Homes and more for june9

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Let’s Talk Real Estate by Cynthia Walsh MacKenzie, Owner/Broker/Realtor

Should I Sell or Should I Buy First? A question that perplexes many homeowners is should I list my current house before I find my new house? YES! Generally speaking, real estate professionals recommend that Sellers do put their present homes on the market first. We know this can feel scary but it does help you immensely when negotiating on your next property. If homeowners put themselves in the position of finding a replacement property before they sell their current homes, they risk losing the replacement property to more circumstantially flexible prospective buyers who are not in similar situations. If they do find the house they want and have equity they might want to consider a short-term loan to provide funds to make the transaction until their current home successfully closes. Once it closes you can pay down the new loan. Your Realtor, Mortgage Lender, and Attorney can arrange the details so that the process moves smoothly for you. Call our office with any questions. (508) 845-2121.

85 Chestnut Street, Shrewsbury, MA Office (508) 845-2121

Irvine and Virginia Walsh

Family Owned Since 1955

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