HACKNEY UTC A University Technical College
School Prospectus
Become part of a great new future
Principal’s welcome
To become something bigger than I am right now
Dear parents, carers and students, Welcome to Hackney University Technical College, a brand new secondary school located in the heart of London’s Tech City. Our ambition is to ensure that Hackney UTC students develop as high achieving, confident, articulate and capable young people whose education fully equips them to go on to university or the career of their choice through our specialisms in STEM with Health, Bio Medical and Digital Technologies.
We work hard and we expect our students to work equally hard to achieve these goals. We also need the commitment and support of you, our students’ families. We provide the highest quality teaching and resources. We offer support where it’s needed and stretch and challenge every student to do the best they can. We also offer, through our partners and our sponsors (BT, UEL and the Homerton University Hospital Trust) world-class employer projects.
We want our students to grow into well-rounded, confident, ambitious young people. We want them to aspire not only to personal high achievement but to making their mark on the world. As the Principal of Hackney University Technical College I am absolutely committed to enabling our students to achieve their highest ambitions and creating a wonderful UTC that will offer our students enormous opportunities. I look forward to meeting you and your son or daughter. Annie Blackmore, Principal
S cience T echnology E ngineering M athematics 1
Our Mission Hackney University Technical College will transform the education and aspirations of all its students. We will provide the highest quality teaching, resources and support to enable them to flourish in a twenty-first century global community. We will work hard to develop world-class partnerships with employers for engaging and inspiring opportunities. Who we are Hackney University Technical College’s ambition is to offer its students outstanding educational opportunities. It is a mixed, nonselective UTC for 14-19 year olds. We expect our students to leave Hackney UTC with the confidence and qualifications to enable them to achieve their ambitions and make real choices about their future. We have high expectations of our students, staff and parents. To do this we provide: • Strong commitment to our students’ achievements • Excellent standards of conduct including dress • A safe, caring environment where respect and consideration are taught and valued. • Outstanding teaching • A stretching and innovative curriculum that meets the needs of every child and has a real focus on skills for university and work through our Health and Digital Technologies specialisms• A dynamic and imaginative enrichment programme • Regular, careful review and assessment of every student’s progress and needs and tailored support for each child
• New buildings and facilities of industry standard that will foster excellence in teaching and learning.
A University Technical College University Technical Colleges are a new concept in education. Their distinctive purpose is to offer 1419 year olds the opportunity to take a highly regarded, technically oriented course of study at a specialist college, sponsored by a university and FE College. They offer clear progression routes into Higher Education or further learning in work and are equipped to the highest standards.
We will be a small UTC of no more than 400 students. This will enable every child to be known individually and to identify strongly with the UTC. The active involvement of the University of East London is a clear demonstration that the UTCs are important and prestigious institutions, providing opportunities and progress in a variety of careers at all levels of attainment.
Our partners Hackney UTC is sponsored by Hackney Community College, the University of East London (UEL), BT and the Homerton University Hospital Trust. This enables us to lead learning and offer excellent quality education to ensure that every student achieves highly enough to have real options in later life.
“We’re proud to be associated with the ground-breaking Hackney University Technical College, which we believe is a fantastic asset that will allow students aged 14-19 access to some of the best facilities and teachers in the country. Providing these facilities in the heart of Tech City to students is really inspiring them as they can see the advantage they will have in their future careers, be that with a global company like BT or a start-up.”
“This is an exciting development for education in East London and will provide young people with the best possible opportunities when looking at their future careers. This is not just an investment in young people, in their lifelong learning journey, but an investment in the community as a whole with the learning and teaching geared towards emerging industries in the local area.”
“The Homerton is delighted with the announcement that the UTC project has been approved and that we will now be working with partners to make it a reality. We are pleased to be supporting this exciting development for local people.”
“This is a really exciting, new opportunity for young people which in turn will meet the needs of employers. The students will get the best education possible, with state-of-the-art facilities: a strong preparation for their successful future. At Hackney Community College, we are proud to be the sponsor of Hackney UTC.”
I think about being a lot of things really; doing forensics is my aim but being a politician, an MP, an astronomer. Everything
The Curriculum Our specialisms At Hackney UTC students choose to specialise in STEM with Health & Biomedical Technologies or Digital Technologies . These are accredited by Cambridge Nationals These are tailor made qualifications developed between us, our partners and OCR. As such they are tailor made to the requirements of industry and higher education and develop the soft and not-so-soft skills needed for the workplace.
