Unity!@Unite 2016 Tuesday

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Tuesday 12 July 2016 communist-party.org.uk

Tom Watson outed that Jeremy Corbyn’s resignation as the Deputy party leader Tom Watson – Leader was not on the agenda. Mr Watson another New Labour figure, albeit of a knew that, and it is entirely wrong to slightly more proletarian cast than is HE RiGHT WinG coup to suggest that any public statement by conventional for that tribe, who was replace Jeremy Corbyn as around at the time and voted for the war – Jeremy represented any change in the leader of the Labour party situation. This is a deeply disingenuous remains dangerous but now runs up has also cast himself as conciliator and last week brokered talks between a group manoeuvre. against the undeniable truth that I will continue to work with trade union of union leaders, Corbyn’s team and the the dissident members of the colleagues and others to chart a way PLP. parliamentary Labour party are The idea was to get the union leaders to forward, including meeting the legitimate totally out of touch with both party concerns of Labour MPs. Should there pressure Corbyn into resigning. and people. have to be a leadership election, I must The legs came of this effort with You have to marvel at the tactical warn that any attempts to keep Jeremy spectacular results over the weekend ineptitude of coup plotters who – in the when the leaders of the GMB and Unison Corbyn, elected just ten months ago with week in which Chilcot reports – present an enormous mandate, off the ballot paper took to the Durham stage to proclaim as their candidate an MP who backed by legal means risks a lasting division in support for Corbyn just as the twin Blair and Bush and voted for both the Iraq war, and, a decade later, the bombing messages came, from Watson announcing the Party. It is time for everyone to commit to a the talks were off and Eagle confirming of Syria. democratic and dignified procedure as the her leadership bid. The contrast with Corbyn, whose only way to avert such a disaster for With Labour’s National Executive public statement demonstrated his working people. Council finely balanced and due to commitment to the unity of the party and consider the leadership issue there is the PLP by taking collective The key test will be whether or not the responsibility for the decision to go to war more to this than meets the eye. Eagle candidature gets the full support of Watson, who presents himself as close could not be greater all those in the PLP who signed up for the to union members, especially the Meanwhile, Eagle appears on Sunday no confidence vote in Jeremy Corbyn. engineers that are now part of Unite, has morning political TV to tearfully worry Already some MPs appear to be abandoned his role as broker and appears about the pressure Blair is under! backtracking. If not there may be some to be acting in concert with the coup Angela Eagle’s bid for leadership has chance of patching things up. plotters. been delayed more often than a Virgin Watson, by his manoeuvres has raised Unite’s general secretary Len train but was finally choreographed for yesterday, just as the people who will vote McCluskey has issued a statement which, the stakes dramatically and narrowed the opportunities for a compromise that would in the leadership election were reading of in essence, speaks of a betrayal of trust. have met such legitimate concerns of MPs This is what he says: Corbyn’s ecstatic welcome at the Durham that may exist. But the dissident tendency I am dismayed at the statement issued Miners’ Gala and days before he will be in the parliamentary party have created by Tom Watson announcing his feted at the Tolpuddle Festival. conditions in which the contending forces withdrawal from talks aimed at resolving The electorate is currently swelling by are compelled to confront each other in a the crisis in the Labour Party. approximately 50,000 new Labour Party battle which will result in the victory of Extraordinarily I received no notice of members each week and it doesn’t appear one or the other. this statement before it was issued. I had that very many are joining to displace The struggle for the leadership of the made arrangements for a meeting of trade Corbyn and support the dissidents. Labour Party will now encompass the union leaders, Tom Watson and To add to Eagle’s woes her local party struggle to reconstitute the parliamentary representatives of the PLP and the Party in East Wallasey are backing Corbyn. party. Leader for tomorrow (Sunday 10 July), Party vice chair Paul Davies – a former arrangements requested by Tom Watson Unite road transport national secretary – NICk WRIGHT BLOGS AT and his colleagues, specifically for Mr said local members would feel it was a Watson’s convenience. “slap in the face” if Corbyn was kept off 21CENTuRYMANIFESTO In that context, when the possibility of a the ballot paper. “I think there would be uproar and any workable plan had never seemed closer, Tom calls for Angela to be deselected would “You're a Watson’s actions increase.” well-paid MP, I know. today can only look Someone called Smith, apparently a But, if I give you £1,000, will like an act of former radio announcer and currently a you answer two questions for me?” sabotage fraught Welsh Labour MP, was reported to be a “Absolutely! with peril for the candidate, presumably on the basis that What's the second future of the Labour he was not an MP when the Iraq war was question?” Party. launched. He now appears to be I must clarify one point in Tom rebranding himself as a conciliator in Watson’s statement – I made it absolutely Labour’s internal divisions. We will not clear from the outset of these discussions hear much more of him, I suspect. BY



