Jennifer Juliano Keller Williams Realty
I’ll Make It Happen. You’ll Make It Home. Serving Greater Metrowest since 2000
s a Realtor® with Keller Williams Realty since 2000, Jennifer Juliano takes pride in her slogan. This was created by input from her clients commenting on her experience, tenacity, and knack for coordinating all the parts in their transactions. Jennifer’s clientele ranges from first time buyers, past clients moving to a bigger home, or those who are downsizing. Even the simplest of real estate transactions have countless details; addressing them properly saves her clients time, money, and stress. Certain purchases or sales can sometimes be surrounded by a sensitive nature such a divorce, death, or financial strain, and Jennifer’s clients have appreciated her blend of pragmatic, non-judgmental, and compassionate approach. Jennifer believes that regular, calm, and non-alarmist communication, including with other vendors and agents, strong ethics, and a positive mindset, are important traits to maintain to keep things moving smoothly for all involved. Jennifer has won numerous production awards starting from her first year in the business up to being honored as the first recipient of the “Keller Williams Realty Cultural Icon” for the New England Region. Cultural Icons are nominated by their KW peers for their consistent positive influence, leadership locally and regionally, and for how they have given back to their community-at-large. Currently Jennifer is obtaining her Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) Designation, a National Association of Realtors® (NAR) designation for agents to develop or broaden their global real estate business knowledge as well as how to work effectively in their local markets with global clientele.
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