A national conference, called by Readers’ & Supporters’groups.
For a People's Britain not a Bankers' Britain Sat. 31st March 10.30 am to 4.45 pm WHAT IS IT? A major conference to bring together a broad range of local, regional and national labour movement and anti-cuts bodies and activists. WHERE? Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 4QH - In the ancient City of London, a few minutes’ walk between Liverpool St station and Spitalfields Market. HOW TO REGISTER?
Since the conference is being organised by a collective of R&SGs, there will be no financial drain on our paper at this critical time for it. However, a small delegate’s fee to cover the costs of the event is necessary: Individuals £5 (waged), £2 (unwaged); Delegates £10. Sponsorship of the event for only £250 secures your organisation free delegates, a free advert in conference programme and your logo on publicity materials. Stalls available for £25. Envelopes should be addressed to - and cheques made payable to -: 'Morning Star R&SG’. Supporting MSR&SG to date: Barrow & Furness; Birmingham & Worcs; Brighton & Hove; Cardiff; Coventry & Warks; Derbyshire & E. Staffs; Greater Manchester; Gwent; Hastings & Sussex; Leics & S Lincs; London – Croydon; London District; London – Lambeth; London - Richmond & Kingston; London West; London – Wandsworth; Merseyside; North Devon; North Wales; Notts & N Lincs; Oxon, Northants, Berks; Peterborough; Pontypridd; Scotland MSCC; South Devon; South West England; Tyneside; Wolverhampton, Black Country, Staffs, & Shrops; Worthing; Yorkshire South; Yorkshire - West; Yorkshire East and Humberside; Please advise if your group wishes to add support.
To give direction to the movement against the Con-Dem government and its policies, based on achieving the maximum clarity and unity. To stimulate action through an agreed outline of initiatives on the basis of wide agreement between the major forces. To strengthen informal relations between the Morning Star and wider sections of the left, labour and progressive movements. To promote the Morning Star and the labour movement's role and responsibilities in building a broad anti-monopoly alliance against the ruling class offensive. To show progressive campaigning organisations that the labour movement is and should be a strong and valuable ally in their fight. To help develop a clear and positive people's alternative to cuts and austerity to the ruling class strategy of cuts and austerity at the expense of working people and our families.
VITAL QUESTIONS FOR VITAL TIMES This government is an unelected bankers’ dictatorship alongside the other dictatorships already imposed by the EU in Greece and Italy. With direction, militancy, unity and through alliances, a broad mass movement can force the Con-Dem regime to retreat on policies, thereby preparing the ground for the government's removal. There are strategic and policy alternatives to the austerity and privatisation agenda, based on the People's Charter and the Alternative Economic Strategy. The labour movement - and the trade unions within it - have to meet and plan strategically if they are to make progress and win victories. How can we make the Labour Party leadership be part of the solution, not part of the problem by siding with the class enemy. How can we unify all unions engaged in struggle? How can we forge an alliance between organised labour and the mass of the people?
PROGRAMME: 10.30 registration; 11.00 “Against a Bankers' Britain”: Chair: Anita Halpin (NUJ); John Haylett (Morning Star political editor), Seumas Milne (journalist -tbc), Owen Jones (blogger); Megan Dobney (SERTUC -tbc), Prem Sikka (Economist -tbc), Hugh Lanning (PCS)
12.30: Lunch break: networking, stalls, exhibition 1.15 – 3.15: Plenary briefings on getting organised on the priorities plus speakers from the floor: Chair: Rachel Newton (People’s Charter)
Attacks on health and safety – gone mad? Hilda Palmer (Hazards - tbc) Civil Disobedience does and don’ts – UK Uncut/Occupy LSX (tbc) Dealing with Mass Unemployment: Colin Hampton (All in one) Fair care & rights in retirement - Dot Gibson (National Pensioners’ Convention) Fighting for LGBTQ rights - Thierry Schaffauser (SERTUC LGBT Network) Forced movement of labour & Mode 4 - Harsev Bains (Indian Workers Association -tbc) More protection against blacklisting needed - Dave Smith (Blacklist Support Group- tbc) New Shackles for the Unions? John Hendy (Institute for Employment Rights -tbc) Setting up a Morning Star R&SGs: Terry McCarthy (Sussex MS R&SG) The role of the media - Lynn Walsh (Richmond MS R&SG) Welfare state or the 'big society'? (Disabled Persons Against the Cuts- tbc)
3.15: “For a People's Britain: the way ahead” Speakers: Michelle Stanistreet (NUJ), Sally Hunt (UCU - tbc), Len McCluskey (Unite), Bob Crow (RMT); Michael Meacher MP (tbc), Kelvin Hopkins MP (tbc), Chair: Bill Greenshields (People’s Charter); other major speakers invited…
4. 45: Close – socialist songs with a choir & wine reception