Gerardo Hernández, one of the Miami Five addressed the Durham Miners Gala over the weekend, together with his comrade René González Gerardo, together with Fernando González, René González, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramon Labañino were unjustly imprisoned in 1998 for trying to prevent terrorist attacks against Cuba. They received harsh sentences after infiltrating Florida based groups responsible for violent actions and bombing campaigns against the island. British trade unions and Cuba Solidarity Campaign activists were at the forefront of the international campaign for their release. For the first 18 months of their freedom the men travelled across the island to meet with the Cuban people. They were honoured with state visits to Venezuela, Bolivia and South Africa where they met with the presidents of those countries, and travelled extensively through Europe to France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Moscow. Frustratingly for British campaigners wanting to celebrate the Five’s release with them in Britain, it has taken more than two years and 11 judges in immigration tribunals and the Court of Appeal for them to receive visas to enter Britain. René González was twice denied a visa by the British government on the grounds that he had spent more than four years in a foreign prison. The second refusal followed an invitation from 28 MPs to attend a meeting in parliament. However, in November 2015, following a legal battle, the Court of Appeal ruled that the refusals breached the MPs’ freedom to receive and impart information under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The judges also refused to let the Home Office appeal against their decision at the Supreme Court. Eventually the threat of a judicial review and urgent actions by CSC supporters and MPs appealing to the Home Office resulted in visas being issue just two days before the men and their families were due to fly.

Solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela Today! Tuesday 12 July, 5.30pm/End of session Syndicate Room 1, Brighton Centre With very special guest speakers from the Miami Five: Gerardo Hernández and René González Jacobo Torres, international officer, Venezuelan TUC (CSBT) H.E Rocio Maniero, Venezuelan Ambassador Chair: Diana Holland, assistant general secretary, Unite

Solidarity and peace still the priority BY LIz



HE RESponSE of imperialist powers to the ongoing economic crisis of capitalist profitability has been the intensification of their aggressive strategies. In their struggle to maintain hegemony, control resources and markets, stifle emerging competition and eradicate the potential challenge of left-wing and progressive movements across the world they pose a great danger to peace. The conflicts in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa – which have already brought death and misery to millions – are in danger of escalating into devastating regional wars, bringing the potential of a generalised global conflagration ever closer. US-led imperialism may be prepared to risk the destruction of humanity rather than see an equal, just and democratic world, but we acknowledge that violence and war are not inevitable and that the progressive and peace-loving peoples of the world can counter this threat. In Britain, left and progressive people

must challenge the warmongering foreign policies of the Tory government, consistently oppose aggression and advocate a peaceful alternative. Neither NATO nor any other aggressive pact or alliance with the US, EU and their allies can deliver peace. In our quest for peace we need to work together to build a broad, strong and united peace movement working with CND, the Stop the War Coalition and campaigns against the arms trade and chemical and biological weapons. It is also important to make links with the international peace movement and we welcome the re-establishment recently of the British Peace Assembly – the British affiliate of the World Peace Council. Peace is the pre-requisite for equality and justice. The National Assembly of Women (Britain’s affiliate to the Women’s International Democratic Federation representing millions of women worldwide) campaigns for peace and we welcome the growing involvement of major trades unions in its work. LIz PAYNE IS CHAIR OF THE COMMuNIST PARTY

United against racism and fascism! Sunday 9 October 12 noon Altab Ali Park, London E1 There will be an exhibition about the Battle of Cable Street and a series of commemorative cultural events for Cable Street 80 at the idea Store, Watney Market, London E1 2FB during october 2016. image Jules Perahim 1944

