Sponsored by Over $3,000 in cash and prizes to be won! blacktown.nsw.gov.au/gardencomp Calling all green thumbs! Entries are now open BLACKTOWN CITY GARDEN COMPETITION

Blacktown City wins men's Premier Leagues championship

Blacktown City FC captain Matt Lewis and coach Mark Crittenden at Council’s Civic reception.

LACKTOWN City has secured the 2022 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s Championship with a 2-0 victory over Manly United in the Grand Final at CommBank Stadium in front of just under 4000 spectators. After dropping the regular season premiership in the final match of the season to Sydney Olympic, redemption came for Blacktown in the Grand Final as the Western Sydney outfit secured some
Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM with Blacktown City FC Executive Chairman Bob Turner and the mighty trophy. CHAMPIONS2022 CHAMPIONS

ISSUE 18 | SEptEmbEr 2022 trUStED LOCAL NEWS
silverware with a strong performance in the high-pressure match. Blacktown Blacktyown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM formally congratulated Blacktown City FC at a special Civic reception dinner at Council’s Administration Centre. Mayor Bleasdale said: “Last season, Blacktown City were given a rough deal when they were top of the ladder when the season was spectacularly halted by COVID-19."
Saturday 24 September from 10 am to 3 pm
The festival will be held from 10 am - 3 pm, with a range of activities and entertainment for the whole family, including stalls, stage performances and rides.

Saturday 27 August from 9 am to 3 pm
Email us: council@blacktown.nsw.gov.au Visit us: 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown Call us: 9839 6000 Mail us: PO Box 63, Blacktown 2148 Blacktown City Council acknowledges the Darug people as the traditional owners of the land on which Blacktown City was built. Blacktown City blacktown.nsw.gov.au BlacktownSnapshot 403,000 population 4% averagegrowtheconomic 153,193 local jobs 27,247 businessesregistered $21.67 billion economy $ B L ACKTOW N CIT Y BL A CK T O WN CIT Y B L AC K TO WN CI T Y SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2022 FREE ENTRY FROM NOON - 5 blacktown.nsw.gov.au/sportsfestPM

Help us knit bomb Blacktown
This is our 4th year of ‘knit bombing’ Blacktown City. We will knit or crochet squares in all colours and sizes that will are sewn together and installed on trees, light poles, posts, benches and much more.

Are you a keen knitter (or a beginner that would like to you interested in being part of a colourful campaign awareness around family and domestic violence?
Peter Van Hasselt Reserve, Palmyra Ave, Willmot
Join us in attending this year’s ‘say no to domestic violence: knit bomb yarn-in’. Join the yarn-in group and share stories, eat dinner and cake and knit colourful squares for the annual Blacktown City knit bomb project.
To view our next yarn-in date, or find out more visit blacktown.nsw.gov.au/knitbomb
Together with the Willmot Festival Committee, we would like to invite the local community to the annual Willmot Festival!
Together with the Tregear Festival Committee, we would like to invite the local community to the annual Tregear Festival!
Willmot Festival
Jim Maynard Park, corner of Aurora Drive and Wilkes Crescent, Tregear
Tregear Festival
The festival will be host to a range of activities and entertainment for the whole family, including stalls, stage performers, inflatables and amusements.
The knitting will be installed in early November and will remain in place until mid-December. The pieces used in the installation will then be commercially washed and sewn into blankets for local charity organisations.
learn)? Are
to raise

SW artists and practioners with disability will have the opportunity to develop meaningful career pathways into the arts, screen, and cul ture sectors thanks to the NSW Government’s Createability Internship Program. The Createability Internship Program is a three-year commitment de
“I’m pleased that we have been able to deliver 700 extra spaces for commut ers at Schofields station,” Mr Conolly said.“This will make life easier for those who travel by train to and from work everyTransportday.” Park and Ride boom gates are also planned for installation to free up more spaces for those who travel on public transport. The Opal card operated boom gates will provide parking for up to 18 hours when customers tap on to a connecting public transport journey. spaces at Schofields

Minister for the Arts Ben Franklin said the program would create new opportunities for young artists with a disability across the sector. Create
ability internships are open to any NSW-based person with disability who has been actively en gaged in or seeking a career opportunity in the arts, screen and culture industries. For further infor mation or to apply, visit the Create NSW website at www.create.nsw.gov.au
livered by the NSW Government in partnership with Accessible Arts and leading NSW-based arts, screen and cultural organisations.
tomers navigate the car park safely and additional facilities for motorcyclists and those who require accessible spaces,” Mr Elliott
“A total of 398 people worked 61,030 hours on the project, pouring 1100 sqm of concrete and laying 1574 tonnes of as phalt to deliver a modern, accessible car
OMMUTERS from across Blacktown region are set to benefit from the newly completed Schofields Station commuter car park.
Minister for Transport, Veterans and Western Sydney David Elliott said the project had delivered 700 additional parking spaces for commuters as well as 15 new dedicated accessible parking spaces and six motorcycle bays.
Internship program embraces disability
Thesaid.project was delivered as part of the NSW Government’s Commuter Car Park Program which provides more con venient access to public transport at key

“The 305 spaces delivered today is excellent news for the growing number of residents in Schofields and surround ing suburbs, following completion of 395 new spaces last month.
Government has delivered more than 13,000 commuter car spaces across Sydney since 2011, with around 5000 additional spaces under develop ment.Member for Riverstone Kevin Conolly said the new commuter car park had been provided to cater for the growing population of the district.
Oran Park is rapidly becoming the best place to live, work and play in South West Sydney, and your business has an opportunity to meet to the needs of the fastest-growing region in NSW. • Suites and whole floor opportunities available • Over 250 secure underground car spaces • Naming rights currently available • Construction due for completion in 2023 • 15 mins to Campbelltown, 45 min to Parramatta & 60 mins to Sydney CBD • Under 20 minutes from the new Western Sydney Airport (completion 2026) heartleasingCommercialattheofOran Park Work at the Park Acquire early market share and invest in your business’ future by becoming a part of Oran Park. 02commercial@greenfields.net.au90437500 commercial.oranparktown.com.au Artist impression of the new car parking. COMMUTERS BENEFIT FROM EXPANSION 700 new

parking station. There was also 700sqm of recycled mulch used and 99 earth moving machines were put to work.
3ISSUE 18 | September 2022 NewS

“Car parks such as this one at Schof ields not only help make catching public transport even easier and more conve nient for commuters but helps reduce congestion on the roads.
“Schofields commuters now have safe and reliable parking 24 hours a day to access public transport. This car park features CCTV coverage, lighting, fencing and wayfinding signage to help cus
WEXPO coming soon to Blacktown Workers Club www.wexpo.com.au | Stall enquires: info@wexpo.com.au News 3 Stephen Bali 7 Blacktown Workers Club 8 WEXPO 17 Business 21 Cover story 22 Michelle Rowland 24 Magazine 25 Healthy Western Sydney 26 Travel 29 Fitness 31 Mental Health 35 Sport 38 ISSUE 18 SEptEmbEr 2022 trUStED LOCAL Blacktow Over $3,000 in cash and prizesto be won! Calling all green thumbs!Entries are now open BLACKTOWN CITYGARDEN COMPETITION B LACKTOWN City has secured the 2022 NationalPremier Leagues NSW Men’s Championship witha 2-0 victory over Manly United in the GrandFinal at CommBank Stadium in front of justunder 4000 spectators. After dropping the regularseason premiership in the final match of the season toSydney Olympic, redemption came for Blacktown in theGrand Final as the Western Sydney outfit secured some silverware with a strong performance in the high-pressurematch. Blacktown Blacktyown City Mayor Tony BleasdaleOAM formally congratulated Blacktown City FC at aspecial Civic reception dinner at Council’s AdministrationCentre. Mayor Bleasdale said: “Last season, BlacktownCity were given a rough deal when they were top of theladder when the season was spectacularly halted byCOVID-19." MORE INSIDE Blacktown City wins men'sPremier Leagues championship Blacktown City Tony Bleasdale OAM with Blacktown FC Executive Chairman Bob Turner the mighty trophy.2022 CHAMPIONS2022 Blacktown City FC captainLewis Mark Crittendenat Council’s Civic reception. tougher penalties in place for abusers of front line workers. meet the next generation of 000 heroes.

Editor Michael michael@accessnews.com.auWalls
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The Blacktown News is the official media partner of Blacktown FC.

tAFE mt Druitt is preparing for the coming revolution in EV vehicles. the speaker line-up for WEXpO 2022. rehearsing for Stars From Western Sydney event.

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the stars are fundraising and
The Blacktown News is platinum media partner for the Greater Blacktown Business Chamber

ISSUE 18 September| 2022
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Stephen Bali MP was elected to serve Ward Four in April 2004. He was re-elected in 2008, 2012 and 2016. He served on a great many committees, including the City Festival, Skate Park, Western Sydney Airport and Blacktown Showground and Francis Park Devel opment Committees He served on the In ternal Audit, Arts Reference, Access, and Urban Animals Advisory Committees,
as well as the board of Blacktown Venue Management.Hewaselected Deputy Mayor in 2009, and Mayor in September 2015
Kevin Gillies was elected to serve Ward Two in a by-election held in April 2017. As a Councilor, he served on the Policy and Strategy, Community Ser vices, Budget Estimates, Warrick Lane Development, Audit, Risk and Improve ment Advisory and Sister Cities Advisory Committees.
From 2018 he chaired our Blacktown City and Inter Government Advisory Committee and was an alternate member of the Sydney Central City Planning Pan el. He also served on the Environment Advisory Committee.
This school holidays, dive into a free immersive deep‑sea maze, take part in our virtual reality tour and join our ocean themed craft workshops. Saturday 24 September — Sunday 9 October
Frederick Brillo was elected to serve Ward Three in September 2016. As a Councilor he served on the Policy and Strategy, Finance and Resources Com mittee, Budget Estimates, and Warrick Lane Development Committees.
Blacktown Councillors honored

“I was proud to stand shoul der-to-shoulder with Stephen Bali when we led a garbage truck convoy to the offices of SBS Television in protest at the ‘Struggle Street’ program that vilified the people and location of Mount Druitt.”
EMBER for Blacktown and for mer Mayor Stephen Bali was one of five departing councillors hon ored by Blacktown City Council at a recent Council meeting.
“Despite the difficulties and sacrifices
While Mayor Bleasdale personal ly and officially thanked each former Councillor for their service to Blacktown City, he made special mention of former Mayor Stephen Bali MP.
“Stephen Bali served as a Councillor for nearly 20-years. He was elected Dep uty Mayor in 2009 and Mayor in 2015.
“Tonight, we thank them for joining us, and we mark their contribution to this Chamber, this Council and to the history of Blacktown City,” Mayor Bleas dale“Thesaid.former Councillors were mem bers of a Council that always held the health and wellbeing of constituents as its top priority while at the same time embarking on an ambitious public works program to transform Blacktown into a modern, diverse and sustainable city,” he said.
Stephen Bali was elected Mayor of Black town City, a position he held continuous ly for five years.
Jaymes Diaz was elected to serve Ward Two in September 2016. As a Councilor he served on Council’s Policy and Strategy, Community Services, Bud get Estimates, and Warrick Lane Devel opment Committees.
Linda Santos was elected to serve Ward Four in September 2016. As a Councilor she served on the Policy and Strategy, Community Services, Budget Estimates, and Warrick Lane Develop ment Committees.
Mr Bali paid tribute to his wife Anne and family and his long-serving staff, saying that without their sacrifices he would never have been able to pursue his career in politics.
Council service of the five former Councilors:

