Fredericksburg, VA 2014 Community Profile and Membership Directory

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Table of Contents Photo: Friends of the Rappahannock

1 800-455-5600

production vp of production operations Amanda White

lead design Amanda White

managing editor Jay Nehrkorn

website creation & support Josh Chandler

copywriting Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

director of media purchasing Diana Vaughn

business development director of business development George Prudhomme

regional director of publications Heidi Robson

vp of sales operations & client care Debbie Moss

customer service director Kathy Risley

advertising ad research Mary Kopshever Mildred Walker

ad traffic Carol Smith ad design Mary Caldwell

administrative support administrative support Kathy Hagene Carol Smith account support Terri Ahner

Photo: Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center

Photo: The Free Lance-Star

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce Community Profile & Membership Directory

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President’s Message Chamber Profile Trailblazers Chamber Board Economy Business History Education Health Care Homes & Neighborhoods Non Profit Tourism Recreation Arts & Entertainment Culture Retirement Index of Sponsors Membership Directory - Alphabetical Listing Membership Directory - Categorical Listing

human resources assistant Teresa Craig mailroom technician Melinda Bowlin

information technology publishing systems specialist Christopher Miller

executive leadership chairman and founder Craig Williams

ABOUT   This book is published by CommunityLink and distributed through the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information or questions or comments about this book, contact CommunityLink at 800-455-5600 or by e-mail at

FOR INFORMATION   Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce 2300 Fall Hill Avenue Suite 240 Fredericksburg VA 22401 Telephone 540-373-9400 Fax 540-373-9570

© 2014 Craig Williams Creative, Inc., 4742 Holts Prairie Road, Post Office Box 306, Pinckneyville, IL 62274-0306, 618-357-8653. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

Member listings in the 2014 Directory will appear as follows: The Buyers Guide will include the business name and telephone number. The Alphabetical Listing will contain all member contact information.


President’s Message

Welcome to the Fredericksburg Region — one of Virginia’s greatest treasures.

Composed of the City of Fredericksburg and the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford, this area continues to ride a wave of growth that places it among America’s most affluent, high-energy communities. Photo: Hartwood Photography If you’re scouting business locations, you’ll find no better spot than the Fredericksburg Region. We straddle the East Coast’s primary transportation artery, Interstate 95, at exactly the midpoint between Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia. Our primary schools and institutions of higher learning rank second-to-none. We offer highly educated, sophisticated workers that are driven to succeed. The region is a magnet for defense and government contractors, high-tech startups and cutting-edge healthcare providers. Our Chamber works hard to help build a healthy business climate. We had tremendous success in 2013 — arranging meetings between our members and elected officials, launching a public conversation on regional transportation needs, and hosting educational events filled with practical tips for area businesses. We plan for even greater things this year. If you appreciate history, the Fredericksburg Region is the place to be. George Washington grew up on the eastern bank of the Rappahannock River. Two other Founding Fathers — James Madison and James Monroe — called this area home at some point. America’s commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War has special resonance here, as the area was the bloody crossroads in that tragic saga. We have great love and respect for our history even as a restless energy propels us to the future. Entertainment options abound, whether you’re in the mood to tour a Colonial Era-home, visit a Civil War battlefield or simply enjoy an evening of fine dining. Nowhere will you find a more generous, compassionate community than in the Fredericksburg Region. Our citizens donate their money, time and talents to help those in need and improve the area’s quality of life. On behalf of the members and board of directors of the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, thank you for coming to our community. If you’re visiting, enjoy your stay. If you’re looking for a place to settle, please consider making this your home. As a Fredericksburg native, I can say without reservation that this truly is a wonderful place to live and work.

Susan Garnett Spears PRESIDENT & CEO

Chancellor’s Village love our Military: Past, present and future.


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Chamber Profile MISSION The mission of the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce is to build relationships and create competitive advantages for a healthy business environment.


he Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce has earned a reputation as an organization that vigorously promotes the interests of the business community. We offer a variety of services to our diverse membership, all aimed at strengthening the local economy. Businesses join us to promote a healthy business climate and to connect with other area entrepreneurs. Our diverse membership includes a mix of defense contractors, small and large service-oriented businesses, national and international firms, licensed professionals, manufacturers, and retailers. Other members work in finance, technology, education, healthcare, tourism, and media. Small businesses provide the heartbeat of our organization. By offering countless opportunities to members, the Chamber helps them to succeed. We work diligently to accommodate members’ current


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

VISION To be the leading convener for the business community, assuring that the Fredericksburg Region is a major economic center in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

needs and anticipate future challenges. In 2013, we addressed regional and public policy issues that affect the business community, such as transportation and healthcare. The Chamber will continue to lead these policy discussions in order to ensure that the Fredericksburg Region remains a leading player in Virginia’s economy. The Chamber’s long-standing cooperation with other organizations boosts our region’s vitality. Individuals, businesses, and schools unite with us to create unique workforce-development and other programs that directly benefit members. Partnerships with the University of Mary Washington Small Business Development Center, the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance and the George Washington Regional Commission fuel the area’s pro-business environment.

Trailblazers T

he Chamber Trailblazers Sponsorship Program finances Chamber-endorsed regional development initiatives in sectors such as defense, transportation, education, workforce development, and technology. This innovative annual program allows businesses to help fund these programs and to support a variety of Chamber events and services throughout the year. This financial support allows the Chamber to devote time and resources to serving its members and achieving its annual goals.





Chamber Board

Mike Fidgeon, Chair Providence Service Corporation

Greg Calvert, Vice Chair Kloke Mayflower

Kathy Wall, Past Chair Mary Washington Healthcare

Shawn Sloan, Treasurer The Media Partners, LLC

Susan Spears, President & CEO

Margaret Hardy, Legal Counsel Sands Anderson

Mona Albertine Jabberwocky, Inc.

Gene Bailey Fredericksburg Regional Alliance

Nick Cadwallender The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co.

J.R. Flatter Flatter & Associates

Maria Franklin Union First Market Bank

Adam Fried Atlantic Builders, Ltd.

William Hession Lockheed Martin

Ron Holmes Holmes, Riley & Assoc. of Merrill Lynch

Kathy Hoffman Mary Kay Cosmetics

Richard Hurley University of Mary Washington

Regis Keddie Davenport & Co., LLC


Dr. David Sam Germanna Community College

Woody Van Valkenburgh Rappahannock Goodwill Industries

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Eric Watkins Infinity Technologies

Deirdre Powell White DPW Training & Associates

Joe Wilson PermaTreat Pest Control

Headshots courtesy of Hartwood Photography.



or more than four decades, business leaders spanning the globe have recognized the abundance of opportunities the Fredericksburg Region offers to those with ambition, flexibility and ingenuity. The reasons behind the area’s phenomenal growth are no surprise. A pro-business climate, a desirable location near Washington, D.C., and swift access to major markets make the Fredericksburg Region an ideal locale for potential investors. Prime office, commercial and industrial spaces are available, as are large tracts of land for the creation of new enterprises in areas such as government contracting, communications and a variety of high-tech start-ups. The region boasts one of America’s most skilled labor pools. The local workforce numbers about 125,000, while nearly 1 million commuters reside within a 40-mile radius of the region. Education levels surpass the national average. More than 70 percent of area workers are college-educated and have managerial, professional, and technical skills. The region has one of the country’s highest concentrations of doctoral degrees.


The $35 million Stafford Regional Airport, designed for cargo and corporate jet traffic with wingspans of up to 80 feet, has foreign trade zone capability and the potential to expand its 5,000-foot runway an additional 1,000 feet, allowing for larger planes and more flights. It is convenient to commuter rail, and adjacent land is available for those who dream of manufacturing and selling the goods that will fuel the economy of the future. The Fredericksburg Region’s existing infrastructure includes a high-speed fiber-optic telecommunications system that is part of an 18,000-mile national system. To create a hospitable business environment, state and local governments offer tax credits, free counseling, and financial and technical assistance for start-ups, expansions, and relocations. Economic development professionals acquaint prospective businesses with the area and provide incentives to encourage corporate investment. University of Mary Washington’s Small Business Development Center and the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance work closely

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Photo: Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

with private industry, local governments and educational institutions to move the economy forward. Together they aggressively market the region, recruit new industry, and help existing businesses expand. The Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce is a networking, marketing, and advocacy resource that provides many benefits to businesses. The Chamber responds to community and business needs as they develop; helps potential buyers, suppliers and collaborators connect with one another and advocates for a continued strong business environment. With a long tradition of cooperation among the localities, businesses can rely on community leaders to think regionally and consider everybody’s success. Through shared resources, the strengths of each locality become available to businesses throughout the entire region.


Photo: The Free Lance-Star

Photo: Stafford County Department of Economic Development


he Fredericksburg Region’s business community represents all facets of industry and commerce. Dynamic leaders are creating new economic opportunities by developing the products and services that fuel economic activity both today and tomorrow. The region has more than 5,000 businesses — including government and defense contractors, service establishments, retail outlets, medical care providers and construction companies. The number of home-based businesses that provide specialized services is growing. Long-standing businesses in the area include GEICO, Rappahannock Electric Cooperative, Rappahannock Goodwill Industries, Roxbury Farm and Garden, and The Silver Cos. The region even boasts its own maker of fine distilled spirits, A. Smith Bowman Distillery, which uses time-honored traditions to produce hand-crafted bourbon worthy of Virginia’s legacy. A variety of call centers, distribution centers, high-tech manufacturers, and Internet-related firms conduct business from the Fredericksburg Region, as do national and international corporations. High-tech defense contractors provide engineering and support services for three military installations and the Washington, D.C., region. Four of the top 10 industries in the Fredericksburg Region that received Department of Defense contract awards are classified as high-technology industries and provide a higher-than-average wage for their employees. Due to the heavy presence of the defense industry, many of the region’s employers constantly seek workers with skills in science, engineering and technology. The mix of business and industry in the region creates a stable economic base and provides varied job opportunities for the region’s growing workforce. High-tech products made in the region include silicon wafers, printed circuit boards, components for laser printers, imbedded-Internet-type security systems, and steel wire for robotic applications. Companies that represent more than half of Virginia’s $12 billion high-tech industry are located near the region.


Photo: The Free Lance-Star



ew communities in America boast the rich history of the Fredericksburg Region. The tapestry of the region’s history carries visitors back more than 400 years to the days when the Powhatan Indians greeted Captain John Smith as he explored the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers. The community played a pivotal role in the rise of America from English colony to independent nation. George Washington, father of our nation, grew up on Ferry Farm on the banks of the Rappahannock River. Two other of America’s first five presidents once called this area home. James Madison, principal author of the U.S. Constitution, was born here. James Monroe, diplomat, statesman and the last of the Revolutionary generation to win the presidency, began his law career in the city. While visiting Fredericksburg in 1777, Thomas Jefferson penned Virginia’s Statute of Religious Freedom — the inspiration for the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This region endured more than its share of tragedy in the second great conflict to engulf America, earning the nickname, the “crossroads of the Civil War.” Situated evenly between the capitals of the Union and the Confederacy, the community experienced more of the terrors of war than any other in North America. Four major battles — Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Wilderness and Spotsylvania Courthouse — despoiled the landscape and resulted in more than 100,000 casualties. Today, visitors and residents can gain insight into each of those bloody milestones by visiting 8,000 acres of battlefields and accompanying historic sites and museums. Stafford County (named for Staffordshire, England) was formed in 1664, followed by Spotsylvania, Caroline, and King George in the 1720s. Fredericksburg was established in 1728 as a frontier river port near the falls of the Rappahannock. The 50-acre town took its name from Crown Prince Frederick. Fredericksburg became a regional commercial center, receiving manufactured goods from England and exporting agricultural products and gold. Early business ventures in the region included Governor Alexander Spotswood’s Tubal Furnace, James Hunter’s Ironworks and a variety of commercial mills. Once a primarily rural area, this is now one of the fastest-growing regions in the U.S., generating unprecedented prosperity in the last few decades. In 1970, about 77,000 people lived in the region. Today, that number has grown to nearly 300,000. The growth continues, yet its residents never forget their history.


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce




he Fredericksburg Region’s reputation for standardized test scores above the national average is a great lure for both business and families. Excellent public and private schools contribute to a high quality of life and prepare students for the future. Educators and administrators routinely win praise for creating challenging learning environments and spurring students to reach their potential. Newcomers are also attracted to the region’s diverse selection of colleges that offer affordable tuition, credit and noncredit courses, online distance learning and flexible class schedules. These colleges

Photo: The Free Lance-Star

prepare traditional students and working adults for the specific needs of the workplace. The University of Mary Washington is a coeducational public institution with an undergraduate residential campus in Fredericksburg and a graduate and professional studies campus in nearby Stafford County. Growth abounds on the main campus, where the William M. Anderson Center, a multi-use convocation facility was recently dedicated. UMW is also increasingly a driver of the area’s economy, as evidenced by Eagle Village, a mixed-use facility that includes restaurants, shops,

office space, dormitories and a parking garage. The university, with a total enrollment of nearly 5,000 students, is known for its commitment to academic excellence, strong undergraduate liberal arts program and dedication to lifelong learning and professional development. U.S. News & World Report has repeatedly listed UMW as among the best values for a school of its size. In addition to its traditional four-year degree programs, the university offers undergraduate and graduate degrees and certificates for working adults at its College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Breezewood Apartments


Fax 540-891-1808 10502 Rising Ridge Road • Fredericksburg, VA 22407 12

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Photo: University of Mary Washington

Germanna Community College, one of the fastest growing community colleges in Virginia, serves more than 11,000 credit and non-credit students annually at its Fredericksburg, Locust Grove and Stafford campuses. Germanna offers associate degrees, certificates, occupational-technical programs and college transfer programs. A fourth location, Germanna’s Center for Advanced Technology, offers both credit and non-credit classes. It also provides workforce and development instruction and technology training. The center features a multi-purpose hall that seats up to 750 people; an executive conference center and an advanced manufacturing lab that is designed to host training activities for business and industry. Germanna is one of three community colleges in the state selected to pilot the Commonwealth Nursing Program that combines online course work with laboratory and clinical experience. The program allows students to earn an associate in applied science degree in preparation for the national licensing exam for registered nurses. Other post-secondary educational institutions with a presence in the Fredericksburg Region include University of Maryland University College, Strayer University (a multi-campus business school for working adults); Old Dominion University, which offers various degrees through Teletechnet at Germanna, and the University of Richmond’s Weekend College, which allows students to earn a bachelor’s degree in two years at Germanna; and National University, which offers classes at Marine Corps Base Quantico. Photo: Germanna Community College


Health Care

Photo: Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center


he Fredericksburg Region is blessed with a vast number of competent, well-trained and compassionate healthcare givers. These men and women care deeply about the physical and emotional welfare of community residents. Mary Washington Healthcare is a fullyintegrated, not-for-profit regional medical system that includes 437-bed Mary Washington Hospital and 100-bed Stafford Hospital. More than 4,200 full- and part-time Associates work for Mary Washington Healthcare (MWHC), whose 40 healthcare facilities and services span a region stretching to Woodbridge in


the north and Ladysmith to the south. The medical staff includes 617 highly-skilled physicians representing dozens of specialties, and roughly 600 community members volunteer their time. In 2012, 325,000-plus outpatients were seen at Mary Washington Healthcare facilities, and about 34,700 inpatients were treated at one of its state-of-the-art hospitals. Nearly 124,300 individuals visited one of MWHC’s three 24-hour Emergency Departments — Mary Washington Hospital, Stafford Hospital, and the Emergency Department at Lee’s Hill — in 2012. Roughly 3,350 newborns were delivered, about 204,200 radiology procedures completed, and nearly

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Photo: Mary Washington Healthcare

17,500 surgeries performed at Mary Washington Healthcare facilities. Offering an array of services more commonly found in major metropolitan health systems, Mary Washington Hospital operates a Level II Trauma Center and a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. At Stafford Hospital, the Intermediate Level II Nursery is especially designed for neonates 32 weeks and above and that require additional support. Joint Commission certification of Mary Washington Hospital’s Primary Stroke Center is among MWHC’s myriad credentials and recognitions. Mary Washington Hospital’s Magnet®

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Photo: Mary Washington Hospital

hospital designation signifies it meets the highest standards of nursing care. Mary Washington was named one of America’s 100 best for spine surgery in 2012. At Mary Washington Hospital, six specialties deemed “high-performing” in 2013 by U.S. News & World Report included diabetes and endocrinology, gastroenterology and GI surgery, nephrology, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, and pulmonology. Specialties also include cardiac, thoracic, robotic, and joint replacement surgery, as well as perinatology and endoscopy. Local residents fighting cancer receive leading-edge care close to home at the Regional Cancer Center, where stereotactic radiosurgery can treat small tumors almost anywhere in the body. The Fredericksburg Ambulatory Surgery Center offers an extensive range of outpatient surgery options, consistently winning top patient satisfaction scores.


Photo: Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center

As a not-for-profit health system, Mary Washington Healthcare invests profits in technology upgrades, development of new services, and additional staff to improve scope and quality of care. In 2012, the Snowden of Fredericksburg behavioral health hospital expanded to meet growing demand for in- and outpatient services. MWHC has served the Fredericksburg community since 1899, with a long-standing commitment to provide care regardless of ability to pay. What’s more, Mary Washington Healthcare plays an active role in addressing the community health needs by hosting community seminars free of charge, providing hundreds of free health screenings annually, and giving direct and indirect support to safety-net providers. In 2012, MWHC donated more than $60 million in Community Benefit activities, including grants and other support to community groups. For more information, visit or call (540) 741-1404.

Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center opened in 2010 and is a part of HCA Virginia, which is the commonwealth’s most comprehensive healthcare network. SRMC is a $175 million hospital with 126 beds and all-private rooms. It provides a wide range of in- and outpatient services, including 24-hour emergency care, obstetrics, diagnostic imaging, intensive care, cardiac catheterization, radiation cancer care and other cancer-related services, and psychiatric care. Located on a 75-acre campus south of Fredericksburg on Interstate 95, SRMC employs more than 500 full and part-time staff members and will pay roughly $1.5 million in taxes annually to Spotsylvania County, thereby broadening the county’s tax base. Though it didn’t open its doors until 2010, Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center was playing an active role in the local community well before admitting patients and continues to do so now.

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Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

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The hospital has celebrated several major milestones: • SRMC was selected as Business of the Year 2011 by the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce. • Patient satisfaction scores consistently ranked in the top 10 percent of 166 HCA hospitals. • Nearly 500 free health screenings and flu shot clinics were provided to the community. • More than 100,000 patients with conditions ranging from broken bones to chest pain were seen in the emergency room. • 95,000 diagnostic procedures were performed. • Medical staff includes more than 370 highly-trained, experienced physicians representing 39 specialties. • Spotsylvania Regional operates as a community hospital, with a management team and board of trustees who live in and are committed to the care and improvement of human life. For more information, visit or call (540) 498-4000.

Photo: Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center

Founded in 1937, Pratt Medical Center is a multi-specialty healthcare group that offers primary care and a variety of sub-specialties such as OB/ GYN care, pediatrics, gastroenterology, audiology and laparoscopic surgery. Massaponnax Medical Park is conveniently located in Spotsylvania County on Cosner Drive across U.S. 17 from Lee’s Hill South and adjacent to the campus of Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center. The 14-acre site is a planned four-phase medical office park that will eventually include 120,000 square feet of medical specialties, diagnostic services and dental services. Throughout the region, residents also have access to walk-in clinics, support groups and the Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic, a free primary-care clinic.

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Homes & Neighborhoods

Photo: Atlantic Builders


ew areas offer the diverse housing options of the Fredericksburg Region. A variety of home styles with a wide range of prices are available in established neighborhoods and new communities — including single-family homes, townhouses, and apartment homes with award-winning floor plans. Homes built in the early 20th Century and earlier have undergone loving restoration, and add to the region’s beauty — particularly in downtown Fredericksburg, where homes of different eras and architectural styles stand side by side.

DONATE GOODS. 2010 Lafayette Blvd. • Fredericksburg, VA 22401



Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Photo: Atlantic Builders

Luxurious waterfront properties and prestigious golf communities are attractive and elegant options for executives. Families seeking tranquility enjoy country estates and custom homes in wooded settings. Horse owners are attracted to farms with plenty of acreage. Meticulous retirement communities are available for seniors. Some of the area’s largest communities are the Estates at Idlewild in Fredericksburg, Aquia Harbor in North Stafford and Lee’s Hill in Spotsylvania County. New homes that appeal to young and growing families are rising throughout the region. Low property taxes, a moderate cost of living, and stable home values lure families to the area.

Focus on:

The Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Non Profit Residents of the Fredericksburg Region have a rich history of generosity, philanthropy and kind-heartedness. Each year, area businesses and residents donate millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours to worthy causes ranging from providing health-

care to sheltering the homeless to mentoring at-risk children. A wide range of non-profit organizations work to improve the community’s quality of life. If you want to help others, there is no shortage of opportunities in the Fredericksburg Region. Photo: The Free Lance-Star

The Central Rappahannock Regional Library — an awardwinning regional public library system with eight branches — plays a crucial role not only in promoting education but in providing venues for drawing together the community. Education, from newborns to seniors, is a hallmark of the CRRL. It works closely with local schools, homeschoolers, GED programs, continuing education for adults, technical and vocational programs, and most recently, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiatives to the supplement the region’s high-quality educational opportunities. CRRL also offers a wide array of resources for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and job seekers. The Job Help Center, located at the England Run Branch and operated in partnership with Rappahannock Goodwill Industries, offers job seekers or career switchers personalized assistance in writing resumes, optimizing job interviews, improving computer skills, and researching job availability. CRRL’s mobile app gives you access to the library catalog, eBooks and audiobooks, program information, self-checkout and much more right from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop. eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines, and a chat/ email research service are available 24 hours a day at



ach year, nearly 1 million tourists journey to the Greater Fredericksburg Region. The Chamber and its diverse membership welcome you to our vibrant and truly historic area. Our region’s Hospitality Industry is serious about insuring you enjoy a memorable stay with us. The friendly staffers at the state-of-the-art Welcome Center on Interstate 95, area visitor centers and at the National Park Service are ready to suggest itineraries and age-appropriate activities for members of the entire family. The nearly endless area historic sites offer year-round programs — entertainment and hands-on activities that cover every period of our rich history including the Native American, Colonial, Revolutionary and Civil War periods. Walk the streets George Washington walked as a boy and get the feel for how he grew up to lead America to independence. Four key Civil War battlefields including the “turning point”

Photo: Stafford County government

Tourism E

Wilderness Battlefield offer a view of the Civil War you will not find anywhere else. “Trail to Freedom” historic markers also help tell the story of how thousands of AfricanAmerican slaves crossed over the scenic Rappahannock River on their route to freedom during the spring of 1862. The charming downtown historic district with its diverse architecture covering multiple centuries is an attraction itself. Visit the many art galleries, museums, antique shops, specialty shops and restaurants all located in this National Historic District. Branching out from the historic City of Fredericksburg, you can hike battlefields spanning Spotsylvania, Caroline and Stafford counties, as well as discover endless outdoor activities at local and state parks. The National Museum of the Marine Corps at Quantico offers a unique perspective on the mission and history of one of America’s finest fighting forces.

Translations that read like originals


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

A Limited Liability Company

Our scenic waterways include fishing havens at Lake Anna and on the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers. This region is home to some great Virginia wineries, located on scenic landscapes, all offering year-round tours and tastings. This vibrant area continues to attract exciting and diverse events including the annual United States Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon that draws thousands from around the world. The Greater Fredericksburg Region has the perfect Expo and Conference Center to meet any and all of your conference and convention needs. Planning your next visit to the area can be easily done at This site contains all the information you need to research and book your complete visit including lodging, activities and attractions — all right on the site! Don’t forget to look for great package deals as well. Photo: Wilderness Presidential Resorts



Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce


ature and recreation complement each other well in an area with scenic rivers, acres of wooded parkland, and lush golf greens. Lake Anna, one of Virginia’s largest lakes, and the rivers that wind through the region — the Potomac, Rappahannock, and Rapidan — are major recreation areas. Several parks and golf courses are located near these and other waterways. Naturalists and historians guide educational water excursions, and anglers can reel in anything from bass to walleye. For those who prefer a leisurely pace, challenging golf courses boasting layouts for all skill levels can be found at the region’s public and

private courses. Championship courses, offering full-service clubhouses and complete practice facilities, have been praised by reviewers. The Rappahannock Area YMCA offers a wide range of activities — including swimming, youth programs, and adult fitness. Fitness centers help residents maintain active lifestyles. The University of Mary Washington offers the finest in spectator sports — including lacrosse, soccer, field hockey, baseball, and basketball. Many of its athletes have been named All-Americans. A trip to Washington, D.C., or Baltimore brings opportunities for watching topform professional athletes hit the gridiron and the baseball diamond.


Photo: The Free Lance-Star

A trip south to Richmond offers the chance to enjoy the excitement of NASCAR at the Richmond International Raceway. The State Fair of Virginia, which takes place each fall, now operates in Caroline County and attracts more than 200,000 people. Photo: The Free Lance-Star


Arts & Entertainment

Photo: The Free Lance-Star


eople who appreciate the finer aspects of life — theater, dance, art, and music — can enjoy a bit of everything in the Fredericksburg Region. Music lovers can enjoy performances by the University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra, the United States Marine Corps Band, The Fredericksburg Singers, The Rappahannock Pops Orchestra, and The Fredericksburg Big Band.


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

UMW also hosts a Great Lives series, which features lectures on significant historical figures, both real and fictional. Subjects include author Julius Caesar, Lawrence of Arabia, Houdini, Arthur Ashe, Winston Churchill and Michelangelo. The University of Mary Washington Galleries exhibit art from a permanent collection of more than 5,000 works, as well as traveling exhibits and the art of faculty and students. Klein Theatre hosts productions by the university’s Department of Theatre and Dance. The Riverside Center Dinner Theater, located in Stafford County, has earned wide acclaim for its presentations of Broadway-style musicals such as “Chicago” and “Hello, Dolly!” The Gari Melchers Home and Studio holds the largest repository of the early 20th-Century artist’s landscapes, portraits, and domestic interiors. Visitors can also see fine antiques he collected during his world travels. Throughout the community, small theater groups and performing-arts studios entertain audiences year-round. The visions of talented artists and photographers are displayed in libraries, galleries, and restaurants. The Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts also displays original works of regional artists. Nationally recognized performers and musicians are featured guests at the Fredericksburg Music Festival, a week-long annual event. Local and regional musicians perform at many clubs and restaurants in the area, offering an eclectic array of musical styles. The Bluemont Summer Concert series brings a variety of musicians to intimate venues. Area localities also put on outdoor concerts and film festivals the whole family can enjoy.


very year, residents of the Fredericksburg Region and their guests enjoy a potpourri of festivals and special events that showcase local culture and strengthen the bonds of fellowship. The Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center has expanded to include a wider array of artifacts and special exhibits, as well as a beautiful gift shop. Spotsylvania County holds its “Stars and Stripes Spectacular” every July in the square at Spotsylvania Courthouse featuring games, great food and a spectacular fireworks display.

Photo: James Monroe Museum


The July 4th Heritage Festival in downtown Fredericksburg celebrates America’s birthday with a bang. Thousands go to the Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair, the oldest fair of its kind in America. Visitors can get a look inside privately owned historic homes during Historic Garden Week and the holiday Candlelight Tour. Localities throughout the area hold Christmas parades that draw large crowds, as does the City of Fredericksburg’s First Night each New Year’s Eve.

Spectators enjoy reenactments of Civil War battles, artillery demonstrations and encampments. Visitors can witness 18th Century life during special programs at George Washington’s boyhood home of Ferry Farm and at Kenmore, the mansion owned by Washington’s sister, Betty Lewis. Other historic attractions that offer tours or unique programs include George Washington’s Birthplace in Westmoreland County, Chatham, the Rising Sun Tavern, the Mary Washington House and the James Monroe Museum.


Photo: The Free Lance-Star

Retirement F

redericksburg is an optimal retirement location. With ample history, lush scenery, the nearby Atlantic Ocean and with its placement between several cosmopolitan centers like Washington, D.C., Charlottesville and Richmond, seniors enjoy a variety of living and entertainment options. Whether you want to shop, take a daytrip, relax with friends or spend time fishing, golfing or hiking, Fredericksburg senior living can accommodate you. The Crossings at Falls Run is Fredericksburg’s newest senior living community offering a range of amenities including social and wellness support to help you enjoy retirement to the fullest. Conveniently located off Route 17 and Berea Church Road, its 22-acre campus offers residents a complete continuum of care in one location and peace of mind from the knowledge that their independence is supported throughout their retirement years. The Crossings at Falls Run offers pet-friendly, spacious apartments and includes a library, a theater, elegant dining rooms, a fitness center, a beauty salon/barber shop, a pub and coffee shop, and activity and game rooms. Conveniently located in Spotsylvania County, Chancellor’s Village retirement community offers both independent living and assisted living to suit residents’ lifestyles. Designed for those who want companionship and amenities in a stimulating environment with a hospitality-centered staff, Chancellor’s Village makes it easy for residents to live life to the fullest. Chancellor’s Village offers its residents scheduled transportation for shopping, excursions and appointments; full dining services, beautician and barber services, a library, a wellness center, a pet program; and a variety of recreational, cultural and entertainment choices. With so much to see and do and so much history to absorb in the Fredericksburg Region, why not spend your golden years in bliss?


Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Index of Sponsors Advertiser Name............................ Page Number A. Smith Bowman Distillery................................... 5 AAA Fredericksburg............................................10 Allstate – Donna Stocking...................................20 B & H Wood Products Inc. Breezewood Apartments.....................................12 CBAIA Logistics Services.....................................20 Central Rappahannock Regional Library................. 4 Chancellor’s Village............................................... 2 Circinus..............................................................20 Claxton Logistics Company.................................16 Comfort Heating & Cooling.................................... 9 Country Inn & Suites...........................................18 Fantasy World Entertainment...............................24 Fast Frame.........................................................14 Fredericksburg Area Food Bank...........................16 Fredericksburg Area Museum & Culture Center...27 Fredericksburg Christian Schools.........................17 Germanna Community College............................11 Gladys H. Oberle School / Employment Resources Incorporated................15 Gravatt Entertainment.........................................24 Habitat for Humanity ReStore..............................15

Advertiser Name............................ Page Number Hampton Inn & Suites........................................... 4 HCA Virginia’s Pediatric Care Network and Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center......................... Inside Front Cover Heartfields Assisted Living at Fredericksburg........26 Inn at the Old Silk Mill Bed & Breakfast...............14 James Monroe Museum.....................................23 JPD Systems Translation Services.......................20 Lawn Doctor.......................................................17 Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc.............................18 Mail & Gift Connection........................................16 Marstel-Day.......................................................13 Mary Washington Healthcare................................. 3 MultiSpecialty Health Group at Spotsylvania Regional...................................17 New Home Media...............................................18 Plumb Magic, LLC..............................................20 Poet’s Walk........................................................15 Pratt Medical Center...........................................19 Purvis Ford Lincoln.............................................16 Rappahannock Area Community Services Board..............................12

Advertiser Name............................ Page Number Rappahannock Area YMCA..................................24 Rappahannock Electric Cooperative.....................20 RE/MAX Cornerstone Realty......... Inside Back Cover River Woods Apartments of Fredericksburg..........16 The Salvation Army.............................................18 Spotsylvania County Department of Economic Development & Tourism............8; 22 Spotsylvania Towne Centre.........Outside Back Cover Taj Indian Cuisine...............................................23 Angela Tsai, O.D., FVAO; Samuel C. Smart, O.D., FAAO, FVAO; Wm. Mitchell Powell, O.D., FVAO; & Jason Hair, O.D.............................................. 5 Union First Market Bank........................................ 9 University of Mary Washington............................25 Virginia Paving Company.....................................16 Wilderness Presidential Resorts...........................22 Woehrle, Franklin, Dahlberg Jones P.L.L.C., Attorneys at Law........13 WyteStone Suites...........................................7; 21


Membership Directory Alphabetical Listing


1st Choice Better Homes & Land, LLC

Ann Black 1302 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-0088.......Fax: (540) 786-9977 1stchoice@ Real Estate Real Estate - Relocation Services 1st Choice Better Homes & Land LC is locally owned and operated by local business people who put their community first. We take great pride in helping people find solutions to make their home-buying or home-selling dreams come true.

1st Class Real Estate

Graham Green lV 4820 SouthPoint Pkwy Suite 103 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 735-0783 graham@ h ttp://w Real Estate Real Estate - Brokers 3

3 Star Auto, LLC

Carla Baez 15 Capital Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 310-0137..........Fax: (540) 310-0078 threestarauto@ h ttp://w Auto Repair and Service 9

93.3 WFLS

Paul Jones 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5505..........Fax: (540) 374-5498 mbass@ h ttp://w Radio Station Web-Based Media

95 Express

Christine Manley 6440 General Green Way Alexandria VA 22312 (571) 419-6105 mmcgurk@ h ttp:// Transportation

95.9 WGRQ/Thunder 104.5 Radio

Tom Cooper 4414 Lafayette Blvd. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-9696..........Fax: (540) 891-1656 tcooper@ h ttp://w Radio Station

96.9 The Rock

Paul Jones 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5505..........Fax: (540) 374-5498 mbass@ h ttp://w Radio Station Web-Based Media


99.3 The Vibe

Paul Jones 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5505..........Fax: (540) 974-5498 mbass@ h ttp://w Radio Station Web-Based Media A

A - Annandale, Inc.

Sonny Younce 30 Baron Park Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 479-1441..........Fax: (540) 479-3276 h ttp://w Parking Lot Maintenance & Commerical Cleaning

A. Blanton Massey & Associates

A. Blanton Massey 1119 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1818..........Fax: (540) 373-5306 abm@ Attorneys

A. Smith Bowman Distillery

Brian Prewitt 1 Bowman Dr. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-4555..........Fax: (540) 371-2236 tcox@ h ttp://w Distillers & Bottlers

A-T Solutions, Inc.

