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OMELETS · BELGIAN WAFFLES · BURGERS · BISCUITS & GRAVY · HOMEMADE DESSERTS · MILKSHAKES THICK SLAB BACON · CORN BEEF HASH · HOT CAKES · HOME MADE SOUPS · CHEESESTEAKS · SALADS & SO MUCH MORE! WE ALSO HAVE SPORTING CLAYS · SKEET 2071 baus rd · East Greenville · 215.679.9860 · POWDERBOURNE REST AU RANT but bacon sure helped. We didn’t win best breakfast 17 years in a row by bacon alone... Local Since 2006 Celebrating local dining, arts, events, shopping and community March 2023 · Upper Perk Market connection CULINARY AWARD WINNER 2023 BREAKFAST
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 2 CCM - Because we know local matters! CALL OR MESSAGE US TODAY! 267-500-7282 LET'S GET PACKING! MOVING & JUNK REMOVAL EXPERTS i n d i a n v a l l e y t r a d i n g c o . c o m / C C M W E D O N A T E & R E C Y C L E A L L J U N K ! N O W B O O K I N G S P R I N G C L E A N O U T S A N D M O V E S THINK SPRING O’BRIEN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 267.374.7257 Must present coupon at time of quote. Not valid with other offers. Exp.4/15/23 FIRST CUT WITH SEASONAL CONTRACT HALF OFF 267.374.7257 CALL TODAY • LAWN MOWING, LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE • SPECIALIZING IN NATURAL STONEWALLS, PATIOS & WALKWAYS • 10 & 15 YARD DUMPSTER RENTALS REQUEST A QUOTE ON OUR WEBSITE: OBRIENLAWNS.COM O’BRIEN PROPERTY MAINTENANCE 267.374.7257 Must present coupon at time of quote. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23 10% OFF FULL SERVICE LAWN MOWING, MULCHING & SPRING CLEAN UP CONTRACT BOOK NOW FOR SPRING CLEAN UPS! Find the Dollar Dog hidden in one of our ads and enter for your chance to win a $50 Gift Card to Chiaros in Green Lane! Mail your entry by March 30th to: The Community Connection Monthly, P.O. Box 201, East Greenville, PA 18041 Name ___________________________ Address _________________________ City _____________________________ State _____ Zip ___________________ Phone (day) _______________________ Phone (evening) ____________________ Which ad had the hidden Dollar Dog? Congrats to Joseph Rittenhouse of Bally! He won a gift card to Weis in Pennsburg by filling out the Readers Choice Awards! Find the dollar dog hidden in this month’s issue for your chance to win! FIND ME!
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 3 CCM - Because we know local matters! PUBLISHER: DONNA OLSEN STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER: VICTORIA BARNDT 1269 Quakertown Ave · Pennsburg (In the Shady Nook Shopping Center) 215.679.2750 Mon & Tues. Appt. Only, Weds.- Thurs 10-5, Fri 10-6, Sat 10-4, Sun 10-2 AT Spring into a new wardrobe Let us help you add color & pizazz to your closet & ReCurve what you wear! 20% OFF Any One Garment ReCurve• 215-679-2750 Not valid with other offers. Valid on clothing and accessories only. EXP. 04/15/2023.
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239 Main St, East Greenville 215-527-4107 We are a gluten-free, vegan restaurant and non-profit with a focus on sustainability! Our mission is to source local, organic produce and offset our carbon footprint through tree planting and other carbon sequestration projects. We strive to educate others about a compassionate, plant-based lifestyle to protect the environment. Join us for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner! hours : Mon: 9am - 7pm Tues - Thurs - Closed Fri & Sat: 9am - 7pm Sun: 9am - 3pm GRAND OPENING! Vegan food for a sustainable planet. Eat In OR Take Out non-profit vegan organic gluten-free locally sourced
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 6 CCM - Because we know local matters!
1275 Quakertown Ave, Pennsburg, PA • 267.384.7674 Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs: 10am - 8pm Friday - Saturday: 10am - 8:15pm Closed Wednesdays Authentic Mexican Food in the heart of Pennsburg! Open For Breakfast, lunch & dinner
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 8 CCM - Because we know local matters! $10 off Your Next Garage Door Service Call Valley Lock & Door • 267.923.5759 Not valid with other offers. EXP. 04/15/23. Garage Doors & Openers • Entry & Storm Doors Locksmith Services • Residential & Commercial invest your tax return in home improvement ...BUY NEW GARAGE DOORS! 26 E. 4th St. · East Greenville 267.923.5759 · New Golden Bowl 215.679.0666 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23 New Golden Bowl 215.679.0666 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23 YOUR PURCHASE OF $40 OR MORE YOUR PURCHASE OF $50 OR MORE $3 OFF $4 OFF New Golden Bowl CHINESE RESTAURANT 357 Main St. · Pennsburg · 215.679.0666 (Across from Rite Aid) Tues - Thurs 11am-9pm · Fri & Sat 11am-10pm Sun 11:30am-9pm Now offering catering! Gift certificates and delivery available!
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Our Story - Why We Do It?

