Hamsey News

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Hamsey NEWS Autumn 2015 Edition

Cooksbridge Station 1950

The Newsletter for Cooksbridge, Offham, Hamsey and Bevernbridge www.hamsey.net


Hamsey NEWS

CONTENTS The Lavender Line is a preserved railway that boasts a fantastic family atmosphere in the heart of East Sussex. The railway travels for a two mile round trip between the village of Isfield and Worth halt located in the Parish of Little Horsted. At Isfield you will find the headquarters of the Lavender Line which includes our original Victorian station and signal box. Come and enjoy the sights and sounds of a preserved railway whilst travelling through the beautiful Wealden countryside. A great day out for the whole family.

Parish News ������������������������������������ 4-5 Neighbourhood Plan ������������������������6 Monday Afternoon Club ��������������������8 Beechwood Hall ��������������������������������9 Parish Church ������������������������������10-11 Good Neighbours Scheme ������12-13 Cooksbridge Station ������������������������16 Rhubarb’s Recipes ����������������������������18 Contacts ��������������������������������������������21

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PLEASE SUPPORT LOCAL BUSINESSES A big thank you goes out to all the local businesses that have advertised and supported Hamsey News Please support local businesses and mention Hamsey News when responding to advertisers

Hamsey NEWS

Hamsey NEWS


WELCOME TO THE AUTUMN ISSUE OF THE HAMSEY NEWS What a glorious autumn we’ve had with good weather and sunshine to enjoy the changing season. As ever lots has been happening locally and as you read through you will see that the Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted, thanks go to Mike and all the team for this, its vitally important that we have a voice in our future. There is a lot of news from the Beechwood Trustees. Talking of Beechwood Park, it must sound as if our needle has stuck here at Hamsey News but it saddens us to see that people are still allowing their dogs to foul the park. There is provision in the form of poo bags and a waste bin. We urge you to use them. Kevin has provided us with an interesting Station Action Group report and thanks to all who participate in that group. Talking of the station we have noticed that people are parking across the pavement access by the bus stop. A request has gone in to have yellow lines placed here but in the meantime there are bollards. Please do not

remove these and park in that spot, it is causing danger for pedestrians, including those with pushchairs, who have to step out onto the road to get past. Judith and her team of crack cake makers ran a delicious pop up café to help fund the church roof repairs, read more in View from a Basket. We welcome a new column this issue, with Rupert Radford Hardy of Offham debuting Rhubarb’s Recipes. We hope you enjoy making some of these and if you’d like to contribute to his column please contact him and let him know. (From experience we particularly like the cheese scones!). We hope you enjoy this issue and as always if you would like to comment, contribute or discuss please just drop us a note. Best wishes Ailsa & Lucy ailsasuttie@icloud.com l.Ward3@uni.brighton.ac.uk

To advertise in Hamsey News please call Steve on 01843 296303


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Hamsey NEWS

Parish News

October’s litter pick


Thanks to five residents (three parish councillors plus Sue and Dinah) who turned out for October’s litter pick and managed to achieve an impressive clear up of pavements and verges from The Chalkpit Inn to The Rainbow, Beechwood Lane and Rural Park plus the winding lanes of Hamsey, now all restored to their former natural beauty. Bevern Bridge was reported as being litter free so thanks also go to residents there who are maintaining their area.

Hamsey parish council are continuing to press both the District Council and the County Council for an acceptable solution to providing suitable school places, for all the children who may need them, once housing is built at the Covers Site and the site at Hamsey Old brickworks. Cycle routes and sustainable transport Hamsey parish council asked, at the recent Town and Parish Councils conference, what plans the County Council had in place to improve the cycle route network and to promote and support sustainable transport. The County council has offered to meet with Hamsey councillors to discuss the issues.

PARKING AT COOKSBRIDGE STATION Residents are concerned that cars are parking outside of the marked bays at the station car park and this is causing pedestrians to have to walk in the road to get round them. Cllr. Baughan is arranging a site meeting to look at ways to solve this problem and in the meantime the PCSO has been asked to stop vehicles from causing an obstruction.

