A personal message from Mark Griffiths
This is a capitalist crisis!
Tax the rich
Tax the rich
The ConDem Coalition austerity policies mean misery for working people in Wales. It is a scandal that in the 21st century people are dependent on food banks to feed their families. High levels of unemployment here make a mockery of government chatter about job creation while poverty pay rates and zero hours contracts mean insecurity for many in work Libraries and post offices have been closed while the reality of cuts in public spending is that people here have had their disability and welfare payments stopped or suspended leaving them a hard choice between food or heating.
Vote Communist Take the power with public ownership
My immediate priorities are the need for a swimming pool here and the fight against open cast mining at Blaenavon.
Election Communication Torfaen Constituency Thursday 7 May 2015
This present crisis was caused by reckless speculation and unregulated banks but working people pay the price while the rich get richer. We need a system based on equality that would end exploitation, deprivation and poverty for many. I am proud to have represented Torfaen at the national People’s Assembly Against Austerity and I want to make the voice of working class people heard in parliament.
Mark Griffiths
Vote Communist
Mark Griffiths Welsh Communist Party candidate
policies for the millions not the millionaires find out more at votecommunist.uk
Printed by A Print, Unit 23, Enterprise Business Park, Newport, NP20 2AQ and promoted on behalf of Mark Griffiths by David Llywellyan Brown 7 Trem-y-Mynydd Capel Newydd Blaenavon Torfaen NP4 9LX
Austerity is working ... for bankers and bosses
Take the power! with public ownership
H Working people and their families didn’t create this economic crisis. Nor should we pay for it!
H We need to vote out the Tories and LibDems on May 7. But a Labour government should reverse the cuts, not continue them. We need public ownership of vital services, not privatisation.
It’s a crisis of the capitalist system caused by reckless speculation and big business profiteering. The bank bailout cost £1.3 trillion of our money – almost 20 times the annual government deficit. We’re paying for the bail-out with tax and VAT rises. And with cuts in public services, benefits and wages. But corporate profits and fat cat incomes have shot up since 2008, while wages have been frozen. In 1998, top bosses received 45 times the average pay – now they pay themselves 185 times the average. They make more in three months than most people earn in a lifetime! Today, one in five workers earn less than the living wage. Millions of people face benefit cuts, the Bedroom Tax and unfair ‘capability’ assessments for non-existent jobs. The Tory-LibDem regime wants more ‘austerity’ – which means privatisation of our NHS and schools and more anti-trade union laws to enforce low wages and zero hours contracts. Communists say we need a left-wing government – one that puts people before profit, peace before war and democracy before the EU and NATO.
Communists say a new government must: H Tax the rich, big business and City speculators. H Plug tax avoidance loopholes and close down British-run tax havens around the world. H Cut energy prices and take gas, electricity, water, buses and rail back into public ownership. H Use nationalised banks to lend to home-buyers, small businesses and productive industry. H Invest in jobs, ‘green’ technology and public services. H Return all privatised health services to the NHS. H Enforce equal pay for women and young workers. H Raise pensions and reinstate benefits and student grants. H End privilege in education and abolish fees. H Repeal the Bedroom Tax and build a million new public sector homes. H Scrap the Health & Social Care Act and return all privatised health services to public ownership. H Extend democratic rights in a progressive and federal Britain. H Scrap Trident and plans for more nuclear weapons. H Challenge NATO expansion and EU big business policies – stand up for popular sovereignty. A big vote for Mark Griffiths, the Communist Party candidate in Torfaen, will send a strong signal that workers and their families demand a new policy.
Mark Griffiths for Torfaen From a South Wales family – his father was a bakery worker and his mother a legal secretary – Mark Griffiths is trained as a social worker and has a degree in economics and social studies. One of the new generation of Communist leaders he is active in the Peoples Assembly Against Austerity. A firm opponent of imperialist war Mark marched against NATO in Newport. He says “The ‘austerity’ and war policies of successive New Labour and ConDem governments since 1979 have created division, poverty and alienation. “In parliament I would fight to transform the harsh economic climate that faces working people and put forward working class policies for an economy for the people.”
Tax the rich Vote Communist Take the power with public ownership