PARRAMATTA City Council has rejected plans for a cantilevered tower above the historic Murrays Building, Council voted unanimously to refuse the six-storey commercial plans above the 100-year-old, heritage-listed building. The proposal came from the Drivas Property group according to leading property media outlet Urban Developer. It said: “Drivas Property Group’s challenges near Parramatta Square continue with its plans for a
cantilevered tower above the Murrays’ Building refused:” “The refusal follows on from a court battle over a nearby site in which Sydney Metro was ordered to pay $190M to G&J Drivas Pty Ltd for land.” The Murrays’ Building is within Parramatta Square and backs on to the town hall and Centenary Square. Many older residents have fond memories of the store and others remember their working days there. More: page 3.
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PARRAMATTA City Council has rejected plans for a cantilevered tower above the historic Murrays Building,
Council voted unanimously to refuse the six-storey commercial plans above the 100-year-old, heritage-listed building.
The proposal came from the Drivas Property group according to leading property media outlet Urban Developer.
It said: “Drivas Property Group’s challenges near Parramatta Square continue with its plans for a cantilevered tower above the Murrays’ Building refused:”
“The refusal follows on from a court battle over a nearby site in which Sydney Metro was ordered to pay $190m to G&J Drivas Pty Ltd for land.”
The Murrays’ Building is within Parramatta Square and backs on to the town hall and Centenary Square. Many older residents have fond memories of the store and others remember their working days there.
The proposal included partial demolition of the building and roof along with internal realignment at 188 Church St.
TKD Architects said they wanted to “sympathetically upgrade” the site adding contemporary commercial spaces to facilitate an economically feasible future for the property.
In refusing the plans Council said they would have “unacceptable impact on the heritage significance of the Murrays’ Building” including the separation, setbacks, amenity and urban form.
The proposal also failed to comply with several points on the Parramatta Development Control Plan according to Urban Developer and had negative environmental impacts to the built environment and public interest, according to the council.
“The proposed addition does not provide an ade-
quate heritage relationship; it doesn’t respect the items bulk or scale nor its relationship with the surrounding low-scale heritage items and how they flank Centenary Square,” the refusal said.
Murray Brothers became Parramatta’s oldest and most highly respected departmental store with a policy of supplying the needs of residents in and around Parramatta. In 1978, Murray Brothers closed their doors, after 102 years of trading in Parramatta.
Set in one of the fastest growing LGAs in Australia, Oran Park is a thriving, peaceful, master planned community of new homes, wide open spaces, exceptional new schools and expanding dining and retail precincts.
Premium land is scheduled to release soon and there’s a lot to fit every budget and lifestyle.
Their two new stores in the heart of the CBD were built in 1926. A Murray Bros. store was built on the northwest corner of Church St and Macquarie St on the former site of the National School.
A Murray’s Ltd store, which sold hardware, was constructed on the northern side of the Town Hall facing Macquarie St.
Sources: Google, Urban Developer
• Well positioned near the rapidly expanding Oran Park Town Centre
• Close proximity to award-winning parks, green spaces and waterways
• Easy build lots ranging from 300m 2 to 600m 2
ISSUE 40 AUgUSt 2023
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Admin and general: info@parramattatimes.com.au
Editor: Michael Walls michael@accessnews.com.au
News Editor: Di Bartok dibartok@yahoo.com.au
travel Editor: Dallas Sherringham dallas@accessnews.com.au
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Julie Jackson julie@accessnews.com.au
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Design and production Design2Pro, JuJu Graphics.
GOOD eyesight plays a vital role in the life of young tradies, yet many fail to protect it on the job.
This is Tradies Health Awareness Month and seasoned tradespeople in Parramatta are warning their younger generation to better protect their eyes and ears from injury on the jobsite.
This comes after research from Specsavers shows that 89% of tradies aged 40+ would tell their younger selves to be more careful with their hearing and eye protection.
Optometrists and Audiology
Professionals in Blacktown are echoing this warning. They are calling out laborers and tradespeople in the local area to be vigilant in looking after their eyes and ears on the job to avoid long term, often preventable, and in some cases irreversible, damage to their eyesight and hearing. Currently, there are 52,925 in the Blacktown area that could be susceptible to this damage.
The research found that younger tradies aged,18-34 are already reporting concerns over worksite damage, with:
• 75% of those who work outside are concerned that they could have sun damage to their eyes
• 37% already incurring a workplace eye injury that required medical attention
• 53% saying their hearing has worsened over time, with 76% of those affected citing their work environment as a contributor to their hearing loss
Yet, many younger tradies are still taking a ‘she’ll be right’ approach, with 26% rarely or only occasionally wearing protective goggles or sunglasses onsite, and 70% not always wearing hearing protection.
Local Blacktown Specsavers
Optometrist Janet Grant said: “We would really like all tradies – particularly those aged 18-34 to understand the importance of taking preventative measures to look after their hearing and eyesight. Once you lose it, there is no getting it back.”
“We often see older tradies come in citing their workplaces as the reason for their hearing being worse than it used to be or attributing work-related sun damage to their eyes. These younger tradies could learn from their older colleagues and start to get serious about ear and eye protection on the job site.
“Taking small precautions like putting on a pair of polarised sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays or safety goggles to protect your eyes from debris and dust and donning earmuffs when working with loud machinery to prevent dam-
age to your hearing can help protect you for years to come.
“These preventative measures can make the world of difference and save you from experiencing a decline in your eyesight or hearing, which are both pivotal to your quality of life.
“The Specsavers survey reports that 87% of all tradies who say their hearing has become worse have been employed in
a workplace where they are regularly exposed to noise from heavy equipment and machinery. We also know that a large percentage gain eye injuries or sun damage on the job.
“Health professionals want tradies to know that prevention is always better than cure, plus, getting regular eye and hearing health checks is important to retain quality of vision and hearing, both now and for years to come.”
If you work in a noisy environment or outside on site and have noticed any changes to your hearing or eyesight, book a free 15-minute hearing check# and an eye test, which is bulk billed for all Medicare card holders, this Tradies Health Awareness Month. For further information, visit:
WALKING is one of the most popular forms of recreation in Western Sydney and now the sports shoe army has a new online interactive map to take them way beyond their normal route.
In fact, discovering great new walks and public spaces across the state has never been easier with the launch of the online tool to connect people to iconic locations, including parks, beaches, libraries, museums and exciting high streets.
The free ‘Walks Near Me’ interactive digital map has thousands of opportunities to discover great public spaces across the state and create bespoke walking itineraries to visit them.
The tool brings together spatial data from across the state into a single digital tool which can be found on the nsw.gov. au website and is optimised for mobile phone use.
You can create personalised walks,
then save and share your favorites with friends and family.
The new tool is home to more than
800 walks and offers a range of resources, including sharing the stories and history of a park or region, discovering
events, and informing people about the amenities and experiences available.
And the ‘Walks Near Me’ digital map will be updated regularly on points of interest and route options.
‘Walks Near Me’ was developed in partnership between Transport for NSW and the Department of Customer Service’s OneCX Program, which makes it easier to find, use and understand information from the NSW Government.
NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen is a big fan of the project.
