1 800-455-5600
production vp of production operations Amanda White director of publication design Kelly Friederich
photography coordinator Jay Nerhkorn photography Bruce Schooler
managing editor Laura Wilcoxen
lead design Kelly Friederich
copywriting Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
website creation & support Josh Chandler
proofreader Christina Reese
director of media purchasing Diana Vaughn
business development director of business development George Prudhomme
business development manager Bonnie Ebers
director of outside sales Debbie Moss
marketing consultant Kane Underwood
vp chief sales officer Tom Hoyt
marketing specialist Shawna Williams
regional director of publications Sean Corrigan
customer service director Kathy Risley
ad traffic Carol Smith
administrative support human resources assistant Teresa Craig mailroom technician Melinda Bowlin
account support Terri Ahner Tricia Cannedy
publishing systems specialist Christopher Miller
Big Spring remains poised for the next influence............................... 3
Residential/Real Estate
Howard County is at the “Crossroads of West Texas.”....................... 4
Big Spring has a diverse and varied economy................................... 5
Health Care
Our mission is compassionate care................................................ 11
Recreation & Tourism Communities
executive leadership chief financial officer Rhonda Harsy
ABOUT This book is published by CommunityLink and distributed through the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information or questions or comments about this book, contact CommunityLink at 800-455-5600 or by e-mail at info@CommunityLink.com. FOR INFORMATION Big Spring Area Chamber of
Commerce, 215 West 3rd Street, Big Spring, TX 79720, Telephone 432-263-7641, Fax 432-264-9111, www.bigspringchamber.com © 2011 Craig Williams Creative, Inc., 4742 Holts Prairie Road, Post Office Box 306, Pinckneyville, IL 62274-0306, 618-357-8653. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.
Visit Big Spring online www.communitylink.com/big-spring-texas
Eve Nieto
Visit the Crossroads of West Texas................................................. 14
information technology
chairman and founder Craig Williams
… a place where a handshake still means something........................ 2
It is our goal to nurture, challenge, motivate, and support students..... 8
ad design Josh Mueller
administrative support Kathy Hagene Carol Smith
Welcome to Howard County …
advertising ad research Mary Kopshever Amy Schwartzkopf
Table of Contents
501 S Birdwell Ln #6 • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-6616 • enieto1977@att.net
Meet the neighbors!...................................................................... 18
Membership Directory/Index of Advertisers
Please support our members.......................................................... 19
Major Distances to Big Spring, TX (in miles) Midland, TX.....................................................41 Odessa, TX......................................................63 Lubbock, TX...................................................106 Abilene, TX....................................................109 Amarillo, TX..................................................228 Forth Worth, TX.............................................265 San Antonio, TX.............................................298 Austin, TX......................................................315 El Paso, TX....................................................346 Dallas, TX......................................................346 Oklahoma City, OK........................................395 Albuquerque, NM..........................................422 Houston, TX...................................................493 Tucson, AZ.....................................................662
The advanced medical care you need. Right here at home. At Scenic Mountain Medical Center, you’ll find the medical
Main Hospital Number
Business Office
dedicated and experienced medical team offers our community
Digital Mammography & Bone Density Testing
an array of specialties ranging from emergency care and general
Family Medical Center Cornerstone, Dr. Scott Barclay
Family Medical Center Gregg Street Clinic
Family Medical Center OB/GYN Department
Family Medical Center Surgical Associates
Gift Shop
Healthy Woman Program
Human Resources
services you need delivered with care and compassion. A
surgery to diagnostic testing and much more. The quality care you need is right here at Scenic Mountain Medical Center. To find out more, visit SMMCCares.com.
Medical Records Patient Room
1601 West Eleventh Place • Big Spring, TX 79720
268-4658 268-4(+ the room number)
Respiratory Therapy
Sleep Center
Senior Circle/Volunteers
Yellow Rose Café
Welcome to Howard County… …a place where a handshake still means something.
n behalf of the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce, its members, Board of Directors, and staff, we are pleased to provide you with the 2011 Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce Community Profile/Business Directory Guide. This publication will provide a view of Howard County and what it has to offer. This publication represents the members who invest in the future of Big Spring, Coahoma, and Forsan through their membership in the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. This magazine would not be possible without their support. We urge you to patronize these Chamber members and purchase, or utilize their vast variety of goods and services. Big Spring, Coahoma, and Forsan residents are a determined people committed to our communities. We take pride in our efforts to make Howard County a better place to live, work, and play. The renovation of the Settles Hotel, renewed interest in downtown, the many improvements in our downtown infrastructure, recent improvements in city recreational facilities, the new Family Aquatic Center, the Roy Anderson Sports Complex, our Municipal Golf Course, and construction of new educational facilities in Forsan, Coahoma, Big Spring, and at Howard College all indicate the “can do” attitude of Howard County residents.
Howard County … events and activities that bring you here unique beauty that gives you pause kindness of the community that makes you stay.
… Friendly Folks, Great Fun, and a Beautiful Beginning. The Chamber works with our many community partners to see our area prosper and grow. Our mission is to advance the civic, economic, cultural, and social betterment and interests of its members and people of Howard County. Come by for a visit, our door is always open. Debbye ValVerde, IOM Executive Director Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
History Big Spring remains poised for the next influence.
o one is certain who was first to come upon the big springs that later gave the town its name. It sure was visited by prehistoric creatures seeking water in the arid region and later by hunters with pointed sticks and crude stone tools and primitive Indians following herds of bison used for food, clothing, and shelter. Cabeza de Vaca may have been the first white man to look upon the spring, which was chronicled in his journals of his journey in 1535. Capt. Randolph Marcy chronicled his visit to the spring in October 1849 as he sought to establish a leg of a transcontinental trail. Marcy noted that the spring appeared to be a favorite place of the Comanche Indians. The spring subsequently became the base for many army expeditions to the new territory and remained the home of several Indian tribes. Many skirmishes between the two were recorded by several army officers, including Col. Robert E. Lee, in 1856, who later became commander in chief of the Confederate forces. The Texas & Pacific Railroad named the little village a division point between Ft. Worth and El Paso, from which water was supplied from the spring. This meant jobs for shops and road crews and corresponding growth and stability
for the new town. By 1881 the rail had reached Big Spring and beyond, creating a sustainable economic base. Big Spring flourished, local county government was established, businesses sprang up, and farming and ranching operations were established all in a short period beginning in the early 1880s. Big Springs’ next big influence came with the discovery of oil in the county. In 1926 the Otis Chalk No. 1 came in, after several earlier attempts to find oil, and the boom was on. Many of the early wells produced 3,000 to 4,000 barrels of oil a day. Hundreds of workers came to the area for work, and new oil-related businesses sprang up, along with refining. Today oil, rail, farming, and ranching still provide the economic base for the community, and Big Spring remains poised for the next influence, which is wind energy. Big Spring’s unique topography is a mixture of wide-open plains mixed with the convergence of the northern limit of the Edwards Plateau and the southernmost hills of the Caprock. Big Spring is nestled in a gorge between two high foothills, creating beautiful vistas and an oasis in the West Texas prairie.
Klassic Kleaners 432-263-7004
2107 S. Gregg St Monday-Friday 7am-6:30pm
“Same Day Service”
Residential/ Real Estate Howard County is at the “Crossroads of West Texas.”
eal estate is one of the biggest investments people make in their lifetime. American homeowners consider it to be more than a simple financial investment. In the Howard Country Area, we have a variety of homes. Big Spring, Coahoma, and Forsan are all school districts in the area, and many people make their choice because of a school district. You can live in the city or locate in the country in each of these communities. Howard County also has multi-priced homes. If a person is looking for a small property, median property, or even an executive home, they will be able to find one in the surrounding area. Howard County has the luxury of the closeness of two lakes and many recreational areas. The climate is also a major factor for drawing people to West Texas. Many look forward to enjoying the slower pace while remaining close to several larger communities. Howard County is at the “Crossroads of West Texas,” 100 miles from Abilene, 90 miles from
Heart of the City, Realtors® No One Knows the Country Like We Do®
Lubbock, 45 miles from the Midland/Odessa communities, and 90 miles from San Angelo. Big Spring is the 27th city to be named a “Go-Texas Certified Retirement Community.” Big Spring offers several retirement living facilities for the elderly and disabled. Some offer weekly housekeeping services with linen laundering and transportation. For the younger at heart, the oil boom brings many to Howard County. We continually have people moving in as well for employment with our established companies and hospitals. It is a buyer’s market in commercial, retail, and residential properties, with several real estate agencies available to meet all your needs. For those looking for industrial property, Big Spring Economic Development is available to help you locate the right property to fit your needs. Howard County is full of friendly people ready to help you make Big Spring, Coahoma, or Forsan your new home.
Toll Free 888-893-9508 • Fax: 432-714-4560 www.heartofthecityrealtors.com
Sherri Key ABR Broker/Owner skey@unitedcountry.com Cell 432-270-3709
Traci Ryan - Broker traci.ryan126@yahoo.com Cell 432-935-2078
Kara Freeman - Agent kara@heartofthecityrealtors.com Cell 432-213-3413
Diane Newton - Agent diane@heartofthecityrealtors.com Cell 432-213-0650
Linda Fernandez - Agent linda@heartofthecityrealtors.com Cell 432-816-3091
Donna Love Agent donnaklove@yahoo.com Cell 432-935-3870
Jeanie Ward - Agent Jeanie@heartofthecityrealtors.com Cell 432-816-6564
Cindy Coleman Agent cmcm@suddenlink.net Cell 432-270-8195
Michelle Machwart Agent michelle@heartofthecityrealtors.com Cell 432-213-4141
Chris Welch Office Manager chris@heartofthecityrealtors.com
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Big Spring has a diverse and varied economy.
ig Spring is located at the crossroads of U.S. Interstate Highway 20, State Highway 87, State Highway 350, and State Highway 176 in West Texas. Big Spring has a diverse and varied economy. Oil and gas production became a major economic force in the early 1900s, and the industry remains strong today. Present day, the economy has grown to include refining, manufacturing, wind energy production, agriculture, transportation, governmental services, and a broad range of health care services.
Strengths & Challenges Big Spring EDC works to promote the current competitive strengths of the city of Big Spring and Howard County and to take advantage of
competitive challenges. Big Spring EDC strongly markets the following Big Spring attributes:
Diverse Economy Businesses in Big Spring and Howard County range from health care, to oil and gas and wind energy production, to agriculture. With such a diverse economy, Big Spring has been able to weather any economic downturn. Transportation Big Spring is well connected by highway, air, and rail service. The city is located at the crossroads of West Texas and is easily accessible from any direction, making it part of the Ports to Plains Region. Along with highway access, Big Spring is east–west rail serviced by Union Pacific
Railroad. The city also has McMahon/Wrinkle Airport, located in Big Spring, as well as an international airport only 60 miles to the west.
Community Networking Big Spring and Howard County are fortunate to have a progressive leadership with excellent cooperation among the government, educational institutions, and the citizenry, thus encouraging and allowing organizations to work to streamline the process of starting or expanding a business. Quality of Life Big Spring is the home of caring residents, friendly families, beautiful landscapes, a comfortable climate, and a multitude of cultural, sporting, and recreational events, Big Spring
has recently been designated as a “Certified Retirement Community” by the Texas Department of Agriculture and is a safe oasis to call home. Big Spring has struggled with the accessibility of skilled labor. With the educational support of Howard College and its vocational and technical training courses, we are developing a strong foundation for highly skilled labor, which will provide for a more skilled workforce for Big Spring.
Target Industries Big Spring has the ability to target specific industries, activities, and opportunities on which to focus recruitment and retention efforts. Matching location strengths to industry requirements and to industry demand patterns is critical in target industry identification and is an essential component of an effective development strategy. These defined industries are a likely match for the relocation or expansion of primary jobs in Big Spring. The Big Spring Economic Development Corporation (BSEDC) has identified six target industries.
Oil and Gas Energy West Texas, and Howard County in particular, have a strong tradition of oil and gas exploration and production. Oil, originally discovered in the region in 1926, has been a primary industry in the area and a major contributor to the local economic base. Today Big Spring is home of one of the largest inland refineries in the United States and is a hub for oil and gas processing and distribution. Drilling, refining, carbon
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
black production, oil well servicing, oil field supply, and oil field equipment manufacturing represent a significant employment base for the area. Big Spring will continue to have a strong oil-related base, and efforts will continue to develop and retain oil-related industry.
Transportation and Distribution Big Spring is situated at the “Crossroads of West Texas,” making it a natural transportation and distribution hub. Interstate Highway 20 is the major east–west artery, and Texas Highway 87 the major north–south artery. Big Spring is located on the Ports-to-Plains Corridor linking Mexico with Canada, a major transportation path for goods and services manufactured or grown in the Midwest and distributed worldwide. Big Spring is the former home of Webb Air Force base and boasts an 8,800-foot runway capable of landing 737-class aircraft, a new state-of-the-art air terminal, and facilities that lend themselves to national and global shipping and distribution. Big Spring is serviced by Union Pacific Railroad on their primary east–west track, with thousands of railcars passing through Big Spring every day. These assets make Big Spring ideal for transportation distribution operations and a focus for the EDC to develop logistic operations. Agriculture Before oil and gas, and before wind energy, farming and ranching were the economic engines of West Texas and Big Spring. Cattle and cotton production continue to have a significant impact on the local economy. Recently, Big Spring was selected by a major cotton storage distribution co-op to warehouse and market cotton nationally and internationally. BSEDC understands the importance of agricultural production not only
locally, but nationally, and places a high priority on developing agriculture-related industry, manufacturing, and distribution.
Renewable Energy Big Spring was one of the first sites for wind energy production in the central United States. Some 12 years ago an over-34MW project was completed, and in 2008 another 250MW of capacity was added, with future projects being discussed. Utility-scale solar projects are now being planned, with possible location in the Big Spring area. These projects are opening new doors for supply chain industries to locate in our region. Training programs for renewable-energyrelated jobs are now offered at the community college and high schools. This new industry diversifies the economic base and offers many new areas for job development and growth. Health Care Big Spring has long had the reputation of being a center for health care in West Texas, including a 150-bed private hospital serving the general public, a Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center, a state mental health facility, and a Texas State Veterans Home. Big Spring is home of one of the premier rehabilitation facilities in
West Texas, providing physical therapy, occupational therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, audiology, wellness programs, and a multitude of other services.
