An Independent Day School
Now to destruction doom’d thy peaceful grott Pope’s willow bending to the earth forgot Save one weak scion by my fostering care Nursed into life which fell on bracken spare On the lone bank to mark the spot with pride Dip the long branches in the rippling tide JMW Turner 1808
Pope’s Villa at Twickenham by Joseph Mallord William Turner
Welcome to Radnor House A message from the Head I am delighted you are reading the Radnor House Prospectus. Our magnificent buildings and location are a treasure, however it is the vibrant education we offer that makes this school sought after. We have a firm belief that every child has the potential to succeed. This belief is encompassed in a compassionate and dynamic community in which our students are happy, achieve excellent results and have the opportunity to develop skills to make them the leaders of the future. It is a privilege to be the Head at Radnor House as we strive to ensure it becomes one of the leading Independent schools, not just in London but nationally. Radnor House has clear goals and values that lie at the heart of our educational philosophy and will help your child realise his or her full potential. We aim to produce outstanding citizens and I believe that a focus on high standards in all areas of school life is vital to achieving this goal. However, to be highly successful in such a rapidly changing world young people also need to embrace change and we go out of our way to help them be confident, adaptable and have the ability to think for themselves. Our teachers are enthusiastic practitioners of their subjects and ambassadors of our caring ethos. Above all, Radnor House is a welcoming, open and happy community and I hope you accept my invitation to visit us and see what a special and unique learning environment we have created. David J Paton Head
David Paton
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The School’s Philosophy and Aims Our philosophy at Radnor House is one of developing a genuine love of learning, in which all aspects of the education we offer challenge our students in a stimulating and caring environment, where traditional values are encompassed in a 21st Century approach. High academic standards form the firm foundation of Radnor House, complemented by the creative arts, sport and wide ranging extra-curricular activities. This approach ensures that all of our students leave Radnor House as well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of purpose and true sense of worth. We aim to: Encourage the pursuit of excellence Foster individual responsibility for learning Promote initiative and leadership developing mature, confident and responsible students Foster an environment where learning and knowledge are valued in their own right Nurture the idea of service to the community through active engagement Promote a ‘can do’ culture of seizing opportunities and living life to the fullest Create a co-operative and supportive environment where these aims can be pursued and realised.
Parents are essential to our philosophy. Radnor House has an open door policy and we encourage parents to become involved in every aspect of school life. Our links and close proximity to St Mary’s University College offer excellent opportunities for our students to take part in sporting activities. Likewise, to complement our Duke of Edinburgh and leadership programmes, Thames Young Mariners provide opportunities for our students to undertake wide-ranging water based sporting activities that can be accessed by river taxi from our private pontoon. We are developing facilities for tennis, netball and football on our land opposite Radnor House and use the river to maximum effect through close affiliation to Twickenham Rowing Club.
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The House and Pastoral System To encourage competition in the Arts, Sport and Charity work, all students entering Radnor House are assigned to one of our four Houses. Each House has direct historic links to the original site that features the mansion lived in by Alexander Pope. The names reflect the friendship between four leading literary figures of the 18th Century who would all have met together at Pope’s Villa. POPE SWIFT VOLTAIRE PARNELL At Radnor House we expect our students will show loyalty to their House and work hard to try and ensure success in all areas of school life. The Houses give all our students the opportunity to thrive through competition in the Arts, Sport and all-round achievement. House identity is encouraged and fostered throughout the school. Every student is encouraged to take part in House activities.
The House system provides students with a specific identity whilst enabling them to take part in a range of competitive activities thereby developing their leadership skills. House points are earned through academic endeavours, for exhibiting thoughtfulness and good manners towards others and for inter-House competitions including Sport, Art, Debating and Music.
Our expectations At Radnor House, emphasis is placed on courtesy, care for others, good manners and self-discipline, positive steps being taken to ensure good conduct. Parents will always be kept informed should the school have any concerns about any aspect of their child’s development or behaviour. Great emphasis is placed on the co-operation that is so essential between home and school in the development of every individual. We believe that children thrive with sensitive but firm and structured guidance. The first step for students seeking pastoral care will be to meet with the House Tutor and then, if necessary, their House Master/Mistress.
Each House is led by a House Master or Mistress whose role is to celebrate the uniqueness of every student and motivate them to do their very best personally, for their House and school as they compete for the House Awards, presented annually.
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The Environment Radnor House is fortunate in being housed in magnificent buildings on the west bank of the River Thames as it flows through the London Borough of Richmond on Thames in Twickenham. The current 18th Century building was built on land that was the location of Alexander Pope’s residence. The original Grade II* listed Grotto which forms a part of the site once connected the house to the main gardens on the other side of the road. Almost £2m has recently been invested in the fabric of the building and to provide the latest IT facilities, ensuring a superb environment for our students to receive their education.