Paul McQuillan 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-9542..........Fax: (540) 373-9543 paulmcquillan@ h ttp://w Government Agency

AAA Mid-Atlantic

Deborah Boldin 1171 Central Park Blvd. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-0282..........Fax: (540) 785-0882 h ttp://w Travel Agencies

Abby Construction

Michael Huie 1321 Lafayette Blvd. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-3615..........Fax: (540) 372-3477 abbyconstr@ h ttp://w Commercial Construction


George Hinckley 59 Greenleaf Terrace Stafford VA 22556 (540) 220-8332 Consulting - Technology

Academy Leadership Associates, LLC

David Corderman 701-A Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-2998..........Fax: (540) 899-2908 h ttp://w Leadership/Executive Coaching

Accolade Security Network

Rich Brown 17 Ivy Spring Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (503) 931-3730 rich@ h ttp://w Security Guards & Investigations

Accounting Solutions, LLC

Anne Allen 510 Princess Anne St. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-3541..........Fax: (540) 479-3542 admin@ w Accounting & Tax Service Bookkeeping

Adamson Homes

Adam Janney 10919 Stacy Run Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 809-5820..........Fax: (540) 645-6076 ajanney62@ Contractors - Home

Advantage Business Advisors

Jeffrey Scott 1011 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-7640..........Fax: (703) 997-7726 jscott@ h ttp://w Business Brokers

Affordable Suites of America

John McConnell 204 University Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-7170..........Fax: (540) 752-2283 h ttp://w fredericksburg Hotels/Motels

AFLAC District Office Lewis M. Gale

Lewis Gale 10703 Spotsylvania Ave. Bldg. 2, Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (919) 368-1835..........Fax: (501) 629-5577 lewis_gale@ h ttp:// Insurance

Air Tech Solutions Inc.

Keith Larimore 3619 Jeff Davis Hwy. Suite 133 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-0950..........Fax: (540) 288-0962 info@ h ttp://w Heating & Air Conditioning

Ale House of Fredericksburg, LLC

Amy DuFour 917 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-2337..........Fax: (540) 371-2331 fredericksburg@ h ttp:// Breweries Restaurants

All Pro Insulation (IBP)

Frank Lyons 230 Industrial Dr. Unit M Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 479-1666..........Fax: (540) 479-1693 Contractors - General

Access Eye Centers, P.C.

Michele Mansouri 110 Cambridge St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-2020..........Fax: (540) 373-0141 access@ h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons-Ophthalmology

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Allegra Marketing Print & Design Jeffrey Halperin 125 Olde Greenwich Dr. #250 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-1885 jeffrey@ h ttp://w Printers, Typesetters & Graphics Printers-Screened/Promotional Items Printers-Signs & Banners/ Promotional Items

Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen

Edward Allen 3504 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-4100..........Fax: (540) 786-9585 ela@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg Peter Smith 511 Park Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 971-5660 h ttp://w Medical Profession

Allied/BFI Waste Services, LLC

Brenda Gibbs 1321 Belman Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2016..........Fax: (540) 372-6763 brenda.gibbs@ h ttp://w Trash Hauling-Commercial Recycling Centers

Allison James Estates & Homes, The Holt Group, LLC

Janet Holt 1206 Richmond Dr. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 840-4879..........Fax: (540) 659-7484 h ttp://w Real Estate - Brokers Real Estate-Home Sale Preparation

Allstate - Stacy Horne

Stacy Horne 2515 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-5146..........Fax: (540) 373-1862 stacyhorne@ h ttp://w Insurance

Always Best Care Senior Services

Dave Hofmeister 1320 Central Park Blvd Suite 208 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-2884..........Fax: (540) 741-1667 h ttp://greaterfredericksburg. In-Home Care/Non-Medical

Alzheimer’s Association

Lori Myers 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 106-1F Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-0835..........Fax: (540) 370-4976 h ttp://w Health Related Services Non Profit

America’s Home Place

Jon Kelley 4401 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-5841..........Fax: (540) 785-5874 jkelley@ h ttp://w Building Contractors

American Disposal Services, Inc.

Tia Neal 10370 Central Park Dr. Manassas VA 20110 (703) 368-0500..........Fax: (703) 369-1133 abusey@ h ttp://w Trash Hauling-Commercial

American Family Fitness 10020 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-6111 Fitness Centers/Training

American Heritage Homes (Pruitt Subsidiary)

Kristen Pruitt 9201 Elys Ford Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-4444..........Fax: (540) 785-4445 h ttp://w Building Contractors

American Insurances

Sonia Kuppert 103 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-6623..........Fax: (540) 479-6607 kwible@ Insurance

American Laser Skincare

Kristin Hope 2201 Charles St Fredericksburg VA 22401 540-899-2166............Fax: (540) 899-2167 khope@ Laser Hair Removal

American Office

Abigail Lenon 400 Preston Ave. Suite 100 Charlottesville VA 22903 (434) 327-1180 alenon@ h ttp://w Office Furniture

American Red Cross, Rappahannock Area

Helen Parham 4836 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 735-0500..........Fax: (540) 735-0501 helen.parham@ h ttp:// Non Profit

American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)

James Baron 15 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 368-1701..........Fax: (540) 368-1717 webmaster@ h ttp://w Trade Association Non Profit


John Johnson 809 Williams St. Suite B Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-4991..........Fax: (540) 370-4561 floyd.j.johnson@ h ttp://w floyd.j.johnson Financial Planner

Anderson Oil Company

Mark Anderson 11903 Tidewater Tr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-9331 marka@ Oil & Gas Operators & Marketing

Animal Rites, USA

Cathie Fisher Braman P.O. Box 495 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-7487..........Fax: (540) 368-0894 info@ h ttp://w Pet Bereavement Services

Any Lab Test Now

Dale Wilhelm 1135 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-9000..........Fax: (540) 368-9002 fredericksburg@ h ttp:// Lab/Medical Testing

Apex Data Systems Inc.

Jim Shinn 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 209-1 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (571) 228-3349 jim.shinn@ h ttp://w IT Support Services

Apple Music Pro Sound

Tony Scott 10205 Hillside Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 693-8888 applemusicprosound@ Sound Equipment Entertainment

Applebee’s of Central Park

10456 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-9944 pdfg79085@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Applebee’s - Stafford Market Place Brian Anderson 1000 Stafford Market Place Stafford VA 22554 (540) 658-0717 pfdg79077@ Restaurants

Applebees - Massaponax

Mark Gajdosik 9901 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-7441 pfdg79089@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Appraisal Group of Fredericksburg & Northern Virginia - Chris Kaila

Bankers Insurance, LLC (Fredericksburg) ArchiveIT

Mitch Jones 11901 Bowman Dr. Suite 108 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 656-2893 information@ Document Imaging Digital storage transition specialists, delivering scalable business records management services. Paperless office solutions, document scanning, industry leading cloud storage & content management platform.

Area 11 Special Olympics Tim Doyle P.O. Box 218 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 891-0099 h ttp://w Non Profit

Arista Real Estate

Adam Fried 1975 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 891-8540..........Fax: (540) 891-9170 info@ h ttp://w Building Contractors

Augustine Golf Club

Artistry Dance Center

Austin Ridge in Stafford

Melissa Cook 282 Deacon Rd. Ste. 102 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540)370-4866 info@ h ttp://w Dance School

Arts & Flowers

Evelyn White 558 Caisson Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 368-9553 retammochief@ Clothing Alterations Custom Flowers

Ascent Audiology & Hearing

Paul Kuster 2569 Cowan Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-6797..........Fax: (540) 373-6973 h ttp://w ww. Audiologist

Aquia Realty

Associates in Gastroenterology

Amanda Buchanan 190 White Pine Cir. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-9800..........Fax: (540) 288-2979 aquiaterrace@ h ttp://w Apartments

Atlantic Builders, Ltd.

Don Ryalls 76 Monument Dr. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-7374..........Fax: (540) 720-6381 h ttp://w Golf Course

Assist 2 Sell, Sellers & Buyers Realty Inc.

Aquia Terrace

Joshua Ellis 1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 400 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 369-4464 ext 101 josh@ IT Support Services Your Technology Resource & Advisor “A Veteran Owned Business”

Constance Antonio 10151 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 898-1010 Real Estate

Chris Kaila MAI SRA GAA 6320 Five Mile Centre Park Suite 323 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-4500..........Fax: (540) 785-5604 info@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Appraisers Real Estate - Agents Real Estate - Brokers Jo Knight 2101 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-2192..........Fax: (540) 659-7573 h ttp://w Real Estate

Athio Technologies

Denise Vrabel 300 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 202 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-9880..........Fax: (540) 288-9883 denise@ h ttp://w Real Estate Sheri Styles 422 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 109 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-9359 assoc.ingastro@ Medical Profession

At Once Staffing, Inc.

Cindy Duffer Matern 4737 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 604-5000.........Fax: (540) 604-5001 cindymatern@ h ttp://w Employment Agencies

Richard Wolff c/o Geo. H Rucker Realty Corp. 2911 Hunter Mill Rd., Ste 300 Oakton VA 22124 (703) 890-1085..........Fax: (703) 890-1082 webmaster@ h ttp://w Real Estate Developers Building Contractors Real Estate - Management B

B H Baird

David Smith 405 Happy Creek Rd. Locust Grove VA 22508 (540) 645-2993 davids@ h ttp://w Insurance

B & H Wood Products, Inc.

J. Michael Berry 295 Heflin Rd. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 752-2480..........Fax: (540) 752-2269 jberry6754@ Manufacturing

B101.5 & WFVA-AM1230

Mark Bass 1914 Mimosa St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-7721..........Fax: (540) 899-3879 h ttp://w Radio Station

Backer Blitz Print & Web Design David Repasky 706 Sophia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 272-5370 david.repasky@ h ttp://w Web Design & Hosting Services

BAE Systems

Curtis Haberbosch 925 Corporate Dr. Suite 207 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-5800..........Fax: (540) 658-0401 h ttp://w Engineering Services

Bank of America Small Business Center

Sandro Gregori 7110 Harrison Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 395-9656 sandro.gregori@ h ttp:// advisorsite/sandro.gregori/display.sf Business Financing Banks & Banking Associations

Steve Cooper 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 110 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 735-1706..........Fax: (540) 371-5930 scooper@ h ttp:// Insurance

Banks Property Management

Merlyn Banks 181 Kings Hwy. Suite 209 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 372-7272........... Fax: 540-372-7272 merlyn.banks@ h ttp://w ww. Property Managers Apartments/Townhomes Facilities Managment Investment Management Notary Professional Training Programs Real Estate - Advertising/Magazine Real Estate - Agents Real Estate - Brokers Real Estate - Investment Real Estate - Management Real Estate - Relocation Services Real Estate Management Rental Properties Rental Properties Management

Basic Commerce and Industries, Inc. Edward B. ‘’Ted’’ Hontz 16343 Dahlgren Rd. King George VA 22485 (540) 663-3321..........Fax: (540) 663-3307 h ttp://w Engineering Services

Battlefield Homes, Inc.

Maxine Tierney 11932 Cherry Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-2388..........Fax: (540) 785-9266 melissaschmidt@ h ttp://w Building Contractors

The Bavarian Chef

Christine Thalwitz 200 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2101..........Fax: (540) 656-2136 bavarianchef@ h ttp://

Baxter & Company, LLC

Charles D. Baxter 150 Olde Greenwich Dr. Suite 205 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-7741 Fax: (540) 374-1604 baxterandcompany@ Employee & Executive Benefits Insurance Core business focus is employee benefits, group life, health, dental, STD & LTD, vision, etc; we also excel at Individual and Family insurance coverage. We are a brokerage company that cares!

Bayfield Home Loans, LLC

Tanner Mulvihill 395 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 108 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 318-6108..........Fax: (540) 628-0372 tanner@ h ttp://w Mortgage Company


LInda Knecht 1151 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-0294..........Fax: (540) 786-2003 w h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


375 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 374-5159..........Fax: (540) 370-1739 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Anne Betz 401 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5166..........Fax: (540) 370-1728 ABetz@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Dorothy Rutledge 4630 Mine Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 374-5163..........Fax: (540) 710-0568 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Monica Lewallen 117 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-1207..........Fax: (540) 720-2903 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Terri Wood Route 3 Branch 3600 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-1498..........Fax: (540) 786-2386 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Linda Knecht 3600 Plank Road Fredericksburg VA 22407 540 786 1498................. Fax: 5407862386 lknecht@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations


Terri Wood 9659 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 322-5525 tmwood@ h ttp://w

BB&T Bank

Nate Wood 400 George St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-5500 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

BB&T Mortgage

Malanna Carey 1440 Central Park Blvd. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-4819..........Fax: (540) 786-9650 rcowper@ h ttp://w Mortgage Company

Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C.

Tracy Meyer 2300 Wilson Blvd. 7th Floor Arlington VA 22201 (703) 525-4000..........Fax: (703) 525-2207 tmeyer@ h ttp://BEANKINNEY.COM Legal Services

Beazer Homes

Cindy James Wagoneers Ln. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 399-1385..........Fax: (703) 961-9740 h ttp://w New Home Builder


Patrick Dunbar 500 Spotsylvania Towne Center Spotylvania Mall Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-7100 patrick_dunbar@ h ttp://w Department Stores

Benefits by Choice

Stuart Jackson 401 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2121..........Fax: (540) 373-7496 sjackson@ h ttp://w Insurance


Best Western Fredericksburg

Cathy Treon 2205 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5050..........Fax: (540) 373-3496 bestwesternfb@ h ttp://w fredericksburg Hotels/Motels

BEST WESTERN PLUS Aquia Quantico Inn

Cathy Treon 2868 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-0022..........Fax: (540) 659-0212 BWAQUIA@ h ttp://w Aquia/Quantico Hotels/Motels

Big Cloud Media

Koji Flowers 11 Pincrest St. Stafford VA 22554 (210) 519-7729 kflowers@ h ttp:// Web Design & Hosting Services

Billingsley Printing

Lydie Mann 1517 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1166..........Fax: (540) 373-9552 mann_lydie@ h ttp://w Printers, Typesetters & Graphics

Birchwood Power Partners, L.P.

Julie Caiafa 10900 Birchwood Dr. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-6300..........Fax: (540) 775-9601 Utilities

Bowman Companies, Inc.

William Cage 11913 Main St. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 370-1761..........Fax: (540) 361-7829 TCAGE@ BOWMANCO.COM h ttp://WWW.BOWMANCO.COM Real Estate

Blackwood Real Estate

David Blackwood 10950 Pierson Dr. Suite 600 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-8800..........Fax: (540) 710-6743 david@ h ttp://w Real Estate

Bonefish Grill

Trey Webb 1779 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-1984..........Fax: (540) 548-1985 h ttp://w Restaurants

The Boutique at Caroline Street

Detra Hagerman 726 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1888 detrahagerman@ h ttp://w ww. Clothing

Bowling, Franklin & Co., L.L.P.

Robert Bishop 1207 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8973.......Fax: (540) 371-5391 Accountants-Certified Public

Bowling, Franklin & Co., L.L.P.

Elaine Farmer 233 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 101 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-2606..........Fax: (540) 720-2813 h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public


Robert Buongiorne 3701 Latimers Knoll Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 374-9244..........Fax: (540) 374-9859 clester@ h ttp://w Computers - Services/Systems

Boys & Girls Clubs of Fredericksburg Forrest Parker 200 Gunnery Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-9531..........Fax: (540) 368-9537 fparker@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Braehead Manor

Karen Bane 123 Lee Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-2629 h ttp://w Bed & Breakfast/Inns

Brain Injury Services

Zach Daniel 927 Maple Grove Dr. Suite 107 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-8836..........Fax: (540) 785-8837 bmccarthy@ h ttp://w Disability Services Non Profit

Breezewood Apartments

Malikah Smith 10502 Rising Ridge Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-4411..........Fax: (540) 891-1808 breezewood@ h ttp://w Apartments

Black Knight Technology, Inc.

Laurel Fensterer P.O. Box 7374 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 371-7234..........Fax: (540) 368-9707 lfensterer@ h ttp://w Engineering Services



C & F Mortgage Corporation

Lisa Breed 20 Joseph Mills Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-3482.......Fax: (540) 371-9393 sales@ Environmental Services Environmental Clean Up

Brickman Landscape Maintenance

Steven Dorrell 10986 Leadbetter Rd. Ashland VA 23055 (804) 852-6866..........Fax: (804) 550-4085 h ttp://w Landscaping Services

Brittany Commons Apartments

Valerie Welch 10122 Kensal Way Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 891-2990..........Fax: (540) 891-9443 brittanycommons@ h ttp://w Apartments

Buffalo Wild Wings

Jason Hatchett 1050 Stafford Marketplace Stafford VA 22556 (540) 288-0580 councilorrandyf@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Burger King Restaurant

James Walsh 3052 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-8306..........Fax: (540) 582-7449 h ttp://w Restaurants

Burger King Restaurant

James Walsh 5430 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-0158..........Fax: (540) 582-7449 h ttp://w Restaurants

Christine Carroll 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 400 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-2200..........Fax: (540) 373-4465 info@ h ttp://w Educational Center

Caring Transitions of Fredericksburg & the Rappahannock Region

Brian Whetzel 2050 Gordon W. Shelton Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-8855..........Fax: (804) 419-8780 bwhetzel@ h ttp://w Mortgage Company

Pamela Pell 6300 Marye Rd. Woodford VA 22580 (855) 592-5093 ppell@ h ttp://w Senior Services

C I Destinations


Oliver Bergeron 1665 W. Warner Ave. Fresno CA 93711 (559) 573-7156..........Fax: (559) 573-7905 info@ h ttp://w Travel, International Programs


Beverly Baker 6314 Willow Glen Rd. Midlothian VA 23112 (804) 818-3302 bbakercabot@ h ttp://w Gourmet Foods/Products

Cancer Center of Virginia

Renee Shank 6105 Health Center Ln. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 786-5262..........Fax: (540) 786-5299 Health Related Services

Candlewood Suites

Carol Miller-Meads 4821 Crossing Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 376-7244..........Fax: (540) 376-7252 h ttp://w fredericksva Hotels/Motels

Breg Environmental

Career Training Solutions

Capital Caring, Inc.

