2024-2025 Impact Report

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WE BELIEVE with God, all things are possible.

WE FOLLOW God’s Word and the Holy Spirit.

WE WORSHIP in Spirit and Truth through creative expression.

WE CONNECT people through care, service, and groups.

WE GROW with intentionality in faith and Biblical knowledge.

WE SERVE the body of Christ joyfully and with integrity.

WE STEWARD God’s resources well and believe in radical generosity.

WE EMPOWER all generations to GO into the world and BE the Church.


Becoming more like Christ is my primary objective.

My area of ministry is the workbench God will use to shape me into the image of Christ.

I am to prepare my heart in advance and show up early, modeling Christ so He can do great things in others through me.

We build one another up and give each other grace when someone wobbles or fails.

We arrest rumors, hearsay, and gossip with truth and/or biblical process in love.

To the Families of Community Church:

What a year 2024 has been! Over the past year, one theme has been apparent: we are a Christcentered church committed to helping people connect with others, heal, and grow into "fully devoted followers of Christ" through Loving God and Loving Others.

This theme was demonstrated over and over in 2024 by your generosity of time, talents, and resources. You were willing to sacrifice and have courageous faith to trust God, allowing Him to achieve much this year.

In this Community Church Impact Report, you will see some of the significant ways God has been at work in and through Community Church. This report reminds me that each person has a name, every name has a story, and each story matters to God.

Each year, in this report, our Pastors and Directional Leaders share ministry highlights of the past 12 months and the year ahead. They then present the funding needs for the next year to the Elders. On page 29, you will find the minimum funding requirements approved by the Elders.

A membership vote regarding the ministry funding will be taken by paper and electronic ballot up to January 5, 2025. The 2025 ministry funding goal is $21,030 per week and includes funds received through our Mother's Day Out (MDO) program.

In 2025, we will continue to be a living, breathing, vivid picture of Jesus' love. It will also be a year of taking new steps of faith, knowing God is leading, and trusting Him for the outcome. We live by faith as we trust Him by doing what the Bible says to do, believing God will do what He has promised, and never shying away from an opportunity to allow Him to "show off" in our lives.

Lauri and I continue to be so blessed that God has allowed us to be part of the family we call Community since 2000. We love you and look forward to all that 2025 will bring.


You are valued! Whether you're exploring a new community, searching for a church home, or deepening your relationship with God and others, we are here for you.

Our mission is simple: Love God & Love Others. We are committed to helping people of all backgrounds Encounter, Engage, Equip, and Empower their faith journey:

- Encounter: Connect through meaningful interactions— whether it’s a simple text, a friendly coffee chat, or our online community. Your first touchpoint matters.

- Engage: Become part of something bigger. Join Community Groups tailored for men, women, couples, and support needs, or attend events that bring us closer.

- Equip: Grow with the tools and guidance you need. We offer resources, training, and coaching to help you develop your gifts and strengthen your walk with Christ.

- Empower: Step out and be the Church. Use your skills to make a difference within the church and in the world. Serve, lead, and share God’s love far and wide.


- Find a Place to Belong: Join Community Groups where you can grow, laugh, and serve together. We offer groups for men, women, couples, and support groups!

- Make a Difference: God equipped you with unique gifts and skills to change lives here in our church, your community, and beyond. Start serving at Community Church or connect with our Beyond Our Walls partners.

God promises that if we seek Him, we will find Him. You are cherished and designed for a purpose. Join us as we pursue this journey of faith, love, and action together.

Connect with others and grow in your faith!

Sunday | 9:00am + 10:45am Wednesday | 6:30pm

Lindsey McClennahan | 580.799.0860 | lindsey@communitychurch.tv




We worship TOGETHER. We believe in expressing our love, reverence, and adoration to Jesus Christ through corporate worship. As a church body, we value gathering to worship and believe it is a crucial element in our walk with Christ. (Heb 10:25) Worship is a time to lift the name of Jesus, give Him glory, as well as build each other up through ministry and prayer. During our Sunday services, this is typically done through songs, prayer, communion, and offering. (1 Cor 14:26)

We worship through SERVICE. Our worship team members are a collection of God’s people who are called and have a passion for the ARTS. Everyone has been given a gift from God to use to help build up His church and give Him glory. (1 Pet 4:10-11) Our worship team is not strictly just musicians, but anyone who has the desire to worship God through ART. (Col 3:16-17) If you would like a place to express your love and worship to God through art, please reach out, we would love to get to know you and your passions!


