Unity October 2016 Cable Street Special

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October 2016

Workers of all lands, unite!

AnitA HAlpin


ELCOME to this special issue of Unity! which is circulated free to all celebrating the defeat of fascism at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936 and to participants at the Stand Up to Racism conference. Unity in the fight against racism, antisemitism and fascism is in the political DnA of communists. the fascists and their police protectors were fought to a standstill on the streets of london and other cities. thousands of anti fascists volunteered for liberty in Spain. the Red Army tore the guts out of the nazi war machine. Capitalist crisis breeds racism and fascism in new forms. today, the chauvinism spawned by the tory/UKip axis must be countered by a progressive exit from the racist Fortess Europe based on stronger rights at work. Our working class movement must combine the battle for decent wages for all and a big increase in house building with a defence of migrant workers’ rights. Workers united combined with a progressive government could put an end to zero hours, low wages, insecure work, discrimination and exploitation. AnitA HAlpin iS EDitOR OF tHE Unity! gROUp OF pUbliCAtiOnS

tOny COnWAy


HIS WEEKEND sees two important and significant demonstrations of solidarity with all those fighting racism and fascism. On Saturday, Stand up to Racism is holding its conference with an impressive array of speakers from anti-racist campaigns across Europe. On Sunday, national and local organisations come together to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the ‘Battle of Cable Street’ when, on 4 October 1936, more than 100,000 people turned out in East London to defeat police attempts to clear the way for Oswald Mosley’s blackshirted British Union of Fascists. The Communist Party congratulates the organisers of both these events. Since the 22 June much has been said about the impact the people’s decision to exit the EU will have particularly in respect of any rise in racism. Such

All power to the working class The role of the Communist Party

No to racism and fascism attitudes existed prior to the referendum and the worst action now would be for Government to ignore the popular mandate. Communists say that Britain should adopt an anti-racist immigration policy that is fair to all - with help for refugees fleeing famine and war. We say that the Human Rights Act and European Convention on Human Rights must be upheld. All EU citizens currently living in the EU should be guaranteed residence and the unfair anti discrimination rules imposed on non EU citizens must be reversed. There must be no more mass deportations as was seen last month when mothers, fathers and grandparents were among those forcibly removed from the UK to Jamaica despite many of them having spent their entire adult lives in Britain. We are concerned at the tactics used by Home Office immigration enforcement, which has been accused of ‘strategically’ detaining individuals to fill the charter

flight without consideration of their circumstances. We must also oppose and support those peoples being deported due to the problems with housing and homelessness. This is a clear sign of the lack of affordable housing in many of our towns and cities. In addition we must oppose and campaign against decisions of the UK Government as floated by the Prime Minister at the recent Special Assembly of the UN to tinker with the Convention on Refugees. Yes, the Convention was drawn up after the anti-fascist war but who can argue that people aren't fleeing war currently. Wars often caused by western imperialism and then fanned afterwards. The 9,000 desperate refugees, including nearly a thousand children, crammed into the infamous ‘Jungle’ camp at Calais need our help and solidarity From the start the attitudes of the French and British governments toward the refugee crisis have been a disgrace. The Tories have sought to shut our doors on anyone seeking asylum in this country,

even voting against providing a safe haven for unaccompanied child refugees until a concerted Labour fightback forced a Uturn. The French authorities have hampered efforts to get humanitarian aid into the camp — blocking entry for the Convoy to Calais organised by Stand Up to Racism and the People’s Assembly, for example — and bear a heavy responsibility for the squalid conditions here. With residents lacking sufficient food, clean water, healthcare and sanitation it is hardly surprising if crime rates are rising. Shopkeepers complaining of stolen goods and lorry drivers who say their vehicles have been damaged are not lying. But the mobs baying for the residents to be sent home must be confronted, not appeased. The ‘Jungle’ is a symptom, not a cause of the flow of refugees into Europe.

