2 | May 2021
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How will Budget measures actually improve the lives of the hardworking families in Western Sydney?
Budget 2021: More smoke and mirrors N my last column, I noted the countdown was on to the Federal Government’s 2021 Budget. I posed a commonsense test to determine whether this Budget was any good: will the measures announced actually improve the lives of the hardworking families in Western Sydney? The answer is no. Despite racking up one trillion dollars in debt – that is, $1,000,000,000,000 – not a cent was earmarked for important projects in our community. Imagine what targeted investment in our community could do. We’ve got local schools built in the last decade littered with demountable classrooms. Blacktown Hospital waiting times are worse for common procedures like knee replacements than in other parts of Sydney. The “hospital” the NSW Liberal Government says it will build at Rouse Hill won’t even have an emergency ward. Riverstone and Schofields are often at a standstill, with industrial traffic being directed along suburban roads never intended for that sort of traffic. What’s Scott Morrison’s response to the problems our community faces? Nothing. Not a peep. Not a cent. Even on measures which appear on their surface to support working families with this tired Government, you always need to read the fine print. For example, the Morrison Government’s childcare announcement – presented over six months after Labor announced its comprehensive childcare plan – will only cover a mere 8% of Australian families! Compare that to Labor’s childcare policy, which will result in 92% of families will be better off. What we saw from this Federal Budget was just more smoke and mirrors.
Level 1, Suite 101C, 130 Main Street, Blacktown PO Box 8525, Blacktown NSW 2148 (02) 9671 4780 MRowlandMP Authorised by Michelle Rowland MP, Australian Labor Party, Suite 101C, Level 1, 130 Main Street, Blacktown NSW 2148
Despite the Federal Government ignoring us, I’ll keep up the fight to make sure North-West Sydney gets the investment it deserves. I always welcome your views on these important issues. You can contact me by email at au or by calling 9671 4780.
Greenway Grants Bulletin Did you know I compile a Greenway Grants Bulletin to assist local community groups access government and private sector grants? To join the mailing list, visit
Sign the petition: We need a public emergency ward in the North-West I’ve launched a petition to send a message to the Federal and NSW Liberal Governments: we deserve a fully funded, public hospital with an emergency ward in North-West Sydney. You can sign the petition by scanning the QR code, or by visit michellerowland.