June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe

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June 2024
“Sweet Spot” Original Water Color Mark
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EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS Hardware Apparel Fishing Decor Sporting Goods & More! 11320 Donner Pass Road | 10001 Soaring Way #105 | Truckee, CA mountainhardwareandsports.com

Publisher: harryJONES

Editors: allisonJONES


Layout design: aaronJONES

Contributing Writer: MarkMclaughlin

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What’s in a Name?

In 1863 Joseph Gray erected Gray’s Toll Station at the site of what is now downtown Truckee. Gray and his family moved into the toll house and started a roadside business as a rest stop for weary travelers on the crude road that crossed nearby Donner Pass. Although there was already a hotel at Donner Lake, owned and operated by J.D. Pollard, Gray knew that there was enough traffic for both businesses to thrive. Gray corralled a small herd of cattle to provide fresh meat for hungry teamsters and stagecoaches, and also stocked grain to nourish horses and mules. (At this time most emigrant wagon trains pulled by oxen were using the Carson Pass route.)

In 1865, anticipating the construction of the nation’s first transcontinental railroad over Donner Pass and east into Nevada, a blacksmith from Dutch Flat named S.S. Coburn set up a stage station, with restaurant and saloon, just west of Gray’s business. In a short time Coburn’s Station was crowded with men

assigned to work at the advance camp for Central Pacific Railroad. Joe Gray expanded into the lumber industry with George Schaffer, an experienced businessman from Carson City. Due to the lucrative timber and railroad activity the small hamlet along the Truckee River known as Coburn’s Station grew rapidly.

In April 1868, a Nevada City newspaper reported that the residents of Coburn’s Station had changed the name of their town to “Truckee.” Two months later, when much of it burned down, including Coburn’s structures, the name “Truckee” achieved permanent status. Truckee is named after the river, but how did the river get its name? The answer may be more complicated than you think. For 8,000 years, Indians living in the western Great Basin relied on the Truckee River as a vital life-sustaining resource. During the warmer months they hunted game, fished, and foraged for berries and medicinal plants along its banks. The Washoe and Northern Paiute tribes routinely fished for the large cutthroat trout that abounded in the clear, cold mountain water, an important addition to their limited diet of pine nuts, grass seeds and small game. The Washoe called the Truckee River “a’wakhu wa’t’a.” Resident archeologist Susan Lindstrom has reported that before downtown Truckee was built, the site was a Washoe Indian village named “K’ubuna detde’yi.”

www.northwoods.news 3 JUNE 2024
(775) 301-8076 WWW.NORTHWOODS.NEWS WWW.TAHOEWEATHERCAM.COM © 2000-2024 Community Media LLC. Reproduction of any part of this publication by written approval only. Continued on Page 4
Dutch Flat Mining Town 1866, Courtesy of Library of Congress

A historical account published in the “History of Plumas, Lassen & Sierra Counties,” reported that a Canadian trapper named Baptiste Truckee discovered this river while searching for water with an exploration party led by Joseph R. Walker in 1833. When Baptiste returned to the main party to report his discovery, he was honored with his last name being given to the stream. Ten years later, in 1843, a military surveying expedition commanded by Captain John C. Frémont were searching for a route eastward across the Sierra Nevada to Sutter’s Fort in the Sacramento Valley. This ragtag outfit stumbled onto the Paiutes’ traditional fishing grounds where the Truckee River spills into the south end of Pyramid Lake, the river’s terminus. The friendly natives treated the hungry explorers to a feast of grilled fish. Frémont enjoyed his culinary repast and named the stream Salmon Trout River. The Paiute’s explained that the river’s source was a large lake high in the mountains (Tahoe), and if he followed the river’s course he would reach a pass that led to California. But Frémont had other intentions and led his men south along the eastern Sierra front

will reach the country that you are searching for.”

