Purpose built success story

WESTERN SYDNEY busi nesses are invited to at tend a free community forum on September 5 that addresses optimal workplace welling with a panel of international experts. Research from the Western Sydney Diabetes Yearin-Review 2022 reveal that 38 per cent or 290,000 of Western Sydney residents are at risk of diabetes.
THE Sydney Gymnastic and Aquatic Centre (SGAC) at WestHQ has celebrated its decade-long commitment to providing world-class health and fitness facilities in Sydney’s West.
Launched in 2013 with a bold vision of delivering the most extensive purpose-built development to Olympic requirements world wide, the centre is now home to Gymnastics NSW, the Gymnastics NSW High-Performance Centre and a nationally renowned aquatic facility.
West HQ Chief Executive Officer, Richard Errington, said the SGAC was one of the core initiatives undertaken by West HQ to create a destination hub in the heart of western Sydney.
“To remain a relevant part of our members, our community and our region, we embarked on a program to align ourselves with the Olympic disciplines of gymnastics and swimming to promote and enable healthier lifestyles in the community and strengthen the social connection between people and the place they gather,” Mr Errington said.
“Since we opened ten years ago, SGAC not only has been the training
ground for so many greats, including Olympian Dominic Clarke, Commonwealth Games Silver Medallist Breanna Scott, World Champion Emma Nedov and World Cup Silver Medallist Kira Ward but has also provided fitness and skills training to many thousands in the community.”
The SGAC is one of the largest purpose-built gymnastics facilities in the southern hemisphere, with Olympic-standard equipment and two 25-metre indoor heated swimming pools.
“SGAC delivers a range of health, gymnastics, and aquatics programs for all in the community –young children to older adults, migrants who have never swum before and children with special needs.
From our Lil Lifeguards program, which teaches children essential lifesaving skills, to our S.N.A.P Gymnastics program, a parent-assisted program designed to build developmental skills for children with special needs, all our programs have helped make a tangible difference in so many lives.”
Today, the centre:
• Provides swimming training to more than 3,400 students a week.
• Has provided more than 7,500 students with community-funded swimming and water safety lessons.
• Provides gymnastics and aquatics fitness sessions for more than 10,000 school students from 16 schools each year.
• Enjoys the status of being the 2022 Aquatic & Recreation Institute (ARI) Swim School of the Year and the Sylvia P Overall Gymnastics Club of the Year for 2022 by Gymnastics NSW.
• Delivers an elite training program, from teachers employed by SGAC, for 442 aspiring gymnasts each year with more than 30 athletes on an Elite High-Performance pathway.
• Offers a special needs program (recently named SNAP Gymnastics) with many special needs children also participating in the mainstream classes
• Hosted over 22 yearly gymnastics events, supporting the local community (including local, state and national competitions).
August 2023 | EDItION 146
Published by the Community Broadcast Network.
Publisher/editor: Michael Walls
M: 0407 783 413. E: michael@broadcastnetwork.au
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We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of our region and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture.
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THE Matildas recent World Cup achievements have pushed women sport through the glass ceiling and galvanised Australia in respect of our female athletes and what (and how) they can achieve.
In a compelling presentation one of Australia’s most successful sports marketers and coaches, Bob Turner, assembles team of insiders to explore the growing success of women in sports with unique insights and predictions. Some of the issues to be explored include:
• Pay scales.
• Marketing.
• Styles of play.
• Leadership.
• Development paths.
• And more…
The panel
Bob Turner is executive chairman of Blacktown FC, winners of 2022 National Premier Leagues NSW Men’s Championship. Bob has been actively engaged as head coach, general manager, managing director and part owner of four NBL teams and in 2010 was the driving force in the resurrection of the Sydney Kings. In 1999 he was honored by Basketball Australia and the NBL as a Hall of Fame
inductee. His personal success as a bas ketball player, coach, marketer, admin istrator, and businessman is a unique combination in the business world and he has been actively engaged by corpo rate associates to present and develop a variety of issues including team building, motivation, success and leadership.
David ‘Dok’ O’Keefe - Head of Wom en’s Football at Blacktown City and tasked with the goal of reaching NPL 1 status within three years. Dok built the Barker College Football program and achieved a similar role with Sydney University.
Kiara Rochiax – In her second season with Blacktown City, women’s captain Kiara Rochiax is one of the best goalies in the competition, this talented athlete has many scouts watching her games. A former Under 19 All School Australian representative, Kiara is a leader both on and off the field.
Mark Crittenden – Regarded as one of the Premier coaches in NSW, mark has led the organisation both on and off the field to establish an excep tional culture for the club. He has been a main driver in the establishment of the Blacktown City Senior Women’s Team and assisted in building a similar culture.
Matt Lewis - The longest serving player in Blacktown City FC history, men’s captain Matt Lewis, has played a record 376 games for his club. Recogni-
tion of his contribution came with the annual Matt Lewis medal. Matt played his youth with Blacktown City before being recruited to the Central Coast Mariners. After leaving CCM, he returned to play for Blacktown Head of Football, Mark Crittenden.
Chamber Business After 5.
Venue: Blacktown Workers Club.
