Interested in placing a HELP WANTED AD?
Contact Mary Ellen at
508-366-5500 x17 or please send an email to us at
signs truck lettering
legal notice
LEGAL NOTICE Design • Build • Install
Signs Awnings Banners Truck Lettering 62 West Main Street Northborough, MA 01532 (Route 20, next to Dunkin Donuts)
vintage buy & sell
A WISE BIRD knows we make it FAST & EASY to buy & sell antiques, vintage toys, furniture, art, unwanted or damaged watches jewelry & more!
All sales confidential &
Judge’s Place
Shrewsbury, MA
welding services WELDING
ALL METALS Aluminum, Stainless and Cast Iron. Small jobs while you wait. Northborough
393-6816 CryptoQuote Answer is on the previous page
for sale 2007 MAZDA CX-7 SUV
NOTICE OF SALE AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Simply Self Storage located at 869 Boston Turnpike, Shrewsbury MA 01545 intends to sell or otherwise dispose of personal property consisting of household and personal effects, office and other equipment in compliance with Mass state law VIA AN ONLINE AUCTION AT WWW.STORAGETREASURES.COM
on 10-15-16 beginning at approx. 10:00am and concluding on 10-20-16 at approx. 12:00pm. THIS PUBLIC SALE WILL RESULT IN THE GOODS BEING SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY.
All units are sold as whole. The following units are for sale: Unit # 3044 2159 234 106
Tenant Name Erika Clemmer Tina Watson Lawrence Abaka Bethany Zarrella
Unit # 207 131 2141 235
Tenant Name Scott Cassidy Carmel Denis Victoria Ogedengbe Issac Torbay
help wanted
help wanted
Highfields Golf & Country Club in Grafton is looking for
Parts Counter Sales
Line Cooks & Dishwashers, Full Time / Part Time.
Automotive Recycler Sales Position Available:
Email Resume to
All wheel drive, 4 cylinder, 2.3 liter turbo. Red, sunroof, Bose radio with a 6 cd changer. Electric windows & seats, trailer hitch. Purchased from original owner, 142,000 miles. All repair records from day 1.
$6,400 Call Steve at
Looking for a new career? Fast paced, 50 hours a week, good pay and benefits. Must have working knowledge of auto parts [previous experience as a mechanic or other auto industry], must be good with people, phone, and computers. Apply in person at 785 Boston Post Road East in Marlborough MA. Post Road Used Auto Parts, we are open Mon.-Fri. 8-5 & Saturdays 8-1. Ask for Julio.
Did you know you can email us your classified ad information? business • legal • help wanted • for sale • services
The Marlborough Community Development Authority Seeks Bids The Marlborough Community Development Authority, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from General Contractors for the Balcony Repair in Marlborough, Massachusetts, in accordance with the documents prepared by Fort Hill Infrastructure Services, LLC. The work is estimated to cost $ 93,986. THIS PROJECT IS BEING ELECTRONICALLY BID AND HARD COPY BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please review the instructions in the bid document on how to register as an electronic bidder. The bids are to be prepared and submitted at Tutorials and instructions on how to complete the electronic bid documents are available online (click on the “Tutorial” tab at the bottom footer). General Bids will be received until 2:00 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016 and publicly opened online, forthwith. All Bids should be submitted electronically online at www.biddocsonline. com no later than the date & time specified above. Bid Forms and Contract Documents will be available for pick-up at (may be viewed electronically and hard copy requested) or at Nashoba Blue, Inc. at 433 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (978-568-1167). Pre-Bid Conference / Site Visit: Thursday, October 6th, 2016 10:00 A.M. at 397 Bolton St. – Community Center, Marlborough. Contact person: AD#13487355 MWDN 10/4/16
Mr. Douglas M. Bushman at (508)-624-6908 ext. 40101 or
Reach over 50,000 people for less than $20.00! Interested in placing an AD? Contact MaryEllen at 508-366-5500 x17 or please send an email to Classified@Community classified@ Please include your name & daytime phone number. We will contact you for billing information.
yard sale
YARD SALE TOOLS: carpentry, power, hand, garden. Household items, & miscellaneous. SATURDAY Oct. 8th rain date Oct. 15th 16 GARY CIRCLE WESTBOROUGH
help wanted
help wanted
CAREGIVERS Sudbury & surrounding towns Flexible Hours. Good pay. Every other weekend a MUST! HHA, CNA or PCA certificates preferred. Car required.
Call Visiting Angels
978-287-2002 Help Brighten the Lives of Aging Adults in our Community.
Become a CAREGiver
° No experience or medical skills necessary Flexible scheduling ° ° Training provided ° CNAs & HHAs please apply as well 0SSOMRK JSV '%6)+MZIVW MR 1EVPFSVSYKL ,YHWSR ;IWXFSVSYKL 2SVXLFSVSYKL 7SYXLFSVSYKL
'EPP XSHE] XS ½RH SYX QSVI EFSYX XLMW rewarding opportunity 508.393.8338 ext 105 Each Home Instead Senior Care® JVERGLMWI SJ½GI MW MRHITIRHIRXP] S[RIH STIVEXIH ,SQI -RWXIEH -RG
Orasys LLC has Multiple Immediate Openings for Programmer/Analysts Duties include: setup and maintain computer systems using enterprise resources management systems; analyze and understand the business needs and apply industry standard methodology to provide solutions; create business requirements documents and technical design documents; provide functional and technical designs, configure the applications to suit the individual client needs; write application software, data analysis, data access, data structures, data manipulation, databases, design, programming, testing and implementation, technical and user documentation. Position requires master’s in computer science, engineering, business, or related field and 2 years of progressive experience in information technology. Employer will accept a bachelor’s degree (or a bachelor’s equivalent based on a combination of education as determined by a professional evaluation service) in computer science, engineering, business, or related field and 5 years of progressive experience in Information Technology in lieu of a master’s degree and 2 years of experience. Position also requires a demonstrated ability with the following computer software: Oracle Applications (Financials, Human resources, Supply Chain, Oracle, Pl/SQl, Workflow, Custom Development, Database Administration or similar) or PeopleSoft (Financials, Human resources, Supply Chain, Oracle, Pl/SQl,Workflow, Custom Development, Database Administration or similar) or SAP (Financials, Human resources, Supply Chain, BODS, ABAP, BI, Custom Development, Basis Admin, Hana, or similar), SAN/Storage or Custom Application development for Traditional Applications or Mobile Applications using Java, J2ee, Webservices, XML Hibernate, Struts, Spring, Kony, IOS Framework, or similar. Position requires frequent travel to unanticipated locations throughout the United States. Telecommuting available on a case by case basis. Please send resumes to Orasys, LLC, 110 Turnpike Rd, Suite #212, Westborough, MA 01581.
Super Crossword Answers, Puzzle is on page 25
Ad Submission deadline is Friday Noon, one week prior to publication. The Community Advocate is available every Friday, free of charge via postal mail by subscription, online at, or at numerous drop off locations throughout Shrewsbury, Westborough, Northborough, Southborough, Marlborough, Hudson, and Grafton. Free subscriptions to the Community Advocate can be obtained by sending your mailing address and request to Community Advocate, 32 South Street, Westborough MA 01581 or by calling 508366-5500 ext. 10, 9am - 3pm M-F.
call mary ellen at 508-366-5500 x17 or email