‘I never knew that before you even left the house to go to school in the morning over 40 satellites had already had an influence on your life!’ Year 10 student
Students follow the English Baccalaureate in the school day alongside our specially designed technical courses in their chosen specialism.
‘Hospitals have so many laboratories – so that’s why you get the results back so quickly!’ Year 10 health student ‘A phone call from London to Birmingham sent via satellite because the telecom traffic is busy! Wow!’ Year 10 Digital student
Lots of learning is done in partnership with the employers and universities to ensure that nothing is missed on the journey to success. The employer and university visits are key to applying the knowledge learnt on site through the cutting edge specialisms which are complemented by the more traditional subjects and underpinned by separate sciences. Students spend a considerable part of their time off site with the employer and university partners and our dedicated team of staff actually putting into practice what they have learnt about in their lessons and seeing the relevance of it to today’s life.
“Work for Apple and maybe become the CEO” Francisco Fernandes, year 10 Head Boy
Digital Technologies Cambridge National Qualification in: • Creative Media • ICT • GCSE qualifications in: • Media Studies • Computer Science • ICT How are we able to communicate with people around the world in real time? How do they add music to movies? How do they make movies and documentaries? How are computers built and how do they get so small? What is coding? How does that make my laptop work? With extensive support from local employers such as BT and Avanti, CISCO and other businesses at Tech City, we have developed a specialist curriculum that will focus on both creative and technical digital media, including infrastructure design and support. Whether you are an aspiring programmer, film-maker or coder our courses will help prepare you for your future career.
We’ve already made an impact with Hackney Live! on streaming dance, drama and music internationally and our students are highly regarded at BT for their technical and creative Skill.
HUTC student Haider Romero Perez shot this award winning picture from the top of the BT Tower
Every term, students undertake an employer-led project. The following are some examples: • Working with Avanti on satellite technologies for complete UK wide mobile network coverage • Working with BT on digital technologies • Creating digital infrastructures to support digital broadcasts. Using cutting edge state-of-the art facilities at the UTC to deliver the curriculum, including specialist cameras, lighting and mobile virtual studio equipment and creative digital media labs – the students are well prepared for their employer and university projects.
“My ambition is to be a forensic toxicologist - Hackney UTC will provide me with outstanding opportunities to work with Health Care professionals ” Fatmata Cole, year 10 Head Girl
health Technologies GCSE in: • Human Health and Physiology • Cambridge National in Health What causes aging? How do we treat genetic disease? How do nurses and doctors know what to say when they are delivering bad news? How can we find out how animals die? Comprising GCSE Human Health & Physiology and the Cambridge National Qualification in Health this course looks specifically at the human body as it ages and matures and also current treatment for some of the most common diseases in the UK today. Students will follow a rigorous schedule of pre-clinical study pre-16 leading to clinical experiences with our Health partners.
Our practical experiences: • Working with the Homerton University Hospital Trust on NHS statutory mandatory training • Forensics, pathology and pharmaceuticals • Care and ethics in the health sector • Working with local NHS Trusts on medical sciences • Working with the University of East London on bioscience research and physiology.
In house UTC experiences include histological dissection of major organs like the kidney, heart, lungs, muscle tissue and also looking at lab dissection to develop clinical and anatomical skills. These will lead to healthcare employment upon leaving the UTC or laboratory experience before applying for a university place where our graduates can study medicine, the sciences or bespoke degrees such as a Masters’ in E-Health
All have an applicable impact on what students learn in the health and science laboratories.
The subjects The subjects we offer at GCSE are:
Religious education
• English Literature • English Language • Maths • Further Maths and Statistics • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Spanish • History • Computer Science
Hackney UTC is a nondenominational UTC, providing education for children of all faiths and none. Religious education and assemblies are delivered in line with the ethos of the UTC, and many different faiths.
Education visits are an integral part of our unique curriculum. These experiences broaden students’ horizons and deepen their learning. Visits include study courses at the Homerton University Hospital in Hackney, the Centre of the Cell in Whitechapel and BT Tower. Each visit drives home the relevance of the UTC ethos.
PE is compulsory and we are fortunate to have the fantastic sports facilities of Hackney Community College at our disposal.
Sex and relationships education Hackney UTC ensures that sex education, including education about HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, is provided for all students. As a parent you have the right to withdraw your child from any part of sex education that does not form part of the national curriculum.
The religious education curriculum will reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are mainly Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other religions represented in Great Britain. As a parent, you have a right to withdraw your child from religious education and collective worship.