When: 5.30PM, September 5, 2023, Ballroom
Tickets: FREE, limited to 100, book at www.wexpo.com.au
Includes: Finger food.
WESTERN SYDNEY businesses are invited to attend a free community forum that addresses optimal workplace welling with a panel of international experts.
Research from the Western Sydney Diabetes Yearin-Review 2022 reveal that 38 per cent or 290,000 of Western Sydney residents are at risk of diabetes.
These statistics were configured last year from at least 30 percent of adults attending hospital emergency departments and GPs diagnosing them with high blood sugar.
The findings led to the Workers Lifestyle Group (WLG) based at Blacktown establishing a wellness program called Western Sydney Changing Diabetes and the club is encouraging businesses everywhere to take stock of workplace wellbeing issues.
NSW Health has warned that diabetes is the main cause of preventable blindness, raises the risk of heart failure, strokes, heart attacks, and dementia.
The forum is the first of kind in Western Sydney to deal with a broad range of workplace wellbeinjg subjects including: building mental health in the workpkace, exercise, diet and the benefits of engaging in community volunteer programs.
“One reason we’re so proud of the program is the workplace health initiative coming from our people at Workers Blacktown and Workers Sports,” WLG CEO Morgan Stewart said.
“Several of our staff members were warned by their GPs that they were at high risk of type 2 diabetes and that Western Sydney’s adults are almost 20 per cent more likely to contract diabetes than the average across NSW.
“They realised we have a real health challenge in our
community, and they proposed to our managers that Workers Lifestyle Group could help raise community awareness and detect diabetes risk.
The club now has two self-service SiSU health stations inviting staff, members, and guests to try the free, simple, and accurate diabetes risk assessment.
The SiSu measures a person’s blood pressure, heart rate, body mass index, weight, body fat percentage, height, smoking status, stress level and diabetes risk in five minutes.
A Western Sydney Diabetes team holds frequent glucose testing at the club to reach as many people including the 53,000 members and staff at the club. The club has a well-attended healthy cooking demonstrations.
Club members and staff also enjoy dance classes.
WEXPO 2023 on September 5 at Blacktown Worker’s Club features the Supporting Optimal Health at Work community forum which is free to attend and is open to the public and businesses.
The forum will be moderated by Dr Jim Taggart OAM and promises to deliver real world insights to
developing a healthier workplace. Panelists include:
• Laureate Professor Clare Collins AO: an Accredited Practising Dietitian, NHMRC Leadership Research Fellow and Director of the Hunter Medical Research Institute Research Program in Food and Nutrition. Her research focusses on personalised nutrition technologies and programs evaluating impact on diet-related health in chronic disease and across life stages.
• Marion Arnott: the Corporate Social Responsibility Partner at Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals. She is a former nurse and healthcare manager with a background in women’s health and has been active in the pharmaceutical industry for 10 years. As a Medicines Australia National award winner she is passionate about corporate ethics, employee well-being and mobilising to protect our environment.
• Morgan Stewart is an outcome focused and visionary business leader, now the CEO of Workers Lifestyle Group. Morgan has been at the forefront of developing the group’s approach to workplace wellbeing. Morgan has delivered keynote presentations in the hospitality, registered clubs & casino gaming industries.
• Professor Glen F. Maberly is the visionary Director of Western Sydney Diabetes. He is a renowned expert in the field, will shed light on the multifaceted strategies implemented by the WSD to combat the diabetes epidemic in western Sydney. Learn about the innovative digital solutions being deployed, the emphasis on primary and secondary prevention, and their efforts to empower local healthcare providers and communities for better diabetes management.
The forum is limited to 60 and runs from 11am to 12.30PM in Ballroom level one. Book your FREE seat at www.wexpo.com.au
A RECENT eharmony survey indicates that online daters are more open to dating single parents. Over 70% of respondents wouldn’t be deterred by a partner having children. 52% of male daters would happily date single moms, while 61% of female daters view single dads positively, seeing them as more committed to relationships. Around 63% of single parents prefer dating someone else with children. 80% of respondents are comfortable being involved in their partner’s children’s lives. Single parents face challenges in dating due to time constraints and budget concerns. eharmony’s Compatibility Matching System helps match compatible partners based on personality and values.
NSW Government has formed an independent panel for gaming reform roadmap, combating gambling harm and money laundering. Chaired by Michael Foggo, the panel includes experts from law enforcement, academics, and industry. It will oversee a cashless gam-
ing trial and suggest reforms. Privacy protection will be prioritized, with input from Cyber Security NSW and NSW Police. Recommendations for cashless gaming in hotels and clubs will be provided, along with an implementation roadmap by November 2024. Additionally, a ClubGRANTS Scheme review will be conducted. Previous reforms include
banning gaming room signage and reducing poker machine entitlements and cash input limits. Political donations from clubs with pokies are also banned.
THE Climate Council urges Australian Parliament to address false climate claims from fossil fuel giants. In a recent submission, they expose 10 corporations with questionable climate plans. The Council insists on action to cut emissions drastically, highlighting how supposed net-zero targets are contradicted by fossil fuel expansion. They call for a ban on misleading ‘carbon neutral’ claims, requiring genuine emission reduction efforts, and prioritizing total life cycle emission reduction. Parliament must crack down on greenwashing to ensure real climate action.
