Steve Andrew Election Communication

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A personal message from Steve Andrew The Coalition’s determination to force ordinary people to pay for the bankers’ bailout means local (especially Labour) councils are under attack. The revenue support grant to Sheffield from central government was cut by 50 per cent. I know from personal experience that ending control of 15 libraries cut £800,000 from the budget with librarians made redundant or forced to work elsewhere. Adult social care is facing £9.2 cuts, the youth service nearly £1 million, Sheffield theatres, museums and sports centres £500,00. The callous cuts continue.

This is a capitalist crisis!

Tax the rich

Vote Communist Take the power with public ownership

Tax the rich

Vote Communist

The result? Inadequate services, too many low skilled, low wage jobs on zero hours contracts. We need investment in better employment opportunities particularly for young people. Sheffield faces a housing crisis, like every other area in Britain with thousands on the waiting list. Communists say: stop the evictions, end the bedroom tax and build millions of decent affordable council houses.

Election Communication Sheffield Central Thursday 7 May 2015

Stop privatisation, bring services back under council control and stop the profiteers bleeding the public services dry. We will work for a public transport system – buses, trains and trams – that is once again integrated, efficient and cheap. Lets defend and promote a Sheffield which is clean, green and safe.

Steve Andrew

Steve Andrew Communist Party candidate

policies for the millions not the millionaires find out more at

Printed by People for Print, Sheaf Gardens, Sheffield S2 4BB and promoted on behalf of Steve Andrew by Carrie Hedderwick, c/o 338A Abbeydale Road, Sheffield S7 1FN

Austerity is working ... for bankers and bosses

Take the power! with public ownership

H Working people and their families didn’t create this economic crisis. Nor should we pay for it!

H We need to vote out the Tories and LibDems on May 7. But a Labour government should reverse the cuts, not continue them. We need public ownership of vital services, not privatisation.

It’s a crisis of the capitalist system caused by reckless speculation and big business profiteering. The bank bailout cost £1.3 trillion of our money – almost 20 times the annual government deficit. We’re paying for the bail-out with tax and VAT rises. And with cuts in public services, benefits and wages. But corporate profits and fat cat incomes have shot up since 2008, while wages have been frozen. In 1998, top bosses received 45 times the average pay – now they pay themselves 185 times the average. They make more in three months than most people earn in a lifetime! Today, one in five workers earn less than the living wage. Millions of people face benefit cuts, the Bedroom Tax and unfair ‘capability’ assessments for non-existent jobs. The Tory-LibDem regime wants more ‘austerity’ – which means privatisation of our NHS and schools and more anti-trade union laws to enforce low wages and zero hours contracts. Communists say we need a left-wing government – one that puts people before profit, peace before war and democracy before the EU and NATO.

Communists say a new government must: H Tax the rich, big business and City speculators H Close British-run tax havens around the world H Cut energy prices and take gas, electricity, water, buses and rail back into public ownership. H Use nationalised banks and lend to home-buyers, small businesses and productive industry. H Invest in jobs, ‘green’ technology and public services. H Return all privatised health services to the NHS. H Enforce equal pay for women and young workers. H Raise pensions and reinstate benefits and student grants. H End privilege in education and abolish fees. H Repeal the Bedroom Tax and build a million new public sector homes. H Scrap the Health & Social Care Act and return all privatised health services to public ownership. H Extend democratic rights in a progressive and federal Britain. H Scrap Trident and plans for more nuclear weapons. H Challenge NATO expansion and EU big business policies – stand up for popular sovereignty. A big vote for Steve Andrew, the Communist Party candidate in Sheffield Central, will send a strong signal that workers and their families demand a new policy.

Steve Andrew for Sheffield Central Steve Andrews is 45 years old, from a mining family and has lived in Sheffield most of his adult life. He has one son, works in social care and is a GMB member. Until last year Steve worked in the library service and as a Unison member campaigned against privatisation and council cuts. A staunch opponent of the war on Iraq Steve is an active supporter of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Cuba Solidarity Campaign. He worked with REEP – the Sheffield Refugee Education & Employment Project for several years teaching English one to one and is a keen walker with a strong interest in environmental issues. He is a prolific book reviewer for the Morning Star – Britain’s only socialist daily newspaper.

Tax the rich Vote Communist Take the power with public ownership

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