PLANNING Lewes District Council and the national park Authority have made the following decisions: LW/15/0455 The Orchard North End Lane Erection of a detached three bedroom house - granted SDNP/15/03060 Mount Harry Flint Cottage, Ditchling Road, Offham – Erection of a detached garage - granted LW/15/0953 Chatfields Yard, Cooksbridge – erection of up to 25 dwellings - granted

To advertise in Hamsey News please call Steve on 01843 296303

Sadly litter soon mounts up and we hope everyone can urge our children, friends and colleagues to look after our villages and take their rubbish home with them. The next litter pick is planned for Saturday 9th January, meeting at Hamsey School car park at 9.30 am ready for a 10am start. Future litter picks will be at either Beechwood Hall or Hamsey School, look out for info nearer the time. With regular quarterly picks now happening, the hope is that more people will be free to come and help. Everyone welcome. Cllr. Robert Baughan and Cllr. Tamsyn d’Arienzo

Plumpton Crossing Closure You may have noticed that Network Rail, having been refused planning consent to take away the gates at Plumpton Crossing and put in new barriers have decided to close the road - on safety grounds for three months. This means loads of traffic (including buses) not able to go from Wivelsfield down through Plumpton is now coming down Beechwood Lane and Novington Lane. Apart from the danger, i’ts ruining the verges as they try to pass. Cllr. Osborne has a petition on the go to get the road opened. Its quick and easy to add your (and everyones) name. To read more and sign the petition, go to www.change.org and search for “Re-open the road at Plumpton level crossing!”

Hamsey NEWS


Speedwatch The Home Care Specialists

The Speedwatch Team are keen to get back into the swing of it with regular speed watch sessions again soon in Cooksbridge.

Thank you to all those who volunteered so far, with some eye opening speeds recorded from passing traffic and letters sent by Sussex Police HQ to offenders. Everyone interested in joining the team, please contact Tamsyn on 07921 227623.

A new residents’ social group? A Cooksbridge resident has offered to help run an afternoon event at Beechwood Hall, for residents of the parish to come along and meet up. This might be a drama club, play reading circle, square dancing or painting club, or you may have other suggestions to make. Initially, she suggests that everyone who might be interested in this venture, meet up for coffee and cake to discuss the possibilities. The hall trustees will make no hire charge for a community venture of this sort. In the first instance, please contact Daisy daisydee70@hotmail.com or 01273400561.

Hamsey Festival The Hamsey Festival is a celebrated event that has run each year and is enjoyed by the whole community. The future of the event relies on volunteers to organise it. A few volunteers have come forward for 2016 but they are looking for a coordinator and extra volunteers. The event won’t happen without at least 5 more people. If you have the ideas, contacts or plain enthusiasm to help make this years community event happen, please contact the Clerk on 01273 890621/ clerk@hamsey.net .

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Re c Ca rui N rer ting ow s

Hours of monitoring speeds are in daylight when it’s not raining so there may not be masses of opportunities for the next few months but we will have a good go!

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Hamsey NEWS

Hamsey Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2015-30 I am pleased to be able to advise that at the time of writing (1st week in October) the Neighbourhood Plan has been submitted to Lewes District Council. This follows a year of much work from the writing team, who have been dedicated in pulling all the findings, evidence etc, together into a document which we have endeavoured to keep readable whilst picking up all the necessary terminology relating to the polices we have put forward. I would like to say a particular thank you to my writing team colleagues Tamsyn (editor in chief!) and Rod Hearn, whose hard work and focus made this possible. Both the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group are very happy with the final plan which has now been submitted. We have been advised by Lewes District Council that the process and likely timescales are now as follows: 1st week of October: 6 week regulation 16 consultation.

During this time local residents/ businesses and wider interested parties such as SDNPA can comment on the plan. The plan is available on Hamsey Net and also as a hard copy to look through at the local pubs and the Offham garage. Mid November: the plan is then submitted to an independent examiner who conducts the examination and completes his report, within approximately one month. We, Lewes District Council ( LDC ) and the Steering Group then consider any amendments the examiner has recommended and make necessary changes to the plan. LDC then put arrangements in place for the referendum, if it is successful at referendum, LDC then progress to adopt through Full Council. We are advised that this is likely to happen in late spring/early summer 2016. So by the next edition of Hamsey News I should be in a position to give an update on the outcome of the consultation and the examiner’s findings. Mike Dodd Chair, Hamsey Parish Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

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Hamsey NEWS


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Hamsey NEWS

Monday Afternoon Club WHAT A HAPPY AFTERNOON! The above was a comment made by one of the ladies who regularly comes along to our meetings. She went on to say how much she always looked forward to these get-togethers. So too do Caroline and I along with Cherry, Janice and Meriel. It’s always a very warm friendly atmosphere in Offham Church Hall at 2pm on the second Monday of the month so if you are a retired member of our community do pop along sometime. Lifts are always available so to arrange one just contact Judith on 01273 474356 or Caroline on 01273 477151. We’d love to see you!



