temperature, transparency, flow, habitat, and macroinvertebrates between April and October. More than 450 sites are currently registered in the online database with about 120 sites monitored annually. WAV provides citizens assistance in setting up local stream monitoring programs, training to learn methods for monitoring, written methods, data sheets, and ongoing educational programming. To learn more, visit the WAV website at: clean-water.uwex.edu/wav or contact the statewide WAV Coordinator, Kris Stepenuck, at 608-265-3887 or kris.stepenuck@ces.uwex.edu. 2. Help Maintain and Restore a Prairie! Work parties are held by The Nature Conservancy regularly at Chiwaukee Prairie of Kenosha County on the third Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Throughout the winter and into early spring, volunteers cut and treat woody invasive species such as buckthorn, honeysuckle and cherry trees. In the spring and early summer, volunteers will help remove pesky garlic mustard, dame’s rocket, and other herbaceous invasive species. Contact Pam Holy at (262) 658-8336 or check the website for updates www.chiwaukee.org. 3. Volunteer at Community Outreach Events: The Respect Our Waters campaign has a table at many area community events! Volunteers are needed to help with the set-up of the booth, distribution of free green items, and most importantly, talking to citizens about simple steps they can take to help keep our waters clean. To see a list of the events, visit www.respectourwaters.org. Contact Jeff Martinka at 414-382-1766 (martinka@swwtwater.org) or contact Allison Chernouski at 262-898-2055 (allison@rootpikewin.org) to volunteer your time at an event. 4. Organize or Participate in a River Clean Up: You can help the environment by removing garbage from within or along a stream or river. If you are interested in planning a clean up event for your community, you can download the river clean up packet that includes information about planning a river clean up for a group, including things to think about well in advance of your planned event. This information is provided by Water Action Volunteers, a cooperative program between the University of Wisconsin– Extension and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. For more information, contact Kris Stepenuck, Water Action Volunteers Coordinator at 608-264-8948 or 608-265-3887. Join the Kenosha Sportfishing and Conservation Association in September on a clean-up of the Pike River. The clean-up is scheduled for September 21, 2013, and will begin at Petrifying Springs Park. Like KSCA on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kenoshasportfishing for more information. 5. Become a Clean Boats, Clean Waters Volunteer: With the growing concern over the spread of aquatic invasive species to Wisconsin’s inland lakes, many lake association members and other concerned citizens are looking for ways to get involved. Through the Clean Boats, Clean Waters program, adult and youth volunteers will:    

learn how to organize and conduct a boater education program in their community; educate boaters on how and where invasive species are most likely to hitch a ride into water bodies; perform boat and trailer checks for invasive species and distribute informational brochures; some individuals become water monitoring volunteers as well, collecting and reporting suspect samples of invasive species, particularly for zebra mussels and Eurasian water milfoil.


Exhibit 5

Exhibit 5 For more information, contact Erin McFarlane, Clean Boats, Clean Waters Program coordinator, Wisconsin Invasive Species Program, 715-346-4978. 6. Participate in the Root River Challenge: October 12, 2013, is The Root River 5K Run/Walk or 12 Mile Bike Ride Challenge. The Root River Pathway starts in the natural beauty of Colonial Park. As it follows the path of the Root River, the trail includes educational signposts that tell the story of the role of the river in the development of Racine. The pathway offers an opportunity to see Racine as it cannot be seen from a moving vehicle, to identify plants and trees native to the region and to appreciate the ecology of the Root River system. It also connects to the Lake Michigan Pathway which offers one of the most beautiful trails in Southeast Wisconsin. Visit https://www.runningguru.com/WebSite.asp?WebSiteID=186 for more information and to register. 7. Build a Rain Garden or install a Rain Barrel at a school or church! Rain gardens and rain barrels are great ways to reduce stormwater runoff pollution in our rivers and Lake Michigan. If you are interesting in taking on a volunteer installation project at your school, church, or other location, contact Root-Pike WIN at 262-898-2055 or info@rootpikewin.org for more information. 8. Help Maintain Public Rain Gardens! Rain gardens need annual mulching, weeding, and monitoring. If you enjoy working outdoors and would like to get involved in your community’s rain gardens, contact Root-Pike WIN at 262-898-2055 or info@rootpikewin.org for information. 9. Help restore a Beach: The City of Racine is currently working to restore Samuel Myers Park and its beach. Volunteers are needed for upcoming work days, during which invasive plants species will be removed and native plants will be added. To add your name to the volunteer list, please contact Root-Pike WIN at 262-898-2055 or info@rootpikewin.org. 10. Make a donation to a nonprofit water protection organization. Donations from individuals are critical because grant funding is insufficient for all the work that needs to be done to protect our precious waters. There are many groups working to protect our waters. Here are some local and state organizations: Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network; Root River Council; Kenosha Sportsfishing and Conservation Association; Trout Unlimited; Sierra Club-Gateway Group; Southeast Wisconsin Watersheds Trust (Sweet Water); River Revitalization; Milwaukee Riverkeeper; Clean Wisconsin; River Alliance of Wisconsin; Alliance for the Great Lakes. 

Copyright 2013 by WISN.com All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


Exhibit 5

Exhibit 6

EXHIBIT 6 Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant Statistics


Exhibit 6

Exhibit 6


Exhibit 6

Exhibit 7

EXHIBIT 7 Root River Council INC. Website Board Members List


Exhibit 7

Exhibit 7


Exhibit 7

Exhibit 8

EXHIBIT 8 DVD Monte Osterman Speaks Before The Racine Common Council March 4, 2014 201417203

Exhibit 8

Exhibit 9

EXHIBIT 9 Mary Jerger – John Dickert for Mayor Campaign Treasurer, Cable Commissioner


Exhibit 9

Exhibit 9

From the Re-Elect John Dickert for Mayor website, evidencing that Mary Jerger Osterman is the Campaign Treasurer:

From The City of Racine list of Cable Commissioners appointed by Mayor John Dickert:


Exhibit 9

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