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Employment Supports

information and services, resume and cover letter writing; guidance to complete online applications; short-term training programs and community referrals

Employers and job seekers are encouraged to utilize KANSASWORKScom the statewide job search engine or our KANSASWORKS app


203 N 10th St Salina, KS 67401 (785)827-0385


Junction City Workforce Center: 1012 W 6th St Suite A Junction City, KS 66441 (785)762-8870


OCCK, Inc. -Workforce Solutions

Helps people with barriers to employment to find meaningful and gainful work Having a job reduces the need for public benefits, enhances self-esteem, and provides a sense of accomplishment Workforce Solutions works intensely with people to pursue careers of persons interest and abilities

1710 W Schilling Road, Salina, KS 67401 (785) 827-9383

Pre-Employment Transition Services

Designed to provide an early start to job exploration and to assist students with disabilities in making the transition from secondary to post-secondary education/ training and/or competitive, integrated employment They work with students to get them familiar with the things they will need to know to make a successful transition from high school to life after high school


Project SEARCH at Salina Regional Health Center

This is a business-based transition program for young adults with developmental disabilities

400 S Santa Fe, Salina, KS 67401 (785) 452-6973 or (785) 822-7777

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

o Helps Kansas citizens with disabilities meet their employment goals, a comprehensive array of VR services are available o Services are customized according to each person's unique needs, skills, interests, abilities and vocational goal o Individualized services are provided at services centers around the state and may include: Assessment for eligibility, career exploration, and planning for employment; Disability management through counseling, therapies, treatments, or assistive devices; Training to enhance skills using instruction and work experiences in the community, job sites, or through educational partnerships; Job search assistance to help you find competitive employment, and support once you are on the job


Working Healthy

Working Healthy is a medical work incentive program that allows the participant to: it allows people with disabilities to return to or increase their work effort without losing critical Kan Care Coverage Working Healthy encourages people to work, increase their income and accumulate assets in order to reduce long term reliance on public support email: madeleinebowens@ksorg


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