“The NSW Government is committed to making it easier for people to get out and walk and discovering new places to enjoy, like the Western Sydney Parklands and Callan Park, or hidden gems like the beautiful Dangar Falls in Oxley Wild Rivers National Park.”
The Walks Near Me interactive tool is available at: https://www.nsw.gov.au/visiting-and-exploringnsw/walks-near-me
WESTERN Sydney has top priority with the NSW Government following the historic meeting of Cabinet at Penrith.
The landmark event, which took place at the Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, provided a valuable forum for direct engagement between the NSW Government and the local
community of Penrith and the west, leading to meaningful discussions on various topics vital to the region.
More than 150 community members, business owners and stakeholders attended the community reception, with a further 115 also taking part in a morning tea session.
Key topics that were raised ranged
from small business and infrastructure development to health, housing, education and climate change.
The insights from the community shared during the event will help the NSW Government to shape policies and initiatives in Western Sydney and across NSW.
Premier Chris Minns said: “In the
lead-up to the election, we outlined a vision of a government that listens and puts people at the heart of its work.”
“Community Cabinet provides a unique opportunity for Government and the people of NSW to come together to openly discuss priorities, concerns, needs and aspirations.”
At Cardinal Gilroy Village, our refurbished units offer comfortable seniors living with on-site community facilities, social event programs, and transport links with proximity to Merrylands and Parramatta.
These bright and airy apartments are spacious and well-appointed, featuring generously proportioned rooms, modern kitchens, ensuite bathrooms, plenty of built-in storage and access to the outdoors.
For your comfort and peace of mind features also include air conditioning, shower grab-rails and level flooring throughout. With your lawns and general maintenance taken care of, you can spend more time doing what you love.
Features include:
REAL transformation is not a destination; it’s a lifelong journey of discovery between the present moment and future aspirations through your conscious and subconscious mind.
The process of Metamorphosis has always fascinated me since I was young. The classic journey of a vulnerable, anxious caterpillar to a vibrant and beautiful butterfly is the most common representation of Metamorphosis.
But human transformation is more spectacular and magical than the journey of a caterpillar. You have undergone a constant transformation from the day you were born to today. And if you get through reading this blog and push past the conscious thoughts you are currently thinking, you will have transformed even further!
While transformation usually reflects positive change or growth, the reality is that transformation can also mean going backward. Life is not static, and change is inevitable. You either evolve or devolve.
So how do you evolve and embrace the journey of meaningful life and business transformation? In my upcoming workshop at Wexpo (www.wexpo.com. au), I will share the key elements (I will use the term ‘lands’ at the workshop) that individuals must traverse or master to discover the joys of positive transformation.
The more we travel to these lands (see below), the faster our transformation leads to the joyous manifestation of our desires and goals.
For meaningful transformation, you must master or travel to the following elements.
I often tell others that time can be your best friend one day while becoming your worst enemy another day. Time is finite, set by humanity. Everything revolves around it. You are either late, on time, or early. We attach meaning to time. For meaningful transformation to occur, you must own the land of time. By owning, I mean you need to control the concept of time, or else time will control
you. People often use the term Time Management in this regard.
Unless you are an evolved guru, sitting and meditating at the top of a mountain, you probably need money to transform your life. This is especially true in business. The worth of a business is based on its present and future earning capacity. Humans attach meaning and stories to money. Some believe it is a product of greed. Others believe it is a sign of universal abundance. For meaningful transformation to occur, your resonance with the energy of money will determine how much money appears on your bank balance.
For meaningful transformations to take place, it requires the collective energy of humans. The power of many also trumps the power of one. In this fast-changing world filled with uncertainty and chaos, your ability to build
meaningful and ethical relationships with human beings with aligned values and vision is essential for evolution.
Constant learning and application of skill is a path to meaningful transformation. The level of your knowledge, skills, and experience is directly related to the positive increase in your self-worth and self-esteem. Significant financial and emotional health await those who constantly learn and apply skills to further their experience.
I liken the land of time, money, people, and knowledge to the continents on Earth. These are tangible and can be measured by metrics and numbers. Emotional Intelligence is like the ocean that separates continents. For humans to travel between the land of time, money, people, and knowledge, they must traverse the oceans (like ancient explor-
is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation established in 1996.
CMRC is a leader in the provision of specialised support services to newly arrived migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants.
CMRC works within a community capacity building framework to encourage individu als and multicultural communities to identify and address their own issues. It works in collaborative partnerships with a great number of agencies to provide services which have both an immediate and long term benefit for the community.
CMRC employs over 60 full time, part-time and casual multi-lingual staff.
ers). Emotional Intelligence is an essential skill for transformation. It involves self-awareness, empathy, and building rapport. Without emotional Intelligence, you will be stuck (and probably alone) in one of the lands of time, money, people, and knowledge. And that I can assure you is not fun!
While the above elements are the drivers of meaningful transformation, there are many other elements that you will need to visit and master! I have covered the aspects of Earth and water, but you would be aware that other elements exist in this universe.
Want to find out more? If this resonates with you, join me by registering for my free workshop at WEXPO by going to www.wexpo.com.au
Australia’s only authorised Grow with Google trainer guides her audience through techniques and strategies to maximise attraction marketing. Focusing on digital media and building audiences, Lee calls upon her vast experience as a teacher, mentor, and business founder to share practical techniques that will have an immediate positive affect on your business’s digital attraction.
What is sales and marketing success and how do we achieve it? In this entertaining presentation by respected MD of Western Sydney based ATP Accountants Farid helps clients understand the principles of sales and marketing success from the perspective of business growth. Farid is a highly networked professional with memberships across multiple business chambers.
The principal at Digital Age Lawyers focuses on making legal information meaningful and actionable for small businesspeople and individuals. In this engaging session Katherine will lead her audience through key principles for creative solutions to everyday problems and discuss insights to common issues including social media, contracts and property.
Succeed: Barriers to Authentic Success
Revolutionise the way you think about yourself, your personal and business life to become and be more authentically YOU and experience true success. Becoming and being your authentic self in all areas of your life; how to reframe your meaning of success, balance your beliefs, set goals aligned with YOUR values, taking meaningful actions to live your personal and business life authentically and thus have a better life experience NOW.
Attention all thinkers! Emmanuel Martin taps into his executive experience in the corporate sector and running BREED Australia to guide his audience through the steps and processes to create meaningful transformation in small and medium sized enterprises. Using case studies and real-life examples he will demonstrate the fundamentals of successful change.
There’s a lot of excitement about using businesses that “do good”, but also a lot of confusion. This session, led by ACU Co-Lab member Tom Dawkins, will cut through the jargon and address what’s really going on. Tom will explain what a makes a business a social enterprise, explore the trends that are driving the growth of social enterprise and reveal some of the opportunities to get involved.
STEVE KAMPER – 12.30PM LUNCH - $33 PER HEAD (includes lunch)
Steve Kamper is NSW Minister for Small Business, Minister for Lands and Property, Minister for Multiculturalism and Minister for Sport. Steve ran a successful accounting firm and raised a family of five with his wife, Magda. He is a former President of Sydney Olympic Football Club. Steve was sworn in as a Minister in the NSW Minns Labor Government on April 5, 2023.
