AUSTRALIAN Christian College (ACC) Marsden Park, a rapidly growing provider of quality schooling, has opened two new buildings, a move that will accommodate the school’s incredible enrolment growth and its new tech learning hub. The school has tripled in just five years, having 667 students in 2019 and kicking off the 2024 school year with over 2,000 students enrolled. The school offers both on-campus and online education with both learning options growing strongly. Principal Brendan Corr welcomed guests to the opening, including Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car; Blacktown City Council members; Board members; staff, students, and their families. Ms Car addressed the attendees and unveiled two plaques dedicating the buildings before cutting a ribbon marking their official opening. The new three-storey high-tech learning hub is fitted out with a range of 21st century learning facilities, while the Secondary building will accommodate over 650 students. Both are welcome additions to the community and will continue to ensure that students are well known, well-loved and well taught. More page 2.
AUSTRALIAN Christian College (ACC) Marsden Park, a rapidly growing provider of quality schooling, has opened two new buildings, a move that will accommodate the school’s incredible enrolment growth and new tech learning hub.
The school has tripled in just five years, having 667 students in 2019 and kicking off the 2024 school year with over 2,000 students enrolled. The school offers both on-campus and online education with both learning options growing strongly.
Principal Brendan Corr welcomed guests to the opening, including Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car; Blacktown City Council members; Board members; staff, students, and their families. Ms Car addressed the attendees and unveiled two plaques dedicating the buildings before cutting a ribbon marking their official opening.
The new three-storey high-tech learning hub is fitted out with a range of 21st century learning facilities, while the Secondary building will accommodate over 650 students. Both are welcome additions to the community and will continue to ensure that students are well known, well-loved and well taught.
The buildings were supported by the Building Grants Assistance Scheme (BGAS), a program funded by the NSW
Government and administered by the AISNSW Block Grants Authority.
“These new facilities put us in an ideal position as educators to prepare our students for the rapidly changing workforce they will enter. They’ll have access to a teaching environment that will engage, challenge and delight them,” said Mr Corr.
The opening of the new building comes at a time when the world of education is continuing to embrace innovative teaching methodologies and further integrating technology into the classroom.
McCrindle Research in 2019 surveyed parents in the Greater Western Sydney area and the overwhelming majority (73 percent) are
The Australian Christian College Group is a network of 13 Christian Schools in five states. The schools are inspired by a common vision and values yet deliver an educational experience which accounts for their respective local contexts. Some ACC schools have both on campus and online students. In fact, the ACC Group is the largest provider of non-government, online distance education in Australia.
ACC is committed to transforming young people spiritually, academically and emotionally for lives of significance and service. Striving to educate students who act compassionately and graciously yet think deeply and biblically.
ACC students are continually challenged but unconditionally loved. Their students have teachers who notice them, ask about their interests, listen to them, laugh with them and believe in them. Their students are well known, well-loved and well taught by teachers who want the very best for them.
2024 | EDiTiON 153
Published by the Community Broadcast Network.
Publisher/editor: Michael Walls
M: 0407 783 413. E: michael@broadcastnetwork.au
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Contributors: Adam Simpson, John Mellor.
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General enquiries: info@accessnews.com.au Phone: 02 4572 2336
We pay respect to the Traditional Custodians and First Peoples of our region and acknowledge their continued connection to their country and culture.
looking for the integration of technology and critical thinking skills into their child’s education. Based on this research, the high-tech hub was designed with STEM learning facilities including virtual reality suites, multiple video editing rooms with green screens, film and photography studios, podcast booths, Mac labs and a lecture theatre.
“I am honoured to be opening the new high-tech learning hub at the Australian Christian College Marsden Park which continues to play an important role in the community as a leading educator. It is great to see this level of investment in education in our wonderful community,” Minister for Education and Early Learning, Prue Car said.
“We’re thankful to the State Government for the funding assistance to provide our school community with these campus enhancements,” concluded Mr Corr. Students will have access to the buildings immediately, getting their hands on high-tech equipment and brand new classrooms with the support and oversight of fulltime industry professionals.”
Australian Christian College Marsden Park is a K-12, co-educational, Christian school offering both on-campus learning and distance education pathways.
The Exporess readers to appreciate and engage with the physical, community, cultural and business environments of one of Australia’s fastest growing regions, Greater Western Sydney.
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AS an eight-year-old Joey troop member of Scouts NSW, Kaysanne Lockman is treading on her mum Adele’s footsteps who learnt many life skills early on as a young woman.
This Merrylands’ primary school student was among youngsters this masthead met on International Women’s Day celebration last March 8. Kaysanne might be so young to articulate the broader significance of celebrating IWD with Scouts NSW and her mum, but she could confidently speak why scouting was her top choice for an after school and holiday activity.
“I love having Mum do Scouts with me. She is always there helping my leaders and doing activities with me,” Kaysanne said.
“I also love making new friends, you can learn what boys like to do and what girls like and I can have friends that are both boys and girls.
“I also get to do lots of activities with the Venturer Scouts with Mum. She is very enthusiastic. I like the activities that are run, such as hiking, which is fun, and I’ve been caving too.”
Since joining the Joey troop in the Parramatta area, Adele said, her daughter has grown into “a caring and
adventurous girl” who also learnt how to properly knot ropes with her little hands when they are out camping and setting up a tent.
“It’s not simply learning how to tie a knot like people think. This is a skill that’s helpful for construction when they help build things in the future,” Adele said.
Scouting is focused on youngsters being taught skills they can use at every stage in life they are in, Adele said, because “every aspect they learn develops them as a person who can go and be anything, which is awesome.”
For example, Adele said she is raising Kaysanne “doing not just glamorous things girls usually do but also to get hands on through Scouting.”
“Participating in a range of outdoor
adventure activities, including hiking, caving, canyoning, abseiling, whitewater rafting, and controlled capsizing and more really involve getting your hands dirty and experiencing nature in its truest form,” Adele said.
Adele was turning 14 when she joined her older brothers in Scouting NSW in 2000, enrolled in the Venturers’ troop for boys and girls in the 14 to 17 age group.
Her experience as a girl scout led her forging lasting friendships with other females “who got me” which was important to have older women role models to look up to.
Kaysanne will soon be moving up to the Cubs troop for ages eight to 11 discovering other ways of learning and having fun away from computer and schoolwork and onto real life outdoor adventures with her peers.
The Rovers are the oldest members from ages 18 to 25 before they are chosen to become scout leaders.
Scouts NSW is recruiting more young people, as young as five and up to age 25 and currently enrolled at schools, to join the various age groups and take part in a variety of outdoor activities and jamborees.
For more details on how to join, visit https:// nsw.scouts.com.au/about/about-us/.
IF you live in Parramatta, Granville, Auburn, Guildford, Rouse Hill and Merrylands, keep your eyes peeled for red belly snakes, reptile experts have warned.
Reports recently surged on sightings and removals of red belly snakes in gardens of homeowners, including public places, in those areas.
Urban Reptile Removal specialist Chris Williams, pictured with the red belly snake caught in a family’s private backyard in Granville, said the families have been fearing the snakes they’ve seen around their yards.
The snakes have lingered in the backyards as summer season breaks into autumn, and attracted by the presence of frogs and lizards, Mr Williams said.
“In a most recent incident, a very nervous resident in
Dixmude Street in Granville contacted us after discovering the largest red-bellied black snake of the season in their garden,” Mr Williams said.
“The owners were really worried. The snake had been living in their yard for quite some time attracted by the garden’s frogs and Blue-Tongue Lizards which are prey for these snakes.”
The removal process was not easy with Mr. Williams spending an hour searching for the snake before stalking it for at least 15 minutes until he was able to catch it.
“The streets near Duck Creek, between Auburn and Granville often have snakes showing up,” Mr Williams said.
Increased snake activities were reported in Guilford, Rouse Hill and Merrylands.
Mr Williams has advised the homeowners not to confront the snakes.
“People’s first instinct is
often to scare the animal away, but this doesn’t solve the problem, it just relocates,” he said.
“Red-bellied black snakes are particularly dangerous to dogs with around five dogs reported killed each week by these snakes. It is a huge issue that dog owners are unaware of.”
Most callouts for the red belly snakes include public places such as children’s play areas, swimming pools, and industrial facilities.
“The venom of these young snakes is just as potent as that of the adults, although they produce less of it.”
Pet owners, especially those with dogs to exercise caution.
“It is unlikely that a juvenile red belly snake would be able to penetrate the skin through the dog’s fur, however bites to the tongue, mouth and gums may prove to be potentially fatal.
Homeowners must keep a
safe distance from any snakes they see and urgently contact Urban Reptile Removals at 0418 633 474 for safe and professional removal.
For more details, visit https:// urbanreptileremoval.com.au/blog/ faq-after-a-visit-from-a-red-belliedblack-snake
GREATER Sydney region’s water reservoir Warragamba Dam remains at peak 100 percent on its gauge days after recent heavy rainfall.
Water NSW said the volume of floodwater offloaded from the dam whose catchment received 158.4 mm of rainfall over two days equaled to half the amount of Sydney Harbour.
On Monday, the agency said the spill rate from Warragamba Dam that supplies 80 percent of drinking water across Greater Sydney’s 5.4 million households has been reduced to 19 gigalitres per day and decreasing further as water catchments become steady.