Entrepreneurship Big Spring Economic Development Corporation has partnered with Entrepreneur Alliance. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, an emerging business owner, or an established enterprise, Entrepreneur Alliance can help you get where you want to go. Entrepreneur Alliance is a nonprofit consortium of nine resource organizations in Amarillo, Big Spring, Borger, Dalhart, Dumas, Pampa, and Perryton. Its purpose is to connect Texas entrepreneurs with a variety of financial and consultative business assistance that helps minimize risk, maximize the likelihood of success, and enrich the local economy. The primary benefit is having a business facilitator working in Big Spring to consult one-on-one with business owners. Matty McLain is the business facilitator working for Big Spring. His background includes sales, online businesses, guerrilla marketing, operations management, and business startups. Matty earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree with an emphasis in entrepreneurship from the University of North Texas. He is a
former small business owner and has experience in a variety of industries, including fundraising, recycling, website design, wholesale baking, and construction. If you want to start a new business or grow an existing business, please contact Big Spring Economic Development for more information.
Big Spring Economic Development Corporation 215 West 3rd Street • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-6032 • www.bigspringtx.com
Education It is our goal to nurture, challenge, motivate, and support students. Public K–12 Big Spring ISD
708 11th Place • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-3600 • www.bsisd.esc18.net
For well over a century Big Spring ISD has worked diligently to see that the 3,800 students in the community have been provided with the highest-quality education. Every attempt is continuously made to educate the “whole child,” going far beyond the mere basics. Well-rounded students who become contributing members of society take every opportunity to participate in the myriad of activities offered in the school system and community, from fine arts to career and technical training. Furthermore, the use of technology is an important tool being utilized to further education. High school students are encouraged to take college-level courses (dual credit) while enrolled in Big Spring High School. This effort is made infinitely more accessible due to the presence of Howard College here in Big Spring. Many graduate from high school with over 30 hours of college credit, which will give them the upper hand as incoming college students. The support of the community and the school district is virtually unmatched anywhere in the area. Four new elementary schools are due to be completed in 2012. • Moss Elementary (1965) • Marcy Elementary (1960) • Washington Elementary (1951) • Goliad Intermediate (1958)
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Coahoma ISD
600 N. Main Street • Coahoma, TX 79511 432-394-4290 • www.coahomaisd.com
Coahoma Independent School District is located in Howard County in the heart of an agricultural and oil-producing area in West Texas. Coahoma is on Interstate 20, approximately 10 miles east of Big Spring. The district is comprised of approximately 750 students, with one elementary, junior high, and high school campus. All of the district facilities are located within walking distance of each other and have recently undergone extensive renovations and improvements thanks to the support of our community. Coahoma ISD is small enough to give students the individual attention they need, yet large enough to provide the latest technology and to offer the academic, vocational, and extracurricular programs that engage students. It is our goal to nurture, challenge, motivate, and support students to achieve far more than they ever thought possible. We are focused on continually working to improve, and we are a closeknit community that truly cares about our students. Coahoma ISD is a district with a proud past and a bright future. We welcome you to visit our schools and our community.
Forsan ISD
411 W. 6th Street • P.O. Drawer A • Forsan, TX 79733 432-457-2223 • http://forsan.esc18.net
Forsan ISD encompasses the southern and western sections of Howard County. The community of
Forsan is home to the secondary campus, which hosts grades six through 12. This campus is approximately nine miles south of Big Spring on Highway 87, and then three miles east on Road 461. The elementary campus resides in the community of Elbow, also south of Big Spring on Ranch Road 818 just off the Garden City Highway. Forsan ISD is currently a 2A district with approximately 690 students. It is a small school with small student-to-teacher ratios. The most recent Academic Excellent Indicator System (AEIS) reports the number of students per teacher at 13-to-8. Forsan ISD has a long history of academic success supported by extracurricular success. The district is rated by TEA as a Recognized District. The secondary campus is also Recognized, and the elementary is Exemplary. The secondary campus was recently awarded the title of “Higher Performing School” by the NCEA, which is its highest rating. The elementary was recently awarded the Title I Distinguished Performance recognition by the Texas Education Agency. Both campuses have taken a great deal of pride in Academic UIL competitions and have performed at the top of the eight-school UIL grouping, including nine straight years as academic championships at the elementary level. Financially the district is sound, having continually been recognized with the highest possible ranking on the state’s Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST). The district recently received the highest ranking in this part of the state on the FAST report, which was created by the comptroller’s
office in an attempt to rate the efficiency of districts. Forsan ISD received 4.5 stars on a 5.0 scale. The tax rate for the district is the lowest in the immediate area. The district is considered a Chapter 41 “Wealthy” School District by the State. The Forsan ISD mascot is the buffalo. The athletic and band students have been highly successful in recent years, including back-to-back state championships in softball as well as a state championship in marching band and concert band. Football, baseball, tennis, golf, boys’ and girls’ basketball, power lifting, track, and cross country teams have all participated in the playoffs, with various individuals and teams making it deep into the playoffs, including sate performances in cross country, tennis, and track in the last year.
Howard College: for Learning, for Earning, for Life! 1001 Birdwell Lane • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-5000 • www.howardcollege.edu
When you come to Howard College, you will most definitely be greeted with a friendly face and a warm West Texas welcome. Created in 1945, the main campus of Howard College is nestled in Big Spring at the crossroads of West Texas and offers a small-town, friendly atmosphere, while Interstate Highway 20 and U.S. Highway 87 allow students easy access to home and other more urban areas within a short driving distance. Over the years, Howard College has grown into a premier two-year higher education institution that continues to strive to meet the educational needs of all learners within the 13-county service area. Howard College believes that education is the primary purpose of the institution and that the programs and services of the college should be available to all citizens who are able to benefit from them. The college is committed to excellence in carrying out its purpose of education and in the efficient and effective use of its resources in meeting the educational needs of its students and the community. The Howard College service area includes 13 counties and hosts 29 independent school districts — proof that we touch many lives, both young and old, in our efforts to provide a top-quality higher education option in West Texas. We have varied educational opportunities available to meet the ever-changing needs of all learners through our four campuses: Big Spring, Lamesa, San Angelo, and Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf (SWCID). Howard College offers a wide array of student activities on the Big Spring campus, including student organizations and clubs, intramural sports, www.bigspringchamber.com
and competitive athletics. In fact, Howard College is home to the 2009 NJCAA Division I Baseball JuCo World Series Champions; the 2010 NJCAA Division I Basketball JuCo National Champions; the 2010 CNFR All-Around Cowboy and Reserve Champion Steer Wrestler; and the 2011 NJCAA Division I Region V Softball Champions. The residential campus offers a supportive environment for students to focus on academics while enjoying a taste of college life! The Big Spring campus includes residence halls for men and women, a 90,000-square-foot coliseum complex, a baseball park, a softball park, and a football stadium with a seating capacity of 10,000, utilized and maintained by the Big Spring Independent School District. The Howard County Junior College District property includes 276 acres of land in Martin County, near Stanton, Texas, which is used as an agricultural research and demonstration center. The college also
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
leases 20 acres three miles east of Big Spring that houses a rodeo arena and livestock pens. Howard College is governed by a sevenmember board of trustees elected by the voters in Howard County. Dr. Cheryl T. Sparks has served as president of Howard College since 1992 and continues to lead the college district, which includes the Howard College Big Spring Campus, SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf, the Howard College San Angelo campus, the Howard College Lamesa campus, and the Correctional Institutions Studies programs. It is the policy of Howard College to adhere to the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mission within the spirit and letter of federal law and regulations, state law and regulations, local ordinances, national and regional accrediting regulations, and the policies of the college district. Howard College accepts its responsibilities
to those it serves and will meet those responsibilities with balance, fairness, accountability, and ethical integrity.
SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf
3200 Avenue C • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-3700 • www.howardcollege.edu/swcid
The primary purpose of SouthWest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf (SWCID) is to provide a comprehensive educational environment that will assist deaf students in achieving their educational and career objectives. SWCID offers courses in developmental/preparatory studies, college transfer programs, and vocational/technical training while seeking to add state-of-the-art learning environments and technologies. Hearing individuals preparing for vocations in deafness-related fields may also pursue their educational and career objectives at SWCID. The interpreter training program remains popular among those who are choosing to work in the deaf community. Additionally, professionals employed in the field of deafness are provided opportunities to upgrade their skills/knowledge through workshops and seminars sponsored by SWCID. SWCID offers students several educational programming options, such as self-contained classes offered on the SWCID campus by instructors skilled in the use of sign language and communication modalities; mainstreamed classes offered on the Howard College-Big Spring campus, facilitated through the use of skilled sign language interpreters; a combination of self-contained and mainstreamed coursework, with some classes being taken on both campuses; and educational outreach provided through extension courses in Big Spring and in other communities. The SWCID campus sits on approximately 57 acres at the site of the historical Webb Air Force Base of Big Spring. The campus includes an administration/classroom complex, the BurkeMehen Residence complex (housing 92 students in dormitories and 18 students in apartments), the Maddux Student Center (offering a cafeteria, game room, auditorium, and meeting rooms for student events and activities), and the activity center, with a gymnasium, a racquetball court, and a weight room.
Health Care
Our mission is compassionate care. Big Spring State Hospital
1901 North Highway 87 • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-267-8216 www.dshs.state.tx.us/mhhospitals/BigSpringSH/default.shtm
Big Spring State Hospital is a 200-bed psychiatric hospital providing hospitalization for people 18 and older with psychiatric illnesses in a 58-county area in West Texas and the Texas South Plains, which includes the major metropolitan areas of Amarillo, Lubbock, Big Spring, Abilene, Midland, Odessa, and San Angelo. The hospital’s mission is to promote recovery from mental illness and a rapid return to community life by providing treatment, education, and hope in a safe and supportive environment. The hospital was founded in 1938 and employs more than 640, making it one of Big Spring’s largest employers. Employment opportunities Big Spring State Hospital may include stipends for nursing students and short-term housing. Physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, direct care workers, social workers, and nutritionists care for patients referred to the hospital for extensive psychiatric care. Patients are cared for in various hospital units, depending on the severity of their illness or their specific needs. Comprehensive treatment teams look after each patient and prepare them for life in the community. Big Spring State Hospital believes patients can achieve their optimum level of wellness by being cared for in the least restrictive environment possible.
Presently the emphasis is placed on quality treatment to shorten the period of illness, to rehabilitate, and to return the patient to the community as quickly as possible. In order to do this, treatment modalities have expanded to include a full range of rehabilitation therapies, education, individual and group psychotherapy, and family intervention as an adjunct to medication. Patients who come to the hospital are treated not only for their psychiatric problems, but also for any problem needing medical attention. The hospital embraces a holistic approach within the least restrictive environment, encouraging physical and mental wellness through a variety of therapeutic activities. Recreation therapists focus on offering many fitness opportunities that promote physical wellness in an enjoyable and fun environment. Skills training groups use this time to engage patients in leisure activities and to identify community resources and recreational opportunities for patients to engage in once they return to the community. The hospital offers families visiting loved ones the use of the Don and Marilyn Newsom Family Lodge, operated by the Volunteer Services Council — one of Big Spring’s largest volunteer organizations. Volunteers provide special resources, including clothing, gift bags for new patients, and gifts for special occasions. The Fashion Salon provides clothing for patients while they are hospitalized, allowing www.bigspringchamber.com
them to shop in a boutique setting for articles of clothing. All patients may request services from the Hair Salon, such as styling, haircuts, perms, color, and conditioning. The chaplain coordinates services in the Tollett All-Faith Chapel and participates with community ministerial organizations to provide information to the community church leadership toward understanding the mission of the state hospital and in gaining knowledge of the dynamics of mental illness.
Scenic Mountain Medical Center: Your Community Partner 1601 W. 11th Place • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-263-1211 • www.smmccares.com By Larry Rodgers, Chief Executive Officer
This past year at Scenic Mountain Medical Center (SMMC) has been a time of growth and change. We continue to build on our tradition of
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
caring for the health care needs of the Howard County community, working hard every day to provide care that not only meets, but exceeds, patients’ expectations for their hospital experience. We are committed to making SMMC your hospital of choice. While we strive to offer medical innovations, we know that what patients remember is not technology, but the personal touch of our staff. As part of our goal to exceed patients’ expectations of care, we continue to focus on initiatives like hourly rounding — where we check on every patient, every hour, to make sure their needs are taken care of. Additionally, we call patients after they leave the Emergency Department to make sure they understood discharge instructions and to see if they have comments that will help us improve the care we provide. Our mission of compassionate care guides not only our approach to patient care, but also our
efforts to upgrade our facilities and to expand hospital services and technology. In 2010, we completely renovated our Medical/ Surgical Patient Services floor, updated patient rooms in our Women’s Services area, purchased new sleep chairs for patient rooms, and resurfaced our north and south parking lots. In late October, general surgeon Ladd Hoffman, M.D., began offering a new incisionless heartburn surgery that has already improved the quality of life for more than a half dozen local people. In March 2011, we completed the installation of new digital mammography equipment. Now the women of Howard County will have all of the advantages of digital mammography without leaving town. Our elevators are currently receiving a much-needed update and, by year’s end, visitors, patients and staff will enjoy Wi-Fi connectivity throughout the facility. And on January 1, 2012, SMMC will become a tobacco-free facility. In addition to our role as a provider of health care, SMMC serves as a community resource for health education. We offer a wealth of health education resources for the community and free childbirth education classes. Our Senior Circle chapter and Healthy Woman program support healthy and active lifestyles and good health care decision making. You can learn more about education seminars, health fairs, and free clinics we provide — as well as research hundreds of health topics — by visiting the Health Resources link on our website. Whether it’s through our hospital services, health fairs and education seminars, or our community support activities, every year we care for thousands of people from our community. But we’re proud to say that we also take good care of the community itself. We are the fifth-largest employer in Howard County, with more than 350 employees. The employees and medical staff of SMMC are some of our community’s most active volunteers and leaders. Both our patients and, ultimately, the entire community benefit from SMMC’s presence and involvement in the community. If you’ve ever been to our hospital, you know that we take patient care personally. And now you
know just how personally invested we are in making this community a better place to live and work. Rest assured that SMMC will continue to enhance its services to meet the needs of our thriving community. On behalf of our medical staff, we appreciate your support and thank you for trusting us with the health care needs of you and your family. To learn more, visit our website or call us to schedule a tour.