A RECENT eharmony survey indicates that online daters are more open to dating single parents. Over 70% of respondents wouldn’t be deterred by a partner having children. 52% of male daters would happily date single moms, while 61% of female daters view single dads positively, seeing them as more committed to relationships. Around 63% of single parents prefer dating someone else with children. 80% of respondents are comfortable being involved in their partner’s children’s lives. Single parents face challenges in dating due to time constraints and budget concerns. eharmony’s Compatibility Matching System helps match compatible partners based on personality and values.
NSW Government has formed an independent panel for gaming reform roadmap, combating gambling harm and money laundering. Chaired by Michael Foggo, the panel includes experts from law enforcement, academics, and industry. It will oversee a cashless gam-
ing trial and suggest reforms. Privacy protection will be prioritized, with input from Cyber Security NSW and NSW Police. Recommendations for cashless gaming in hotels and clubs will be provided, along with an implementation roadmap by November 2024. Additionally, a ClubGRANTS Scheme review will be conducted. Previous reforms include
Saturday 9th September 2023 8:30am to 1:30pm
1 Centenary Avenue Northmead NSW 2152
banning gaming room signage and reducing poker machine entitlements and cash input limits. Political donations from clubs with pokies are also banned.
THE Climate Council urges Australian Parliament to address false climate claims from fossil fuel giants. In a recent submission, they expose 10 corporations with questionable climate plans. The Council insists on action to cut emissions drastically, highlighting how supposed net-zero targets are contradicted by fossil fuel expansion. They call for a ban on misleading ‘carbon neutral’ claims, requiring genuine emission reduction efforts, and prioritizing total life cycle emission reduction. Parliament must crack down on greenwashing to ensure real climate action.
AS disasters increase in Australia, the demand for Australian Red Cross emergency services is rising. NSW requires more of the 1,200 volunteers who play a vital role in supporting communities during crises. Volunteers assist locally and nationally, providing aid in evacuation, recovery centres, and disaster preparedness activities. Australian Red Cross offers internationally and nationally developed training in various areas. With over 3,400 emergency services volunteers nationwide, joining as a volunteer means becoming part of a long-standing movement aiding communities since 1914. Interested individuals can find more information at www.redcross.org.au/volunteer
A CLINICAL trial using Australian medicinal cannabis oil, Cybis® THC: CBD oil, demonstrated a 38% median reduction in chronic neck and back pain. The trial involved adults unresponsive to over-the-counter analgesics and suffering chronic pain for around 10 years. The oil was well-tolerated and showed significant pain reduction, with improvements in mood, activity, and enjoyment of life. Unlike most studies, this one solely focused on medicinal cannabis, offering promising evidence for treating chronic pain. With opioid-related issues rising, medicinal cannabis could provide a safer alternative for many patients. Demand for quality medicinal cannabis globally is increasing rapidly.
MAY 2023 building approvals data has shown a 59.4% surge in higher density home building approvals, while detached house approvals remained flat. Master Builders Australia welcomes the increase but warns of the need for sustained recovery and cautions against government-induced cost pressures. Lending figures indicate tough times ahead, with loans for new homes over 40% lower than last year. A sustained recovery in higher density building is crucial to address the rental market’s affordability crisis. The organization urges the RBA to hold rates, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary cost pressures through government regulation, which could hinder progress.
The residents of Constitution Hill Retirement Community invite you to their annual Spring Fete. Experience the resort-style facilities, wide open spaces and friendly community.
Free parking. Please note that EFTPOS and credit card facilities are not available on the day. Bring your own bags.
Everyone welcome!
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You can also enjoy:
• White elephant stall
• Monster raffle
• Devonshire tea
• Sausage sizzle & drinks
• Face painting
• Arts, books & craft
• Cakes
• Jams & pickles
• Garden stall
• Barefoot bowls
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for the Parramatta busi nesses, the annual night of nights is August 22.
That’s the date of the 2023 Parramatta Local Business Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local busi ness owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annual Parramatta Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening of entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the
Parramatta Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said.
“Making it to the finalist presentation is a great reflection on their efforts and everyone is always extremely proud to be there.
“All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on the big screen.
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”
Today is the day when nominees for the 2023 Parramatta Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
“Parramatta Times, which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s paper,” he said.
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the finalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Parramatta Local Business Awards,” Mr Loe said.
“I would also like to thank the Parramatta City community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.
“Without them, these outstanding businesses would receive the recognition which they deserve.”
For more information about the Local Business Awards, visit www.thebusinessawards.com.au.
Adept Training is an Australian private RTO delivering specialised qualifications to the healthcare and medical sector.
Our courses include:
Certificate IV in Medical Practice Assisting HLT37215
Certificate III in Pathology Collecting
Certificate III in Health Administration
Drug and Alcohol, Venepuncture, Cannulation and more..
We pride ourselves on our blended course methodology, providing hands on experience and guaranteed work placement to our graduates.
Here at Smile Labs Sydney, our passion and focus is to give our clients a reason to show off their extraordinary smiles because we believe that their smiles are the best thing they can wear! We are teeth whitening experts who have your back (and teeth)!
To celebrate being a finalist in this year’s Local Business awards, we wanted to give readers $100 off our Premium Teeth
Whitening Session .
Normally $274 now only $174. Guaranteed to get your smile at least 8 shades lighter. Use promo code: PARRA
We provide an experience that is comfortable, enjoyable, pain free and guaranteed whiter results. So whether you have a special event or just want to have a brighter smile - we want to help make those special moments happier!
Illuminate your journey to success with Torch Professional Services today.
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Principal - Kon Stathopoulos mcgrathwestnorthwest
For reputable sales and property management please contact our teams at Parramatta, Blacktown, Windsor or Stanhope Gardens.
We provide high quality Italian food using fresh ingredients. Our menu options include Pizzas, Pastas, Italian meatballs, lamb chops and lots more. The owner has special home made marinades and spice blends that make meals much more tasty. Our dessert options are also popular with homemade chocolate rich brownies to go on our brownie pizza and our always popular almond shortbread biscuits. 366 Church St, Parramatta
Clixpert is an online marketing agency specialising in providing digital marketing services and solutions to businesses & organisations.
Our primary goal is to help clients increase their online visibility, reach their target audience, and achieve their marketing objectives using various online channels and strategies.
We provide a wide range of services including:
• Full mechanical repairs
• Logbook servicing
• Wheel alignment, tyres and rims
• Brake and clutch repair
• Engine repair
• RMS Rego checks
• Electrical work
2 Ferris Street, North Parramatta NSW 2151 P: (02) 9872 8111 | E: info@northrocksautocare.com.au
The Sustainable Occasion is a local event management business dedicated to reducing the waste our celebrations create. We provide:
• Party Kit Hire
• Event Consultancy and Management Services, including carbon footprint calculations
• DIY Party Planning Guide Book
• Party Waste Removal
Myhealth Newington have been providing care to the community since 2013 and offer General Practice services with in-house Pathology, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Psychology and more.
We are a doctor-owned, doctor-led, and doctor-run business, focused on providing patients with access to the highest quality care in an inclusive environment and offer services in General Health, Children's Health, Corporate/Occupational Health, Immunisations, Skin checks, and Women's Health
3/8 Avenue of the Americas, Newington, NSW 2127
Phone: (02) 9648 2224
Website: http://myhealth.net.au/newington
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyhealthNewington/
It’s time to celebrate like you love the Earth.