A trail guide for the Stephens Party was Caleb Greenwood, an experienced fur trapper who at 80 years old was as rugged as the mountains themselves. Greenwood was able to communicate with Chief Tru-kizo who assured them that he would lead them to Sutter’s Fort. As they scouted the desert terrain, the chief repeatedly spoke words that sounded to the pioneers like “tro-kay,” or something phonetically similar. It wasn’t long before his Paiute name of Tru-ki-zo and his frequently-spoken phrase “tro-kay” somehow merged to become Truckee, which he adopted as his proper name. (Truckee’s granddaughter, Sarah Winnemucca, wrote that the Paiute word “Truckee” actually means “all right” or “very well.”) It makes sense that the friendly chief would reassure wary and weary emigrants with words that essentially meant, “Everything’s going to be all right!” as he guided them along. Chief Truckee’s assistance enabled the Stephens Party to become the first wagon train to open the California Trail by

4 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
Continued from page 3
Continued on Page 6
Captain John C. Frémont in public domain
10-Play Pack Golf Card On Sale Now - $1000 · Hurry! Cards are limited to the first 100 purchased · Good for up to 2 Golfers · Tee times up to 7 days in advance · Includes cart fee www.coyotemoongolf.com · (530) 587-0886 TAHOE DONNERSM RATES AVAILABLE

Continued from page 4 crossing the Sierra and reaching Sutter’s Fort. To express their gratitude, they named the river after him and Frémont’s Salmon Trout designation was forgotten. In early 1846, Mexican General Don Jose Castro declared war on American settlers. John Frémont was back in California at this time, having come west again in December 1845. In response to Castro’s threats, Frémont organized a volunteer army of recently arrived settlers, as well as with Indians from California and the western Great Basin. Truckee appointed his son Winnemucca to serve as chief in his absence with a promise to keep peace. Truckee and his brother Pancho left their people and joined Frémont’s army as guides. Frémont recognized Truckee’s loyalty and leadership by brevetting him captain in command of Company H, which consisted of Native Americans from various tribes, including Delawares who had come west with Frémont. In his new role Truckee supervised all Indian scouts during the Mexican-American War between 1846 and 1848. After the war, Captain Truckee was awarded a commendation for service and he returned to the Great Basin proudly wearing his blue uniform with brass buttons and military medals. From then on Truckee went by the moniker Captain Truckee, or sometimes Captain Truckee John, in appreciation of his hero Frémont. For the rest of his life, Truckee advocated peace between the settlers and Paiutes, even after an emigrant party fired on members of the village, killing six, including one of Truckee’s sons.

Captain Truckee spent his last years at an Indian camp in the Palmyra District, south of Dayton, Nevada. Counted among

his few belongings was a small bible that Frémont had given him in thanks for his contributions to the Americans, as well as an old copy of a St. Louis newspaper and other notes acquired from his many amiable encounters with his “long-lost brothers.” In October 1860, Truckee became ill with a serious infection from a tarantula or snake bite. Despite the application of various poultices and ointments, it became apparent that the old chief’s days were numbered. Prior to his death, Truckee gathered his family around and admonished them to keep the peace. According to his wishes to be buried in the same manner as the white man, his body was wrapped in blankets and placed in a grave dug beneath a grove of piñon trees. His hands were folded on his chest and all his possessions, including the Frémont bible, were buried with him.

Truckee was buried on a ridge just west of Como, Nevada, on the old Goliath Range. His solitary grave was marked by a simple cross which bore the inscription, “Here lies Capt. Truckee, the faithful guide and true friend of the white man.” Truckee lived his life honorably and in peace, and his legend and hope live on in the splendid river and town that bear his name.

Tahoe historian Mark McLaughlin is a nationally published author and professional speaker. His awardwinning books are available at local stores or at www.thestormking.com Mark can be reached at mark@ thestormking.com. Check out his blog: www.tahoenuggets.com

6 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
Pencil drawing of Captain Truckee before his death, in public domain
2023 Rawrr MANTIS 2024 Kawasaki KLX®110R 2680 S. Carson St. Carson City, NV 89701 775.883.6111 www.ridezillacarsoncity.com

Elegance on the Water: A Deep Dive into Fly Fishing

Fly fishing, often regarded as the most elegant and intricate form of angling, combines skill, finesse, and an intimate understanding of nature. Originating centuries ago, this art form has evolved into a beloved pastime and a competitive sport. In this guide, we delve into the rich history, essential gear, prime locations and more for fly fishing enthusiasts.


The origins of fly fishing can be traced back to ancient times, with records indicating its practice in both ancient

Greece and Rome. However, it wasn’t until the 15th century in England that fly fishing began to resemble its modern form. The use of artificial flies made from feathers, fur, and other materials to mimic insects and baitfish revolutionized the sport.