West Texas VA Health Care Systems 300 Veterans Boulevard • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-263-7361 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday
The West Texas VA Health Care System (WTVAHCS) is a 135-authorized bed (55 acute, 40 domiciliary, and 40 extended care) medical center serving 53,000 veterans in an area spanning 33 counties in West Texas and New Mexico. The WTVAHCS is a part of Veterans Integrated Service Network 18 (VISN 18) and is a complexity Level 3 facility. It is a teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-theart technology as well as education. Comprehensive outpatient health care is provided in areas of medicine, surgery, mental health, physical medicine, rehabilitation, and dentistry. Inpatient care is provided in medicine and extended care, with referrals to other VISN 18 facilities and community. Residential rehab care is provided in the 12-bed temporary domiciliary; a 40-bed unit is under construction and is expected to be completed in the near future. Care is provided at the parent facility in Big Spring and through four Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) and two Outreach Clinics.
which includes Howard County, through the dedication of approximately 340 staff. For persons with mental retardation, the center offers a service array that includes home and community based service (HCS), residential group home programs, supervised living service, case management, and vocational training. These are just some of the many services that West Texas Centers provides in Howard County.
and many individuals receive the entirety of their care on a fee-forgiven basis. Services provided at DRRC include physical therapy, occupational therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, audiology, wellness programs, and employment drug testing.
Dora Roberts Rehabilitation Center 306 W. 3rd Street • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-267-3806 • www.dorarobertsrehab.com
Named to honor Howard County’s legendary pioneer mother, Mrs. Dora Ann Roberts, the center has been improving lives for 47 years. DRRC provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to everyone in need regardless of their ability to pay. All rehab services are provided on a sliding scale,
Additional Health Care Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home 1809 N. Highway 87 • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-268-8387
This newly constructed, modern, skilled-care facility provides large, comfortable semi-private and private rooms. It is Medicaid- and Medicare- certified and equipped with an Alzheimer’s unit with a separate, secured courtyard. Other amenities include central dining areas; comprehensive rehabilitation programs, including physical, occupational, and speech therapies; recreational activities, a library; community volunteer programs; and more.
West Texas Centers
319 Runnels • Big Spring, TX 79720 432-263-0007 :: www.wtcmhmr.org
West Texas Centers provides a wide array of developmental and mental health services in approximately 65 sites across the service area, www.bigspringchamber.com
Recreation & Tourism Visit the Crossroads of West Texas.
trip to Big Spring can be as actionpacked or as low-key as you wish; with so much to see and do, the choice is yours! Big Spring is full of opportunities for entertainment and fun — including wonderful parks, excellent sporting venues, museums, and historical sites.
Parks & Recreation Natural beauty characterizes the area, and numerous parks let visitors take full advantage.
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Comanche Trail Park Comanche Trail Park, home of the city’s namesake, is ideal for active types, with opportunities for hiking, biking, picnicking, tennis, fishing, and disc golf. The park is also home to the Comanche Trail Municipal Golf Course, an 18-hole course tucked against the hills on the south end of Big Spring. The only rolling hills golf course in West Texas, the course features 6,576 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 72.
The park ties for kids Big Spring Center and Playground.
also has great opportuniat the beautiful new Family Aquatic the Kids Zone
Roy Anderson Sports Complex The Roy Anderson Sports Complex has recently been renovated and expanded and is a fantastic addition to the city’s
Parks Department. It provides a recreational sports facility to the citizens and includes seven softball fields, two baseball fields, five soccer fields, two football fields, and one practice field. New concession stands, restrooms, playground, and picnic tables add to the facility.
Big Spring State Park Big Spring State Park is 382 acres located within the city limits of Big Spring. Dramatic views from the CCC-built three-mile loop road are among featured attractions of the park. Early morning or sunset, joggers, walkers, and cyclists circle the loop, enjoying these views as they exercise. Many of the area’s numerous and varied bird species can also be observed at the park. Other activities include picnicking, stargazing, nature study, and sightseeing. Moss Creek Lake Moss Creek Lake was constructed in 1938 by the city of Big Spring with help from the Army Corps of Engineers. The city is proud to offer approximately 640 acres at the lake for recreational use. There are 26 sheltered campsites and pavilions for reservations. Recent additions include a playground, beach swimming area, and ATV trails.
Museums & Historical Sites The Heritage Museum History buffs will appreciate The Heritage Museum, home of displays depicting the community’s cultural and historical significance. The Heritage Museum, once the home to pioneer Dora Roberts, was organized in 1971. Renovations to the building were completed in 1992. www.bigspringchamber.com
The museum’s permanent exhibits tell the story of Big Spring’s diverse history. These informative displays range from early Native American life to the oil industry in West Texas. The temporary exhibit gallery displays the work of local artists and traveling exhibits from around the nation.
The Potton House This residence is a lasting tribute to Big Spring’s turn-of-the-century architecture. The house was built in 1901 as an investment by Joseph Potton and was leased until his retirement in 1912. The house was kept in and maintained by the family until 1975, when it was purchased by the city of Big Spring with a grant from the Dora Roberts Foundation. Hangar 25 Air Museum The Hangar 25 Air Museum is a restored World War II flight hangar with a remarkable collection of Big Spring Bombardier School and Webb Air Force Base exhibits. It is unique in its construction, history, and appeal. From the moment you drive up to the front of this impressive red brick structure, set against a massive Texas sky, the experience begins. Big Spring Vietnam Memorial The Big Spring Vietnam Memorial, dedicated in 1991, stands in memory of those killed in action during the Vietnam War. A UH-1 Huey Helicopter, F-4E Phantom II Jet, Abrams Tank, and Cobra Helicopter are displayed. The memorial is located on the grounds of the Former Webb Air Force Base. Big Spring Municipal Auditorium The Big Spring Municipal Auditorium was built in 1932 and is a center for cultural activity both past and present. The auditorium, which seats 1,412, has hosted such celebrities as Elvis Presley, Wayne Newton, and Hank Williams, Jr. It is currently the home of the Big Spring Symphony Orchestra. 2010
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Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
First United Methodist ChUrCh 400 Scurry • Big Spring, TX 79720
432-267-6394 www.fumcbs.com The Settles Hotel Sitting on what once was railroad property, the corner of 3rd Street and Runnels has been through many changes over the years. During the oil boom of the late 1920s W.R. Settles bought the property and began the construction of this historic building. The cost of original construction was reported to be $500,000 — a fortune in those days. Opening in October 1930 to great fanfare and support by the local community, The Settles Hotel was often compared to the finest hotels of its day. In its prime, The Settles hosted dignitaries and celebrities such as Elvis Presley, Lawrence Welk, Herbert Hoover, and many others. Purchased by a hometown businessman in 2007, The Settles Hotel is currently undergoing extensive renovations. The hotel will feature historic and luxury hotel rooms, retail shopping, and restaurant and meeting facilities.
Events In addition to the many parks and historical sites, Big Spring is home to many events that provide entertainment to visitors throughout the year. Enjoy the Big Spring Symphony at the Park’s limestone amphitheater at the annual Pops in the Park, or be one of 10,000 attendees at the popular Comanche Trail Festival of Lights in December, which provides a magnificent display of lights featuring huge lighted poinsettias. Big Spring has been designated as the “Lighted Poinsettia Capital of Texas” because of this event. Each August the McMahon Wrinkle Airport, formerly Webb AFB, is the site of major hang gliding championship tournaments, including the U.S. and World Hang Gliding Championships.
The annual Comanche Warrior Triathlon is held each year in Comanche Trail Park, and athletes from all over the country come to participate. Annual events such as the Big Spring Cowboy Reunion & Rodeo, the Gem & Mineral Show, the Rattlesnake Roundup, AKC Dog Show, Howard County Fair, and Big Spring PowWow, along with many other events, keep residents and visitors entertained all throughout the year. The Big Spring Symphony Association was organized in 1980 to bring quality symphonic music to Big Spring, Each year, the symphony performs concerts in the historic Municipal Auditorium and Comanche Trail Amphitheater.
Other Recreational Activities • Golf: Big Spring Country Club Golf Course is located on 180 acres and is an 18-hole, par71 course. It also features a full practice tee and driving range. • Bowling: Big Spring Bowl-A-Rama • Skating: Skateland • Miniature Golf: Park & Putt Family Fun • Movies: Cinemark Cinema 4, located in the Big Spring Mall
Border States Electric Your local electrical distributor We’re proud to support and be a part of the Big Spring community! 432.263.7832 borderstateselectric.com
Automation • Datacomm • Electrical • Industrial • Utility
Big Spring Convention & Visitors Bureau 215 W. 3rd Street Big Spring, TX 79720 Toll Free: 866-430-7100 Phone: 432-263-8235 Fax 432-264-7431 www.visitbigspring.com
Communities Meet the neighbors!
Coahoma — “Small in Number … BIG in Pride!” Tradition is rich in the tiny town of Coahoma, located on Interstate 20, 10 miles northeast of Big Spring in east-central Howard County. Coahoma took its name from an Indian word meaning “signal,” inspired by a nearby hill called Signal Mountain. After the 1881 arrival of the Texas and Pacific Railway in the area, Coahoma grew into a retail trade center and shipping point. The residents built the first school in 1891. By the time its second school was built in 1904, the town had a post office. Machinery and oilfield supplies became the most important goods distributed from Coahoma after the major oil strike of 1926. In 1928 the town had 600 residents, and its school district served 205 pupils. Between 1936 and 1956 the community’s population rose from 620 to 802, and the number of commercially rated businesses went from 18 to 23. To date the population of Coahoma is 817, and it’s still home to several businesses, including a bank. Coahoma was once the home of one of the greatest coaches in college football, Spyke Dikes, who coached at Texas Tech, the University of Texas, Baylor University, and Texas A&M. He coached in Coahoma in the ’60s, leading them to the state finals in Austin. The Athletic Department at Coahoma School is very competitive, offering girls’ and boys’ basketball, track, tennis, powerlifting, and golf, as well as football, baseball, and softball. The softball program has a rich tradition, claiming a state title in 1998, and has made numerous return trips to the state tournament in following years. Coahoma ISD has three campuses, including elementary (pre-K through sixth
Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
grade), Robert Ethridge Junior High (seventh and eighth grades), and the high school (ninth through 12th grades). With small class sizes and low student-to-teacher ratios, each campus offers individual attention for the students to help ensure academic success for all. Legendary rodeo clown of 35 years, Quail Dobbs, makes his home in Coahoma. Dobbs was instrumental in starting the historic Kindergarten Rodeo in 1987. The annual event honors age-old rodeo traditions and events such as barrel racing, bull riding, and calf roping, with students participating with handmade stick horses. No rodeo event would be complete without a rodeo queen and her court as well as the famous rodeo clowns, led by Dobbs himself.
Forsan — “Built on Energy, Education and Family” The community of Forsan is located in south Howard County, approximately 12 miles from Big Spring. According to a Big Spring Herald article dated January 26, 1986, Forsan was named for the four crude-producing sands at its location. Oil discoveries in 1919 and again in 1926 created this boomtown. The population grew to about 4,000 people at one point and boasted stores, filling stations, hotels, a theater, two dance halls, and several churches. Today, the community of Forsan is made up of several oil-field-related businesses, the “Four Sands Café,” Forsan Baptist Church, Forsan Jr./ Sr. High, city offices, the volunteer fire station, and a post office. The population is close to 200. The Jr./Sr. High hosts athletic and academic events as well as plays and concerts which bring many people to this small community. A recent competition from the Rural Community College Initiative (RCCI) developed the mantra, “Forsan: Built on Energy, Education and Family,” which aptly sums up this small but proud community.
Membership Directory Abstract Company
Big Spring Abstract and Title Co., Inc.
Tammie Paige 208 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1604.....Fax: 432-267-1815 tammie@bigspringabstract.com
Howard County Abstract & Title Co.
Bonnie & George Franklin 106 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1782.....Fax: 432-267-2169 howardcoabstract@sbcglobal.net Accessories
Maribel’s Handbags & More Maria Villareal 1601 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4630 maribels@crcom.net ww w.maribelshandbags.com
Accountants/Certified Public
Green & Fillingim, Pc
Glenn Fillingim PO Box 949 1001 Scurry Big Spring TX 79721-0949 432-264-0008.....Fax: 432-264-6254 tax@crcom.net
Hughes, Heath, CPA
Heath Hughes 307 C. West 16th Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3659....Fax: 432-267-3654 hhughes@crcom.net
Lee, Reynolds, Welch & Co. Pc James Welch P.O.Box 3469 417 Main Big Spring TX 79721-3469 432-267-5293.....Fax: 432-267-2058 firm@lrwpc.net
Pope, Pamela J., CPA
Pam McMillan PO Box 2218 506 E. 4th Street Big Spring TX 79721-2218 432-267-8636.....Fax: 432-267-3044 pjpmcpa@sbcglobal.net Advertising
D’s & Burcham Signs
Skip Burcham P.O. Box 1011 Big Spring TX 79721-1011 432-263-1709 skipburcham@suddenlink.net burchamsigns.com Advertising Specialties/Items
Professional Concepts Advertising Ruby Bruns PO Box 51 1400 Runnels Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3224 rubybruns@yahoo.com ww w.rubybruns.com
Scott & Scott Marketing Group Cynthia Scott 1907 Birdwell Lane, Suite B Big Spring TX 79720 432-517-4525.....Fax: 432-517-4524 scottsquare@suddenlink.net outsidethebowl.net
Advertising/Public Relations
Big Spring Herald
Ronnie Midkiff PO Box 1431 7l0 Scurry Big Spring TX 79721-1431 432-263-7331.....Fax: 432-264-7205 publisher@bigspringherald.com ww w.bigspringherald.com
KBST/KBTS Radio Station
Malinda Flenniken PO Box 1632 608 Johnson Big Spring TX 79721-1632 432-267-6391.....Fax: 432-267-1579 comments@kbst.com ww w.kbst.com
Lamar Advertising
Guy V. Speck P. O. Box 10586 Midland TX 79702-7586 432-683-8571.....Fax: 432-683-8595 gspeck@lamar.com ww w.lamar.com
Spry Marketing
Corky Jayce Mitchell 12401 E. I-20 Coahoma TX 79511 512-944-8736 corky@sprymarketing.com ww w.sprymarketing.com Agriculture - Hay
Raney Hay Farm
Hugh & Nancy Raney 5101 W. FM 818 Big Spring TX 79720 432-270-5001 hnraney@gmail.com ww w.raneyhay.com Air Conditioning Contractor
First Service Air Conditioning Contractors
David Grosse 3009 Garden City Highway Midland TX 79701 432-267-1633.....Fax: 432-685-3629 firstservice.org Air Conditioning/ Heating Repairs & Sales
Authority Electrical & HVAC LLC Walter, H. Brumley, Jr. P.O. Box 22 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3939.....Fax: 432-263-1206 walter@authorityelectric.com
Cary Services, Inc.