As an emergency medical technician working in the field, owner and founder Dan Ireland spent over 10 years helping families in crisis. How many of these situations families felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of dealing with all the things your loved ones left behind. Dan founded Indian Valley Trading Company to provide individuals suffering from a loss, a trusted team of local professionals to pack up, clean out, and help them move forward.

We Are a Professional Moving Company

This may sound like a no-brainer, but in the moving industry, we’ve noticed there are a lot of amateurs. At Indian Valley Trading Company our moving trucks are always clean and organized. We also make sure our moving trucks are fully stocked with blankets, plastic wrap, bubble wrap, moving boxes, and all the tools we need to properly secure your stuff. Plus, we have a strict no sharing policy, the truck that picks up your stuff is your truck from load to unload, door to door.

Flexible Plans and Clear Pricing

We know moving is a hassle, so we do our best to make the process as pain-free as possible. From short term and long term storage options, to removing unwanted items and more, our team has the capability to help you pack up, stay organized, clear out at unload without you even breaking a sweat. Estimates for each job are provided upfront and we don’t like surprises. Our clear and consistent pricing helps to ensure you understand what's included and what you can expect on your final bill. Need to add a special request. No problem will do our best to accommodate it and keep you informed of any price changes. That’s just how we roll.

Our Services

Moving and Relocation

Whether you’re leveling up or downsizing, moving across the street or across the country our reliable team of experts has both the tools and capabilities you need to safely and securely take all of your stuff with you. Not sure where you’re moving? Our variety of storage options also gives you the flexibility to move out, store your stuff, then move into your new home whenever you’re ready.

Storage Options

Need more time to decide where you’re going? Our door to door storage options allow you to have your items picked up, stored, and then redelivered when you need it and where you want it.

Moving and Packing Supplies

Our goal is to make your move as easy and hassle free as possible. We will deliver all the packing supplies and moving boxes you need directly to your door. Then when you’re done with them, we’ll stop by to pick them back up and recycle them for you free of charge.

Cleanouts and Junk Removal

Whether you’re looking to downsize, or just have a few extra boxes lying around, our local team of reliable professionals has both the tools and capabilities you need to get rid of any of your unwanted items. We offer both quick pick up and complete cleanout services to help you clean out, clean up and get back to life clutter free!

Professional, Packing and Unpacking Services

Well packed and organized boxes not only reduce the possibility of damage to your items in transit, they also reduce the time it takes to decipher where your stuff gloves upon arrival. Whether you’re physically unable to pack yourself, or want to save time, our packing professionals have the capability to completely pack up your home and get you ready to move. • 267-500-7282
Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23 MEET & GREET HARLEY & CO • 267.576.1055 FREE • Drop-In Visits • Cat Sitting • Farm Sitting • Overnight Sitting • Fully Insured It’s MUD Season! Let HARLEY & CO. deal with those muddy paws!
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 13 CCM - Because we know local matters! • Pet Waste Removal • Odor Treatment • Weekly or Bi-Weekly • No Contracts to Sign Serving Upper Perk & Surrounding Area Reclaim your yard with Poo Happens! Call today: 215-353-2358 10% OFF YOUR 1ST Scoop Poo Happens · 215.353.2358 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23 WE TAKE YOUR CRAP...SERIOUSLY! • Dog Walking • Drop-In Visits • Daytime Sitting • Overnight Sitting Serving in parts of Montgomery, Berks, Bucks and Lehigh Counties. 267-733-4787 10% OFF YOUR 1ST VISIT
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 16 Dance first Think Later 510 Main St. • 2nd floor • Pennsburg 215-679-4488 •
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 17 CCM - Because we know local matters! TURN TO THE EXPERTS 516 Main Street Pennsburg • 215-679-4554 MEINZER LAW OFFICES for all your legal needs $100 OFF DUI or ANY CRIMINAL DEFENSE Initial or Preliminary Hearing Present Coupon at 1st visit. Not valid with other offers. Expires 4/15/23. YOUR WILL -plusPOWER OF ATTORNEY -plusRIGHT TO DIE DIRECTIVE Single Person $249.00 (reg. $400) -orHUSBAND & WIFE WILLS $449.00 (reg. $600.00) Specific bequests, trust provisions additional charge. Present Coupon at 1st visit. Not valid with other offers. Expires 4/15/23. FREE CONSULTATION For Personal Injury,Auto Accidents, “Slip & Falls” etc... Present Coupon at 1st visit. Not valid with other offers. Expires 4/15/23.
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for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 20 CCM - Because we know local matters! HOMESTEAD FENCING 484-552-3840 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 4/15/23. ANY TYPE OF INSTALL $ 250 0ff Split Rail • Aluminum • Agricultural • Vinyl • Wooden Privacy CALL US TODAY: 484-552-3840 Find us on Facebook @Homestead Fencing we install in cold Weather! 484.552.3840 Inky’s treat addiction is out of control. Inky needs an intervention. Inky is on a treat free diet until further notice. Inky could not be reached for comments. 267-923-5291 • 636 GRAVEL PIKE, EAST GREENVILLE, PA • State Inspection • Foreign & Domestic Operation Return INky to Normal Size
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 21 CCM - Because we know local matters! Weight Loss • Hormone Balance Never fail at a diet again! Create new healthy habits you actually enjoy (that stick, finally) Feel great without counting calories or hours in the gym! Text Today: 484-889-1007 or visit us on our website at Eat The Rainbow! Learn about food, learn about your body, and learn how food is affecting you! Premium ChocolatesEaster are here! Nut Free Chocolate! Gardners! Jelly Beans! Easter Bunnies • Chocolate Crosses • PB Melt-Away Eggs M&J Gourmet · 215.679.8650 Not to be combined with any other offers. Exp. 04/15/23. PURCHASE OF $20 $2 OFF Pick up your Irish Potatoes, Gold Coins, Shamrock Chocolates & More for St Paddy’s Day 1267 Quakertown Ave, Pennsburg • 215.679.8650 · Extra Hours! - Open Sunday 3/26 & Sunday 4/2 for Holiday Shopping!


