A personal message from Laura Jane Rossington
This is a capitalist crisis!
Tax the rich
Tax the rich
A major problem in Plymouth is housing. We have seen the gentrification of the waterside, Millbay and the Barbican where there used to be working class homes and now flats stand empty while thousands need decent homes. Those in power talk about ‘affordable’ housing but with a one-bedroom flat costing over £100,000 prices are much higher than the average Plymouth wage earner can afford. We need a massive programme of council house building, strict rent controls and penalties for speculators who leave houses and flats empty.
Vote Communist Take the power with public ownership
We need a housing plan that includes bringing empty properties back into use and new builds on ‘brownfield’ sites rather than concreting over our beautiful countryside.
Vote Communist
Election Communication Plymouth Sutton and Devonport Thursday 7 May 2015
Unlike the City spivs, bankers and bosses the working class are the people who keep this country on its feet and productive.
Laura Jane Rossington
Our needs have been largely ignored and it is time to put the working class back into the centre of politics.
Communist Party candidate
The Communist Party is the party of the working class and a communist vote in this election will be a vote for change that is so desperately needed.
Laura Jane Rossington
policies for the millions not the millionaires find out more at votecommunist.uk
Promoted for Laura Jane Rossington by Dean Rossington. 24 Holmes Avenue Plymouth PL3 6LW and printed by
Austerity is working ... for bankers and bosses
Take the power! with public ownership
H Working people and their families didn’t create this economic crisis. Nor should we pay for it!
H We need to vote out the Tories and LibDems on May 7. But a Labour government should reverse the cuts, not continue them. We need public ownership of vital services, not privatisation.
It’s a crisis of the capitalist system caused by reckless speculation and big business profiteering. The bank bailout cost £1.3 trillion of our money – almost 20 times the annual government deficit. We’re paying for the bail-out with tax and VAT rises. And with cuts in public services, benefits and wages. But corporate profits and fat cat incomes have shot up since 2008, while wages have been frozen. In 1998, top bosses received 45 times the average pay – now they pay themselves 185 times the average. They make more in three months than most people earn in a lifetime! Today, one in five workers earn less than the living wage. Millions of people face benefit cuts, the Bedroom Tax and unfair ‘capability’ assessments for non-existent jobs. The Tory-LibDem regime wants more ‘austerity’ – which means privatisation of our NHS and schools and more anti-trade union laws to enforce low wages and zero hours contracts. Communists say we need a left-wing government – one that puts people before profit, peace before war and democracy before the EU and NATO.
Communists say a new government must: H Tax the rich, big business and City speculators H Close British-run tax havens around the world H Cut energy prices and take gas, electricity, water, buses and rail back into public ownership. H Use nationalised banks and lend to home-buyers, small businesses and productive industry. H Invest in jobs, ‘green’ technology and public services. H Return all privatised health services to the NHS. H Enforce equal pay for women and young workers. H Raise pensions and reinstate benefits and student grants. H End privilege in education and abolish fees. H Repeal the Bedroom Tax and build a million new public sector homes. H Scrap the Health & Social Care Act and return all privatised health services to public ownership. H Extend democratic rights in a progressive and federal Britain. H Scrap Trident and plans for more nuclear weapons. H Challenge NATO expansion and EU big business policies – stand up for popular sovereignty. A big vote for Laura Jane Rossington, the Communist Party candidate in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, will send a strong signal that workers and their families demand a new policy
Laura Jane Rossington for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport H Laura Jane Rossington, at 18 years old, is the youngest candidate in this election. Born in Lincoln her family moved to Plymouth 14 years ago and she lived first in Stonehouse and now Efford. An A level student at Plymouth City College she is aims to be a voice for the working class and for all young people, working, studying and jobseekers alike. Equality, affordable housing, jobs and an end to poverty pay are her key concerns. She is the women’s officer of the Young Communist League. She says: “None of the other parties put working class interests first. We need to stand up to the system and learn to speak and fight for ourselves once again. With the Communist Party we can do just that.”
Tax the rich Vote Communist Invest in jobs, peace and public ownership