Mark Cary P.O. Box 5101 902 Petroleum Abilene TX 79608 432-264-7919.....Fax: 325-695-1068 mark@caryservices.com careyservices.com Airport
McMahon-Wrinkle Airport & Industrial Park
Jim Little 3200 Rickabaugh Drive West Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2362.....Fax: 432-264-2367 apdir@mybigspring.com ww w.mybigspring.com Apartments/Home Rental
Bent Tree Apartments
Michelle Enriquez One Courtney Place Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1621.....Fax: 432-263-0041 benttree@mcdougal.com ww w.mcdougal.com
Knollwood Heights Apartments Sara Phillips 1900 Martin Luther King Blvd. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1735.....Fax: 432-264-1761 knollwoodheights@ wilhoitproperties.com ww w.wilhoitproperties.com
Limestone Ridge Apartments
Pam Rolfe 1401 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7300.....Fax: 432-263-7301 limestoneridge@gmail.com
Quail Run Apartments
Jami King 2609 Wasson Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1781.....Fax: 432-263-3954 quailrunapt@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.quailrunapt.net Appliances/Major
Sears Hometown Store #3408
Gail Lampier 1801 E. FM 700, Suite C-6 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1127.....Fax: 432-267-1999 ds3408@searshc.com ww w.searshometownstores.com Aquaculture & Outdoor Recreation
Trice Fish Farms
Derry Trice 1619 Co. Rd. 29 Lamesa TX 79331-5918 806-462-7798 Assisted Living
Marcy House by Assisted Living Concepts, Inc. Janet Redden 2301 Wasson Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-9041.....Fax: 432-268-9092 jredden@alcco.com ww w.alcco.com Associate Member
Foresyth, Jan Associate Member
Jan Foresyth c/o Howard College 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-5051.....Fax: 432-264-5623 jforesyth@howardcollege.edu
Hill, Bobby - Individual Member Bobby Hill 1610 Nolan St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2844
Parks, Jim
Jim Parks 503 Highland Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2232 jparks@crcom.net
Sneed, Sharon Associate Member
Sharon Sneed 2509 E. 25th Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2337 cherokeesneed@yahoo.com
Wash, Derek Associate Member
Derek Wash 1602 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5053.....Fax: 432-267-2731 derekwashinsurance@gmail.com ww w.pirkleinsuranceagency.com
Wegman, Debra S. Associate Member
Debra S. Wegman 215 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8235.....Fax: 432-264-7431 dwegman@mybigspring.com ww w.visitbigspring.com Attorneys
Joshua Hamby, P. C.
Joshua Hamby 107 W. 4th Street Big Spring TX 79720-2514 432-263-8395....Fax: 432-263-4798 hamby@suddenlinkmail.com
The information in this membership directory has been provided and reviewed for accuracy by the Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce. CommunityLink and Craig Williams Creative Inc. assume no responsibility for omissions or errors of any kind.
Mouton & Mouton Attorneys at Law
Drew Mouton PO Box 1030 Big Spring TX 79721-1030 432-263-7676.....Fax: 432-263-8686 drew@moutonlaw.com / glynna@moutonlaw.com
Seaton, The Law Offices of R. Shane
R. Shane Seaton PO Box 2211 1301 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79721 432-264-1800.....Fax: 432-264-0785 shane_seaton@msn.com BigSpringLaw.com
C.E. (Mike) Thomas III Attorney Tania Bradley P. O. Drawer 2117 Big Spring TX 79721-2117 432-263-4142.....Fax: 432-267-2763 c.e.mikethomas@gmail.com
Walter L. Shipman, Attorney at Law
Walter L. Shipman 309 S. Main St., Suite 5 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-6660.....Fax: 432-264-9599 shpmnwnw@sbcglobal.net
Weaver & Ferguson
John T. Ferguson PO Box 1750 105 W. 4th Big Spring TX 79721-1750 432-267-8203.....Fax: 432-267-8203
Yeats, Timothy, District Judge
Timothy, D. Yeats 312 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2225.....Fax: 432-264-2270 tim.yeats@co.howard.tx.us Automotive - Glass
Boyd’s Auto Glass, Inc.
Marvin Boyd 600 E. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8800.....Fax: 432-263-2455 bag600e3@hotmail.com Automotive Parts & Supplies
Big Spring Automotive/ Napa Auto Parts Jackie Wilks 306 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6308
Westex Auto Parts, Inc.
Eddie Cole 1511 Hwy 350 P.O. Box 1807 Big Spring TX 79721-1807 432-263-5000.....Fax: 432-267-1680 ecole@crcom.net westexap.com Automotive-Dealers
Bob Brock Ford Inc.
Bob Brock 500 West 4th Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7424.....Fax: 432-263-8976 ww w.bobbrockford.com
Neighbors Auto Sales
A. C. Neighbors 1300 E. 4th Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0822.....Fax: 432-268-8735 neighborsauto2000@yahoo.com
Pollard Chev/Buick/Cadillac
Bill Pollard, Sr PO Box 1550 1501 E. 4th Big Spring TX 79721-1550 432-267-7421....Fax: 432-267-2672 ww w.pollardchevrolet.com
Wheeler Motor Co.
Sandra Wheeler Evans Box 770 Stanton TX 79782 432-756-2341 ww w.wheelermotor.com
Index of Advertisers Aflac – Eve Nieto...... Inside Front Cover American State Bank........................ 16 ATS Telcom...................................... 18 Authority Electrical & HVAC, LLC.........6 Back in Motion Chiropractic............. 14 Basin 2 Way.................................... 10 Big Spring Community Federal Credit Union........................5 Big Spring Convention & Visitors Bureau.............................. 15 Big Spring Economic Development.....18 Big Spring Printing..............................3 Border States Electric........................ 17 Caring Hearts Home Health............. 12 Cosden Federal Credit Union..............6 Dell’s Cafe...........................................3 Don’s Tire & Truck Service...................3 Farm Bureau Insurance........................5 First United Methodist Church........... 17 Furr’s................................................ 14 Cornell................................................7 Culligan.............................................17 H&R Block........................................ 16 Harris Lumber & Hardware, Inc. / Ace Hardware.................................2 Heritage Museum & Potton House.... 14 Holiday Inn Express....Inside Back Cover Holy Trinity Catholic Parish..................4 Home Hospice................................. 14 Howard College..................................9 J. Rutledge Realty................................2 Johansen Landscape and Nursery.... 11 Klassic Kleaners..................................3 Lamen-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home............ 11 McMahon-Wrinkle Airport & Industrial Park............................... 10 Moss Creek Ranch..............................9 Nalley-Pickle & Welch Funeral Home & Crematory.......... 14 Napa Auto Parts & Machine Shop....... Inside Front Cover Parkview Nursing & Rehabilitation Center..................... 13 Amy E. Reese, DDS.......................... 11 Scenic Mountain Medical Center.........1 Serenity Spa.................................... 11 Sherry Wegner Agency.......................3 State National Bank...Inside Front Cover Texas RV Park of Big Spring............. 15 United Country Heart of the City, Realtors.................4 Walmart.............................................3 West Texas VA Health Care System.........Outside Back Cover WestTex Telecom.................................6 WorkForce Solution.............................2 www.bigspringchamber.com
Automotive-Paint & Body
Big Spring Collision Center
John & Jenny Bryans 207 Goliad Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7306.....Fax: 432-263-4605 bscc@crcom.net
Crossroads Collision Center
Matt Dahmer 1609 E. 4th Street PO Box 1511 Big Spring TX 79721 432-264-1490.....Fax: 432-264-1412 crossroadscollisioncenter@gmail.com
Pat Gray Body Works
Scott Daw 700 N. Owens Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0582.....Fax: 432-263-5373 Automotive-Repairs
G & M Auto Care
George & Mary Leatham 900 East 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1091.....Fax: 432-263-7512 Autodoc900@hotmail.com Automotive-Services
Boyd’s Auto Glass, Inc.
Marvin Boyd 600 E. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8800.....Fax: 432-263-2455 bag600e3@hotmail.com Automotive-Used, Sales
Neighbors Auto Sales
A. C. Neighbors 1300 E. 4th Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0822.....Fax: 432-268-8735 neighborsauto2000@yahoo.com
Western Bank - FM 700 Branch John R. Scott, Jr. 1810 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-1113.....Fax: 432-267-2409 lmartinez@thebank.net ww w.fbwt.net
Western Bank - Scurry Branch Kandi Campbell P.O. Box 2767 607 S. Scurry Big Spring TX 79721 432-466-0000.....Fax: 432-466-0028 kcampbell@thebank.net
Banks & Banking Associations
American State Bank
Bill Spiller PO Box 271 1411 Gregg Big Spring TX 79721-0271 432-267-5564.....Fax: 432-267-2402 bills@asbonline.com ww w.asbonline.com
BBVA Compass Bank
Lisa Barber 1500 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1651.....Fax: 432-267-1656 lisa.barber@bbvacompass.com ww w.compassbank.com
State National Bank
Richard Steel PO Box 1271 901 Main Big Spring TX 79721-1271 432-264-2100.....Fax: 432-267-1553 ww w.statenb.com
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Johnny Earp IV 400 S. Main Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5513.....Fax: 432-263-6543 johhny.earp@wellsfargo.com ww w.wellsfargo.com
Western Bank - FM 700 Branch Automotive-Wheel & Tire Sales/Service
Franklin & Son Big Spring
Bonnie Franklin 408 Runnels Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6337.....Fax: 432-267-6942 terry@crcom.net
John R. Scott, Jr. 1810 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-1113.....Fax: 432-267-2409 lmartinez@thebank.net ww w.fbwt.net
American State Bank
Bill Spiller PO Box 271 1411 Gregg Big Spring TX 79721-0271 432-267-5564.....Fax: 432-267-2402 bills@asbonline.com ww w.asbonline.com
BBVA Compass Bank
Lisa Barber 1500 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1651.....Fax: 432-267-1656 lisa.barber@bbvacompass.com ww w.compassbank.com
Lone Star State Bank
Ron Brooks 600 E FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7717.....Fax: 432-264-7894 rbrooks@lonestarwtx.com ww w.lonestarwtx.com
State National Bank
Richard Steel PO Box 1271 901 Main Big Spring TX 79721-1271 432-264-2100.....Fax: 432-267-1553 ww w.statenb.com
Wells Fargo Bank N.A.
Johnny Earp IV 400 S. Main Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5513.....Fax: 432-263-6543 johhny.earp@wellsfargo.com ww w.wellsfargo.com
Western Bank Coahoma Branch
Diane Harrison PO Box 140 Coahoma TX 79511 432-394-4256.....Fax: 432-394-4061 dharrison@thebank.net
Loyd Mashburn PO Box 870 1900 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721-0870 432-263-7441.....Fax: 432-263-8503 bigspring@higginbothams.com ww w.higginbothams.com Cable Television Services
Mark Parrish c/o Accounts Payable P.O. Box 130489 Tyler TX 75713-0489 432-267-3821.....Fax: 432-264-0779 juanita.marquez@suddenlink.com ww w.suddenlink.com Cafe
Bean’s World Cafe
Michelle Arzate 100 Main St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1133 manager@beansworldcafe.com ww w.beansworldcafe.com
Crispy’s Cafe
Charlie Crisp 1904 S. Birdwell Lane Big Spring TX 79720 432-517-4520 crispyscafebigspring@gmail.com
Just Peachy Cafe
Leon & Frances Hobbs 505 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7000
Vicki Scott 309 S. Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7828.....Fax: 432-263-6686 calhoun@crcom.net ww w.yesengraving.com Boutique
Linda Kaye Stallings 406 E. Marcy Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4448 lkstallings@suddenlink.net Bridal Selections
Suggs Hallmark
Ricky or Deborah Suggs 1801 E FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4444.....Fax: 432-263-4444 Building Components
Noltex Truss
Jason Nolte 1700 Rickabaugh Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4700....Fax: 432-267-4702 nolruss@gmail.com Building Materials/ Home Improvement Supp
Harris Lumber & Hardware, Inc.
Steve Herren 1515 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8206.....Fax: 432-267-3617 HLH@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.harrislumber.homeappliances.com
20 Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Chemical Companies
Helena Chemical
James Hill P.O. Box 1367 Stanton TX 79782 432-263-9963.....Fax: 432-263-9030 Child Care
West Side Community Day Care Center
Melinda Hernandez P.O. Box 2296 2300 Simler Dr. Big Spring TX 79721-2296 432-263-7841.....Fax: 432-264-0351 mbhernandez@crcom.net Children’s Dentistry
Children’s Dental Center of Big Spring
Jenny Neff 307 W. 16th, Suite D Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3657.....Fax: 432-685-3405 neff36@hotmail.com dentalcentermidland.com Chiropractors
Back in Motion Chiropractic Center
Tessa Reid 1113 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2225.....Fax: 432-267-2228 tessa@backinmotionbigspring.com backinmotionbigspring.com Churches
Texas R. V. Park of Big Spring
Olga Trevino 4100 S. US 87 1001 Hearn Street (GPS Address) Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7900....Fax: 432-264-0327 texasrvpark@basin-net.net ww w.txrvpark.com Car Wash
Supreme Car Wash Bookkeeper/Payroll
Sparenberg Building, The Banking & Financial Services
Higginbotham-Bartlett Bldg. Ctr.
Richard Wright 1513 E FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0720
Carbon Black Production
Sid Richardson Carbon & Energy Co.
Ken Pope 1211 N. Midway Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7389.....Fax: 432-263-4724 ww w.sidrich.com Catering
Al’s & Son Bar-B-Q
Chuck Bagwell 1810 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8921 als@suddenlinkmail.com
Great Western Dining,Inc.