“Following in the footsteps of his father, Charlie Bali, Stephen was a Councillor with a lifelong commitment to advancing the lives of the people of Blacktown City through public service. A commitment he continues today in his role as Member for Blacktown in the Parliament of NSW.
5ISSUE 18 | September 2022 NewS
The five former Councillors were in vited to the Council meeting where they were presented with framed Certificates of Appreciation by Mayor Tony Bleasdale.
that Councillors must make, serving on Council is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. To have seen, and been part of, the transformation of Blacktown City has been a privilege,” Mr Bali said.
Four of the former CouncillorsJaymes Diaz, Kevin Gillies, Frederick Brillo and Linda Santos did not return to Council following the local government elections in December last year.
And Mr Bali was required under legislation to step down from the role of Mayor in 2019 to concentrate solely on his Parliamentary duties.
In reply, Mr Bali said he had been honored to serve the people of Blacktown City as a Councillor, Deputy Mayor and Mayor.“My time with Council has been a tremendous journey and I am so proud to have served with so many fine Coun cillors and Council staff.
Available data show that rates of assaults too vary across categories of emergency workers. While police officers, ambulance officers and health workers face maximum assault, firefighters and rescue workers experience comparatively
RONTLINE emergency workers can look to heave a sigh of relief. A new Bill promises to hand out tougher penalties to offenders who assault them.
Tougher penalties for abusers
A pregnant midwife in western Sydney was verbally abused and told that she should not be out spreading Covid, while at a fast-food outlet.
low rates of violence.
outside Blacktown Hospital to raise awareness.Atthepeak
Scattered media reports pointed to nurses working at Blacktown, Westmead, Royal North Shore and Queanbeyan – all being forced to put up with abuse while out in public, either at shops or super markets, during that time.
Not too long ago, a nurse in the Western Sydney suburbs had to bear the brunt of an assault in the form of facial fractures.Media reports around the same time brought to notice that six staff mem bers had been assaulted in specialized aged care units in a span of three weeks, which included two pregnant nurses being punched, one also being reportedly choked and a security guard kicked while on duty.
emergency services workers is reason ably common. According to the ‘Assaults on emergency services workers’, NSW’s Sentencing Council’s July 2021 report, the number of recorded offences which come before the NSW criminal justice system is modest, with incidents being heavily under-reported.Evenamong those reported, several challenges make it difficult to track the outcome of those offences through the criminal justice system.
of Covid, a very distress ing incident was logged with the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association – an ICU nurse with her scrubs on, was al legedly assaulted upon boarding a train.
According to a media report published in June 2021, the Interna tional Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reported 848 violent incidents involving frontline emergency health workers associated with Covid-19 were recorded from February to December 2020. A patient with Covid symptoms in Naples, Italy, who was angry after being told to wait, spat at a doctor and a nurse. The entire ward had to be closed and staff sent to quarantine. In violent incidents in India and Paki stan, Covid wards were ransacked and the staff assaulted. In Mexico, there was bleach thrown at healthcare work ers on streets.
Research shows that violence against
Significantly, firefighters from the NSW Rural Fire Service, Fire and Rescue NSW and NSW National Parks and Wild life Service, pharmacy staff, community health workers, NSW State Emergency Service frontline workers and other specified emergency workers will also be covered by the new Bill.
Presenting the Bill, Attorney Gen eral Mark Speakman said “every per son should be able to feel safe in their workplace, including health and emer gency services workers who perform an essential public service for our communi ty, in difficult circumstances and often at personal risk”.
Significantly, the new bill is part of the NSW government’s response to the NSW Sentencing Council’s report. It is committed to strengthening criminal law protections for the frontline emergency workers.
The ‘Crimes Legislation Amendment (Assaults on Frontline Emergency and Health Workers) Bill 2022’ has been introduced by the NSW government to Parliament on August 12, 2022.

The situation was so horrific that the staff had to resort to staging a rally
The Bill is important as it ensures that assaults and other violent acts against emergency workers are better recognized and appropriately punished.
A global phenomenon

Black town Hospi tal f inal cons truc tion s tage$4M S ocial Housing$21M Quakers Hill S ewerage Treatment$18M Wes tern Sydney Parklands$3M Was te Facili t y Eas tern Cre ek$2M Prospe c t Highway Upgrade$74M Richmond R d Planning$13M No established High School upgrades No es tablishe d Public S chool NoupgradesTAFEfacili t y upgrades No upgrades or new spor ting facili ties No upgrades to major interse c tions or Noroadsfunding for women’s re f uges or mental heal th No upgrade to Black town Police S Notationrailcorridor identif ie d to link Marsden Park to S t . Mar y s L and tax for f irs t home buyers means a life time tax on proper t y Wes tern Sydney Parklands generate $55m prof i t and only $3m re turne d to Black town Ci t y L onger hospi tal emergenc y wai ting Retimescord number of patient s wai ting longer than re commende d for ele c tive surger y L onger ambulance wai t times C ounselling ser vice wai t times now almos t 4 months

Mechanics learning EV skills at Mt Druitt.
Sales of electric cars have tripled from 2021 to more than 20,500 on the nation’s roads, according to the Electric Vehicle Council of Australia. With the growing move toward EVs automotive technicians in Western Sydney are get ting ahead of the curve when it comes to
Automotive technicians and partic ipants in the course Marvin Nabaunag and Jake Homfray were pleased to be learning new and relevant skills.
Mt Druitt leads in EV skills
T will now be easier for women in NSW to start, run and grow their own businesses, thanks to the State Government’s new one-stop shop Women in Business Hub going live today. Treasurer Matt Kean said the online Hub was a recommendation of the Government’s Women’s Economic Opportunities Re

systems powering these vehi cles and it is vital technicians know how to work safely with them and how to dis connect and reinitialise their power supply.
Mr Berta said feedback from the in dustry had been enthusiastic and he was anticipating more of these micro-skill type courses. “We have several large companies who are on board with this training including, LDV Motors, Liebherr Earthmoving, and SG Fleet.”

For more information about TAFE NSW courses visit www.tafensw.edu.au or phone 131601.
Online business hub for women

“We’re talking about high voltage

“Once depowered, those cars can be worked on without the risk of someone being electrocuted. Those same people will also need to know how to reinitialise the power to that vehicle,” Mr Berta said.
AFE Mt Druitt is pre paring for the coming revolution in EV vehicles by showing mechanics how to power up their electric vehicle skills.
alised support, a ‘women in business’ toolkit, oppor tunities for networking, training, grants, funding and mental health support to enable more women to start and grow their own business.” For more information go to port-women-businesshttps://www.service.nsw.gov.au/business/sup
10 ISSUE 18 | September 2022NewS
view to improve women’s financial security through increased workplace participation. “There are an es timated 800,000 small businesses in NSW, account ing for more than 98 per cent of all businesses in the state but just 33 per cent are led by women,” Mr Kean said. “The Hub will connect women with person
“It’s really good to have these skills up my sleeve,” Mr Homfray said. “We’re working with really high voltages on these vehicles, so I want to be able to power-down these vehicles so it’s a safe environment for me and others to work around.”
A group of qualified me chanics spent two days work ing on electric vehicles in the campus’ state-of-the-art au tomotive area, learning skills critical to the changing nature of their work and safety.
The first electric vehicle specialist course at Mount Druitt is boosting the skills of local automotive technicians in readiness for the growing EV market.

unlocking skills for the future.
TAFE NSW Mount Druitt Automotive Teacher Andrew Berta said the course came about through industry connec tions which revealed key skills required in most workshops working on EVs.
“Businesses in the area, such as LDV Automotive, are keen for their qualified technicians to have access to our short courses to boost their skills in EV technology,” he said.“This two-day session was a practical, hands-on and quick way to teach qualified mechanics how to depower and reinitialise electric and hybrid electric vehicles.“These skills are a vital industry need. Most manufacturers have an electric or hybrid version of their petrol or diesel cars. So, they need at least a few people in a workshop of 10 to 15 mechanics who are qualified to safely disconnect power.
Blacktown City Mayor Tony Bleasdale said: “Our city is home to some spectacu lar gardens and there is no better chance for our talented gardeners to have their hard work recognised than through the Blacktown City Garden Competition.
Stars for Western Sydney launched

• Lord Mayor of Parramatta, Donna Davis.
Sara Spearpoint, owner of Sara Lou ise Photography.
“While our stars are extremely im portant, we couldn’t do this without the

Preliminary judging will take place in late September, with final round judging to be done by industry experts in early October.Council is on the hunt for the best gardens in Blacktown City across 12 categories, including: Best Front Garden,
Willie Mclean.
Council’s annual competition is one of the most prestigious in Western Sydney, attracting more than 120 entrants in 2021, with Prospect’s Julie Gray crowned the Overall City Champion.
“With springtime here, there’s no better time for our green thumbs to bring their gardens into bloom and show off their talents in beautifying our city,” Mayor Bleasdale said.
• Matina Sarafoglou, Duty Manager at Merrylands RSL.
11ISSUE 18 | September 2022 NewS

LACKTOWN City Council is remind ing all those with green thumbs that entries close in a few weeks in the 2022 Blacktown City Garden Com petition.
“There will be more than $3000 in cash and prizes, including garden prod
Liza and co, café owner of Homage Café
• Simon Desilva, Senior Firefighter from Fire and Rescue NSW.

Dig into our city garden competition
Best Back Garden, Best Themed/Novel Garden, Best Australian Native Garden, Best Edible Garden and Best Sustainable Garden.There are also categories for gar deners with a disability, senior citizens, school gardens, community gardens and commercial gardens.
Julie Gray, of Prospect, was crowned Overall City Champion for her colourful garden.

Tickets to the event will go on sale on September 2 and can be purchased via: org.aucontactIfSeptemberEarlybird:au/event/stars-of-western-sydney-2022/homestars.cancercouncil.com.September2-16.GeneralAdmission:17onwards.you’reinterestedingettinginvolved,pleaseDanielleLoucos:danielle.loucos@nswcc.Phone:93542029.
Local residents, businesses, schools and community organisations are en couraged to showcase their creative flair in the garden.
• Willie Mclean, Customer Service Manager at Blacktown Workers Club..
amazing help from our dance teachers who donate their time to making this hap pen; Byrnes Dance School, Nadia’s School of Bellydance, Stargazer Pole Studio, Pow erhouse Dance Factory, Nartan Institute of Performing Arts, Move With Me and Urban Salsa,” Danielle said.

Entries are now open and will close at 5.30pm on Friday, 23 September, 2022. Visit the website for more details: www.blacktown.nsw.gov.au/ gardencomp
The 10 Stars of Western Sydney for October 22 are:
Each entry will be judged on key elements including design, construction, maintenance and sustainability. Entrants must reside in Blacktown City Council.
• Wayne Tunks, radio presenter at my88 Sanjayradio.Sethi, accountant and Real Estate owner.