Extra-curricular activities We want our students to enjoy a rich and varied life and that includes a wide choice of stimulating extracurricular activities. During our extended day, there are a variety of clubs and societies, including sports or opportunities to learn additional skills in the arts. There are also homework clubs, with extra support from teachers. Many of our clubs relate to our UTC specialisms in Health and Digital Technologies and there are regular UTC showcases. Our clubs include parliamentary debating, advanced STEM and photography.
We may ask parents for a contribution towards the cost of UTC trips where necessary. We do not want cost to be a reason for students to miss out, so if parents are unable to make a contribution they should discuss this with the UTC.
Assessment Assessment is important to help teachers monitor student progress and to provide help or further challenge when it is needed. The UTC uses a tracking system to establish students’ prior learning and set high academic targets for each student. This data is shared regularly with parents and students. Students sit formal exams every half term to check progress and to get them used to exam conditions. We report the attainment and progress of students each half term. There are also parents’ evenings where you are expected to come in to talk with your child’s teachers about their progress.
Timings of the day
8.30am Lesson 1 9.30am Lesson 2 10.30am Morning break time 10.45am Tutor Time/Assembly 11.05am Lesson 3 12.05pm Lunch 12.45pm Lesson 4 1.45pm Lesson 5 2.45pm Lesson 6 3.45pm Afternoon break time/ Commute Time 4.00- Enrichment/ 5.00pm* work placement
Parents/carers should not take their children out of lessons for holidays or any other planned event during term time, as it seriously impacts on a student’s education. Term dates are available on our website. Any unauthorised holiday absence carries a penalty fine at the discretion of the Government’s Department for Education and children are at risk of losing their place at the UTC.
If a student has not come through the UTC gate by 8.25am, they are marked as late. Any lateness results in students missing their free time/activity time at lunchtime. Regular lateness results in more serious sanctions.
* Monday to Thursday only. The day ends on Friday at 3.45pm. Each student will receive a personalised timetable.
Breakfast club Any student can come to our breakfast club, which takes place every day, from 8.00-8.30am.
Professional dress & equipment UTC dress code
Mobile technology
Hackney University Technical College believes that a smart business like appearance creates a feeling of belonging and encourages our youngsters to take pride in their education and training. It is important that the UTC jacket and tie (for boys) is worn correctly, and this code is strictly enforced.
There are a number of items that a student needs in order to take a full and active part in learning at the UTC. These are outlined below, and should be carried by students at all times: • 2 black or blue writing pens • 2 highlighter pens • 2 sharpened pencils • 1 rubber • 1 ruler • 1 clear pencil case.
The UTC recognises the power of mobile technology in the 21st century and its responsible and acceptable use. Students will be permitted to use mobile phones in lessons as the curriculum requires, however at all other times they must be used responsibly and kept out of sight and silent. If not responsibly used the phone will be confiscated and returned at the end of the school day. Students bring in their phones at their own risk.
Business-like attire means: • UTC jacket • UTC tie (compulsory for boys, optional for girls) • White business shirt or blouse • Smart, black, flat or low-heeled shoes • Black/grey/sheer tights for girls • Smart dark trousers or dress or skirt (for girls). Optional items: • A grey or black headscarf • One wristwatch • One pair of stud earrings • Make-up should be applied conservatively. Sports clothing • UTC polo shirt or plain white T-Shirt • Sports fleece • Plain black tracksuit bottoms • Optional plain black shorts • Trainers • Sports socks. Students who do not turn up to UTC correctly dressed are normally sent home to change.
General Information Healthy eating
Student voice
UTC lunches Hackney UTC is committed to healthy eating and is proud of the excellent UTC meal service which is delivered by our catering staff through the facilities at Hackney Community College.
Approach to behaviour We want UTC to be enjoyable for every student. Students should be able to learn, appreciate their lessons, make friends and be enthusiastic about UTC.
We have an active student body and our students regularly represent us at public events. As well as a Student Council and Head Boy/ Head Girl we have digital and health ambassadors who take a lead role in promoting our specialisms.
Full details of the lunch service can be found on our UTC website. Alternatively, students can bring a packed lunch into UTC. Students are not permitted to bring in or buy sweets or fizzy drinks. Students are not permitted to leave the UTC premises at lunchtime to buy food.
Costs and payment If you think your child is eligible for free UTC meals, please fill out the relevant form which is available from the UTC office. Once your child’s eligibility is confirmed, the UTC will arrange for meal tickets to be given to your child each week. Food provided at the breakfast club will be charged separately.