Diane Radcliff 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-5052.....Fax: 432-264-5625 dradcliff@howardcollege.edu Cellular Phones & Accessories
Russell Cellular
Manager 2101 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1578 brandi.higginbotham@ russellcellular.com russellcellular.com Cemetary/Mausoleum
Trinity Memorial Park
Phillip Welch P.O. Box 2591 6900 S. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-8243.....Fax: 432-267-3864 pwelch@trinitymp.com ww w.trinitymp.com
Family Faith Center
Samuel, A. Segundo 810 E. 11th Place P.O. Box 507 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6001.....Fax: 432-264-1344 victory@ffvc1.org
First Assembly of God R. T. Havener P.O. Box 911 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-7971 http://ww w.79720AOGCF
First Church of the Nazarene
C.J. Ward 1400 Lancaster Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7015.....Fax: 432-267-7055 church@nazfamily.org ww w.nazfamily.org
First United Methodist Church
Rodney Bomar P.O. Box 1229 400 Scurry Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-6394....Fax: 432-267-2609 secretary400@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.fumcbs.com
Holy Trinity Catholic Parish
Bernard L. Gully PO Box 951 610 S. Main Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4930.....Fax: 432-714-4932 htcch@crcom.net ww w.holy3nityparish.com
Life Church
Clint Collins 102 E. 10th Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7714 golifechurch.com
St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church
Barbara Kirk-Norris 1001 S. Goliad PO Box 2949 Big Spring TX 79721-2949 432-267-8201....Fax: 432-267-8202 stmarysbst@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.stmarysbst.org Cleaners, Clothes, Rugs,Etc
Comet Cleaners
Randy Evans 1500 E. Marcy Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2584.....Fax: 432-267-1715
Klassic Kleaners John Paul Nichols 2107 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7004
Nicole Wilcox Big Spring Marketplace 111 E. Marcy Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7516 ww w.maurices.com
Ward’s Boots, Saddle & Western Wear
Shane Ward/Mrs. Karen Ward 1109 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8512.....Fax: 432-267-7959 sandkward@att.net Coffee Service
DeCoty Coffee Company
Phil Moore 902 S. County Rd West Odessa TX 79763 800-588-8003.....Fax: 432-332-2725 ww w.decotycoffee.com Computer & Cable Installation
ATS Telcom
Gene Moses 504 East Third Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8433.....Fax: 432-263-0813 Computer Networking/Internet Provider/Web & Hosting
Basin 2 Way Radio, Inc.
Kevin Calley 1808 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7034.....Fax: 432-263-1953 sales@basin-net.net ww w.basin2way.com Computer Services & Repair
Basin 2 Way Radio, Inc.
Kevin Calley 1808 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7034.....Fax: 432-263-1953 sales@basin-net.net ww w.basin2way.com Construction Companies
Price Construction, LTD
Bobby Price PO Box 1231 2701 E. Hwy 350 Big Spring TX 79721-1231 432-267-1691.....Fax: 432-267-1694 info@priceconstruction.com ww w.priceconstruction.com Contractors/General
Four Seasons Insulation & Siding, Inc.
Ken Stallings 1814 Benton Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-8610.....Fax: 432-268-9552 ww w.fsisinc.com
Lee George Construction, Inc.
Lee George PO Box 3298 1400 W. 4th Big Spring TX 79721-3298 432-263-2416.....Fax: 432-263-3460 leegeorge@crcom.net Convenience Store & Deli
Buffalo Country Grill & Catering Randy Crockett Box 1982 4911 S. US Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-5050 buffalocountry@basin-net.net ww w.buffalocountrydeli.com
Chicken Express
Aaron Johnson 2000 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2300.....Fax: 432-263-2308 bigspring@chickene.com ww w.chickene.com Cosmetics
Mary Kay Cosmetics/ Dene Sheppard
Dene Sheppard 25 Village Road, Apt. J Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5845 dsheppard3@suddenlink.net ww w.marykay.com/dsheppard
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Sherry Phillips-Hargrove 1801 E. FM 700 Sp. E-1 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6161.....Fax: 432-267-7272 Cotton Gin
Big Spring Gin
Brad Mikeska P.O. Box 2306 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3701.....Fax: 432-263-0735 bigspring.gin@pcca.com Country Clubs
Big Spring Country Club
Larry Bryan PO Box 1027 Driver Road Big Spring TX 79721-1027 432-267-8241.....Fax: 432-268-1431 manager@bigspringcountryclub.com ww w.bigspringcountryclub.com County Government
Howard County
Mark Barr P.O. Box 1949 300 S. Main, Rm 207 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2202.....Fax: 432-264-2201 mark.barr@co.howard.tx.us Credit Unions
Big Spring Community FCU
Tamera Barber 503 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1361.....Fax: 432-263-5916 tamera@bscfcu.org ww w.bscfcu.org
Big Spring Education Employees FCU
Linda Park PO Box 1110 1110 S. Benton Big Spring TX 79721-1110 432-263-8393.....Fax: 432-263-4817 bseefcu@crcom.net ww w.bstcu.com
Citizens Federal Credit Union
Jim Weaver 701 E. FM 700 PO Box 425 Big Spring TX 79721-0425 432-267-6373.....Fax: 432-268-6121 jweaver@citizensfcu.com ww w.citizensfcu.com
Cosden FCU
David Roman 400 E. Marcy Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2600.....Fax: 432-264-2620 droman@cosden.org ww w.cosden.org Dairies/Distributors
Blue Bell Creameries
Faron Bell 401 E. I-20 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8500.....Fax: 432-263-8537 Faron.Bell@bluebell.com ww w.bluebell.com
Day Spa
My Favorite Place
Denise Wagner 618 S. Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3283 myfaveplace618@gmail.com myfaveplace.net
Serenity Spa
Denise Wagner 1115 S. Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-6651.....Fax: 432-267-2228 serenityspa79720@gmail.com Dentists/Dental Labs/ Dental Care
Richard Cauley, DDS
Richard Cauley 701 Johnson Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4544.....Fax: 432-267-4870
Dr. Reg Cranford, DDS Reg Cranford 501 S. Gregg #B Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2532
Dr. John Myers, DDS
John Myers 1702 W. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4521.....Fax: 432-267-4943
Reese, Amy E., D.D.S., P.C.
Amy Reese 710 S. Main Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4102.....Fax: 432-267-7747 areese@suddenlinkmail.com
Ward, David L. DDS., P.C.
David Ward 1500 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1677.....Fax: 432-267-7840 dlwddspc@crcom.net ww w.davidwarddds.com Department Stores
WalMart Supercenter
Tim Walsh 201 W. Marcy Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3363.....Fax: 432-267-4123 ww w.walmart.com Distribution/Beer
Standard Sales
Brian Thomma 3639 South Jackson Ave. San Angelo TX 76904 325-944-2241 bthomma@standardsales.com Distribution/Soft Drinks
Coca -Cola Refreshments
Dan Barnes 201 S. Pagewood Ave. Odessa TX 79761-6100 432-580-8080....Fax: 432-580-2940 dabarnes@coca-cola.com DNA
Drug Screen Compliance
Leo Sanchez 501 Birdwell Lane, Suite #17 Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-7506.....Fax: 432-264-7512 bigspring@drug-screen.com ww w.drug-screen.com Drug & Alcohol Testing
Drug Screen Compliance
Leo Sanchez 501 Birdwell Lane, Suite #17 Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-7506.....Fax: 432-264-7512 bigspring@drug-screen.com ww w.drug-screen.com Economic Development
Big Spring Economic Development Corp.
Terry Wegman P.O. Box 3359 215 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79721 432-264-6032.....Fax: 432-264-6047 info@bigspringtx.com bigspringtx.com
Electrical Contractors
Authority Electrical & HVAC LLC Walter, H. Brumley, Jr. P.O. Box 22 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3939.....Fax: 432-263-1206 walter@authorityelectric.com Electrical Equipment & Supplies-Whsl.
Border States Electric
Charles W. Miller 3202 IS 20 E Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7832 (business).Fax: 432-2631442 cmiller@border-states.com ww w.borderstateselectric.com
Cain Electric Supply Co.
Paula McCullar 204 Johnson Street Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-8421.....Fax: 432-267-6879 paulam@cainelectrical.com
Sonic Drive-In #2
Mike Abusaab 601 E Marcy Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2700.....Fax: 432-268-1308
Taco Villa Restaurant
Fred Phillips P.O. Box 60423 Midland TX 79711 432-263-3511.....Fax: 432-263-3593 fphillips@bobbycox.com ww w.tacovilla.net
Jerry Cullison 2311 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6663.....Fax: 432-263-4361 Fence Construction
B & M Fence Company
Robert Marquez PO Box 1324 Big Spring TX 79721-1324 432-263-1613.....Fax: 432-267-7020
Electrical Power Generation
Power Resources,Ltd
Jerry Baker P. O. Box 2700 Big Spring TX 79721-2700 432-263-8468.....Fax: 432-267-9772 j.baker@midamerican.com Embroidery
Flo-Lite Screen Printing & Embroidery
Crystal Wash 819 W 3rd St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7961.....Fax: 432-267-8004 flo-lite@att.net Employment Agencies
Workforce Solutions Permian Basin
Sylvia Miramontes 501 S. Main, Ste. 235 Big Spring TX 79721-2159 432-263-8373.....Fax: 432-264-7703 sylvia.miramontes@twc.state.tx.us ww w.workintexas.com Exhaust Cleaning
Blast Masters, Inc.
Becky Crane P.O. Box 2684 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-5449.....Fax: 432-267-2265 blastmastersinc@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.blastmastersinc.com Farm & Ranch Supplies
Crop Production Services
Diane Wood PO Box 2352 Big Spring TX 79721-2352 432-263-3382.....Fax: 432-714-4453 diane.wood@cpsagu.com
Alley Kat Designs
Randi Froman 305 S. Main PO Box 3185 Big Spring TX 79721 432-714-4670 alleykatdesigns@hotmail.com
Faye’s Flowers
Mary Schuelke 1013 South Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2571.....Fax: 432-267-8818 flowers@fayes.com ww w.fayes.com Framing/Gallery/Gifts
Displays of Splendor
Sheree Moates 700 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-6444.....Fax: 432-264-6088 msmoates@basin-net.net themoatescollection.com Funeral Service/ Supplies/Equipment
Myers & Smith Funeral Home
Bill & Charlsa Myers PO Box 2760 301 E. 24th Big Spring TX 79721-2760 432-267-8288.....Fax: 432-264-9112 billmyers@myersandsmith.com ww w.myersandsmith.com
Nalley-Pickle & Welch Funeral Home & Crematory
Tommy Welch PO Drawer 2511 906 Gregg Big Spring TX 79721-2511 432-267-6331.....Fax: 432-263-1321 obits@npwelch.com ww w.npwelch.com
Higginbotham-Bartlett Bldg. Ctr. Loyd Mashburn PO Box 870 1900 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721-0870 432-263-7441.....Fax: 432-263-8503 bigspring@higginbothams.com ww w.higginbothams.com
Elrod’s Furniture
Lynda Elrod 2309 Scurry St. Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-8491 elrods1@sbcglobal.net elrodsfurniture.com
Fast Foods
Sweet Pizza dba Domino’s Pizza
Jim Gerety/ Cassie Gerety 2111 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4111 Local.Fax: 432-432-6832632 Midland cassie@clearwire.net
Gill’s Fried Chicken
Maria Estrella 2100 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4391 (local)..Fax: 512-3532835 (San Marcos)
Sonic Drive-In
Mike Abusaab 1200 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6790.....Fax: 432-267-7801
General Contractor
Tim Blackshear PO Box 2319 Big Spring TX 79721-2319 432-263-8456.....Fax: 432-267-8161 earthco@basin-net.net Gifts
Faye’s Flowers
Mary Schuelke 1013 South Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2571.....Fax: 432-267-8818 flowers@fayes.com ww w.fayes.com
Suggs Hallmark
Ricky or Deborah Suggs 1801 E FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4444.....Fax: 432-263-4444 Glass & Mirror/ Commercial, Residential
Quality Glass & Mirror
Ronnie Hipp 505 E. 2nd Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1891.....Fax: 432-263-2431 Government Agencies
City of Big Spring Attn; City Manager
Lesa Gamble 310 Nolan Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2401.....Fax: 432-263-8310 lgamble@mybigspring.com ww w.mybigspring.com
City of Coahoma
Hardware-Retail Steve Herren 1515 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8206.....Fax: 432-267-3617 HLH@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.harrislumber.homeappliances.com Health Care Clinics
Family Medical Center
Mitzi Knight 2301 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5531.....Fax: 432-267-2025
Congressman Randy Neugebauer
West Texas Centers
Carla Guinn 1900 Simler Ave. Big Spring TX 79720-7799 432-466-2300.....Fax: 432-466-2556 cguinn@bop.gov
GEO Group, Inc.
Ron McDonald P. O. Box 3470 1701 Apron Dr. Big Spring TX 79721-3470 432-264-0060.....Fax: 432-267-6522 davidjustice@geogroup.com geogroup.com
Howard County Appraisal District
Brett McKibben PO Box 1151 315 S. Main Big Spring TX 79721-1151 432-263-8301.....Fax: 432-263-8303 howardcad@sbcglobal.net
Office Of Dispute Resolution
D. Gene Valentini 916 Main, Suite 800 PO Box 10536 Lubbock TX 79408-3536 866-329-3522 (Toll free).Fax: 806-7757929 drc@co.lubbock.tx.us ww w.co.lubbock.tx.us
Permian Basin Underground Water Cons. Dist.