Angel Heng and Helen Asma Maruf from Icon Group Norwest.
URING the next eight weeks, these stars will be fundraising and rehears ing for the big evening of Saturday, October 22.
Cancer Council Community Relations Coordinator Danielle Loucos said: “I'm so excited to launch our second Stars of Western Sydney. I think we have a great line-up of all involved and I can’t wait to see them all on stage on the evening.”
ucts, landscaping supplies and movie tickets on offer to the winning entries.”

Grab a copy of the Blacktown News at any of these popular distribution outlets WHERE TO GET THE NEWS Blacktown Council Blacktown Council Libaries Riverstone Newsagent Blacktown RSL Blacktown Sports Club Blacktown Travelodge The Australian Hotel Vineyard Motel Fox Hills Golf Club Lillys Function Centre Blacktown Chamber Blacktownevents WestsSportsToongabbieFCBowlingClubTradies Stanhope Leisure Centre Blacktown Workers Club Prospect Hotel Seven Hills Plaza Stanhope Gardens Library Lalor Park Library Riverstone Library Never miss out. Get the digital edition 24/7 at www.greaterblacktownnews.com.au 1 THIS EDITION BlacktowN BLACKTOWN Hospital’s famous Olympian Dr Jana Pittman swapped her stethoscopegrueling survival challenge the latest series TV on the Seven Network.roller coaster ride triumph, defeat, failure success throughout herher ideal for the format of the show. 38-year-old dual Olympianone 18 celebrities who subjected to extreme physical and psychological testingupcoming military-style show. More page 5. Whyclinic:localMayorviolenceWESTPOINTfight:answerssupport:10Blacktowntops forproperty investment: Blacktown Cityblacktown.nsw.gov.au SnapshotBlacktown 395,000 4.6% average 143,25924,990$billion Youth the peopleBlacktownambassadors 15 people representpublicCitizenship Receptions,profilerelated 2021 Blacktown CityGarden Competition entriesGarden Blacktown OAM big commercialthe Competitiongardening businesses,’ great‘Visitingappearance the me, entriesbe bragginghave also sharemoney as welllandscapingcompetition gardenwith 14Garden, Garden,and new unusualclose judging on maintenanceand judgingBlacktownconducted attractedprestigiousawarded Crescent blacktown.nsw.gov.au/GardenCompetition Over $3,000 in cash won! SAY NO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Knit ProjectBomb2021 time onGet blacktown.nsw.gov.au/knitbomb21 ISSUE 2021 TRUSTED LOCAL WWW.GREATERBLACKTOWNNEWS.COM.AU SAS JANA Jana Pittman ISSUE 12 MARCH LOCAL NEWS WWW.GREATERBLACKTOWNNEWS.COM.AUB N TIMEGAME Blacktown FC is ready to go: 31 UPDATEPROPERTY Inside the bank of mum and dad: 16 ROWLANDMICHELLE How ourwomenAfghantypifydiversity:18 GRANT Hews has great reason to be inseparablefrom his best mate and savior, Echo MalteseTerrier. see, Echo saved life when he fellcoma and was admittedto Blacktown hospital, the were lost without other. And we all know the healing power of an animal,power that should never underestimated. heart-warming story begins in late December when Grant wasdiagnosed with COVID-19 and other underlying healthissues at the hospital. More: GrantPOWERPETPOWERoweshis life to mate Echo important community announcements• upcoming events• transformational projects• school holiday activitiescommunity award programs• competitions • much, much more... Keep up to date with the latest news in and around Blacktown! your monthly community e-newsletter blacktown.nsw.gov.au/subscribe ERTY

To learn more, visit our website and register your interest to receive updates.
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Image is for illustrative purposes only. J006615 (formerly Blacktown Workers Club Group).
parkside lifestyle.com.au
Workers Blacktown is bringing Parkside Lifestyle Community to life, right next to Workers Sports, promising a village exclusively for over 55’s to enjoy, share and most importantly... live every day.

de-escalation and use of force tactics, mental health and general first aid. They also participated in simulated search and emergency response exercises and weap ons
27 new correctional officers
WENTY-seven trainee correctional officers made a commitment to keep the community safe and help reduce reoffending at a swearing-in ceremo ny at Parklea Correctional Centre.

Minister for Corrections Geoff Lee attended the ceremony and presented the top performing graduates with awards for collaboration, safety, decency, security, challenge, ingenuity and ‘The Parklea Way’.
This is the tenth graduating class since MTC-Broadspectrum began operat ing Parklea Correctional Centre on behalf of Corrective Services NSW in 2019.

13ISSUE 18 | September 2022

“I’m delighted to welcome our new officers into our ranks and I look forward to working with them at Parklea.”
Trainees studied subjects such as legislation, policies and procedures,

Breaking the cycle
“I wish them a long and successful career in corrections and that their contribution makes a positive impact on inmates’Memberlives.”for
and reduce reoffending.
“A correctional officer is not like other jobs – it’s a challenging and dynamic envi ronment where many inmates come from difficult backgrounds. But for those who want to make a difference, the rewards can be “Ourprofound.mission at Parklea is to run a safe and secure prison, where inmates are treated with decency and respect. Our work aims to reduce reoffending and taking care of staff is our top priority.”
Parklea Correctional Centre Governor Paul Baker said it was exciting to see new officers embark on a career in corrections after seeing them strive to complete 10 weeks of rigorous training.
“More than 10,000 men and wom en work in correctional facilities and community corrections across the state and I’m pleased to welcome these new graduates into the corrections family,” Mr Lee “Correctionssaid. staff play an important role in helping inmates break the cycle of reoffending by providing them with various tools for rehabilitation, including employment, vocational training, person al development programs, education and other“Theyinterventions.areonthe frontline day and night and deserve recognition for the important work they do behind prison walls to provide a brighter future for NSW by keeping our communities safe
Women continue to choose a career in corrections at Parklea, with 12 of the new officers being female.
“Ourtraining.training provides new recruits with the knowledge, skills and values they need to safely and professionally respond to a variety of situations and manage people with diverse needs,” Mr Baker said.

“Parklea Correctional Centre is a proud employer for our electorate and I’m thrilled to see these graduates em brace opportunities here and outside of work,” Mr Conolly said.
“Our new trainees have achieved a significant personal goal to become cor rectional officers today, and I congratulate them on making it through the Initial Training Course,” Mr Baker said.
Riverstone Kevin Conolly welcomed the graduates to the area.
The new officers range in age from 22 to 56 and have diverse cultural back grounds and employment histories, such as a personal trainer, disability support worker and property manager.
Trainees will complete 12-months on-the-job assessments to attain their Certificate III in Correctional Practice.
or email us at: info@blacktownmow.com.au Call 02 9622 6183 Good Nutrition is essential for your wellbeing Call our friendly team at Blacktown Meals on Wheels to see how we can support you. Nutritious meals suitable for healthy ageing No minimum orders or lock in contracts Local and seasonal menu’s Peace of mind for family members knowing a friendly Volunteer checks in on their loved ones Nutritional needs of clients are considered prior to commencement of meal service Speak to your Home Care Package Provider about receiving Meals on Wheels If you are transitioning from the Commonwealth Home Support Programme to a Home Care Package you can request continuation of meals MOW Blacktown- HCP.indd 1 29/06/2022 11:44:54 AM

Educating young people about 000 response.
“This informative new program en sures our students have the opportunity to learn about Triple Zero from a young age, and can become confident and re sponsible users of the emergency hotline should the unexpected happen.
Next generation of triple 000 heroes
For more information visit: www.000classroom. com.
upgrades to Arthur Neave Memorial Hall in Werrington and Floribunda Community Centre in Glenmore Park completed last year.Penrith Mayor Tricia Hitchen said community facilities like these brought res idents together and helped foster a vibrant and resilient community.
“Children as young as four years old will use this new tool to learn the essen tial knowledge and skills of when and how to call Triple Zero,” Ms Cooke said.

OUNG students across Blacktown be better prepared to respond to emergency situations with the launch of the Triple Zero Classroom Challenge.Minister for Emergency Services and Resilience and Minister for Flood Recovery Steph Cooke said the digital, interactive game classroom presentation is aligned to the curriculum for students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2.
The upgrades have been made possible
ORK is underway to upgrade the ‘much loved’ and utilised St Marys Community Centre and Senior Citizens Centre.
They are the latest community facilities in the Penrith LGA to receive a facelift, with
year,” Cr Hitchen said. “Many of these facilities have been part of the fabric of the community for decades, as hubs for social groups, local not-for-prof it organisations, cultural gatherings and events.”“These improvements will support com munity groups to continue providing the community with important programs and services for years to come,” Cr Hitchen said.
with $1.5m from the Australian Govern ment’s Community Development Grant and $2.6m in funding from Council as part of its ongoing building renewal program.
During the past three years, Council has also invested almost $2.4m in upgrades to Castlereagh Hall, Mulgoa Hall, Werrington Downs Neighborhood Centre, Colyton Neighborhood Centre and St Marys Arts and Craft Studio as part of its ongoing com munity centre renewal program.
“Developing the Triple Zero Class room Challenge has been a labour of love for our NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue NSW personnel, and it’s really exciting to see it rolled out to
“We welcome more than half a million guests and 200 community groups through the doors of our community centres every
“It’s critical that we teach this im portant information to the next gen eration from a young age because they may find themselves in a situation where they’ll need to know what to do and who to call.”The Triple Zero Classroom Challenge is a collaboration between the NSW Rural Fire Service and Fire and Rescue NSW on behalf of the Triple Zero Aware ness Working Group.

classrooms across the State.” Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said Glenorie Public School is one of the first schools in NSW to introduce the Triple Zero Class
14 ISSUE 18 | September 2022NewS

St Marys facilities get facelift
These centres are being renewed with internal redesigns to improve functional ity and accessibility, the construction of meeting, office and activity spaces, plus additional storage.
room“WhileChallenge.thelearning activities deal with the serious issues of medical, fire and crime emergencies, they have been designed to be as fun and engaging as possible for our young students,” Mrs Mitchell said.

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Self-protection tips and strategies A GUIDE TO Living with C VID For the latest expert advice on living with COVID see our full magazine at: www. issuu.com/communitybroadcastnetwork/docs/lwc_magazineorclickonthelinkatwww.accessnews.com.auSelf-protectiontipsandstrategies A GUIDE TOLiving with C VIDIssue 01 | May 2022 AwithFamily’sCOVID- page 13 Mental Health: Whatitreallymeans- page 15 Prevention: transmissionHowworks- page 8 Tips: of the GP- page 5 Voice Business: A guide for survival- page 19 journey ISSUE 1 NOW!OUT


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Guest Speakers

Chief Economist Westpac / St George banks Unpacking Uncertainty
Besa has been the Chief Economist of St George Bank since 2008. Since 2009, Besa is also the Chief Economist of several large businesses within the Westpac Group. Prior to St George, Besa held senior economist roles with CBA and has also worked for the Colonial Group. Besa is the Secretary and Deputy Chair for the Australian Business Economists’ Association and is a member of the Melbourne Economic Forum. Besa will be talking about: ‘Unpacking Uncertainty’. She will cover what the next 12-18 months holds for the economy, jobs market, inflation, and housing with a focus on Western Sydney.