Weekly, we seek to enhance the praise and worship experience both in-house and online to help bring the fruit of the Lord to the body of Christ through audio & visual media. This ministry monitors audio for quality sound output for the Worship team, Pastoral staff, and special guests. We also record and live stream video and audio of Sunday sermons and special events, display song lyrics, sermon notes, and graphics. A team member must be committed, dedicated, reliable, and able to serve on scheduled Sundays and as needed. Members should be patient, teachable and have knowledge of technology, as this is an important component. Moreover, it is important to think creatively and be a problem solver.

Darla Kilhoffer | 580.799.0860 | darla@communitychurch.tv

Clint Lunnon | 405.200.9046 | clint@communitychurch.tv

Drew Edington | 405.802.1538 | drew@communitychurch.tv




Each week, people walk through the church doors, unsure if they’ll find a place where they belong. The Host Team plays a crucial role in turning that uncertainty into a sense of inclusion. Through a simple smile and a warm welcome, hosts make every individual feel valued and seen, no matter where they come from or what their story may be. Sometimes, it’s this brief interaction that shows someone they are part of something greater within the Kingdom of God.

The Host Team ensures that no one is left out. They confidently greet, guide, and interact with guests, creating an atmosphere where lives are changed by the love of Jesus. In fulfilling this role, they reflect the words of Matthew 25:35: “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger, and you invited me in.”

The mission of "Love God, Love Others" extends beyond a friendly greeting. The Host Team embraces the call to accept one another, as instructed in Romans 15:7: “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” By making guests feel welcomed and included, the team provides more than just an invitation to a service they extend an invitation to experience genuine community and Christ’s love.

The work of the Host Team is more than simply opening doors; it’s about opening hearts and creating a space where people can feel they are truly part of the body of Christ. Through their actions, hosts embody the spirit of service and acceptance, making every Sunday a meaningful experience for all who walk through the doors.



The Facilities team is a group that ministers to the Lord by serving others and keeping our facilities guest-ready during the week and for special events

We host several different organizations on our campus throughout the year, including homeschool groups, Quilters Guild, Gideons International, the Guthrie High School Football Team, the National Day of Prayer, and many more.


The Grounds team keeps the outside of our campus looking beautiful by mowing, trimming, flower bed maintenance, etc. The time requirement is minimal, but the ministry is essential for creating a welcoming atmosphere for everyone who comes on our campus This year we upgraded our walking trails, hosted the grand opening of our new 18-hole disc golf course, and Oklahoma Red Dirt Search and Rescue teams had the opportunity to use our property for K9 training scenarios

The heart of each team member, whether on the facilities team or the grounds team, is to create an inviting atmosphere by being the light bearers He has called us to be. (Matthew 5:15-16)

While encountering the Lord when people first arrive on campus is a priority, we are committed to creating a place for those who have a passion for ministering to others through serving. A love for the Lord and a smile is all that is needed!

We are committed to coming alongside you in your journey to find your ministry at Community.

Vickie RoBards | 405.657.4269 | vickie@communitychurch.tv Larry LaCombe | 405.657.7338 | larry@communitychurch.tv



Biblical curriculum and authentic relationships help us lay foundations of the Gospel in our kids and their families’ lives. At Community Kids, we hope to be an outreach to our community, constantly directing them to Jesus. We are praying that as we are obedient to present the Word, that we will see many come to Christ and fully commit their daily lives to Him. Our desire is to worship God and bring Him glory through shepherding the tiniest members of His flock.

At Community Kids, there are always fun and engaging Biblical lessons for the kids on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. In addition, there are also regular theme nights as well as annual events, such as kids’ camp and VBS.

In 2024, Community Kids was blessed with the beautiful remodeling of the Community Center into what is now the Community Kids building. We saw so many people come together to make the remodel happen, and it was evident how much the people of Community Church rally around our kids, and we are so grateful for that. Within the Community Kids program is a class called Wonderfully Made. This sweet ministry is overseen by Cody and Brookelyne Lawson, and they serve individuals with disabilities. In this class, there are Bible lessons that are catered to the needs of the individuals, and their families can attend church service knowing that their loved one is being cared for. This class meets every Sunday at the 10:45 service.

Kids’ Ministry is a wonderful way to get involved at Community Church! We pray those who feel called to lead children to Jesus would join us. Our volunteers play a special role in ministering directly to the children and teaching them about God's love through Bible lessons, games, and activities. We have times of fellowship together as we work alongside each other as a team, have team huddles where we share devotionals, and pray for each other and the ministry. We celebrate all that God is doing through kids' ministry and the growth we see with children's families, and we invite you to celebrate with us!