Stefan Scholz 4501 Empire Ct. Fredericksburg, VA 22048 (540) 891-1200..........Fax: (540) 891-1225 sscholz@ h ttp://w Home Health Care Counseling

Capital Tristate

Michael Ridgely 11001 Houser Dr. Suite 18 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-7200..........Fax: (540) 898-3414 Mike.ridgely@ h ttp://w Electrical & Electronic Equipment & Supplies Lighting-Fixtures & Supplies

Capriccio Software, Inc.

Robert Thomas 150 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (888) 693-8946..........Fax: (888) 464-7971 robert.thomas@ h ttp://w Computer Services-Software

Cardinal Bank

Karen Barrons 501C Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-7799..........Fax: (540) 899-6179 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Cardinal Bank

Diane Brown 289 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-3900..........Fax: (540) 288-1195 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Ramona Settle 2200 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 Ice Cream & Frozen Confections

Carter Bank & Trust

Jonathan Rhatigan 70 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 368-1566..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Carter Bank & Trust

Wanda Aubrey 55 Worth Ave. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 658-0143..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Carter-McGowan Services, LLC

Nikkia Carter P.O. Box 364 King George VA 22485 (540) 693-0578..........Fax: (866) 721-6085 service@ h ttp://w Computer Services-Software

Cartridge World Fredericksburg

Caroline County Chamber of Commerce

Betty Frizzell 18067 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Ladysmith VA 22501 (804) 448-5264 h ttp://w Chambers Of Commerce

Bruce Barnett 1990 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 621-0320........... Fax: 540-301-1736 cw.frdxbg@ h ttp://w usa/usa589 Office-Supplies: Copier, Fax, Printer

Caroline County Government

Cary Street Partners

Caroline County Office of Economic Development

Cask Technologies

Charles Culley P.O. Box 447 Bowling Green VA 22427 (804) 633-5380..........Fax: (804) 633-4970 Government/Elected Officials

Gary Wilson 23724 Rogers Clark Blvd. Ruther Glen VA 22546 (804) 633-4074..........Fax: (804) 633-2489 gwilson@ h ttp://w Economic Development

Caroline County Schools

Gregory Killough 16221 Richmond Turnpike Bowling Green VA 22427 (804) 633-5088..........Fax: (804) 633-5563 Schools/Colleges

Caroline County Tourism

Kathy Beard P.O. Box 447 Bowling Green VA 22427 (804) 633-4074..........Fax: (804) 633-2489 gwilson@ h ttp://w Tourist Attractions

Carriage Hill Health & Rehab. Center

Michelle McCain 6106 Health Center Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-1120..........Fax: (540) 785-6201 Nursing Homes

Carter Bank & Trust

Donna Burnopp 1204 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 373-0654..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Carter Bank & Trust

Bill Oeters 2155 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-2126..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Carter Bank & Trust

Patricia Newell 175 Warrenton Rd. Falmouth VA 22401 (540) 371-0550..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Carter Bank & Trust

Patricia Melvin 10407 Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 898-6366..........Fax: (540) 785-7151 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations

Susan Dorsey 250 Executive Center Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 735-2840..........Fax: (540) 735-2841 h ttp://w Financial Advisors George Judd 475 Aquia Towne Center Dr. #305 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 628-7366..........Fax: (540) 301-0666 info@ h ttp://w Technology

Castiglia’s Italian Restaurant Luigi Castiglia 324 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-6650 h ttp://w Restaurants

Catalyst Solutions, LLC

John Calvert 685 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 105 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 658-1090..........Fax: (540) 658-1480 john.calvert@ h ttp://w Contractors - Defense

CBAI & Associates

Carl Lawson 1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 280 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 604-9731..........Fax: (540) 604-9730 admin@ h ttp://w Project Management

Cellular Sales of Virginia, LLC

Rick Alberg 267 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 110 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-0871..........Fax: (540) 288-0875 h ttp://w Telecommunications and Internet

Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc.

Rob Almand 112 Juliad Ct. Suite 225 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 286-6940..........Fax: (540) 286-6901 h ttp://w Construction Management

Center for Innovative Technology

Hap Connors 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite #245 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (703) 689-3048..........Fax: (703) 464-1738 hconnors@ h ttp://w Consulting - Technology

Central Park Fun Land

Tony Tallarico 1351 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-6700..........Fax: (540) 786-3307 info@ h ttp://w Entertainment

Central Park The Rappaport Companies

Meghan Murphy 1320 Central Park Blvd. Suite 262 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-3790 Fax: (540) 548-3792 mmurphy@ Property Managers Central Park is the East Coast’s largest power center, offering some of the nation’s prominent retailers and a wide variety of restaurants and helpful services. Located just off of I-95 in Fredericksburg.

Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Donna Cote 1201 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-1144..........Fax: (540) 373-9411 h ttp://w Library Non Profit

Central Virginia Housing Coalition

Gary Parker 208 Hudgins Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 604-9943..........Fax: (540) 604-9949 gparker@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Central Virginia Perinatology

CGC Solutions, Inc

Christy Swann 3 Palm Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22405 540-845-4398 christy.swann@ h ttp://w Security - Business Consulting

Chambers Training Academy

Tharthur Myers 11909 Main St. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 940-2906..........Fax: (540) 940-2993 chambersacademy@ h ttp:// Education - Public/Private Partnership

Chancellor Mortgage & Funding Co. (Pruitt Subsidiary) Cindy Thornhill 3000 Mall Ct. Suite A Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-1187 Janet@ h ttp://w Mortgage Loans & Bankers

Chancellor’s Village Retirement Community

Kristen Hansen 12100 Chancellors Village Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-5000..........Fax: (540) 786-2366 khansen@ h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Chaney Enterprises

Seamus Bradley 8520 Indian Hills Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-0075..........Fax: (540) 710-0035 sbradley@ h ttp://w Concrete

The Charleston Company, Inc.

Danna Middleton P.O. Box 1480 King George VA 22485 (540) 775-6788..........Fax: (540) 775-7662 danna@ h ttp://w Building Contractors

Dr. Christos Hatjis The Women’s Center 1300 Hospital Dr., Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-3260..........Fax: (540) 741-3261 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Cheryl Ann’s Esthetics

Central Virginia Surgical Specialists

Lisa Green 1698 Carl D Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-7979..........Fax: (540) 786-1393 lisagreencfa@ Restaurants

Dr. James Daniels 125 Hospital Center Blvd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 374-3212 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Century 21 AdVenture Redwood

Jim Smith 10601 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-2900..........Fax: (540) 898-5390 c21adjbs@ h ttp://w Real Estate

Century 21 New Millennium Fredericksburg

Cheryl Fischer 1105 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 429-0304 cowgirlcab@

Chick-fil-A - Central Park

Children’s Hospital of Richmond @ VCUFredericksburg Multispecialty Center Sherry Black 10530 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-4485 sblack@ h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons Hospitals & Hospital Services

Childress Heating & Air Conditioning

Lauren Truchsess 1931 Plank Rd. #201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2000........... Fax: 540-373-7224 lt@ h ttp:// Real Estate

Dawn Richards 31 Powell Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-1403..........Fax: (540) 371-6668 dawn@ h ttp://w Heating & Air Conditioning

Certified Plumbing, Inc.

Christian Youth Theater of Fredericksburg

Joe Robinson 7308 Old Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-0776 certifiedplumbing@ Plumbing

Allison Mayberry 812 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 604-5156........................... Fax: -540 terry@ h ttp://w Theaters

Circinus, LLC

College Hunks Hauling & Moving

Alan Stone 4534 Plank Rd. Suite B Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 551-4514..........Fax: (703) 340-8826 alan.stone@ h ttp://w Engineering Services

Jim Wyatt 4701 Market St. Frederickburg, VA 22408 (540) 322-1128 stressfreeservice@ h ttp://w fredericksburg Moving & Storage

City of Fredericksburg

Colonial Circuits

Beverly Cameron 715 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-1010..........Fax: (540) 372-6587 brcameron@ h ttp://w Government/Elected Officials

Claxton Logistics Services, LLC

Ray Johnson 44 Mine Rd. Suite 2-174 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 318-1500..........Fax: (866) 550-1666 ray.johnson@ h ttp://w Business Consultants Management/Development

Clayton Homes

Howard Brown 8433 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 898-4955..........Fax: (540) 898-9154 howard.brown@ h ttp:// Manufactured Homes Building Contractors New Home Builder Real Estate - Relocation Services

CMRF Enterprises: Happy Endings Bar & Grill Linda Ramer 1315 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 273-5555 lindaramer@ Restaurants

Coach Keny

Nancy Keny 1100 Hampton St. Frederciskburg VA 22401 (614) 975-6575 nancy@ Leadership/Executive Coaching Business Consultants Management/Development Organizing Services

Cogent Solutions

Glen Adams 1701 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 110 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-7707..........Fax: (540) 372-7718 gadams711@ h ttp://w Government Contractor

Coldwell Banker Elite

Kevin Breen 100 Parkway Blvd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-2141..........Fax: (540) 659-2145 kbreen@ h ttp://w Real Estate Real Estate - Management Real Estate - Relocation Services

State Del. Mark Cole

P.O. Box 41965 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 752-8200 h ttp://w Government/Elected Officials

Coleman American Moving Services

Allen Stempin 15381 Farm Creek Dr. Woodbridge VA 22191 (703) 490-4910..........Fax: (703) 490-4640 Al.Stempin@ Moving & Storage

Coleman Homes, Inc.

Campion Coleman 5 Victoria Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-3030..........Fax: (540) 898-7001 campionc@ h ttp://w Custom Home Builder

Mark Osborn 1026 Warrention Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-5511 Technology

Columbia Gas of Virginia

Andy Stone 60 Commerce Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 368-3230.........Fax: (540) 368-3246 h ttp://w Petroleum Products Distributing

Comcast Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania

Jeremy Gill 10841 Houser Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-4900..........Fax: (540) 891-8692 h ttp://w Cable Contracting

Comcast of Fred., Stafford & Spots.

Veronica Santos 10841 Houser Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (703) 567-4655..........Fax: (703) 567-4444 veronica_santos@ h ttp://w Cable Contracting Cable Advertising

Comcast Spotlight

Beth Vickers 10707 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-0300..........Fax: (540) 834-0301 karen_cruse@ Cable Advertising

Comcast - Stafford

Jeremy Gill 10841 Houser Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 Cable Contracting

Comfort Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Craig Bourne 26 Town & Country Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-8471...........Fax: 540-373-8393 contactus@ h ttp://w Heating & Air Conditioning

Comfort Keepers

Neda McGuire 419 Chatham Square Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 370-0008..........Fax: (540) 370-0142 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w In-Home Care/Non-Medical

Commonwealth Business Services

John Coleman 503 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-1133..........Fax: (540) 371-3303 Accountants-Certified Public Accounting & Tax Service

Commonwealth Custom Restoration

Randy Roig 1001 Tyler St. Suite 5 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-1816..........Fax: (540) 479-1817 ccrtlynch@ Contractors - General

Commonwealth Financial Solutions Inc.

Leigh Anne Osborne 502 Sophia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-6441..........Fax: (540) 373-7128 Collection Agencies

Community Bank of the Chesapeake

Tony Farland 1320 Central Park Blvd. Suite 408 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (240) 682-4831 farland@ Banks & Banking Associations

Community Financial Group

Christopher Fines CFP 107 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 604-5690..........Fax: (540) 604-5697 h ttp://w Financial Services Financial Advisors Investment Management

Community Found. of the Rappahannock

Teri McNally 725 Jackson St. Suite 114 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9292..........Fax: (540) 373-3050 terimcnally@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Community Health Center of the Rappahannock Region

Sheena Mackenzie 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 110 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 735-0560..........Fax: (540) 735-0567 rebeccaduday@ h ttp://w Medical Profession Physicians & Surgeons


Heidi Robson 4742 Holts Prairie Rd. Pinckneyville IL 62274 1-800-455-5600 heidirobson@ Publishers

Complete Nutrition

Tyler Altenhofen 1261 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 319-213-2433 taltenhofen@ h ttp://w Wellness/Nutrition Products

Compton & Duling

Geary Rogers 12701 Marblestone Dr. Suite 350 Prince William VA 22192 (703) 583-6060..........Fax: (703) 583-6066 ghr@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC

Daniel Hand 2215 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-1144 info@ h ttp://w Computers - Services/Systems Advertising Specialties Computer Consulting Computer Network Design/Maintenance Computer Services Web Design /Internet Access Computer Services-Software Computer Services-Training Forensics & Security Web Design & Hosting Services

Congressman Eric Cantor

763 Madison Rd. Suite 207 Culpeper VA 22701 (540) 825-8960..........Fax: (540) 825-8964 h ttp://

Congressman Robert J. Wittman

1318 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-4261..........Fax: (202) 225-4382 h ttp://


Connor’s Pest Control

Courtyard by Marriott-Quantico

Conscious Security, Inc.

Covenant Funeral Service

Michelle Mullins 6307 Old Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-4844..........Fax: (540) 785-3415 brian@ h ttp://w Pest Control Services Kevin McTarsney 1000 Corporate Dr. Suite 119 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 318-0909..........Fax: (540) 446-5977 h ttp://w IT Support Services

Corderman Insurance Agency John Corderman 4820 Southpoint Dr. Suite 202 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-9980 jcorderman@ Insurance

Corridor Mortgage Group

Melissa Okraskinski 204 William St. Suite C Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-1099 mokrasinski@ h ttp://w Mortgage Loans & Bankers

Cortek, Inc.

Tony Seals 5444 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-8315..........Fax: (540) 891-5320 h ttp://w Government Contractor

Cose Belle Boutique

Paola Barral 1002 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-1400 paolabarral@ Clothing

Cosner Management, LLC

Walter Burton 375 Corporate Dr. Stafford VA 22554 (703) 221-6293 walter.burton@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

J. David Mullins 4801 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-4326..........Fax: (540) 898-5906 covenantfh@ h ttp://w Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks

Cox Business

Brandon Thalman 1310 Belman Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-8536..........Fax: (877) 873-8118 brandon.thalman@ h ttp://w Telecommunications and Internet

Cox Business Services

14555 Avion Pkwy. Chantilly VA 20151 (703) 378-3973..........Fax: (703) 815-6193 Business Services-Computerized


Danny Shifflet 10 Leway Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 373-8560..........Fax: (804) 843-9281 dshifflett@ h ttp://w Trash Hauling-Commercial

Courtyard by Marriott

Walter Burton 375 Corporate Dr. Stafford VA 22554 (703) 221-6293 walter.burton@ Hotels/Motels

Courtyard by Marriott Fredericksburg Historic District

Cindy Bergey 620 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8300..........Fax: (540) 373-8355 cbergey@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels


CTI Real Estate

Michelle Caldwell Thompson 1340 Central Park Blvd. Suite 110 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (800) 460-4284..........Fax: (800) 481-6641 info@ h ttp://w Real Estate Property Managers Real Estate - Relocation Services

Jamie Scully 725 Jackson St. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-0600..........Fax: (540) 373-1009 deanna.drake@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Commercial Real Estate - Management Real Estate Developers

Cara Parker 904 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 623-7454 cara.parker@ h ttp://w Organizing Services

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store

Creative Design Interiors

County Waste

Danaher- Skewes & Associates, Inc.

Phil Leonhardt 2366 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-3790..........Fax: (540) 785-5379 h ttp://w Printers-Screened/Promotional Items Embroidery Design & Monogram Printers-Signs & Banners/ Promotional Items Signs

CParker Consulting, Inc.

Costco Wholesale

Stephanie Burbage 5327 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-1800..........Fax: (540) 898-7354 sburbage@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

CSL Media

Culligan Water Conditioning

Jason Hopkins 1971 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-8352..........Fax: (540) 785-8354 jmhopkins1747@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Country Inn & Suites, Fredericksburg South

Dameron Home Builders

Cindy Robinson 10822 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-0776..........Fax: (540) 710-8986 info@ h ttp://w Pest Control Services Home Inspections

Linda Davies 608 Westwood Office Park Suite 2 #171 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 318-7848..........Fax: (540) 318-7861 info@ h ttp://w Management/Training Consultants

Hugh Cosner 106 Thompson Ave. Suite C Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-8040..........Fax: (540) 371-8091 Restaurants Gregory Carter 3102 Plank Rd. Suite 600 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-1163..........Fax: (540) 785-1180 h ttp://w Wholesale Clubs

CSI Home & Commercial Services

Kimberly Metzger 1911 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-0900..........Fax: (540) 899-0933 kmetzger@ h ttp://w CreativeInteriorsInc Interior Decorators & Designers Cabinetry Carpet/Flooring

Creative Signs, Ltd.