AS disasters increase in Australia, the demand for Australian Red Cross emergency services is rising. NSW requires more of the 1,200 volunteers who play a vital role in supporting communities during crises. Volunteers assist locally and nationally, providing aid in evacuation, recovery centres, and disaster preparedness activities. Australian Red Cross offers internationally and nationally developed training in various areas. With over 3,400 emergency services volunteers nationwide, joining as a volunteer means becoming part of a long-standing movement aiding communities since 1914. Interested individuals can find more information at www.redcross.org.au/volunteer
The team at Neo Body Laser Clinic has more than 25 years’ experience in the aesthetics industry.
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A CLINICAL trial using Australian medicinal cannabis oil, Cybis® THC: CBD oil, demonstrated a 38% median reduction in chronic neck and back pain. The trial involved adults unresponsive to over-the-counter analgesics and suffering chronic pain for around 10 years. The oil was well-tolerated and showed significant pain reduction, with improvements in mood, activity, and enjoyment of life. Unlike most studies, this one solely focused on medicinal cannabis, offering promising evidence for treating chronic pain. With opioid-related issues rising, medicinal cannabis could provide a safer alternative for many patients. Demand for quality medicinal cannabis globally is increasing rapidly.
MAY 2023 building approvals data has shown a 59.4% surge in higher density home building approvals, while detached house approvals remained flat. Master Builders Australia welcomes the increase but warns of the need for sustained recovery and cautions against government-induced cost pressures. Lending figures indicate tough times ahead, with loans for new homes over 40% lower than last year. A sustained recovery in higher density building is crucial to address the rental market’s affordability crisis. The organization urges the RBA to hold rates, emphasizing the importance of avoiding unnecessary cost pressures through government regulation, which could hinder progress.
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WHILE Australia’s rare mammal platypus population has been on a decline, Western Sydney University ecology researchers have found evidence they multiply in northwest waterways.
Seeing young platypus in the vast Cattai catchment area surprised WSU ecologist Dr Michelle Ryan who is leading a team of scientists to further investigate creeks connected to the breadth of the Hawkesbury-Nepean River.
Dr Ryan’s team is monitoring signs of more platypus possibly thriving on the waterways connected to the river such as South Creek, Catti Creek and Mulgoa Creek.
“We have not collected enough data yet to determine if they are increasing in population, but we have captured juvenile platypus this year which is a great sign,” Dr Ryan said.
The Hills Shire mayor Dr Peter Gangemi said finding platypus in waterways along the shire’s urbanized areas a stone’s throw away from Parramatta and Sydney CBDs meant residents must quickly learn how to protect the amazing mammal unique to Australia.
“We all have a role to play in protecting our platypus that’s why I’m encouraging residents to participate in workshops happening across the month of August to
further protect these amazing creatures in our community,” Dr Gangemi said.
“The discovery of their population in The Hills is very exciting, we are proud to house some closest to the Sydney CBD.
“We are holding bush care events, environmental workshops, working bees where people can learn about caring for our environment and taking proactive measures in their own backyard to promote the survival of our native species.”
A series of free events for school children, their parents and residents are being
held in the shire to showcase the story of “Bluey the platypus”, a duck-billed and beaver-tailed mammal commonly found in eastern parts of Australia and the east and west of the Great Dividing Range.
According to the NSW National Parks and Wildlife website, the platypus habitats can be found at Brisbane Water National Park, Budderoo National Park, Guula Ngurra National Park, Monga National Park, Jenolan Karst Conservation Reserve and many parts of the Kosciusko National Park such as the High Plains,
Khancoban, Lower Snowy River, Selwyn Area, Tumut Area, and Yarrangobilly.
The platypus, whose scientific name is ornithorhynchus anatinus, is among the protected species in Australia including kangaroos, dingoes, wallabies, wombats, koala and echidna.
“It is important that we look after all our waterways, especially watching out for what goes down our stormwater drains,” Dr Ryan said.
“Pesticides, detergents, and litter can all have a big impact on the platypus, even if you do not live near a creek.
“All our stormwater goes directly into creeks so we must keep that in mind.
“Platypuses have a special place in the Aboriginal culture during colonialism… We can use the platypus as an icon for waterways health.
“If we create healthy environments for platypus, we will create healthy environments for hundreds of plants and animal species.”
The Hills Shire has teamed up with local schools to hold events teaching students about caring for platypus and other native animals and plants, Dr Gangemi said.
Residents can find out more about a series of platypus storytelling events this month by clicking Council’s event webpage on https://www. thehills.nsw.gov.au/Upcoming-Events-Activities/ Storytelling-about-Platypus-in-The-Hills.
A healthy and happy workforce is good for business.
Yet, our fast-paced lifestyles and the environments we live, work and play in can make it challenging for people to make healthy choices. This forum unpacks insights into how businesses can make healthy choices the EASY CHOICES.
Expert panelists and business leaders will share their experiences and discuss challenges and aspirations to create healthy workplaces..
Limited to 60 places.
Scan the QR code to register.
“The new tool will act as a guiding light, enabling organisations to stay informed and maintain legal compliance in a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.
“By embracing this tool, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to data protection, bolstering trust among their clientele and prospects alike.