Leatrice Adams P.O. Box 1314 101 N. St. Joseph Stanton TX 79782 432-756-2136.....Fax: 432-756-2068 permianbasin@sbcglobal.net ww w.pbuwcd.com
State Senator Kel Seliger
Stefanie Wilkerson 401 Austin, Suite 101 Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-9909.....Fax: 432-268-9899 stefanie.wilkerson@senate.state.tx.us
Volunteer Services BSSH
Billie Christie 1901 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-7535.....Fax: 432-268-7803 billie.christie@dshs.state.tx.us
Kim Shafer 2601 Wasson Rd. Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4284.....Fax: 432-714-4286 kim_shafer@sbcglobal.net Shelley Smith 319 Runnels Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0007.....Fax: 432-264-0916 shelley.smith@wtcmhmr.org ww w.wtcmhmr.org Health Care-Eye Care
Eye Associates
John Marshall 2311 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2501.....Fax: 432-263-6883 eyeassoc@crcom.net
Fish Ophthalmology Clinic, Pa
Larry & Silpi Fish 207 E. 7th Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3649.....Fax: 432-267-2861 fisheyemd@yahoo.com Health Care/Nursing Homes
Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home
Robert Kerr 1809 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-8387.....Fax: 432-268-1987 rlkerr@sears-methodist.com ww w.sears-methodist.com
Parkview Nursing and Rehabilitation
Vicki Cole 3200 Parkway Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4041....Fax: 432-263-4067 kristi@parkviewnursing.net Health Care/Rehabilitation
Dora Roberts Rehabilitation Center
Penny Phillips 306 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3806.....Fax: 432-267-3809 pennyp@crcom.net ww w.dorarobertsrehab.com Health/Laboratory/Screening
Drug Screen Compliance
Leo Sanchez 501 Birdwell Lane, Suite #17 Big Spring, TX 79720 432-264-7506.....Fax: 432-264-7512 bigspring@drug-screen.com ww w.drug-screen.com Home Health
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets
David Ekman 2000 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3000.....Fax: 432-263-3032 s051sd@heb.com ww w.heb.com
Home Health Agency
Harris Lumber & Hardware, Inc.
Life Clinic, The
Federal Bureau of Prisons of Big Spring
Betty Bennett 1900 Gregg Street, Suite C Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-0044 x x x263-3851 temp.. Fax: 432-264-0855 bbennett@ehhi.com ww w.ehhi.com
Christy Brorman 100 E. 3rd Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-466-2268 christys.studio@yahoo.com
Tammy Griffith 122 N. 1st PO Box 420 Coahoma TX 79511 432-394-4287.....Fax: 432-394-4095 tammy.griffith@live.com
Chanda Allen P.O. Box 54175 Lubbock TX 79453 806-687-5086.....Fax: 806-796-3962 lisa.brooks@mail.house.gov ww w.randyforcongress.com
Encompass Home Health
Hair Salon
Christy’s Hair Studio & Spa
Accolade Home Care
deAmbra Barrows 421 - B S. Main Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1164.....Fax: 432-264-1304 deambra.barrows@fms-regional.com ww w.accoladehomecare.com
Caring Hearts Home Health
Debbie Hardgrave 1900 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4510.....Fax: 432-714-4511 mariacaringhearts@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.caringheartshomehealth.net
In Home Care, Inc.
Maxine Roberts 1104 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3065.....Fax: 432-263-0773 mstockton@inhome-care.org ww w.inhome-care.org Home Rentals & Sales
Hillside Properties
Maruca Haas 2501 Fairchild Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3461.....Fax: 432-263-1115 mhaas@hillsideprop.com ww w.hillsideprop.com Hospice
Home Hospice
Megan Chandler 111 East 7th , Ste A Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7599.....Fax: 432-264-7597 mchandler@homehospicewtx.com ww w.homehospicewtx.com Hospice Care
Crossroads Hospice
Deborah L. Read 421 S. Main St. P.O. Box 587 Big Spring TX 79721-0587 432-263-5300....Fax: 432-263-5301 ysperez@att.net crossroadshospice@att.net Hospice/Home Services
Compass Hospice
Amy Andrews 1003 E FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-5999.....Fax: 432-263-9998 aandrews@compasshospice.com Hospitals
Scenic Mountain Medical Center
Larry Rodgers 1601 W. 11th Place Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1211.....Fax: 432-263-0151 ww w.smmccares.com
West Texas VA Health Care Systems
Iva Jo Hanslik 300 Veterans Blvd. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7361.....Fax: 432-268-5086 iva.jo.hanslik@va.gov ww w.bigspring.va.gov Hotels & Motels
Best Western Palace Inn
Balkar S. Hayer 915 Lamesa Hwy. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1500....Fax: 432-264-1528 44621@hotel.bestwestern.com
Big Spring Holiday Inn Express Tiffany Dumont 1109 N. Aylesford Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-5400....Fax: 432-263-5401 ww w.hiexpress.com
Day’s Inn
Jagdish Patel 2701 S. Gregg St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5237.....Fax: 432-263-6452 tulsi14@hotmail.com
Hampton Inn & Suites
H. C. Patel 805 W. I H 20 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-9800....Fax: 432-264-9801 plefler@yahoo.com ww w.bigspringsuites.hamptoninn. com
Plaza Inn
Mayur Patel 700 W. I - 20 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1601.....Fax: 432-267-6916 patelmayur48@yahoo.com
Hansen, Jan Individual Member
Jan Hansen 501 Westover Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2616 jhhansen46@yahoo.com
Knowles, Mike
Mike Knowles 1004 E. 21st Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-517-2418 mknowlesbst@gmail.com
Quality Inn & Suites
Little, Jim Bill Individual Member
Super 8
Lusk, Charles W. Individual Member
Bob Patel 300 Tulane Ave. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7086.....Fax: 432-264-7995 Vic Patel 2900 I-20 East Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4553.....Fax: 858-764-2710 vic_patel79@yahoo.com ww w.super8.com Hunting Lodge/Ranch
Moss Creek Ranch
Bob Price P.O. Box 2258 Big Spring TX 79720 432-393-5455 info@mosscreekranchdine.com ww w.mosscreekranchdine.com Ice Cream/Distributors
Blue Bell Creameries
Faron Bell 401 E. I-20 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8500.....Fax: 432-263-8537 Faron.Bell@bluebell.com ww w.bluebell.com Individual Members
Alexander, Ray Individual Member
Ray Alexander P. O. Box 121 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-4992.....Fax: 432-264-7724
Bradley, Carl V. Individual Member Carl Bradley 701 Avondale Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4495
Crooker, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Couple Members
Jim Bill Little #5 Coachman Circle Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2818
Charles W. Lusk 1300 Virginia Ave. P.O. Box 2341 Big Spring TX 79721-2341 -unlisted
McDonald Bobby Individual Member
Bobby McDonald 611 Runnels Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1234.....Fax: 432-267-7653 bmre@crcom.net
McMahon, Jr., Clyde & Beverly Clyde & Beverly McMahon, Jr. 19 Village Spring Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2825 bam@suddenlink.net
Morgan, Mark L. Individual Member
Mark Morgan PO Box 3709 611 Main Big Spring TX 79721-3709 432-263-8481.....Fax: 432-263-5706 mark@mlmorgancpa.com
Slate, Mark - Individual Member Mark Slate 1801 Virginia Avenue Big Spring TX 79721-0550 432-267-3601.....Fax: 432-263-4589 ww w.slateland.com
Sparks, John Richard Individual Member John R. Sparks 2619 Coronado Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8527 (Home)
Tumbleweed Smith
Bill & Joyce Crooker 2802 Parkway Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2566
Bob Lewis P. O. Box 95 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3813.....Fax: 432-263-6347 ts@crcom.net tumbleweedsmith.com
Currie, John Individual Member
Uribe, Arnold Individual Member
John Currie P. O. Box 1271 Big Spring TX 79721-1271 432-267-8656.....Fax: 432-267-1553
Donelson, Delbert Individual Member
Delbert Donelson 1101 Highland Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0786 ddonelson@suddenlink.net
English, Charles H.
Charles English 2403 W. 16th Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-210-4962 charleyenglish@gmail.com ww w.armedforfreedom.com
Grimes, Katie - Individual Member Katie Grimes 1604 Osage Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3129 jkgrimes@suddenlink.net
Hall, Harold Individual Member
Harold Hall P. O. Box 967 Big Spring TX 79721-0967 432-263-7737
Arnold Uribe 4009 Vicky Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4260 a_uribe3@msn.com
Weaver, Marcellous(Boosie) Indv. Mem.
Industrial Park
McMahon-Wrinkle Airport & Industrial Park
Jim Little 3200 Rickabaugh Drive West Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2362.....Fax: 432-264-2367 apdir@mybigspring.com ww w.mybigspring.com Insulation Companies/ Contractors
Four Seasons Insulation & Siding, Inc.
Ken Stallings 1814 Benton Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-8610.....Fax: 432-268-9552 ww w.fsisinc.com Insurance
AFLAC - Eve Nieto Insurance
Eve Nieto 501 S. Birdwell Lane, Ste. 7 P.O. Box 1975 Big Spring TX 79721 432-264-6616.....Fax: 432-264-6616 enieto1977@att.net ww w.AFLAC.com
Churchwell Insurance Agency Tommy Churchwell 2303 Goliad Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3857.....Fax: 432-267-2680 tchurchwell@suddenlinkmail.com
Farm Bureau Insurance
Richard Atkins 1205 E. 11th Place Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7466.....Fax: 432-267-8043 ratkins@txfb-ins.com
Fred Loya Insurance
Ashley Gonzales 1001 S. Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1600.....Fax: 432-264-1614 ashlgonzal@fredloya.com ww w.fredloya.com
Kelly Newton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Kelly Newton Tucker P.O. Box 1549 1701 Lancaster Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-55l7......Fax: 432-263-5516 kellyt@crcom.net ww w.kellynewtoninsurance.com
Larry Hollar State Farm Ins.
Larry Hollar PO Box 2947 801 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721-2947 432-263-1275.....Fax: 432-263-1412 larry.hollar.b37t@statefarm.com ww w.LarryHollar.com
McEwen Russ Agency
Russ McEwen PO Box 988 900 S. Main Big Spring TX 79721-0988 432-267-1413.....Fax: 432-267-3618 rrmcewen@crcom.net
Parks Agency Inc.
Boosie Weaver P.O. Box 931 Big Spring TX 79721-0931 432-267-8840
Ray Kennedy PO Box 230 900 S. Main Big Spring TX 79721-0230 432-267-5504.....Fax: 432-267-3618 rayk@parksinsurance.com
Wright, Donna Individual Member
Pirkle-Weir Insurance Agency
Donna Wright #17 ValVerde Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-2214 - (WK) Fax: 432-264-2215 donna.wright@co.howard.tx.us
Debie Pirkle 1602 Scurry PO Box 2510 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5053.....Fax: 432-267-2731 ajpirkle@crcom.net
Prudential Financial Industrial Equipment/Supplies
Veolia Water North America Operating Services
Gordon McDaniel P.O. Box 1311 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-9548.....Fax: 432-264-7151 cheryl.kennemur@veoliawaterna.com
22 Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Troy Tompkins 401 Austin, Ste 105 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0180 troy.tompkins@prudential.com http://ww w.prudential.com/us/t. tompkins
Sherry Wegner Ins. Agency
Sherry Wegner P.O. Box 3550 Big Spring TX 79721-3550 432-267-2555.....Fax: 432-263-0609 sherryw@swcia.com ww w.swcia.com
Slaton Insurance Agency
Vicki Slaton 205 W. 15th Street PO Box 2922 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2398.....Fax: 432-267-9787 vslaton@farmersagent.com farmersagent.com/vslaton Interior Design/Decorators
T. Blackshear Interiors
Terri Blackshear 1801 Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4757 terriblackshear@suddenlink.net ww w.blackshearinteriors.com Internet Web Design & Hosting
Bond Web Designs Lane Bond 2605 Ann Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4033 lane@bondwebs.com bondwebs.com
Spry Marketing
Corky Jayce Mitchell 12401 E. I-20 Coahoma TX 79511 512-944-8736 corky@sprymarketing.com ww w.sprymarketing.com Investments/Properties
Edward Jones - Buddy Everett Buddy Everett 410 E FM 700 Suite C Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0460.....Fax: 866-462-8412 ww w.edwardjones.com
Edward Jones Jimmy Newsom
Jimmy Newsom 708 Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-8814.....Fax: 877-877-2410 edwardjones.com
Edward Jones - Raul Benavides Raul Benavides 2108 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2501.....Fax: 888-638-1707 raul.benavides@edwardjones.com ww w.edwardjones.com
Prudential Financial
Troy Tompkins 401 Austin, Ste 105 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0180 troy.tompkins@prudential.com http://ww w.prudential.com/ us/t.tompkins Jewelry Manufacturing
Karat Patch, The
Jay Phinney 997 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1480.....Fax: 432-267-1344 jandkim@thekaratpatch.com ww w.thekaratpatch.com Jewelry-Retail
Blum’s Jewelers
Greg Brooks 1801 East FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6335.....Fax: 432-267-6336 greg.brooks5877@yahoo.com
Karat Patch, The
Jay Phinney 997 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1480.....Fax: 432-267-1344 jandkim@thekaratpatch.com ww w.thekaratpatch.com
Land Developers
Worthy Land & Development Inc.
Jerry Worthy 3113 S. Gregg St.(S. Hwy 87) Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8297....Fax: 432-263-1998 jworthy@suddenlinkmail.com
Workforce Solutions Permian Basin
Sylvia Miramontes 501 S. Main, Ste. 235 Big Spring TX 79721-2159 432-263-8373.....Fax: 432-264-7703 sylvia.miramontes@twc.state.tx.us ww w.workintexas.com
Howard Walker P.O.Box 1015 908 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79721-1015 432-263-2322.....Fax: 432-267-3796 harleyd@suddenlinkmail.com TheHarleyDavidsonShop.com
Landscaping Contractors
Johansen Landscape Contractors and Nursery
Hangar 25 Air Museum
Local & Long Distance Service Business & Residential
Heritage Museum of Big Spring
Carl & Terri Johansen 700 Johansen Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5275....Fax: 432-267-1201 terri.carl@gmail.com
Wes-Tex Telecom
Reba Bristow 711 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0091.....Fax: 432-268-8801 jamesbobwilson@aol.com http://ww w.westex.coop Machine Shops
Big Spring Automotive/ Napa Auto Parts Jackie Wilks 306 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6308
Karns & Son Machine Shop, Inc. Grace Karns 3411 Jesse Rd. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2065....Fax: 432-263-0379 karnsmis@yahoo.com Manufacturer
Ceram-Kote Coatings, Inc.