Philip Lucas 1231 Kings Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 899-0032..........Fax: (540) 899-2959 creativesignsltd@ Signs

Kevin Drew 10817 Old Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-0406..........Fax: (540) 834-0409 kdrew@ Water Treatment

Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer

Cut Right Now to Education, LLC Cathy Cutright 10224 Hancock Cir. King George VA 222485 (540) 760-5346 cutrightnow@ h ttp:// w Education Services and Publishing


Terry McCauley 500 Lansdowne Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-5600..........Fax: (540) 834-5603 h ttp://w Wholesalers & Distributors


John Depasquale 13 Lafayette Station Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-3911..........Fax: (540) 479-3913 sales@ h ttp://w Web Design & Hosting Services Web-Based Media


Steph McGuinn 20061 Crew Sq. Ashburn VA 20147 (703) 407-8605 info@ h ttp://w Web Design & Hosting Services

The Crossings at Falls Run

Susan Haynes 60 Brimley Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 479-3788..........Fax: (540) 479-3688 cenk@ h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Crown Trophy

Chris Hara 100 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-8118..........Fax: (540) 374-9890 crowntrophyva@ h ttp://w Trophies & Plaques Engravers


D’Marie’s Antique Reproductions

Doris Rankin 6136 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Thornburg VA 22565 (540) 582-6220..........Fax: (540) 582-2451 h ttp://w Furniture

DaFore, LLC.

Jeff Davies 24 Synan Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 368-2880 jdavies@ Commercial Construction

Dahlgren Heritage Foundation Ed Jones Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5401 Non Profit

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Stephanie Krueger 405 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 310-4758..........Fax: (540) 310-0891 stephanie@ h ttp:// Building Contractors Contractors - Home Randy Thomas 125 Old Greenwich Dr. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 370-4886..........Fax: (540) 370-4828 rthomas@ Insurance Insurance & Health Maintenance

Dancer’s Wardrobe

Corinne Kuehner 101 Washington Square Plaza Suite 102A Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 899-9880..........Fax: (540) 899-9080 dancerswardrobe@ h ttp://w Clothing Gifts & Specialty Shops Shoes

Danford Barton Real Estate Inc.

Michael O’Connell 2326 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-2080..........Fax: (540) 371-2081 info@ h ttp://w Real Estate

Dangler, Joseph H.

Joseph Dangler 12648 Apple Ln. Unionville VA 22567 (540) 854-7750 joseph.dangler@ Member Emeritus

Dantra Healthcare, Inc.

Rose Wallace 125 Olde Greenwich Dr. Suite 160 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 604-9703..........Fax: (540) 371-4183 rosewallace@ h ttp://w HealthCare

Dave The Mover, LLC

Dave Wassenaar 11465 Lucky Hill Rd. Bealton VA 22712 (540) 373-4717 davethebestmover@ h ttp://w Moving & Storage

Davenport & Company, LLC

David Pierce 904 Princess Anne St. Suite 102 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1863 h ttp://w Stocks/Bonds/Securities

David F. Huddle, DDS Family Dentistry

Hale Pecor 1995 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-5451.............. Fax: 5408992702 info@ h ttp://w Dentists

Days Inn

David Golida 309 Norfolk 5th St. Norfolk NE 68701 Hotels/Motels

Days Inn North

Henry Deshaies 14 Simpson Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-5340..........Fax: (540) 371-1595 fredericksburgvadin@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Days Inn South

Debbie Shreck 5316 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-6800..........Fax: (540) 891-6256 dschreck@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Decorating Den Interiors

Elaine Moore (540) 369-3738.........Fax: (804) 580-2504 elainemoore@ h ttp://w Interior Decorators & Designers

Deedod, Inc.

Matt Armstrong 3308 Bourbon St. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 227-0706 info@ h ttp://w Web Design & Hosting Services Web-Based Media

Del Webb Communities of VA, Inc.

Dawn Jankowski 201 Castle Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 374-8700..........Fax: (540) 899-1511 h ttp://w Real Estate Developers Community Developers

Dependable Global Solutions

Joel Griffin 1655 North Fort Myer Dr. Suite 700 Arlington VA 22209 (540) 845-8774.........Fax: (888) 347-6119 joel.griffin@ h ttp://w Security - Business Consulting

Design Storage & Handling, Inc.

Rob Alling 3608 Loren Whitney Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8636..........Fax: (540) 898-8143 dsh@ h ttp://w Material Handling Equipment Distributors


Julie Dameron 13575 Heathcoat Blvd. Suite 130 Gainesville VA 20155 (703) 468-2211 Engineering Services Surveyors

Dickey’s Barbecue

Eric Wilborne 10008 Southpoint Pkwy. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-0700 tkejenterprises@ h ttp://w!/ dickeysoffredericksburg Restaurants

Dickinson Equipment, Inc.

Robert Dickinson 1200 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-8383..........Fax: (540) 786-4986 sales@ h ttp://w Lawn & Garden Equipment

Dillard Alarm

Troy Dillard 3100 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-0771..........Fax: (540) 891-8524 troy@ h ttp://w Security/Safety - Products & Services

Dinwiddie Properties, LLC William Stewart 1 Dinwiddie Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22405 540-371-5059 stewart311@ Real Estate - Investment

Direct Connect of Virginia

Jeff Liller 3901 Centerview Dr. Suite W Chantilly VA 20151 (703) 481-7000..........Fax: (703) 467-2888 h ttp://w Payment Services

disABILITY Resource Center, Inc

Debe Fults 409 Progress St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2559..........Fax: (540) 373-8126 h ttp://w Disability Services Non Profit

Discover Next Step

Barbara Gustavson 442 New Hope Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 429-4720 barbara@ h ttp://w Business/Development Consultants

DLR Contracting Inc.

Robert Dodd 1221 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-3740..........Fax: (540) 548-3741 h ttp://w Contractors - Commercial Building Contractors Commercial Construction Construction Management Contractors - General Contractors/Metal Buildings

The Doctor Yum Project

Nimali Fernando 8402 Broadmore Ln. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 834-6306 doctoryum.mail@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Dollar Store USA

Terrone Street 10813 Courthouse Rd. Ste 104 Spotsylvania VA 22408 (703) 926-4400 tstreet54@ Retail/Thrift Stores

Dominion Eagle Insurance Agency

Jenifer Waldron 1107 Heatherstone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 458-8588..........Fax: (540) 301-6341 h ttp://w Insurance

Dominion Payroll Services

Laura Johnson 306 East Main St. Richmond VA 23219 (804) 355-3430..........Fax: (804) 355-3432 h ttp://w Payroll Processing

Dominion Virginia Power

James Beazley 7500 West Broad St. Richmond VA 23294 (804) 755-5426.........Fax: (804) 755-5408 h ttp://w Utilities

Donley’s LLC

Ken Hendershott 300 Arboretum Pl. Suite 245 Richmond VA 23236 (804) 560-7820 khendershott@ h ttp://w Commercial Construction

Dovetail Cultural Resource Group Sara Poore 300 Central Rd. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-9170 info@ h ttp://w Cultural Resource Management

Downtown Garage & Auto Body

George Dobbs 4913 Massaponax Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-4300..........Fax: (540) 898-8765 downtowngarage@ h ttp://w Auto Body Repair and Painting Automotive/Truck/ Industrial-Complete Shop Service

DPR Construction

Emily Covey 5500 Cox Rd. Suite M Glen Allen VA 23060 804-433-4160............Fax: (804) 433-4165 h ttp://w Contractors - General

DPW Training & Associates, LLC

Deirdre White 7600 Ashley Farms Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (800) 379-9720..........Fax: (800) 379-9718 h ttp://w Computer Services-Training Computer Consulting Consultants

Dr. Wendy M. Moore, DDS, PC

Wendy Moore 9449 Grover Dr. Suite 100 King George VA 22485 (540) 775-5774.........Fax: (540) 775-6538 drwendy@ h ttp://w Dentists

ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC

Jennifer Spera 915 Maple Grove Dr. Suite 206 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-6100..........Fax: (540) 785-3577 kfreiberger@ h ttp://w Engineering Services Environmental Services Geotechnical Services

Edward Jones Lee Murray, Financial Advisor

Lee Murray 1011 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1805..........Fax: (866) 816-2231 lee.murray@ h ttp://w en_US/fa/index.html&CIRN=780279 Financial Advisors

EIT Solutions

Jillian Begeman 12439 Annagreen Ct. Manassas VA 20112 (571) 969-7253 rachel@ h ttp:// IT Support Services

Ekko Title

Employment EnterprisesTemporary Solutions Kelly Roth 607 William St. Suite 111 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 310-0208 kroth@ h ttp://w Employment Agencies

Employment Resources Incorporated Michael West 404 Willis St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-6710..........Fax: (540) 373-1791 mwest@ h ttp://w Employment - Training/Support Non Profit

Empower House

Kathy Anderson 4700 Harrison Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-9372..........Fax: (540) 373-0794 office@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Endocrinology & Diabetes Associates

Michelle Freemyers 1931 Plank Rd. Suite 207 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-1992 fredericksburg@ Title Insurance/Services

Dr. Luma Ghalib 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 305 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-3290 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Patrick Richardson 1311 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-5800..........Fax: (540) 371-4175 dss1311@ Blueprint Copying Surveyors

El Dorado Family Restaurant

The Engineering Groupe, Inc.

DurretteBradshaw, PLC

Valerie Hopson-Bell P.O. Box 7283 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 419-4387..........Fax: Call for Number h ttp://w Geriatric Case Managers

Drafting & Surveying Supply Co.

Tory Willis The Federal House 1011 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-3900..........Fax: (540) 371-1412 twillis@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Dwayne Baptist & Associates Dwayne Baptist 11324 Tyrell Ct. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (703) 622-5282 info@ h ttp://w Business Consultants Management/Development Consultants E

Eagle Clear View, Inc. DBA Fish Window Cleaning

Mark Faulkner 83 Potomac Creek Dr. Suite 105 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 628-0926..........Fax: (540) 628-0884 mfaulkner@ h ttp://w Window Cleaning Services Window Cleaning, Residential & Commercial

Eagle Eye Insurance, LLC

Nick Genest 147 Garrisonville Rd. Suite B Stafford VA 22554 (540) 628-2673.............. Fax: 5406282674 nick@ h ttp://w Insurance

Ecocentrics, Inc.

Lisa Jones 1628 Brooke Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (703) 967-0010 ljones@ h ttp://w Security - Business Consulting Consultants

Beatriz Gutierrez 268 Warrenton Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 368-3907 Restaurants

ElderCare Connections

Eldon James & Associates, Inc.

L. Eldon James 24 E. Cary St. Suite 100 Richmond VA 23219 (540) 907-2008..........Fax: (804) 644-5640 Eldon@ h ttp://w Government Relations/Public Policy

Elite Group Insurance Services

Marshelle Davis 2107 Jeff Davis Hwy. Suite 104 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 369-5056..........Fax: (540) 318-2032 info@ h ttp://w Insurance

Elite Realty Plus

Tina Hunt 385 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 97 Stafford, VA 22554 (540) 372-318-8818 Fax: (540) 318-8054 tina@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Brokers Real Estate - Management

Elite Visual Solutions, LLC

Lisa Wetzel 7609 Baileys Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22551 (540) 809-0524 info@ h ttp://w Marketing and Advertising Business Development/Consultants

Elizabeth McMaster Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLC

Elizabeth McMaster 910 Princess Anne St. Suite 203 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-1181..........Fax: (540) 371-1189 info@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Bruce Reese 4936 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-5987..........Fax: (540) 710-5988 jgilbert@ h ttp://w Engineering Services Surveyors

EOIR Technologies, Inc.

Diane Moulton 10300 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite #220 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-4888..........Fax: (540) 834-4887 dmoulton@ h ttp://w Engineering Services

EtherSpeak, Inc.

Jessica Mason 150 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 207 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 369-6945 x412.Fax: (540) 369-6947 chamber@ h ttp://w Telecommunications and Internet

European Wax Center

Charles Fisher 1935 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-0000 charles.fisher@ h ttp://w Beauty, Hair & Nail Salons

The Evergreens at Smith Run

Ginger Henson 2700 Cowan Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-1544..........Fax: (540) 374-1547 theevergreens@ h ttp://w Apartments/Townhomes Rental Properties Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

EXIT Realty Expertise

Richard Snow 7947 Kings Hwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-6555..........Fax: (540) 775-7269 richardsnow@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Commercial

Express Employment Professionals James Matthews 233 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 102 Stafford VA 22554 540-720-7007 James.Matthews@ h ttp://w Employment - Training/Support Employment Agencies Employment Services

Express Technologies, Inc.

Matt Norris 1127 International Pkwy. Suite 293 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-6691..........Fax: (540) 752-6694 mnorris@ h ttp://w IT Support Services Telecommunications

Extinguish Fire Corp.

Sharon Fleming 127 Falls Run Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 370-4321 sfleming@ Fire Extinguishers/ Sales & Service/Commercial & Re

Eye Care Doctors of Optometry

Adam Madison 1669 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-2345..........Fax: (540) 548-1222 eyecarewecare@ h ttp://w Optometrists F

Fairfield Inn and Suites Stafford-Quantico Angie Combest 2784 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 720-1299 Hotels/Motels

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott

Sam Afroukh 10330 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-9100..........Fax: (540) 898-6311 h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Fairy Godmother Project

Andie McConnell 2217 Princess Anne St B-22 Fredericksburg VA 22405 5406454282 info@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Faith Christian Center/Academy

Lakisha Boxley 10606 Benchmark Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 374-1251..........Fax: (540) 899-5720 h ttp://w Churches Schools/Colleges

Fallon, Dennis (Denny) Denny Fallon 94 Sentinel Ridge La. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-5233 Member Emeritus

Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

James Gerrity 140 Brimley Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-0111..........Fax: (540) 752-0393 Nursing Facility

Falls Run Stone & Stucco

Ken Hinkle 700 Nelms Cir. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 310-0066..........Fax: (540) 310-0264 kenh@ h ttp://w Commercial Construction


Falmouth Self Storage

Susan Bortz 80 Samson St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-3464..........Fax: (540) 361-1225 falmouthselfstorage@ h ttp://w Self-Storage

Family Dentistry

Rai Shivaprasanna 239 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 102 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-0867..........Fax: (540) 657-4070 sraidds1@ h ttp://w Dentists

Family Preservation Service Elise Madison 109 Old Greenwich Dr. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-5810 Child Care Resource & Referral

Fantasy World Entertainment

Brooks Grady 124 Jibsail Dr. Prince Frederick MD 20678 (410) 414-9400..........Fax: (410) 414-3829 h ttp://w Rentals Party/Equipment

Farmers Insurance

Linda Reed 11091 Sunset Hills Rd. Suite 803 Reston VA 20190 703-220-1873 Linda@ Insurance

State Del. Peter Farrell

Fredericksburg VA 22401 (804) 644-0266 DelPFarrell@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

FastFrame Custom Framing

Nancy Rose 364-123 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-5453..........Fax: (540) 657-6776 fastframestafford@ h ttp://w Picture Frames-Dealers Art Galleries

FedEx Office-Southpoint Pkwy.

Eric Dowd 10008 Southpoint Pkwy. Suite 104 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-0944..........Fax: (540) 710-5667 usa1945@ h ttp://w Printing/Copying/ Mailing and Shipping Services

FedWell LLC

Jonathan McCottry 10205 Napoleon St. Fredericksburg Virginia 22408 (301)974-1979...........Fax: (540) 372-3754 jonathon@ h ttp:// Non Profit

Fidelity Bank Mortgage Pam Hicks 1440 Central Park Blvd. Suite 100 B Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-3334 philip.king@ Mortgage Loans & Bankers

Finish Line Construction Nelson Cole 1108 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 840-1152 goseed@ Commercial Construction

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill

Basil Ashoo 1 Towne Centre Blvd. Building 5000 Unit 5100 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-5100..........Fax: (540) 548-5110 h ttp://w Restaurants


First Citizens Bank

Lee Pugh 3205 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-2709..........Fax: (540) 786-5387 Banks & Banking Associations

First Command Financial Planning

David Surgent 125 WoodstreamBlvd. Suite 115 Stafford VA 22556 (540) 659-7060..........Fax: (540) 659-0447 dmsurgent@ h ttp://w davesurgent.htm Financial Services

FirstService Residential

Susan Manch 923 Maple Grove Dr. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-8677..........Fax: (540) 891-8676 susan.manch@ h ttp://w Management/Training Consultants

Five Stones Research Corporation Judy Green 2769 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 103 Stafford VA 22554 540-242-8482 h ttp://w Government Contractor

Flatter & Associates

J.R. Flatter 16 Center St. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22556 (540) 658-1922..........Fax: (540) 658-1722 h ttp://w Business/Development Consultants


Diana O’Toole-Moncure 2761 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22554 (703) 929-8048..........Fax: (888) 482-0048 HealthCare

Fly Fitness Inspiration Studio, LLC Catesby Payne 501 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 847-5614 catesbypayne@ h ttp://w Fitness Centers/Training


Joy Crump 1006 Caroline St. Suite C Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-1370 beth@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Forest Greens Golf Course Tom Coffman 4500 Poa Annua Ln. Triangle VA 22172 703-221-0123 tcoffman@ h ttp://w Golf Course

Fort A.P. Hill

18436 Fourth St. Building 12 Fort A.P. Hill VA 22427-3114 (804) 633-8206 h ttp://w Military Installations

Found & Sons Funeral Chapel & Service

Teresa Franklin 10719 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-9735..........Fax: (540) 891-9769 teresa@ h ttp://w Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks

Foundation Companies

Mark Doherty 1003 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 373-5639 mark@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Investment

Four Paws Animal Hospital & Wellness Center

Stephanie Starner 10088 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-5388..........Fax: (540) 898-4200 fourpaws@ h ttp://w Veterinarians/Animal Hospital

State Del. Hyland F. “Buddy” Fowler 10321 Washington Hwy. Glen Allen VA 23059 (804) 305-8867 DelBFowler@ w Government/Elected Officials

Fox Fyre Nurseries

Clair Stout 14493 Countyline Church Rd. Woodford VA 22580 (804) 659-0318 Landscaping Services

Frederick L. Weckler Company Fred Weckler 20338 Monrovia Rd. Orange VA 22960 540-693-6962 fred_weckler7@ Insurance & Investments Business/Development Consultants

Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair, Inc. Wendy Jones 2400 Airport Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1294..........Fax: (540) 373-7389 h ttp://w Fairs, Festivals & Events

Fredericksburg Ambulatory Surgery Ctr.