Our very varied programme has continued. July proved to be a very rainy month so the Afternoon Tea at Allington Lodge, planned for July, was transferred to August and what a perfect summer’s afternoon we had then in which to enjoy tea and delicious cakes in Caroline’s beautiful garden. Our thanks to her and Andrew for their generous hospitality. In September Patsy Bailey returned by popular demand to lead us in arm-chair dancing together with singing lots of old time favourites. What a great way to keep fit and healthy! At our October meeting Tom Walker from the Monday Group came to tell us about the valuable work done by the group in repairing stiles and footpaths.

We have two more nice meetings planned before the end of the year. On November 9th Sharon from the Body Shop at Home will be telling us all about the firm’s latest cosmetics and, giving free hand massages. If anyone wants to place an order (but absolutely no obligation to do so) she will be able to deliver goodies within a week. It sounds as though we can get some Christmas shopping done in comfort – and perhaps treat ourselves too! And then don’t forget our Christmas Lunch at 12.30 pm in the Church Hall on Monday December 14th. That’s the only meeting where we like to know beforehand who is coming – just for catering purposes. See you there! Judith Bastide

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Hamsey NEWS


Beechwood Hall Trustees Report The trustees have recently received an enquiry from a new parish resident, Daisy Bendiner, who is interested in setting up a drama club, play reading circle, square dancing or painting club in the hall. She would be interested in meeting up for coffee and cake with anyone similarly interested to discuss possibilities, to see what interest there would be and what would be most popular. The trustees are particularly keen to promote any further local use of the hall and ask that if any reader is interested in joining up with Daisy please contact the hall manager Jenni Toomey on 07762 118 985 who will put you in touch. It is expected that the hall will host a Christmas party for the children of the parish. Kate McBrown, one of the trustees is looking to drum up support/ideas so please either liaise with her directly or watch out for local announcements. As residents will have noticed the shelter in the hall car park is in need of repair. The hall manager Jenni Toomey took soundings from local residents at this year’s Village Fete as to what sort of shelter they would like to see. Overwhelmingly people favoured a more traditional wooden construction. The trustees have agreed to set aside hall funds to replace the shelter and it is anticipated this will occur in early 2016. In the recent months there have been a request from a local resident for trustees to consider providing toilets for those using the park and playground. Having considered all the options the trustees have decided that they cannot provide external toilet facilities due to overriding issues with potential misuse, vandalism, cleaning and the potential to encourage overnight staying on the grounds which is forbidden. Also, the trustees feel that the hall cannot be left open to enable use of the toilet facilities inside the building; additionally when the hall has been hired for a specific event or meeting the toilet facilities are not available for general use by members of the public. However, if a resident wishes to organise a regular event which uses the park’s grounds and the hall please contact the hall manager to make a booking.

As a result of recent feedback from a local resident, the trustees would like to mention that, in common with many parishes, during the summer months the hall is available for hire for wedding parties, some of whom are able to erect a marquee in front of the hall over a Saturday. As well as providing a much appreciated wedding reception location (often for local families) these wedding hires provide valuable income which helps to subsidise the cost of hire for residents, enables the school, PTA and church to use the facilities at no charge, covers most maintenance costs. However, being conscious of the overriding desire that the hall and park is for recreational use by local residents the trustees strictly limit the number of these weekend weddings. As such they feel that they have balanced the desire to raise much needed funds and the needs of parish residents. The park in which the hall is situated and the children’s playground remain open to members of the public, and wedding hirers are advised of this fact at the time of booking. The trustees hope that hirers and residents alike will mutually respect the others use of the park. Finally, the trustees would like to invite applicants to the post of Secretary to the trust. The role does not require any previous experience and involves preparation of an agenda and issuing short minutes following the 4 trustee meetings a year. Additionally, there is a small amount of annual work in ensuring that the required filings are made at the Charity Commission. If any resident feels he or she would like to learn more about this role and be a contributor to the local community please contact John Drury on 07710 011400.

