Buckinghamshire Voluntary and Community sector April 2012 - July 2012 Tr a i n i n g D i r e c t o r y
W e l c o m e t o t he Buc k ingha mshire Tr a i n i n g Di r e c to r y
Training for the voluntary and community sector in Buckinghamshire T his trainin g d irectory is a Buc k ingham s hire par t ner s h i p p ro j e c t s u p p o r t e d b y t h e B i g L o t t e r y. I t s a i m i s t o e n s u re th a t t he voluntary an d comm unit y s ec t or has ac c es s t o t h e t r a i n i n g i t n e e d s f o r i t s s t a ff a n d v o l u n t e e r s . T he key train ing pa rtne r s f or t he projec t are: Ay l e s b u r y Va l e D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l ( AV D C ) , C h i l t e r n D i s t r i c t C o u n c i l ( C D C ) , T h e C l a re F o u n d a t i o n ( T C F ) , C ommunity Imp act Buck s ( CI B) , Buc k s Spor t ( BS) and A c t i o n 4 Yo u t h ( A 4 Y ) . These partners have come together to produce this training directory containing courses on of f er for th e sprin g/s um m er per iod Apr il 2012 t o J u l y 2 0 1 2
H ow t o use t he Training Directory A brief over view to he lp y ou get t he m os t f r om t he c a l e n d a r You can fin d th e tra inin g y ou require by s elec t ing t he re l e v a n t c o l o u r c o d e d s y m b o l ( s e e p a g e 2 ) w h i c h w i l l s i g n p o st you to courses aime d a t y our area of int eres t . The m o n t h l y s c h e d u l e s o f c o u r s e s a p p e a r o n p a g e s 3 t o 7 o f t h e d i r e c t o r y. F or inf orma tion , full cou r s e det ails and book ing pleas e g o t o t h e i n d i v i d u a l w e b s i t e s o f t h e t r a i n i n g p a r t n e r p ro v i d i n g t he course you are inte res t ed in. Aylesbu ry Vale District Counc il AVDC C hilter n District Cou ncil T he C lare Fou nd atio n C ommunity Imp act Buck s B ucks S po rt A ct ion4Yo uth B ucks Co mmun ity Foundation
www. ay les bur y v a l e d c . g o v. u k / c o m m u n i t y - l i v i n g / c om m unit y v ol u n t a r y / f u n d i n g / s o u rc e s - o f - f u n d i n g - a d v i c e / www. c hilt er n. g o v. u k / e n v i ro n m e n t a l h e a l t h www. t hec larefo u n d a t i o n . o r g / t r a i n i n g . h t m l www. c om m uni t y i m p a c t b u c k s . o r g . u k / t r a i n i n g _ e v e n t s . p h p www. buc k s s po r t . o r g / e n / a p p / c a l e n d a r / s e m i n a r s www. ac t ion4yo u t h . o r g www. t hebuc k s f o u n d a t i o n . o r g . u k
01296 585256 01494 732058 0 3 0 0 7 7 7 7 00 0 0 8 4 5 3 8 9 0 38 9 01296 585215 0 8 4 5 6 0 0 9 73 1 01296 330134
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Se a rching f or Training? We have cla ssified ou r t r aining under f our broad c a t e g o r i e s w h i c h m a k e s i t e a s i e r f o r y o u t o s e a rc h f o r t h e training you thin k wo uld be m os t s uit able f or y ou or y o u r o r g a n i s a t i o n .
M a n a g i n g y o u r O r g a n i s a t i o n / B usiness S kills for C har ities I n t h i s c a t e g o r y y o u w i l l f i n d a r ange o f c o u r s e s a l l d e s i g n e d t o h e l p y o u a n d y o u r o rga nisation im pr ov e ef f ec t iv enes s and c a p a c i t y .
F u n d rais in g
In this category you will find courses if you are new to fundraising, if you are a p rofe ssional f u n d r a i s e r o r i f f u n d r a i s i n g i s o n e e l e m e n t o f y o u r r o l e .
Vo l u n t ee r in g
In this category you will find courses that are relevant for any organisation that works with vo lun t eer s . They inc lude c our s es f o r a n y o n e w h o re c r u i t s , s u p e r v i s e s o r m a n a g e s v o l u n t e e r s .