“Beyond legal implications, information security is becoming a critical marketing issue for businesses. In a world where data breaches are common headlines, consumers are increasingly discerning about the organisations they entrust with their private information.
“A single breach can cause irreparable damage to a company’s reputation and deter potential clients from engaging with the brand.
“The launch of RIMPA’s new tool marks a pivotal moment for businesses in Australia, providing them with an invaluable resource to protect their clients’ private information effectively.
“The rising cybercrime statistics necessitate immediate action, regardless of a company’s size or industry.
“The time to act is now; let us embrace innovative solutions and collectively fortify the digital defences of our businesses.
“Together, we can foster a safer online environment for all stakeholders and reaffirm our commitment to safeguarding what matters most -
IN an era where cyber-crime is on the rise, Western Sydney businesses are facing an unprecedented threat to their clients’ private information.
As the Australian Cyber Security Commission reports a significant increase in cyber-crime incidents, it is crucial for organisations, both big and small, to take proactive steps to safeguard sensitive data.
And according to Anne Cornish, CEO Records and Information Practitioners Alliance (RIMPA) with changing and confusing legislation, businesses are overwhelmed, uninformed and not sure where to start.
She said staying informed on the latest data protection legislation and taking your data management out of the too hard basket was absolutely pivotal as cyber-attacks continue to escalate across the globe.
“The alarming surge in cybercrime incidents, as highlighted by the Australian Cyber Security Commission, serves as a wake-up call for businesses of all sizes.
“For Australia’s 2.5 million small businesses, the threat of cyber-attacks may seem distant or insignifi-
cant compared to their larger counterparts.
“However, statistics from the National Cyber Secu rity Alliance paint a grim picture, revealing that 60% of small to medium companies shut down within six months of suffering a cyber-attack.
“These incidents not only lead to financial losses but also erode customer trust and brand reputation, making the urgency to address this issue paramount.
“RIMPA’s new Australian Records Retention Manual is a groundbreaking initiative set to empower business es with essential information on the latest data protec tion legislation.
“In a time of misinformation and uncer tainty, this database will act as a reliable source, equipping organisations with the knowledge needed to ensure compliance and avoid severe penalties associated with mishandling private information.”
Violating the law
Ms Cornish said many businesses were unwittingly violating the law by failing to dispose of personal data within specified timeframes.
The launch of Head to Health services during COVID-19 changed how we think about mental health challenges and normalised getting support. Since September 2021, Head to Health Pop Ups in Western Sydney have provided over 7,300 sessions of care to community members.
The success of the Head to Health Pop Up centres has led to the opening of a new Head
to Health Adult Mental Health Centre (AMHC) for adults experiencing moderate to high mental health needs. A safe, warm and welcoming place, this free service caters for those experiencing emotional distress, and for friends and family needing advice and support.
Anyone over 18 years old can access free support, and no appointment, referral, Medicare card or previous mental health diagnosis is needed. The AMHC team is made up of mental health nurses, alcohol and other drug workers, clinical care coordinators and people with lived experience so that you can get the best care tailored to your specific needs.
Parramatta Head to Health is operated by Stride Mental Health and is supported by funding from Western Sydney Primary Health Network (WSPHN). WSPHN is operated by WentWest.
• Adults (18 years or over) who are experiencing emotional distress or crisis
• Friends and family needing advice and support
Call the national Head to Health line on 1800 595 212 or walk into the centre and speak to the team in person: Head to Health Parramatta, Ground Floor, Suite 1, 150 George St, Parramatta NSW 2150.
Head to Health Parramatta is open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, and 3pm to 7pm on weekends and public holidays, 365 days of the year.
THERE are many reasons to choose fabulous Perisher for your next holiday in the snow.
It can claim to be Australia’s favorite snow resort and our nation’s ‘truly tried and tested ultimate winter escape’.
Break away from your daily grind and enjoy wide open spaces, a huge variety of terrain and the freedom to experience new and exciting things with family and friends.
Perisher is the largest resort in the Southern Hemisphere and is located in the Kosciuszko National Park, Perisher boasts around 3000ha of skiable terrain across four resort areas of Perisher Valley, Blue Cow, Smiggin Holes and Guthega.
With 47 lifts, seven terrain parks and more than 100 incredible trails, opportunity for adventure is limitless.
And Perisher has something for everyone.
Whether you are just starting out or a seasoned pro, you’ll find the right terrain for your ability at Perisher.
If you are just starting out, Head to Smiggin Holes for the most family-friendly terrain or Blue Cow for some amazing views while finding your feet.
If you are a seasoned skier or rider, Mt. Perisher or Kamikaze and Rock Garden at Blue Cow offer ‘the steeps and scenes’ of your dreams.
With endless family friendly runs and plenty of easily accessible beginner terrain, Perisher is the favorite winter destination for families.
Offering events and lessons designed specifically for Kids and Families, such as night skiing, fireworks and Subaru Snowfest, you’ll find loads of adventure on and off the slopes.
Perisher’s award-winning Terrain Parks are the best in the Southern Hemisphere for skiers and boarders of all levels. For park first timers check out Yabby Flat Mini Park and Piper Terrain Park. For the more advanced riders, check out the Leichhardt and Front Valley Slopestyle Terrain Parks for world-class features.