There’s nothing new about blaming immigrants and minority groups for problems caused by exploitation, governments and the system. • in the 1930s, Mosley’s fascists attacked the Jews. • in the 1950s and ‘60s, racists attacked Caribbean immigrants. • in the 1970s, the national Front attacked Asian communities. • Since the 1990s, the Bnp and EDL have attacked Muslims. • Today, UKip attacks East Europeans and refugees. This divides people, instead of uniting them to fight for a positive multicultural society where all have decent jobs, homes, public services, benefits, pensions, democracy, peace and a healthy environment. We should heed the warning of pastor niemoller, who defied the nazis in 1930s Germany:

Trident is dangerous and wasteful

Defence budget and this has meant that other jobs have been lost. The army itself has been reduced HE ToRiES are as determined as ever to press from 102,000 to 82,000. Cuts in orders ahead with the development for military aircraft has led to the loss of over 2,500 manufacturing jobs – some in of a new generation of nuclear vulnerable communities where there is weapons. Yet even the military has little other employment available. acknowledged that replacing these Last year saw the announcement that weapons of mass destruction is a the number of Type 26 frigates to be built waste of resources and will need on the Clyde was being cut from 13 to 8. huge cuts elsewhere to fund it. This year BAE announced that the Trident has no realistic military purpose in terms of the threats currently timetable for construction had been put back by at least a year – leading to the facing this country. It is simply a symbol loss of another 1,000 shipyard jobs. of Britain’s subordinate status in the uS Former Admiralty head, Lord West, alliance and NATO. Its renewal escalates told the Commons Defence Committee the nuclear stakes and sets back the that the MoD had ‘effectively run out of process of disarmament. It creates money’. This is before the main danger not peace. construction work on Trident has begun. The minimum cost estimate is £167 The 2016 CND report Trident and Jobs billion over its lifetime. The 2016 CND estimates that the investment of a “First they came for the report Trident and Jobs increases this to fraction of the £167 billion could create communists, and i did not speak £204 billion. It also estimates that the many more jobs than the 11,500 out – because i was not a number of jobs that will be sustained by communist; Trident’s construction and maintenance is estimated as dependent on Trident and to the benefit of the wider economy. Then they came for the no more than 11,500. It puts forward plans for Barrow that socialists, and i did not speak out – These jobs are important. They because i was not a socialist; sustain a whole community at Barrow, to could transform the community into a Then they came for the trade a lesser extent at Rolls Royce, Derby and jobs-rich centre for science and technology development focused on unionists, and i did not speak out – to a much smaller degree at the Faslane subsea marine engineering and energy because i was not a trade unionist; naval base in Scotland. generation. Derby equally has the skills Then they came for the Jews, and The question is whether the £167 for rebuilding our energy infrastructure i did not speak out – because i was billion spend on Trident is the best way and nuclear de-commissioning. not a Jew; of sustaining employment in general or All this would require government Then they came for me – and even in these communities. Already investment. In the uS such investment in there was no one left to speak out upwards of £5 billion has been spent the redeployment of defence workers is for me” since 2012, in payments to the uS for mandatory on the Federal missile design, in initial planning work at government. What is needed here is a Barrow and upgrading Aldermaston and Burghfield. All has had to come out of the similar fully-funded Defence BY




Diversification Agency (DDA) to ensure that those whose jobs rely on Trident have, in the future, good, well paid employment within their communities and near to their current workplaces. Today, outside the Eu, governments will be free to provide such state aid – and it will absolutely have to do so in order to rebuild Britain’s industrial base. In our view, the key task – in which the unions will be a crucial element – is to work with the existing anti-Trident opposition in the military establishment, within our political parties and trades unions, the faith communities and the anti-austerity movement to build a broad and powerful alliance of political forces that can kill off Trident before it does more damage to wider employment. Properly planned, defence diversification can yield enormous benefits to our economy and manufacturing capabilities when the skills, productivity and ingenuity which defence workers possess are re-directed to nonmilitary production. We would expect any incoming Labour government to ensure that Britain’s legitimate defence equipment needs are met from domestic producers and that proper forward planning of the defence budget is used to protect jobs and to promote a smooth transition of workers. Trident is dangerous and wasteful. Cancellation would release funds desperately needed elsewhere. TAM MORRISON IS SCOTTISH SECRETARY OF COMMuNIST PARTY