A prestigious cosmetic clinic had been a vision of Director and Registered Nurse Jaclyn Isaacs for more than a decade. Jaclyn’s vision led to the establishment of the boutique clinic, Art of Aesthetics, located in the heart of Parramatta.
Art of Aesthetics consistently delivers precision in facial artistry through patient-centred, safe and ethical treatment plans. We offer a wide variety of treatments from medi facials and medical grade skincare through to cosmetic injectables.
“Our vision and commitment is to provide consistency in care to all our patients.”
Web: www.artofaesthetics.com.au
A workout unlike any other, KX Pilates Parramatta is a modern evolution of Reformer Pilates.
It combines traditional Reformer Pilates with progressive techniques and their flows are designed to creatively challenge everybody.
“Our industry leading trainers are constantly developing their skills and education to deliver only the best to you,” a Team Member said.
“No matter your fitness goals or whether you’re an arabesque aficionado,
or absolute beginner, getting strong has never been so fun. We are here to help you every step of the way.
“We can’t wait to see you in studio.”
You can download the KX Pilates app on your device to get started.
And don’t forget to take advantage of the Five Classes for $60 introductory offer and book in.
Website: https://kxpilates.com/au/studio/ parramatta-pilates-studio/
If you’re about to plan an upcoming party or work celebration, but also conscious of your environmental impact, then look no further than The Sustainable Occasion (TSO), a local business helping you in your endeavors.
Founded by events industry veteran and mum, Tai Ryan, TSO partners with you to create your special event in a mindful and eco-ethical way.
centre. Through interactions, observations and reflections, our team prepare children for their journey into school years,”
“All Thrive Early Learning Centres provide extra-curricular programs, such as our Connected program, which includes language lessons and sport fitness sessions via our partners at GrowFit.
“Our Educators are highly qualified to provide quality education and care. Thrive Early Learning Centres – Rosehill is committed to provide a nurturing environment for your child.
“We accommodate all families, we’re open from 7am – 6pm and our fees are all inclusive of meals, nappies and wipes.
“Undergoing a recent facelift to the indoor and outdoor spaces, including brand new climbing equipment and soon-to-be-opened new preschool room, we’ve got plenty of fresh, clean spaces to meet the needs of your children, so why not book a tour and see for yourself,” Web: www.thrive.edu.au
Independent Locksmiths & Security is a family owned and operated business which has been based in Parramatta since it was established in 1973.
Originally called Independent Locksmiths Parramatta with a retail store on George St, they moved to 79 Phillip Street in the 1980’s and then in 2005 they moved to the current premises at 552-560 Church St in North Parramatta.
Michael McGovern and his partner
Stephanie Griffin started operating as sole traders with one van and a key machine. Today they have evolved into a second-generation business with their three son’s working in management roles.
• Ryan manages the electronic security division and in 2017 launched secVision Networks.
• Sean is General Manager of Locksmiths.
• Keiran is the Sales Manager.
The McGovern family are running one of Australia’s largest and most respected security businesses. With a local staff of 60 and a national service network numbering in the hundreds, they service commercial clients on a national basis.
They deliver Total Security Solutions for customers with the design, installation, monitoring and maintenance of restricted master key systems and all types of locks, door hardware and safes.
Web: www.independentlocksmiths.com.au
We’re celebrating our 72nd anniversary this year and take pride in being one of Australia’s most trusted medical brands.
Locally based in Parramatta, with teams nationwide; we dedicate ourselves to medical and therapeutic requirements in compression therapy and orthopaedics.
We offer world-leading medical products, services, and technology to Australia’s hospitals, practitioners, patients, and pharma retailers.
Our medi motto “I feel better” drives us to develop innovative solutions for various medical conditions, from back pain to chronic wounds, that enhance the quality of life for many people.
With a solid culture cultivating creative collaborations, we continuously set standards and seek new approaches to deliver our field’s best products, services and concepts to patients and professionals. Explore our range, including medical compression therapies, soft supports, orthoses, and more.
Experience “I feel better” moments with a 30% off discount (Use Code ‘Parra30’) on Travel Socks and Sports Supports at mediaustralia.au (exp 30/09/23)
“In a world where everyone is becoming a lot more environmentally-aware, there are now many ways you can be sustainable while planning events without much extra effort,” said Tai.
“I began my zero-waste journey at home in 2017 and it soon overflowed into work life. I began to reframe and question everything, got educated, discovered better alternatives and TSO was born during lockdown.”
“TSO offers party kit hires complete with crockery, cutlery, servingware and games, as well as waste and compost removal, a DIY Guide Book, and carbon footprint calculations. Party planning can be daunting enough without having to worry about environmental impacts, so TSO also provides event consultancy and management.”
So the next time you’re planning an event, let TSO assist you celebrate like you love the Earth.
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, finding a reliable partner to guide you through the challenges can make all the difference.
“Look no further than Torch Professional Services,” Managing Director, Sandra Bristowe said.
“At Torch, we understand that every business is unique and that’s why our team of works tirelessly to tailor bespoke solutions that matches your needs.
“Whether you’re a startup seeking to carve your niche or an established corporation looking to optimize operations, we have the expertise to ignite your success.
“As a leading provider of IT professionals dedicated to serving the local business ecosystem, Torch Professional Services takes pride in connecting companies with top-tier professionals who possess the skills and expertise needed.
“Our comprehensive suite of services encompasses everything from strategic consulting and business analysis to innovative technology implementations and talent acquisition. We walk hand-inhand with you, illuminating your path with insights that empower you to make informed decisions.
“What truly sets Torch apart is our unwavering commitment to your success. We don’t just offer quick fixes – we invest time to understand your vision, goals, and challenges, building last partnerships based on trust and integrity.
Thrive Early Learning Centres –Rosehill has been in operation for over 20 years with an extremely strong reputation in the local community, providing quality care and education.
Assistant Centre Leader, Natalie, said “Our long-standing and passionate team of Educators and Teachers pride themselves on welcoming families into the
“With Torch Professional Services at your side, you gain a competitive edge, harnessing the full potential of your business. Together, we’ll conquer obstacles, overcome hurdles, and turn your aspirations into achievements.
“Illuminate your journey to success with Torch Professional Services today. Let us be the guiding light that leads your business to new heights give us a call today at 02-8999 8890 for a confidential discussion,” Sandra said. www.torchps.com.au
ADEPT Training is an Australian owned and operated private RTO in Western Sydney.
Key staff members are Anne-Marie Cahill - RTO Manager and Marta Botticini - Senior administrator.
“We have specialised in healthcare and medical training for over 2 decades and pride ourselves on delivering hands on vocational training to support the healthcare sector.“
“Our team is made up of specialist nurses and phlebotomists with TAE qualifications and collectively they create a supportive and dynamic team with current industry skills and knowledge that provides our learners with the best platform for success.
“Adept Training provides learning via online and face to face classes as we understand that the IT technologies are important as well as providing mentorship and support through direct facilitator guidance.”
Web: www.adepttraining.com.au
Online digital marketing company Clixpert was founded in 2009 through passionate and tech savvy internet marketers Ranjan Ratnam and Thomas D’Souza,
They had one goal in mind – ’”adapt to digital change, modern technology and improve our clients’ business online.’’