Have you ever had colcannon? A St. Patrick’s day favorite, colcannon is an Irish potato recipe, a mixture of creamy mashed potatoes and usually kale or cabbage.

I have been making colcannon potatoes on St. Patrick’s day since I first ran across the recipe one day when researching things to do with leftover cabbage from my Corned Beef and cabbage cooking spree. It is well documented amongst my friends and family that I am an absolute freak for potatoes. This one fills my heart with happiness (and a little bit of cholesterol too, I imagine, but, hey, who’s counting?)

If you make this recipe, drop a photo on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you!


In the following colcannon recipe, I mix the mashed potatoes in with chopped cooked cabbage, green onions, heavy cream, and lots of butter (also well known amongst the friends). To serve, make a depression in the middle of the mashed potatoes and put a GLOP (it’s a word) of butter in it. To eat it, dip a forkful of the potatoes in the melted butter. If ever there was a recipe to get one to eat one’s greens, this is it!


• 4 russet potatoes or yukon golds (2 to 2 1/2 pounds), peeled and cut into large chunks

• Salt

• 5 to 6 Tbsp unsalted butter (with more butter for serving)

• 3 lightly packed cups of chopped cabbage, kale, chard, or other leafy green ( I always use cabbage)

• 3 green onions (including the green onion greens), minced (about 1/2 cup)

• 1 cup heavy cream

• Dash of nutmeg, salt and pepper to taste


1. Boil the potatoes: Put the potatoes in a medium pot and cover with cold water by at least an inch. Add 2 tablespoons of salt, and bring to a boil. Boil until the potatoes are fork tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Drain in a colander.

2. Cook the greens and the green onions with butter: Return the pot to the stove and set over medium-high heat. Melt the butter in the pot and once it's hot, add the greens.

Cook the greens for 3-4 minutes, or until they are wilted and have given off some of their water. Add the green onions and cook 1 minute more.

3. Mash the potatoes with milk or cream and greens: Pour in the milk or cream, mix well, and add the potatoes. Reduce the heat to medium. Use a fork or potato masher and mash the potatoes, mixing them up with the greens. Add salt, grated nutmeg and pepper to taste and serve hot, with a glop of butter in the center.

for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 22 CCM - Because we know local matters!
Got a recipe you would love to share? Send it to: If we pick your recipe for publication, you’ll receive one of my favorite local food products!
Fun and
recipes from our kitchen to yours!
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 23 CCM - Because we know local matters! New Hanover Gardens · 610.636.1764 Valid on plant material only. One coupon, per customer, per transaction. Exp. 06/01/23. ANY PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE (PLANT MATERIAL ONLY) $5 off DELIVERY & INSTALLATION AVAILABLE LOWEST PRICING • HIGHEST QUALITY EXCELLENT SERVICE • LARGEST SELECTION New Hanover Gardens Quality Material at Low Prices 42 Years Experience BUY DIRECT! WHOLESALE NURSERY OPEN TO ALL TRIPLE GROUND MULCH $25/YRD BLACK DYED MULCH $28/YRD MORE THAN 10,000 SHRUBS, TREES, EVERGREENS, & PERENNIALS ON HAND 610.636.1764 2150 Colflesh Rd · Perkiomenville VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: NEWHANOVERGARDENS.COM MON-FRI 8 - 5 · SAT 8 - 3 · SUN 8 - 2 New Hanover Gardens · 610.636.1764 Valid on plant material only. One coupon, per customer, per transaction. Exp. 06/01/23. FORSYTHIA $ 20 4’-5’(UNLIMITED QTY.) CALL FOR MULCH QUOTE! BEST QUALITY! + BEST PRICE! OVER

On The Grow!