the Communist party believes that socialist revolution and the construction of a fundamentally new type of society to replace capitalism is essential for the future of humanity and our planet. in all three countries of britain, capitalism has become a barrier to balanced economic development, environmental security, social justice and meaningful democracy. the big business profit system has to be replaced by a new system – socialism – based on mass participation in decision making, social ownership of the economy, democratic planning and solidarity. but fundamental change will also require a transfer of political power, taking it out of the hands of a small number of monopoly capitalists whose interests dominate our society. Such a revolutionary process will have to be led by the working class – the producers of society's wealth – at the head of an alliance of forces representing the interests of the people as a whole. What is the role of the Communist party in helping to achieve a socialist society in England, Scotland and Wales? Why is a strong and influential Communist party essential for victory? this pamphlet aims to stimulate discussion and understanding of the unique role that only a communist party can play. it divides into four distinct but inter-related sections, each of which can form the basis for a political education session or class.

tOny COnWAy COnvEnES tHE COMMUniSt pARty’S Anti-FASCiSt, Anti-RACiSt COMMiSSiOn

European Union migration double standards HARSEv bAinS


S PART of the general election campaign in October 1974, the Labour Party promised a referendum to decide whether Britain should remain in the then European Economic Community (EEC) or quit. in the 1975 referendum, 67 per cent of voters favoured staying in the EEC; the indian Workers’ Association (great britain) — iWA(gb) — was among the 33 per cent opposing continuing membership. the Wilson government promised much in terms of works councils and an increase in workers’ participation in the affairs of industry. instead, what we had was increased bureaucracy, the destruction of manufacturing, the migration of finance to cheaper labour

markets in Europe and a disconnected system of overpaid non-accountable European MEps and bureaucrats. Secret trade deals like the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (ttip) and that between the EU and india, are all aimed at the continued exploitation of developing countries still further. in response, the iWA(gb) has been stepping up its campaigning, alongside other left and progressive forces, against the neoliberal agenda of globalisation and associated austerity. David Cameron’s EU renegotiations in February this year, aimed at creating the conditions for a ‘Remain’ victory in the referendum campaign, were a contemptible demonstration of racism and xenophobia. the proposals for imposing a work qualification period of up to four years for in-work benefits for migrants from Europe resonated with migrant workers in britain as a very real threat.

When the iWA(gb) carefully examined the results of 43 years of EU membership, it became clear that there has been a growing contradiction between the promises of frequent renegotiations in the interests of working people and the actual delivery. the expected paradigm of a Europe with free movement for people permanently settled in britain, including those who have a non-EU passport, has been denied. people from india, for example, still require one Schengen visa for Europe and a separate one for britain. Within the EU, Asian communities have experienced the worst of all worlds as result of britain’s alignment with the EU’s ‘Fortress Europe’ approach. the indian Workers’ Association (great britain) continues to lobby against the discriminatory, unethical immigration legislation applicable to non-EU residents

that divides poor families and denies them the basic human right to live together in britain. together with our allies in lexit, we are not against the people of Europe or people in any other part of the world. We want to be friends and trading partners with all peoples of the world, whatever their race, religion or nationality. in his editorial in People’s Democracy 29 June, prakash Karat, former general secretary of the Communist party of india (Marxist), said that ‘the struggle against racism and xenophobia of the far-right can only be countered by putting forward such a left programme and mobilising people around it. What has to be underlined is that the struggle for an alternative agenda can be advanced now that the EU shackles have been removed.’

this pamphlet by Kenny Coyle offers a concise overview of the historical development of imperialism as well as anti-imperialist and socialist revolutions in South-East and East Asia. in this current era of anti-imperialist politics and programmes that present tremendous opportunities and challenges to the peoples of Asia, Kenny Coyle considers the chances for advances and the continuing malign influence of british and US imperialism in the region.


pamphlets are £2 from www.communist-party.org.uk/shop

Asia: imperialism and resistance

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