Life at Perisher.
With four resort areas and over 3000 acres of linked skiable terrain, you will definitely want to see all of them.
Their lift ticket provides access to all four resort areas, including Perisher Valley, Blue Cow, Guthega and Smiggin Holes.
They’ve made it easy for you to get an idea of each resort area with an overview and what you will find at each location.
Whether you want to spend your days in Perisher Valley and then explore Blue Cow, or if you want to start at Smiggins and work your way to Guthega, you are sorted with everything from the best places to eat, where to get lessons or the best terrain to enjoy.
ANDERSON’S unique approach to filmmaking is evident once again, as he purposefully ensures that the audience remains aware they are watching actors play characters in a made-up story on a meticulously designed set.
The film’s setting carries Anderson’s trademark obsession with outdated eras, infused with slight retentions of modernity, faux nostalgia, and the sensation of watching a miniature world unfold.
Cinematographer Robert Yeoman captures this vision, with dolly clad precise panning, high to low, left to right and all inbetween in true Wes Anderson fashion.
As expected, the cast features familiar faces from Anderson’s cinematic universe, such as Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, Bob Balaban, Edward Norton, Tony Revolori, and Jason Schwartzman. Alongside them, new additions like Jake Ryan, Grace Edwards, and Maya Kawke deliver noteworthy performances that will likely secure them future slots in Anderson’s projects.
However, it’s important to note that, like many of his films, the majority of the
cast remains painstakingly caucasian, with only a few sprinklings of people of colour.
While he tries to include diversity, this continues to be a recurring criticism in his works.
Scarlet Johansson’s brief (likely body double) nudity may raise eyebrows, seems unnecessary and out of place. Jeff Goldblum’s portrayal of an extraterrestrial character is fitting, given his already colourful persona, and he enters the film with a sweet charm.
Jeffrey Wright’s portrayal of the com-
mander is particularly stunning, with dry wit and engaging presence.
Asteroid City delves into acutely American placation, where everything is adorned with a twee quality.
The film plays with the idea of actors playing actors playing characters, blurring the lines between reality and fiction, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling and the occasional embrace of satirical quandaries.
In terms of technical aspects, the sound department excels in creating an ASMRlike experience with intimate sounds like
swilling coffee or the smack of lips.
The costuming and set design are impeccable, in line with Wes Anderson’s compellingly peculiar world. However, some elements, like excessive fake tan, seem puzzling but perhaps contribute to the overall auburn desertscape theme. Amidst the whimsy and quirkiness, the script provides moments of darkness delivering a no doubt new favourite quote to many “If you wanted to enjoy a nice, peaceful life, you picked the wrong time to be born.”
As is a common issue with modern storytelling the film does tend to propel for longer than necessary, likely fueled by the director’s own ego.
Asteroid City remains an intriguing addition to Wes Anderson’s filmography, showcasing his unparalleled ability to create a world that is both familiar and fantastical.
If you are a fan of Wes you’ll get exactly what you expect, with trademark storytelling and punctilious framing. For those who are not yet won over, this film won’t change your minds.
Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.comIN Barbie, Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) is living the dream in Barbie-land, until existential dread causes her to break with her reality, even developing flat feet.
Weird Barbie (Kate McKinnon) reveals to her how she can get her old life back; by traveling to the real world, finding the girl that is playing with her, and fixing her problems.
Barbie heads off, her overly loving boyfriend Ken (Ryan Gosling) in tow. But not everything is as she expected in the real world, and when she returns her precious Barbie-land is in tatters.
She has to find her own feet, and define her own future, while saving Barbie-land and helping a young mother and her daughter.
Greta Gerwig’s Barbie swings for the fences avidly throughout the film. From the very off, with a 2001: A Space Odyssey homage, the movie cements itself as not just another kids movie.
And for large parts, it is very successful. The film is funny, and very fun.
Super colorful, and playing on the sheer ridiculousness of its incredibly meta concept, Barbie starts strong.
Ultimately, the eyes are too big for the stomach here, and this movie is overstuffed to the max.
With a wide array of plot threads that never lead anywhere, a main quest that is quite rapidly thrown aside, only
to be picked up in the very final scenes, and a finale that feels a touch cliche, the film loses its way around the halfway mark.
Margot Robbie is stunning as Barbie, and it is difficult to really see anyone else ever inhabiting this role.
America Ferrera is also a lot of fun, and gets a lot of cool action, comedy
and pathos to play with. Simu Liu makes an impression as a rival Ken to Gosling’s, and Michael Cera is very funny as Allen.
Ultimately, though, Gosling steals the show.
He’s absolutely pitch perfect as Kenwhether he is overly loving at the start, full of patriarchal madness through the middle, or reformed by the end.
Every second he is on screen is one of joy and fun; the only issue being that his presence is so missed when he isn’t involved.
At the end of the day, Barbie is a blast of light-hearted fun with a strong message and plenty of laughs. It may not be the perfect piece of pink puff that we had expected, but there’s enough here to make it a recommendation.