Since 2017, Advanced Motion Rehabilitation has been expanding their practice in Red Hill to include Personal Training, Pelvic Floor Rehab, and most recently, they have brought on a second Physical Therapist. Meet Sandrina Alexander, PT, MSPT. AMR’s newest team member! In 2003, Sandrina graduated from Misericordia University with a Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy, along with a bachelor’s degree in Health science and a minor in Psychology.

From early on, Sandrina had an interest in the medical field for her career. Her first influence was her uncle who is an emergency room physician. He recommended that she check out physical or occupational therapy. This led to Sandrina volunteering in the rehab department of her local hospital. Her duties there included transporting patients, assisting the therapists with non-patient care, and helping clean up. “I really enjoyed getting to know the patients during this time. Everyone has a story and I just love taking it all in,” says Sandrina.

After graduating Sandrina started to hone in on what the focus area of her career would be. Her calling would soon be found in her first job that included several different areas; including outpatient, acute care, and inpatient rehab. She found that direction in the neurological population. This area included patients who had strokes, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injuries, Parkinson’s disease, and peripheral neuropathy.

In 2015, Sandrina expanded her knowledge base even further by attaining her Certification in Vestibular therapy at Emory University. Her practice began to focus on gait and balance. “I enjoy working with the neurological population as it is so rewarding. Seeing patients improving with daily tasks such as getting out of bed, standing up from a chair and walking makes every day worth it.”, says Sandrina. She recently obtained a certificate that specializes in treatments geared towards Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves.Manyexperts believe that Physical therapy can help people with Parkinson’s disease by improving balance, muscle tone and ability to move. With 20 years of experience coupled with her wealth of knowledge in post-surgical rehab from years of working in hospitals, Sandrina is an excellent addition and compliment to the Advanced Motion Rehabilitation team.

If you need Physical Therapy, or know someone that could benefit from Physical Therapy, please give our office a call at 215-622-6285. We offer our services in a unique one on one setting within a quiet environment. Call today and experience the AMR difference!

Parkinson’s Disease by the numbers:

•Nearly one million people in the U.S. are living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). This number is expected to rise to 1.2 million by 2030. Parkinson’s is the second-most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer’s disease.

•Nearly 90,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with PD each year.

•More than 10 million people worldwide are living with PD.

•The incidence of Parkinson’s disease increases with age, but an estimated four percent of people with PD are diagnosed before age 50.

•Men are 1.5 times more likely to have Parkinson’s disease than women.

for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 26 CCM - Because we know local matters! order your Easter ham now! Hours: Thursday & Friday 9am-7pm · Saturday 8am-3pm 97 Spring Hill Rd · Hereford, PA · 215.679.6509 Waterman Meat Market Waterman Meat Market · 215.679.6509 Not valid with other coupons. Not valid on previous purchases. In shop purchases must present coupon at time of purchase. NO SCREENSHOTS OF COUPONS WILL BE ACCEPTED Excludes homemade jams & jellies, dish towels, dish clothes and firehouse raffle tickets. Exp. 04/15/23 PURCHASE OF $65 OR MORE $5 off $10 off PURCHASE OF $125 OR MORE Waterman Meat Market · 215.679.6509 Not valid with other coupons. Not valid on previous purchases. In shop purchases must present coupon at time of purchase. NO SCREENSHOTS OF COUPONS WILL BE ACCEPTED Excludes homemade jams & jellies, dish towels, dish clothes and firehouse raffle tickets. Exp. 04/15/23 Beef · Pork · Chicken · Smoked Ham · Deli Meats & Cheeses Bacon · Our Own Scrapple · Liver Pudding · Souse Turkey Sausage · Ring Bologna · Jerky · Turkey, Beef & Chicken Chip Steaks · Custom Freezer Orders · Smoked Dog Bones SUMMER BODIES NTER

In a perfect world, you’d be able to walk your dog yourself several times a day. Unfortunately, your job, health, or other commitments may not always let you do so. Almost anyone can walk a dog, but how do you choose a good dog walker you can trust? Finding a professional dog walker can seem like a daunting task. These days, there seems to be an abundance of dog walkers, each offering different services, varying experience, and pricing structure. There are currently no regulations on who can become a dog walker, so anyone can throw their hat in the ring. But what sets dog walkers apart? Doing your homework is vital for your peace of mind as well as your dogs well being. At Harley and Co., we pride ourselves on making sure when you entrust us with your best friend, you get the best, most reliable experience available.

So what sets Harley & Co. apart?