The hall makes a great venue for a celebration


Hamsey NEWS

News from your Parish Church

Panoramic view from the church steeple



That’s the sign that you will see attached to scaffolding around so many businesses in Lewes at the moment. It could equally well apply to Offham Church, swathed in scaffolding for much of September to enable necessary maintenance work to the guttering and tower to be done. We made use of a window of opportunity between summer weddings - no bride wants all that steel work in her wedding photos! - and winter bad weather. Look out too on village notice boards and the church newsletter for details of some very nice fundraising events in the next few monthsall that scaffolding doesn’t come cheaply so some serious fund raising needs to be done to raise almost £16,000. (The churchwardens would be delighted of course to receive any donations – big or small- for Offham Church Repairs Appeal)

The weather may have been rather disappointing on the whole but there have still been many good things happening in and around the church this summer. A large group of 35 from Sunday School and Toddlers Tunes spent a blissful day at the beginning of the school holidays at Drusillas coming back afterwards to the Church Hall for tea (many thanks to Ursula Hare and Phyl Burchett for that). Earlier in June our annual coach trip to Chichester Festival Theatre ( this year’s choice was the delightful “ Damsel in Distress” , a little known Gershwin musical) was as always a very happy occasion and the Carvery Supper on the way home was well up to the usual standard! The theatre trip is one of those really nice occasions, like our Pop Up Café with cream teas, when an event is organised by the church but is well supported by the whole village community. Look out for details of our annual skittles evening next February which is also a fun event open to everyone.

CELEBRATIONS Many congratulations and best wishes to three couples who have recently celebrated very special wedding anniversaries. First were Geoff, our Churchwarden and Angela Spinks married for thirty years. They were followed by Roland (Church Treasurer) and Brenda Gough’s Golden Wedding in August and then Chris ( a former Church Warden ) and Betty Apps Diamond Wedding celebrations in September. We love an excuse for a party and it’s been very good to celebrate three such long and happy marriages.

SYRIAN REFUGEES We have all been shocked at the humanitarian disaster evolving before our eyes on daily TV news bulletins. What a complex situation for political leaders to solve. At the beginning of September a collection of warm clothing and non perishable foodstuffs was made at Offham Church to be added to a shipment from Sussex University to refugees in Europe.

Hamsey NEWS


WE WILL REMEMBER THEM One of the most important occasions when we can all come together as a community is on Remembrance Sunday which this year falls on Sunday 8 November. All over the country, from the Queen at the cenotaph in Whitehall to numerous town and village war memorials, wreaths are laid in memory of those who gave their lives for their country. Our village memorial is of course by the west wall outside Offham Church. This year there have been many commemorations marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War 2 and the seven men from our villages who died in that conflict will be much in our thoughts. Two of them- Robert Brooks and Robert Wingrove - are buried in Hamsey Churchyard but the others lie far from

home with Robert Ashdown and Sir Henry Shiffner both lying in El Alamein Military Cemetery, Percy Dadswell in Minturno War cemetery in Italy, Arthur Hyde in La Deliverande British Cemetery in France and Arthur Staplehurst in Jakarta Field of Honour in Java (I am indebted to Susan Rowland for these details and many more). On Remembrance Sunday there will be a traditional Remembrance Service starting at 10.30am in Offham Church. We shall move outside at 11am to join the rest of the country for the Last Post, Two Minutes Silence and wreath laying by representatives of the church and the Parish Council. Do join us at this village celebration either at 10.30 at the church or 11 at the memorial for this simple moving act of remembrance.