Throughout the centuries, fly fishing continued to evolve, with notable contributions from pioneers such as Dame Juliana Berners, author of the first known fly fishing book, “A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle” in 1496. The industrial revolution in the 19th century brought about advancements in materials and techniques, further propelling the popularity of fly fishing.

Best Practices

Successful fly fishing requires a combination of skill, knowledge, and patience. Here are some essential tips for mastering the art:

1. Practice Casting Mastering the art of casting is crucial for accurate presentation. Practice regularly on both still water and moving water to develop proficiency in different conditions.

8 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe

2. Observe Nature Understanding the behavior of aquatic insects and the feeding habits of fish is essential. Take note of insect activity, water temperature, and weather conditions to determine the most effective flies to use.

3. Be Stealthy Fish are easily spooked by noise and movement. Approach the water cautiously, avoid casting shadows, and wear neutral-colored clothing to blend into the surroundings.

4. Practice Catch-and-Release Conservation is key to preserving fisheries for future generations. Handle fish gently, use barbless hooks to minimize harm, and release them quickly to ensure their survival.

Fly Selection

Choosing the right fly is critical for success. Different types of flies mimic various aquatic insects and baitfish, and their effectiveness depends on factors such as water conditions and the species of fish being targeted. Here are some common types of flies and when to use them:

1. Dry Flies These flies float on the water’s surface and imitate adult insects such as mayflies, caddisflies, and midges. They are most effective during hatches when fish are actively feeding on the surface.

2. Nymphs Nymphs imitate immature aquatic insects that dwell underwater. Fishing with nymphs is highly effective in subsurface environments, particularly when fish are not actively rising to the surface.

3. Streamers Streamers mimic baitfish, leeches, and other larger aquatic prey. They are typically fished below the surface and are effective for targeting aggressive predatory fish such as trout, bass, and pike.

4. Wet Flies Wet flies are versatile flies that can imitate both underwater insects and emerging insects. They are fished below the surface and can be particularly effective during insect emergences and when fish are feeding near the bottom.

Continued on Page 10

www.northwoods.news 9 JUNE 2024 We c a rr y h i gh-qu ali t y ha rd w oo d floor i n g an d c a rp e t id e a l for your mount ai n ho m e . V is it us an d exp l o re our a m azi n g s e l e ct i on a t th e P i on e er Com me rc e C e nt e r i n Trucke e . 10 8 0 0 Pione er Trail, Unit 3, Trucke e Since 1979 | 53 0 5 82 .742 8 CA LIC # 3 4 5 49 4


To engage in fly fishing, you’ll need a few essential pieces of gear:

1. Fly Rod and Reel Choose a fly rod and reel combo appropriate for the type of fishing you’ll be doing and the species you’ll be targeting. Consider factors such as rod length, weight, and action.

2. Fly Line Select a high-quality fly line matched to your rod and reel setup. Different types of fly lines, such as floating, sinking, and intermediate, are designed for specific fishing conditions.

3. Leaders and Tippet Leaders and tippet material are used to connect the fly line to the fly. Choose leaders of appropriate length and strength for the fishing conditions, and match the tippet size to the size of the fly.

4. Flies Build a diverse collection of flies to cover a range of fishing scenarios. Start with basic patterns such as Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, and Woolly Bugger, and expand your collection based on local hatch patterns and recommendations.

5. Accessories Essential accessories include a fly box to store your flies, nippers or scissors for cutting tippet and leader material, forceps for removing hooks, and a landing net for safely landing and releasing fish.

Prime Locations for Fly Fishing

Fly fishing enthusiasts are spoiled for choice when it comes to prime fishing locations. Here are some of the best places to fly fish:

1. Trout Streams Rivers and streams with healthy populations of trout are popular fly fishing destinations. Look for cold, clean water with ample insect life and varied habitat for trout to thrive.

2. Mountain Lakes High-altitude mountain lakes offer pristine fishing opportunities for trout and other species. Accessible by hiking or backpacking, these remote lakes provide solitude and breathtaking scenery.

3. Saltwater Flats Saltwater fly fishing for species such as bonefish, tarpon, and permit is a thrilling pursuit. Shallow flats with clear water and abundant baitfish are prime habitat for these challenging gamefish.

