Tri-centennial Sponsorship Form Town of Westborough 300th Anniversary Committee Sponsorship Information Your Name Business Name Address Phone (business) (cell) (home) E-mail Sponsorship Levels (Please check your level of interest.)
Diamond ($15,000 or more)
Platinum ($10,000)
Gold ($5,000)
Silver ($2,500)
Bronze ($1,000)
300 Club ($300 donation) Friends of Westborough
Supporters (lesser amount)
"Premier Sponsorship" on 300th BIG banner across Main Street Full page ad in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet Town Manager's Reception—invitation to closing ceremonies event Four tickets to all major ticketed events VIP seating at the parade Recognition as "premier sponsor" in all printed media and at all events Recognition on Westborough's 300th website—Logo placement and link Plaque recognizing level of sponsorship "Major Sponsorship" on 300th BIG banner across Main Street Half page ad in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet Town Manager's Reception—invitation to closing ceremonies event Major event sponsor (TBA) Two tickets to all major ticketed events VIP seating at the parade Recognition as "major sponsor" in all printed media and at all events Recognition on Westborough's 300th website—Logo placement and link Plaque recognizing level of sponsorship Commemorative banner on light post (limit of 40 participants) Quarter page ad in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet Town Manager's Reception—invitation to closing ceremonies event Recognition as Gold Level sponsor in all print media and at all events Four tickets to 300th Store opening kick-off wine and cheese event Recognition on Westborough's 300th website—Logo placement and link Plaque recognizing level of sponsorship Commemorative banner on light post (limit of 40 participants) Eighth page ad (business card) in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet Town Manager's Reception—invitation to closing ceremonies event Recognition as Silver Level sponsor in all print media and at all events Two tickets to 300th Store opening kick-off wine and cheese event Recognition on Westborough's 300th website—Logo placement and link Plaque recognizing level of sponsorship Commemorative banner on light post (limit of 40 participants) Recognition on Westborough's 300th website—Logo placement and link Two tickets to 300th Store opening kick-off wine and cheese event Plaque recognizing level of sponsorship Name listed on Recognition page in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet Recognition on Westborough (list of donors)
Name listed on Recognition page in the Westborough 300 years commemorative booklet
Please include a check payable to the Town of Westborough and with 300th Anniversary Committee on the MEMO line and return it to Town of Westborough 300th Anniversary Committee, c/o Board of Selectmen, 34 West Main Street, Westborough, MA 01581. (Donation may be tax deductible. Check with your tax advisor.)