C o m m u n i t y C l u b , F a c i l i t y M a n a g e m e n t a n d C a t e r i n g Tr a i n i n g
In this ca t egor y y ou will f ind t r aining re l e v a n t i f y o u a re r u n n i n g a s p o r t s , y o u t h o r c o m m u n i t y club . Th is c at egor y als o inc ludes c at er i n g c o u r s e s . For additional information on sports coaching and national governing bodies courses, please go to www.buckssport.org /en/app/calendar/seminars.
In this booklet we have also highlighted: Training available through Bucks County Council’s e-learning portal. Additional training courses available from Aylesbury Vale District Council. Organisations providing specific training for voluntary groups who work with children and young people with disabilities or vulnerable adults. Organisations providing Sensory Awareness training and First Aid training. For information on training for working with children or young people please go to www.action4youth.org.
APRIL 18th wed
COURSE TITLE Managing Challenging & Emotional Behaviour
Full Day
Full Day
Skills and tools for dealing with challenging behaviour and for working with people in heightened emotional states.
19th thu
Funding Advice Surgery Forty-five minute pre-bookable one to one appointments with a Funding Adviser to discuss funding for your project or organisation. (See Page 9) .
23rd mon
Social Media for Charities
Full Day
This course will help you understand how you can use social media to enhance and promote your valuable work.
M AY 2nd wed
3rd thu
Full Day
Full Day
Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Full Day
Invest in Your Volunteers
Full Day
Positive Presenting
Essential skills for creating and delivering outstanding presentations.
Funding Advice Surgery Forty-five minute pre-bookable one to one appointments with a Funding Adviser to discuss funding for your project or organisation. (See Page 9) .
9th wed
15th wed
This course is aimed at people who are concentrating on the mission of their charity, and for who the tracking of income and expenditure is a necessary undertaking.
For anyone who supervises, manages or coordinates volunteers. These are interactive events where we will focus on good practice and top tips for success when recruiting, supporting & retaining volunteers.
MAY 16th wed
16th wed
22nd tue
30th wed
COURSE TITLE Invest in Your Volunteers For anyone who supervises, manages or coordinates volunteers. These are interactive events where we will focus on good practice and top tips for success when recruiting, supporting & retaining volunteers.
Performance Management For charities drawing on both staff and volunteers, this course provides a range of practical tools and techniques which will enable you to foster a team which is motivated, empowered and performing to high standards.
Strategic Volunteering Whether you are already involving volunteers or want to take a fresh look - this workshop run by Community Impact Bucks is an opportunity to review current trends, learn from good practice and apply to your own situation.
Diversify Your Income - Developing A Mission Based Enterprise
Full Day
Full Day
Full Day
Full Day
This course is aimed at those in positions within their organisations who have the remit to look at expanding horizons to look at new ways to raise income including developing a social purpose enterprise.
JU NE 5th tue
COURSE TITLE Funding Advice Surgery
Full Day
Full Day
Forty-five minute pre-bookable one to one appointments with a Funding Adviser to discuss funding for your project or organisation. (See Page 9) .
13th wed
Coaching Skills to Engage & Develop Others
16th sat
Action4Youth Training Day
Full Day
Aston Clinton
Contact Provider
20th wed
Managing Charity Projects
Full Day
The content of the programme will centre on developing participant's skills in coaching others to grow their capability, engage their committment or to perform better in their roles.
Pick your course during the day from: level two award in food safety and catering, emergency and basic first aid, safeguarding, health and safety in the workplace.
Fundamental skills for initiating, planning and delivering succesful projects.
JU NE 22nd fri
26th tue
28th thu
Full Day
Effective Meetings
Full Day
Inspiring Leadership
Full Day
Developing Corporate Relationships This course has been designed to help you and your organisation understand the opportunities for engaging with and working with companies.
Strategies and skills for running meetings which are highly productive, motivational and eminently more time and cost effective.
This workshop will help you explore how to lead yourself and others more effectively in being succesful at what you care about.