What a year 2024 has been for Community Kids Mother’s Day Out ministry! As part of the overarching kids’ ministry, our MDO is a faith-based early childhood learning program that provides care twice per week. It’s been so sweet to see God’s plan unfold through our group that He has orchestrated- families, children, and staff alike! We believe He places everyone in our ministry on purpose and for a purpose, and it’s always so neat to see how He brings it all together! Through everything that 2024 held for the MDO ministry, we have focused on continuing to create an environment for children where they will learn fundamentals of the Christian faith. It’s our prayer that those fundamentals will provide a strong base for our students so they can continue building on their faith as they grow! In addition, we promote developmental skills and milestones, teach educational foundations, as well as social and school readiness skills! We are passionate about Jesus, children, and education! Our MDO ministry exists to teach, serve, and love others! We are honored and humbled to help point young hearts to Jesus and build relationships with families along the way!

We concluded our school year in May 2024 with 62 children enrolled, then hosted our MDO graduation where we celebrated 20 students with 120 guests in attendance! In the summer of 2024, we had a record number of 91 children enrolled! We were able to offer an older elementary class for the first time, which was a goal met!

We currently have a staff of 16, with 50 children enrolled for our 2024 fall semester. There are a few rare openings available, and a waitlist open for certain ages. Looking forward with God is amazing! We’re excited for the future in our MDO ministry and give God complete control, we know anywhere He leads is a great place to be! His word teaches in 1 Peter 4:10 that He has given everyone gifts and we are to use those gifts to serve one another. We will never take lightly the responsibility and honor of being chosen by God to carry out His mission at Mother’s Day Out!

Rachel Rudek | 405.812.8186 | rachel@communitychurch.tv



Camp is the chance for students and kids to experience the love of God in a unique and fun way. Through games, worship, the Word, and small group time, campers develop relationships with Jesus and others. Camp is also a part of our community outreach, drawing students and kids who may not step foot in church into the fun and the fellowship that camp provides.



32 // kid campers

6 // leaders

56 // student campers

7 // leaders


Our heart is to equip a generation of kingdom builders who are confident that with God, nothing is impossible. We were made to know, love and worship God. We love seeing students come alive in knowing Jesus and who He has designed them to be!

For us, everything we do is built on these four actions: worship, invite, serve, and explore. We aren’t called to only read about walking with God – we are called to live out the truths God reveals to us. Through worship, "Learning Lab" activities, and group discussions, students build relationship with God and explore His Word for themselves. It is truly amazing to see what God can do through a life that is surrendered to Him! Year-round, students step up to lead devotions, pray over each other, kickstart outreach, plan mission trips, lead worship, and more.

We gather every Wednesday night for Catalyst, our midweek service for 7-12 grade. On Sunday mornings we study God’s Word together in an active learning classroom called Rooted.

Throughout the year, strategic events give students a chance to serve, to grow in relationship with each other, to learn how to let God lead their lives: TO THE MAX, Summit Camp, Mission Possible trips, Parents’ Night Out, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party, worship nights and Catalyst theme nights. Relationships can be a catalyst for growth. We invite students to build relationship with other students, with Jesus, and with their small group leaders.

We have a dynamic team of adults who lead small groups every single week to build relationships with students. They pray for students, show up for their theatre performances and basketball games, guide them as they study Scripture, and are a phone call or text away.



Water baptism is a symbolic and powerful way to be who God made you to be by doing what Jesus asked you to do. It is an outward expression of an inward commitment. We love celebrating lives that have been forever changed when one has proclaimed Jesus as Lord of their life, which then provides a moment for others to see a picture of the joy that Jesus offers.

TOTAL BAPTISMS // 40 (Dec 2023 – Nov 202

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” // 2 Corinthians 5:17




Life happens and sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we need extra support. We offer Support Groups for Grief and Caregivers. These groups are led by people who have life experiences and training to help you experience God’s hope and life. Please join us! You will be glad you did.


Sunday Afternoon | 3:30pm | Annex

Grief impacts all of us at some point. The Grief Care Support Group offers a safe place to walk through the unsettling, and sometimes confusing, grief journey. No matter what your loss might be, learning that the feelings you are experiencing are normal can bring tremendous relief.


