April/May 2012
Communist Party Derby branch meetings The April branch meeting will be on Monday 16th April, 7pm in the Family Parlour of the Brunswick Inn, 1 Railway Terrace – near Derby railway station. As part of the meeting we’ll be discussing how to raise the profile of “The People’s Charter” www.thepeoplescharter.org and the Communist Party in the local elections… looking at the Party “open letter” on the crisis in working class representation, with the continued neoliberal nature of the Labour Party. We’ll also be discussing a local public meeting on the pensions campaign. You can read the Party pamphlet on the pensions struggle online at
Derby May Day Silk Mill March & Rally The Party will be taking part in Derby’s Silk Mill March & Rally on Sat. April 28th starting at 10.30 in the Market Place outside the Assembly Rooms. Kevin Courtney, the militant Deputy Gen Sec of the NUT is the main speaker – though we wonder why Margaret Becket MP, Cabinet member of Tony Bliar’s Labour Government, supporter of its privatisation and cuts program, and advocate of imperialist war continues to be wheeled out by the Labour Party. It can’t be doing them any good! We’ll be raising such questions on the day with a Party leaflet, free copies of the Morning Star etc
The People’s Charter will be organising an open discussion on “A Strategy for a People’s Britain” after the rally – venue to be announced.
and order copies from cpbderbyshire@tiscali.co.uk or office@communist-party.org
Chesterfield May Day
The May branch meeting will be on Monday May 14th – 07979 230175 for details
We’ll be at Chesterfield May Day too, on Monday 7th May with local Chesterfield comrades organising a Party stall & Morning Star stall, and Midlands District comrades running a second hand bookstall.
Anti-Fascism Both “Hope Not Hate” & “Unite Against Fascism” are organising leafleting sessions against fascist local election candidates on Saturday 14th April “Hope Not Hate” from 10am Stepping Stones Community Hall, Ilkeston Road, Heanor, DE75 7AG Tuesday 17th April and Wednesday 18th April UAF leafleting Sussex Circus, DE21 6YF 6pm Saturday 21st April UAF stall- The Ram, Albion St/East St 11.30 Sunday 22nd April UAF leafletting - Sussex Circus, DE21 6YF 2pm
Our History How long before they privatise the Peak National Park? In 1932 Communist Party members led the “mass trespass” at Kinder Scout to secure the right of the people to walk in the Peak District. Manchester Morning Star Readers & Supporters are organising a “commemoration sponsored walk” on Sunday April 22nd 10.30am, Bowden Bridge Car Park, Kinder Road. Details and sponsorship forms from 07072 100094 – proceeds to The Morning Star
Speakers – Mark Serwotka Gen Sec PCS Cheryl Pigeon – UCATT Kostas Katarahais – Greek Health Workers Union Toby Perkins MP Good politics & music etc. March from Chesterfield Town Hall10.30am…Rally Rykneld Square 11.30am
Campaign Against Euro Federalism AGM The Derby branch of the Party will be supporting the national meeting of this anti-EU campaign. Saturday 21st April, 2-4pm Comfort Inn, Station Rd near New Street Station. Party members Brian Denny and Andy Chaffer will be speaking for No2EU and the People’s Charter respectively. If you want to get all the arguments against the bosses’ club that is the EU, make sure you’re there!
Derby Climate Coalition For a million new green jobs! Speakers and film Mon14th May 7pm, The Quad in Derby Market Place Speakers – Ken Usher – RMT Keith Sonnett - UNISON
Keep in touch with the Party nationally at www.communist-party.org Sign up for our NEWS & VIEWS bulletin!
“For a People’s Britain, Not a Bankers’ Britain”