Dr. John Freeman P.O. Box 2119 Big Spring TX 79721-2119 432-263-8497.....Fax: 432-263-5269 freecom@ceram-kote.com ww w.ceram-kote.com
John Crane Production Solutions
Joe S. Hays 1911 Apron Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1999.....Fax: 432-466-0316 hangar25@crcom.net ww w.hangar25airmuseum.com Nancy Raney 510 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8255.....Fax: 432-267-9998 heritagemus@gmail.com bigspringmuseum.com Newspapers
Big Spring Herald
Ronnie Midkiff PO Box 1431 7l0 Scurry Big Spring TX 79721-1431 432-263-7331.....Fax: 432-264-7205 publisher@bigspringherald.com ww w.bigspringherald.com Non-Profit Organization
American Cancer Society
Amy Carnes 2304 W. Wadley Midland TX 79705 432-683-6375.....Fax: 432-687-5360 brett.barnes@cancer.org ww w.cancer.org
Better Business Bureau
Trish Powell of the Permian Basin, Inc. P.O Box 60206 Midland TX 79711-0206 432-563-1880.....Fax: 432-561-5506 tpowell@permianbasinbbb.org ww w.bbb.org/permianbasin
3604 Bethel Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-4600.....Fax: 432-263-6673 mrowland@johncrane.com
CASA of West Texas Marriage & Family Therapy
Samaritan Counseling Center
Susan Barron PO Box 60312 Midland TX 79711 800-329-4144.....Fax: 432-561-8611 ssbarron@samaritanccwtx.org ww w.samaritanccwtx.org Medical/Dental Community Health Center
Howard County Community Health Center Joyce Nelson 1300 S. Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-517-4557 jmadura@spchs.org ww w.spchs.org
Metal Fabricators
Phillips Fabrication
Randy Phillips 1305 E. Airpark Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-6600.....Fax: 432-267-7629 randyphillips@philfab.com Mortgage Companies
Job Search/Training
Motorcycle Sales/Services
Harley Davidson Shop, The
HNB Mortgage
Louis Dunnam 410 E. FM 700, Suite B Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6312....Fax: 432-263-6314 louis@hnbmortgage.com ww w.hnbmortgage.com
Lily White 300 Main Street, Room 314 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4162..Fax: 432-263-4836 lilyw@casawtx.org www.casawtx.org Court Appointed Special Advocates represent abused children in court who have been removed by CPS.
Downtown Revitalization Association Christy Brorman 100 E. 3rd Street Big Spring TX 79721 432-466-2268 christys.studio@yahoo.com
Howard County Humane Society Jo Stone P.O. Box 823 5710 IH 20 West Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-7832
Isaiah 58
Paul Smith 107 Runnels P.O. Box 1103 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4758 psmithp@suddenlink.net
West Side Community Day Care Center
Melinda Hernandez P.O. Box 2296 2300 Simler Dr. Big Spring TX 79721-2296 432-263-7841.....Fax: 432-264-0351 mbhernandez@crcom.net
Johansen Landscape Contractors and Nursery
Carl & Terri Johansen 700 Johansen Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5275.....Fax: 432-267-1201 terri.carl@gmail.com Nutritional Program for Senior Adults
Big Spring Senior Center/RSVP Nancy Jones 1901 Simler Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1220.....Fax: 432-268-9496 njones@mybigspring.com ww w.bigspringrsvp.com Office Supplies/ Business Cards/Stamps
Sparenberg Building, The
Vicki Scott 309 S. Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7828.....Fax: 432-263-6686 calhoun@crcom.net ww w.yesengraving.com Office-Supplies/Furniture
Big Spring Printing
Buddy Powell PO Box 29 112 W. 2nd Big Spring TX 79721-0029 432-263-7644.....Fax: 432-263-7645
Moore Office Supplies Jimmy Moore PO Box 3462 104 W. 24th Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4780 jbmoore@crcom.net getmooresupplies.com
West Office Supply
Norma Salazar 1601 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1788.....Fax: 432-264-1789 westsupply.net westsupply.net Oil Field Equipment/ Repairs/Service
Graumanns Inc
Keith D. Graumann PO Box 2195 304 Austin Street Big Spring TX 79721-2195 432-267-1626.....Fax: 432-267-8155 graumann@suddenlink.net ww w.graumanns.com
Key Energy Non-PO
Gaylon Bond Dept. 78613 - Routing Yard/Dept 005SS PO Box 78000 Detroit MI 48278-0613 432-267-4615(For Big Spring).Fax: 325236-6106 ww w.keyenergy.com Oil & Gas Exploration
Duncan Drilling Company
James Duncan PO Box 109 402 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79721-0109 432-263-7721.....Fax: 432-267-3348
Partee Drilling, Inc.
Stan & Sue Partee 110 West 22nd Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1228.....Fax: 432-263-6449
Robinson Drilling of Texas
Rodney Bomar PO Box 311 607 Main Big Spring TX 79721-0311 432-267-5277.....Fax: 432-267-5280
Big Spring Cowboy Reunion and Rodeo
Glenn Berry P.O. Box 1107 Big Spring TX 79721 432-394-4802 - Glenn Berry gberry@lyntegar.com ww w.bigspringrodeo.com
Big Spring Industrial Foundation Don Reynolds P.O. Box 3191 Big Spring TX 79721
Big Spring Symphony Association
Keith Graumann PO Box 682 Big Spring TX 79721-0682 432-264-7223.....Fax: 432-267-8155 graumann@suddenlink.net ww w.bigspringsymphony.com
Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest
Diana Miracle 5217 N. Dixie Blvd. Odessa TX 79762-4346 432-550-2688.....Fax: 432-550-9754 dmiracle@gsdsw.org ww w.gsdsw.org
Howard County Fair Association Derek Wash P.O. Box 2356 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-8642 ww w.howardcountyfairoftexas.com
Keep Big Spring Beautiful Secretary PO Box 1350 Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-4980
Kiwanis Club of Big Spring
Billy Schaffner PO Box 347 Big Spring TX 79721-0347 432-263-4887.....Fax: 432-267-4838 bnc_schaffner@suddenlink.net
Salvation Army, The
Ed Cheshire PO Box 1248 811 W. 5th Big Spring TX 79721-1248 432-267-8239.....Fax: 432-267-7540 bssalvationarmy@yahoo.com
Thursday Night Ladies Card Club
Dorothy Sheppard 2608 Lynn Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-4483 - Dorothy
United Way of Big Spring/ Howard Co
Sandy Stewart P.O. Box 24 215 W. 3rd Street Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-5201....Fax: 432-267-7901 uway@bigspringtx.com ww w.unitedwaybigspring.com
Victim Services of Big Spring
Shann Courtney P.O. Box 2137 Big Spring TX 79721-2137 432-263-3312....Fax: 432-267-3626 shannvs@suddenlinkmail.com ww w.vsofbigspring.com
Western Sportsman Club Elaine Dehlinger PO Box 1203 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-1816 eldehl@yahoo.com
YMCA of Big Spring
Dathan Jones P.O. Box 1428 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-8234.....Fax: 432-267-5614 bsymca@sbcglobal.net
Guthrie Oil & Gas Mark Morgan 611 Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8481
Chanz Reed 2307 Scurry St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7377.....Fax: 432-267-6595 sw7443@sherwin.com Pest/Weed Control
Southwestern A-1 Pest Control Max F. Moore 2008 Birdwell Lane Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6514.....Fax: 432-267-8190 office@swa1pc.com ww w.swa1pc.com Petroleum Products & Related Business
Alon USA Big Spring Refinery
Jimmy Crosby PO Box 1311 200 Refinery Rd. Big Spring TX 79721-1311 432-263-9332.....Fax: 432-263-9335 jessica.rivera@alonusa.com ww w.alonusa.com
Parks Fuels, Ltd.
Bob C. Parks 311 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0033.....Fax: 432-267-5761 parksfuels@crcom.net
SC Fuels
Edna Smith PO Box 1190 Big Spring TX 79721 325-201-1318.....Fax: 325-573-6160 smithe@scfuels.com Pharmacies/Drug Stores
Leonard’s Pharmacy, Inc.
Larry McLellan PO Box 671 701 Scurry Big Spring TX 79721-0671 432-263-7344.....Fax: 432-263-0106 leonards@crcom.net ww w.leonardsrx.com
Prescription Services, Inc.
Larry, G. McLellan 1002 S. Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2711.....Fax: 432-267-1575 leonards@crcom.net
Professional Pharmacy
Denys Coates 1000 Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2546.....Fax: 432-267-7217 ppp@crcom.net Photo Processing, Printing, Supplies,Etc
Michael Reznik 804 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7111.....Fax: 432-333-9490 drmreznik@grandecom.net odessabraces.com
Physicians & Surgeons
David Ekman 2000 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3000.....Fax: 432-263-3032 s051sd@heb.com ww w.heb.com Photography Studio
Greenhouse Photography
Carla Harrold 1102 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4557.....Fax: 432-267-4557 ghp1102@basin-net.net greenhousephoto.com
Red Barn Studio, The
Bruce Schooler 6414 S. Service Rd. Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-7728.....Fax: 432-264-7728 schoolerphoto@suddenlink.net ww w.theredbarnstudios.com Physical Therapist
Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home
Robert Kerr 1809 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-8387.....Fax: 432-268-1987 rlkerr@sears-methodist.com ww w.sears-methodist.com
Dr. Manuel R Carrasco, M.D. Manuel R Carrasco 1501 W. 11th Place, Suite 302 Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4500 mrcarrascomd@yahoo.com ww w.drcarrasco.com
Haddad Urology Clinic
Rudy Haddad 1501 W. 11th Place, Suite 103 Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4600.....Fax: 432-714-4604 moe@crcom.net Plastic Products Mfg.
Western Container Corporation Barbara Hipp 1600 First Avenue Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8361.....Fax: 432-263-8075 Portable Toilets
N & H Septic Pumping & Portable Toilets Billy Newton 410 Echols Dr. Coahoma TX 79511 325-207-2640 bilhea@yahoo.com
Big Spring Printing
Buddy Powell PO Box 29 112 W. 2nd Big Spring TX 79721-0029 432-263-7644.....Fax: 432-263-7645
West Office Supply
Norma Salazar 1601 Scurry Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1788.....Fax: 432-264-1789 westsupply.net westsupply.net Produce
West Texas Producer’s and Farmer’s Market Marion Newton, Jr. P.O. Box 822 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-7047
Protective Coatings for Pipe, Tanks, Aircraft, Ships, Floors
Ceram-Kote Coatings, Inc.
Dr. John Freeman P.O. Box 2119 Big Spring TX 79721-2119 432-263-8497.....Fax: 432-263-5269 freecom@ceram-kote.com ww w.ceram-kote.com Public Utilities
Atmos Energy
Diane Newton 2002 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6171.....Fax: 432-264-9043 diane.newton@atmosenergy.com ww w.atmosenergy.com
Colorado River Municipal Water District
John Grant P.O. Box 869 400 E. 24th Big Spring TX 79721-0869 432-267-6341.....Fax: 432-267-3121 jgrant@crmwd.org ww w.crmwd.org
Jim Clements 1701 W Interstate 20 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-5755.....Fax: 432-264-5746 jim.clements@oncor.com ww w.oncor.com
Real Estate, Developers
Settles Hotel Development Company, LLC
George Prudhomme 4742 Holts Prairie Rd. P.O. Box 306 Pinckneyville IL 62274 800-455-5600 george.prudhomme@ communitylink.com www.communitylink.com Radio Communications
KBST/KBTS Radio Station
Malinda Flenniken PO Box 1632 608 Johnson Big Spring TX 79721-1632 432-267-6391.....Fax: 432-267-1579 comments@kbst.com ww w.kbst.com
Weeks Broadcasting Inc. DBA KBYG & KXCS
John Weeks 2801 Wasson Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6351.....Fax: 432-263-8223 production@kbyg.net
Reznik Orthodontics Oil & Gas Properties
Paints/Paint Supplies/Mfg
Sherwin-Williams Co.
Ready-Mix Concrete
Ingram Concrete LLC
Mike Rolston 605 N. Benton Big Spring TX 79720 432 267-6348.... Fax: 432 267-6380 mrolston@ingramconcrete.com ww w.ingramconcrete.com Real Estate
Kristopher Ryan PO Box 1471 Big Spring TX 79721 940-206-4648.....Fax: 432-264-0735 Kris.Ryan@settleshotel.com settleshotel.com Real Estate, Residential
Home Realtors
Kay Moore 110 W. Marcy Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1284..Fax: 432-263-4663 kmoore@home-realtors.net www.home-realtors.net Home is where the Heart is, and Home Realtors is where the people make the difference! Real EstateManagement & Rentals
Contempo/Ventura Co., The Judy Smith 1000 11th Place Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2655
Remodelers/Commercial & Residential
Bob’s Custom Woodwork
Bob Noyes 409 E. Third St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5811.....Fax: 432-267-7488 noyes_robertjr@hotmail.com http://ww w.bobscustomwoodwork.com Rental Services
J. Rutledge Realty
Chris Evans, Inc./ Lee’s Rental & Self Storage
United Country Heart of the City Realtors
African American Research
Jeannie Rutledge 1600 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4900.....Fax: 432-714-4903 jrutledge@jrutledgerealty.com ww w.jrutledgerealty.com
Sherri Key 1209 Gregg P.O. Box 1551 Big Spring TX 79721 432-714-4555.....Fax: 432-714-4560 skey@unitedcountry.com ww w.heartofthecityrealtors.com Real Estate Appraisers
Across Texas Appraisals
Terry McDaniel P.O. Box 987 Big Spring TX 79721 432-714-4570.....Fax: 432-267-1331 terrym@acrosstexasappraisals.com ww w.acrosstexasappraisals.com Real Estate Brokers/ Sales
Ellen Phillips, Realtors
Ellen Phillips 406 E. Marcy Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3061.....Fax: 432-267-3067 ellenp@basin-net.net Real Estate, Commercial
Ellen Phillips, Realtors
Ellen Phillips 406 E. Marcy Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3061.....Fax: 432-267-3067 ellenp@basin-net.net
Home Realtors
Kay Moore 110 W. Marcy Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1284.....Fax: 432-263-4663 kmoore@home-realtors.net ww w.home-realtors.net
Chris & Kim Evans 1606 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6925.....Fax: 432-264-7323 Research Clarance Hartfield PO Box 614 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-1806.....Fax: 432-267-1806 chart1942@suddenlink.net Restaurants
Bean’s World Cafe
Michelle Arzate 100 Main St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1133 manager@beansworldcafe.com ww w.beansworldcafe.com
Cowboy’s Steakhouse Leon & Frances Hobbs 404 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0181
Dell’s Cafe
Cathy Paige 1608 E. 4th St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-9323
Furrs Family Dining (Buffet Partners, L.P.)
Manager 2503 S. Gregg St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2895.....Fax: 432-267-6711 frg271@furrs.net ww w.furrs.net
Herman’s Restaurant, Inc.