4. Spring Creeks Spring creeks are characterized by clear, slow-moving water and abundant aquatic vegetation. They offer challenging fishing for selective trout and require stealthy presentations and precise casting.

5. Tailwaters Rivers below dams, known as tailwaters, provide consistent water flows and stable water temperatures year-round. These rivers support healthy populations of trout and offer excellent fishing opportunities throughout the seasons.

Fly fishing is not just a hobby but a lifelong pursuit that combines art, science, and a deep connection to nature. Whether casting dry flies to rising trout on a mountain stream or stripping streamers for predatory bass in a lake, fly fishing offers endless opportunities for exploration, discovery, and enjoyment, while transcending the mere act of catching fish.

10 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
Continued from Page 9

Looking to gear up for the summer fishing season? Look no further than Mountain Hardware & Sports! With four locations to choose from in the area, their fishing experts are on hand to provide inside tips or outfit you with the right equipment for fly fishing, trolling, or spin and bait casting.

mountainhardwareandsports.com 11320 Donner Pass Road | 10001 Soaring Way #105 | Truckee, CA

Palette Perspectives:

Insights from The Genoa Gallery

Exploring Watercolor Technique

Watercolor painting, with its luminous and fluid qualities, captivates artists and art enthusiasts alike. Mastering various techniques can significantly enhance the depth and texture of your watercolor artworks. This article delves into five essential watercolor techniques, each with its unique characteristics and applications.

Wet-on-Wet Technique

The wet-on-wet technique involves applying wet paint onto a wet surface, allowing colors to blend and flow organically. This method is ideal for creating soft edges, gradients, and atmospheric effects, making it perfect for painting skies, water, and other natural elements. For instance, to paint a sunset, you might begin by wetting the paper and then applying hues of yellow, orange, and red. The colors will merge seamlessly, producing a radiant, ethereal glow.

Wet-on-Dry Technique

In contrast, the wet-on-dry technique involves painting with wet paint on a dry surface. This method offers more control over edges and detail, making it suitable for detailed work like architectural elements, figures, and precise patterns. For example, painting a tree might involve using wet-on-dry to define the crisp edges of leaves and branches against a dry background. This technique allows for sharp contrasts and defined shapes.

Glazing Technique

Glazing in watercolor is akin to applying transparent layers of color over a dry layer to build depth and modify hues. This technique is particularly useful for creating shadows, enhancing colors, and adding complexity to your work. Start by painting a base layer and allowing it to dry completely. Then, apply a thin wash of another color

over it. For example, to darken a blue sky, you could glaze over it with a diluted layer of ultramarine blue, deepening the overall tone without disturbing the underlying layer.

Dry Brush Technique

The dry brush technique uses minimal water and a relatively dry brush, creating textured, rough strokes. This method is excellent for depicting textures like wood grain, fur, or rough surfaces. To achieve this, load your brush with paint and then remove excess moisture by dabbing it on a paper towel. Lightly drag the brush across the paper to leave broken, textured lines. For instance, creating the appearance of tree bark or grassy fields can be effectively achieved with this technique.

Lifting Technique

Lifting involves removing or lightening paint on the paper to create highlights and corrections. This can be done with a damp brush, sponge, or tissue. For instance, to create the illusion of clouds in a sky, you might lift off some paint from a wet-on-wet background using a tissue. Similarly, if you need to correct a mistake or lighten an area, gently scrubbing with a damp brush can help lift the paint without damaging the paper.

Experimenting with these watercolor techniques can significantly enhance your artistic repertoire. Each method offers unique effects and possibilities, allowing you to express different textures, depths, and emotions in your paintings. Embrace the fluidity and unpredictability of watercolor, and enjoy the creative journey it offers.

12 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
Tahoe Texture Aaron Jones Photography The Immigrant Robert Bucknell Oil Sweet Spot Mark Tompkins Watercolor 11AM - 4PM THURS - SAT & 12PM - 3PM SUN 2292 M AIN ST, STE 101, GENOA, NV (775) 301-8076 THEGENOAGALLERY.COM

Summer Pest Control: Keep Your Home and Yard Pest-Free

Summer brings warm weather, long days, and unfortunately, a surge in pest activity. From mosquitoes and ants to termites and other insects, pests can quickly become a nuisance. Read on to prioritize pest removal inside and out.