2nd & 4th Saturday | 9:00am | Annex

Being a caregiver to a loved one is an act of love. BUT it’s also extremely stressful. Our Caregivers Support Group is an amazing place where your caregiving struggles are understood. It’s a great place to decompress, be encouraged, gain helpful and practical insights from the experience of others, and even laugh. Everyone is always glad they came!

Susan Swart | 405 361.2121 | susan@communitychurch.tv




The vision of Community Church is that all would become fully devoted followers of Christ, while living in relationship with others. Falling in line with this vision, the heart of the Adult Growth and Care Ministry is to nurture disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ. The goal is to encourage and equip believers; and to achieve this goal, we focus on teaching, caring, praying, and healing.

Teaching: We focus on teaching the Word of God so all will have the opportunity to learn more about Jesus and His salvation.

Caring: We focus on caring for our people on every level – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We communicate with those in need by visiting them in their home, making a phone call, or by sending a card of encouragement.

Praying: We focus on praying for our church family We have several prayer warriors who lift all the prayer needs of our people to God daily. As requests for prayer are received, our prayer list is updated and shared. God asks us to seek Him in prayer, and because we believe in the power of prayer, we are able to witness great breakthroughs in the lives of people.

Healing: Everyone has scars from living life – some are deep to the heart, and some are not. Some scars keep us from experiencing the abundant life Jesus offers.

We are not perfect, but we believe the secret is to have healthy disciples helping others. Join us as we grow in our walk with Christ.

Josh McClennahan | 580.504.7990 | josh@communitychurch.tv

Susan Swart | 405 361.2121 | susan@communitychurch.tv

View all our groups here: CommunityChurch.tv/GROUPS



Josh McClennahan | 580.504.7990 | josh@communitychurch.tv


The purpose of the Men’s Ministry at Community Church is to connect and partner with men who desire to love God and love others well. We accomplish this through various groups, activities, prayer, and the Word:

• Men’s Coffee | Wednesday | 6:30am

• Bible Study | Thursday | 6:00am

• Above Par Men’s Golf | Seasonal

• Plus, others that meet in homes

There are also opportunities to love others through our Handymen Ministry and Safety Team. Whether it’s helping with yard work, doing small house repairs, or watching over the congregation during Sunday and Wednesday services, if you are a man, we would love for you to join us as we pursue the Lord together.


Susan Swart | 405.361.2121 | susan@communitychurch.tv


Women of faith need other women of faith in their lives for support and encouragement. The Women’s Ministry at Community Church strives to support women through our motto of “Living Real Life Together.” We invite you to connect and live real life together with other women through various groups:

• Hope & Healing | Tuesday | 6:30pm

• Bible Study | Wednesday | 1:00pm & 6:30pm

• Single Moms | TBA

• Hiking Groups | Seasonal

We also have special events including our annual “Bless Your Heart: An Evening for Women” held every fall where 250+ women gather for fun, food, fellowship, and encouragement Our Women’s Retreat held every spring at the Chickasaw Conference and Retreat Center in southern Oklahoma brings over 100 women together with old friends, and gives the opportunity to make new friends, and grow in faith. If you are not part of the Women’s Ministry, please join us!




Dave & Sally Albright | 405.245.1513 | albrsfe@aol.com

This group of predominately senior adults is passionate about caring for one another. Bible study is generally topicfocused and is always relevant to a deeper journey with Christ and others.


Don Riepe | 405.740.5127 | don@communitychurch.tv

The heartbeat of this group is learning to be a disciple of Christ, while learning to disciple others. Bible-centered teaching and personal relationships create a comfortable environment to grow in faith and fellowship.


Susan Swart | 405.361.2121 | susan@communitychurch.tv

A group for men and women, married and single, of varying ages, this group strives for a deeper relationship with God through learning about His character and the reality of His presence in our daily lives. Through live teaching and video series, issues are tackled that challenge our hearts and minds to find the truth in God’s Word to develop the tools needed to carry God’s truth and presence into our world.


Lanita Colbert | 405.306.2612 | lanitalandis@yahoo.com

Get to know God better and dig deeper into His Word following a chronological Bible reading plan. From a handful of questions, you will get a concise yet comprehensive view of the Bible’s larger narrative and how God’s character is revealed throughout Scripture. You will soon discover that He’s where the joy is!




Josh & Lindsey McClennahan | 405.535-5880 | lindsey@communitychurch.tv

In this class, we’ll explore what makes a marriage work, focusing on how respect makes him feel loved and how love makes her feel respected. Whether you are newlyweds or have been married for years, this study will help you grow together and strengthen your marriage.