Additional Training Available Aylesbury Vale District Council AVDC offer voluntary and community groups the opportunity to attend training that is arranged primarily for .AVDC staff. Full details of these training courses and how to book a place can be found at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk
e-Learning courses on the Buckinghamshire County Council e-Learning HUB. Bucks County Council have over 150 e-learning courses available. Courses are available if you are looking to improve your own skills around self development or management, to more specific courses in adult & family wellbeing or safeguarding services for children and young people. Courses within self development include coaching skills, decision making and meeting skills. Courses within adults and family wellbeing include safeguarding adults training, mental health and older people. Courses within safeguarding services for children and young people range from advocacy and participation to residential childcare and parental drug misuse. There is also e-learning training on Microsoft Word, Excel etc. A certificate is available on completion and all training is recordable. There maybe a nominal cost to allow access and Bucks County Council will look at your organisation’s needs and endeavour to provide access at the best possible price. If you would like more information please contact. Jude Reynolds HR Officer e-learning on 01296 382155 or email jreynolds@buckscc.gov.uk.
Funding Advice Surgeries C ommunity Imp act Buck s ar e holding Funding Adv ic e S u r g e r i e s i n d i f f e r e n t l ocat ions th rou gh ou t the Count y , s om e of t hes e will b e h e l d j o i n t l y w i t h B uckingha msh ire Co mm unit y Foundat ion. Thes e s ur g e r i e s w i l l o f f e r g r o u p s a n opportunity to h ave a 1:1 m eet ing wit h a Funding Adv i s e r t o d i s c u s s f u n d i n g f or t heir pro ject or g rou p. This c ould be about c os t ing a n d b u d g e t i n g , sourcing fun din g, re vie wing and dev eloping f unding a p p l i c a t i o n s , d e v e l o p i n g and runnin g fu nd raising ac t iv it ies , ex plor ing way s of d e v e l o p i n g s u s t a i n a b l e f unding o r an y o the r fun ding r elat ed is s ue. 19th A pr il - Bie rton (Only Com m unit y I m pac t Buc k s A d v i s e r s P r e s e n t ) 3rd May - Ch iltern Distr ic t Counc il O f f ic e 5t h June - Sou th Bu cks Dis t r ic t Counc il O f f ic e W eek C omme ncing 2n d J uly - Venue & Ex ac t dat e t b c P lease v isit bu cksfu nd ing. wor dpr es s . c om f or f ur t her i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t b o o k i n g a n a p p o i n t m e n t .
Stop Press - Level 2 Award in Food Safety Courses ru n b y Chilter n Di st r i ct Counci l ar e r elev an t i f y o u w o r k i n c a t e r i n g o r h ospitality wh ere foo d is pr epar ed, c ook ed or s er v ed. T h i s c e r t i f i c a t e i s s u e d b y t h e C hartere d In stitu te o f Env ir onm ent al Healt h will sa t i s f y t h e l e g a l r e q u i r e m e n t f o r f orma l train ing for p eople who handle high r is k f oo d . Full D ay Cou rse s will b e r unning on W ednes day 18t h A p r i l , M o n d a y 2 1 s t M a y a n d Thursday 2 1st Ju ne .
Training support for voluntary groups available from other Partnership Bodies The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Children Board offers comprehensive multi-agency training aimed at those in regular contact or who have a period of intense but irregular contact with children, young people or parents/carers. The training calendar can be found via their website www.bucks-lscb.org.uk.
The Buckinghamshire Children and Young Peoples Trust offers a range of training for those working with children and young people and their families. A training guide is also available to those who want to enhance their skills for working with disabled children, young people and their families. The training and development guide for disabled children services can be found via their website www.buckinghamshirepartnership.gov.uk. Action4Youth provide a comprehensive training programme to the voluntary youth sector and groups that work with children and young people aged 5-25. The training is tailored to the needs of volunteers working with young people and can be delivered directly to youth groups and organisations where they are located. The training calendar can be found on their website www.action4youth.org or contact them on 0845 600 9731 to discuss your training requirements.
