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ISSUE 25 | August 2022 MAGAZINE 15INSIDE Property Auto Crosswords Travel Mindset Films Trends Fitness

The biggest wingers by name

IF your name is David or Sarah, congratulations, you are famous for complaining most about anything and everything.
These two names topped the list of people most likely to complain in Online Reviews of everything from Fast Food to hotels, supermarkets and cruise ships.
Researchers analysed 80,000 negative reviews on Trustpilot and TripAdvisor for some of the most popular brands, dining venues, tourist attraction, and supermarkets, to reveal the people most likely to submit a complaint.
The survey of one star negative reviews on the internet revealed that males were far more likely to complain than women and David’s were the biggest whingers of all.
The male complainers in order from one to nine are:
David, Paul, John, Mark, Chris, James, Michael, Andrew and Peter, with David twice as likely to complain than Peter.
Sarah came in 10th overall and the full ladies names list in order was:
Sarah, Karen, Emma, Julie, Lisa, Susan Laura, Claire Michelle and Jane, with Sarah twice as likely to leave a one-star rating than the last three names.
And the Sarahs shock ratings win flies in the face of Internet tradition where the biggest complainers are nicknamed Karens.
What started out as an innocent name, Karen is now a pejorative term used to describe ‘an uptight, middle-aged woman that wants to speak to the manager’*, according to definitions online
In the past few years ‘being a Karen’ has turned into an online meme, with people posting videos on social media of people lashing out at others for no good reason.
While there are people that object to being called a Karen, the trend does in fact live up to its name as it comes in second place for most likely to complain online.
Worst Tourist Attractions
Interestingly, more old-fashioned names such as Julie, Susan, and Karen rank as the biggest complainers, compared to more millennial names.
So what do the Karens complain about? Well, when it comes to the World’s great tourist attractions, the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the most over-rated place to visit.
The Top 10 most complained about attractions are: 1.Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2. The Palace of Versailles, 3. Stonehenge, 4. Hollywood Sign 5. Big Ben, 6. The White House, 7. The Leaning Tower of Pisa, 8. Empire State Building 9. Pyramids of Giza, 10. Buckingham Palace.
Karen’ complaints include: ‘Stonehenge is just a pile of rocks’, the Queen’s Palace garden is ‘shabby’ and ‘Big Ben isn’t big’.
Source: Mr Q website

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