Whit Yelverton 1201 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-7000..........Fax: (540) 899-6893 whitney.yelverton@ h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups Non Profit

Fredericksburg Area Food Bank

Oya Oliver 3631 Lee Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22402 (540) 371-7666..........Fax: (540) 371-3186 h ttp://w Non Profit

Fredericksburg Area HIV/AIDS Support Services (FAHASS)

Zachary Hatcher 415 Elm St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-7532..........Fax: (540) 371-8446 information@ h ttp://w Health Related Services Non Profit

Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center

907 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5668..........Fax: (540) 373-6569 h ttp://w Attractions, Museums & Parks Non Profit Specialty Shops/General Merchandise

Fredericksburg Area Service League, Inc.

Jennifer Taylor P.O. Box 7935 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 786-4831 faserviceleague@ h ttp://w Volunteer Organization & Services Non Profit

Fredericksburg Assoc. of Realtors

Pat Breme 2050 Gordon W. Shelton Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-7711..........Fax: (540) 736-0301 pbreme@ h ttp://w Trade Association

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Fredericksburg Christian Schools

Fredericksburg Moose Lodge #1655

Fredericksburg City School System

Fredericksburg Orthodontics

Rick Yost 9400 Thornton Rolling Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-5355..........Fax: (540) 371-4121 mstanley@ h ttp://w Schools/Colleges David Melton 817 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-1130..........Fax: (540) 372-1111 h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

Robert Guest 11917 Cherry Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-8963..........Fax: (540) 785-7755 moose1655@ h ttp://w Non Profit Diana Almy 10618 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-7211..........Fax: (540) 898-5081 info@ h ttp://w Dental Specialist-Orthodontics

Brian Baer 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-5053..........Fax: (540) 374-5449 bbaer@ h ttp://w Web-Based Media Newspapers Printers/Publishers

Fredericksburg Parent & Family Magazine

Fredericksburg Country Club

Fredericksburg Emerg. Medical Alliance

Fredericksburg Regional Alliance

Joe Botkin 11031 Tidewater Tr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-8781..........Fax: (540) 371-1343 joe@ Country Club-Private

Linda Dempsey 1001 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1167..........Fax: (540) 741-1164 linda.dempsey@ Health Related Services

Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center

Tom Ballantine 2371 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-5555..........Fax: (540) 548-0552 h ttp://w Conference/Banquet Facilities

Fredericksburg Fitness, Inc. Jennifer Schere-Korzen 2541 Cowan Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-1877 info@ h ttp://w Fitness Centers/Training

Fredericksburg GuideBook

Julie Jennings 511 Jackson St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-5353..........Fax: (540) 371-7585 fredericksburgguidebook@ h ttp://w Publications

Fredericksburg Hospitality House

Bonnie Martin 2801 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-8321..........Fax: (540) 786-0397 bmartin@ h ttp://w ww. Hotels/Motels Convention Center / Trade Shows Weddings/Banquets

Fredericksburg Jaycees Charles Nelson P.O. Box 278 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 371-6005 Non Profit

Fredericksburg Limousine Inc.

Charles Randall 2201 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-6150..........Fax: (540) 775-2107 h ttp://w Limousine Services

Fredericksburg Machine & Steel

Don Breivik 2202 Airport Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-7957..........Fax: (540) 899-6974 fms@ h ttp://w Steel-Fabricators & Reinforcing Steel Machine Shops Steel-Fabricators

Leigh Anne VanDoren 1004-B Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-1495..........Fax: (540) 374-1672 publisher@ h ttp://w Publications Susan Larson Fredericksburg VA 22401 (703) 217-3072 h ttp://w Media Production Newspapers Gene Bailey 1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 240 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-7373.........Fax: (540) 361-7372 gbailey@ h ttp://w Economic Development Non Profit

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Michele Dooling 2300 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 240 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9400..........Fax: (540) 373-9570 tammy@ h ttp://w Chambers Of Commerce

Fredericksburg Rentals

Tia Cadow 10708 Stoner Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-8244 Fax: (540) 891-8246 fredsupply@ Rentals Party/Equipment FSR is family owned and has been in operation since 1998. We offer a one stop experience for all your rental needs whether for a wedding, corporate event or any type of party. We provide excellent products and service at a competitive price.

The Fredericksburg Rotary #5804 Geary Rodgers P.O. Box 8175 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 373-5519 Clubs-Country/Private

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania Nat. Park

Russ Smith 120 Chatham Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-0802..........Fax: (540) 371-1907 frsp_superintendent@ h ttp://w Attractions, Museums & Parks

Fredericksburg Visitor Center

Julie Perry 706 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1776..........Fax: (540) 372-6587 japerry@ h ttp://w Tourist Attractions

FredX Change, Inc

Matt Armstrong 1412 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 227-0706 info@ h ttp:// Non Profit

The Free Lance-Star

Nick Cadwallender 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5000..........Fax: (540) 374-5449 information@ h ttp://w Newspapers Printers/Publishers Web-Based Media

The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co.

Nick Cadwallender 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5000..........Fax: (540) 374-5449 information@ h ttp://w Newspapers Printers/Publishers Radio Station Web-Based Media

Friends of the Rappahannock Rachael Poor 3219 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3448 info@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Froehling & Robertson

Shambi McGill 10909 Houser Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-2771..........Fax: (540) 891-2776 h ttp://w Engineering Services Environmental Services Geotechnical Services

FRSHRM- Fredericksburg Regional Society For Human Resource Management

Lesley Moore P.O. Box 1513 Fredericksburg VA 22402 (540) 368-2230 terry.morre@ h ttp:// Human Resource Management/Consulting

State Del. Michael Futrell

P.O. Box 726 Dumfries VA 22026 (571) 494-1520 DelMFutrell@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials G

G.L. Herndon Insurance Agency, Inc.

Geary Herndon 12022 Old Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-1987..........Fax: (540) 898-2749 herndonins@ h ttp://w Insurance

Gannett Direct Mail Solutions

Brian Meline Stafford VA 22554 (651) 274-0412 h ttp://w Communications

Gator Paving

Sharon Kelley 9700 Ashley Dawn Ct. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 834-0086..........Fax: (540) 710-0460 gatorpave@ h ttp://w Paving Contractors

The Gauntlet at Curtis Park Mike Byrd 18 Fairway Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-0963 mbyrd@ h ttp://w Golf Courses & Equipment


Nancy Pierce 1 Geico Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22412 (800) 841-3000..........Fax: (540) 286-4477 h ttp://w Insurance

The General Store Restaurant

William Kertsos 2018 College Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-4075..........Fax: (540) 371-4075 Restaurants

Generations of Women - OBGYN

Brandon Stallard 1300 Hospital Dr. Suite 302 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-8400........... Fax: 540-322-3086 info@ h ttp://w Ob-Gyn Practice

George Washington Regional Commission

Tim Ware 406 Princess Anne St Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2890..........Fax: (540) 899-4808 ware@ h ttp://w Government Research Non Profit


Greg Galante 10924 Dennis W. Kerns Pkwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-8501..........Fax: (540) 775-8506 Greg.Galante@ h ttp://w Steel-Fabricators

Germanna Community College

Richard Brehm 2130 Germanna Hwy. Locust Grove VA 22508 (540) 423-9030..........Fax: (540) 727-3207 dsam@ h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

Gladys H. Oberle School/ Employment Resources

Pamela Simms 404 Willis St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-6710..........Fax: (540) 373-1791 h ttp://w Educational Center Non Profit Schools/Colleges

Greenfield of Fredericksburg & Stafford

Olga Soehngen Greenfield of Fredericksburg 1001 Northside Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 220-5675..........Fax: (540) 288-8834 osoehngen@ h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Greenfield Senior Living

Rhonda Moore 9300 Onyx Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 374-8200..........Fax: (540) 374-8203 osoehngen@ h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Greenline Service Corp.

Clint Hopkins 11417 Tidewater Tr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-7520..........Fax: (540) 371-4113 clinthopkins@ h ttp://w Lawn & Garden Equipment Farm & Garden Equipment & Supplies

Grumbach Consulting, LLC Stephen Grumbach 142 Camp Selden Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 654-5080 sue@ Energy Efficiency Services Engineering Services

Guaranty Title Agency, Inc. (Pruitt Subsidiary)

Janet Irving 3000 Mall Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-7271..........Fax: (540) 786-5068 h ttp://w Title Insurance/Services H

Hampton Inn & Suites Fredericksburg Ronnie James 1080 Hospitality Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-5530 Hotels/Motels

Gold’s Gym Fredericksburg

Lisa Nitzsche 237 E. Davis St. Culpeper VA 22701 (540) 368-0032..........Fax: (540) 368-0277 lnitzsche@ Fitness Centers/Training

Golden Living Center

Cheryl Martin 3900 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-8351..........Fax: (540) 785-2792 cheryl.martin@ h ttp://w Nursing Homes

Gravatt Entertainment

Wil Gravatt 1700 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540)940-2205...........Fax: (540) 372-4567 wil@ h ttp://w Entertainment

Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity

Thomas Carlson 4755 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-5009..........Fax: (540) 891-7009 ed@ h ttp://w Non Profit

The Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille Kurt Reyburn 1 Town Center Blvd. Building 2000 Unit 21000 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-4832..........Fax: (540) 785-4852 h ttp://w Restaurants

Hampton Inn & Suites Fredericksburg - South

Terry English 4800 Market St. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-5000 Fax: (540) 898-7250 Hotels/Motels Offering friendly service, 121 well appointed rooms, Hilton honors program earning both points and airline miles for same stay. On the house complimentary hot breakfast, suite shop, and wireless high speed internet.

Hampton Inn & Suites Stafford-Aquia-Quantico

Richard Lyle 2925 Jefferson Davis hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-0999 richard.lyle@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Harkcon, Inc.

Mark Faller 43 Town & Country Dr. Suite 119-311 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 623-5040 mfaller@ h ttp://w Government Contractor

Harley-Smith Personal and Professional Event Consulting/Planning

Bonnie Harley-Smith 5913 Cambridge Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 220-8471 bonniehs@ h ttp://w Event Planning

Hartwood Photography

Rae Moriarty 200 William St. Suite 204-A Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 455-1117 h ttp://w Photography/Studio

Hazel Land Companies

Melinda May 10700 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-1091..........Fax: (540) 898-3772 mmay@ h ttp://w Real Estate Developers Building Contractors Real Estate

Hazelwild Farm Educational Foundation

Stephanie Macior 5325 Harrison Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-8751..........Fax: (540) 891-8754 Schools/Colleges

HDT Engineering Services

Nick Scharf 10300 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 479-8100..........Fax: (540) 479-8101 h ttp://w Engineering Services

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Lisa Mundy 300 Park Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-7300 h ttp://w ww. Hospitals & Hospital Services

Highlightz Entertainment Center

Ormond Oliver 454 Cambridge St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 374-5672..........Fax: (540) 373-0360 info@ h ttp://w Conference/Banquet Facilities Banquets Event Catering Events Management

Hilldrup Moving & Storage

Shelly Snyder 4022 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22555 (703) 221-7155..........Fax: (703) 221-5704 shelly.snyder@ h ttp://w Moving & Storage

Hilldrup Properties

Richmond McDaniel 310 Central Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8151..........Fax: (540) 373-8151 richard.mcdaniel@ Real Estate

Hilton Garden Inn Fredericksburg

1060 Hospitality Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-8822..........Fax: (540) 548-8820 h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Hirschler Fleischer

Charlie Payne 725 Jackson St. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 604-2100..........Fax: (540) 604-2101 Charlie@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc.

Sean Maroney 1200 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 540-371-4504............Fax: (540) 371-4505 office@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Healthy Beginnings Weight Loss

Hoffman Consulting Services Inc. (HCSI)

Hearing Resources

Holiday Inn Express Fredericksburg Southpoint

Julie Dalhberg 2007 Idlewild Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2933..........Fax: (540) 656-2935 cooljulfmo@ h ttp://w ww. Fitness Centers/Training Sarah Davis 1708 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-1263..........Fax: (540) 374-5071 entfpsc@ Hearing Aid Sales/Audiology & Service

Heartfields Assisted Living at Fred.

June Parish 20 HeartFields Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-8800..........Fax: (540) 373-8853 Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Heaven’s Gate Catering

Wilma Little P.O. Box 2791 Stafford VA 22555 (540) 659-9687 heavensgatecatering@ h ttp://w Caterers

Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture

Dana Herlong 1009 Prince Edward St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-9898..........Fax: (540) 899-2818 architects@ h ttp://w Architects Consultants Facilities Managment Historic Rehabilitation Historic Tax Credits

Kristen Hoffman 313 Battleship Cove Stafford VA 22554 (540) 273-3752..........Fax: (540) 720-7729 hoffmanconsultinginc@ h ttp://w Business/Development Consultants

Phyllis Milligan 5422 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-5550..........Fax: (540) 891-2861 p.milligan@ h ttp://w hotels/us/en/fredericksburg/frbso/ hoteldetail Hotels/Motels

Home Helpers of Stafford

Fred Patterson 2063 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 5 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 602-7023..........Fax: (540) 602-7908 58707@ h ttp://w Home Care/Non Medical

Home Instead Senior Care

Karl Karch 111 Olde Greenwich Dr. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 899-1422..........Fax: (540) 899-1421 kkarch@ h ttp://w Home Care/Non Medical Home Health Care

Home Team Grill

Regina Nguyen 1109 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-1011..........Fax: (540) 479-1014 rnquyen@ h ttp://w Restaurants


Homecare America


The Insurance Guys, LLC

James W. Hilldrup, P.L.C.

Homewood Suites

Hyatt Place

The Insurance Marshall, LLC

Jan Williams Florals

Brooke Tubbs 2017 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-3538..........Fax: (540) 741-3531 brooke.tubbs@ h ttp://w Health Aides & Personal Care Products Ronnie James 1040 Hospitality Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-9700 Hotels/Motels

Honor Chem-Dry

Chad Yancey 20 Niday Dr. Stafford VA 22556 (571) 989-3039 h ttp://w Cleaning Service - Residential/Commercial

Honor Revenue Solutions

Chad Yancey 20 Niday Dr. Stafford VA 22556 (571) 989-3039 info@ h ttp://w Fundraising Consultants Events Management

Hooters of Fredericksburg

Raina Tomlinson 10400 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8044..........Fax: (540) 898-4054 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Hope For The Warriors

Robin Kelleher 5101 C Backlick Rd. Annandale VA 22003 (910) 378-6181............ Fax: 703.256.3702 h ttp://w Non Profit

Hope Springs Marina, LLC

Jimmy Franklin 4 Hope Springs Ln. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-1128..........Fax: (540) 659-7209 jimmy@ h ttp://w Marina

Horizon Plastic Surgery & Dermatology

Dr. Balvant Arora 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 121 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-1600 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Horstick Developments, Inc. David Horstick 4121 Plank Rd. #506 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-2077 DDH@ Real Estate Developers

Hospice of Virginia

Beth McNeil 1700 Bayberry Ct. Ste. 300 Richmond VA 23226 (804) 281-0451..........Fax: (804) 281-0945 leeanne.wood@ h ttp://w HealthCare

Hospice Support Care, Inc.

1701 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 109 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-7071..........Fax: (540) 361-7074 admin@ h ttp://w Non Profit

State Del. William J. Howell House Speaker 106 Carter St. Falmouth VA 22405 (540) 371-1612 Delhowell@ Government/Elected Officials


Dot McMichael 404 Deerwood Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 898-5549 dmcmichael@ h ttp://w Insurance Jim Fournier 1242 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-3333 jim.fournier@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels I

I.C.E.Heating and Cooling

Brett Miller 451 Central Rd. Suite C Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-5518.........Fax: (540) 368-9767 h ttp://w Heating & Air Conditioning

Identity Management Systems LLC Mike Fritz 607 William St Suite 103 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2277 contactinfo@ h ttp://w Computers - Services/Systems

ILG LLC Financial

Dave Lopez 100 Oakridge Dr. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 720-5656 h ttp://w Financial Services

Infectious Disease Associates

David Taylor 1204 1/2 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-6444..........Fax: (540) 372-9995 david.taylor@ h ttp://w Insurance Mark Eldert 1810 Stafford Ave. Suite C Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-0104 meldert@ Insurance

IntelliWare Systems, Inc.