Shari Bross | 405.823.4363 |

After salvation we then need to know who we are in Christ. God has called us to great things while the enemy lies to us. We will learn how to know the difference. Come join us to learn what your inheritance is in the Lord.


Curtis Swart | 405.409.1362 | csw3rt@cox.net

A good follow-up course to “Your Identity in Christ”, this course helps you learn about the spiritual authority you have in your life, home, family, job, etc., through the death and resurrection of Jesus.


Jeremy & Abby Stoner | 405.823.4363 | jstoner@okfinance.com

This is an intentional group of young adults who value community, growth, and intimacy with Jesus. We recognize the challenges of culture on our generation, and together, we encourage one another to remain in Him, walk with Him and reflect His light in this hurting world. We pray together, eat together, share together, and grow together to be a generation that changes the world for Jesus.



Alberto Segura | 405.613.4959 | alberto@communitychurch.tv

Senior Games & Fellowship Gathering includes 62+ crowd who seek fun through playing games and have a common goal…learning more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.




Susan Swart | 405.361.2121 | susan@communitychurch.tv

Women need a safe place to be in relationship with other women for Godly support and encouragement because we live in a real world with real struggles. Through video series, live teaching, and sharing hearts and lives, this group looks at real life issues and finds we are not alone in our circumstances. We continually learn that we have a big God and wonderful sisters in Christ who care and understand.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

This class studies and discusses Biblical principles through a variety of media. Whether traditional Bible study, video series or book study, the heart of this class is always to point toward Jesus and becoming more like Him, while building relationships with one another.


Nicoli Newsom | 405.482.8854 | nicoli@communitychurch.tv

We believe life is better together. This group is for any adult looking for a place to belong and grow in their walk with the Lord. Through times of study, discussion, and fellowship, they strive to create community and experience real life with each other.


Jeremy Stoner | 405.823.4363 | jstoner@okfinance.com

Following God’s plan with our money is simple but not always easy. We will dive into scripture, examining what Jesus said and didn't say about money, and allow it to shape our money habits and goals. Whether you're just starting to budget, looking to eliminate debt, or planning for the future, this class will equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to take control of your finances. Do you have a plan for your money? Does your money plan need God's direction and wisdom? This class is open for everyone, regardless of your financial background. Come learn, grow, and start building a financial foundation that will bless you and those around you.


We believe we are called to be the Church, not only inside our walls, but outside our walls as well. We are honored to partner with missionaries and local ministries. We put action behind our mission statement, Love God and Love Others, by assisting spiritually, physically, and financially.


Simple Concept. Major Impact. We believe in radical generosity, and one way we put action behind this is to collect a second offering. Each Sunday, everything that is collected in the basket goes directly to local ministries in our community.


Alberto Segura | 405.613.4959 | alberto@communtychurch.tv When families find themselves in crisis situations, our Benevolence Ministry offers financial assistance and counseling.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

We love educators and we love the opportunity to minister and love on all the teachers and staff throughout the school year. The We Love Educators Ministry has been a blessing to the schools as well as to those who serve our teachers!


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

Crossroads Clinic offers guidance and support with sexual health and crisis pregnancy. We support with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. Crossroads Clinic (An Open Door for Life Choices) is located at 3077 E. College Ave, Guthrie.


We, as the Church, have a heart for the community and for providing opportunities to gather and celebrate with one another. Each year, we invite the community to be part of our Love Other Events on our campus. These are great opportunities to share the love of Jesus with so many.


Donna Lynes | 972.757.7103 | quiltinglynes@gmail.com

We host the First Capital Quilters Guild on our campus monthly. The Guild meets to encourage one another by sharing information, ideas and methods pertaining to quilt-making. They provide support for local charities and provide “quilts of comfort” to hospitals or other organizations and to our wounded servicemen and women.



Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

The General Daniels Thanksgiving Meal is a collective of the local community that gathers at the American Legion to serve a Thanksgiving meal to the homeless and needy in this region. We support this effort with a financial gift and volunteer workers.


Dan Trotter | 405.833.6437 | landisi35equipdan@outlook.com

The Gideons International is an association of Christian businesses and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus through sharing personally and by providing Bibles and New Testaments. While they are known worldwide for their work with hotels, they predominantly share Scriptures in schools and colleges, prisons and jails, hospitals, and medical offices.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

God’s Food Bank helps local families with frozen and canned food items. We support this local food bank with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club, and member involvement. God’s Food Bank is located at 402 West Vilas, Guthrie.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

The Guthrie Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a gathering of student athletes that come together throughout the school year to grow and encourage one another in Christ. The goal of FCA is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. We support the Guthrie FCA through financial gifts of the Dollar Bill Club.