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Academic Life We follow an enhanced National Curriculum in all subjects and during the first two years of the secondary stage, students have a broad and balanced education taught in small classes with enriched opportunities both in and outside of the school. GCSE courses commence in Year 9 with final GCSE options being chosen for Year 10. The opportunities on offer are aimed at inspiring young people to be responsible, sincere, conscientious and honest. At Radnor House we aim to create an atmosphere that enables every individual to grow, develop and mature. However desirable knowledge may be in itself, its chief fruits are to be found in giving service to others through involvement in and service to the community. Music, Drama and Art are seen as key strengths of the school and in lessons, students have the opportunity to sing, compose, create and perform. There are opportunities for students to join choirs and musical ensembles. Instrumental tutors visit Radnor House to offer private tuition on a range of instruments thereby broadening the Music curriculum. The Music School that was formerly the Convent Chapel is a perfect location for concerts and recitals and parents and students are encouraged to become involved in the creative life of the school.
Drama is taught throughout the Prep School and for the first three years of the Secondary School and is an option in our GCSE programme of study. Dance is integrated into the Drama and Physical Education curriculum and the performance skills of our students are a regular feature in public performances for parents and the wider community. Once students have completed their GCSE examinations, they have the opportunity to enter our Sixth Form, which offers a wide choice of A Level subjects. Close links are developed with the leading universities both in the UK and internationally to support students leaving Radnor House in their applications for degree courses at the leading universities.
Assessment for Learning A range of teaching styles maximise students’ potential in academic achievement, aesthetic appreciation and spiritual awareness. Students are motivated if they know the learning intention and we are alert to discover how individual children learn and adapt our teaching styles accordingly.
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Entrance to the Prep School The Prep School ages 7-11
Numeracy and Literacy
A love of learning is essential, therefore our curriculum in the Prep School is both broad and balanced, giving every opportunity to develop skills and maximise learning potential. There are four classes, one for each year group with approximately 20 students in each class.
Most numeracy and literacy lessons occur in the morning and are generally allocated two consecutive 30-minute periods. We believe that students should be able to recall tables with speed and accuracy and we encourage parents to help their child achieve this by regularly practising the multiplication tables and other set activities of homework.
ICT has an essential role in our teaching and learning philosophy. The school has excellent ICT facilities in classrooms, the Learning Resource area which is part of the Library and in a specialist ICT suite covering both PC and Mac technology. Students receive at least one skillsbased ICT lesson a week from Year 3 to Year 9 and the ICT suites are available for class teachers to book specialist facilities for use in all curriculum areas.
Considerable cross-phase liaison takes place between the subject co-ordinators of the Preparatory School and the Senior School capitalising on the subject specialism of our teachers. The school day in the Prep School is more flexible than in the Secondary School and is divided into ten 30-minute periods a day to ensure our teachers maximise the learning opportunities for their students. The school commences at 8.30am and finish at 3.45pm, after which time a Homework Club and extended activities are offered to support students with their homework or to develop their talents.
Science The emphasis in the Science curriculum is on practical activities using the excellent facilities of the specialist science laboratories at Radnor House. The students have many opportunities to plan and carry out scientific investigations.
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The Secondary School – ages 11-18 The Secondary School – ages 11-18 Students are admitted into: Year 7 at the age of 11 to correspond with the normal transfer age from Primary school Year 9 at the age of 13 to correspond with the normal transfer age from Prep schools in the wider geographical area Year 10 at the age of 14 to correspond with the start of GCSE courses in a wide range of subjects. Radnor House operates two classes of approximately 20 students in each of Years 7 and 8, increasing to three classes in Years 9 to 11. The Sixth Form, operational from September 2014 offers A Level courses catering for students who have completed their GCSEs and other students who wish to commence their Sixth Form education at Radnor House.
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The Secondary School Curriculum Key Stage 3 In years 7 & 8, students in the first two years at Radnor House follow a foundation course based on an enriched National Curriculum with a common core. This includes; Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies and Personal and Social Education, French, Spanish, Latin, History, Geography, Technology and Information Technology, Art, Music, Drama and Sport. Radnor House is alert to discover where a student’s talents lie in order to enable excellence to be suitably encouraged. Similarly, should a student have difficulty in coping with any aspect of the work, steps are taken to discover the reason and to remedy the difficulty. In Year 9, all students commence initial GCSE courses prior to opting for their final choices towards the end of that year. Guidance is offered to ensure that courses selected for study in Years 10 and 11 are those most suited to the individual pupil’s aptitude and ability, whilst taking account of legal curriculum requirements. These option choices give a flexible course of study leading to GCSEs in a wide range of subjects.