Dominic LaPore 5608 Southpoint Centre Blvd. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 604-9095..........Fax: (540) 604-9075 info@ h ttp://w Project Management

Interim HealthCare

Jackie Morris 3920 Plank Rd. Suite 210 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-1577..........Fax: (540) 785-3633 jamorris@ Home Health Care

Intuit Inc.

Katina Howard 110 Juliad Ct. Suite 110 Fredericksburg VA 22401 540-286-2186............. Fax: 540-286-6740 Katina_Howard@ Computer Services-Software J

Dr. Awol Ali 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 307 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-3277 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

J&J Tile & Marble

Infinity Technologies

J. Brian’s Tap Room

Eric Watkins 4820 Southpoint Dr. Suite 105 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-0908..........Fax: (540) 548-2458 ewatkins@ h ttp://w Computers - Services/Systems Computer Consulting Computer Network Design/Maintenance Telecommunications and Internet

Inn at Kelly’s Ford

Linda Willoughby 16589 Edwards Shop Rd. Remington VA 22734 (540) 399-1779..........Fax: (540) 399-9980 kellysfordinn@ h ttp://w Bed & Breakfast/Inns

Inn at The Olde Silk Mill

Ed Whelan 1707 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5666..........Fax: (540) 371-5884 h ttp://w Hotels/Motels Bed & Breakfast/Inns

Insights Training Group (Job Corps)

Paul Thompson 10304 Spotylvania Ave. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-9172..........Fax: (540) 710-9173 h ttp://w Education/Employment Service

Inspire Dance

Ashley Slemp 3508 Shannon Park Dr. Suite 106 Fredericksburg VA 22408 540-373-7700 info@ h ttp://w Dance School

John Fricchione 4763 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 710-0303..........Fax: (540) 710-0377 jjtile123@ h ttp://w Marble - Cultured Karen - Marie Hyland 200 Hanover St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 540-373-0738 jack@ h ttp://w Restaurants

J.F. Fick, Inc.

John Fick 224 Industrial Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-0195..........Fax: (540) 891-1021 fick3@ h ttp://w Wholesale Beer Distribution

J W & N, Inc.

James Walsh 910 Triangle St. Blacksburg VA 24060 (540) 891-0158..........Fax: (540) 891-0158 Restaurants

Jabberwocky Inc.

Mona Albertine 810 Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5684 jabbermail@ h ttp://w Books & Educational Materials

Jack Rowley, Inc.

Jack Rowley 7 Wallace Farms Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 538-7417..........Fax: (703) 738-1598 jfr100@ Consultants

James Monroe Museum

Scott Harris 908 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-1043 Attractions, Museums & Parks

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

James Hilldrup 4343 Plank Rd. Suite 220 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-6670..........Fax: (540) 786-0053 real@ Attorneys Lindy Sawdy 720 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8826..........Fax: (540) 373-4166 lsawdy@ Florist

Jarrell, Hicks & Waldman, P.C.

Barry Waldman P.O. Box 127 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 582-5300..........Fax: (540) 582-5993 h ttp://w Attorneys

Javed & Sons, LLC./ Vocelli Pizza Salem Fields

Naveed Javed 7008 Salem Fields Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-1710..........Fax: (540) 786-4057 mnjaved@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Jay’s Restaurant & Lounge

SanJay Sharmia 2030 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-6000 info@ h ttp:// Restaurants

Je T’aime Catering

5321 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (617) 792-8916 jetaimecatering@ h ttp://w Caterers Food Specialties/Services

Jenna Cooley Coaching (formerly ELQ Coaching)

Jenna Cooley 4117 Crossgate Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 760-6402 jenna@ h ttp://w Leadership/Executive Coaching, Inc.

100 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-3373..........Fax: (540) 372-3010 h ttp://w Employment Services

Johnson Realty Advisors, Inc.

Michael Colangelo 512 Lafayette Blvd. Suite A Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-7675..........Fax: (540) 372-7685 mcolangelo@ h ttp://w Real Estate Commercial Lease Analysis

Johnson Tax & Business Services, LLC

Bridgette Moffett 3330 Burbon St. Suite 122 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 479-6969 bmoffett@ h ttp://w Tax Return Preparation/Representation Accounting & Tax Service Bookkeeping Payroll Processing

JON Properties, LLC

Michael Adams 1008 Prince Edward St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 657-5404..........Fax: (540) 657-5406 info@ h ttp://w Real Estate Developers Property Managers Real Estate Real Estate - Management Real Estate Management

The Journal Press, Inc.

Jessica Herrink 10250 Kings Hwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-2024..........Fax: (540) 775-4099 sales@ h ttp://w Newspapers Printers/Publishers Publications

JRM Enterprises, Inc.

Russ Moulton 1127 International Pkwy. Suite 115 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-2525..........Fax: (540) 752-8095 russ.moulton@ h ttp://w Computer Services-Software K

U.S. Sen. Timothy Kaine

Timothy Kaine 388 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-4024 h ttp:// w Government/Elected Officials

Kathleen Dooley, City Attorney

Fredericksburg VA 22401 (804) 994-1206 Real Estate - Investment Real Estate - Commercial

Kathleen Dooley P.O. Box 7447 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 372-1020..........Fax: (540) 372-1121 kdooley@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Johnson Controls Inc

Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.

John Goodman Investing/ Commercial Real Estate

Brian Zorger 2315 Commerce Center Dr. Suite D Rockville VA 23146 804-382-8274............Fax: (804) 749-8801 Robert.W.Spinosa@ h ttp://w us/en/products/building_efficiency.html Energy Efficiency Services

Johnson & Glazebrook, Inc.

Becky Glazebrook 1807 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-4444..........Fax: (540) 373-9848 jginc@ h ttp://w Real Estate - Management Business Brokers

Randy Sparks 41 Spring Lakes Dr. Stafford VA 22254 (757) 624-3295..........Fax: (757) 624-3169 h ttp://w Attorneys

Kee World Group

Jacqueline Kim 1259 Courthouse Rd. Suite 204 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-9293..........Fax: (540) 288-9403 keeworld@ h ttp://w Exports/Imports

Keller Williams Superior Realty

Mary Nutter 302 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-2225..........Fax: (540) 785-2290 klrw478@ Real Estate

Kenmore Inn of Fredericksburg

Jackie Hartman 1200 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-7622..........Fax: (540) 735-1772 Reservations@ h ttp://w Bed & Breakfast/Inns Banquets Restaurants

Keolis Rail Services Virginia

Gregg Baxter 10660 Wakeman Ct. Manassas VA 20110 (703) 369-6225..........Fax: (703) 369-6229 kmcclamroch@ h ttp://w Transportation

Kevin Henry Mileposts Kevin Henry 91 Hunton Dr. Fredericksburg Va 22405 (540) 842-3744 kevin@ h ttp:// Video Production

Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa

Dori Eglevsky 2206 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5228..........Fax: (540) 374-5277 h ttp://w Car Wash Coffee Service/Distributors Restaurants

Kids’ Station

Robin Thacker 1100 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-3740 h ttp://w Child Development & Day Care

King George Chamber of Commerce Larry Leonhardt 8334 Zynel Ln. King George VA 22485 (540) 663-0966 leonhardtl@ Chambers Of Commerce

King George County Economic Development

Travis Qusenberry 10459 Courthouse Dr. Suite 200 King George VA 22485 (540) 775-9181..........Fax: (540) 775-5248 h ttp://w Economic Development

King George County Government

Travis Quesenberry 10459 Courthouse Dr. Suite 200 King George VA 22485 (540) 775-9181..........Fax: (540) 775-5248 h ttp://w Government Agency

King’s Remodeling & Restoration Bob King 4980 Quality Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-8902 zachkrr@ Remodeling-Repairs

Kitchens For You, Inc.

Fred Harris 310 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 102 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-2022..........Fax: (540) 720-2033 harrisfb58@ h ttp://w Kitchen & Bath Design/Sales

Kloke Mayflower

Greg Calvert 300 Lansdowne Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-7666..........Fax: (540) 373-9668 gcalvert@ h ttp://w Moving & Storage

Kona Ice of Fredericksburg

Peter Meyer 5290 GlenHarbor Ln. Mechanicsville VA 23111 (804) 787-4332 pmeyer@ h ttp://w Ice Cream & Frozen Confections

Kube & Associates, Inc. d/b/a Central Park Hearing Aid Center

Haywood Kube 1171 Central Park Blvd. Suite 104 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-4676..........Fax: (540) 785-6202 thac03@ h ttp://w Hearing Aid Sales/Audiology & Service

Kurylo & Gold, PLC

Matthew Kurylo 910 Littlepage St. Suite A Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2210..........Fax: (540) 656-2212 info@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Kybecca Wine Bar & Shop Matt Thomas 402 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3338 website@ h ttp://w Restaurants Winery/Wines L

L & L Delivery, Inc.

Allie Lauber 7127 Lineweaver Rd. Warrenton VA 20187 (540) 428-0011..........Fax: (540) 428-0016 h ttp://w Coffee Service/Distributors Bottle Water Service/Distributors Vending Machines/Full Line Vending

Ladysmith Medical Center

Dr. Joyce Delneky 18020 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Ruther Glen VA 22546 (804) 448-0198 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Ladysmith Tobacco, LLC

Kennie Peregory 17348 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Ruther Glen VA 22546 (804) 448-9385..........Fax: (804) 448-4336 Tobacco Products

Lake Anna Winery

Eric Heidig 5621Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 895-5085..........Fax: (540) 895-9749 eric@ h ttp://w Winery/Wines

Landmarc Real Estate, Inc.

Gail Fernett 3715 Latimers Knoll Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 371-3406..........Fax: (540) 373-2913 gfernett@ h ttp://w Real Estate Management Rental Properties Management

Lavender Heights Bed & Breakfast Jenny Holbert 419 Forbes St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 361-4593 stay@ h ttp://w ww. Bed & Breakfast/Inns

Law Firm of Evan H. Farr

Jeannie Farr 501 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 479-1435..........Fax: (703) 940-9161 jeannie@ h ttp:// Attorneys Legal Services

The Law Office of Tonya N. Gibbs, PLC

Tonya Gibbs 1107 Heatherstone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 540-548-8749 x 234..Fax: (800) 391-5701 info@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Law Offices of Amanda Anne Reid, PLC

Amanda Reid 403-C William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2871..........Fax: (540) 371-1239 areid@ Attorneys Legal Services

Lewis Appraisal Services, LLC Taylor Lewis 101 Windsor Cir. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-5570 ctl.jr.appraisals@ Real Estate - Appraisers

Lewis Insurance Associates

John Atkins 1192 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 659-2121..........Fax: (540) 659-1592 jatkins@ h ttp://w Insurance

Liberty Mutual-Fredericksburg

Christopher Bradford P.O. Box 5407 Fredericksburg VA 22403 (540) 286-3074..........Fax: (540) 286-3076 Lawn Care/Tree & Shrub Care Landscaping Services

Morgan Applegate 1340 Central Park Blvd. Suite 204 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-8344..........Fax: (540) 548-0831 morgan.applegate@ h ttp://w Insurance Employee & Executive Benefits

Leadership Forward, Inc.

Liberty Pawn & Gold

Lawn Doctor of Stafford-Culpeper

Greg Hiebert 3162 Johnson Ferry Rd. # 260-905 Marietta GA 30062 (770) 565-9222........... Fax: 678-348-7171 greg.hiebert@ w

Leading Edge Electric

Rodney Snyder 11700 Rutherford Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 848-4016 rodneyleesnyder@ Electrical Contractor

Ledo Pizza & Pasta / Tamark Enterprises

Tamara Kavlick 9849 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-7775 tamarkllc@ h ttp://w Restaurants

David Munsee 616 Stoney Creek Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-8499 davem@ h ttp:// Retail/Thrift Stores

Liberty Tax Service

Karen Redding 3801 Plank Rd. Suite B Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-8055 fredericksburgliberty@ Accounting & Tax Service

LifeCare Medical Transports, Inc.

Kevin Dillard 1170 International Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-7721..........Fax: (540) 752-5194 kdillard@ h ttp://w Medical Transport - For Hire

Lee’s Hill Golf Club

Line-X of Fredericksburg

Lee-Curtis Insurance Service

Little Fish Swimming

Jamie Loughan 10200 Old Dominion Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-0111..........Fax: (540) 891-5258 JLoughan@ h ttp://w Golf Course Franklin Lee 2105 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3333..........Fax: (540) 371-8177 h ttp://w Insurance


Christina Pride 712-B Warrenton Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 361-1949..........Fax: (540) 361-1825 Chris@ h ttp://w Truck Spray-in Bedliners Aaron Rayford 6301 Campus Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-2222..........Fax: (540) 785-2235 info@ h ttp://w Swim Lessons

Shane Comeaux 11 Antietam Loop Stafford VA 22554 (703) 300-2044 comeauxs@ h ttp:// Legal Services

Little Tire Company, Inc.

Lethia Minor Farmers Insurance

Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic/ Fred. Area Reg

Lethia Minor 4107 Plank Rd. Suite B Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-1050..........Fax: (540) 786-1092 lminor@ h ttp://w Insurance

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Chris Williams 5540 Falmouth St. Suite 101 Richmond VA 23230 (804) 673-5690..........Fax: (804) 673-5696 chris.williams@ h ttp://w Non Profit

David Little 2415 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1141..........Fax: (540) 373-1142 h ttp://w Tire Dealers

Karen Dulaney 1301 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1061..........Fax: (540) 741-1096 info@ h ttp://w Health Related Services Clinics & Medical Groups Non Profit

Lockheed Martin

Bill Hession 247 Industrial Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-5821..........Fax: (540) 891-5862 william.p.hession@ h ttp://w IT Support Services

Long & Foster, Realtors

Brooke Miller 1910 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5220 brooke.miller@ h ttp://w Real Estate M

M & T Bank

Michael Bielinski 10693 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-8787..........Fax: (540) 898-6082 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

M & T Bank

Susan Taylor 2062 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-1563..........Fax: (540) 374-1948 Kroscoe@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

M & T Bank

Asad Shaikh 2062 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-3395..........Fax: (540) 374-1948 ashaikh@ Banks & Banking Associations

M-J Printers, Inc.

502 Kenmore Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1878..........Fax: (540) 899-3176 mjprinters@ Printers, Typesetters & Graphics

MacDoc Realty, LLC

Jeremy McCommons 1809 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-7777..........Fax: (866) 493-1288 officemanagermdr@ h ttp://w Real Estate

Mail & Gift Connection

Rosalind Pearce 5825 Plank Rd. Suite 113 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-7447..........Fax: (540) 785-7225 mailandgiftconnection@ h ttp:// Mailing Services/Packaging & Shipping Gifts & Specialty Shops

The Malone Schooler Company

Ann Bowman One Jadip Ln. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-6000..........Fax: (540) 373-6001 ann@ Real Estate Developers

Maneward Strategic Solutions, LLC Janis Ward-Catlett 3104 Massaponax Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 455-0027 janis.ward-catlett@ Consultants

March of Dimes

Betsy Rhodes 4191 Innslake Dr. Suite 201 Glen Allen, VA 23060 (804) 968-4120 brhodes@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Marine Corps Base Quantico Wilma Vaughn 3250 Catlin Ave. Quantico VA 22134 (703) 784-3058 h ttp://w Military Installations

Marine Corps Community Services

Roberta Stanton 3017 Russell Rd. Quantico VA 22134 (703) 432-0219..........Fax: (703) 784-3479 statntonro@ h ttp://w Food Specialties/Services Caterers


Marine Corps Heritage Foundation

Jennifer Vanderveld 3800 Fettler Park Suite 104 Dumfries VA 22025 (703) 649-2361..........Fax: (703) 640-9546 draayer@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Marine Federal Credit Union

Pam Burnette 964 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (800) 225-3967..........Fax: (540) 548-2780 mfcu@ h ttp://w Credit Unions Financial Services

Marine Federal Credit Union

Pam Burnette 209 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (800) 227-3967..........Fax: (540) 720-0120 mfcu@ h ttp://w Credit Unions Non Profit

Marketing & AdvertIsing Business Unlimited, Inc. (MABU)

Sean Fennington 305 Hanson Ave. Suite 160 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-0030..........Fax: (866) 993-2776 info@ h ttp://w Public Relations & Advertising

Marquee Cinemas

Curtis McCall 5800 Southpoint Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-0401..........Fax: (540) 710-1076 h ttp://w Theaters

Marshall Consulting Group, LLC

Marie Knoxville 904 Princess Anne St. Suite 404 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3658..........Fax: (540) 371-1012 mknoxville@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

Marstel-Day, LLC

Mary Washington Healthcare

Fred Rankin Executive Office 2300 Fall Hill Ave, Suite 308 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-3100..........Fax: (540) 741-1408 h ttp://w Health Related Services

Mary Washington Healthcare Cathy Yablonski 101 Hospital Center Blvd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 741-9000 Health Related Services

Mary Washington Healthcare

1001 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1494..........Fax: (540) 741-1408 Health Related Services Non Profit

Mary Washington Hospice

Jessica Dederer 5012 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 741-3580..........Fax: (540) 741-3581 dana.peveler@ Home Health Care Non Profit

Mary Washington Hospital

Kevin Van Renan 1001 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1100..........Fax: (540) 741-1420 Hospitals & Hospital Services Non Profit

Mary Washington Hospital Foundation

Xavier Richardson 2600 Mary Washington Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1512..........Fax: (540) 741-2685 xavier.richardson@ Hospitals & Hospital Services Non Profit

Lynn Henry 5012 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 741-1667..........Fax: (540) 741-1841 lynn.henry@ Home Health Care Non Profit

Mary Washington Hospital Radiation Oncology

Martha Snapp

Dr. Tracy Bilski 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 219 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-2865..........Fax: (540) 741-2868 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Martz Virginia

David Snyder 10411 Hall Industrial Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-6959..........Fax: (540) 898-2675 elee@ h ttp://w Bus Service - Commuter & Charter

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Kathleen Hoffman 313 Battleship Cove Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-7729..........Fax: (540) 720-7729 khoffmkcon@ h ttp://w Cosmetics

Mary Washington Eye Care Center

Dr. Garth Stevens Jr. Cosner’s Corner Medical Pavilion 4710 Spotsylvania Pkwy., Suite 104 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 741-2733 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare


Matthew Caspersen 408 Chatham Square Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-2611..........Fax: (540) 372-3788 business@ h ttp://w Dental Specialist-Orthodontics Dentists

McAvinney & Associates

William McAvinney 2300 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 414 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-0084..........Fax: (540) 373-9677 wmcavinney@ h ttp://w Insurance & Health Maintenance Insurance Insurance & Investments

State Sen. Ryan T. McDougle Ryan McDougle P.O. Box 187 Mechanicsville VA 23111 (804) 730-1026 district04@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

McK Company, Inc.