This update comes as impacted residents and businesses along the Nepean and Hawkesbury Rivers return to their properties with the NSW and Federal government agencies jointly opening Recovery Centres to assist them.
In the Macquarie electorate covering the Hawkesbury, MP Susan Templeman has pressed for urgent recovery assistance for households, farmers, and businesses on the floodplains in Richmond and Windsor.
“I’ve already signaled they’ll need substantial help for turf, farm and vegetable producers whose properties are still underwater,” Ms Templeman said.
NSW climate minister Penny Sharpe has lifted the waste levy on impacted residents who are disposing wastes and debris generated on their properties due to the recent flood.
“I welcome the announcement from the state government that they have lifted the waste levy fee for the Hawkesbury to assist in flood recovery,” Ms Templeman said.
“This will help ease the financial burden of the clean-up and will ensure the disposal of water damaged items is done in a safe and responsible way.”
NSW State Emergency Services as-
sistant commissioner Dallas Burnes said their current focus is on transition to flood recovery resupplying the remaining isolated communities and finalising damage assessments.
“As we transition to recovery, our volunteers are out in the community undertaking damage assessments and supporting community members with clean-up activities,” Mr Burnes said.
SES volunteers are undertaking damage assessments in Sackville, Ebenezer, Pitt Town and Colo whose residents ordered to evacuate over the weekend.
Despite sunny days back on the
horizon, Mr Burnes said those impacted households must conduct their recoveries with caution.
“Damage to roads and buildings caused by flooding may still exist in your area. Be aware of road hazards including mud and debris and take care as local roads could still have water over them. Check in on your neighbours, animals and livestock if safe to do so,” he said.
From Thursday, April 11 to Saturday, April 13, Recovery Centres are open for eligible residents and businesses whose properties were damaged by the recent flooding event across Western Sydney.
The multi-agency centres provide access to urgent support services through representatives from Service NSW, NSW Reconstruction Authority, Hawkesbury City Council and NSW Legal Aid.
Head to the Windsor Function Centre Recovery Centre, at 7 Dight St, Windsor or if unable to attend, phone customer care specialists on 13 77 88.
“It is important that affected residents in the region get back on their feet as quickly as possible, which is why we’re working quickly to make sure people can access funding and find support they need at our Recovery Centre,” NSW Reconstruction Authority chief executive officer Mal Lanyon said.
“This is a challenging time for communities in the Hawkesbury, who are no strangers to natural disaster.”
SPEEDWAY racing made a welcome and long overdue return to Sydney last night with an exciting relaunch event taking place at Sydney International Speedway at Eastern Creek.
The event was a success with over 3000 spectators in attendance to enjoy an exciting night of racing.
Fans were able to watch their heroes driving Fender Benders, Late Models and Sprint Cars on the newly reprofiled track that allowed the drivers to show off their skills.
Spectators enjoyed improved facilities and experienced many exciting finishes over the course of the night.
Families were also able to ‘meet and greet’ their heroes before and after the racing, adding to the fan experience.
The evening also saw a number of Speedway legends attend including Sid Hopping, Dick Briton and Steve Brazier. Speedway racing in Sydney has suffered when the previous government closed the Parramatta Speedway but failed to successfully re-open the track at its new Eastern Creek location.
The racing action will continue in the coming weeks with further events scheduled for Saturday 20 April, Saturday 11 May and Saturday 25 May.
Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully said: “The NSW Government promised to bring world-class Speedway back to Sydney and last night was the start of delivering on that promise.
“Speedway fans were able to experience the new, improved venue and we were treated to some world-class, competitive racing. This ends years of frustration for Sydney speedway drivers and fans alike who were left with no track to race on when the previous government closed the Parramatta Speedway and didn’t successfully open the new $100 million track built at Eastern Creek. I am pleased that their frustration is finally over.
“Fans can now look forward to more exciting nights of Speedway in the coming weeks, in what we believe is the number one Speedway venue in Australia.”
HE NSW Government welcomes the immediate action from the NSW Police Force to stand up Strike Force Dribs and direct extra police resources to Western Sydney following Monday night’s violence in Wakeley.
Strike Force Dribs is tasked with increasing the police presence in the area to reassure the community and keep them safe.
More than 70 additional police officers across general duties and specialist commands are on the streets, conducting high-visibility patrols to maintain community safety. Those patrols began last night.
In addition, 32 investigators
Tare working under Strike Force Dribs to investigate the public order incident outside the Church that night, during which projectiles were thrown at police, officers were injured, police vehicles were damaged and property stolen.
These investigators are collating evidence including mobile phone and CCTV vision with the aim of identifying, arresting, charging and bringing those responsible before the courts.
Any witnesses and anyone with mobile phone vision who has not yet spoken to police, should call police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Minister for Police and
Counter-terrorism Yasmin Catley said: “Everyone has the right to go about their daily lives and practice their faith free from violence or intimidation.
“These extra boots on the ground will help provide calm and safety at a time when it’s needed most.
“Over the past four days, we’ve seen the best of the best from the NSW Police Force. These officers run towards danger and put their lives on the line to protect the community. I’ve never been prouder.”
HE NSW Government has lifted the waste levy fee for residents in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area, to help them recover from intense heavy rainfall and flash flooding.
The community will not have to pay to dispose of flood-generated waste and debris at landfill sites until 30 June 2024. The local landfill gate fee may still apply.
The exemption covers waste on both public and private land,
including damaged building materials, furniture, carpet, gardening debris, and any other flood-related products.
Lifting the levy fee makes it easier for locals to get rid of flood-affected household items in a safe and efficient way. It also provides financial relief as the Hawkesbury community gets back on its feet as soon as possible.
This decision follows exemptions granted to Wollongong,
Shoalhaven, Shellharbour, and Kiama Local Government Areas.
As the flood water recedes and clean-up efforts progress, the Environment Protection Authority could expand this benefit to other LGAs if necessary.
The EPA is working with Regional Emergency Management Committees impacted by the recent severe weather to offer assistance, including waste levy exemptions for flood-damaged items.
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NEW research by eharmony highlights the impact of past relationships on future love lives. Almost half of respondents admit to carrying emotional baggage, with anger issues and addiction cited as the most troublesome. Despite this, many aim to learn from past mistakes to improve future relationships. However, there’s a paradox: while individuals acknowledge their own baggage, they may judge potential partners harshly for theirs, revealing complexities in navigating emotional baggage in relationships.
THE NSW Government has unveiled a draft bill to extend leave rights for up to 250,000 community sector workers, allowing quicker access to long service leave and portability across multiple employers. Targeting disability care, domestic violence,
and homelessness services, the reform aims to address job insecurity and retain essential workers. The scheme, mirroring other jurisdictions, responds to the sector’s high casualization and predominantly female workforce, aligning with the Government’s commitment to support social service workers.
THE NSW Government’s pharmacy trial has exceeded 12,000 consultations, easing GP burden and enhancing medication access. Trained pharmacists manage UTIs and provide oral contraceptives, with over 11,000 UTI consultations and 854 pill consultations since May and September 2023, respectively. The trial expands to include treatments for minor skin conditions. Minister Ryan Park emphasizes the initiative’s efficiency and safety, aiming for further expansion to improve healthcare accessibility.
Mathematics won’t be mandated
THE Independent Education Union of Australia applauds NSW Education Standards Authority’s decision not to mandate mathematics for Years 11 and 12 students. With teacher shortages at peak levels, the move is considered pragmatic. Compulsory math would exacerbate the deficit in STEM educators, reducing subject choices and hindering student enrolment in non-government schools.
The IEU advocates for en-
hanced professional development for primary teachers to bolster mathematics education.
AS the 2024 rugby and football seasons approach, parents and athletes are urged to prioritize oral health. Shockingly, only 36% of Australians wear mouthguards during
Scontact sports, increasing the risk of severe injuries like fractured teeth and broken jaws. Dr Cathryn Madden emphasizes the importance of custom-fitted mouthguards from dentists to ensure proper protection, comfort, and prevention of injuries. Bupa Health Insurance members can access no-gap mouthguards at participating clinics, promoting safer sports participation.
INCE March 2023, NSW’s planned surgery waitlist has dropped by 85%, thanks to the Surgical Care Governance Taskforce and dedicated health staff. Over 12,000 fewer people await overdue procedures, with 83.6% of surgeries performed on time. Measures like expanding same-day surgery eligibility and boosting healthcare workforce help alleviate pressure on hospitals. Premier Chris Minns commends progress but acknowledges ongoing efforts to ensure prompt healthcare delivery.
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Sydney Hills businesses, the annual night of nights is Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
That’s the date of the 2024 Sydney Hills Local Business Awards.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annual Sydney Hills Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening out with entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other businesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the
Sydney Hills Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
Today is the day when nominees for the 2024 Sydney Hills Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
“The Western Sydney Express which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s publication,” he said.
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
“It’s also a chance for business people and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he said. “All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown
on the big screen which is a great reflection of all their efforts and everyone is extremely proud to be there.
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”
The Sydney Hills Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of major sponsors, NOVA Employment, The Hills Shire Council, Grove Square - The Hills and support sponsors, Rouse Hill Town Centre, White Key Marketing, Bx Networking, Sydney
Hills Business Chamber, Norwest Market Town, Winston Hills.
“It’s with great pleasure that I congratulate all the finalists on their achievements, on behalf of the Sydney Hills Local Business Awards,” Mr Loe said.
“I would also like to thank the Sydney Hills community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.