All students are tested at various stages throughout their school career and these results, together with external examination results, form the basis of the school’s evaluation of all aspects of the education we offer. We have a continuous programme of target setting and assessment. Key Stage 4 (GCSE) External examinations offered are at GCSE level. The school uses examination courses offered by the leading examination boards in the UK, namely AQA, OCR and EdExcel. We have chosen courses of study that will stimulate, motivate and challenge our students. Key Stage 5 (Sixth Form) – Advanced Level courses In addition to a wide ranging selection of traditional A-Level courses we will pride ourselves not only on high academic standards but on an extended curriculum with qualifications in Public Speaking, Sports Leadership, ECDL and First Aid complemented by conversational languages, life skills and university preparation.
We operate a system of continuous monitoring throughout a student’s career at Radnor House. Parents receive detailed reports, available electronically, on their child’s progress and are encouraged to discuss with staff any problems or anxieties concerning their son or daughter’s progress and development. In addition to the formal written report, parents receive regular half termly reports showing progress on a regular basis. Should the school have any cause for concern regarding the progress of individual students, parents are contacted and invited to visit the school in order to work out appropriate strategies.
We aim to achieve outstanding results with our students and believe that every child can and will achieve great things given the right motivation.
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Other Information Homework
Extra-Curricular Activities
All students are given a homework planner at the start of the academic year. This is an invaluable way for students to record homework given to them each day and for parents to check on the work their sons and daughters are given to do at home. Parents are asked to sign the planner every week and to make appropriate comments. A homework timetable is issued to each student in September. On average, homework should take approximately 30 minutes a night in Year 3 rising to over an hour a night in Year 7 and considerably more at GCSE and A Level. Parents can also access homework details online.
Lockers are available for all students. A £10 refundable key deposit is required and locker keys are available from our Receptionist.
Our close proximity to central London means that cultural and educational experiences are easily accessible. Our teachers have a range of skills and experience that is reflected in the array of extra-curricular activities on offer including adventurous education.
Absence from School Regular attendance is vital to your child’s progress. No student should be absent from school other than in cases of illness or exceptional circumstances. Parents are asked to inform the school by 8am if your child is to be absent that day and follow this up with a letter.
The range of extra-curricular activities is all embracing and Radnor House encourages students to develop their interests outside of the classroom. Foreign visits are a feature of life at Radnor House as the school views the extra-curricular programme offered to its students as an integral part of the educational experience. The school day extends well beyond academic class times.
This is optional and takes place after school during term time until 5pm with a Tutor supervising students undertaking homework. This facility encourages the establishment of a disciplined approach to work and alleviates pressure at home.
Hospital and dental appointments should be arranged outside of school hours wherever possible. All students will remain on the school premises throughout the day. Requests for holiday leave are frowned upon and the school urges parents to take their holidays during vacations. Students are greatly disadvantaged if they miss part of the teaching programme and may disadvantage others. Students rarely catch up on work missed.
Money and Valuables
Lunch Arrangements
The school values the impact that the Arts have on the overall education of students and Drama, Music and Art feature significantly in the educational provision we offer.
Students are advised not to bring large sums of money or items of value to school. On rare occasions when money must be brought, it should be given for safekeeping to our Receptionist. Parents are strongly advised to add to their household insurance items such as expensive watches, musical instruments, laptop computers, sports equipment etc.
The Riverside Bistro offers excellent facilities, with an emphasis is on healthy eating. The range of food available in the Bistro is printed in publications sent to all parents. And is available on line.
Such activities as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme offer significant opportunities for our students to develop their leadership potential.
Prep at Radnor House
Sport, Music, Drama and a great variety of activities take place at break times, after the normal school day and at weekends.