“Since 2009, our agency has been at the forefront of Digital Marketing, helping businesses grow online through our 40 years of combined experience.
“To help our clients succeed online, we’ve mastered the digital ecosystem, servicing over 1000 businesses in Australia, New Zealand and globally, with advertising spend of over $1.5 billion
“Clixpert is a fully serviced Digital Marketing Agency, that has mastered and helped 1000s of businesses in these areas: Advertising Campaigns -Search and Social Media, Marketing Consultation, Web Solutions, Brand Marketing, IT Solutions, Video Strategy, Production and Marketing, CRM Solutions and Areas that fuel business growth such as business coaching, sales and customer service training.
“We’ve partnered with great brands such as Google Premier Partner), Bing, Facebook (Meta), LinkedIn, Microsoft Partner and Salesforce to give our clients fantastic results in the digital ecosystem.”
Web: www.clixpert.com.au
LUMIERE Eyecare is an independently owned Optometry Clinic in Wentworth Point.
They offer comprehensive eye tests, advanced optical dispensing and an extensive range of eyewear from budget through to designer and artisan pieces.
Key staff members include Dr Megan Tu - Practice Owner/Optometrist, Dr Wilson Luu - Practice Owner/Optometrist, David Sofatzis - Optical Dispenser, Sally Teh - Optical Dispenser, Cindy ToRetail Associate
“Our purpose is to provide holistic eye and healthcare with tailored solutions for our patients or clients.
“We are a full-scope family practice dedicated to ensuring our community from all walks of life can access quality eye care. Healthcare is about teamwork, especially with our clients. Our goal is to facilitate and support our clients and encourage them to take lead of their own health,” Megan said.
“Our priority is delivering the highest standard of patient care by keeping up to date with the latest technology, research and skills, educating, raising awareness and lifting health literacy in our communities and improving patient quality of life by working together with our clients and addressing their wants and needs.
CAFE Lélunar at Westfeld Parramatta is a friendly haven from the hustle and bustle of city life.
If you are looking for superb food, coffee and service than Café Lélunar is the place to be.
From small beginnings in 2012, Café Lélunar opened its first store in Westfield Liverpool.
Through hard work and dedication, the team has grown steadily and now offers a relaxed, friendly, and Australian
“We believe that eye and healthcare should not be compromised and therefore will dedicate the time to ensure our clients get the best care.
“We are also active in charity works and supporting community initiatives,” Megan Wilson said.
Web: www.lumiereeyecare.com.au
SMILE Labs Sydney are putting a beautiful white smile on the faces of their many clients in two clinics in Parramatta and Penrith .
In Parramatta, they are located at 57 Macquarie St, inside Fitness First.
“Here at Smile Labs Sydney, our passion and focus is to give our clients a reason to show off their extraordinary smiles,” a Team Member said.
IME Advisors is a migration and education service provider where we help aspiring individuals and businesses to pursue their admission and visa opportunities across Australia. Their values are to ensure customers receive the quality-oriented advice and our tailored consultation is what makes us unique.
The firm is characterised by a commitment to deliver the professional, genuine and most ethical services. They aim to provide only systematic and transparent information to help our clients make a better decision.
Visit: www.imeadvisors.com
cafe culture in major shopping centres all around Sydney.
“Paired with a delicious variety of meals and freshly roasted campos coffee beans, we pride ourselves on excellent service and offer a truly enjoyable dining experience for all,” a Team Member said.
There are nine welcoming Café Lélunar locations to choose from across Sydney and you can find them online at: www.cafelelunar.com
“This is because we believe that their smiles are the best thing they can wear. “We are teeth whitening experts who have your back - and teeth.
“We provide an experience that is comfortable, enjoyable, pain free and guaranteed whiter results.
“So whether you have a special event or just want to have a brighter smile - we want to help make those special moments happier.
“We treat our clients like family and not numbers. We like to get to know our clients and the journey they are on. Whether it’s getting their teeth whitening for a wedding, date or increasing confidence.
“All we do is Cosmetic Teeth Whitening and we do it well.
“We provide a very relaxing environment where our clients can catch up on their favorite tv shows while they get their teeth whitened.
“We a provide a minimum eight shades lighter from our Premium Teeth Whitening Session.
“Smile Labs also has many 5-star Google reviews online.
“Special Offer: To celebrate being a finalist at this year’s Local Business awards, we wanted to give your readers $100 off our Premium Teeth Whitening Session. Normally $274 now only $174. Guaranteed to get your smile at least eight shades lighter. Use promo code: PARRA. To book use link https://reserve.smilelabs.sydney/ location
Website: www.smilelabs.sydney
to stay informed and maintain legal compliance in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.
“By embracing this tool, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to data protection, bolstering trust among their clientele and prospects alike.
“Beyond legal implications, information security is becoming a critical marketing issue for businesses. In a world where data breaches are common headlines, consumers are increasingly discerning about the organisations they entrust with their private information.
“A single breach can cause irreparable damage to a company’s reputation and deter potential clients from engaging with the brand.
“The launch of RIMPA’s new tool marks a pivotal moment for businesses in Australia, providing them with an invaluable resource to protect their clients’ private information effectively.
“The rising cybercrime statistics necessitate immediate action, regardless of a company’s size or industry.
“The time to act is now; let us embrace innovative solutions and collectively fortify the digital defences of our businesses.
“Together, we can foster a safer online environment for all stakeholders and reaffirm our commitment to safeguarding what matters most - our clients’ trust.
“Only through collective efforts
IN an era where cyber-crime is on the rise, Western Sydney businesses are facing an unprecedented threat to their clients’ private information.
As the Australian Cyber Security Commission reports a significant increase in cyber-crime incidents, it is crucial for organisations, both big and small, to take proactive steps to safeguard sensitive data.
And according to Anne Cornish, CEO Records and Information Practitioners Alliance (RIMPA) with changing and confusing legislation, businesses are overwhelmed, uninformed and not sure where to start.
She said staying informed on the latest data protection legislation and taking your data management out of the too hard basket was absolutely pivotal as cyber-attacks continue to escalate across the globe.
“The alarming surge in cybercrime incidents, as highlighted by the Australian Cyber Security Commission, serves as a wake-up call for businesses of all sizes.
“For Australia’s 2.5 million small businesses, the threat of cyber-attacks may seem distant or insignificant compared to their larger counterparts.
“However, statistics from the National Cyber Secu rity Alliance paint a grim picture, revealing that 60% of small to medium companies shut down within six months of suffering a cyber-attack.
“These incidents not only lead to financial losses but also erode customer trust and brand reputation, making the urgency to address this issue paramount.
“RIMPA’s new Australian Records Retention Manual is a groundbreaking initiative set to empower business es with essential information on the latest data protec tion legislation.
“In a time of misinformation and uncertainty, this database will act as a reliable source, equipping organisations with the knowledge needed to ensure compliance and avoid severe penalties associated with mishandling private information.”
Violating the law
Ms Cornish said many businesses were unwittingly violating the law by failing to dispose of personal data within specified timeframes.
“The new tool will act as a guiding light, enabling organisations
The launch of Head to Health services during COVID-19 changed how we think about mental health challenges and normalised getting support. Since September 2021, Head to Health Pop Ups in Western Sydney have provided over 7,300 sessions of care to community members.