Engage with world leading experts at WEXPO 2022

Melissa Wu: Olympic Diver Building A Success Mindset
Melissa Paige Wu is an Australian diver and silver medal winner at the 2007 World Aquatics Championships, the 2006 Commonwealth Games and the 2008 Summer Olympics.
Besa Deda:
$28PH includes 2 course lunch Breakfast – 7.45am to 9am Lunch – 12 noon to 1.30pm
Melissa is an Australian Institute of Sport scholarship holder and recently competed on SAS MelissaAustralia.willcall

$18PH includes 2 course breakfast
on her vast experience as a successful athlete to share insights about success mindset, building resilience and purpose and leadership under pressure.
Simone Rennocks My Skills Australia

How to find $50,000 in 45 minutes or less in any business.
Sport Builds a City’s Identity.
Can your business benefit from the Research & Development Tax Incentive Program?
7 Steps to Small Business Marketing Success.
Mastering the Ten Success Pillars of Starting your new business.
Emmanuel Martin BRRED Australia

Charity Partnerships –just feel good or just good business sense?
How to change the way you do business to ensure that you can survive and thrive in the current businessunprecedentedenvironment.

Eric Tjoeng

The world of work has changed. So have the expectations of workers.
Paul Campbell AUC

Legal basics for small business.
Katherine Hawes

Cristine Lee Tech Abstract
Charles Barnard The Growth Engineer

Stacy Farrell Content Box
TM FREE WORKSHOPS To book your FREE workshop or find out more go to www.wexpo.com.au and click on workshops in the top menu bar or email info@wexpo.com.au
Nermeen Yacooub Better Foundation
Digital Age Lawyers
Bob Turner Blacktown FC ACU collaboration.opportunitiesBlacktownfor
Mehreen adds, ‘hiring workers that are differently abled is absolutely a smart business decision because you see immediate benefits in things like loyalty and Weretention.wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for the team members that have come to us through NOVA.’
For more information about NOVA Employment’s free recruitment service, available to any size business across all industries, call 1 300 ABILITY (1 300 224 5489).
Paul Georgievski, Centre Manager of Wales Bus Repairs in Smithfield, was introduced to NOVA three years ago when he was looking for a repairs assistant.

Business owners from across Western Sydney recently attended NOVA Employment’s launch of their eighth annual 100 jobs in 100 days campaign in support of building a more inclusive workforce.
‘It’s wonderful to see so many different types of businesses show their support,’ said Ms Duncan, who took on the ambassadorial role for NOVA in 2010 and recently featured on the hit SBS series, Who do you think you are?
CALLING ALL EMPLOYERS: 100 jobs in 100 days
“We have over 50 per cent of our staff who have come through NOVA office in Blacktown,’ said Mehreen, who hired her first worker through NOVA 10 years ago.
full-time,’ said Paul, who admits he no longer notices Nathaniel’s disability.
As the title suggests, NOVA Employment aims to secure 100 jobs at award wage for people with disability in 100 days.

NOVA Ambassador and seven-time Logie award-winning actor, Ms Paula Duncan AM, greeted guests as they arrived for lunch at the Marsden Brewhouse.
‘NOVA contacted us with a worker they had who fit the role that we were looking for,’ said Paul, who runs the state-of-the-art facility of this family-owned business.
‘We’ve got a great mix, from small family business owners to large manufacturers here who are not just giving people with disabilities jobs, they’re changing people’s lives for the better,’ Ms Duncan said.
‘When Nathaniel joined us, he did some work experience for a couple of days and picked up the role pretty quickly so we hired him
We Love Kitchen co-owner Mehreen Ahmed, credits her partnership with NOVA as one of the best business decisions she’s ever made.
“We listen to our clients and tailor services and solutions to suit their needs, and our highly skilled senior staff can deliver workshops and training right up to the CEO level.”
Renee Thornton,Renee Thornton.
Business WEXPO coming soon to Blacktown Workers Club www.wexpo.com.au | Stall enquires: info@wexpo.com.au

for a new job this year and only 34% of employees believe they'll stay with their current company for up to 18 months.
3. Engage a corporate health consul tant.If this is not your company’s area of expertise, reach out to an expert in the
field to ensure you are ticking all the right boxes. While it is impossible to know it all, there is help available.
For more information on accessing Rehab Management’s tools and corporate health support visit: www.rehabmanagement.com.au
The number of employees suffering from burnout during the first quarter of 2022 was over 10% higher than the 34% reported in the same quarter last year, according to the report.
Renee Thornton, General Manager of leading corporate health provider Rehab Management, said these statistics were not surprising.“Unfortunately, we are living in increasingly turbulent times. In addition to navigating a worldwide pandemic over the past few years, employee stress has been heightened by factors such as rising inflation, the cost-of-living crisis and the impact of staff shortages,” Ms Thornton said.“Although most organisations are aware of the importance of mental health, the majority are overlooking the employ ee burnout crisis.”
Top tips for preventing and managing employee burnout according to Renee Thornton:

“Burnout workers are not productive and poor mental health has a detrimental impact on the workforce and the wider business. Keeping customers happy is the key to building a successful business, but this will only become harder if employees are burnt Employeeout.”burnout is being further impacted by the latest wave of COVID-19. It is estimated that anywhere from 10% to 30% of patients might experience long COVID for weeks, months and even years after recovering—even if they weren’t very sick in the first place - affecting their ability to work or cause them to take time off sick.
Employers also need to be aware of the ‘great resignation’. Around 44% of work ers say they are planning to actively look

And it’s not just restricted to our region. Across Australia, burnout has a significant economic impact with stress-related work absences and pre senteeism estimated to cost Australia $14.81B per year.
She said Rehab Management worked with small and large organisations to offer tailored and appropriate health and wellbeing services.
ISRT the bad news: worker burnout has hit in plague proportions in Par ramatta and Western Sydney, but the good news is there is a solution.
“It is certainly a challenging time for employers but it’s clear that it’s time to take employee wellbeing seriously. However, caring about employees needs to be about more than just platitudes,” Ms Thornton
1. Systematically check in with your workforce.2.Support employees and managers to manage wellbeing.
21ISSUE 18 | September 2022
A recent survey indicated that nearly half of all Australians suffer from burnout out, as workers start to feel less secure about the economy.

“That includes everything from reducing physical hazards in the work place, to how to offer flexible working conditions, enabling more autonomy for individual workers, or building friendly and collaborative working relationships between colleagues.”
“Given that we spend a third of our lives working, our jobs have an enormous impact on our wellbeing,” Ms Thornton said.
“Employerssaid. have a duty of care to wards their employees, which extends to both their physical and mental health.”
Nearly half are suffering
Black, saw Blacktown strike first.

“We’ve had a pretty big two years and I think the team thoroughly deserved something after last year when COVID hit,” said Coach Crittenden.
Both teams were desperate for the win to advance to the Grand Final at Comm Bank Stadium. The game did not disappoint as the 1-1 score stood for the 90-minute game and an additional 30 minutes in overtime.

The resulting penalty shootout saw a 5-4 result in favour of the visitors with Blacktown goalkeeper Dylan Niski making two saves to deny the Premiers a Grand Final Blacktownspot.was confident coming into the Grand Final against Manly as they had two solid wins over Manly during the regular season, 4-1 & 6-1. The loss in the Minor Semis 2-1 however and the victory over Olympic demonstrated that Manly were for real and never to be counted out.
It was a fitting climax
CoveR StorY
In the Grand Final, the hyped up crowd with plenty of Blacktown sup porters wearing their favourite colour –
22 ISSUE 18 | September 2022
Major then ran away with a ball from the midfield late in the second half and placed a well-timed shot past Alen Aganovic and Jack Greenwood to take Blacktown’s tally to two.
Blacktown Coach Mark Crittenden was thrilled his side was able to secure the Grand Final victory, particularly after
It took Three ‘Do Or Die’ Playoff matches but Blacktown City FC stood up to the pressure with victories in all three. Following a heartbreaking loss to Manly in the Minor Semi-final, Blacktown had to do it the hard way knowing a loss would end their 2022 campaign.

A first half goal to Blacktown’s Lachlan Campbell had City with the advantage heading into the break and a classy finish from Travis Major saw them double their lead as one of Blacktown’s favourite sons hit the incredible mile stone of 100 goals for the club.

an unfinished season last year where Blacktown were leading the comp with five rounds to go before the competition was ended due to Covid.
Cont page 23
All the action from the grand final, images courtesy Speed Media.
LACKTOWN City have secured the 2022 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s Championship with a 2-0 victory over Manly United in the Grand Final at CommBank Stadium on Saturday night in front of just under 4000Afterspectators.dropping the Regular Season Premiership in the final match of the season to Sydney Olympic, redemption came for Blacktown in the Grand Final as the Western Sydney outfit secured some silverware with a strong performance in the high-pressure match.
Winning Premier League Championship

Next up was Minor Premiers Syd ney Olympic on their home ground at Belmore Oval. Olympic also suffered a narrow loss to Manly the week before to force the Major elimination game.
Apia Leichhardt was the first obstacle in their playoff challenge which Black town won 2-0 win in front of the biggest home crowd of the season.

That strike was a fitting climax to the game and for Major a goal to hit the incredible milestone of 100 goals for the club. Travis Major was also awarded the Robbie Slater Man of the Match after his impressive performance on the night.
In the first half, Travis Major sent a ball into the area to an on-running Campbell, who tapped the ball into the net as he slid past the goal.
CoveR StorY
“I don’t think it was a great game to watch but it was exciting and Manly took it to us in the second half big time. We were resilient, then a wonderful goal by Trav [Travis Major] to get to 100 for the club sealed the win and a fitting tribute to a special player for Blacktown,” he added.After leading the Under 20 competi tion the entire year losing only one game through the season, Blacktown’s Under 20 men suffered a loss to Sydney FC in the first round of the playoffs.
will now focus his attention to building the 2023 team and the challenge to repeat as Champions. FootballNSW will be adding four more teams to the NPL1 competition for a sixteen-team field. Fifteen home games rep resents an opportunity for all of Blacktown to join the fun and witness some of the best football in the state.

An award that is significant to the culture and Junior development of Black town City, the Club amassed 264 points over the 2022 season. Next best was Marconi with 228 points to demonstrate the dominance of Blacktown.

A proud football club, Executive Chairman, Bob Turner, was ecstatic with the win, not only for the champi onship but the organisations goal to be the major sporting team for the city it represents. “SinceItook on the role with Black town City eighteen months ago, I have been adamant our goal is to live up to our name both on the field and off it,” said“ToTurner. seeBlacktown Mayor Tony Bleasdale on the field for the presenta tion with our team was a great thrill as the smile on his face meant the world to me.". Head of Football, Mark Crittenden,
Cont page 23
See more images at www.facebook.com/theblack BobtownnewsTurner is Executive Chairman of Blacktown City FC.

23ISSUE 18 | September 2022

On the all-time Honour Board for Football NSW the 2022 Championship is the Ninth Finals Series Championship for Blacktown City Football Club. Next best is Apia Leichhardt with 6 followed by Sydney United with 5. Blacktown City is also tied with Sydney United with 8 regular season Premierships each.