Sport features significantly in the lives of many boys and girls and it is for this reason that we have access to excellent facilities at nearby sites as well as having our own facilities. The close links we have developed with St Mary’s
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University College, located a very short distance from Radnor House, ensure that we have use of outstanding pitches to enrich the sporting life of our students. We have sports activities on the continent and play matches against other leading schools in the UK. To offer an enriched education, parents are notified individually of all visits involving their children and the levels of funding required if specific visits are to operate. We aim to encourage parental involvement in the rich and varied life of Radnor House. If you have skills that can enhance the educational provision for our students please speak to either the Head or the Deputy Head who will be delighted to identify ways in which you can become more involved in the life of the school. Although we aim to ensure that all our students leave Radnor House with excellent academic qualifications, we know that many of those who will go on to great things in their personal life will not always have strings of A* grades. It is for this reason that our mission is to help develop well-rounded, confident students who have the strength of personality to engage with adults and fellow students alike. To help us achieve this goal, our younger students are encouraged to join us on leadership weekends, whilst in the secondary school charity and community projects occur. Our senior students have a wide range of opportunities to involve themselves in Young Enterprise and similar schemes to develop personal, leadership and entrepreneurial skills. 15
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Other Information Behaviour Policy Good behaviour, polite manners, consideration for others and hard work are the hallmarks of a Radnor House student. The school’s behaviour policy emphasises the positive and addresses the needs of the individual. Positive behaviour is rewarded and recognised through encouragement, praise and credits. Achievement is celebrated whenever possible, particularly through assemblies, displays, participation in productions and teamwork. Parents are encouraged to attend celebrations whenever possible, as are members of the wider community. We devote a considerable amount of time to developing a supportive society in which students are educated about the purpose and the nature of our expectations. Should a student, after due support and warning, continue to disturb the lives and learning of others, action is taken. At all stages, parents are informed and involved so that we are able to work in partnership.
Parents as part of our team We encourage parents to be fully involved in the life of Radnor House and to that end we have developed a social area where parents can meet and socialise with other parents and members of staff.
The Riverside Terrace Cafe overlooks the Thames and is an ideal place to meet friends and parents of pupils at Radnor House when dropping off or collecting your son or daughter. This facility is open throughout the day and we aim to encourage parents to use our Wi-Fi cafe as frequently as they wish. There are organised events throughout the year for both parents and students. We welcome the involvement of parents in our school and encourage work with groups of students and the carrying out of everyday tasks that are essential to supporting learning. Whilst we make every effort to explain to parents and students the school’s philosophy and practices, we are not infallible. We are always happy to receive criticism and feedback in order to enhance the education we offer. Should a parent have a concern about any aspect of the education offered to their son or daughter, the Head or his Deputy, who has responsibility for day-today administration, should be contacted immediately. A Complaints Policy exists which is available from the school.
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Uniform at Radnor House Every student attending Radnor House represents the school by wearing our smart and distinctive uniform. Our students are taught to represent their school at all times by their behaviour and appearance. Our students are our ambassadors! In the Sixth Form, students will present a business image in line with our standing in the community. Plain dark suits for boys and smart business dress for girls will be expected. For all boys aged 7-16 the uniform consists of: • Official grey crested jacket/blazer • Dark grey trousers • White shirt • Official school tie • Black shoes • Black or grey socks
Co-operation and firm guidance from parents is essential to ensure that students attend school correctly dressed. Jewellery should not be worn with the exception of a watch. Students are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and extreme hairstyles are not allowed. There will be occasions when clothing and equipment of a more specialised kind are required e.g. Sport. For lessons in the Science specialist areas, students must have a white laboratory coat. Parents are urged to place their child’s name clearly on ALL items of clothing. A clear indication of a student’s name in each article ensures a prompt return to the owner.
For all girls aged 7-16 the uniform consists of: • Official grey crested jacket/blazer • Official school skirt • White open necked shirt or blouse • Grey tights or white ankle socks • Black shoes
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The Entry Procedure Admission to Radnor House is by successful completion of an entry procedure that is generally conducted in the Autumn Term or early Spring Term prior to the academic year of entry. Arrangements can be made for students to sit the written papers at other times during the year, particularly if their parents are relocating to the London area from other parts of the UK or internationally.
For entry to the Prep School at ages 7-10 The 7+ entry procedure consists of the following: (Years 3 and 4) • An assessment held during a school visit to include a reading exercise. (Years 5 and 6) • Verbal Reasoning test • Non-Verbal Reasoning test • Reading test • A report from the current school regarding behaviour, motivation and baseline assessments.
Radnor House administers its own admission examinations and does not use Common Entrance papers or results at age 13+ other than to verify pre-testing offers. Following the written papers, successful candidates may be called for interview prior to a final offer being made.
For entry to the Sixth Form The Sixth Form, operational from September 2014, requires a student to achieve at least five passes at Grade C or above, with a minimum of a Grade B in each of their specially chosen A Level areas of study. Where a student is applying for admission from outside the local area, arrangements can be made for the student to take the written papers at their existing school.
For entry to the Secondary School at ages 11 and 14 The ages 11 and 14 entry procedure consists of the following: • A written English paper lasting one hour, consisting of comprehension and creative writing • A Mathematics paper lasting one hour and covering skills appropriate to the age of admission • A report from the current school regarding behaviour, motivation, personal skills and baseline assessment.
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Radnor House Pope’s Villa Cross Deep Twickenham Middlesex TW1 4QG Telephone: 0044 (0)208 891 6264 Email: Online: Designed and produced by