Preventing Mosquito Breeding


Standing Water

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water, so it’s crucial to remove any sources around your home. Regularly empty and clean birdbaths, kiddie pools, plant saucers, and clogged gutters. Even small amounts of water in containers like old tires or pet dishes can become breeding grounds.

Use Mosquito Repellents and Barriers

Apply mosquito repellent with DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus when outdoors. Installing and maintaining window and door screens can prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. For added protection, consider using mosquito nets around outdoor seating areas.

Introduce Natural Predators

Encourage the presence of natural mosquito predators such as bats, dragonflies, and certain types of fish. Installing a bat house or creating a water feature with mosquito-eating fish like goldfish or guppies can help control the mosquito population.

Apply Larvicides

In areas where standing water cannot be eliminated, such as ornamental

ponds or rain barrels, use mosquito dunks or bits containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), a bacterium toxic to mosquito larvae but safe for humans, pets, and wildlife.

Keeping Ants and Other Insects at Bay

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and the foundation. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these entry points to prevent ants and other insects from entering.

Maintain Cleanliness

Keep your kitchen and dining areas clean by promptly wiping up spills, storing food in airtight containers, and regularly taking out the trash. Ants are attracted to food sources, so cleanliness is key to keeping them at bay.

Use Natural Deterrents

Sprinkle substances like cinnamon, cayenne pepper, or coffee grounds around entry points to deter ants. You can also make a natural spray using equal parts vinegar and water to clean surfaces and disrupt ant trails.

Set Up Bait Stations

Use ant bait stations or make a homemade bait with borax and sugar to attract and eliminate ant colonies. Place bait stations near ant trails and entry points, and be patient as it may take a few days for the bait to reach and kill the entire colony.

Protecting Your Home

from Termites

Regular Inspections

Schedule regular termite inspections with a professional pest control company, especially if you live in an area prone to termite activity. Early detection is crucial in preventing significant damage.

Reduce Wood-to-Ground Contact

Termites are attracted to wood, so ensure that any wooden parts of your home, such as decks or wooden siding, do not come into direct contact with the soil. Use concrete or metal barriers between the soil and wooden structures.

Maintain Proper Ventilation

Ensure your home has proper ventilation, especially in crawl spaces and attics, to reduce moisture levels. Termites thrive in damp environments, so fixing leaks and using dehumidifiers can help deter them.

Apply Termiticide Barriers

Create a chemical barrier around your home by applying a liquid termiticide to the soil. This can be done by a professional and serves as a preventive measure to keep termites from entering your home.

Natural Pest Control Methods

Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home and in areas where you notice insect activity. This natural powder dehydrates and kills insects like ants, roaches, and fleas without harming pets or humans.

Essential Oils

Use essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, lavender, or eucalyptus as natural insect repellents. Mix a few drops with water and spray around windows, doors, and other entry points to deter pests.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is an effective natural pesticide that can be used to control a variety of insects, including aphids, mites, and whiteflies. Mix neem oil with water and a few drops of dish soap, then spray on affected plants and surfaces.

Companion Planting

Plant pest-repelling plants like marigolds, basil, mint, and lavender in your garden. These plants naturally repel insects and can help protect your vegetable and flower beds from pests.

By implementing these pest control tips, you can enjoy a pest-free home and yard throughout the summer. Regular maintenance and the use of natural deterrents will help you manage pests effectively and safely, ensuring a more enjoyable and comfortable season.

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Calendar of Events

June - August 2024


June 22, 2024



It took a passion for aviation, educating children about aviation, and for the Truckee North Tahoe Community to bring a relatively small group of volunteers and sponsors together on July 7, 2012, to produce, after a 16-year hiatus, the Truckee Tahoe AirFair & Family Festival. Now the event is a full-blown air show with world-renowned performers and speakers. The event features a family festival filled with kids’ activities and musical/puppet show performances. Vendors line the ramp along with airplane static displays and docents.

