CP political committee PPPS management committee
February 6 9-10 14 16 20
CP organisation committee CP trade union & political cadre school, Croydon CP economic commission CP women's commission, Birmingham CP political committee
March 2 8 9 13-15 17 20 23 23 25-27 29-1 Apr. 29-2 Apr.
CP election school, Birmingham International Women's Day Coordinating Committee of CPs IWD event, London TUC women's conference, London Marx Oration, Highgate, London CP political committee Campaign for Trade Union Freedom launch, London TUC young members' conference, London ATL conference, Liverpool NASUWT conference, Bournemouth NUT conference, Liverpool
April 12-14 13-14 16-18 21-22 24 27 28 28-1 May
TUC black workers conference, London CP executive committee, Croydon Scottish TUC annual conference, Perth CWU conference, Bournemouth CP political committee Marx Memorial Library AGM Workers' Memorial Day USDAW conference, Blackpool
May 2 11 11 12-15 14-17 18-23 22 22 22-23 29-31 30-3 June
English local elections National Assembly of Women AGM, Sheffield PPPS management committee TSSA conference, Glasgow POA conference, Southport ASLEF conference, Edinburgh CP political committee Wales TUC conference, Cardiff TUC disabled workers conference, London UCU conference, Brighton PPPS AGM meetings
June 1-2 2-6 6-8 18-21 19 22 23-28 27-28* 29-30
Trades Councils conference, London GMB conference, Plymouth EIS conference, Perth UNISON conference, Liverpool CP political committee People's Assembly Against Austerity, London RMT conference, Brighton LGBT conference, London *(or July 4-5) CP executive committee
July 6 13 17 19-21 27
Matchwomen's Festival, London Durham Miners Gala CP political committee Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival PPPS management committee
August 28
CP political committee
September 1 8-11 14-18 22-26 25
Burston Strike Rally TUC annual conference, Bournemouth Liberal Democrat annual conference, Glasgow Labour Party conference, Brighton CP political committee
28 PPPS management committee 29-2 Oct. Tory Party annual conference, Manchester October 12-13 17-19 23 25*
CP executive committee NAPO conference, Llandudno CP political committee Great October Socialist Revolution (Nov. 7 new calendar)
November 20 23 29
CP political committee PPPS management committee UN Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
December 1 11
UNICEF World AIDS Day CP political committee