Harley & CO. was started in 2022 by Nicole Olsen. But, her story starts well before that. From an early age, Nicole has been an avid animal lover. She grew up around German Shepherds & a LOT of cats! In fact, she learned to walk a dog before she was in kindergarten. She would leash up her dogs and take them for pretend walks around the house! Since her mom was such a pushover, she had a zoo growing up. Dogs, cats, ferrets, hamsters, lizards, birds, ponies, horses, even a tarantula! And she loved on all of them. Nicole’s bond with the animal world was so strong, and so precious, it was easy for her mom to say yes to every rescued mouse and bird she took in! When Nicole announced she was going to become a dog walker, it was no shock to anyone that knew her. She

started her first dog walking company, No Worries Animal Care when she was 16. She went from there to pursue dog grooming, but found she would rather play with the dogs then groom them, so after spending a few years working for a dog walker, she decided once again to branch out on her own. Thus, Harley & CO. was born, named after her beloved German Shepherd, Harley. As for the CO., well, the business name wouldn’t fit on a business card if she had to use all the names of the pets she currently owns! (Side note: Kevin, her goat, feels slightly offended to be clumped in with the CO. designation.)

When picking a dog walker, whether it is for daily walks while you’re at work, or overnight house sitting, there are a few things to consider:

Is it love at first sight for your dog?

At Harley & CO., we set up a meet and greet to get to know your dog, or any animal you would like us to care for. Your dog should feel comfortable and excited for their walks, not anxious. We make sure that we are a perfect match, and if not, we won’t force the issue. Ultimately, your dog or pet has the final say!

Does your dog have special needs?

Harley & CO. can care for your dogs special needs, from medications and injections, to diapering or cleaning up messy dogs. We recognize if your dog is having a bad day, and we adjust walks accordingly as well. If your dog is high energy or dog reactive towards strange dogs, we are capable of handling those situations also.

We are prepared for emergencies.

A good professional dog walker should know exactly what to do in the event of an emergency. At Harley and CO., we know how to handle situations like an injury, a slipped leash, a snake bite, or a dog fight. We are trained in basic pet first aid. We are able to calm a fearful or aggressive dog down or break up fights as needed.

We prefer positive reinforcement training.

At Harley & CO., we believe in positive, reward-based training methods. The last thing you want is for your dog’s beloved walk to turn into a stressful time of yelling or punishment if they do something ‘wrong.’

At Harley & CO, we are licensed and insured. We hope never to have to use it, but in case of mishaps, we carry liability insurance to help put your mind at ease. From simple daily dog walks, to overnight vacation stays in your home, or on your farm, we have you covered.

In short, there’s a big difference between someone looking to make some quick money and someone who truly enjoys spending time with animals. It’s easy to spot a true dog lover versus someone who merely tolerates dogs. We love ALL the animals, and we take our job very seriously. We treat your best friend like they are our own, and we hope it shows in everything we do. We send photos, communicate daily, and we are very responsive to your needs as a pet owner.

We recognize that it isn’t easy to leave your furry friend in the care of a stranger, but we are confident that after a few visits, we won’t be strangers any longer. We hope you give us a call the next time you find yourself in need of a pet sitter or dog walker. Let us show you why we think Harley & CO. is your number one choice!

Harley & CO. Dog Walking & Pet Sitting • 267-576-1055
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 30 CCM - Because we know local matters! Visit or call 610.326.3705, option 5 to learn more and get started on an application. IT’S TIME TO PUT YOUR • Low Rates • Flexible Terms • Possible Tax Benefits Home’s Equity to Work QUAKERTOWN 70 WEST END BLVD. • 267.490.5195 Quakertown 309 22 78 33 309 GROCERYOUTLET.COM | MON-SUN 8AM-9PM • Locally Owned • Unique Products in Each Location • Extreme Discounts on Natural, Organic, Specialty and Health Items. NOSH! • “Wow” Saving on National Brands
Come Enjoy The Culinary Experience At The Jamison Publick House! Sun & Mon Closed · Tues-Thurs 11:30-9 Fri & Sat 11:30-10 Check out our Website for most up to date menu info and for online ordering. 1860 Geryville Pike Pennsburg · 215.375.8886 WINNER of Upper Perkiomen Valley’s Best Soup & Best Dessert Preparingthefinestfoods withthefreshestingredients
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 32 CCM - Because we know local matters! $20 off ANY JOB DUMPSTARS LLC Also trucks, trailers, motorcyles. Restrictions may apply. Contact for more details. . EXP. 04/15/2023. TOO MUCH JUNK? WE CAN HELP! CALL TODAY! 484.809.8193 Eviction Clean Out Services Junk & Waste Removal Residential Demolition Home Cleanouts Scrap Removal
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 33 CCM - Because we know local matters! Get your Green On! OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH COFFEE, TEA & SPECIALTY DRINKS BREAKFAST SANDWICHES · HOMEMADE SOUPS & SALADS GRILLED CHEESE · PULLED PORK · CHICKEN SALAD PASTRIES · COOKIES 254 MAIN ST. · EAST GREENVILLE · 267-644-8287 HOURS: WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY 7:30AM - 3PM, SATURDAY: 8AM - 2PM, SUNDAY: 8AM - 2PM COFFEE PASTRIES United Taekwon-Do Studio 215.679.3424 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 04/15/23 United Taekwon-Do Studio 215.679.3424 Not valid with other offers. Exp. 04/15/23 FOR 1 MONTH FREE UNIFORM INCLUDED FOR 1 MONTH FREE UNIFORM INCLUDED $49 $49 510 Main St. · Pennsburg 510 Main St. · Pennsburg 215.679.3424 215.679.3424 stay positive. stay brave. stay focused. stay strong. stay positive. stay brave. stay focused. stay strong. take classes at united! take classes at united!