Darla Kilhoffer | 580.799.0860 | darla@communitychurch.tv

During fall break, we host a breakfast for the High School football coaches, players and support staff. It’s a great way to reach into our community and schools!



Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

Guthrie Ministerial Alliance is a Christ-centered gathering of ministers who promote a spirit of good will and fellowship in and around Guthrie. We support the Guthrie Ministerial Alliance with regular financial gifts, monthly pastoral participation, and volunteer help at annual community events.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

Hands of Jesus assists families in need by providing food and clothing. We support this local food ministry with prayer, and financially through the Dollar Bill Club. Hands of Jesus is located at 2403 W Noble Ave, Guthrie.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

Hope House Guthrie is a non-profit facility that provides a sober living environment for the men and women in our community who are homeless and/or in addiction recovery. Hope House is a place where the love and light of Christ is shared with people in the crisis point of their lives. We support this ministry with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. Hope House is located at 1916 E Perkins, Guthrie.


The SOAR Homeschool Coop is made up of homeschool families who provide Christian-based cooperative learning opportunities, practical and spiritual support, encouragement, and mission opportunities to assist families in their commitment to homeschooling. We support them through the use of our facilities.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

The Baptist Collegiate Ministry on the campus of Langston University exists to cultivate an environment that produces disciples and develops relationships. This is done through several ways including, but not limited to Bible Studies and a Free Lunch on Wednesdays (FLOW). We support the Langston BCM through financial gifts of the Dollar Bill Club.



Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

The Logan County Council on Aging provides referral and congregate dining service for the elderly. A hot meal is served each weekday at Highland Hall. Hot meals and nonperishable items are also delivered via volunteer drivers to shut ins. We support this ministry with prayer and financial gifts from the Dollar Bill Club. They are located at 1102 E. Warner, Guthrie


Jean Ingram | 850.637.2548 | jeancingram@yahoo.com

Every year we partner with Samaritan’s Purse for Operation Christmas Child where we collect shoeboxes filled with gifts. We believe shoeboxes open the door for the Gospel to be shared with children around the world. After they receive their gifts, they are invited to participate in The Greatest Journey discipleship course where they learn more about the Bible and God's great love for them.


Tyler Rudek | 405.202.6032 | tyler@communitychurch.tv

The ministry of Camp J.O.Y. (Jesus Others You) is built upon the belief in the Word of God and our personal faith in Jesus Christ. A big goal of Camp JOY is to connect students (ages 718) with the Lord Jesus Christ with the desire that their encounter would lead to a transformed life.


We had an amazing VBS week this year! We hosted 319 children from the community on our campus to hear the Gospel. Many volunteers came forward to serve at this event and ensure that the kids had a safe and fun time learning about Jesus and His love for us. Lots of children approached their leaders each night for prayer and to accept Jesus into their hearts. This time wouldn’t have been possible without God, and a group of volunteers walking in obedience with the Lord to serve Him and lead the children to Jesus. Not only did our leaders and volunteers serve well, but they served with His JOY. We appreciate our volunteers so much and invite you to come spread the joy of the Lord with us!

Visit our website for more details: CommunityChurch.tv/BEYONDOURWALLS

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” // Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)


We believe generosity should be viewed as an expression of our worship of the Lord. Every year, families give their time, talents, and resources to advance the Kingdom of God further. Their obedience to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and His Word brings blessing to their home and the Church.

When we collectively give what God asks us to give, He not only blesses the giver, He blesses everyone in the Church. We celebrate the faithfulness of God’s people and His provision for His Church! (2 Corinthians 9:7, Luke 6:38)

What does Community believe about giving?

God is our provider. He promises in Matthew 6:33 to provide for our needs. The Bible teaches that everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Therefore, we are mere stewards of what God has given to us. Tithing is giving back to God what is already His.

What is First Fruits, Tithe, and an Offering?

First Fruits illustrates giving to God from a grateful heart, and it sets a pattern of giving back to Him the first (and the best) of what He has given us. Not being under the Old Testament Law, the Christian is under no further obligation than to give cheerfully and liberally (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). The word “Tithe” is found in the Old Testament and means one-tenth. When you choose to tithe, you give one-tenth or 10% of your earnings. Offerings are gifts given above your normal giving. God has blessed some people financially who are able to give substantially more than 10%.

What are my giving dollars used for?