Cakes for Cash Judith at the fundraising pop-up in aid of the Church roof repairs Harvest Festival in Offham Church Most of the harvest produce was given to Lewes Food Bank

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY There is so much to look forward to in the next few months. In November the mood reflects the solemnity of Remembrance Sunday on November 8th and then to December and Christmas. Many people say that it’s Hamsey Carols which is one of their favourite parts of Christmas – singing familiar well-loved carols in a candle lit church which has stood there for a thousand years – what a very special atmosphere that creates. This year it’s at 3pm on Sunday December 13th (do bring a candle and wrap up warmly) The following week the children’s Nativity Play is at 10.30 am on Sunday December 20th and the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at 6.30pm

on the same day. Both as always are in Offham Church. And on the big day itself- Midnight Mass starts at 11.30pm on Christmas Eve and Family Communion with Blessing of the Crib at 9.45am on Christmas morning. The latter is probably the most joyful of all the Christmas services - there’s always a very large number of excited children there. It’s a very special moment every year when they walk around the church in procession with lighted candles. I look forward to seeing you at some - or maybe all! - of these services. May God bless you all Derek Bastide Rector


Hamsey NEWS

Good Neighbour Schemes Dear Hamsey Resident, Action in rural Sussex (AirS) is looking to work with local residents to set up a Good Neighbour group in Hamsey Parish. We would be very grateful if you could please let us know if you might like to join us or if there is any way in which we might be able to help you. On the page opposite you will find a list of some of the possible services that we might be able to offer through the scheme and two columns for you to tick the services that you might use and/or the help that you might be able to give. We would be very grateful if you would complete the survey. Your replies will help us decide whether a scheme might work in Hamsey and we look forward to receiving your completed survey. Thank you for your help.

WHAT IS A GOOD NEIGHBOUR SCHEME AND HOW DOES IT WORK? A Good Neighbour Scheme is a voluntary group run by local residents who recognise the value in having ‘good neighbours’, particularly where public transport and other local services can be limited and where people’s family may not live close by. Each volunteer decides what sort of help they are able to offer, how much and when. They do not undertake jobs best left to qualified professionals but can help with things like occasional lifts, befriending or shopping. All volunteers are fully insured for extra peace of mind. Anyone who needs a bit of extra help can ring the group’s phone number. Calls are answered by a volunteer phone-handler, who matches the request for assistance with an available volunteer. If you’d like more information, or to request copies of the survey sheet, please contact Cllr. Tamsyn d’Arienzo Tel 07921 227623 or tamsyndarienzo@yahoo.co.uk

On the right we have listed the services we think a Good Neighbour scheme could offer that might be useful to people in the area. Please read the list and tick the boxes to show whether you might use the service listed or might be able to volunteer your help. You can tick boxes in both columns. If you think you might like to help, the amount of time you volunteer is entirely up to you – even a couple of hours a month helps! All volunteer expenses are reimbursed and all volunteers are fully insured and CRB (background) checked for free (as appropriate).


I might be able to help with this

Residents’ Survey

13 I might need this myself

Hamsey NEWS



Occasional lifts to doctors, lunch clubs, shops, etc Befriending – popping round for a chat over a cup of tea Form filling / letter writing / help with using a computer Collecting prescriptions, pensions etc / occasional help with shopping Small household repairs/practical tasks (ie changing a lightbulb) Pet-care / dog-walking etc Indoor plant watering / light gardening Being part of the phone rota, to answer callers and match them to a suitable volunteer Being part of the organising group – helping with publicity, fundraising, etc Christmas Day Community Mince Pies and Coffee Other – please specify If you would like to do so, please put your name and address here: Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone/email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please drop this survey in the mail box at Beechwood Hall, The Blacksmiths Arms, The Rainbow, by email or call Tamsyn (07921 227623) to collect it.



Winter wonderland Chocolate lollipops

Hamsey NEWS

A delightful s Christma gift

You will need • Demo chocolate melting pot • Winter lollipop mould • Candy buttons white, black, orange, green, blue, red (or use Red edible pearls) • Paint brush set • Paper piping bag • Lollipop sticks

Method • Melt your candy buttons. The chocolate melting pot is perfect (you won’t burn your chocolate, no steam or water so the chocolate won’t ‘seize’, it keeps it melted at the right temperature, and you can melt small amounts successfully). Use setting 2 for melting, setting 1 for keeping melted. • Use a paper piping bag or a paint brush to add the small details. You could either use red for the holly berries or pop red edible pearls into place. • Position the lollipop sticks and then pour over your main colour. • Gently tap the mould on your work surface to remove any air bubbles. • Put your lollipops in the ‘fridge (you must do this or they won’t come out properly). Leave for 10-30 mins. • Turn the mould over and tap - they will just fall out. • If liked, package in cellophane bags with ribbons. Annabelle Jane Cake School 163 High Street, Herne Bay CT6 5AQ | 01227 652911 | kellie @cake-school.uk Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Jane Cake School. All rights reserved.