July 04, 2024



Truckee Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce that plans are underway for the Annual Truckee 4th of July Parade. Truckee’s July 4th parade begins at 10:00 a.m. at the west end of Donner Pass Road at Truckee High School and progresses 1-1/2 miles down the road into historic downtown Truckee. Spectators can expect a display of creativity and community spirit as the parade features a colorful array of floats, lively performances, and artistic expressions that reflect the unique character of Truckee. The Firecracker Mile Fun Run, an Auburn Ski Club Training Center fundraise is a one-mile “gravity-fed” fun event is for all ages and abilities. The race starts at 9:45 a.m., just before the parade, at US Bank on Donner Pass Road and finishes downtown in front of the judges’ stage. All are welcome to run, jog, or take a quick or casual walk to the finish line. Participants are encouraged to wear festive attire and be ready to be cheered on by the crowds. After the Firecracker Mile, the Truckee 4th of July Parade begins! Plan out your spot early and prepare for a morning full of small-town traditions. Local businesses, organizations, and individuals are encouraged to join in the festivities by participating in the parade and showcasing their creativity and to celebrate the spirit of camaraderie that defines our town.

July 13, 2024



You are invited to our 17th annual FUNdraiser where all proceeds go to kids in our community. The TRUCKEE OP-

TIMIST CLUB supports sports teams, art, music and drama programs, field trips, and provides academic scholarships. Your entrance ticket will get you access to allyou-can-taste (responsibly) brews and live music. Enjoy award-winning craft and home brews, while listening to the infamous BLUES MONSTERS, and voting for your favorite. There will be gluten free options available. There will be food for purchase and a silent auction. The TRUCKEE TRAILS BIKE VALET will be available for those that would like to ride rather than drive. This is a 21+ event. No dogs allowed. And again, please plan ahead on how you will be able to responsibly participate.

North Lake Tahoe

Jun 23, 2024



Join the Truckee Donner Railroad Society (TDRRS) and author Bo Grebitus for a walking tour in Tahoe City on the route of the Lake Tahoe Railway & Transportation Company’s narrow gauge passenger train from Truckee. We’ll see where trains went out on a long pier to meet steamships bound for resorts around the lake, the location of a trestle at the edge of the lake, and restored railroad buildings from the early 1900s that are used today as retail space. Please email TOURS@TDRRS.ORG to sign up.

July 4, 2024


https://visittahoecity.org/event/tahoe-city-4th-of-july/ wine-classic-tickets-846209283747?aff=erelexpmlt

the Tahoe City Drone Show at 9:30 p.m. This year, the Tahoe City Downtown Association has announced that the show will be the largest drone light show ever held at Lake Tahoe. With 300 drones, the cutting-edge display offers high-tech creativity and amazing visuals visible shore to shore. Watch the sky light up with a brilliant celebration of technology, art and the love of Lake Tahoe. Satellite viewing areas are also available at multiple locations, including boat spots, restaurants, Bristlecone and Skylandia. For additional information on viewing locations please visit visittahoecity.org.

Aug 9-10, 2024



The Lake Tahoe Concours d’Elegance celebrates its 50th anniversary August 9-10, 2024 on Lake Tahoe’s scenic West Shore with a must-see Marque Class of 50 Years of Past Overall Best in Show Winners! Concours is renowned as a showcase of some of the most well-preserved and

restored wooden boats in the world and is unrivaled in its exhibition and preservation of maritime tradition. Presented by the Tahoe Yacht Club Foundation and its perpetual partner, Tahoe Luxury Properties, the Concours experience features luxury shopping, live jazz music, cuisine prepared by local chefs, the fully stocked Watering Hole bar, and our famed Silent Auction. A portion of the proceeds from your ticket goes directly to the Lake Tahoe Community. This isn’t just a show. It’s a lifestyle.

South Lake Tahoe

June 24, 2024



Scheduled to depart Nevada/California Stateline (South Lake Tahoe) Wednesday, June 24, 5:30 pm PDT Note: Anyone wishing to see the Pony Express riders should be aware that they may be anywhere from two hours ahead to two hours behind schedule. Today, part of the Pony Express Trail route is a multi-use trail located near Sierra-at-Tahoe. There are a few relay stations in South Lake Tahoe. One at Friday’s Station, just east of Harrah’s casino where the statue is today, and two others out in Meyers by Holiday Market and the Hawley Grade Trail. Another station is located at Woodfords near Markleeville. Ranked among the most remarkable feats to come out of the 1860 American West, the Pony Express was in service from April 1860 to November 1861. Its primary mission was to deliver mail and news between St. Joseph, Missouri, and San Francisco, California.