Mt Druitt then inflicted a 2-1 loss to Blacktown the next week to knock them out of the competition. The success of both the Senior Men and Under 20’s once again earned Blacktown City the coveted Football NSW Club Championship.

On the first day of the Summit, the Albanese Government announced that National Cabinet, made up of Premiers and Chief Ministers from each state and territory, agreed to deliver an addi tional 180,000 fee-free TAFE places next year to help skill Australians and tackle the skills crisis.
Michelle Rowland is Minister for Communications and Federal Member for Greenway.

“I hosted a creative economy roundtable where we discussed how we can maximise opportunities in the sector and deliver a high-quality labour force in Australia’s creative industries.”

USTRALIANS want their govern ment to focus on building a better future, creating more secure jobs so they can pay the bills, support their family and save for the future.
On the second day of the Summit, we announced our move to increase Australia's permanent migration cap from 160,000 to 195,000 as well as the decision to invest more resources in visaTheseprocessing.aredecisions that will help to stimulate our nation’s economy, upskill the nation, and get more workers into good, secure jobs.
There are a lot of challenges facing our nation right now, including skills shortages, barriers to work, flatlining productivity, the gender pay gap, and weak wages growth. These challenges hold our country and our economy back.It’s time to change that.
That’s why the Albanese Govern ment recently held the Jobs and Skills Summit - an opportunity for busi nesses, workers, unions, stakeholders and government to come together and drive the change and progress Australia needs.Itwas an opportunity to collaborate and generate the best ideas to increase productivity, address the skills shortage in the country, among a range of other objectives.
Job summit meets challenges
labour force in Australia’s creative industries.TheJobs and Skills Summit is an important first step on this journey towards greater economic prosperity.
Once we have gathered the re sponses of the Summit, I will keep the Greenway community updated with our next steps. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office.
Together, we’ll create a better fu ture for all.
As the Minister for Communica tions, I hosted a creative economy roundtable where we discussed how we can maximise opportunities in the sector and deliver a high-quality
Of the ACA chiropractors who par ticipated in the survey, 86% reported an increase in existing patients presenting with workplace-related spinal health issues with 78% reporting an increase
in new patients presenting with spinal health problems as a result of working fromOverall,home. 90% said the most common workspace spinal health issues reported by patients was neck pain, 65% reported increased shoulder stiffness, 55% report ed lower back pain and 53% reported that patients are suffering headaches.
HOW WORKING FROM HOME IS DANGEROUS The good, the bad, the ugly

Dr David Cahill, chiropractor and President of the ACA said: “With more Australians working from home than ever before, those using computers at home who are not correctly set up in an ergonomic workspace, may be risking their spinal health and overall wellbeing.”
“The Workspace Checklist can assist people to work safely in an ergonomic setting, while using the Straighten Up app to improve posture, stabilise core muscle groups, prevent spinal disability and enhance their overall health and wellbeing.”“Thoseexperiencing pain and those concerned about their spinal health when working from home or in other hybrid settings, should consider a chiropractor for professional advice.
“Your local ACA chiropractor can help you better manage workspace ergonom ics so you can take control of your spinal health as well as provide exercise pro grams specific to your needs,” Dr Cahill said.
Following the survey conducted by the ACTU which found 42% of Austra lians working from home did not have a suitable workstation or the correct equipment and the Federal Government’s announcement in 2021 that up to twothirds of Australians were still working from home, the ACA undertook two na tional surveys to evaluate the risk factors and develop solutions.
The Australian Chiropractors Associ ation (ACA) launched Workspace Week with the release of alarming statistics prompting a health warning urging Australians to correct their poorly set up home workspaces to avoid any physical injuries that may be caused by unsafe workspace practices.
Three quarters of ACA chiropractors surveyed said the decrease in incidental movement and exercise during the day impacted patients and 48% reported that patients had formed bad habits resulting in decreased fitness and increased poor
MAGAZINE INSIDE FitnessTrendsFilmsMindsetTravelCrosswordsAutoProperty
“While a by-product of the pandemic has seen working from home become normalised, the results of our recent sur veys show alarming statistics that many Australians are yet to adjust to this ‘new normal’ and may be risking their health because they haven’t adopted safe work habits at home,” Dr Cahill said.
Instead, it is the physical failings of working from home in what is conve niently called ‘The Slump’ by a gener ation of housebound hackers that are bringing us down.
“To minimise serious health risks to their spine, neck, and lower back and to maintain overall health and wellbeing, we’re urging the hundreds-of-thousands of Australians working from home to get moving and download our recently devel oped free resources.
To download the free Workspace Checklist and Straighten Up app or to locate your local ACA chiropractor visit: www.workspaceweek.org.au.
And we are not talking about the mental stress of working from long distance with limited resources.
My sin was sitting slumped in a recliner with the laptop resting on the armchair to one side. Typing eight hours a day let to a chronic neck strain.
Due to living with COVID-19 for the past three years, the majority of Aus tralians have worked in hybrid settings shared between home and office locations with new data revealing they may be risking their health by not working in ergonomically correct workspaces.
Dr Cahill said: “Through national Workspace Week we aim to educate Aus tralians about the importance of postural correctness in an ergonomic workspace environment so they can work well from anywhere.“Implementing positive spinal health habits including using an ergonomic office chair, adjusting your laptop to eye level; and positioning your knees slightly below your hips when sitting, are all important factors in preventing spinal injuries when working from anywhere,” Dr Cahill said.
Workplace spinal issues
Now, I can attest to suffering an injury after sitting badly during the first few weeks of lockdown which resulted in a neck strain and weeks of intense chiro practic treatment.
ally, more than one third of Australians said they’d been working from home with the majority at 70% planning to continue to do so, even after restrictions lifted.

While ACA chiropractors reported that some patients enjoyed the increased flexibility that has improved their worklife balance, provided they can still work some days in the office, when asked what they observed as having the greatest im pact on the health of their patients work ing from home 89% reported patients had increased neck and shoulder stiffness due to poor ergonomic workspaces and 41% reported an increase in patient stress levels due to greater workloads and lon ger working hours.
eating habits resulting in weight gain since working from home.
ORKING from home can be bad for you according to just re leased new data.
Many of those working from home reported they worked at their dining table at 33%, while 16% worked from bed and 15% worked from their sofa rather than at a desk; while 67% reported that since working from home the hours spent working at their computers had increased.
Examples of poor posture.
The data came to light in Workspace Week which was held in late August with a theme of ‘Work Well From Anywhere’.
To gauge the impact on the health of people who’ve been working remotely since the pandemic began, in April 2022 the ACA commissioned a national survey with questions relating to working from home.Of the 1003 adult respondents nation
Based on these findings, ACA con ducted a second national survey, this time among ACA chiropractors to learn the impact the lack of working in non-ergo nomically correct workspaces is having on patients.Theresults were alarming, revealing that a large number of Australians are putting their health at risk due to home workspaces not being set up correctly.
The NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) is a non-profit organisation supporting refugees, migrants and culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The Western Sydney Primary Health Network, operated by WentWest, has worked with STARTTS since 2015 to provide culturally-appropriate mental health literacy and suicide prevention programs for refugees and other diverse communities.
Almost 93% of STARTTS clients were born outside of Australia, and 75% speak a language other than English. Through group sessions, counselling, mental health events, training and awareness days, STARTTS empowers community members to recognise signs of distress, employ coping mechanisms, build supportive community networks, and reduce the stigma around mental health.
This is the largest and most comprehensive project nationally that focuses specifically on LGBTQIA+ people from refugee backgrounds. Through the support groups, LGBTQIA+ participants have an opportunity to discuss issues such as loneliness and stress, immigration, health, employment, education and relationships.
The program empowers community members and leaders to reduce stigma, recognise signs of distress, develop coping strategies, and build supportive relationships to reduce social isolation.
Mental Health Literacy and Suicide Prevention
Bilingual Hospital 2 Home Program
Supporting the Mental Health of Diverse Communities
With 1 in 5 people across Australia experiencing a mental health problem each year, many people in CALD communities find it difficult to seek support due to language barriers, cultural stigma or socio-economic factors. This often prevents people from seeking support.
A large proportion of people in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities struggle to access mental health services. Several services across Western Sydney are hoping to address this by offering support and empowerment where it’s needed most.
Western Sydney is extremely fortunate to be one of the most multicultural regions in Australia, with many different nationalities calling it home. Over half of the Western Sydney population was born outside of Australia, much higher than the NSW average of 35%.
Western Sydney Primary Health Network has also supported a new STARTTS program delivering wellbeing interventions to refugees who identify as LGBTQIA+.
The Bilingual Hospital 2 Home program is run by One Door Mental Health and helps people connect to the support they need to live well in the community, improve their health outcomes, reduce isolation and prevent readmission to hospital.
Find out more at wentwest.com.au/population-health
LGBTQIA+ Refugee Wellbeing
This program strengthens connections between CALD residents in Western Sydney, health professionals, and community services. With a diverse team of bilingual mental health workers, the program helps community members to navigate the mental health system and provides them with emotional support.

Case Study

Healthy Western Sydney is delivered by WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network. Signs of Mental Health Distress If you or someone you know are showing these signs, please reach out to your GP or a medical professional for support. 9 Excessive paranoia, worry, or anxiety 9 Long-lasting sadness or irritability 9 Extreme changes in moods 9 Social withdrawal 9 Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping patterns

