Australia’s trusted guide to products, ser vices and experiences for children and families
Best trampolines on the market
Road testing tuition apps
Exper t Q and A: Toddler travel tips
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digitalAUSTRALIA’S resource forparents and families
Parentopia is Australia’s number one guide to products, services and resources for children, parents and families. Parentopia covers issues impacting upon parenting - government policy, technology, childcare, education, health, literacy and so on. Our digital directory allows parents and carers to explore a marketplace of products, services and resources. Find a babysitter, childcare provider, child-friendly doctor or dentist, family travel planner, play and entertainment options, clothing, tuition providers, products such as prams and car seats and more. Parentopia delivers advice from experts and provides guidance to help you make informed decisions or your family’s well-being. Offers and discounts. Enjoy special perks as a Parentopia subscriber. Access exclusive discounts on parenting products, educational services, and family-friendly experiences, saving you money while enriching your family life. Parenting hacks and tips. Unlock the secrets of seasoned parents and carers with parenting hacks and time-saving tips. Parentopia empowers you with practical solutions.
Parentopia special repor ts
Parentopia publishes special repor ts that promote businesses in niche areas reaching our readership and networks. These include:
Travel and destinations.
Clothing and dress up.
Childcare Centres
Technology and AI.
Health and wellbeing
Play and enter tainment.
Schools and education.
Medical ser vices.
Enquire: connec
Digital Listing page
Custom page build
Ab o u t P a rent o p i a
Magazine published quarterly: March, June, September, December in digital format with free permanent 24/7 access.
Audience: Shared via networks of the NSW Childcare Alliance and Parentopia networks.
Magazine advertising: Full page = $990, half page = $660, quarter page = $440.15% discount applies fortwo edition bookings or more.
Advert dimensions: FP — 365mm x 250mm, HP — 250mm x 175mm, QP — 125mm x 175mm, directory — 61mm x 175.
Readership: Typical readers are parents, families, carers child car professionals.
Display advert online AND shared in Magazine
Ab o u t d i g i t a l li s t i n g s
marketplace of products, services and resources and connect easy and fast. Find a babysitter, childcare provider, child-friendly doctor or dentist, family travel planner, clothing providers, play and entertainment options, clothing, tuition providers, products such as prams and car seats and more. Digital listings include the key information about your business, Q & As, social share options, contact details and more. Easy search by location keyword or category.
Publishing Schedule Material book ings: one week prior June 2024 September 2024
December 2024 March 2025
Material and book ings t wo weeks prior to the end of the month prior to publication.
ser vices Parentopia® allows parents to decide based on the best information.
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Is Parentopia for you?
If you have a produc t, ser vices or experience aimed at children and families then Parrentopia is for you. Contac t us today to discuss how we can assist
An easy to use digital and social media experience that taps into local conditions and places.
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General Enquiries connec Sales
Linda M iller
Julie Jackson
I nformation that is prac tical and delivered across multi platforms mak ing the task of researching and enquiring easy.
Diversit y and I nclusion that are designed to showcase the bene ts of businesses by people who k now the childcare industr y. Our focus on delivering the most comprehensive direc tor y of child freindly produc ts and ser vices mak e us unique. P
Our distribution model