In the whimsical world of Wes Anderson, where intricately crafted doll’s house dramas reign supreme, Asteroid City fits right into his signature style. As with all of Anderson’s films, this one is enigmatic, artificial, and infuriatingly self-indulgent.
Margot Robbie is fantastic as Barbie, and the film features a winning turn from Ryan Gosling, but it is an overly crowded film that loses its message in a muddled third act that never lives up to its potential.Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Reviews by Jacob Richardson Creative Director | Film Focus www.filmfocusau.com
IN today’s fast-paced world, getting enough sleep often takes a backseat to work, social engagements, and various other responsibilities. However, the importance of good sleep cannot be overstated. Sleep is a fundamental physiological process that allows our bodies and minds to recharge and rejuvenate.
Adequate, restful sleep has a myriad of health benefits, affecting various aspects of our well-being. In this article, we will explore the remarkable health benefits of good sleep and highlight the importance of making it a priority in our lives.
Improved Cognitive Function: One of the most noticeable benefits of good sleep is its positive impact on cognitive function. When we sleep, our brain processes and consolidates information, enhancing memory retention and overall cognitive performance. People who consistently get good sleep tend to have better focus, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.
Enhanced Emotional Well-being: Adequate sleep plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and mood. Insufficient sleep is often associated with increased irritability, anxiety, and stress levels. Conversely, a well-rested individual is better equipped to handle emotional challenges and maintain a more positive outlook on life.
Strengthened Immune System: Sleep is essential for a robust immune system. During deep sleep stages, the body releases cytokines, proteins that help fight infection, inflammation, and stress. Consistent, quality sleep can fortify our immune response, reducing the risk of falling ill.
Weight Management: Studies have shown a strong connection between sleep and weight management. Lack of sleep can disrupt the balance of hunger-regulating hormones, leading to increased appetite and a preference for high-calorie foods. Suf-
ficient sleep helps maintain a healthier diet and can aid in weight loss or maintenance.
Cardiovascular Health: Good sleep is beneficial for heart health. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. During sleep, the body works to repair and heal blood vessels and the heart, contributing to cardiovascular well-being.
Physical Performance and Recovery: For athletes and active individuals, adequate sleep is essential for optimal physical performance and recovery. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone, which aids in tissue repair and muscle growth. Athletes who prioritize rest experience improved athletic performance and reduced risk of injuries.
Skin Health: “Beauty sleep” is not just a saying. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy, glowing skin. During deep sleep, the body increases blood flow to the skin, promoting tissue repair and
collagen production. Consistent good sleep can result in a more radiant complexion and a reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Mental Health Benefits: Sleep and mental health are closely intertwined. Insomnia and poor sleep quality are common symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders. Conversely, addressing sleep issues can lead to significant improvements in overall mental well-being.
Longevity: Emerging research suggests that adequate sleep may contribute to a longer life. Chronic sleep deprivation has been associated with increased mortality rates and a higher risk of developing chronic diseases. Prioritizing sleep may play a role in promoting a healthier and longer life.
Increased Productivity and Creativity: Quality sleep positively impacts productivity and creativity. Well-rested individuals are more focused, efficient, and better able to solve problems. Employers and individuals alike can benefit from improved performance by giving sleep the attention it deserves.
The health benefits of good sleep are truly remarkable. From improved cognitive function and emotional well-being to strengthened immune systems and cardiovascular health, sleep plays a vital role in our overall well-being.
It is crucial to make sleep a priority in our lives by adopting healthy sleep habits and creating a conducive sleep environment. By doing so, we can reap the numerous rewards of quality sleep and lead healthier, happier lives.
So, the next time you find yourself tempted to sacrifice sleep for other activities, remember that a good night’s rest is an investment in your health and vitality.
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THERE are thousands of mental health apps available on the app market, offering services including meditation, mood tracking and counselling, among others.
You would think such “health” and “wellbeing” apps – which often present as solutions for conditions such as anxiety and sleeplessness – would have been rigorously tested and verified. But this isn’t necessarily the case.
In fact, many may be taking your money and data in return for a service that does nothing for your mental health – at least, not in a way that’s backed by scientific evidence.
Although some mental health apps connect users with a registered therapist, most provide a fully automated service that bypasses the human element. This means they’re not subject to the same standards of care and confidentiality as a registered mental health professional. Some aren’t even designed by mental health professionals. These apps also increasingly claim to be incorporating artificial intelligence into their design to make personalised recommendations (such as for meditation or mindfulness) to users. However, they give little detail about this process. It’s possible the recommendations are based on a user’s previous activities, similar to Netflix’s recommendation algorithm.
Mental health apps might be able to provide certain benefits to users if they are well designed and properly vetted and deployed. But even then they can’t be considered a substitute for professional therapy targeted towards conditions such as anxiety or depression.
The clinical value of automated mental health and mindfulness apps is still being assessed. Evidence of their efficacy is generally lacking.
Some apps make ambitious claims regarding their effectiveness and refer to studies that supposedly support their benefits. In many cases these claims are based on lessthan-robust findings. For instance, they may be based on:
• user testimonials
• short-term studies with narrow or homogeneous cohorts
• studies involving researchers or funding from the very group promoting the app
• or evidence of the benefits of a practice delivered face to face (rather than via an app).