Without them, these outstanding businesses wouldn’t receive the recognition they deserve.”
Yoga Tribe Holistic services was founded in Sydney in 2020 during the COVID pandemic to support community wellness through our online platform. Sessions offer an integrated approach to yoga therapy for positive health.We offer online and face to face, hatha yoga , vinyasa yoga, Sound Healing and restorative yoga for community and also provide group/private yoga therapy session for ailments like hypertension, diabetes, asthma, obesity, thyroid, sciatica, knee and spinal disorders.
Contact details
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JUST a half hour drive from Sydney is the new Swing City Golf, an innovative entertainment hub blending cutting-edge golf technology and design located in fast-growing northwest.
Since opening in November last year, golfers of all abilities have been enjoying a day out to putt with family, friends and colleagues, while a delectable range of culinary food and beverages completes their experience.
Catering to golfers, beginners, and fun-seekers alike, Swing City offers a diverse range of experiences, including those seeking a day out of fun and relaxation.
From practicing swings at the 41bay driving range to mastering putts in the mini-golf range, and enjoying arcade games, there’s something for everyone.
For the enjoyment of patrons, Swing City boasts an exciting caf?, bar and bistro with a menu ensuring a delightful culinary experience.
Owned by Mulpha, a renowned real estate and hospitality investor, Swing City aligns with Mulpha’s commitment
to creating exceptional outdoor and indoor entertainment spaces.
With over 25 years of expertise, Mulpha has been integral in shaping and nurturing communities like the booming and modern Norwest precinct.
Swing City embodies inclusivity, entertainment, and quality making it a premier destination for leisure, sports, entertainment, and corporate gatherings in a family-friendly atmosphere.
Look at the suite of state-of-the-art golf and entertainment options waiting for you, visit www.swingcitygolf.com.au.
Swing City Golf is located at 2-6 Norbrik Drive, Bella Vista NSW. For enquiries, call 1300 320 604 or info@swingcitygolf.com.au.
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TRAVEL Time is a full-service retail travel agency, independently owned and a member of HelloWorld, one of the most trusted travel brands in Australia.
We are the experts in delivering well-crafted travel experiences and offer a wide array of services such as Flights, Hotels, Car Hire, and Specialised Group Itineraries and more.
Since 2000, Travel Time has been a solid force in the tourism and travel industry committed to providing old-fashioned one-on-one service to make your holidays memorable.
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Targeted Training partners with organisations to implement solutions to support their business to engage and motivate their teams, develop workplace leaders, and overcome people management challenges. This is through engaging workshops and core consulting services, Leader and emerging leader mentoring programs, including;
Team and personality pro ling (Myers Briggs, Extended DISC & FIRO-B), learning and development partner, HR consulting and organisational systems design for e cacy.
ASTUNNING floral arrangement for functions, special events and milestones are what meets the eye at designer Frida Jafari’s Florisian Floral Design Studio at Baulkham Hills.
The wedding bouquets, as an example, are a collection of flowers of exquisite textures, colours and scents that can easily make every couple’s wedding celebration memorable.
Says Frida: “To bring happiness and satisfaction to couples getting married in a special occasion in their life are my purpose in my business. Each time I see the glow in their eyes in a first look at the floral design I present to them, it’s wonderful feedback on my styling. It means that I did my job to the fullest and it means a lot to me.”
Florisian Floral Design Studio was established at 92 Baulkham
Hills Road, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 for over a decade serving customers from everywhere in the Greater Sydney region and beyond.
To find out more about a range of bouquet styles and prices that suit the budget for your special event, visit https:// www.florisian.com.au and https://www.instagram.com/ florisian_floral_design.
To speak to Frida about your requirements, phone 0488 646 998 or email info@ florisian.com.au.
INVogue Rugs & Flooring provides premium flooring and interior design solutions that enhance spaces and enrich lives.
Our purpose is to
be a trusted partner for customers seeking high-quality products, expert advice, and exceptional service. By offering a diverse range of flooring options, from timber to carpets and rugs, along with window furnishings, we aim to fulfill the needs
SITUATED at the beautiful Piazza at Castle Towers Shopping Centre, our magnificent new venue to cater for residents and visitors of the booming northwest Sydney is sure to delight.
Spectacularly designed by Guru Projects, our latest venue is a combination of cosy and relaxing dining spaces retaining the Hurricane’s family ambience that you know and love for the past 28 years.
From mouth-watering ribs and juicy tender steaks basted in our famous sauce to a beautiful selection of chicken, fish and salads, we have something for everyone.
We are committed to offering only the best and freshest ingredients and strives to provide the great food and service to patrons new and old, nearby or from far afield.
and preferences of every customer.
Our commitment to sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction underscores our value proposition ensuring your interaction with InVogue Rugs & Flooring reflects our dedication to excellence and elevates every customer’s overall experience with us.
Visit www.invoguerugs.com.au and https://www.facebook.com/ invoguerugs.flooring/ for more information about our extensive range of flooring options and window furnishings. For enquiries, call us on (02) 9620 1438 or email invoguerugs. boxhill@gmail.com.
Famous for our delicious Ribs and Steaks in Original basting, a meal here won’t disappoint.
Visit https://hurricanesgrillrestaurants.com. au/castle-hill.
Having a function or special occasion and needs a perfect venue, contact us functions@ hgcs.com.au or call 0414 964 486. You are most welcome.
• Floral styling & props for weddings & events of any budget.
• Services include - delivery , set up and pack down in Sydney Southern Highlands - Hunter and beyond.
• Our friendly team design your wedding flowers to make unique memories for you.
ATYPICAL hairdressing appointment is often ordinary but what if you can have luxury hair treatments from balayage to individualised foil with relaxing massage at the same time?
At the modern K & Co Hairdressing Salon, you are treated to a welcoming environment and exceptional service by talented hair stylists who are specialists in all aspects of hairdressing.
The team is dedicated to staying updated on the latest trends and techniques in the hairdressing industry to ensure our clients receive top quality services.
They prioritise building lasting relationships with clients, understanding their needs and preferences, and delivering personalised experiences.
K & Co Hairdressing Salon first opened in 2017 at the Beaumont Village Shopping Centre.
After seven years, the salon expanded and moved to a new and spacious premises on Unit G 16, 320B Annangrove Road, Rouse Hill NSW 2155.
Says owner and creative director Kellie Williams: “Our purpose is not just to style hair, but to boost our clients’ confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being.
“We are committed to ensuring a positive and uplifting atmosphere where everyone can experience a relaxing and memorable service and look forward to their next appointment.”
To book your appointment, phone (02) 8883 4666 or email kelliewilliams6@bigpond.com. Follow K & Co Hairdressing Salon on Facebook and Instagram.
IF you are aiming to make lasting changes in your overall health and wellbeing, Personal Fitness Studio offers transformation with a personalised approach.
We provide personalised fitness programs and lifestyle transformation services to help individuals achieve the changes they want to make in their health and well-being.
Our business opened in July 2020 as the Coronavirus pandemic hit our country.
As with other businesses just starting up, we struggled to keep the business afloat despite investing more than three years of work to prepare our launch.
Imagine long years of blood, sweat and tears disappear like that. Dreams were
shattered, everything we worked hard for disappeared.
Faced with uncertainty, the one thing we treasure most was a strong following with the remaining members of the community.
It was then that we focused our journey on rebuilding and into what we are today, with a strong purpose binding us to help our community of members to reach lifestyle transformation through personalised fitness programs and holistic wellness approaches.
The team consists of Sean (Head Coach), Martin (Member Retention and Coach), Jordan (Manager), Kirrilee (Accounts), and Dilly (Administrative Support).
For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/ PersonalisedFitnessPT
To join the programs, call us on 0405 266 934 or email support@pfstudio.com.au.
WE take pride in sourcing for our customers an extensive range of high-quality food products such as fresh fruit and vegetables, cold meats, cheese, delicatessen items, quality meats and specialty grocery items.
We are proud of our aim to always be delivering exceptional customer service whenever you come to our shop.
We always ensure that every individual who shops with us is rewarded with exquisite food, fantastic quality and an extraordinary personal experience.
Browse at the range of food products available in our shop, visit www. panettamercato.com.au and @panettamercato.
For all enquiries, call (02) 9688 7810 or email admin@panettamercato.com.au.
HILLS Montessori is the only preschool in the Hills District offering authentic Montessori programs and experiences for children with ages from 15 months to six years.
Established in 1979, we will be celebrating our 45th anniversary later this year as a unique early childhood education centre for numerous families in the northwest Sydney.
Our school provides authentic Montessori educational parent/ toddler, preschool and kindergarten programs for children.
In educating our children, we focus on the emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of the child.
We achieve these major areas of
children’s growth and development by addressing their uniqueness in a nurturing, emotionally secure and academically excellent environment.
From a young age, we inspire our children to be lifelong learners and compassionate global citizens.
We have caring, experienced and long serving staff who provides stability for the children.
Our outdoor learning staff work with the children to help them understand sustainability practices and what they can do to contribute to the environment and its future.
For more information, visit www.hillsmontessori.com and https://www.facebook.com/ hillsmontessorischool.
To discuss your child’s enrolment and requirement, contact (02) 9871 4844 or email admin@hillsmontessori.com.
HELPING chilldren gain knowledge and skills through the tried and tested method of Abacus and Vedic Maths is our goal at Genius Abacus.