Homer Wilkerson 1601 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3281 homerwilkerson@suddenlink.net
Hog Heaven BBQ
Tom Land 3910 W. Hwy 80 Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-0905 grocer12004@yahoo.com
Hunan Chinese Restaurant Mike Chung 1201 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4509
K. C. Steaks & Seafood,Inc. Fred Green P.O. Box 830 Big Spring TX 79721-0830 432-263-1651 ww w.kcsteaksandseafood.com
Papa Chon’s
Chon Rodriguez 310 Owens Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-1711 rodrigueziichon@yahoo.com
Papa Georgio’s Pizza
Craig & Anita Maxwell 2602 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-2222.....Fax: 432-263-2221 anita@papageorgiospizza.com
Pizza Hut
Deborah Gutierrez 2601 Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-4153.....Fax: 432-268-9231 ww w.pizzahut.com
Mary Kay Cosmetics/ Dene Sheppard
Dene Sheppard 25 Village Road, Apt. J Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-5845 dsheppard3@suddenlink.net ww w.marykay.com/dsheppard
Merle Norman Cosmetics
Sherry Phillips-Hargrove 1801 E. FM 700 Sp. E-1 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6161.....Fax: 432-267-7272
Tate Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical
Ken Haas PO Box 2172 Big Spring TX 79721-2172 432-267-6401.....Fax: 432-267-6402 Retirement Center
Canterbury Retirement Homes Shannon Nabors 1700 Lancaster Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1265.....Fax: 432-263-1907 shannon@canterburybst.org canterburybst.org
Retirement Living Apartments
Pizza Inn
Keith Herrley 1702 Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1381.....Fax: 432-263-0340 david.fort.pzzi@gmail.com ww w.pizzainn.com
Spanish Inn
Ida & Ignacio Rodriguez 200 N.W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-9340
Taco Villa Restaurant
Fred Phillips P.O. Box 60423 Midland TX 79711 432-263-3511.....Fax: 432-263-3593 fphillips@bobbycox.com ww w.tacovilla.net
Jerry Cullison 2311 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6663.....Fax: 432-263-4361 Retail
Barb’s Boutique
Barbara Harkness 2503 Central Dr. Big Spring TX 79720 432-924-2054 barbs.boutique@yahoo.com ww w.barbsboutique.info
Fast Stop
Nancy Gunselman 1700 Wasson Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1921
Parkplace Retirement Living
Vicki Cole 501 W. 17th Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1353....Fax: 432-267-1313 vdcole@hotmail.com parkplaceretirementliving.com RV Park
Texas R. V. Park of Big Spring
Olga Trevino 4100 S. US 87 1001 Hearn Street (GPS Address) Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7900....Fax: 432-264-0327 texasrvpark@basin-net.net ww w.txrvpark.com RV Storage
B K Self Storage
Burt & Kathy Sheppard 1409 N FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1810 bkselfstorage@yahoo.com Salon
Hippy Chic Salon & Boutique Niki Leuschner 2112 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6022 nikibrorman@yahoo.com
Howard College
David Ekman 2000 S. Gregg Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-3000.....Fax: 432-263-3032 s051sd@heb.com ww w.heb.com
Cindy Smith 1001 Birdwell Lane Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-5000.....Fax: 432-264-5623 csmith@howardcollege.edu ww w.howardcollege.edu
Harley Davidson Shop, The
SWCID Community College for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Pers
Howard Walker P.O.Box 1015 908 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79721-1015 432-263-2322.....Fax: 432-267-3796 harleyd@suddenlinkmail.com TheHarleyDavidsonShop.com
Steven Meyer 3200 Avenue C Industrial Park Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-3700....Fax: 432-264-3707 mmyers@howardcollege.edu http:// ww w.howardcollege.edu/swcid
Hippy Chic Salon & Boutique Niki Leuschner 2112 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6022 nikibrorman@yahoo.com
Maribel’s Handbags & More Maria Villareal 1601 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4630 maribels@crcom.net ww w.maribelshandbags.com
Forsan ISD
Randy Johnson 411 W. 6th P.O. Drawer A Forsan TX 79733 432-457-2223.....Fax: 432-457-2225 rsjohnso@forsan.esc18.net ww w.forsan.esc18.net
Greater Opportunities of The Permian Basin, Inc.
Betty, J. Carter P.O. Box 3922 Odessa TX 79760 432-337-1352.....Fax: 432-333-3773 bettyc@gopb.org ww w.gopb.org Screen Printing
Flo-Lite Screen Printing & Embroidery
Crystal Wash 819 W 3rd St. Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-7961.....Fax: 432-267-8004 flo-lite@att.net Self Storage
B K Self Storage
Burt & Kathy Sheppard 1409 N FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1810 bkselfstorage@yahoo.com
Chris Evans, Inc./ Lee’s Rental & Self Storage
Chris & Kim Evans 1606 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-6925.....Fax: 432-264-7323
Great Dane Storage
Lee George PO Box 3298 1510 W. 4th Big Spring TX 79721 432-263-3222.....Fax: 432-263-3460 leegeorge@crcom.net
Variety Self Storage
Preston & Keisha Harrison P.O. Box 332 Big Spring TX 79721 432-270-3070 or 432-213-5315 harrison@crcom.net Septic Pumping
N & H Septic Pumping & Portable Toilets Billy Newton 410 Echols Dr. Coahoma TX 79511 325-207-2640 bilhea@yahoo.com
J. Williams Management dba Busy Bee Cleaning Service
Jessica Tipton P.O. Box 2878 Big Spring TX 79721 432-699-2090 jwilliamsmgmt@gmail.com www.jwilliamsmanagement.com Bonded & Insured. All Professional Cleaners are extensively drug tested, back-ground checked, and trained. Offering bi-weekly, weekly, every-other-week, spring, real estate (move-in/move-out), and commercial make-ready cleaning. 24 Hour Guarantee.
Tate Plumbing, Heating, A/C & Electrical
Ken Haas PO Box 2172 Big Spring TX 79721-2172 432-267-6401.....Fax: 432-267-6402
Big Spring Independent Schools Debbie Green 708 11th Place Big Spring TX 79720 432-264-3600.....Fax: 432-264-3646 ssaldivar@bsisd.esc18.net ww w.bsisd.esc18.net
Coahoma ISD
Randy Brown 600 N. Main P.O. Box 110 Coahoma TX 79511 432-394-5000.....Fax: 432-394-4302 rbrown@coahoma.esc18.net ww w.coahomaisd.com
24 Big Spring Area Chamber of Commerce
Shopping Centers
College Park Shop. Center c/o Northland Mall
Jackie Verstegen 900 W. Northland Ave. Appleton WI 54914 920-739-7397.....Fax: 920-739-1191
D’s & Burcham Signs
Skip Burcham P.O. Box 1011 Big Spring TX 79721-1011 432-263-1709 skipburcham@suddenlink.net burchamsigns.com
Design Place, The
Bill Brooks 2513 Wasson Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3251.....Fax: 432-267-3251 designplace@sbcglobal.net Spa
Christy’s Hair Studio & Spa Christy Brorman 100 E. 3rd Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-466-2268 christys.studio@yahoo.com
Stock Brokers
Edward Jones - Buddy Everett Buddy Everett 410 E FM 700 Suite C Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0460.....Fax: 866-462-8412 ww w.edwardjones.com
Edward Jones Jimmy Newsom
Jimmy Newsom 708 Main Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-8814.....Fax: 877-877-2410 edwardjones.com
Edward Jones - Raul Benavides Raul Benavides 2108 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-2501.....Fax: 888-638-1707 raul.benavides@edwardjones.com ww w.edwardjones.com Stone quarry, fabrication of stone
TexaStone Quarries
Brenda Edwards PO Box 38 Garden City TX 79739 432-354-2569.....Fax: 432-354-2669 TexaStone.com Tax Services
H & R Block
James T. Richmond 1512 S. Gregg Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-1931....Fax: 432-263-1402
H & R Block-Big Spring Mall James T. Richmond P.O. Box 2630 Big Spring TX 79721-2630 432-264-6571
A T & T Texas
Randy Teakell 366 Cypress Abilene TX 79601 325-675-3160 - Randy.Fax: 325-6753162 randall.teakell@att.com ww w.att.com
ATS Telcom
Gene Moses 504 East Third Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8433.....Fax: 432-263-0813
Wes-Tex Telecom
Reba Bristow 711 Scurry Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-0091.....Fax: 432-268-8801 jamesbobwilson@aol.com http://ww w.westex.coop Telephone Systems & Service
ATS Telcom
Gene Moses 504 East Third Street Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8433.....Fax: 432-263-0813
Mark Parrish c/o Accounts Payable P.O. Box 130489 Tyler TX 75713-0489 432-267-3821.....Fax: 432-264-0779 juanita.marquez@suddenlink.com ww w.suddenlink.com Television Stations
Basin PBS
Daphne Dowdy P.O. Box 8940 Midland TX 79708-8940 432-563-5728.....Fax: 432-563-5731 basinpbs@basinpbs.org ww w.basinpbs.org
Scott Thomas P.O. Box 60150 Midland TX 79711-0150 432-263-4901.Fax: 432-567-9992ofc x567-9994 news fax ww w.newswest9.com Thermoplastic Powder Coatings
Innotek Powder Coatings, LLC Wes Wagner 3400 W. 7th Street Big Spring TX 79721-8001 432-263-5263.....Fax: 432-267-1318 ww w.innotekllc.com Tire Dealers
Don’s Tire & Truck Service
Don Taylor 700 N. East I-20 PO Box 3816 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-5205....Fax: 432-267-1683 betty@donstireco.com
Franklin & Son Big Spring
Bonnie Franklin 408 Runnels Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-6337.....Fax: 432-267-6942 terry@crcom.net Title Companies
Big Spring Abstract and Title Co., Inc.
Tammie Paige 208 W. 3rd Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1604.....Fax: 432-267-1815 tammie@bigspringabstract.com
Surety Title Co.
Cindy Pittman 805 S. Scurry Big Spring TX 79720-3016 432-263-2407.....Fax: 432-263-4693 cindysurety@crcom.net Toilets - Portable
B & W Chemical Toilets
Barbara Ezell 4500 S. Hwy 349 Midland TX 79706 432-685-1082.....Fax: 432-685-1381 barbara@bwchemicaltoilets.com bwchemicaltoilets.com Tools
Sears Hometown Store #3408
Gail Lampier 1801 E. FM 700, Suite C-6 Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-1127.....Fax: 432-267-1999 ds3408@searshc.com ww w.searshometownstores.com Tractors/Farm & Ranch Supplies
Porter Henderson Implement Company
Nate Avey 3011 Hwy 87 North Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8344.....Fax: 432-267-2757 nate@porterhenderson.net porterhenderson.com
Truck Repairs
Don’s Tire & Truck Service
Don Taylor 700 N. East I-20 PO Box 3816 Big Spring TX 79721 432-267-5205.....Fax: 432-267-1683 betty@donstireco.com Urology
Haddad Urology Clinic
Rudy Haddad 1501 W. 11th Place, Suite 103 Big Spring TX 79720 432-714-4600.....Fax: 432-714-4604 moe@crcom.net Variety Stores
WalMart Supercenter
Tim Walsh 201 W. Marcy Drive Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-3363.....Fax: 432-267-4123 ww w.walmart.com Veterans Home
Lamun-Lusk-Sanchez Texas State Veterans Home
Robert Kerr 1809 N. Hwy 87 Big Spring TX 79720 432-268-8387.....Fax: 432-268-1987 rlkerr@sears-methodist.com ww w.sears-methodist.com Veterinary Clinics/Hospitals
Highland Animal Hospital of Big Spring P.C.
Scott Burt 3600 HWY 87 South Big Spring TX 79720 432-267-8291.....Fax: 432-267-8292 hah@highlandanimalhospital.com highlandanimalhospital.com Video Productions
Basket Cat Productions
Richard Swain P.O. Box 50908 Midland TX 79710-0908 877-693-0227.....Fax: 432-689-3340 rswain@basket-cat.com basket-cat.com Water Service & Softener
Water Water Your Culligan Dealer
Richard Wright P.O. Box 2291 1509 E. FM 700 Big Spring TX 79720 432-263-8781.....Fax: 432-263-3850 waterwater@sbcglobal.net Well Services
Choate Well Service, Inc.
Dusty Choate P.O.Box 2191 8500 E. Moss Lake Road Big Spring TX 79720 432-393-5231.....Fax: 432-393-5838 choatewellservice@yahoo.com Wind Energy Development
NRG Energy, Inc.
Carlene Lee 211 Carnegie Center Princeton NJ 08540-6213 432-264-6555 Wrecking yards
Westex Auto Parts, Inc.
Eddie Cole 1511 Hwy 350 P.O. Box 1807 Big Spring TX 79721-1807 432-263-5000.....Fax: 432-267-1680 ecole@crcom.net westexap.com Yellow Pages
Names and Numbers
Justin Fields 3406 W Loop 250 N Midland TX 79707 432-689-3376.....Fax: 432-689-3807
1109 North Aylesford • Big Spring, TX 79720 Front Desk: 432-263-5400 • Fax: 432-263-5401
Enjoy Big Spring, Texas Hotel’s Southern Hospitality Nestled in a gorge between two high foothills, Big Spring is a thriving community boasting beautiful vistas and numerous recreational opportunities. At the Holiday Inn Express® Big Spring hotel, we go above and beyond to offer you the best in service and amenities. If you’re looking for a Big Spring hotel that can help you stay productive during your business trip, look no further. We provide free Wi-Fi access in all our guest rooms and a well-equipped Business Center. A 660-square-foot meeting room is ideal for any conference or event. Additionally, we are near the area’s top companies, including Alon Refinery. Outdoor enthusiasts can find plenty of recreational opportunities in Big Spring, Texas. Our hotel’s conveniently near both Comanche Trail Park and Big Spring State Park, where visitors can enjoy everything from fishing and hiking to picnicking. The Heritage Museum of Big Spring and Hangar 25 Air Museum offer a glimpse into the area’s history. Golfers love playing the challenging course at Comanche Trail Municipal Golf Course. Whether you’re here on business or pleasure, we have all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay in Big Spring, Texas. Our hotel’s Fitness Center helps you maintain your workout routine. In the morning, join us for coffee and a cinnamon roll at the free, hot Express Start Breakfast Bar. Make your reservations today and “Stay Smart” on your next trip to Texas!