Your gifts are used to fund God’s work through the ministry of the church. This includes weekend services, counseling support, weekly discipleship ministries, and outreach.

Community Church leaders are committed to operating in a biblically-sound and financially responsible manner and, therefore, have chosen to not incur any long-term debt. We have committed to leaving a legacy for future generations that is healthy and debt-free. If you have any questions, please contact one of our elders.


Through the generosity of God’s people, First Fruits, Tithes, and Offerings are given to Community Church. This giving supports the vision and mission of Community Church. (2 Corinthians 9:7-11; Deuteronomy 14:23; Deuteronomy 26) A person’s primary offering goes into our Ministry Fund. This fund provides funds for all ministries at and through Community. This includes staffing, training, curriculum, crafts, cleaning, outreach, maintenance, utilities, etc.

Throughout the year, we have additional giving opportunities over and above the primary offering for causes, events, projects, or campaigns like “Forward with God” or the “Dollar Bill Club.” This category of funds is identified as In-Out.




This area of funding reflects the financial needs for labor, materials, and supplies to support the many ministry efforts throughout our church. This includes Sunday services and ministries, Wednesday night campus ministries, online church, funerals, worship, communion, festivals, videos, audio-visual, and special guests. It also includes ministry to kids, students, young adults, couples, nursing homes, homebound individuals, and Community Church’s many groups that meet on and off campus.


Ministry Support Resources include expenses associated with our front office, finance, supporting special events, etc. Expenses include coffee, communion elements, checks, bank fees, copy machine, ink, toner, paper, postage, computers, bulletins, newsletters, office supplies, website, internet, advertising, and all other support resources not directly associated with facility care.


Facility and Grounds Ministries include all the expenses associated with building and property care, labor, utilities, custodial supplies, security, repair and maintenance, driveways, parking areas, etc. Our mortgage was paid in full in 2019, so our property and facilities are without debt.


The people of Community Church between December 1, 2023, and November 30, 2024 (52 Weeks) gave a total toward the Ministry Fund of $1,252,719 of which $1,113,769 or $22,908 per week was to the Ministry Fund and $138,950 or $2,672 per week was to the Special IN/OUT Fund Offerings.

The ministries of Community Church utilized or spent $1,138,550 or $21,895 per week of Ministry Fund dollars to sustain present ministry levels. Over $365,342 or $7,026 per week of our Special Funds supported special ministry efforts, our missionaries, and facility remodel Part of the Special Funds came from prior years.


The Ministry Fund funding goal for 2025 ministries is $21,030 per week or $1,093,560 for the year. Giving over and above this will allow us to continue to fortify current ministries beyond 2024 levels and make capital improvements to our facilities.



This year, we celebrated the transformation of the Community Center into the new Community Kids Building, a dream brought to life through the prayers, generosity, and sacrificial giving of our church family. This beautiful space now serves as the home for children’s ministry from birth through 6th grade, providing an engaging and secure environment where children can learn about Jesus, grow in their faith, and play together all under one roof.

Our Mothers’ Day Out (MDO) program continues to thrive in these updated classrooms, offering faithbased education for children in a safe, engaging environment while providing parents and families with much-needed support.

The remodel also created expanded and remodeled adult education spaces, ensuring that opportunities to learn and connect extend to all generations. By repurposing what was the nursery classrooms, our church is now equipped with spaces that foster discipleship and meaningful relationships for all. Truly an example of God’s math, our classroom and education spaces expanded without any new buildings being built.

Beyond serving our church family, this project has also allowed us to extend our reach into the community, creating a welcoming space for hosting events, programs, and gatherings that bless families beyond our walls.



In addition to the Children and Adult Ministry space being transformed, our Community Trails and 18-Hole Disc Golf Course was completed.

The heart of this project was to develop and open the church's 90+ acres to the surrounding community where individuals and families can come, recreate, find encouragement, and experience the love of our Lord and Savior. Each tee box sign has "Love God Love Others" and a Bible verse. The Kiosk has a course map, our beliefs and values, and a way to ask for prayer or support the course financially.

The course officially opened midyear and current statistics from the UDisc mobile app report that over 1,800 games have been played on the course to date. UDisc only reports statistics from those who use their app, meaning many more have been to our campus. Currently, UDisc players rank our course in the top ten in Oklahoma. We have seen moms, dads, families, support groups, and others come and play. There have been tournaments hosted on our course, and more are expected in the future.