We offer an important method in learning to help children enhance their abilities to gain the skills they needed in every aspect of life as they grow. Parents whose children are enrolled at Genius Abacus programs, attest their children’s abilities with numbers and problem solving has greatly improved, including their level of confidence and overall happiness as a student.
Genius is constantly striving to create a high-quality learning environment with a lively teaching method that is tailored to each child’s needs and expectations, ensuring every student receives the best.
Our goal is to help build confidence in each child to unleash their potential in all spheres of life, with mathematics being the basis.
Our highly skilled instructors will enhance your child’s abilities with personalised lessons and guidance in a lively and caring teaching environment so they can achieve their educational goals and aspirations.
For more details on the popular programs we offer, visit www. geniusabacus.com.au.
We welcome your enquiries by contacting us on 0434 541 360 or info@geniusabacus.com.au.
OUR cafe embraces the values of quality, sustainability and creating a beautiful community one cup of coffee at a time.
We love to prioritize creating a welcoming vibe where people can connect over our exceptional specialty coffee and straightforward brunch food.
Our purpose extends beyond serving great meals and beverages, we aim to build a hub where kindness and gratitude flourish.
Sustainability is also a top priority in our operations. From using eco-friendly products to sourcing local produce, we pride in supporting small businesses.
Our cafe, speaking for myself as an owner wanted to strive in fostering the culture of inclusivity and kindness.
With those thoughts, we aim to bring long lasting and positive impact for the delight of our customers and beyond.
Come and visit us at our new
All enquiries and pre-order, call 0424 394 514 or cafelelunarrousehill@gmail.com.
For more details, visit https://www. cafelelunar.com/
IF you are looking for a team that is experienced, reliable and will go beyond expectation, then Nena Cares would love to help you.
Nena Cares is a team of highly experienced and registered NDIS service providers offering premium quality support services.
Our range of services are individually tailored and holistic approach in every way of caring for our NDIS participants.
For us, every individual we care for under the NDIS program is unique and deserves to live a full and enriched life.
Our services include community and social participation supports, personal care, community nursing, short term accommodation respite, mentoring, supports in employment, financial literacy, life skills, cultural programs, and home maintenance and lawnmowing.
OGUE Real Estate is an experienced real estate agency offering cutting-edge, best-practice services, and local focus.
With over 25 years of combined experience in booming Sydney northwest, we have developed a large network of buyers and expertise across residential and rural sales.
Quite simply, we understand real estate. We offer premium marketing services at value pricing.
We are highly respected in the industry and are known for our honest, transparent and results-driven
Nena Cares is committed to putting every NDIS participants and their families at the centre of everything we do.
We live and breathe property.
Our agents have the knowledge, skills, experience and expertise to help maximise the value of your property.
That is why we are considered one of the most successful boutiques, service-oriented real estate agents in Sydney.
We call it the Vogue Difference.
We have immediate capacity, so please call today to book your free consultation by phoning 0413 302 367 or email support@nenacares.com.au. For more details, visit https://www. nenacares.com.au/ and https://www. facebook.com/nenacaresau.
Crafted with Care Our coffee beans are meticulously hand-selected and roasted to perfection, ensuring a taste that's truly one-of-a-kind. We take pride in the artisanal approach that goes into every batch of Wick Espresso. Velvety and Lively Experience a coffee blend that is bold and velvety, yet wonderfully lively and balanced.
Wick Espresso promises a delightful and robust mouthful of body and flavour with every sip. Perfect in milk Wick Espresso's enormous presence in milk creates a harmonious blend that will make your lattes and cappuccinos truly memorable.
It's the secret ingredient to a rich and creamy coffee creation. Versatile and Easy Whether you're a seasoned barista or just starting your coffee journey, Wick Espresso is incredibly versatile and easy to work with. It consistently delivers excellent results with all brew methods, ensuring that your coffee is nothing short of perfection.
Indulge in the extraordinary. Savor the uniqueness. Wick Espresso Speciality Artisan Coffee is your ticket to a coffee experience like no other.
Belinda Nadwie Art
Juniper Road Gifting
Lyn’s Fine Needlework
Emotional Support Buddy
The Hills and Co Boutique - Rouse Hill Town Centre
The Knitting Nook - Village Green
Bakery/Cake Business
Essence Patisserie
Franky & Co - Grove Square - The Hills
Bakers Delight - Grove SquareThe Hills
Coonara Bakery - Coonara Shopping Village
The Bakehouse - North Kellyville Square
Beauty Services
Cecilia Whittaker
Ice Glow
TEN - The Emmaculate Nails
Priscille Vrljic Aesthetics
Australian Beauty Clinic
Stacey Megan Beauty - Galston Village
The Beauty Panel
Taj Lash Lounge
Aryana Zada Makeup
Australian Skin Clinics - Castle Towers
Raw Skin Bella Vista
Luxe Beauty by Yasemin
Euphoria Skin
Pearl Nails - Grove Square - The Hills
Pamper Parlour
Beyond Indulgence - The Arcade
Hills Laser & Beauty Cafe
Els Cafe & Bar - Winston Hills Mall
Kopi N Teh
Cafe Lelunar - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Coffee Flower - Norwest Marketown
Franky & Co Norwest
Grind & Bloom Cafe
Coffee Trad3rs
Escape the Ordinary
Caffe Cherry Beans - Kellyville Village
Charlie Lovett - Grove SquareThe Hills
The Burrow Cherrybrook - Apple Tree Shopping Centre
Mexis Café - Oakhill Village
Rocky Mountain Coffee
Sunny Side
Early Childhood Centre
Discover My World Early Learning Centre Kellyville
Cool Bananas Early Learning Centre
AppleTree Preschool
Glenhaven Early Learning Centre
Hills Kidz Early Learning Centre
Kids Cottage Early Learning
Kiddie Academy Kellyville
Castle Hill Montessori Academy Childcare
Keen Kiddies Early Learning Centre
Hills Montessori Pre School
Early Years Academy Box Hill
Only Early Learning CentreBaulkham Hills
Education Service
Sydney Tutoring Academy
Messy Makers
Prestige Driving School
The Spanish Nursery AU
Guide & Grow
The Hills Learning Centre
Beyond the Beanstalk
Sister 2 Sister School of Singing
Cool Kids Music Co.
World of Minecraft
Excelencia Learning
Learn Music With Shaun
Ignite Music
Genius Abacus
The Designer Hire Spot
Hills Shire Hire
Sussan - Grove Square - The Hills
Sportsgirl - Grove Square - The Hills
Amor Sydney
Millers Fashion Club - Grove Square - The Hills
Lorna Jane - Rouse Hill Town Centre
General Pants - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Katies - Winston Hills Mall
Fast Food/Takeaway
Subway - Grove Square - The Hills
Sharetea - Winston Hills Mall
Kebabs Way - Norwest Marketown
KB Chickens - Grove Square - The Hills
Soul Bowl - Grove Square - The Hills
Bella Baulkham Pizzeria
Subway - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Fitness Services
Personalised Fitness Personal Training Castle Hill
Anytime Fitness - Rouse Hill North
Anytime Fitness - Baulkham Hills
Anytime Fitness - North Rocks Shopping Centre
Anytime Fitness North KellyvilleThe North Village
Anytime Fitness - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Body Reset Fitness
Snap Fitness - Dural
Mummy Physiques - Carmel Village Shopping Centre
Yoga Tribe Holistic Services
F45 Training - Rouse Hill
IN2Life Personal Training
The HIIT Movement
Fernwood Fitness - North Rocks
Mixtape Motion
Bella Fiore Floral Designs
Petals and Leaves - Grove SquareThe Hills
Flowers For Everyone - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Flower Train - Castle Towers
Fresh Food
Baulkham Hills Fish MarketGrove Square - The Hills
Green Valley Spices - Winston Hills Mall