Hamsey NEWS


Chailey & Newick Painting Group 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition Saturday & Sunday, November 21st/22nd, 10am - 5pm, Chailey Village Hall (on A275, next to the Five Bells) The Painting Group is 10 years old! To celebrate, we have some very special events at this year’s exhibition. Those of you who, like our members, were glued to television sets on Sunday evenings earlier this year watching ‘The Big Painting Challenge’ will remember one of the judges, Daphne Todd OBE. Now well known for her TV appearance, she is an internationally renowned portrait painter, past - and first female - president of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters and founder member of Heatherley’s Art School in London. We are so thrilled and honoured that she will be coming to open our exhibition on the Saturday morning - do join us on this exciting occasion!

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In addition, we have all been busy creating postcard-sized works of art which you can win in a lucky dip in aid of our local hospice, St Peter’s & St James’. Every ticket wins a mini-masterpiece and all proceeds will go to this very worthy cause which we are so pleased to support. There will, of course, be a fine display of new paintings for you to enjoy, unframed work too, a chance to stock up with artists’ greetings cards you won’t find anywhere else and refreshments with our fabulous cakes. Art and cake, the winning combination! Admission is free, there is plenty of easy parking, disabled access and always a warm welcome. Come and join us in our celebrations! Carlina Oliver Chairman 01273 400512 www.chaileyandnewickpaintinggroup.org.uk

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Hamsey NEWS

News from Cooksbridge Station SOUTHERN REJECT REQUEST FOR AN HOURLY SERVICE Whilst acknowledging strong local support, Southern has declined the request for an hourly service, seven days per week. The company says that this cannot be provided “mainly because there is insufficient time to include a stop due to limited turnaround times at Eastbourne”. We struggle to accept this argument as Southern does manage to stop trains in rush hour, when the network is at its busiest and we will be examining the logistics in detail. We suspect that Southern has other reasons which it is not so far sharing with us – for example, giving top priority to speed of journey time to and from London, while optimising “resilience” within the timetable to offset delays. We shall continue to press our case strongly, now seeking the active involvement of MP, Maria Caulfield.

COOKSBRIDGE STATION PARTNERSHIP robert.baughan@btinternet.com iginn@btinternet.com dinah1307@gmail.com kfroude@btopenworld.com

STATION GARDENS We are delighted with the garden at the front of the station which is a wonderful enhancement to the environment of the village. Work is now focussed on maintaining and extending the gardens alongside Platform 1 – with special thanks to Jodi Crispin, Head Gardener at Offham House for the plant donations. Thanks also to our watering team of Julie Philpott, Ian Ginn, Dinah Pryor, Tamsyn d’Arienzo, Robert Baughan and Jane Taylor (and family) for keeping the planters looking so good throughout the summer. Monthly maintenance sessions will begin again in the spring; the more help we have, the more we can do, so please think about getting involved.

STATION ENVIRONMENT We were delighted that Southern agreed to paint double yellow lines on one side of the entrance to the station car park so that the unsightly traffic cones could be removed. We shall be requesting similar on the other side to prevent parked cars blocking access to the pavement. The bicycle racks are well used and we have asked Southern to fit more. The long-running reliability issues with the ticket vending machine at last seem to have been resolved and we encourage travellers to make use of it – both to monitor its performance and to ensure more accurate information about the number of passengers using the station. We are now pressing for the fitting of a special screen to reduce glare.

Hamsey NEWS



Hamsey NEWS

Rhubarb’s Recipes Welcome to a new column in our wonderful Hamsey News!