For Syrian refugee, Aidah*, leaving her family in Syria to move to Australia was heartbreaking. She found herself alone in a country she knew very little about and her mental health began to deteriorate. However, after discovering the STARTTS community, she found support and new friends and interests.
*This story has been written with consent to publish their real name.
Aidah’s Story
“I passed through a very, very hard time, and I was always crying because I’m far away from my children. I didn’t know where to go. Everything was difficult when I first came, but when I came to STARTTS, they started to talk to me, to calm me down. And they helped me,” says Aidah.
“In the STARTTS community, I started to realise more and more that I am in a beautiful country. That they will help me. They will keep me going and help me be involved in the community and meet more people. To find a job, to study.” says Aidah.
STARTTS was able to support Aidah find opportunities to study and work. She is now studying a Certificate IV in Community Services and has also completed a barista course. STARTTS have also offered her a greater sense of wellbeing and stress management through yoga courses.
28 ISSUE 18 | September 2022 CROSSWORD #OL0559 BINARY Each square in the puzzle may contain either 0 or 1 1. No more than two adjacent squares may contain the same digit, ie you cannot have three adjacent squares in a row or column of the same digit. 2. Each row and each column must contain the same number of 0s and 1s, eg for a 10x10 grid, each row and column will contain five 0s and five 1s. 3. No row may be the same as another row and no column may be the same as another column. However, a row may be the same as a column. ACROSS 1. Fad or frenzy 5. Opportunity, so to speak 9. Infiltrator, perhaps 14. Traveling, say 15. Spoonbills do it 16. Pillow filler 17. Juniors, e.g. 19. Fractious 20. Lumberjack's cry 21. Big beef piece 23. Border duty 25. What tellers do 30. Advent 32. Like a span of oxen 33. "The Water Diviner" actor 36. Redressing 38. Communal pronoun 39. Farm hand, at times 40. Call, in Vegas 41. Broadway handouts 44. Updates a blog 46. Get another magazine 47. Weapon for a trooper 49. Frees from doubt 51. Extreme cruelty 54. Checklist bit 56. High beam? 58. Sousaphones 62. Strip of leaves 64. Word with secret or press 65. "So be it!" 66. Trap starter 67. Frat letter 68. Indicates yes 69. Grown grigs DOWN 1. Go on a tirade 2. Expect anon 3. Type of radiation 4. Something to tweeze 5. Overshadows 6. High-quality table wood 7. Coleridge works 8. Pine secretion 9. Became exhausted, with "out" 10. Be a bad witness 11. Campaign creations 12. Trawler attachment 13. Venture 18. Paris flower 22. Library gizmo 24. Savage 26. ___ of hope 27. Out of whack 28. Church dogma 29. A sphere lacks them 31. Breaks the news 33. Coconut product 34. Recreation center posting 35. Grad school grillings 37. Western Colorado sights 39. Bathroom cleaner? 42. "___ don't say!" 43. Latte preparer 44. Bicycle 45. Hole in the head 48. Empire builders 50. Chair or car style 52. In need of freshening 53. Mercury, for example 55. Office comm. 57. Pilates count 58. Body image, briefly? 59. "Yuck" cousin 60. Quilting social 61. Carpenter at the picnic? 63. Served dinner ACROSS 1. Water collection areas 6. Birdhouse nester 10. Burns up the telephone line 14. Columbia catch 15. Lifted, as an anchor 16. Dash of panache 17. Athenian square 18. Old World wild goat 19. Bailiff's request 20. Indignant displeasure 22. Apportion (out) 23. Dow Jones listings (abbr.) 24. Like some points 25. More of a busybody 29. Fever or precedercruiser 32. Heroic narratives 33. Tears 37. Commend a G.I. 38. Cause of waste? 39. Backyard tree dangler 40. Memory stirrers 42. Comic-strip wife 43. Facilitates 44. Starter's need 45. Ahead of the bell 48. Was out of sight? 49. Boot camp truant 50. Greens 57. Matter of interest? 58. Of higher rank than 59. Bolivian beast 60. Fox or turkey chaser? 61. Having no loose ends? 62. Urchin 63. His partner 64. Benevolent order 65. Hub for United DOWN 1. Award of merit 2. Do more than ask 3. Calls from the field 4. Unblemished 5. Golf coach's concerns 6. Instincts indulgedsometimes 7. Choir outerwearmember's 8. Without bumps 9. Cry to the queue 10. Sprouts 11. Xenophobe's thorn 12. Cookbook instruction 13. Ugly expression 21. Geologic feature 24. Christmas staple 25. Head turner? 26. Early Ron Howard role 27. Developer's concern 28. Bits of hail 29. Detective's load 30. Circus lineup 31. Bonnet invader 33. Placid, for example 34. Commit a pinball foul 35. Deducer's word 36. Playful pinniped 38. Isn't out of 41. Verbalize 42. Spanish nobleman 44. Cherry center 45. Inheritance of the meek 46. Not in the dark? 47. Palindromic spinner 48. Chisholm Trail sights 50. November exhortation 51. Good competition 52. Computer whiz 53. Far from thrilling 54. "Lost Horizon" figure 55. Bahrain bigwig 56. Fit to be tried? CROSSWORD #OL0560 Crosswords/Games Solutions page 23

Visit the stilt villages of the Bajau tribe who live off the sea and learn from their culture and lifestyle.

Throughout the voyages, guests will explore pristine marine environments including at Takabonarate and Waka tobi Marine Parks and with Bunaken and Lembeh offering some of the most vibrant dive and snorkel opportunities in the world. With an expert team and warm Australian hospitality, there is no better way to experience these remote places than by small ship.
For more information about Coral Expeditions’ Komodo, Sulawesi & Borneo islands-indonesiawww.coralexpeditions.com/au/destinations/voyages:
The final voyage in the series ‘Into the Wilds of Borneo’ will depart on April 23 2024. This 14-night voyage will call on seaside villages, wildlife sanctuaries and isolated atolls on the way to Singapore.
The first voyage in the series ‘In the Wake of the Makassans’ is a 14-night expedition departing home shores in Darwin on March 20 2024. This voyage will follow ancient Makassan trading routes and witness the confluence of cul tural heritage and natural beauty, setting a course for Sulawesi.
Ideal alternative to mass cruises
This far off the normal tourist routes, visiting places no normal cruise ship can visit.The release of this three-expedition series presents an opportunity to dis cover the island trails of the East Indies, including a circumnavigation of Sulawesi Australia’s pioneering cruise line, Coral Expeditions has launched the new series of voyages through the island trails of the East Indies: Komodo, Sulawesi, Borneo and the Indonesian archipelago.
wildlife including sun bears in natural conservation sanctuaries in Borneo and Komodo Dragons in the wild.
• Explore the remarkable floating markets of Banjarmasin, ‘the city of a thousand rivers’.
MALL luxury expedition cruises are perfect for those travellers looking for an alternative to the normal mass cruise ship experience.

• Meet the people of Torajaland, high up in the mountains of Sulawesi, and encounter their astonishing cultural traditions and rituals.

• Enjoy a behind the scenes expe rience at Camp Leakey and learn from experts about the efforts to protect the native orangutans.

adjoining voyages to receive savings alongside loyalty bene fits through Coral Expeditions’ Xplorers Club. Additionally, guests can find live voyage availability and book online though Coral Expeditions’ website.
In the Wake of the Makassans | 14 Nights | Darwin to Makassar | 20 Mar 2024 | Coral Geographer
• Explore the turquoise waters and abundant marine life surrounding the tiny islands of Takabonarate Marine Park.
• Meet the beachside boatbuilders of Tana Beru and admire the skillful construction of Phinisi ships.

The three-voyage series aboard the state of the art expedition ship Coral Geographer will delve into the rich mar itime and trading history, ancient island cultures and unique wildlife of the East Indies.
On April 3 2024, the second voyage ‘Sulawesi Circle’ will depart Makassar on a 20-night circumnavigation taking in a full coastal exploration of Sulawesi and the eastern coastlines of Borneo, home to rich native tradition and rare wildlife.
• Encounter rare and endangered
Series Highlights
Into the Wilds of Borneo | 14 Nights | Makassar to Singapore | 23 Apr 2023 |
Voyage Details
• Aboard a traditional klotok, cruise the black waters of the Nipah water way through the jungle of Tanjung Putting.
Sulawesi Circle | 20 Nights | Makassar to Makassar | 3 Apr 2024 | Coral Geogra pher
29ISSUE 18 | September 2022 TraveL
One of my favorite cruise lines is Cor al Expeditions and it has just announced a new series of voyages to Komodo, Sulawesi and Borneo.
30 ISSUE 18 | September 2022 BINARY CROSSWORDSUKODO #OL0559 CROSSWORD #OL0560 Games Solutions WEXPO coming soon to Blacktown Workers Club www.wexpo.com.au | Stall enquires: info@wexpo.com.au

NE thing that I hear a lot is that many people are confused on what to eat and how much of it to eat. So, I wanted to give you some simple but practical tips on how to structure your meals and snacks. I am going to keep this super simple, so it shouldn't be too hard to implement.

HAVE created some lists below with good sources of each. All you need to do is pick one from each category and include it for all your meals and snacks.

31ISSUE 18 | September 2022 FitneS

How to structure your meals
overcoming adversity, while sharing her lifestyle skills on time manage ment, success mindset and the impor tance of sleep, recovery, nutrition, and goal setting. This session is $19 per person and includes two courses and refreshments.
www.wexpo.com.au | Stall enquires: info@wexpo.com.au PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AT WEXPO

“WEXPO is an opportunity for the Workers Lifestyle Group to proudly host and gateway access for people to partic ipate in a large-scale event that show cases the diverse powerhouse Western Sydney economy, our community and business leaders, finance experts, ac ademics, as well as our leading health providers so that we can join together to be part of making change in Blacktown and beyond,” said Morgan Stewart, CEO of Blacktown Worker’s Club.
• 70 stalls located in the main prom enade area, and in The Diamond Room at Blacktown Workers Club.
32 ISSUE 18 | September 2022
“We are humbled by the support of our sponsors and supporters which indi cates that the businesses and people of Blacktown are embracing opportunities to network again and willing to explore new experiences and paths for success.”
“This is the first time that a commu nity lead comprehensive expo is being held in Sydney’s West,” said Mr Bali.
It’s called WEXPO, and it’s set to showcase local businesses, with stalls and specialty workshops run by the experts who specialise in health, networking, business growth, culture, personal devel opment, professional development and
First community lead expo event
“WEXPO is about growth and connection from personal and business perspectives. There will be something for everyone at WEXPO 2022. Our aim has been to create a signature expo experience for Western Sydney that will be entertaining, educational and attract visitors form throughout the region,” said event organiser, Michael Walls.
Melissa Wu kicks of the WEXPO 2022 speakers, with a breakfast from 7.45am to 9am. Melissa is an Australian diver and silver medal winner at the 2007 World Aquatics Championships, the 2006 Commonwealth Games, and the 2008 Summer Olympics. She is an Australian Institute of Sport scholarship holder and recently competed on TV show ‘SAS MelissaAustralia’.isanexperienced speaker, and for over a decade she has shared stories on her personal journey and
To secure free tickets to WEXPO, or to book the breakfast or lunch sessions, go www. wexpo. floktu.com See all exhibitors and sponsors at www.wexpo.com.au
• 18 Twoworkshops.keynotespeakers for breakfast and lunch: Melissa Paige Wu, Aus tralian diver winning gold, silver and bronze Olympic medals, and Besa Deda, Chief Economist of St George Bank.

Champion dover, Melissa Wu.
Guests will then submit their feed back to the presentations, which will be formulated into formal summary doc uments by Australian Catholic Univer sity, Blacktown and presented at NSW Parliament House in November.
Region's own expo experience
WEXPO Blacktown also features two unique community forums where up to 120 hand-picked guests will experience presentations on health and infrastruc ture.