All behaviours both positive and negative are tracked and reported. All staff in the UTC, teaching and non-teaching, are involved in maintaining the high standards of behaviour expected by all its members. We reward desirable behaviour with praise and rewards and impose consistent, clear and unavoidable sanctions for acceptable behaviour.
To go to a 3rd world country and find cures for different diseases
ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTS APPROVED BY SECRETARY OF STATE 1. Admission numbers The admission arrangements for the Hackney University Technical College Academy for the year 2012/2013 and, subject to any changes approved or required by the Secretary of State, for subsequent years are: The Hackney University Technical College Academy has an agreed admission number of 100 pupils in year 10. The Hackney University Technical College Academy will accordingly admit at least 100 pupils in the relevant age group each year if sufficient applications are received, and no more than 100 pupils; 2. Consideration of applications The Hackney University Technical College Academy will consider all applications for places. Where fewer than the published admission number for any relevant age group are received, the Hackney University Technical College Academy will offer places to all those who have applied. 3.Procedures where the Hackney University Technical College Academy is oversubscribed (14-16 provision) Where the number of applications for admission is greater than the published admissions number, applications will be considered against the criteria set out below. After the admission of pupils with statements of Special Educational Needs where the
Hackney University Technical College Academy is named on the statement, the criteria will be applied in the order in which they are set out below: a) Looked after children and previously looked after children; b) Remaining places will be allocated randomly as follows: a) 30% of places allocated to applicants within Area 1 which will include all postcode in N1, EC1, EC2, EC3, E2, E8 and E9 b) 30% of places allocated to applicants within Area 2 which will include all postcodes in, EC4, E1, E5, N4, N5, N7 and N16 c) 30% of places allocated to applicants within Area 3 which will include all postcodes in WC1, WC2, SE1, SE15, SE16, E3, E10, E14, E17, N8, N15 d) Remaining places will be allocated to pupils living outside the areas listed in a – c above with those living closest to the front gates of the UTC (as the crow flies) being admitted. 4. Operation of waiting lists a) Subject to any provisions regarding waiting lists in the LA’s co-ordinated admission scheme, the Academy will operate a waiting list. Where in any year the Hackney University Technical College Academy receives more applications for places than there are places available, a waiting list will operate until the end of the Autumn term. This will be maintained by the Hackney University Technical College Academy and it will be open to any parent to ask for his or her child’s name to be placed on the waiting list, following an unsuccessful application.
b) Children’s position on the waiting list will be determined solely in accordance with the oversubscription criteria set out in paragraph 4a – d above. Where places become vacant they will be allocated to children on the waiting list in accordance with the oversubscription criteria. 5. Arrangements for admission of students as the Hackney University Technical College Academy builds to its full capacity The Hackney University Technical College will open in September 2012 with a Published Admissions Number relating solely to students in Year 10. In 2012 there will be no students in Years 11, 12 and 13. 6. Arrangements for admitting pupils to other year groups, including to replace any pupils who have left the Hackney University Technical College Academy With regards to the admission arrangements relating to applications submitted for years other than the normal year of entry, the Academy will consider all such applications and if the year group applied for has a place available, admit the child unless one of the permitted reliefs apply. If more applications are received than there are places available, the oversubscription criteria in paragraph 4a – b shall apply. Parents whose application is turned down are entitled to appeal.
We believe that strong links between home and the UTC are vital, as by working together our students’ education will be more successful. Our UTC will operate an ‘open door’ policy for all parents. If you have concerns about the UTC or your child you can always get in touch with us by calling the UTC office.
Hackney UTC website Please visit our website at www.hackneyutc.co.uk for up-to-date information and details of upcoming UTC events.
How to reach us There are a number of ways to reach us via public transport. Buses: • 67, 149, 242, 243 to Kingsland Road • 26, 35, 47, 48, 55, 78 towards Shoreditch Church • 394 to Kingsland Road Tube, overground and train: • Hoxton Station: 3 minutes walk • Old Street: Exit 2, 10 minutes walk or 243 bus towards Shoreditch • Liverpool Street: Bishopsgate exit, 15 minutes walk or 149 or 242 bus towards Shoreditch.
HACKNEY UTC A University Technical College
Contact Information Hackney University Technical College Falkirk Street London E2 8AA (Entrance is on Basing Place just off Kingsland Road) Tel: 020 7613 9212 (reception) Email: info@hackneyutc.co.uk Website: www.hackneyutc.co.uk @HackneyUTC Facebook.com/hackneyutc Designed and produced by communitas-pr.co.uk