The Buckinghamshire Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Board (BSVAB) offers a range of training, information and advice for the support and care of vulnerable adults. Their website www.bsvab.org provides key supportive information along with a link to the Safeguarding Adults Training Directory. MKB Care Ass oc iatio n working in partnership with Bucks County Council provides a training pro gramme and support for the private, voluntary and independent sector in Adult Social Care operating in Buckinghamshire. Full details as well as useful information can be found on their website www.mkbcare.org.uk
. D o mestic Abus e Th e B uc k s Count y Counc il dom es t ic v i o l e n c e t e a m i s o f f e r i n g t r a i n i n g s e s s i o n s a t sit es acr o ss the co un ty , c ov er ing bas ic inf or m at ion a n d a w a r e n e s s t o m o r e a d v a n c e d s e s s i o n s . T raining is fre e to vo lun t ar y gr oups in Buc k s and t her e b r o c h u r e c a n b e f o u n d a t b u c k s c c . g o v . u k or call Va ne ssa Elme s 0 1296 387077 f or m or e inf or m a t i o n . Bucks Vision Sen so ry A war enes s Tr aining will c ov er : A n I n t r o d u c t i o n t o v i s i o n l o s s ; c o m m o n e y e condition s a nd ca uses of s ight los s ; A br ief his t or y o f B u c k s V i s i o n ; S t e r e o t y p e s , c o m m o n m i s understan din gs an d Myt hs ; Delegat es will get t o t r y s i m u l a t i o n s p e c t a c l e s s o t h a t w e a r e r s c a n experience wh at it is lik e t o hav e s er ious s ight los s a n d w h a t t h e l i m i t a t i o n s a r e . T he course is for h alf a day and is des igned t o be f le x i b l e a n d a d a p t a b l e t o s u i t t h e c u s t o m e r ’ s needs i.e. care r, do cto r et c . Cour s es ar e us ually held o n s i t e , b u t c a n b e h e l d a t B u c k s V i s i o n i f required at a co st o f £2 50. G r oups c an book / enquir e v i a o u r w e b s i t e w w w . b u c k s v i s i o n . c o . u k , emailing re ce ptio n@bu c k s v is ion. c o. uk or c alling t he o f f i c e 0 1 2 9 6 4 8 7 5 5 6
First Aid Training First Aid training for your organisation is available from the Red Cross or St John Ambulance The Red Cross deliver over 800 Health & Safety Executive approved First Aid courses across the UK each month in over 165 venues. To access their range of training go via the attached link www.redcrossfirstaidtraining.co.uk or contact the area office on 0844 4122 750.
St John Ambulance teaches people first aid so that they can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved. Each year more than 800,000 people complete a St John Ambulance training course. St John Ambulance delivers First Aid and Health & Safety courses for the workplace, the general public and young people. Courses include risk assessment, fire marshal and a suite of first aid courses. For further information on becoming a volunteer or for details of training courses please visit www.sja.org.uk or call 01296 744360.
Course Costs Breakdown TCF: £64 + VAT (inclusive of lunch) if charity annual income is below £1.5m £84 + VAT (inclusive of lunch) for charities/not for profits with annual income over £1.5m BS: £10: Accredited Clubs (Clubmark) £15: Non accredited clubs based in Bucks/MK £20: Clubs from outside Bucks/MK CIB: £15 for voluntary and community organisations. £50 for private & statutory sector organisations. *CIB: free to Community Impact Bucks subscribers. AVDC: £10 groups less than 6 paid staff operating entirely within Aylesbury Vale. £20 groups with more than 6 paid staff operating entirely within Aylesbury Vale. £50 groups operating entirely or partially outside Aylesbury Vale including Bucks wide organisations based in Aylesbury. Courses have been subsidised by AVDC so the price charged is graded accordingly. A4Y: Members £25 for a full day, £8 for a half day. Cost to be advised for non members dependent on training offered.
Further Information
If you need any further information on any of these courses please contact the individual training provider. Contact details including telephone numbers can be found on page 1. If you wish to talk to someone about your group’s specific training requirements then call our training advisor at Community Impact Bucks on 0845 389 0389 or email info@buckstraining.co.uk. As a partnership of training providers we will be recording details of all training requests. This will help us plan future courses and ensure we are meeting your training needs.