Recognition ultimately goes to God for his leadership over this project; however, we still want to highlight one of the first initiators of the project, Jordan Padgham. He and many others gave time and energy, towards this project. Some of the contributors include: Lennon Banta, Kelly Bilyeu, Mike Crosson, Nathan Dery, Brian Hibbler, Tim Knaggs, Larry Lacombe, Aiden Lunnon, Avery Lunnon, Clint Lunnon, Josh McClennahan, Tim Morava, Fred Perrigan, Sam Morava, Brian Padgham, Jordan Padgham, Vickie Robards, Eric Schlabach, Matthew Swart, Trail Life Members, & others.

Josh McClennahan | 580.504.7990 | josh@communitychurch.tv CommunityChurch.tv/DISCGOLF

We are thankful for the generosity that made this transformation possible. Every gift, no matter the size, has played a vital role in turning this vision into reality. This project represents more than just structural changes it is a reflection of God’s faithfulness and the shared commitment of His people to steward His resources for His purposes.

As we look forward to the next season, we are excited for the opportunities God has in store. This transformation is just the beginning of a larger vision for growth and ministry. On the next page, we will share how God is leading us to expand and strengthen other key areas of ministry in the coming year.



The following list includes projects already in the planning, and those that are to be accomplished in the short and long term. Please join us in praying for God’s provision and timing. If you would like to give beyond your weekly giving to fund one or more of these projects, please designate the gift by notating the destination on your check or by selecting the FORWARD WITH GOD category through electronic giving. CommunityChurch.tv/GIVE

Outdoor Family Recreation Space and Children’s Playgrounds

Our goal is to continue to build safe outdoor spaces for families and kids of all ages and abilities. This space will have interactive elements and space where small groups, birthday parties, anniversaries, and family events can be held. Current plans include:

- Two fenced playground areas designed to accommodate preschool and elementary children easily accessible by Children’s Ministries and families.

- A multi-activity concrete area with one or more basketball goals, pickleball layouts, & lighting.

- A pavilion with tables, a gas grill, and a gas firepit.

Estimated Funding Needed:

Phase 1: Preschool Playground

$ 6,200 - New ASTM Compliant Playground Items (6m -2 Years) Tic Tac Toe, Cube, etc.

$ 28,000 - New ASTM Compliant PVC Playground (2-5 Year Olds)

$ 10,200 - New ADA Adaptive Swing & Seats

$ 6,000 - Trashcans, Benches, Picnic Tables, & Signs

$ 1,000 - Shipping & Handling (est.)

$ 8,000 - Installation (est.)

$ 2,000 - Site Prep (est.)

$ 6,000 - Border & Fall-Save Surface Material

$ 2,000 - Update Fencing around Preschool Area

$ 25,000 - Covered Porch


Phase 2: Family & Multi-Use Space

$ 65,000 - Concrete multi-use Activity Space for outdoor basketball, pickle ball, court games, etc.

$ 4,000 - Fencing

$ 15,000 - Lighting

$ 84,000

Phase 3: Pavilion & Outdoor Classroom

$ 42,700 - 20’ x 36’ Pavilion

$ 5,000 - Concrete Pad

$ 2,000 - Gas Fire Pit & Grill

$ 6,000 - Transportation & Tables

$ 55,700

Phase 4: Elementary Playground

$ 35,000 - New ASTM Compliant PVC Playground (5-12 Year Olds)

$ 4,000 - Trashcans, Benches, & Signs

$ 9,100 - Commercial Six Seat Swing Set

$ 1,000 - Shipping & Handling (est.)

$ 8,000 - Installation (est.)

$ 2,000 - Site Prep (est.)

$ 6,000 - Border & Fall-Save Surface Material

$ 5,000 - Update Fencing around Preschool Area

$ 78,100


Community Family & Wellness Center

There is a vision for providing more care for our community. This new building would include additional classrooms, a commercial kitchen, along with a possible dining area, mental health coaching a free clinic, food pantry, workout facility, and more.

Maintenance, Repairs, & Enhancements

$ 8,000 - Mini-Split HVAC For Annex

$ 15,000 - Repair Main Building Base Wall Panels and Base Edge Flashing

$ 25,000 - Add Covered Sidewalks between buildings

$ 18,000 - Expand gravel parking around new class space

$ 90,000 - Seal Drive and Parking Areas (est.)

$180.000 - Nine HVAC Renovation (Long Term)

$250,000 - Resurface Drive and Parking Areas (est.)

$500,000 - Add Fire Sprinkler Base System and Storage Tanks to Campus (est.)





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