Moreover, any claims about reducing symptoms of poor mental health aren’t carried through in contract terms. The fine print will typically state the app does not claim to provide any physical, therapeutic or medical benefit (along with a host of other disclaimers). In other words, it isn’t obliged to successfully provide the service it promotes.
For some users, mental health apps may even cause harm, and lead to increases in the very symptoms people so often use them to address. The may happen, in part, as a result of creating more awareness of problems, without providing the tools needed to address them.
In the case of most mental health apps, research on their effectiveness won’t have considered individual differences such as socioeconomic status, age and other factors that can influence engagement. Most apps also will not indicate whether they’re an inclusive space for marginalised people, such as those from culturally and linguistically diverse, LGBTQ+ or neurodiverse communities.
Mental health apps are subject to standard consumer protection and privacy laws. While data protection and cybersecurity practices vary between apps, an investigation by research foundation Mozilla concluded that most rank poorly.
For example, the mindfulness app Headspace collects data about users from a range of sources, and uses those data to advertise to users. Chatbot-based apps also commonly repurpose conversations to predict users’ moods, and use anonymised user data to train the language models underpinning the bots.
Many apps share so-called anonymised data with third parties, such as employers, that sponsor their use. Re-identification of these data can be relatively easy in some cases.
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) doesn’t require most mental health and wellbeing apps to go through the same testing and monitoring as other medical products. In most cases, they are lightly regulated as health and lifestyle products or tools for
managing mental health that are excluded from TGA regulations (provided they meet certain criteria).
Although consumers can access third-party rankings for various mental health apps, these often focus on just a few elements, such as usability or privacy. Different guides may also be inconsistent with each other.
Nonetheless, there are some steps you can take to figure out whether a particular mental health or mindfulness app might be useful for you.
1. Consult your doctor, as they may have a better understanding of the efficacy of particular apps and/or how they might benefit you as an individual.
2. Check whether a mental health professional or trusted institution was involved in developing the app.
3. Check if the app has been rated by a third party, and compare different ratings.
4. Make use of free trials, but be careful of them shifting to paid subscriptions, and be wary about trials that require payment information upfront.
5. Stop using the app if you experience any adverse effects.
Overall, and most importantly, remember that an app is never a substitute for real help from a human professional.
AUTHORS: Jeannie Marie Paterson, Professor of Law, The University of Melbourne; Nicholas T. Van Dam, Associate Professor, School of Psychological Sciences, The University of Melbourne and Piers Gooding and Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Disability Research Initiative, The University of Melbourne.
Republished from The Conversation. www.theconversation.com.au
16 Prized items (9)
17 Protector (8)
19 Filled (with holes, eg.) (7)
21 Recommended; guided (7)
22 Imprudent (6)
23 Vishnu worshipper (5)
25 Scorch (4) HARD
4 Which two metals make up the alloy bronze?
5 A word or phrase that can read the same forwards and backwards is called what?
6 In which country did the Shinto religion originate?
7 On which continent is the Tierra Del Fuego?
1 The Aztec civilisation occupied the territory of which modern nation?
2 How old was Buddy Holly (pictured) when he tragically died in 1959?
3 Is the Caspian Sea fresh or salt water?
8 Who played the Sheriff of Nottingham in the 1991 film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves?
9 For how many years did Angela Merkel serve as chancellor of Germany?
10 In what year was the Australian Army formed?
1 Vocal range (4)
5 Vocal range (4)
6 Unit of bread (4)
7 Arrears (4)
1 Hairless (4)
2 Emollient (4)
3 Poke (4)
4 Yielding (4)
The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
Secret message:
23 words: Good
35 words: Very good
47 words: Excellent
the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included, and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.
17 US comedy series created by and starring Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson (5,4)
Each number corresponds to a letter. Can you crack the code?
1 US actress of the Star Trek, Avatar and MCU franchises (3,7)
6 Appeared as Mesmer in The Boys, Haley Joel – (6)
9 He’s lent his voice to Ratatouille, Happy! and The Goldbergs, Patton – (6)
10 Name shared by actresses Yeoh, Monaghan and Rodriguez (8)
11 Comedy series starring Gillian Jacobs and Paul Rust (4)
Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations.
12 David Boreanaz’s Buffy spin-off (5)
19 Film and its TV spinoff about a man who takes mind-enhancing drugs (9)
22 One of Antony Starr’s Outrageous Fortune dual roles (3)
24 Taiwanese family at the centre of sitcom Fresh Off the Boat (5)
25 Stars as FP Jones in Riverdale, – Ulrich (5)
27 Stars as Madeline in Big Little Lies, –Witherspoon (5)
29 Oscar-winner of Les Misérables and Colossal, –Hathaway (4)
28 Famous Bollywood film star, Shah Rukh –(pictured) (4)
30 French actress of Elle and Greta, – Huppert (8)
8 L e TT e RS
10 L e TT e RS
31 Star of Designated Survivor, – Sutherland (6)
32 Card-based anime franchise (2-2-2)
7 L e TT e RS
33 Yorgos Lanthimos’ surreal romantic drama (3,7)
No. 008
2 Acting sisters Elizabeth, Mary-Kate and Ashley (5)
3 English and US versions of this show both follow the Gallagher family (9)
Solve all the clues and an eight-letter word will be spelled out.