Panetta Mercato - Grove SquareThe Hills
Bonello Produce
Wild Greens
CHOP Butchery - Castle Towers
Elie’s Butchery - Grove Square - The Hills
Bush’s Meats - Winston Hills Mall
My Deli - Winston Hills Mall
K&CO Hairdressing
Lotus Artistry Studio
Lavish Hair and Beauty Bar - The North Village
My Hair Haus
I Am Hair Dural
La Coupe Hair & Beauty - Grove Square - The Hills
Velvet Parlour Hair and Beauty
Christianes Hair Design - Grove Square - The Hills
Loxies Hair & Co - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Health Improvement Services
Beyond Infinity Dental - Dentist Castle Hill
The Grove Dental Rouse Hill
The EP Clinic
The Performance Line Sports Physiotherapy
Real Therapy Solutions - Bella Vista
Paris Jade Soul to Soul
The Talbot Centre
Mindworx Psychology - Norwest Business Park
Momentum Physiotherapy & Health Services
Spectrum Therapy Australia
Stabilise Physiotherapy
Winston Hills Medical CentreWinston Hills Mall
Infinity Dental Care - Winston Hills Mall
Amy McElveney Podiatry
Interior Design / Styling
InVogue Rugs & Flooring Box HillCarmel Village Shopping Centre
MyPad Property Styling
Inspired Spaces Designs
Dreampods Group
Jewellery Store
Prouds the Jewellers - Grove Square - The Hills
Pandora - Rouse Hill Town Centre
The Ritz Jewellers - Norwest Marketown
Diamond Hill Jewellers - Winston Hills Mall
Prouds the Jewellers - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Most Inclusive Employer
AAA Services - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Petstock Rouse Hill
Pizza Pasta Please - Rouse Hill Town Centre
New Business
DecoRug Castle Hill
Clube De Lutas Rouse Hill
Glass Coating Australia - Edensor Park Plaza
Nena Cares
No Grey Suits
Swing City
Webb Financial Norwest
Prep For School
Only Early Learning CentreRouse Hill
Saveur Sociéte
Targeted Training
Hills Injectables
Wick Coffee
Tappt Exterior Cleaning
Performing Arts
Next Level Performing Arts
Step Up Performing Arts
Parker’s Performing Arts Centre
Move With Me Dance Studio
Tiny Toes Ballet
Dancing with Maree
Samskriti School of Dance
RJ Performing Arts
Jigsaw Dance Studio
Rosebourke Studios
Australian Performing Arts College (APAC)
Stage & Song Studios
Base 181 Studios
The Stage Door Performing ArtsRouse Hill Town Centre
Pet Care
The Paw Pad Grooming Salon
Pet Resorts of Australia - Dural
Sydney Petlands
Stay N Play Petz
Hills Dog Walking & Pet Care
Bergman Park
Cincotta Discount Chemist - Rouse Hiill Town Centre
NexGen Pharma Compounding Pharmacy
Galston Village Pharmacy
Friendly Pharmacy - The Village Green
Priceline - Grove Square - The Hills
Soul Pattinson Pharmacy - Grove Square - The Hills
Terry White Chemmart - Winston Hills Mall
Professional Services
Juniper Road
iPlace Recruitment
Events Outsourced
AT Business Advisors
Sprout Recruitment
Rainsford Financial Services
Katz Recruitment
Real Mortgage
ATP Accounting & Taxation Professionals
Greenleaf Legal
Archbuild Architects + Builders
Sterling Migration & Education Consultants
The Next Agency
Real Estate Agency
Flair Real Estate
Auswide Buyers Agency
Ray White - Baulkham Hills
Jay Anderson Property
Reston Real Estate
Hills Prestige Property Management
InvestFox Property Group
Buyers Club
Angel Properties (APPL)
Key2Dreamz Buyers Agency
Vogue Real Estate
Enzos Cucina - Dural
Hurricane’s Grill - Castle Hill Towers
Bella Vista Hotel
OSSO - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Delhi Heights Indian Restaurant & Bar
Zac’s Great Food Restaurant & Cafe Bella Vista
Biviano’s Italian & Seafood Restaurant
The Wither’s Eatery - North Kellyville Square
Service & Trade
Allsorts Sorted
The Clean Plumber
Ruby Homes
Precision Pipes
GROW Lawn Care
Star Homes
Australian Renovation Professionals
Kellyville Kitchens
Kellyville Signs
Garden View Landscaping
Sole Operator
Payne Releaf Lawns & Landscaping
FIT4YOU Personal Training & Massage
Glow by Hayley
Little Olive Creates
Seraphic Creations
Kellyville Car Seat Installations
Litt & Co
Winston Hills Yoga
Specialised Business
Lead Your Life
Elude Escape Rooms
Fit Kidz Foundation
Sue Thorn Photography
Worldwide SHEroes
Bridgestone Select - Castle Hill
FlexiHome Care
SummitCare - Baulkham Hills
Specialised Retail Business
RISE Equipment
Village Cobbler - Grove SquareThe Hills
Nextra - Grove Square - The Hills
Red Dollar - Grove Square - The Hills
Mobile Palace - Grove Square - The Hills
Shutters Australia
Maxx Music - Rouse Hill Town Centre
Doe and Fawn Collection
Sydney’s Plant Market
Travel Agency
Atour Travel Service
Travel Time
Helloworld Travel - Winston Hills Mall
Flight Centre - Castle Towers
HOLLYWOOD has the Oscars and the music industry has the Grammys – but for Inner West businesses, the annual night of nights is Wednesday, May 8, 2024.
That’s the date of the 2024 Inner West Local Business Awards.
Precedent Productions Managing Director and Awards founder Steve Loe said: “There’s no doubt that local business owners and their staff work hard to provide the best possible service to their customers.
“That’s why the annual Inner West Local Business Awards presentation night is always such a popular event.
“It’s a glittering event that gives finalists a chance to dress up and take a break so they can enjoy an evening out with entertainment, good food, relaxed chat and celebration with their colleagues and people from other busi-
nesses from around the district.”
Mr Loe said being a finalist at the Inner West Local Business Awards presentation night was an enormous achievement.
Today is the day when nominees for the 2024 Inner West Local Business Awards discover if they have made it as a finalist.
Mr Loe said the high quality of all nominees had made the job of judges incredibly difficult.
“The Western Sydney Express which has supported the awards as media partner for many years, will announce the finalists in each category with a special feature in today’s publication,” he said.
“This is a chance for customers and clients to see if the businesses they nominated have become finalists.”
“It’s also a chance for businesspeople and their teams to reflect on their successes with a fun night out,” he
said. “All finalists in each category are announced, with their picture shown on the big screen which is a great reflection of all their efforts and everyone is extremely proud to be there.
“It’s heart-warming to hear the deafening cheers from the crowd as everyone celebrates the achievement of all the businesses in the room.”
The Inner West Local Business Awards are only possible with the support of major sponsors, Presenting Partner: Commonwealth Bank Major Sponsors: Big Clean, NOVA Employment, Inner West Council and support spon sors, Burwood Council, Strathfield Council, Marrickville Metro, White Key Marketing, 2RDJ-FM.
“It’s with great pleasure that I con gratulate all the finalists on their achieve ments, on behalf of the Inner West Local Business Awards,” Mr Loe said.
“I would also like to thank the Inner West community for the huge support that they continue to show for their local businesses through the Awards every year.
Without them, these outstanding businesses wouldn’t receive the recognition they deserve.”
As we begin this exciting new chapter of our careers and have officially opened our
office in the heart of Strathfield, we are
Environmental & Protection Program of our local shoreline: monitoring and cleaning navigation hazards, plastics, batteries, etc.
Search & Recoveries for lost phones, drones, bracelets, watches, rings and any other lost item.
Emergency Dive Call Outs 24/7 during storms for sunken or lost boats, pontoons, moorings, etc.
ROV & Robotics for monitoring our local bottom of the harbour waters.
Boat safety and survival water programs
Hull Cleaning & Boat Maintenance repairs, moorings, jetties and pontoons
The Italian Bowl is an Italian Restaurant serving authentic Italian cuisine with affordable pricing. The menu allows you to pick and choose your pasta shape and your sauce, aswell, as your protein choice and sauce choice and has a range of rissottos. We serve a number of sides and desserts. Orders are cooked at time of ordering and in an open kitchen with the freshest ingredients.
The Restaurant is a fun, loud and friendly ambience. We enjoy seeing meals completely finished and sauces licked off plates.