The success of the Head to Health Pop Up centres has led to the opening of a new Head
to Health Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) for adults experiencing moderate to high mental health needs. A safe, warm and welcoming place, this free service caters for those experiencing emotional distress, and for friends and family needing advice and support.
Anyone over 18 years old can access free support, and no appointment, referral, Medicare card or previous mental health diagnosis is needed. The AMHC team is made up of mental health nurses, alcohol and other drug workers, clinical care coordinators and people with lived experience so that you can get the best care tailored to your specific needs.
Parramatta Head to Health is operated by Stride Mental Health and is supported by funding from Western Sydney Primary Health Network (WSPHN). WSPHN is operated by WentWest.
Who is this free service for?
• Adults (18 years or over) who are experiencing emotional distress or crisis
• Friends and family needing advice and support
How do I access the service?
Call the national Head to Health line on 1800 595 212 or walk into the centre and speak to the team in person: Head to Health Parramatta, Ground Floor, Suite 1, 150 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150.
Head to Health Parramatta is open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, and 3pm to 7pm on weekends and public holidays, 365 days of the year.
THERE are many reasons to choose fabulous Perisher for your next holiday in the snow.
It can claim to be Australia’s favorite snow resort and our nation’s ‘truly tried and tested ultimate winter escape’.
Break away from your daily grind and enjoy wide open spaces, a huge variety of terrain and the freedom to experience new and exciting things with family and friends.
Perisher is the largest resort in the Southern Hemisphere and is located in the Kosciuszko National Park, Perisher boasts around 3000ha of skiable terrain across four resort areas of Perisher Valley, Blue Cow, Smiggin Holes and Guthega.
With 47 lifts, seven terrain parks and more than 100 incredible trails, opportunity for adventure is limitless.
And Perisher has something for everyone.
Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find the right terrain for your ability at Perisher.
If you are just starting out, Head to Smiggin Holes for the most family-friendly terrain or Blue Cow for some amazing views while finding your feet.
If you are a seasoned skier or rider, Mt. Perisher or Kamikaze and Rock Garden at Blue Cow offer ‘the steeps and scenes’ of your dreams.
With endless family friendly runs and plenty of easily accessible beginner terrain, Perisher is the favorite winter destination for families.
Offering events and lessons designed specifically for Kids and Families, such as night skiing, fireworks and Subaru Snowfest, you’ll find loads of adventure on and off the slopes.
Perisher’s award-winning Terrain Parks are the best in the Southern Hemisphere for skiers and boarders of all levels.
For park first timers check out Yabby Flat Mini Park and Piper Terrain Park. For the more advanced riders, check out the Leichhardt and Front Valley Slopestyle Terrain Parks for world-class features.
Life at Perisher.
With four resort areas and over 3000 acres of linked skiable terrain, you will definitely want to see all of them.
Their lift ticket provides access to all four resort areas, including Perisher Valley, Blue Cow, Guthega and Smiggin Holes.
They’ve made it easy for you to get an idea of each resort area with an overview and what you will find at each location.
Whether you want to spend your days in Perisher Valley and then explore Blue Cow, or if you want to start at Smiggins and work your way to Guthega, you are sorted with everything from the best places to eat, where to get lessons or the best terrain to enjoy.
ANDERSON’S unique approach to filmmaking is evident once again, as he purposefully ensures that the audience remains aware they are watching actors play characters in a made-up story on a meticulously designed set.
The film’s setting carries Anderson’s trademark obsession with outdated eras, infused with slight retentions of modernity, faux nostalgia, and the sensation of watching a miniature world unfold.
Cinematographer Robert Yeoman captures this vision, with dolly clad precise panning, high to low, left to right and all inbetween in true Wes Anderson fashion.
As expected, the cast features familiar faces from Anderson’s cinematic universe, such as Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Bob Balaban, Edward Norton, Tony Revolori, and Jason Schwartzman. Alongside them, new additions like Jake Ryan, Grace Edwards, and Maya Kawke deliver noteworthy performances that will likely secure them future slots in Anderson’s projects.
However, it’s important to note that,
like many of his films, the majority of the cast remains painstakingly caucasian, with only a few sprinklings of people of colour.
While he tries to include diversity, this continues to be a recurring criticism in his works.
Scarlet Johansson’s brief (likely body double) nudity may raise eyebrows, seems unnecessary and out of place. Jeff Goldblum’s portrayal of an extraterrestrial character is fitting, given his already colourful persona, and he enters the film with a sweet charm.
Jeffrey Wright’s portrayal of the com-
mander is particularly stunning, with dry wit and engaging presence.
Asteroid City delves into acutely American placation, where everything is adorned with a twee quality.
The film plays with the idea of actors playing actors playing characters, blurring the lines between reality and fiction, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling and the occasional embrace of satirical quandaries.
In terms of technical aspects, the sound department excels in creating an ASMRlike experience with intimate sounds like swilling coffee or the smack of lips.
The costuming and set design are impeccable, in line with Wes Anderson’s compellingly peculiar world. However, some elements, like excessive fake tan, seem puzzling but perhaps contribute to the overall auburn desertscape theme. Amidst the whimsy and quirkiness, the script provides moments of darkness delivering a no doubt new favourite quote to many “If you wanted to enjoy a nice, peaceful life, you picked the wrong time to be born.”
As is a common issue with modern storytelling the film does tend to propel for longer than necessary, likely fueled by the director’s own ego.
Asteroid City remains an intriguing addition to Wes Anderson’s filmography, showcasing his unparalleled ability to create a world that is both familiar and fantastical.
If you are a fan of Wes you’ll get exactly what you expect, with trademark storytelling and punctilious framing. For those who are not yet won over, this film won’t change your minds.
IN Barbie, Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) is living the dream in Barbie-land, until existential dread causes her to break with her reality, even developing flat feet.
Weird Barbie (Kate McKinnon) reveals to her how she can get her old life back; by traveling to the real world, finding the girl that is playing with her, and fixing her problems.
Barbie heads off, her overly loving boyfriend Ken (Ryan Gosling) in tow. But not everything is as she expected in the real world, and when she returns her precious Barbie-land is in tatters.
She has to find her own feet, and define her own future, while saving Barbie-land and helping a young mother and her daughter.
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie swings for the fences avidly throughout the film. From the very off, with a 2001: A Space Odyssey homage, the movie cements itself as not just another kids movie.
And for large parts, it is very successful. The film is funny, and very fun.
Super colorful, and playing on the sheer ridiculousness of its incredibly meta concept, Barbie starts strong.
Ultimately, the eyes are too big for the stomach here, and this movie is overstuffed to the max.
With a wide array of plot threads that never lead anywhere, a main quest that is quite rapidly thrown aside, only
to be picked up in the very final scenes, and a finale that feels a touch cliche, the film loses its way around the halfway mark.
Margot Robbie is stunning as Barbie, and it is difficult to really see anyone else ever inhabiting this role.
America Ferrera is also a lot of fun, and gets a lot of cool action, comedy
and pathos to play with. Simu Liu makes an impression as a rival Ken to Gosling’s, and Michael Cera is very funny as Allen.