July 4, 2024



The parade gets underway at 9:00 a.m. The theme of the parade is Stars and Stripes for Service! It will finish at Bijou Community Park on Al Tahoe.

Don’t miss out on this family-friendly event and be sure to wear your red, white, and blue! There will be places to sit along the whole route, including Lakeview Commons and the parking lot at Ross.

For event details, viewing locations, parade highlights, and road closures go to: https://cityofslt.us/875/4th-ofJuly-Parade. team, create a team of their own with family and friends, or be a Team Lead at their site. Team Leads will receive training prior to the event on how to most accurately collect the needed data for the day, so they can guide their team of citizen scientists to success!

Continued on page 18

16 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe

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July 4, 2024


https://visitlaketahoe.com/event/ lights-on-the-lake-fireworks-2/

Thursday, July 4, 2024, The American Pyrotechnics Association rates South Shore’s spectacular Fourth of July fireworks celebration one of the top five displays in the nation. The show is scheduled to begin at 9:45 PM. The fireworks are visible from all over town. Visit the web address above to find out what are some of the sweet spots to get a front-row seat and other important information.

July 26-28 & Aug 4-6, 2024



Welcome to the Land of Blue! The Art League of South Lake Tahoe welcomes you to our 17th annual artist studio tour. 12 incredible locations and 17 of our most precious and creative local artists invite you to visit and mingle with them in various locations as you take in the natural beauty that inspires some of the most wonderful art in all of the Sierras. Do Not Miss This Exciting Annual Event! The Tahoe Art League’s artist studio tour is an extraordinary self-guided art tour event that occurs each year on the last weekend of July and the first weekend in August. Explore and View the arts of Tahoe. There are Numerous Locations To See! Visit with either individual artists or artist collectives showing their work and working spaces offering a unique glimpse into why we are the Premier Art Destination of Lake Tahoe. These Artists Work in Diverse Media Inspired by Some of the Most Beautiful Natural Environs Including glass, photography, jewelry, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture and drawing. Every space will surprise and delight you with something rich and different. Meet and mix with artists, watch and participate in demonstrations, and be sure to buy some of this beautiful art to add to your collection or to give the gift of art to those you love. Reno

Jun 20-29, 2024




The 105th annual Reno Rodeo promises to be the biggest and best yet with more rip-roarin’, boot-stompin’, jaw-droppin’ PRCA action. The Reno Rodeo is a PRCA (Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association) sanctioned sporting event and is a non-profit organization made up of over 900 volunteers. Each year, over 140,000 fans attend the 4th richest PRCA tour rodeo and the 3rd best as recognized by USA Today’s 10 Best Readers Choice. The event impacts the Reno/Sparks area economy with

$42 million going to hotels, casinos, restaurants and retail outlets. The Reno Rodeo has been nationally televised on The Cowboy Channel, CBS Sports, Fox Sports Net, Versus, ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN Classic.

Aug 4 - 11, 2024



Hot August Nights is a must-attend event for car and music enthusiasts alike. Thousands flock to the Reno Tahoe area for free live headline entertainment, show-nshine competitions, nightly cruises, drag races, loads of vendors and the popular Hot August Nights car auction. Considered one of the world’s premier classic car events, more than 5,000 vehicles from this golden era of design are showcased with activities all over Reno and Sparks during Hot August Nights. Restored hot rods and sexy muscle cars give enthusiasts a first-hand experience of popular decades gone by. With the full schedule of events taking place in Reno Tahoe, it’s easy to join the party and be a part of this internationally-renowned event.

Aug 17, 2024



Major League Dragon Boat continues to blaze trails west in Northern Nevada! Join us in the City of Sparks! With eighty acres of water accommodating swimming, boating, fishing, and scuba diving, Sparks Marina provides the perfect conditions for stellar dragon boat racing. Add in breath-taking views of the nearby mountains, and you’ve got one of the most picturesque venues on the MLDB calendar. Paddlers, weekend warriors, and families are invited to join us in the festivities and excitement throughout the day at Sparks Marina! Visit the many vendors and exhibitors in the Health and Wellness Village, Food Truck Bazaar, and more.