Automotive Services
Spark Automotive
MR Autosports | Car Service Mechanic Ashfield
Cosgrove Smash Repairs
AMR Mazda
Auto Tech Car & Truck Repairs
CMR Leichhardt & Marrickville
Mastertech Auto Electrics & Mechanical
Bakery/Cake Business
Pasticceria Papa - Haberfield
San Valentino Haberfield
Le Gourmand Foods
Pasticceria Papa - Five Dock
Strawberry Fields Patisserie Cafe
Sandy Bake Shop
Bakers Delight - Marrickville Metro
Beauty Services
Ocean Nails & BeautyMarrickville Metro
My Tanning Lady
Chanae Loren Make-Up
Meraki Skin & Laser by Rosie
Injxu Cosmetics
Nail’d It By Bella
Natura Clinics
Violett Bella Casa
Emmadene Beauty Therapy
The Skin Clinic
Elite Beauty Aesthetics Five Dock
VELOUR Beauty Parlour
Precious Beautee
Nikki Menere Beauty Therapy
Revive Aesthetic Clinic
Laser Clinics AustraliaMarrickville Metro
First Drop Cafe Marrickville
Yiayia’s Gone Bad
Auvers Dining - Rhodes Waterside
Dom Panino
Bertoni Casalinga
Cafe Calibre
Comeco Foods Cafe
Fez & Co
Quatre Cafe
Early Childhood Centre
Rose Cottage Childcare
Stanmore Kindergarten
Little Zak’s Academy - Rozelle
Balmain Care For Kids
Papilio Early Learning - North Strathfield (Orange Campus)
Lighthouse Childcare - Homebush West
Broughton Road Montessori Academy Childcare Centre
Get Set Grow Early Learning Centre
Burwood Montessori Academy
Jenny’s Kindergarten & Early Learning - Leichhardt
Leichhardt Montessori Academy Child Care
Strathfield Montessori Academy
Lighthouse Childcare - North Strathfield
Education Service
C3 Education Group - Concord
Referee College of Australia
Advance College
Soccer Totties
TechSkills Institute
GNT Academy (Strathfield Campus)
Empower Tuition
S2P Connect
Onroad Driving Education
Examiner Driving School
Faheem Fast Food Strathfield
Saigon Summer - Summer Hill
Little Vietnam Roll & Juice
Mivano Kebab & Grill Strathfield
Viet Rolls n Cafe
Soul Origin - Marrickville Metro
Oricco Charcoal Chickens
Thirsty Monkey - Marrickville Metro
Boost Juice - Marrickville Metro
Frango - Marrickville Metro
Clems Chicken Shop
Ocean Foods
El Jannah Newtown
Fitness Services
Kefi Studio Pilates
Darkside GYM
Powercore MMA Training Centre
LIFT Inner West
Judo Matsu
Fitstop Dulwich Hill
Primal NRG Fitness
J.R. Fitness Coaching
Boobs on the Run
F45 Training - Ashfield
InnerFit - Leichhardt
The Athletic Buddha
Mummas On The Move
Move With Matt
Integrated Fitness Burwood
Hipe Athletic
Fruit & Vegetable Shop
Panetta Mercato - Leichhardt Marketplace
Panetta Mercato - Marrickville Metro
Nature Spot
Summer Hill Village Fruit Shop
Alfalfa House Food Co-Op
Gourmet Food
La Petite Fauxmagerie
Great Meats Co
CTD Fresh Meats - Marrickville Metro
Jimmy’s Chicken - Westfield Burwood
Suzy Spoon’s Vegetarian Butcher
Dulwich Hill Gourmet Meats
Adore Me Hair & Beauty Salon
Gilda Maree Hair
Hairlab By George
Hair By Rachel
Jamie Smith Hair
Hair By Shar
HIP Hair Studio - Marrickville Metro
Kayla Loves Hair
Escape Hair
Tais Hair Studio
Lookin Sharp Barbershop
New in Town Barber Salon
Salon Zephyr
Willow Hairdressing
The Chiro Co
White Waratah Boutique Thai Massage and Infrared Sauna
Diabetes Alive
Pure Health
My Back Relief Clinic
Whiter and Brighter Smilez
Paradise Care - NDIS Provider
Oz Physiotherapy
iDental Surgery
Distinct Dental Centre
Point Health Performance
OPSM - Marrickville Metro
The Eye Piece
Therapies for Kids
Jewellery Store
King St Metalsmiths
Campione Jewellery
JC Fine Jewellers - Marrickville Metro
Prouds the Jewellers - Marrickville Metro
Most Inclusive Employer
Canada Bay Club
Delicious Dairies
Lloyds IGA Newtown
Chippendale Restorations
New Business
Studio Inner West
Flow Laundry & Drycleaners
Just Imagine Photography & Film
Zenly -yoga & pilates for your mental health
Exclusive Boats
Estetica Studio Sydney
Paws & Claws Academy
Pure Apotheca
The Nanny Hub
PACK & SEND Homebush
Project Fitness Sydney
Creative Corner Studio
Minas Barbery
Apollo Scaffold
Performing Arts
Ultra Dance Academy
ADVC Performance Studio
Arthur Murray Inner West
MGS Music School
Sydney Voice Studio
IX Dance Studio
Emma Deans Sings
Beats 905 Performing Arts
Pet Care
Aussie Mobile Vet
dogLOGIC Dog Training
The Hound Lounge
Palette Studio
The Little Dog Club
A1 Pet Grooming
Day and Night Chemist Ashfield
Pharmacy 4 Less - Ashfield Mall
Concord West Pharmacy
Pharmacy 4 Less - Westfield Burwood
Pharmacy 4 Less - Marrickville Metro
Priceline Pharmacy - Marrickville Metro
Blooms the Chemist - Marrickville
Abbotsford Family Pharmacy
Pizza Restaurant
Lilyfield Pizzeria Rosticceria
Woodfired In and Out Pizza
Moretti Ristorante
Cyclops Pizzeria
The Pizza Maker
Tipo OO Balmain
Andiamo Trattoria Summer Hill
That’s Amore
Paesani Restaurant
Plumbing Services
ServicePro Plumbing & Relining
Jcon Plumbing Services & Solutions
Daniel Vecchio Plumbing Services
Sydney Emergency Plumbing
Abbotsford Plumbing
Plumbwell Plumbing Services
Plumber & Electrician To The Rescue
Professional Services
Newton Fisher Group
SRL Management & Maintenance
CC Graphic Designs AU
Slick Social Marketing
SBS Business Advisory
The Grey Area
Milestone Creative Australia
L&B Bookkeeping
Real Estate Agency
Strathfield Partners Real Estate Agents
Real Simple Property Group
McGrath Estate AgentsStrathfield
Exclusive Real Estate
Richard Matthews Real Estate
Prestige Realty Group
Mallouhi Property
Real Estate Buyers Agent
Purchase with Penny
Property Pals Buyer’s Agency
Buyer Ambassadors
Johnson Property Co. - Inner West Buyers Agent
Michelle May Buyers Agents
Clarke Buyers Agents
Mezepotamia Restaurant and Bar
Organica - Concord
The D’s Bar & Dining
Little Sicily - Haberfield
Sushi Maru - Marrickville Metro
Corinthian Rotisserie Restaurant
Hello Auntie
Cafe Paci
Surjits Indian Restaurant
Royal Treasure Seafood Restaurant
Jbeil Cuisine Enfield
Totti’s Rozelle
Monte Restaurant
The Italian Bowl
Service & Trade
Main on Construction and Maintenance
Kelly Kim Cleaning Services
Alongshore Removals
Five Star Building Design
Just Electrical Sydney
Clover Homes
Buildrite Sydney
Smooth Removals and Goods Services
Payless United Flooring
Empirical Developments
Quick-Cut Lawn & Garden Services
Lightning Electrical Group
Specialised Business
Our Secret Spot
Sync10 Solutions
Recycled Building Centre
White Bay 6 Marine Park
Underwater Dive Services
The Bid Coordinator
Stickup Industries
Sydney Scalp Master Five Dock
The Athletic Buddha Kids
Naturally Ready
Enfield Pet and Produce Supplies
That Retro Piece
Sock Drawer Heroes
MAD Wholefoods
Garden Lounge Creative Space
Souvlaki Boys
Panuccio Travel
Tales & Tea
The Persian Carpet GalleryAnnandale
Green Valley Spices - Marrickville Metro
Allegria Flowers & Homewares
Marrickville Mitre 10
Amatos Liquor Mart
AT Auto Tech Car & Truck Repairs in Petersham, we pride ourselves on the high quality of the services we provide.
We offer vast mechanical advice and expertise to help our customers with a range of repair services and solutions, and at reasonable costs.
We are a family-owned and run business providing mechanical services and maintenance on a wide range of cars and trucks brands and models for customers within the Sydney area.
Our talented, skilled and enthusiastic team of technicians are fully trained and qualified motor vehi-
WE are the largest re seller of salvaged building materials such as bricks, doors, windows, flooring, timber and roof tiles serving Greater Sydney since 2015.
By providing an accessible and affordable source of recycled materials, the Recycled Building Centre enables individuals and businesses to reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a circular economy.
cle mechanics, and equipped with updated knowledge on ensuring vehicles are running on the road without faults or issues.
As an Authorised-RTA Inspection Station for (Pink Slips), our team can conduct comprehensive inspections to guarantee that a car adheres to current RTA safety and operational standards.
Weare also a Heavy Vehicle Authorised Inspection Station that keeps trucks safe and suited on the road in all weather conditions.
We are conveniently located in the Inner West, just a few minutes’ walk from Petersham Train Station.
Requests for pick-upanddeliveryareavailablewithin5kilometres radius of our service centre to customers’ preferred locations within the Sydney Metropolitan area.
The Recycled Building Centre is
dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness in the construction and building industry across Greater Sydney.
Our purpose is to divert construction and demolition waste from landfills by encouraging the reuse and recycling of building materials from buildings that have been demolished.
Learn more about our company, visit https://www. recycledbuildingcentre.com. au/ and https://www.facebook.com/ recycledbuildingcentre/.
For all enquiries, contact Tim on 0407 500 054 or tim@rbc.sydney.
Enquiries and service bookings on (02) 9564 6338 or info@ autotechrepairs.com.au.
For more information, visithttps: //www.autotechrepairs.com.au/
FOR over 27 years, Strathfield Partners has successfully managed the needs of their clients through its numerous divisions.
From Valuation to Strata Management, Commercial Sales, Residential Sales, Residential Management, Commercial Management, NDIS and Community Housing, Strata Partners has made its mark in the real estate market.
These divisions are overseen by experienced managers who have been with the company since its establishment.
Along with principal Robert Pignataro at the helm of overall management of Strathfield Partners, the company ensures every matter is resolved and all client requirements are met.
The company believes that clear and constant communication between departments is pivotal for achieving business success.
AT Whiter and Brighter Smilez, we believe prevention is better than the cure.
We make sure we build a comprehensive treatment plan so that your oral hygiene is ideal, and you will be able to avoid cavities or infections.
We sit down with you and discuss your current oral hygiene habits and how they can be improved.
For us, it is important that we educate our patients of what goes on in their mouth, so they can take care of themselves accordingly.
Situated in the heart of Sydney’s inner west, our clinic is dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care with a touch of luxury. Whether you’re in
Says Robert: “Our company have structured the business to cultivate enduring, long-term partnerships built up through loyal clients since 1997, which is ultimately the driving factor for long-term sales and business growth.”
For more details, visit https://www. strathfieldpartners.com.au/ and https://www. facebook.com/StrathfieldPartners/.
To book an appointment and discuss your real estate requirements, contact 0419 446 641 or robert@strathfieldpartners.com.au.
Botox and fillers!
need of routine cleaning, cosmetic enhancement, or restorative procedures, we offer a full range of dental services to cater to your needs.