Ultimately, though, Gosling steals the show.
He’s absolutely pitch perfect as Kenwhether he is overly loving at the start, full of patriarchal madness through the middle, or reformed by the end.
Every second he is on screen is one of joy and fun; the only issue being that his presence is so missed when he isn’t involved.
At the end of the day, Barbie is a blast of light-hearted fun with a strong message and plenty of laughs. It may not be the perfect piece of pink puff that we had expected, but there’s enough here to make it a recommendation.
In the whimsical world of Wes Anderson, where intricately crafted doll’s house dramas reign supreme, Asteroid City fits right into his signature style. As with all of Anderson’s films, this one is enigmatic, artificial, and infuriatingly self-indulgent.
Margot Robbie is fantastic as Barbie, and the film features a winning turn from Ryan Gosling, but it is an overly crowded film that loses its message in a muddled third act that never lives up to its potential.Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.com
IN today’s fast-paced world, getting enough sleep often takes a backseat to work, social engagements, and various other responsibilities. However, the importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep is a fundamental physiological process that allows our bodies and minds to recharge and rejuvenate.
Adequate, restful sleep has a myriad of health benefits, affecting various aspects of our well-being. In this article, we will explore the remarkable health benefits of good sleep and highlight the importance of making it a priority in our lives.
Improved Cognitive Function: One of the most noticeable benefits of good sleep is its positive impact on cognitive function. When we sleep, our brain processes and consolidates information, enhancing memory retention and overall cognitive performance. People who consistently get good sleep tend to have better focus, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.
Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and mood. Insufficient sleep is often associated with increased irritability, anxiety, and stress levels. Conversely, a well-rested individual is better equipped to handle emotional challenges and maintain a more positive outlook on life.
Strengthened Immune System: Sleep is essential for a robust immune system. During deep sleep stages, the body releases cytokines, proteins that help fight infection, inflammation, and stress. Consistent, quality sleep can fortify our immune response, reducing the risk of falling ill.
Weight Management: Studies have shown a strong connection between sleep and weight management. Lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of
hunger-regulating hormones, leading to increased appetite and a preference for high-calorie foods. Sufficient sleep helps maintain a healthier diet and can aid in weight loss or maintenance.
Cardiovascular Health: Good sleep is beneficial for heart health. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. During sleep, the body works to repair and heal blood vessels and the heart, contributing to cardiovascular well-being.
Physical Performance and Recovery: For athletes and active individuals, adequate sleep is essential for optimal physical performance and recovery. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone, which aids in tissue repair and muscle growth. Athletes who prioritize rest experience improved athletic performance and reduced risk of injuries.
Skin Health: “Beauty sleep” is not just a saying. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. During deep sleep, the body increases
blood flow to the skin, promoting tissue repair and collagen production. Consistent good sleep can result in a more radiant complexion and a reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Mental Health Benefits: Sleep and mental health are closely intertwined. Insomnia and poor sleep quality are common symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Conversely, addressing sleep issues can lead to significant improvements in overall mental well-being.
Longevity: Emerging research suggests that adequate sleep may contribute to a longer life. Chronic sleep deprivation has been associated with increased mortality rates and a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. Prioritizing sleep may play a role in promoting a healthier and longer life.
Increased Productivity and Creativity: Quality sleep positively impacts productivity and creativity. Well-rested individuals are more focused, efficient, and better able to solve problems. Employers and individuals alike can benefit from improved performance by giving sleep the attention it deserves.
The health benefits of good sleep are truly remarkable. From improved cognitive function and emotional well-being to strengthened immune systems and cardiovascular health, sleep plays a vital role in our overall well-being.
It is crucial to make sleep a priority in our lives by adopting healthy sleep habits and creating a conducive sleep environment. By doing so, we can reap the numerous rewards of quality sleep and lead healthier, happier lives.
So, the next time you find yourself tempted to sacrifice sleep for other activities, remember that a good night’s rest is an investment in your health and vitality.
Control Fire Protection is currently seeking a highly experienced and dedicated Project Manager with previous fire services experience to join our growing team.
Key Responsibilities:
1. Manage Council fire orders and ensure compliance.
2. Conduct site meetings and liaise effectively with clients, team members, and other stakeholders.
3. Manage and deliver major projects ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.
4. Liaise with staff and contractors, ensuring efficient and effective communication throughout all project stages.
5. Prepare detailed quotes and proposals, accurately reflecting project scope and costs.
1. Previous experience in a project management role within the fire services industry.
2. Thorough understanding of various fire systems and the relevant standards and regulations.
3. Proven experience in project planning and budget management.
4. Strong ability to identify potential project risks and develop effective mitigation strategies.
5. Excellent communication skills with the ability to liaise effectively with a variety of stakeholders.
6. Proven problem-solving skills
with the ability to identify issues and develop effective solutions.
7. Experience in overseeing quality control processes and ensuring all work meets necessary standards and regulations.
8. Demonstrated team leadership skills with the ability to lead and motivate a team effectively.
9. Experience in vendor management, including managing relationships with vendors and suppliers.
10. Ability to create and present clear and concise project reports.
This is an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic and growing company in a key role. We offer a competitive salary, great working environment and the opportunity for career progression.
Interested candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to apply by submitting their resume and cover letter outlining their relevant experience. Control Fire Protection is an equal opportunity employer and we encourage applications from all interested individuals. Please note that only successful candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Address: 15/70 Holbeche road Arndell Park.
Working Status: The candidate must have the right to live and work in Australia
Enquire: Info@controlfireprotection.com.au | www.controlfireprotection.com.au
At Control Fire Protection, we are known for delivering worldclass fire protection services while offering attractive remuneration and work conditions to our talented staff. We are industry leaders in our field, not just for our exceptional services, but also for how we value our employees.
We are currently looking for an experienced Works Co-ordinator/Scheduler to join our dynamic team. If you thrive in a fast-paced environment, enjoy coordinating and planning works, and have a knack for problem-solving, then we would love to hear from you.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
Develop project schedules and timelines based on each job’s requirements. Coordinate the availability of resources such as materials, equipment, and manpower to ensure smooth project progression.
Maintain regular communication with all stakeholders, including clients, service managers, and contractors. Ensure everyone is aware of the work status, progress, and any changes. Provide administrative support to the team.vAUtilise Uptick & Microsoft Office to effectively manage and track jobs.
Ideal Candidate:
We are seeking candidates who are not only proficient in the duties above but also possess a good understanding of the Fire Industry. Excellent organisational, communication, and problem-solving skills are paramount, as well as the ability to work effectively under pressure. Previous experience in a similar role is required.
In return, we offer a competitive salary package, opportunities for growth, and a supportive work environment. This is your chance to be a part of a company that values its employees just as much as it values its customers.
If you believe you are the right person for this position, we would love to hear from you. Apply now, and let’s explore how you can contribute to our shared success at Control Fire Protection.
• Must have uptick experience.
• Must have previous industry experience.
• Control Fire Protection is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from all suitably qualified individuals.
The candidate must have the right to live and work in Australia.
