26th Sept Bookings and Material 6th OctFeature published KEY DATES: Special Awards Rates starting from $260 Celebrate Your Success as a Finalist Your opportunity to advertise in this special Awards edition to be distributed within the local area SPECIAL AWARDS EDITION DIGITAL ç PRINT ç SPECIAL AWARDS EDITION Bookings and material: Friday, August 11, 2023. Contacts: Linda Miller: 0402 417 504 | linda@accessnews.com.au Julie Jackson: 0427 983 654 | julie@accessnews.com.au Maree Daniels: 0450 249 663 | maree@accessnews.com.au Feature published and distributed: Wednesday, August 16, 2023. Special Awards Rates starting from $465 2023 NORTHERN DISTRICTS Local Business Awards Special feature - check out these local businesses www.thebusinessawards.com.au | www.weeklytimes.com.au

SPECIALAWARDPACKAGES Special Package 1 - $260 1/4 page Package 3 Package 2 $480 Full page 1/2 page Contact us today! Advertisement Sizes All packages ARE EX GST, artwork & design Facebook Support included 26th Sept Bookings and Material 6th OctFeature published KEY DATES: $4 Bookings and material: Friday, August 11, 2023. Feature published and distributed: Wednesday, August 16, 2023. All packages include GST, artwork & design Facebook Support included $970 $730 SPECIAL AWARD PACKAGES The Weekly Times has been a supporter of the Northern Districts Local Business Awards for many years. The TWT is a campaigning, crusading, truth-seeking news organisation dedicated to its readers in Sydney's northwest. It's one of the few remaining independently run community newspapers and that celebrated 100 years in 2021. and in hard copy in the August 16 edition. Friday, August 11, 2023. www.weeklytimes.com.au Published in collaboration with Access News. Contacts: Linda Miller: 0402 417 504 | linda@accessnews.com.au Julie Jackson: 0427 983 654 | julie@accessnews.com.au Maree Daniels: 0450 249 663 | maree@accessnews.com.au Standalone special edition in print and digital versions distributed throughout the Northern Districts and hosted online for PERMANENT viewing.