With our team of highly skilled professionals and personalised approach to care, you can trust us to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health for years to come.
We provide a wide variety of services such as Invisalign, veneers and smile design and even
We are proud to provide oral care to the inner west community and we will continue to do so for years to come.
Come and visit our clinic at 449 Marrickville Road, Dulwich Hill NSW 2203.
If you’ve got any question, contact us on (02) 9569 1398 or info@ whiterandbrightersmilez. com.au.
Visit www. whiterandbrightersmilez.com. au for more information about all aspects of dental services we provide.
supporting local businesses, or promoting sustainable tourism practices.
Panuccio Travel Partners is a local company whose values and purpose are deeply rooted in community-centric focus, giving back, and promoting job opportunities while maintaining a strong customer-centric philosophy. Community is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in actively contributing to the communities we serve, whether through charitable initiatives,
By giving back, we aim to create positive social impacts and foster a sense of unity and belonging.
Our commitment to community extends to creating job opportunities and supporting local economies.
We prioritize hiring and empowering local talent, promoting di versity and inclusivity within our workforce.
At the core of our business is a customer-centric philosophy. We strive to exceed customer expectations by delivering exceptional service, personalized experiences, and value-added benefits.
Our goal is to create memorable journeys that inspire and enrich the lives of our customers, fostering long-term relationships built on trust and satisfaction.
At Panuccio Travel, we don’t just sell travel experiences, we also create meaningful connections, support communities, and empower individuals to explore the world w ith purpose and joy.
To consult about your travel plans, call 0433 149 650 or email pina.panuccio@ travelpartners.com.au
Visit https://panucciotravel.com.au/ and our social media site https://www.instagram. com/p/C4mpYzTr8S9/.
WHEN it comes to our building and interior design business, we make it a priority to fulfil the goals of our customers and we take great pleasure in doing so.
Through our building design department, we provide assistances to every customer in the process of designing their perfect home or executing a project on their land.
When it comes to the selection of finishes, our interior department is responsible for adding the finishing touches to ensure that everything is consistent with one another.
You can be confident that you have an expe-
rienced team behind you, taking on projects ranging from residential to commercial.
As we will be covering every component till you receive approval, as we take care of everything for you.
To discuss your building and interior design project with us, call 1300 372 301 or email admin@ fivestarbuildingdesign. com.au.
Have a look at our completed projects, visit https:// fivestarbuildingdesign. com.au/
IProject Management has been at SRL Management s core business for over 17 years, however the evolution of our business specializing in live environment projects has differentiated us beyond just what we do. Whether it s a Project Manager proudly handing over another project defect-free, a Project Coordinator proactively negotiating a tenancy agreement, or a Superintendent acting as the middleman between client and builder to navigate the best solution, our company values are put into action every day. It is how we treat our people, partners, and community that matters to each of us. The reward from nearly two decades of success is our passionate staff, loyal customers, defect-free projects, supportive suppliers, and a reputation to be very proud of. When SRL Management represent you, you get excellence in every experience.
N today’s digital world, social media marketing isn’t an option for businesses, it’s a necessity.
range of businesses, both local and international, reach their online audiences utilising their resources capabilities.
I’m Isabelle Macri, Director and Marketing Strategist, who has over solely within the social media mar -
expertise and vision that drive our significant achievements, refined service
small businesses have already benefitted from our expertise, and we encour-
instagram.com/slicksocial.marketing. To book a free consultation, call 0431 885 421 or email
NEWTON FISHERESTABLISHED in 1971, Newton Fisher Group is a family-run Quantity Surveying business operating throughout NSW, Queensland and ACT.
Our comprehensive services span all stages of the property development lifecycle.
Since our founding, our mission has always been to tailor Quantity Surveying services to fit the needs of clients and projects.
We tailor our quantity surveying services across commercial, residential, aged care, health care, industrial and education sectors.
We highly value client relationships and customer service and to achieve this, to this day we remain privately-owned and family-run.
Our success is a direct result of helping our clients become successful.
To achieve this, we guarantee the involvement of senior management in all services we provide, and nurture close relationships with clients.
Our objective is to provide the highest standard of sound, accurate and commercially aware advice to assist our clients in making informed decisions and achieve project objectives.
Visit https://newtonfisher.com.au/ and https://www.linkedin. com/company/2523460 for more information about our expertise and services.
BEST known for their integrity, innovative marketing strategies and client-focused approach, McGrath Strathfield leads by putting people first, ensuring each and every client receives first class customer service.
Consisting of young, driven and visionary agents steered by two young achievers, Principals Tarun Sethi and Michael Murphy whose strong ties to the community allow them to give unique insights which led the company to a period of remarkable growth in their markets.
Responding to market demand and their loyal client’s needs, the team expanded with a dedicated Property Management Department and added
more skilled professionals in the Sales and Support Departments, resulting in a thriving and dynamic workforce surpassing expectation.
From a staff of just 7 to whopping 30 and still growing, in less than a year of operation, McGrath Strathfield sold close to 200 properties with gross real estate value just under $500 million which reinforces the trust and support received from communities they serve.
Every year, the REB releases the national rankings to recognise the real estate agents who have gone above and beyond their tasks to meet the needs of their clients and are well regarded in their local markets. The agents’ rankings are determined according to key metrics such as number of properties sold, total dollar value of properties
PROJECT Management has been a core business for over 17 years at SRL Management.
The evolution of our business started off with
sold and average sale price over the last 12 months of their business operations.
McGrath Strathfield’s managing director, Michael Murphy, a born and bred Strathfield local, was ranked among REB Top 100 Agents while co-principal and also a longtime Strathfield local, Tarun Sethi was ranked among REB Top 50 Agents.
More recently, The Daily Telegraph named NSW’s top property young guns for 2023: bestselling agents under 35, where 3 of their agents were included. Tarun Sethi secured a spot as the 4th best selling real estate agent in the whole of NSW while Michael Murphy & Jessy Antaky also secured a spot in the under 35 top 50 agents of NSW.
Throughout the year, the agency continuously supports local community
specialising in live environment project management.
This exciting approach has differentiated us from the rest, and showed we can do beyond what we do. Whether it’s a Project Manager confidently handing over another project defect-free, a Project Coordinator is proactively negotiating a tenancy agreement.
events including sponsorships of sporting clubs such as Strathfield Raiders, St Patrick’s Jr Rugby Club and St Patrick’s Football Club.
The popular areas they serve; Strathfield, Concord, Burwood, Wentworth Point, Lidcombe, Belfield and surrounding suburbs, are among sought after localities situated no more than 30-minute drive to Sydney CBD.
For more details on McGrath Strathfield current listing of properties for sale or rent in these growth suburbs, visit https://www.mcgrath.com. au/offices/384-strathfield.
McGrath Strathfield is located at 44 The Boulevarde, Strathfield NSW 2135 or phone (02) 9457 9339 for enquiries.
In another live scenario, a Superintendent acting as the intermediary between the client and builder navigates the best solution, while our company values are put into action every day.
SRL Management is about mitigating the risk factor for our client. We assure ourselves through the correct measures of control that every avenue of possibility is explored.
It is evident through our project history and live venues that you can visit today, that our efforts have been unmatched.
It is how we treat our people, partners, and community that matters to each of us.
We believe that every client’s business project is our business and in turn, our success is our client’s success.
The rewards from two decades of success include having passionate staff, loyal customers, defect-free projects, supportive suppliers, and a reputation we hold with high esteem.
When SRL Management represents you, you get excellence in every experience, and we’re proud of our proven results.
To discuss your project with us, call 0422 100 666 or admin@ srlm.com.au. For more information, visit https://srlm.com.au/ and https://www.instagram.com/srlmgmt/.
OMMUNITY organisations, members of parliament, council and property developers are running community consultations to gauge what the people of Blacktown want their city to look and feel like in future decades.
Mt Druitt masterplan has been delivered and has resulted in upgrades. The NSW Government is injecting over $92M for upgrades to Kevin Betts Stadium, aquatic centre, Dawson Mall and First Nations Community Centre.
Riverstone MP Warren Kirby, having only been elected just 12 months ago, has been conducting community forums attended by good crowds as people express their views, concerns and ideas over the unfolding of the Riverstone Town Plan.
Stephen Bali, MP for Blacktown has conducted forums and feedback sessions, distributing newsletters and contributing articles in the Blacktown News. These focus on the planning of Blacktown CBD.
Bali’s agenda is that future development of Blacktown reflects a cosmopolitan capital city befitting a local government area where its population is set to surpass Tasmania by 2035 – in numbers: to over 610,000 by 2041 with growth continuing.
Walker Corporation acquired a strategic part of Blacktown from council 12 months ago and has conducted several pop-up stalls with an online survey to gauge local initial feedback.
Results will be released in coming months and this builds on feedback generated by local MPs from their forums. The Blacktown News will report these findings.
What has been clear from all surveys, forums and community consultations is that people are sceptical of clichés and hollow catch cries like “jobs, jobs, jobs”.
There’s also scepticism about artist impressions not based on reality, although to be fair to developers craeting accurate creative visions that do reflect reality
take time and evolve as the project scope evolves.
MP Stephen Bali has advocated for a Central Living District concept. He is on record as saying: “Whilst the new Parramatta CBD is great for Parramatta, it is not Blacktown. We need to define what we are and build a central living district to suit our population.”