1 Former prime minister, Bob —
2 Animal that says ‘neigh’
3 A nightmare is a bad —
4 Fibbing
5 Rub out with a rubber
6 Midday meal
7 Frequently
8 Playground item
Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.
13 US star of Nashville and Dirty John, – Britton (6)
14 Classic bar sitcom (6)
16 Plays Piper in Orange Is the New Black, –Schilling (6)
17 US actress of The O.C. and Hart of Dixie Rachel – (6)
4 Ben Affleck’s hostage rescue drama (4)
5 Star of Dead Set and The Night Of, Riz – (5)
7 Star of Grey’s Anatomy, –Pompeo (5)
No. 007
1. What year was Minogue born?
18 Sienna, Ezra or TJ (6)
8 Horror anthology show, with series two inspired by Japanese folklore (3,6)
20 Park Chan-wook’s 2003 mystery, remade in 2013 by Spike Lee (6)
23 Starred in the Metallica concert film, Dane – (6)
S A e
Insert the missing letters to make 10 words –five reading across the grid and five reading down.
11 Best Supporting Actress Oscar-winner for her role in Shampoo, –Grant (3)
A. 1982
B. 1979
C. 1971
D. 1977
21 US-Hungarian director of Predators, – Antal (6)
26 Halle Berry in the X-Men movies (5)
3. Minogue’s character on Home andAwaywas a:
A. Talented singer
B. Hairdresser
C. Tomboy
D. Surfer
15 Indian actor who played the young version of Saroo in Lion, – Pawar (5)
NOTe: more than one solution may be possible
16 Billy Eichner voiced this meerkat in the Lion King remake (5)
2. Minogue became a household name on which show?
A. Round The Twist
B. Young Talent Time
C. Countdown
D. The Young Doctors
4. Which talent show was she not a judge on?
A. The X Factor UK
B. The Voice Australia
C. Let It Shine
D. Australia’s Got Talent
Oran Park has a new land release positioned less than 500m from the Town Centre!
O ran Park is constantly evolving, so now is the time to take advantage of everything this great community has to offer. Here’s what you can look forward to while living at the Park:
• A variety of schools and future tertiary institutions
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• 160km of paths and cycleways for you to explore parklands, playgrounds and sporting fields
1. The Philadelphia Eagles played which team in the 2023 Super Bowl LVII?
2. What venue hosted the 2022-23 Men’s Big Bash League final?
3. Team Kinky is the nickname of a duo who play which sport?
4. How many Grand Slam singles titles has Novak
• An award-winning skate park and splash park which includes flying foxes, table tennis tables, basketball courts, a ninja warrior course and a parkour course
• Oran Park Library
• Meeting friends and family at Oran Park’s major shopping centre, The Podium
• New dining experiences at the Oran Park Hotel, Atura Hotel and food precincts within The Podium
• State-of-the-art Leisure Centre which houses a 50m indoor Olympic pool, gym, four basketball courts, sauna and more
• Jobs close to home within the Town Centre and nearby Western Sydney International Airport
5. The invitational 2023 Cup of Nations women’s soccer tournament features which Caribbean-based team?
6. Adelaide United star Juande is from which country?
7. The traditional AFL fixture played on Easter Monday features which two teams?
How many teams competed in the 2023 Super Netball season?
Who is the current coach of the Socceroos?
AFL player Izak Rankine played for which team
Which Australian cricketer won the 2023 Allan Border Medal?
12. Which Australian cricketer won the 2023 Belinda Clark Award?
13. Terry Bollea is the real name of which well-known, now retired American professional wrestler?
14. Which billionaire was in attendance at the 2023 Australian Open Final?
15. Which Belarusian professional tennis player won the 2023 Australian Open women’s singles title?
16. Australian Open women’s doubles winners Barbora Krejcíková, and Katerina Siniaková hail from which Central European country?
17. Which Australian duo won the 2023 Australian Open men’s doubles title?
18. Australian Open mixed doubles winners Luisa Stefani and Rafael Matos hail from which South American country?
19. Jason Gilbee is a rookielisted player at which NSW-based AFL club?
20. Which two NFL teams have won the most Super Bowl titles?
21. Which cycling race earns the winner an Ochre Jersey, for the fastest combined time at the end of each stage?
• World class fiber optic networks with high-speed internet
• An integrated health hub for your wellbeing needs
• Good public transport with a current rotation of buses and a future train station
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Don’t miss out on the opportunity of securing a lot close to the Town Centre.
22. Which F1 track is universally known as ‘The Temple of Speed’?
23. And where is the track located?
24. Former child actor Frankie Muniz is exploring a career in which sport?
25. In January 2023, Geoff Walsh announced his departure as general manager of football from which AFL club?
26. English TV and radio presenter Maya Jama was at one time engaged to be married to which Australian NBA player?
27. True or false: the International Olympic Committee considers chess to be a sport?
28. Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson stars as a retired NFL player in which comedy/drama series?
29. Earlier this year, which NBL athlete received backlash online for venting his frustrations with paper straws, pleading for the return of plastic?
30. In January which Richmond star had his car stolen at a petrol station?