ReCurve your Wardrobe!

In a time when we want to spend less money and support our local community more, resale shopping has become a common practice. We buy things from thrift stores, online marketplace, auction sites, resale markets, and consignment shops. However, it is difficult to know the difference between all of those options and why some make shopping an easier experience for customers.

ReCurve Boutique is a local consignment shop in Pennsburg. They focus on plus size women’s garments, starting at a large, and

accessories for all sizes including designer bags, shoes, and jewelry.

Consignment is different than thrift and it shows when you step in to ReCurve. Consignment means individual people bring in their items to have ReCurve sell them for them. ReCurve curates their stock based on brand names, sizes, styles, and condition. They do their best to make sure everything is new or like new and in excellent condition. Many items on the floor are brand new with tags, or worn only once. They then price accordingly, with the average price for a garment at ReCurve $20.00.

Consignors earn a portion of each item when it sells. Earnings are paid out in cash or store credit.

In addition to having a wide variety of styles and sizes available, ReCurve also boasts a shopping experience like none other! As you step inside ReCurve, owner Ann Campbell, or one of her friendly staff will greet you with a warm hello. You'll be surrounded by positive affirmations, supported in your self love journey, and pampered while browsing their extensive inventory. The store is clean, well organized and their knowledgable staff know what they have on the floor and how to help you find that perfect outfit!

And what ultimate shopping experience would be complete without coffee, tea, or water? You'll find comfy seating and a coffee bar available for a quick chat or a lengthy discussion!

Along with a magical, glittering dressing room big enough for friends, ReCurve truly is a unique treasure in The Upper Perkiomen Valley. So come out to ReCurve, grab a beverage, do some in person shopping, and find some excellent deals while you do it! You'll be glad you did!

1269 Quakertown Ave · Pennsburg (In the Shady Nook Shopping Center) 215.679.2750 Mon. & Tues. Appt. Only Weds.- Thurs. 10-5, Fri. 10-6 Sat. 10-4, Sun. 10-2
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 36 CCM - Because we know local matters! Residential & Commercial Electrical • Plumbing • Tile • Carpentry • Masonry • Painting/Staining Pressure Washing • Vent Cleaning • & More No Job Too Small New Work • Renovations • Repairs Cell 610-462-1138 Micklus Electric on Facebook 32 yrs. Experience · Reg. # PAO61519 Micklus Electric & Construction Maintenance & Handyman Services
Award Winning Pizzas, Cheesesteaks & hoagies Chiaro's Valid at all Chiaro's locations. Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon when ordering. Exp. 4/15/23 Chiaro's Valid at all Chiaro's locations. Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon when ordering. Exp. 4/15/23 Chiaro's Limit 1. Valid at all Chiaro's locations. Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon when ordering. Exp. 4/15/23 Chiaro's Limit 1. Valid at all Chiaro's locations. Not valid with other offers. Must present coupon when ordering. Exp. 4/15/23. 10% OFF of $15 or more of $30 or more $3 OFF ANY ORDER $5 OFF ANY ORDER at first bite Sun-Thurs: 11am-8pm • Fri & Sat: 11am-9pm 215.234.9222 124 Gravel Pike Green Lane 215.257.5555 218 S. Main St Sellersville FREE ANY ORDER of $10 or more PIZZA TOPPING NOT VALID FOR STEAK OR CHICKEN • convenient pick-up window (sellersville & green lane locations) • catering on & off premises • BYOB • Gift certificates available
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 38 CCM - Because we know local matters! Consider becoming a professional caregiver. Scan the QR code to fill out an application. For more info, visit our website or call our office. Full training and mentor-ship provided by the team at Family Caregivers Network. Health • Dental • PTO • Sign-on bonus • Flexible Schedule Are you looking for an awarding career? 215 • 541 • 9030 Red Hill Fire Co Social Club • 82 East 5th Street, Red Hill • 215-679-9840 20% OFF any food order Dine in or Take Out Does not include Monday Night Wing Special. Not to be combined with any other offer Does Not Include Alcohol. Exp. 4/15/2023 Monday - Thurs 11am - 11pm Friday - 11am - Midnight Saturday - 11am - Midnight Sunday - 11am - 9pm Join our Social Club - Only $10 Per Year! Find us on facebook - Red Hill Fire Company Social Club MARCH 10TH - Line Dancing 7pm to 10pm • $10 Cover Lessons and Dancing MARCH 25TH JOIN US FOR A PIG STOMACH DINER! MARCH 17 APRIL 8TH ADULT EASTER EGG HUNT! $10 TO REGISTER

Congratulations Michael Vassallo! Our Employee of the Year!