A key proposal has been the development of a Blacktown Town Square where people can gather in a safe environment. The Square can potentially accommodate 10,000 people for festivals right in the heart of the city making Blacktown the epicentre of major festivals for Western Sydney.
Key concerns for large outdoor festivals are parking, traffic movement, safety, the environment and functional space.
The Blacktown News has presented articles that outline where four key landowners control most of the land from Alpha Park to Colo Lane car park – some 133,000 square metres of land.
Now, imagine a town square surrounded by affordable living accommodation, social enterprises, commercial businesses, walkways, cycleways in a safe and friendly area rather than street scapes and podium parking accommodating thousands of cars.
Since 1975 our city street festivals have become a signature feature of Blacktown
and with Lunar New Year, Holi, Ramadan, Vaisakhi, Diwali, Christmas are the very embodiment of multicultural life in Western Sydney.
Blacktown can become the festive capital of not only Western Sydney but Australia – a global drawcard.
The new Blacktown CBD can become the next international festival destination, driving the visitor and tourism market which benefits the local economy and creates another local visitor magnet for those landing at Western Sydney Airport.
Furthermore, a town square could incorporate the new police station, courthouse, council civic centre, art gallery and an entertainment quarter.
Most agree that the current police station and courthouse are no longer fit for purpose; the council building has been sold and will soon be demolished; the State Government has funded a new $40M art gallery; and the Blacktown Workers Club can drive the revitalisation of an entertainment centre within the town square.
Michelle Rowland MP, Federal Communications Minister, and Member for Greenway has initiated a feasibility study to relocate SBS studios from Artarmon to potentially somewhere in Western Sydney.
We’d suggest that SBS’s ideal relocation could be to Blacktown’s Town Square; given Blacktown City has over 188 cultures from across the world and a strong Indigenous culture.
Of course, the key to all this is collaboration with stakeholders and residents so we can craft plans that take advantage of game-changing opportunities that are before us right now.
Progressive visions are built upon a foundational culture where concerns, values and aspirations can be equally and safely shared. Then the execution can begin.
Michael Walls is publisher and editor of The Blacktown News.
In Western Sydney, Darug land, we are fortunate to have one of the largest populations of First Nations peoples in Australia. Unfortunately, despite improvements to the life expectancy of First Nations peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children born in NSW between 2020-2022 are expected to live 6.8 years (males) and 5.9 years (females) less than non-Indigenous children1 We need to take action and close the gap.
The Western Sydney Primary Health Network commissions programs that are co-designed and led by First Nations community groups. The aim is to help people access safe environments that promote self-confidence, build community and create connections to health and wellbeing care.
We currently work with the following amazing providers:
• Aboriginal Counselling – culturally sensitive therapeutic counselling for people who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander. Phone: 0410 539 905
• Baabayn Aboriginal Corporation – helps families heal from inter-generational trauma, build resilience, and find healthy coping mechanisms. Phone: 02 8608 6054
• Ted Noffs, Deadly Dreaming – offers cultural activities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people across six schools in Western Sydney. Phone: 1800 151 045
• Marrin Weejali – case management support for those experiencing alcohol and illicit
substance misuse to achieve physical, social and emotional wellbeing. Phone: 02 9628 3031
• The Shed – a safe environment to access physical and wellbeing support and connect to mental health, Centrelink, housing, legal and therapeutic services. Phone: 1300 550 099
• Too Deadly for Diabetes – a free 10-week exercise, nutrition, education and behavioural change program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have, or are at risk of developing, type 2 Diabetes. Phone: 0447 972 172
• Western Sydney Integrated Team Care –supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members with chronic health conditions to access physical, mental health and social care. Phone: 02 8080 0522
1 Australian Government Productivity Commission (2024), Socio-economic outcome area 1: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people enjoy long and healthy lives, Closing the Gap Information Repository, available at: pc.gov.au/closing-the-gap-data/dashboard/se/outcome-area1
Healthy Western Sydney is delivered by WentWest, the Western Sydney Primary Health Network.
I was referred to the Western Sydney Integrated Team Care (ITC) program not knowing what support I was going to be able to get from them. I had workers come and visit me and explain what they do. Although I have a few health problems, my focus was on housing support as I was in a pretty bad situation living in my mate’s house which was about to be boarded up. The ITC workers always listened when I called in a frustrated and panicked state and provided advocacy and assistance with the Department of Housing when I felt there was no hope. I was able to secure temporary accommodation when the house got boarded up and now have a Department of Housing unit in the Penrith area. Now that I have my own place, I can focus on my health again. I will always remember the support Western Sydney ITC provided.
To find out more about First Nations health services in Western Sydney, head to wentwest.com.au/aboriginal-health
The iconic Sydney boat show will return to Darling Harbour for the 55th year in a row August 1st - 4th, 2024. Free to attend, this annual event is expanded this year to include lots of activities and events on stages around the precinct and is an exciting day out for the entire family.
Burrawang and the Southern Highlands
Autumn is the perfect time for a day trip to the Southern Highlands and a visit to the stunning village of Burrawang.
Walk the length of Church Street and admire lo-
cal gardens and quaint old fashioned stores still fully functional. Enjoy a beer or lunch at the Burrawang Pub out the back in the sunshine.
2.5 Hour Hike to the 40 Foot Falls
On the way back to Sydney be sure to set aside time to complete a 2 and a half hour bushwalk known as the 40 Foot Falls.
This walk begins at the back of Lake Alexandra in Mittagong, the start of this 7km dog-friendly track is signposted. The walk is marked by red poles / tabs with red spray on them marking the way apart from the second bridge you come to (turn left at this intersection). This is a firetrail track. The falls at the end are well worth a visit on a lovely day, be sure to take your own water and snacks and sturdy shoes.
Rooftop Bars of Sydney
What an incredible city to enjoy the weather. Have a staycation this March and visit some of the city’s fun rooftop bars.
Cabana Bar
Part of the 25 Martin Place precinct, the
Cabana Bar feels like a holiday in Bali and is the perfect place for a margarita on a Saturday or a pre-theatre dinner. With its green hanging baskets and wicker nooks and crannies it’s a great spot for a fun date. Every Saturday Cabana bar has a bottomless brunch at 11.45am and 2pm for 2 hours. $89 includes a 2 hour seating with margaritas, spritzes, selters, mimosas and a shared style menu.
The Astor, Intercontinental, 117 Macquarie St
A stylish bar open from 4pm to midnight with a minimum $60 spend. The perfect spot to look out over the cityscape on a special occasion.
Dean and Nancy’s, Level 22, 2 Hunter St Sydney
With a very 1950s New york feel, this bar is a great choice when it’s cool outside. If you love the sound of the piano playing as you sip on a wine, come Thursday nights 5 -8pm. For DJ beats come Thursday to Saturday from 9pm. The location is next to some significant construction happening in the CBD, so finding the entry is part of the fun.
The world famous Warren Miller ski films, now in their 74th year, are touring Australia from May 2024. Locations include Wollongong,
Canberra, Newtown, Avoca Beach, Bowral & The Blue Mountains. Visit www.warrenmiller.com.au for ticket details, movie trailer and more. Competition
a friend you’d like to take and comment can’t wait!
Continued on page 47
If it’s a Perisher or Thredbo day trip you’d like to do with an overnight stay, Berridale and surrounding towns, such as Cooma are excellent bases to explore Kosciuszko National Park. Accommodation is cheaper than Jindabyne too and has rental equipment stores with good quality range equipment, shops, like Rhythm Snowsports Cooma open 24/7.
2. Mt Selwyn
Australia’s most affordable snow resort. If you’re a beginner or lower intermediate and you need more terrain than the slope at Corin Forest, try Mt Selwyn. Book ahead online and save with their 2024 season price freeze, a one
Continued from page 46
Snow Action Magazine
day pass is $15 and a 7 day pass is $75. Mt Selwyn offers season passes for $529 and with lessons with qualified instructors this is the perfect place to start from scratch or improve your technique all season long before moving to the bigger and more expensive resorts.
The closest and cheapest snow resort to Sydney is Corin Forest, just 45 minutes from Canberra. If you’ve never seen snow before or you’re a complete beginner this is an excellent place to start. Head to their website and check out their packages to include a ski or snowboard lesson starting from $145 for adults or kids and include rental equipment, clothing and ski pass.
Head to www.snowaction.com.au for snow updates, amazing competitions, features on overseas and Australian resorts, book reviews, tips on travelling to Japan and Canada and more.
Win Win Win
When one of four copies of lonely
planets, gorgeous coffee table book about 150 thrilling winter adventures you can do around the world, whether this is snowshoeing, skiing, ice, climbing or hiking. To win simply head to @snowaction on instagram and comment on a winter activity you like to do. If you’d like to read the book, review head to www. snowaction.com.au, it makes a perfect gift for anyone of all ages who likes to be outdoors, living life to the fullest.
If you love listening on-the-go, check out Loving the Snowlife on iTunes or Spotify. It’s the podcast that helps families get ready for their next snowtrip, where to go and what to do when you get there. Follow on instagram @lovingthesnowlife and comment about what you’d like to hear next, we’re open to all topic suggestions.
Past episodes include: Solo travel, first time snow holiday DO’s and DON’Ts, kids snow holiday logistics, how to choose a season pass, weather forecasting, skincare and makeup at the snow, getting your body ready to stay injury-free, plus size snow clothing, travelling with babies and toddlers, sustainable ski brands and more.