INGREDIENTS My name is Rupert and I live in Offham with my cat Millie and my little French Bulldog, Mathilde, who I am sure some of you have met on our (and Marion’s!) many walks in the fields and woods around us. I am not a talented cook but love trying recipes out and then forcing friends and family to “ooh and ahh” about how lovely their breakfast/lunch/tea/dinner is! I would love to set up a network of regular contributors to a column in the mag that shares EASY recipes that even the likes of me can master :-) and help us all compile a lovely collection of delicious easy dishes to enjoy through out the year. Below are a couple of recipes I have used to great success which I hope you enjoy trying. Now it’s your turn... I invite you to submit some of your favourite recipes that we can all enjoy and we will share them in future issues of the Hamsey News. I will be giving them all a go before publication to ensure they are easy to do, so don’t worry.. they will be “tried and tested” (as my Mum’s recipe folder is entitled! Happy cooking and please share your recipes with us all - contributions can me emailed to me at rupertradfordhardy@btinternet.com. Happy cooking! Rupert

• 225g self raising flour • 50g butter • 1 teaspoon baking powder • 1 egg • Grated mature cheddar cheese as much as you like! • Milk as required • Pinch salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, to taste • Optional addings: dried herbs, chopped spring onions, seeds (for mix and/or as a topping)

METHOD Heat oven to 200º C Sieve flour and baking powder in to a large mixing bowl. Cut butter into squares and finger mix into flour until crumbly. Add cheese and seasoning and any optional addings and egg and continue to hand mix/knead. Add milk a little at a time until all ingredients are well mixed and the dough is sticky and slightly wet. Spoon or finger mixture into 5cm diameter round shapes on a floured baking tray (this quantity should give you 9 large scones). Add any toppings you wish and bake in the oven for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Delish for a lunch snack spread with butter and/or soft cheese! Best eaten on the day but keep in fridge for a good 3 or 4 days and then warmed in the oven or microwave. Also freeze very well in a sealed freezer bag or container.

Hamsey NEWS



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INGREDIENTS • 1kg tomatoes, chopped (no need to peel) • 500g red onions, finely chopped • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped • 4cm piece fresh ginger, peeled, finely chopped • 250 grams brown sugar • 150mls red wine vinegar • 5 cardamom seeds • ½ teaspoon paprika • 1 red chilli, finely chopped (optional)

METHOD Chuck all ingredients into a heavy bottomed saucepan, simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally and then bring to boil until chutney is dark, shiny and gloopy. Transfer to sterilised jam jars and cool (do not cover until cooled). Once opened keeps in fridge for six weeks.

TO STERILISE JAM JARS AND LIDS: Jam jars: wash thoroughly in hot soapy water and rinse well. Place on a baking tray and place in oven for 15 mins at 180 degrees celsius. Lids: wash thoroughly in hot soapy water and rinse well. Place in a shallow pan of boiling water on the hob and boil for 15 mins. Remember never to put hot chutneys in to cold jars or vice versa!

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To advertise in Hamsey News please call Steve on 01843 296303


Hamsey NEWS

A View from a Basket by Ralph (AKA The Boy in a Dog Suit)

Barkings to one and all! In this edition of the Hamsey News I have invited Roxy and Pamela to paws for thought about the proposed development of the Phoenix Estate in Lewes and Judith Bastide’s fabulous afternoon tea to raise funds for the church roof. Roxy barked that her human is one of hundreds that had signed the Lewes Phoenix Rising petition calling for the development to meet the real needs of Sussex people. Roxy urges humans to look at the Lewes Phoenix Rising website www.lewesphoenixrising.com to find out more and if they agree sign the petition. Pamela woofed excitedly about the sausage rolls that Judith served “Judith’s sausage rolls are the best, so flaky and crispy on the outside, moist and succulent on the inside. PERFECTION! They make a small Jack Russell very happy indeed.” I have to agree because I love anything porky. Mmm meaty treaty spam, ham and bacon jam (yes bacon jam is a real thing it is on sale on the supermarket).

To conclude please take a look at the Lewis Phoenix rising website, congratulate Judith on her delectable sausage rolls and if you get a chance try bacon jam. Anthropomorphic principles have been applied in the writing of this article but no animals wore clothes. Woof. Ralph

To advertise in Hamsey News please call Steve on 01843 296303

Goldfinch’s DRY CLEANERS


01273 472119

Mon, Tues, Thu & Fri 9am-5pm Weds & Sat 9am-4pm

Hamsey NEWS

Poetry Corner With one eye on Christmas, this edition of Poetry Corner comes from our rhyming clerk…


Contacts Clerk to Hamsey Parish Council clerk@hamsey.net or 01273 890621 Book Beechwood Hall 07762 118985 Report noise pollution 01273 484340 To report fly tipping 01273 484999

There’s a penguin lives under my sofa he’s been there since Christmas ’04. He flew out when I pulled a cracker And with a bit of a thud, hit the floor

Police (non emergency) 101 or 0845 60 70 999 PCSO Sally Ann Reed 07912 896054

pushed there by somebody’s toes.

Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Use this number to provide anonymous information about crime or criminals and you may get a reward

He lives with a spider called Eric

British Transport Police 0800 405040

He lay there all covered in wrappings, Hidden by ribbons and bows and then he slipped under the sofa,

Who only comes out in the night, Two smarties, three peanuts, one rolo And a cookie that’s missing a bite. There’s only a few inches clearance And no space for vacuum or broom. So a penguin lives under my sofa At least, ‘til I spring-clean the room.

If you would like to contribute a verse or two for our next issue please email your creative creations to clerk@hamsey.net or ailsasuttie@icloud.com

Age UK 0800 169 6565 Help the Aged 0808 800 6565 Dental helpline 01273 403546 Trading standards 01323 418200 trading.standards@eastsussexcc.gov.uk Hamsey CP School 01273 400370 Rev. Derek Bastide 01273 474356 www.offhamwithhamsey.org.uk


Hamsey NEWS

Forthcoming Events Sunday 8 November | 10.30am

Monday 14 December | 12.30pm

Remembrance Service

Monday Afternoon Club

Offham Church

Christmas Lunch - please book in advance Offham Church Hall

Monday 9 November | 2pm

Monday Afternoon Club A visit from The Body Shop at Home Offham Church Hall Thursday 19 November | 7.15pm

Hamsey parish council meeting Beechwood hall Friday 27th November | 7pm

Fleur de Paris Duo in concert Offham Church Hall Sunday 13 December | 3pm

Saturday 19 December | 3-5pm

Children’s Christmas Party A free event for all children living in Hamsey parish, at Beechwood Hall Sunday 20 December | 10.30am

Children’s Nativity Play and 6.30pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, at Offham Church Christmas Eve | 11.30pm

Midnight Mass Offham Church

Hamsey Carol Service

Christmas Day | 9.45am

Hamsey Church Bring a candle and wrap up warmly

Offham Church

To advertise in Hamsey News please call Steve on 01843 296303

Blessing of the Crib


In-Ground and Surface Swimming Pools Hot Tubs and Swim Spas


North Court · Lewes · East Sussex · BN7 2AR www.gilesleisure.co.uk 01273 478454

Hamsey NEWS

Regular Events



Offham Church Hall Details from Judith 01273 474356

Beechwood Hall Details from Jenni 07762 118985

Early Monday mornings

Wednesday Evenings

The Short Yang Form and Qi Gong exercises At Beechwood Hall

At Beechwood Hall

Monday mornings


Tai Chi Chuan

Yoga with Robin At Beechwood Hall Monday evenings

Dance classes At Beechwood Hall Tuesday mornings

Yoga with Paul At Beechwood Hall Late Tuesday mornings

Yoga with Lisa At Beechwood Hall Tuesday evenings

Choir practice At Beechwood Hall

New members always welcome Wednesday mornings

Keep fit with Katie At Beechwood Hall Wednesday Evenings

Yoga with Paul at Beechwood Hall

Acro Yoga with Lula Wednesday Evenings | 7.30pm At Offham Church Hall Thursday Mornings | 10am

Toddler Tunes

At Offham Church Hall Thursday Mornings

Yoga with Donna At Beechwood Hall Friday Mornings

Keep fit with Katie At Beechwood hall Sunday Mornings | 9am-12pm

Slow Sunday Mornings At Beechwood Hall, with Amber Ward.

A nurturing morning of yoga, breathing practices and meditation. Suitable for everyone. ÂŁ20. To book contact Amber 07795 170803 / 01273 801594 / ambertheward@hotmail.com

FleurdeParis Duo A wonderful evening of French Chansons and Swing from 30s to 50s Paris in concert Offham Church Hall Friday November 27th Doors open at 7pm

Tickets ÂŁ10 available from Offham Rectory (01273 474356)

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Offham Church Hall, Offham. On the A275, two miles north of Lewes. BN7 3PX

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