Info@controlfireprotection.com.au| www.controlfireprotection.com.au
16 Prized items (9)
17 Protector (8)
19 Filled (with holes, eg.) (7)
21 Recommended; guided (7)
22 Imprudent (6)
23 Vishnu worshipper (5)
25 Scorch (4) HARD
1 The Aztec civilisation occupied the territory of which modern nation?
2 How old was Buddy Holly (pictured) when he tragically died in 1959?
3 Is the Caspian Sea fresh or salt water?
4 Which two metals make up the alloy bronze?
5 A word or phrase that can read the same forwards and backwards is called what?
6 In which country did the Shinto religion originate?
7 On which continent is the Tierra Del Fuego?
8 Who played the Sheriff of Nottingham in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves?
9 For how many years did Angela Merkel serve as chancellor of Germany?
10 In what year was the Australian Army formed?
1 Vocal range (4)
5 Vocal range (4)
6 Unit of bread (4)
7 Arrears (4)
1 Hairless (4)
2 Emollient (4)
3 Poke (4)
4 Yielding (4)
The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included, and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
Secret message:
1 US actress of the Star Trek, Avatar and MCU franchises (3,7)
6 Appeared as Mesmer in The Boys, Haley Joel – (6)
9 He’s lent his voice to Ratatouille, Happy! and The Goldbergs, Patton – (6)
10 Name shared by actresses Yeoh, Monaghan and Rodriguez (8)
11 Comedy series starring Gillian Jacobs and Paul Rust (4)
Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.
12 David Boreanaz’s Buffy spin-off (5)
28 Famous Bollywood film star, Shah Rukh –(pictured) (4)
30 French actress of Elle and Greta, – Huppert (8)
31 Star of Designated Survivor, – Sutherland (6)
32 Card-based anime franchise (2-2-2)
7 L e TT e RS
33 Yorgos Lanthimos’ surreal romantic drama (3,7)
2 Acting sisters Elizabeth, Mary-Kate and Ashley (5)
3 English and US versions of this show both follow the Gallagher family (9)
17 US comedy series created by and starring Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson (5,4)
19 Film and its TV spinoff about a man who takes mind-enhancing drugs (9)
22 One of Antony Starr’s Outrageous Fortune dual roles (3)
24 Taiwanese family at the centre of sitcom Fresh Off the Boat (5)
25 Stars as FP Jones in Riverdale, – Ulrich (5)
27 Stars as Madeline in Big Little Lies, –Witherspoon (5)
29 Oscar-winner of Les Misérables and Colossal, –Hathaway (4)
8 L e TT e RS
Each number corresponds to a letter. Can you crack the code?
10 L e TT e RS
Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.
1 Former prime minister, Bob —
2 Animal that says ‘neigh’
3 A nightmare is a bad —
4 Fibbing
5 Rub out with a rubber
6 Midday meal
7 Frequently
8 Playground item
Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
13 US star of Nashville and Dirty John, – Britton (6)
14 Classic bar sitcom (6)
16 Plays Piper in Orange Is the New Black, –Schilling (6)
17 US actress of The O.C. and Hart of Dixie, Rachel – (6)
4 Ben Affleck’s hostage rescue drama (4)
5 Star of Dead Set and The Night Of, Riz – (5)
7 Star of Grey’s Anatomy, –Pompeo (5)
No. 006 No. 008 No. 007
1. What year was Minogue born?
18 Sienna, Ezra or TJ (6)
8 Horror anthology show, with series two inspired by Japanese folklore (3,6)
20 Park Chan-wook’s 2003 mystery, remade in 2013 by Spike Lee (6)
23 Starred in the Metallica concert film, Dane – (6)
S A e
Insert the missing letters to make 10 words –five reading across the grid and five reading down.
11 Best Supporting Actress Oscar-winner for her role in Shampoo, –Grant (3)
A. 1982
B. 1979
C. 1971
D. 1977
21 US-Hungarian director of Predators, – Antal (6)
26 Halle Berry in the X-Men movies (5)
3. Minogue’s character on Home andAwaywas a:
A. Talented singer
B. Hairdresser
C. Tomboy
D. Surfer
15 Indian actor who played the young version of Saroo in Lion, – Pawar (5)
NOTe: more than one solution may be possible
16 Billy Eichner voiced this meerkat in the Lion King remake (5)
2. Minogue became a household name on which show?
A. Round The Twist
B. Young Talent Time
C. Countdown
D. The Young Doctors
4. Which talent show was she not a judge on?
A. The X Factor UK
B. The Voice Australia
C. Let It Shine
D. Australia’s Got Talent
Blacktown City Council is proud to be a major sponsor of the Blacktown City and Mount Druitt St Marys Local Business Awards.
Blacktown is one of the fastest growing cities in Australia, with our current population of over 415,000 forecast to grow to over 600,000 residents within 20 years.
Our economy is over $22.6 billion and based on the trading activity of nearly 30,000 local businesses.
During these difficult t imes, we know that it is particularly important for our Council to support local businesses who are weathering the current storm and uncertainty of this pandemic.
The Local Business Awards is an opportunity for our community to come together and acknowledge the great work our local businesses are doing in providing jobs, goods and services to support our City’s people.
I am proud to recognise that several Council businesses have been nominated as finalists in their award categories.
Congratulations to all winners and finalists in the Awards!
30,000 Registered businesses supporting
1. The Philadelphia Eagles played which team in the 2023 Super Bowl LVII?
2. What venue hosted the 2022-23 Men’s Big Bash League final?
3. Team Kinky is the nickname of a duo who play which sport?
4. How many Grand Slam singles titles has Novak
5. The invitational 2023 Cup of Nations women’s soccer tournament features which Caribbean-based team?
6. Adelaide United star Juande is from which country?
7. The traditional AFL fixture played on Easter Monday features which two teams?
How many teams competed in the 2023 Super Netball season?
Who is the current coach of the Socceroos?
AFL player Izak Rankine played for which team
Which Australian cricketer won the 2023 Allan Border Medal?
12. Which Australian cricketer won the 2023 Belinda Clark Award?
13. Terry Bollea is the real name of which well-known, now retired American professional wrestler?
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14. Which billionaire was in attendance at the 2023 Australian Open Final?
15. Which Belarusian professional tennis player won the 2023 Australian Open women’s singles title?
16. Australian Open women’s doubles winners Barbora Krejcíková, and Katerina Siniaková hail from which Central European country?
17. Which Australian duo won the 2023 Australian Open men’s doubles title?
18. Australian Open mixed doubles winners Luisa Stefani and Rafael Matos hail from which South American country?
19. Jason Gilbee is a rookielisted player at which NSW-based AFL club?
20. Which two NFL teams have won the most Super Bowl titles?
21. Which cycling race earns the winner an Ochre Jersey, for the fastest combined time at the end of each stage?
22. Which F1 track is universally known as ‘The Temple of Speed’?
23. And where is the track located?
24. Former child actor Frankie Muniz is exploring a career in which sport?
25. In January 2023, Geoff Walsh announced his departure as general manager of football from which AFL club?
26. English TV and radio presenter Maya Jama was at one time engaged to be married to which Australian NBA player?
27. True or false: the International Olympic Committee considers chess to be a sport?
28. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson stars as a retired NFL player in which comedy/drama series?
29. Earlier this year, which NBL athlete received backlash online for venting his frustrations with paper straws, pleading for the return of plastic?
30. In January which Richmond star had his car stolen at a petrol station?