Carson Valley

July 18-21, 2024



The Nevada Agricultural Fair returns to the Douglas County Fairgrounds for its third year! This event is free to attend, with a focus on the science of farming, homesteading, and the practice of producing livestock, all within the community of western Nevada. There’ll be a youth livestock show and sale (steers, goats, pigs, sheep, rabbits and poultry), food and merchandise vendors, and indoor exhibits with canning, breads, vegetables, art, and educational displays. As an exciting addition to the fair, the MAYHEMilition Demolition Derby, presented by Sim-

erson Events, will be taking place in the evenings on July 18th, 19th, and 20th. The MAYHEM Mowers race on Thursday the 18th is free to attend. Tickets for events on the 19th and 20th will be $20 for General Admission and $5 for children ages 3-10, with free entry for children under 3. Proceeds will benefit the expansion of Northern Nevada’s local youth livestock groups. All three nights, the gates will open at 6:00pm and the events will begin at 7:00pm. You can find more information about MAYHEMilition on their official website.

Aug 22-24, 2024




Professional racing in Carson City, with the famed Police Vs. Fire Challenge Race, bar banging Pro Riders, and some Crazy 110’s play cat and mouse with the young guns! A portion of tickets, and other proceeds will benefit our local police and fire stations. Paid adult ticket earns you a free youth ticket(12 and under) valued at $10, all tickets increase in price after online ticket sales close. Get your ticket before July first for an even bigger discount!

CA Foothills

July 4, 2024



Gates Open at 3 pm | FIREWORKS once dark Bring your propane BBQs, footballs, other games, coolers (no outside alcohol, please) and your dancing shoes, but leave your pets, charcoal BBQs and glass containers at home. Kid’s Activities: Hay Mazes plus FREE Kids’ Contests and Games. Carnival Rides and Water Slides with a wristband. Live Music from 6-10 pm Food and drinks available for purchase.

Aug 7-11, 2024



Get ready for five days of excitement and fun planned for Fairgoers! The Nevada County Fair is the perfect opportunity to enjoy musical entertainment, delicious food, carnival rides, animals, and exhibits in a community-friendly environment and at affordable family prices! Named the most beautiful fairgrounds on the West coast – the Nevada County Fairgrounds is is known for its tall pine trees, onsite pond, and unique food vendors. Be sure to stop by the Nevada City Chamber’s Burger and Root Beer Float booth on Treat Street for a delicious fair meal.

18 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
Continued from page 16
CPCN 7017 (530) 414-7785

Maximizing Small Bathroom Spaces

Small bathrooms present unique challenges, but with creative design and storage solutions, you can maximize space without sacrificing style.

Optimize Layout

Prioritize fixtures like the toilet, sink, and shower. Consider a pocket or barn-style sliding door to free up space. A corner sink can efficiently utilize awkward spaces.

Choose Compact Fixtures

Compact fixtures work best. Wall-mounted sinks and toilets save space and create the illusion of a larger area. Pedestal sinks are sleek, space-efficient alternatives to bulky vanities.

Use Vertical Space

Vertical space is crucial in small bathrooms. Install shelves or cabinets above the toilet or around the ceiling’s perimeter for additional storage. Tall, narrow storage units fit into tight corners, and hanging baskets or caddies add more storage options.

Multifunctional Furniture

Look for multifunctional furniture, like mirrors with built-in storage or overthe-toilet units that house toiletries and towels.

Light and Color

Light, neutral colors on walls and tiles reflect light,

creating an airy feel. Mirrors enhance the perception of space by reflecting light and creating depth. Use a mix of natural and artificial lighting, and consider recessed lighting to save ceiling space.

Smart Storage Solutions

Magnetic strips for grooming tools and adhesive hooks for towels and robes maximize space. Install a shower caddy or tension rod with hanging baskets to keep bath prod ucts organized.

Keep It Simple

Minimize decor to avoid clutter. Opt for functional and aesthetic acces sories, like a single piece of art or a well-placed plant.

20 June 2024 Northwoods Tahoe
MINDEN (775) 783-4970 AND 4th Annual SEP 7 2024 SAT Genoa, Nevada SPONSOREDby

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