Family Caregivers Network is pleased to recognize and congratulate Michael Vassallo as Employee of the Year! Michael joined Family Caregivers in 2016, after caring for his parents for over 20 years. Michael’s parents required help at home when he was in his late 20’s. As an informal family caregiver, he learned how to help his parents by instinct. For the next 25 years Michael cared for both parents until their passing. As a family caregiver you become the lifeline for your loved one, on-call 24/7. With this comes the emotional and physical stress associated with caregiving. Michael reached out to the Caregiver Support Group run by Family Caregivers Network to help him with the emotional challenges of caregiving.

After Michael’s parents passed, he thought “what do I do now.” Caregiving was all he knew, and it was something he loved to do. Helping others brought him great joy. So, he asked Gerry Fioriglio, owner of Family Caregivers Network “are you hiring caregivers?” And within weeks Michael had all the formal education, tools, and support he needed to be a professional caregiver. Michael’s co-workers describe him as, kind, compassionate, hardworking, empathetic, funny, and gentle.

When I asked Michael what he likes about being a caregiver he said, “it is not work when you love to help others. Caregiving has given me patience and compassion for others. You look at life differently with more understanding of the purpose of life.”

Congratulations Michael on being an exceptional employee and caregiver. We are so grateful to have you as part of our caregiving team!

215 • 541 • 9030


When you’re painting or gardening, keep your phone clean and dry by sealing it inside a ziptop bag. You can still work the buttons right through the bag.

Answer to February Puzzle

kids, color me!


Perkiomen Valley Brewery, 101 Walnut St, Green Lane

Join us March 11th from 6:30 - 9:00 pm for a night of murder and intrigue and...

LAUGHTER as we all try to figure out who dunnit! It could get deadly just from roaring with laughter!

We are teaming up with Without a Cue Productions again for this audience-participation murder mystery and you won’t want to miss it! We’re going on a ride on the Titanic! So come dressed up in your finest. Or maybe you want to come as some as the hired help. We promise, we won’t put you to work. Tickets are $35 per person which includes the show and some light noshy food. Catch some dinner out and then come over and catch the show at #PVB


Upper Perk Valley Library, 350 Main St. Red Hill

Join Penn State Master Gardener Kristi Wenrich for a gardening lecture that will include flower, herb and vegetable varieties that provide a lot of value for little effort or expense. The varieties discussed are easy to grow from seed, self-sow, bloom for a long time and provide an abundance of delicious produce for your table. The lecture is free and open to the public. Call 215.679.2020 to reserve a seat.


East Greenville Fire Company, 401 Washington St., East Greenville

We at K4K & Fur Mama Events are excited to invite you to our 2023 Goodbye Winter Craft Fair!!! This is an indoor event. We anticipate 40+ vendors!!! Please mark your calendars to come on out and support local crafters/vendors!!

If you are a crafter or vendor looking to participate in this event, please contact us at for more information. Thank you!!


Join us for the return of the Annual Chili Cook Off and Talent Show at St Paul’s on Saturday, March 25th at 6pm!

Love to cook? Have a new or tried and true chili recipe you want to share? Then start dicing and join us at St. Paul’s for a chili cook off and talent show! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join the fun. Is cooking and tasting chili not your thing? We welcome soups, side dishes and desserts, as well as talent acts to go with the chili. Plenty of non-chili choices for dining are available. Have questions or want to sign up? Contact Bob or Laura Foreman at 215-272-1445 or Hope you can join us for this free, fun and family friendly event!


Hickory Park Pool, 2140 Big Rd. Gilbertsville

Hop on over to Hickory Park for our 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 1st at 1pm. We will be having a FREE egg hunt with over 5,000 eggs to be found with 4 different age categories AND pictures with the Easter Bunny! Please register at of time so we can plan accordingly.