WEXPO coming soon to Blacktown Workers Club

Best of all for Sydney community –it’s FREE, making it even more accessi ble to all. The full day of events starts from 8am and runs through to 8pm, with visitors able to come and go as they like, and the expo add-ons are impres sive – and affordable.
Besa Deda has been the Chief Economist of St George Bank since 2008, and since 2009, she has also been the Chief Economist of several large businesses within the Westpac Group. In addition to St. George Bank, these include BT, Westpac Business Bank, Bank of Melbourne and Bank SA.
“WEXPO provides a unique oppor tunity for businesses to showcase their products and services; 18 information sessions that provide valuable advice on personal health and wealth improve ments, inspirational speakers, and com munity round tables tackling the big issues facing Western Sydney. There is something for everyone, and all held in the comfort of Blacktown Workers Club.
A ticketed breakfast and lunch are also on offer for attendees, elevating WEXPO to a motivational hub, with access to two high-profile guest speakers who are set to impart their decades of knowledge to attendees who are keen to shift their professional and personal mindset.
“The majority of activities are free, with the only costs associated with breakfast and lunch with inspiration al speakers. Generally, a day like this would cost over $1000 to attend, but this is community lead initiative for the benefit of all,” said Mr Bali.
WEXPO Patron, Stephen Bali MP, says WEXPO is a unique opportunity for businesses and visitors to interact as businesses continue to emerge from the impact of COVID.
more.It’s a one day only event to be held on Monday October 24, 2022 at Black town Workers Club – this date is a re schedule from the original event slated pre-Covid, and ensures that the enthu siasm and planning for this year’s event is at an all-time high, in turn delivering an event worth waiting for.
• Two community forums – Live Longer Live Better, and Building Social Infrastructure in Western Sydney
Prior to St. George, Besa held senior economist roles with CBA, and has also worked for the Colonial Group. Besa is the Secretary and Deputy Chair for the Australian Business Economists’ Associ ation and is a member of the Melbourne Economic Forum.
The WEXPO charity partner is the Better Foundation, with venue partner is the Blacktown Workers Club. The Black town News is the official media partner.
ESTERN SYDNEY continues to thrive, with an expo created just for residents, entrepreneurs, wider Sydney, and beyond.
Besa heads up the lunch speaker ses sion from 12pm to 1.30pm, which is $28 per person, and includes two courses and refreshments.
WEXPO at a glance
• Combined business chamber event in the evening: Greater Blacktown, and Northwest business chambers.
Stepping up from the GX, the midgrade GXL is priced from $36,750 plus ORCs for the petrol-powered two-wheel drive and $39,250 in hybrid format. The Corolla Cross GXL also introduces Toy ota’s E-Four AWD system to the range, priced from $42,250 plus ORCs.
The Corolla Cross range starts with the 2.0-litre petrol-powered GX twowheel drive variant from $33,000 plus ORCs or $35,500 as a hybrid.
2022 Toyota Corolla Cross pricing*: GX (a) $33,000 GX Hybrid (a) $35,500 GXL (a) $36,750 GXL Hybrid (a) $39,250 GXL Hybrid AWD (a) $42,250 Atmos (a) $43,550 Atmos Hybrid (a) $46,050 Atmos Hybrid AWD (a) $49,050 *Pricing excludes on-road costs.
privacy glass and roof rails, as well as leather-accented and fabric combination upholstery, leather-accented shift knob and steering wheel, a self-dimming rearview mirror, dual-zone climate control and a larger 10.5-inch infotainment array with proprietary satellite navigation.
33ISSUE 18 | September 2022 AutO with JOHN MELLOR
Toyota says the model will also offer the most expansive suite of Toyota Con nected Services safety and convenience features of any Toyota at launch, all of which are supported by the car’s new data control module.

Further, new safety features are also set to debut on Corolla Cross which in troduces as standard the latest iteration of Toyota’s Safety Sense suite of driver assistance features. Lane change assist now joins existing features including an enhanced pre-collision system with pedestrian and cyclist detection, active cruise control with curve-speed reduc tion, lane-trace assist and lane-departure alert.All grades also receive eight airbags, automatic high beam, a blind-spot moni tor with safe-exit assist, rear cross-traffic alert and a reversing camera.
Top of the range
The GXL variant offers high-grade LED headlights, front fog lights, rear
“With ample space for a variety of customers and lifestyles, new safety and connected features and fuel-efficient powertrains, the Corolla Cross gives customers what they want out of a small SUV.”
OYOTA Australia has announced pricing for its all-new Corolla Cross small SUV this week, the three-variant range due to arrive in local showrooms in October priced from $33,000 plus on-road costs.
The Corolla Cross GX is further equipped with Toyota latest-generation multimedia system comprising an 8.0inch touchscreen display, six-speaker sound, wireless Apple CarPlay connec tivity, wired Android Auto connectivity, and DAB+ digital radio reception.
It is equipped as standard with 17inch alloy wheels, LED lighting, heated and auto retractable door mirrors, sin gle-zone climate control, cloth upholstery and keyless entry with push-button start.
variants of the Corolla Cross are also available in two-wheel drive hybrid and all-wheel drive hybrid format
priced from $46,050 and $49,050 respec tively plus ORCs.
“Bringing the Corolla Cross to market shows Toyota’s commitment to offering customers the vehicle that best suits their lifestyle,” said Toyota Australia vice president of sales, marketing and finance operations, Sean Hanley.

Toyota also equips the Corolla Cross GXL with rear-seat USB-C charging ports, front and rear parking support brake with static object and rear-cross ing vehicle detection and a 360-degree camera system dubbed Panoramic View Monitor.Atthe top of the range, the Corol la Cross Atmos, priced from $43,550 plus ORCs with the petrol engine and two-wheel drive, adds 18-inch alloys, a panoramic roof, powered tailgate with kick sensor, leather-accented upholstery, an eight-way electrically adjustable driv er’s seat, heated steering wheel, wireless phone charger, rain-sensing wipers, park assist and a 12.3-inch digital instrument panel.Atmos
The line-up will offer two engine choices – petrol and petrol-electric hybrid – as well as front- and all-wheel drive configurations and the top-shelf Atmos Hybrid AWD variant sneaking in from just under $50K.

Three grades, two engines, front- and all-wheel drive variants available from $33K

34 ISSUE 18 | September 2022FilM
Peele’s last two films), and utterly, com pletely spectacular.

ing to understand the nature of these magical creatures, render the extents of the universe, and fill Sheba’s temple with wonder.Theonly drawback to the piece is that it feels like it’s 6% off being a truly revelatory experience. It is never enough to make this an unworthy experience, or to detract overly from the film, but it niggles in the back of the brain. Some thing in you just says “this is so close to being something truly revolutionary, but
Nope is a hypnotically engaging sci-fi thriller that is sure to keep you hooked.
Tilda Swinton is also incredible, as we have come to expect from her. Her role is more of a receptive one, listening as she does to the magical creatures’ stories, but when we are with her she is an absorbing and captivating presence.
George Miller directs this stunningly rendered and hypnotically engaging dive into the wondrous magic of human histo ry, and does so with aplomb.
Visually, Miller swings for the fences, with gorgeously rendered historical vision mixed with magical CGI attempt
With a series of gruff grunts, mut tered ‘Nope’s, and a wide array of sullen, under the brim of his cap looks, he con veys a world of emotion. Kaluuya’s OJ is almost an Eastwood-like hero; remi niscent of the Man with No Name. He’s matched ably by both Keke Palmer and Brandon Perea, who both bring a real wealth of energy (at different speeds and in different tones) to the piece.
Three Thousand Years of Longing - 4 Stars
Three Thousand Years of Longing is an unhurried pondering through the wit and wonder of thousands of years of human history, told through the romantic remembrances of a long-trapped Djinn.
because of the number of orange Scor pion King hoodies that will be sold post this release.
J (Daniel Kaluuya) is working as a ranch hand for his father (Keith David), who runs a stable of horses used in movies and tv shows, when all of a sudden the sky starts raining pocketCoins,litter.keys, and other metallic pieces fall from the sky, and one lodges itself in OJ’s father’s brain, killing him. 6 months on, OJ and his sister Emer ald are struggling to keep the business afloat, when they stumble across a strange phenomenon. Convinced it is alien in nature, they set out - with the help of an eager local tech store employ ee Angel Torres (Brandon Perea) - to catch the ‘Oprah’ shot, and make their fortune.Nope, from the mind and directorial hands of Jordan Peele, further cements his status as one of the greatest working directors alive today. Daniel Kaluuya is absolutely magnetic as OJ, the taciturn hero of the piece.

Visually, the film is stunning; the CGI is beautiful and used sparingly when needed. The practical sets are lived in and feel both authentic and out of this world, and the landscape of the California desert is magnificent. The costuming, too, is great; not least of all
lithea (Tilda Swinton) is a lonely scholar. On a trip to Istanbul to present at a conference, she hap pens across a beautiful blue and white glass bottle. When she opens it in the comfort of her hotel room, she dis covers a Djinn (Idris Elba), who offers her three wishes in exchange for his freedom.
Cautious to a fault, Alithea initially rejects the idea of making a wish, but her tune starts to change as the Djinn takes the time to explain his predicament and experience with humanity and wishing over the past three thousand years.
Nope - 5 Stars
Overall, Nope is the sort of sci-fi film you can’t look away from, and are likely to recommend to your friends. It’s fun, not too scary (certainly not as scary as
Three Thousand Years of Longing has the whimsy of a Tolkein-like fantasy, the historical intrigue of a treasure hunting film, stylistic flourishes of a Wes Ander sen picture, and the romantic sensibil ities of Notting Hill. It’s a heady blend of genres, choices and directions that cre ates a truly enjoyable, engaging film.
Idris Elba is a standout as the hulking Djinn. His Djinn is neither here nor there - rather, he is both constantly drawn to humanity and endlessly fascinated by their flaws, faults, ambitions and intrigues, and also drawn back to his

people and his homeland, knowing that his experiences with humans are toxic and are fundamentally bad for him.
Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus

Richardson Director
| Film Focus www.filmfocusau.com
it just falls Ultimately,short”.however, this is a beauti ful piece of cinema. Well-paced, excit ing, stunning and heartwarming, Three Thousand Years of Longing is a beautiful, magical world come to life.
I have a saying….”less of the same, more of the different”. Set intentions and be intentional based more on your intuition. Even just today, or one day at a time, be conscious of your behaviours.
Basically, these mind traps, when activated, almost seem to cause us to act in ways we’d otherwise prefer not to. We may wish we weren’t as compulsive, perfectionistic, or passive etc.