THE BATTLE FOR THE LABOUR MOVEMENT 2015: A year of struggle A Morning Star pamphlet This pamphlet from the Communist Party, written in the heat of the referendum battle by John Foster, ends with a warning. The Eu’s imposition of neo-liberal policies on all governments, including those led by the traditional parties of the Left, has resulted in the collapse of support for social democracy. In the referendum voters were asked to support an even more neo-liberal and probusiness Eu. Such an outcome poses an additional danger that the Tories will use it to argue that the electorate has voted in support of the Eu’s so-called free market policies and therefore against Labour’s programme for public ownership and enhanced public spending. £2 from online at www.communist-party.org.uk/shop/

Join Britain’s revolutionary party of working class power and liberation i want to join the Communist party/Young Communist League name address

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return to Communist party Ruskin House 23 Coombe Road Croydon CR0 1BD e mail office@communist-party.org.uk or call 02086861659 H Unite 2016

… and binds Britain to the uS Turkey and Egypt – and to fragment states such as Syria which do not yield to its will. Its allies are dictatorial and RiTAin HAS long had a plutocratic regimes locked into lucrative ‘special relationship’ with commercial relations with US companies the United States. British – with Britain as banker and arms defence companies, such as BAE and Rolls Royce, are effectively part supplier to some of the most unsavoury. At the same time the US maintains of the US military-industrial support for an intransigent Israeli complex and have moved much of their investment into the US to bid government and its rejection of UN demands for statehood rights for Palestine. for Federal defence orders (at the Combined, these policies make for expense of jobs here). grave instability, further war and untold US banks have a special place in the suffering. They provide justification for City of London – and as well as a special role in the 2008 financial crash. US global deeply dangerous and reactionary groups surveillance networks depend on bases in such as ISIS and they do so at a time when the Chilcot report exposes all the dangers Britain and British overseas territories. of a previous phase of Britain’s ‘special And of course Britain’s nuclear missiles relationship’. are made in the US and can only be fired In South America, Argentina, Brazil with US permission. and now Venezuela have faced systematic It is therefore important for the Left in political and economic destabilisation – Britain to discuss the nature of US overseas policy and the dangers it holds – potentially isolating Cuba, a country which, despite the recent thawing of especially at a time when the US relations with the US, still faces an presidency is about to change hands. economically savage blockade. Wars continue in the Middle East. In At a time when our country needs to South America and Southern Africa the US and its regional allies are involved in a rebuild its international economic links on a progressive basis and to be seen as a systematic policy of political destabilisation. And, for the longer run, it friend to progressive forces, Britain’s is China that is upper most in the minds of association with all the most reactionary aspects of US policy can only do untold US strategists. Each of these fronts holds its own set of harm. This is even more the case with China, dangers. In the Middle East US policy is to hold the world’s biggest economic force. Here, the United States is pursuing a long-term the balance of power between competing policy of military and economic regional powers – Saudi Arabia, Iran, BY JOHN FOSTER


containment. Central to this on the economic front is the current round of US-inspired trade treaties: the Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the European Union which, be in no doubt, will continue to impact adversely on us post-Brexit. Taken together these two treaties will regulate up to two-thirds of world trade and enable direct intervention in the Chinese economy – thereby limiting China’s ability to develop alternative trading arrangements which challenge neo-liberal dollar dominance. Directly related to this policy has been NATO’s advance into Eastern Europe and its support for the coup in Ukraine. Under its previous government, Ukraine was developing closer economic relations with China and considering membership of the Eurasian Economic Union along with other former Soviet republics. Now NATO troops exercise in a country divided by civil war. Across the world these policies have been seriously destabilising. They hold even graver dangers for the future. Chilcot demands that the Labour movement urgently re-evaluates this special relationship and uses the opportunity of Brexit to rebuild international relationships on the basis of genuine partnership. JOHN FOSTER IS THE COMMuNIST PARTY’S INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY

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