Make Music Upper Perk musician registration. All ages, abilities, styles of music are welcome to participate in the 11th annual community wide music festival held on Wednesday June 21, 2023. Groups, students, seasoned musicians, bands, solo acts, etc. To register, go to

Submit your events to prior to the 12th of the month
for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 44 CCM - Because we know local matters! Upper Perkiomen Valley Ambulance Association ����������������� 215-679-5989 Open Link & Food Pantry ����������������������������������������������������� 215-679-4112 Project Live 724-617-2703 Upper Perkiomen Senior Citizen Center �������������������������������� 215-679-6550 Upper Perk Police – Non Emergency Number ��������������������� 215-679-8203 Pennsburg Fire Company –Non Emergency Number ����������� 215-679-8293 National Suicide Prevention Hotline �������������������������������������� 800-273-8255 Substance Abuse Helpline ����������������������������������������������������� 800-662-4357 Domestic Violence Helpline 800-799-7233 Teen Dating Abuse Helpline Hotline �������������������������������������� 866-331-9474 Poison Helpline ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 800-222-1222 Youth Crisis Hotline ��������������������������������������������������������������� 800-448-4663 HELPLINE 2554 Geryville Pike · Pennsburg • 215.679.8111 Open for Dinner Thurs., Fri., Sat. 5-9 pm Closed Sun.- Weds. under construction! check the website for a soft opening date!

Food Pantry Top Needs:


Tomato Sauce

Canned Fruit

Fruit Juice

Pancake Mix


Fresh Apples & Oranges

Cleaning Supplies

Paper Products

Pet Food

Laundry Detergent

Donations can be dropped off at the food pantry (alley) entrance of The Open Link, 452 Penn St., Pennsburg, PA 18073.

Hours: M-F: 8-4, with extended hours until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays. Thank you! Visit us at


THE COMMUNITY CONNECTION’S Readers Choice Best Of Culinary Awards!

and the winners are...


Best Pizza - Tosco’s Pizzeria Best Cheese Steak - Chiaro’s Pizza

Best Hamburger - Pizza Como Best Wings - Red Hill Social Club

Best Coffee - Java & Friends Best Dessert - Jamison Publick House

Best Hoagie - Tosco’s Italian Delight Best Soup - Java & Friends

Best Ice Cream - Hometown Creamery Best Breakfast - Powderbourne

Best Family Restaurant/ Cafe - Valley Cafe

Best Dining Out - Jamison Best French Fries - Wetlands, Macoby Run

Friendliest Service - Hometown Creamery

Best Pastries - Java & Friends Best Tavern/Bar - Tosco’s Pub & Grill

Best Atmosphere - Sumneytown Hotel

Best Chinese Food - New Golden Bowl Best Health Food - Raw Replenish

Best Vegetarian - Sweet Melissa’s L.O.V.E.

Congratulations to all of Our Winners in the Seventeenth Annual Community Connection Readers Choice Awards!

Cook Books - $10!

Order your very own copy today! Supplies are limited so don’t delay!

“Cooking Around the Upper Perkiomen Valley” is a collection of recipes from our readers. A portion of the proceeds will go to help community programs in the Valley.

Send check to: Community Connection Recipe Book, PO Box 201, East Greenville, PA 18041.


Address: City: State: Zip: Phone:

Number of Copies: x $10.00

Tor’s Taste T UR

to help community programs in the Valley.

to help community programs in the Valley.

Dear Reader, I hope this article finds you well and on a Tuesday because we are celebrating Taco Tuesday!! That’s right, grab your hands, because that’s all you are going to need to chow down on some taco deliciousness. We are headed to the Valley’s newest restaurant, Mi Rancho, an authentic Mexican restaurant located in the Shady Nook Shopping Center.

Send check to: Community Connection Recipe Book, PO Box 201, East Greenville, PA 18041.

Send check to: Community Connection Recipe Book, PO Box 201, East Greenville, PA 18041.

I wanted to branch out and try some new choices I don’t usually order! I typically gravitate towards chicken and steak, but thought you guys might enjoy a vegetarian review. So I took a gamble and ordered a veggie taco, and I was impressed! It was loaded with char-grilled veggies such as peppers, onions and fresh grilled scallions. I topped it with their fresh salsa verde and it honestly had me questioning “Do I even need the meat?!” The grill flavor, with the medium amount of heat was INSANE! They “guac-ed” my world. I highly recommend them!

Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone:

Name: Address: City: State: Phone:

Don’t worry, in “queso” you’re a steak lover, I also tried the Carne Asada tacos. Both tacos came with sides of medium and hot salsa, radish, cucumber and grilled scallions for topping. I found myself really enjoying the flavor combinations, but the veggie taco is what my heart truly wants to “taco” ‘bout! Head on over to 1275 Quakertown ave, Unit 6, Pennsburg and check out Mi Rancho. Tell them Tor sent ya!

Number of Copies: x $10.00

(amount enclosed)

Number of Copies: x $10.00

(amount enclosed)

for advertising inquiries call 215-679-5090 | 47 CCM - Because we know local matters!
OF Do you have an amazing food you would like me to taste and review for my column? Give me a holler at 215-679-5090 and I’ll get you on the schedule!
With Victoria Barndt

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