Not that we are all insane or crazy but much like my last article, we are very much habitual creatures where our thoughts, behaviours and personality is based on patterns and habits of repeti tive behaviour.
You know how you want to be. Focus on being that way – just today! Trust in the psychological process of habits.
Moreover, the more we do the same; repetition compulsion we are living outside our instincts and intuitions. This is the tension we feel – even at worse depression/anxiety; and the frustrating part of this whole thing.
He was very much interested and proposed that we are all guided by basic instincts; and that if over the course of our development our instinctual needs were not adequately met, we got, in a way ‘stuck’ in a pattern of behaviour that is present in our everyday functioning but has its roots in unmet needs from the past. He coined a term for this, repetition compulsion.Repetition compulsion is about how we seek out needs (that are linked to the past) in adaptive, and sometimes, mal adaptiveTheseways.aretraits and aspect of our personality and behaviours that are often unconscious but guide what we do consciously.Theseare traits that we exhibit or act up on often without thinking, driven by often string emptions – hence, compul sively.
Love is a solution to repetition compulsion.

to be enacted once triggered by an event that corresponds to a developmental is sue in childhood. I call them mind traps.
A more contemporary conceptualisa tion of this is by way of schemas. A sche ma is a template for certain behaviours
35ISSUE 18 | September 2022 Mental Health

It is unfair to describe this as a defi nition of insanity, but it is such a very common phenomenon. In fact, most, if not all, of us can relate to this.
Sigmund Freud was a pioneer for psychology. Like him or not; agree with or disagree with him; either way he had an impact on the science of psychology and impact on the psyche of our society and collective psychology.
Marcus Whelan is a Registered Psychologist and Mental Fitness Coachwith 10+ years’ experience in private practice. He holds undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in psychology and education. Visit: www.marcuswhelanpsychology. com.au
I guess you could say we are trying to kind-of heal the past, but we invariably end up maintaining the negative effect the past had on us.
Furthermore, the function of the behaviour is a proxy for ‘re-enacting’ the past in such a way to attain the love, validation or self-esteem need that was thwarted.Thisissue is that people become consciously aware that these behaviours don’t result in attaining the need and can become resentful at themselves or at others. Yet, they keep doing it over and over expecting or hoping for a different result. They feel compelled like they cannot do it. The pattern goes on and on.
Behaviours such as perfectionism, which are often compulsive, are not about doing things perfectly but an (mal) adaptive way to feel good about oneself; or rather, not feel bad about oneself.
And, another quick tip is to have personally meaningful goals that you can work on and towards every day. These keep you conscious and focussed on what is important to you. Implicit in this is self-value.Having goals also helps to maintain boundaries and maybe you can help mitigate the chances of getting sucked in by and triggered by people and places that active the mind traps and patterns of repetition compulsion.
For instance, someone might have been impacted in their developmental needs and as a way of coping with this, instead of dealing with it then (because a child lacks the ability) they might ‘adapt’ to it by changing the approach to the environment.
We want to be happy, to be ourselves and all that lovely stuff but we keep unknowingly get ourselves stuck because we are trying to redo our past and, in a way, ‘master’ it. Unfortunately, stuck is all we get. Same thing, same result.
Digigtal edition www.greaterblacktownnews.com.au-
The thing we need to do is to learn how to self-validate and practise selflove. What we still look for outside of us is keeping us stuck so we must practise going inward. Meditation practise is good thing for this.
S the old saying and definition of insanity goes: “Doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result”.
Stuck is all we get…
Practise self-love and validation; Change your actions and you can change your mind, break old patterns and be the person and live the life you want to.
So, what can you do? This isn’t easy work to do alone but one thing you can start doing is journaling every night to reflect on your behaviours and history. You can and should ask yourself why do I do this? What need does it serve? What are my needs? The needs which were affected are still valid.
Other behaviours might be selfless ness, people-pleasing, or even more problematic behaviours such as addic tion. The function of the adaptive trait or behaviour is to try and have that unmet need met. The need might be around love, attention, self-esteem for instance.
Yet, we find ourselves compelled to do and this becomes frustration because it is a re-enactment of the past; we are trying to resolve it with the schema ad aptation, but it is ultimately a mind trap and we fall in; making the same mistake over and over. It was a way with dealing with our past childhood environment; but it no longer serves us or is needed; but we do it anyway.
However most will attempt to charge you a monthly or annual fee to upgrade to level where you can check profiles and sendAccordingmessages,to Google, Tinder has two males for every female. And dating app revenue was $5.61B in 2021, even though Tinder — the most popular app — has a freeNearlyversion.280m online users of dating services were forecast for 2024, with 113m users of matchmaking services and 70m casual
So how do you find a genuine dating site?
According to the Federal Govern ment’s Scamwatch service, scammers take advantage of people looking for romantic partners, often via dating web sites, apps or social media by pretending to be prospective companions. “They play on emotional triggers to get you to provide money, gifts or personal details.”

The world of scam dating
This is not to say there aren’t many genuine dating web sites where you can meet someone and they end up being your life partner. It Sseems the algorithm has replaced the dance rhythm when it comes to dating in 2022.
According to a report by Stanford University more couples now meet online then socially. “Meeting a signifi cant other online has replaced meeting through friends. People trust the new dating technology more and more and the stigma of meeting online seems to have worn off,” the report said.

Accordingdaterstoa December 2021 survey by Statista, 3.2m people from Australia were actively seeking partners online. However, out of these, only 0.6m pay for online dating services, while the remain ing 2.6m are classified as non-paying users

In fact, you don’t even have to go online to a dating site, you can mirac ulously find a young lady who is will ing and able to do virtually anything to become your partner in an email.
Scamwatch says their profile on the internet dating website or their Facebook page is not consistent with what they tell you. “For example, their profile picture looks different to their description of themselves, or they say they are universi ty educated but their English is poor.”
Apparently thousands of Australians,
I have just received an email from ‘WhatsFlirt’ informing me that no less than 21 women just had to meet me and they all lived in Sydney. Their ages ranged from 22 to 52 and so I wrote to every one asking them what suburb they lived in or what was their phoneNotnumber?onewrote back with an an swer containing any facts. I had been scammed. The web site also said 73 women had visited my profile. Ap parently by visiting another site and signing up, WhatsFlirt received my details.This story all came about because I was writing a story on Online Dating for Mature Traveller magazine on find ing a travelling partner online.

mostly males, fall for online scam sites and dish out their hard earned cash because they genuinely believe they are conversing with a real lady.
Yes folks, you too can get ap proached by a ‘stunner’ or a ‘hunk’, simply by going online and paying a small fee to a dating site.
These criminal lovers often use real dating romance to gain your trust.
The better known mainstream sites like eHarmony, areAdultfriendfinder,Seniorfriendfinder,TinderandBiaustraliayourbestbettofindapartnertosuit your personal preference.

HAVE just started a new love affair with 1000 plus beautiful ladies who wouldn’t look twice at me in the real world down at the local club.
Sometimes they are actually talking to a real person, but even that can be a massive scam.
We do what other will not and/or cannot do. We repair, realign, and reignite your website so that it works the way you were initially told it would, and then we make it better.

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your customer
37ISSUE 18 | September 2022 DirectorY www.betterinhomecare.com.au 02 9051 1000 040 5455 000 042 0252 550 Suite 1 34 Albert street North Parramatta NSW care@betterinhomecare.com.au2151 FREE CONSULTATION Our professional staff hold over 25 years in healthcare, mental health, and community spaces. Our staff are happy to come to you or meet in a place of your choice to discuss all services free of charge to you. Better in home care is an NDIS registered support agency as well as an aged care provider. We also provide plan management for NDIS participants under master plan management. The head office is in north Parramatta and the support staff are spread out over the Sydney basin. Services provided: Personal Care, community access, all aspects of home assistance. All staff have been police checked and have industry training.

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“What I’m excited to see, as being a part of the T20 Champions program, is the fans of all the different teams coming to the stadiums to celebrate their heri tage and passion for cricket,” Mr Khawaja said.“There’s an incredible program of matches coming to Sydney and I’m sure the communities of Bangladesh, India
said.“The NSW Government is commit ted to delivering world-class events like the T20 World Cup to achieve our goal of making Sydney and NSW the major events capital and premier visitor econo my of the Asia Pacific.”
home soil is very special.
“This shows how big the opportu nity is for cricket to engage fans of all different backgrounds to be part of the Australian Cricket family.”
www.swr999.com.au Every Weekday
RICKET fans from across Australia and the globe are being encouraged to come to Sydney for the Men’s T20 World Cup 2022, with only 50 days left until the tournament begins.

Australian cricketer and ICC Men’s T20 World Cup Champion Usman Khawaja said to host the tournament on
Minister for Tourism Ben Frank lin said Sydney will offer memorable experiences both on and off the ground throughout the tournament.
Minister for Sport Alister Henskens said Sydney will host six Super 12 matches, including Australia's opening match against New Zealand on Saturday 22 October, plus a Semi-Final match on Wednesday 9 November at the SCG.
and Pakistan are going to be out in force supporting their teams.
“The Sydney Cricket Ground is the home of cricket in Australia so there is no better place to catch all the action, and watch the Aussies defend their crown, then right here in Sydney,” Mr Henskens“Sydneysaid.isready to welcome inter national cricket teams and fans from all over the world to our sports-loving city to compete in the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2022, one of the biggest sporting events in the world.”
38 ISSUE 18 | September 2022 SporT

“Events like the T20 World Cup are key to the vitality of Sydney and make a significant contribution to our visitor economy by attracting thousands of fans, players and support staff to our state, who stay in our hotels, visit our at tractions and spend in our retail, dining and hospitality businesses,” Mr Franklin
Tickets are available from just $5 for kids and $20 for adults. For more information, visit https:// www.t20worldcup.com/
Drive with Linden and
Friday 18th November Blacktown Workers Club

Better Foundation

Tickets available at betterfoundationgala.com.au
NOVA Employment CEO Martin Wren, along-time advocate for inclusive sport, said: “We are very pleased to be supporting the Skyring Wheelaroos as they head to England to take on the world’s best. Having spoken with some of the players, I know they are fixed in their determination to bring home the trophy.“We support organisations like the Wheelaroos because they are another example to the world of the capabili ties of people with disabilities, they are determined, resilient and focussed; all the great qualities you also want in an employee.“People with disabilities have so much to offer the workforce, in many instances they just need employers to give them a go and we exist to assist that process”.
disability and their support of inclusive sports like Wheelchair Rugby League.”
Rick Engles (Skyring Wheelaroo player), Martin Wren (Nova Employment CEO), Pearl Forrester (Wheelchair Rugby League Australia Board member), Liam Luff (Skyring Wheelaroo Player).

39ISSUE 18 | September 2022 SporT

Wheelchair Rugby League Australia Chair Martin Meredith said: “We wel come NOVA Employment’s support of the team and commend them for their track record in empowering people with
throughout Australia and worldwide via the Australia’sBBC. Wheelchair Rugby League World Cup campaign will kick off Thursday, November 3, 2022, when the Skyring Wheelaroos take on England at Copper Box Arena, London.

EADING disability employment ser vices provider, NOVA Employment, has signed as a Gold Sponsor for the Skyring Wheelaroos, bolstering on going support for the team’s upcoming Rugby League World Cup campaign.

Come & join Natarsha Belling & Kaleidascope Dreams for a wonderful night supporting Blacktown & Mount Druitt Hospitals
The Better Foundation Spring Gala is back for 2022!
Reach thousands of prospective customers in digital and newspaper formats. The Blacktown News directory offers maximum reach at affordable rates. julie@accessnews.com.au 1 WWW.GREATERBLACKTOWNNEWS.COM.AUBlacktowN conditions Australia swelteringsummerwinter wreakthat havoc. gurus NRMA withrecord weather LUNAR NEW YEARSATURDAY 5 FEBRUARY5 PM – 9 PMNurragingyReserve,KnoxRoad,Doonsidemore information blacktown.nsw.gov.au Free bookingsessential CHARITIES$100KFOR gift: PANDEMICSHADOW matterlives 8 $25,000WIN Westpointkicks STORM CITYWeather Tracker reveals Blacktown data1 BlacktowN H councilsInfrastructure Cash boost for local precincts freebusiness: WW.GREATERBLACKTOWNNEWS.COM.AU Blacktown City blacktown.nsw.gov.au BlacktownSnapshot 403,000 4.6% 143,259$ Be More Active More Often multipurpose blacktown.nsw.gov.au/BMAMO Knit ProjectBomb2021Local Elections PROJECT$PROJECT$
The Skyring Wheelaroos will proudly wear the NOVA Employment logo on the sleeve of their official jerseys through out the World Cup campaign that will be broadcast on the Fox Sports network