O. Clinton Jones 3010 Mine Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 604-9782..........Fax: (540) 604-9785 h ttp://w Property Managers

McKinley Consulting Group, Inc.

Joe McKinley P.O. Box 8131 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 368-0007..........Fax: (540) 368-0095 JMcKinley@ Telecommunications Telecommunication /Equipment & Services Telecommunications and Internet

Mary Washington Hospital Home Health

Rebecca R. Rubin 513 Prince Edward St. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22401 703-839-5512............Fax: (540) 371-3323 RRR@ h ttp://w Environmental Services Government Contractor Government Relations/Public Policy Martha Snapp 5700 Heritage Hills Cir. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 220-7714 msnapp88@ Business/Development Consultants

Matthew H. Caspersen, Orthodontists

Renee Shank 1300 Hospital Drive, Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-0655.........Fax: (540) 741-0657 Health Related Services Non Profit

Mary Washington Surgical Specialists

Masego Security

Robert Crutchfield 1 Bergen Way Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 841-6218 cwilliams@ masegosecurity h ttp://w Security - Investigations/Screenings Security Investigations/Patrol

Massage Matters Therapy & Wellness Center

Brooke Tubbs 418 Garrisonville Rd. Suite #106 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-0111..........Fax: (540) 288-0444 massagemattersllc@ h ttp://w Massage Therapy

McLane Mid Atlantic

Ron Synan 56 McLane Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 374-2000 Fax: (540) 374-2312 ron.synan@ Wholesalers & Distributors McLane is a highly successful supply chain services company, providing grocery and foodservice supply chain solutions for thousands of convenience and drug stores, mass merchants, military locations and chain restaurants throughout the US.

McQ, Inc.

Barry Jones 1551 Forbes St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-2374..........Fax: (540) 371-1358 info@ h ttp://w Electrical & Electronic Equipment & Supplies

Medi-Home Health & Hospice

Shari Courtney 125 Olde Greenwich Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-7696..........Fax: (540) 361-1403 h ttp://w Home Health Care

Media Partners, LLC

Shawn Sloan 2300 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 415 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-2402..........Fax: (888) 269-6295 info@ h ttp://w Advertising Agencies

Mathnasium of Stafford

Jerry DePasquale 263 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 104 Stafford, VA 22554 (540) 602-7786 stafford@ h ttp://w

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Medical Arts Pharmacy

Betty Moran 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 120 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1425..........Fax: (540) 371-1968 betty.moran@ Drug Store/Pharmacy

Medical Center of Stafford

Dr. Frederick Bustin 608 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-4157 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Medical Imaging of Fredericksburg, LLC

Barry Nielsen 1201 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 102 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-7025..........Fax: (540) 741-7048 barry.nielsen@ Health Related Services

MediCorp Properties, Inc.

1001 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-1428..........Fax: (540) 741-1420 h ttp://w ww. Property Managers Non Profit

Medifast Weight Control Center

Betty Claytor 1509 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-2305..........Fax: (540) 548-2639 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w medifastFredericksburg.asp Weight Loss Center

Mental Health America of Fredericksburg

Lynn DelaMer 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 104-1 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-2704..........Fax: (540) 372-3709 mhafdir@ h ttp://w Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Retardation

Merrill Lynch

Mark Rodman 910 Princess Anne St. Suite 102 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8475..........Fax: (540) 322-1855 mark_rodman@ Stocks/Bonds/Securities

Micah Ecumenical Ministries, Inc.

Meghann Cotter 1013 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-4116..........Fax: (540) 479-4121 meghann@ h ttp://w Churches Non Profit

Michael Neely Signs and Banners

Michael Neely 32345 Constitution Hwy. Suite D Locust Grove VA 22508 (540) 854-0446..........Fax: (540) 854-0447 mnsigns@ Signs Graphic Arts/Custom Illustration

Mid Atlantic Construction Group

Dan Wight 505 Lendall Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 368-0540..........Fax: (540) 368-0548 dwight@ h ttp://w Contractors - Commercial

Mid-Atlantic Foam

Joe Greene 57 Joseph Mills Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-1800..........Fax: (540) 371-9028 h ttp://w Manufacturing

Mid-Atlantic Mobile Notary Services, Inc

Bryce Hall P.O. Box 177 Colonial Beach VA 22443 (804) 240-3631..........Fax: (804) 412-2912 bryce@ h ttp://w Notary Education/Supplemental

MidSouth Building Supply

Eddie Payne 11001 Houser Dr. Suite 1 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-4400.........Fax: (540) 891-5548 epayne@ h ttp://w Cabinetry

Military Plus Realty & Property Management, LLC

Jo Anne Green 233 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 104 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 270-9541.........Fax: (540) 288-3376 jgreen@ h ttp://w ww. Real Estate

Minnieland Private Day School, Inc.

Crystal Varner 4300 Prince William Pkwy. Woodbridge VA 22192 (703) 680-2548..........Fax: (703) 580-1839 gdabney@ h ttp://w Child Development & Day Care Schools/Colleges

Minuteman Press

Doug Walton 10699 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-7888..........Fax: (540) 898-8708 h ttp://w Printing/Copying/Mailing and Shipping Services


Taleb Moushtaha 4343 Plank Rd. Suite 210 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-4444..........Fax: (540) 786-9645 mitcoland@ Real Estate Developers Building Contractors

MLT Systems

Mark Tornai 10 Center St. Suite 107 Stafford VA 22556 (540) 318-6378 HR@ Contractors - Defense

Mobile Branders, LLC

Clarence Roberts 107 Tradewinds Terrace Stafford VA 22554 (540) 446-3666 info@ h ttp://w Advertising Specialties Technology

More 4 Less

Keith & Wanda Wallace 208 Southgate Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (434) 760-1565 more4lessva6@ h ttp://w Cleaning Service - Residential/Commercial

Mortgage Express Co.

Sean Andrews 1 Newbury Dr. Stafford, VA 22556 (540) 809-6162..........Fax: (540) 322-2007 sean54donna@ Mortgage Company

Mortons Power Equipment

Jack Donohoe 5099B Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8738..........Fax: (540) 898-3908 sales@ h ttp://w Lawn & Garden Equipment

Mount Hope Academy & Church

Corliss Shepherd 6823 Harrison Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-4631..........Fax: (540) 785-8464 h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

Movement Mortgage

Melissa Simpson 4920 South Point Dr. Spotsylvania VA 22407 (540) 645-6262..........Fax: (540) 904-0080 melissa.simpson@ h ttp://w Mortgage Company

Mr. Handyman of Fredericksburg Region

Al Starck 99 Madison Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 654-5542..........Fax: (540) 654-5059 al.starck@ h ttp://w local-handyman-service/va/ the-fredericksburg-region.aspx Home Improvement

Mullins & Thompson Funeral Service Todd Gerace 1621 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-5842..........Fax: (540) 371-4673 h ttp://w Funeral Homes & Memorial Parks N

National Academy of Environmental Design


Donna Chitty P.O. Box 1859 Quantico VA 22134 (540) 602-7344 info@ h ttp://w IT Support Services Computer Network Design/Maintenance

Neuropsychology & Complementary Medicine, Inc.

Scott Ward 608 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 999-6221..........Fax: (866) 481-8299 info@ h ttp://w Psychologists-Psychotherapists Medical Profession

New Home Media

Chuck Smith 9408 E Gunston Cove Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22199 1-703-550-2233 Csmith@ Advertising Agencies

New York Life

C. William Dawn 11 Wendover Ct. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-7858 cwdawn@ Insurance & Investments Financial Advisors Financial Services Insurance Insurance & Health Maintenance

Linda Sorrento 8110 River Stone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (703) 606-8195 lsorrento2@ h ttp:// Non Profit

Newland Communities

National MS Society, Central & Eastern Virginia Chapter

NextCare Urgent CareHarrison Crossing

Peggy Sue Collins 2126 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford Va 22554 (703) 740-7607..........Fax: (804) 448-8737 h ttp://w Real Estate Developers

Sherri Ellis 4200 Innslake Dr. Suite 301 A Glen Allen VA 23060 (804) 353-5008.........Fax: (804) 353-5595 sherri.ellis@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Michael Squires 5825 Plank Rd. Suite 105 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-3348 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

National Protective Services

Robin Sutton 11302 Enchanted Woods Way Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 372-1823..........Fax: (540) 786-0467 robinsutton@ h ttp://w Security/Safety - Products & Services

Michael Squires 330 White Oak Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-2424..........Fax: (540) 373-3258 wecare@ h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups Health Related Services

National University

Nicholls Auction Marketing Group

Vernon Taylor 337 Potomac Ave. Quantico VA 22134 (858) 642-8225..........Fax: (858) 642-8756 quantico@ h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

Nationwide Insurance- Central Park James Keane 1624 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 422-5163 romerol1@ Insurance

Naval Support Activity South Potomac

6509 Sampson Rd. Suite 217 Dahlgren VA 22448-5108 (540) 653-8153 nsasp_pao_dlgr@ h ttp://w Military Installations

Nest Realty Fredericksburg

Sarah Stelmok 510 Princess Anne St. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 455-7657 sarah@ h ttp://w Real Estate Real Estate - Brokers Real Estate - Relocation Services

NextCare Urgent Care-White Oak

John Nicholls 40 Carriage Hill Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-0971..........Fax: (540) 301-5883 john@ h ttp://w Auctioneers Real Estate

Nicole Cole Financial Services Group, D.B.A The College Money Nicole Cole 3330 Bourbon St. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 318-0007..........Fax: (301) 322-8396 nicole@ h ttp:// Financial Services

Lt. Gov. Ralph S. Northam

Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam P.O. Box 1195 Richmond VA 23226 (804) 786-2078..........Fax: (804) 786-7514 ltgov@ h ttp://w Government/Elected Officials

Northern Virginia Computer Systems

Timothy Alexander 600 Interstate Business Park Suite H Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 479-4455..........Fax: (540) 479-4456 h ttp://w IT Support Services Computer Consulting Computer Services Web Design /Internet Access Computer Services-Software Computers - Services/Systems Forensics & Security

Northwestern Mutual

Robert Billingsley 725 Jackson St. Suite 216 Fredericksburg VA 22401-5774 (540) 370-1886 x106.Fax: (540) 370-1884 robert.billingsley@ h ttp://w Financial Services Employee & Executive Benefits Insurance & Investments

NSite, LLC

Dana Barry 120 Falcon Dr. Suite 3 Fredericksburg VA 22408 540 479 1819.............Fax: (866) 347-0354 dana.barry@ h ttp://w Government Contractor

NSWC Federal Credit Union

Lisa Wescoat 2004 Augustine Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 663-2181..........Fax: (540) 663-5779 Lisa.Wescoat@ h ttp://w Credit Unions

NSWC Federal Credit Union

Lisa Wescoat 2004 Augustine Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-2215..........Fax: (540) 663-5779 lisa.wescoat@ h ttp://w Credit Unions

NTS/Virginia Dev. Co. TA/Fawn Lake Ralph DeRosa 12201 Longstreet Dr. Spotsylvania VA 22551 (540) 972-0400 rderosa@ h ttp://w Real Estate Developers

Nu Wave Embroidery

Jessica Pearlman 5933-C Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-6238 h ttp://w Embroidery Design & Monogram Screen Printing/Promotional Items

NVR INC., Ryan Homes

Kate Papkin 10300 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 140 Fredericksburg VA 22408 540-735-2320............Fax: (540) 735-2321 kpapkin@ h ttp://w New Home Builder O

Obsidian Solutions Group

Cynthia Clark 1320 Central Park Blvd. Suite 304 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (877) 503-0222 cclark@ h ttp://w Government Contractor

Occasions by M & K, LLC Michelle Gillespie P.O. Box 2199 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (703) 509-3432 occasionsbymk@ Event Planning Weddings/Banquets

ODC Recovery Service

Kathy Tripp 12000 Kennedy Ln. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 741-3525..........Fax: (540) 741-3520 kathy.tripp@ Collection Agencies

Office Depot

Orkin Pest Control

Mitchell Wassom 1002 Thomas Ln. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 361-4307..........Fax: (540) 361-2627 branch320@ h ttp://w Pest Control Services

Bryan Stoelker 1591 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-7708..........Fax: (540) 786-8401 h ttp://w Office-Supplies, Equipment & Furniture Office Furniture Office Services-Copying, etc. Office-Supplies: copier, fax, printer

State Del. Bobby Orrock

Office Products, Inc.

John Biddulph 1201 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-1600..........Fax: (540) 370-1699 h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

Ronnie Richards 3940-R Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-9372..........Fax: (540) 785-8259 Ronnie@ h ttp://w Office Furniture

Old Dominion Osteopathic Medicine

Meg Sneed 2525 Cowan Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 322-5040..........Fax: (540) 300-5528 info@ h ttp://w Medical Profession

Old Dominion University, Distance Learning

Dr. Frances Dolloph 206 Dickinson Bldg, Germanna Com. Col. 10000 Germanna Point Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-1046..........Fax: (540) 891-3134 gccfred@ h ttp:// germanna-community-collegefredericksburg-campus Schools/Colleges Non Profit

120 Falcon Dr. Unit #1 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-1322 DelBOrrock@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

Orthopedic Clinic of Central Virginia

Outback Steakhouse

David Cobb 2941 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-2343..........Fax: (540) 786-5925 obs4718@ h ttp://w Restaurants P

P.C. Goodloe & Son, Inc.

Lucy Harman 382 Kings Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-5863..........Fax: (540) 373-0247 goodloeasphalt@ Paving Contractors

One Click Cleaners

James Schmiedecke Spotsylvania, VA 22551 (540) 907-0895 jschmiedecke@ h ttp://w Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services

One on One Care

Joan Murray 300 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 101 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-1300.........Fax: (540) 657-0723 info@ h ttp:// In-Home Care/Non-Medical

Open Hand of Fredericksburg

Chris Connell 200 Prince Edward St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 834-4455..........Fax: (540) 899-2291 psherwood@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Orange County Chamber of Commerce

Barbara Bannar 103 N. Madison Rd. Orange VA 22960 (540) 672-5216..........Fax: (540) 672-2304 barbara@ h ttp://w Chambers Of Commerce

Organization Direct

Linda Clevenger 1285 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. #220 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 220-5912 linda@ h ttp://w Organizing Services

Pancho Villa Mexican Restaurant

Josie Pacheco 2931 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 368-9470.......Fax: (540) 368-9192 jpacheco@ Restaurants

Paramount Aviation Resources Group

Michael Johnson 1127 International Pkwy. #287 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (800) 620-7130 michael.johnson@ Aircraft Rental/Flight Instruction & Airplane Ride

Parrish, Houck & Snead, PLC

Jennifer Lee Parrish 701 Kenmore Ave. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3500..........Fax: (540) 899-6394 mail@ h ttp://w Attorneys Legal Services

Parrish Learning Zone

Nina Parrish 4026 Plank Rd. Suite A Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 999-8759..........Fax: (540) 412-6453 info@ h ttp://w Tutoring

The Orion Sushi Bar & Ultra Lounge

Ryan Bullock 318 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2234..........Fax: (540) 656-2243 info@ h ttp://w Restaurants



Steven Rosser 16442 Commerce Dr. Suite 300 Dahlgren VA 22485 (540) 413-1050.......Fax: (540) 413-1025 steve.rosser@ Contractors - Defense Parsons provides world-class technical products and services to the defense, intelligence and homeland security sectors of the US federal government.

Partners in Aging

Neda McGuire (540) 370-0008 info@ h ttp:// Non Profit

Party Services by Dori Dori Farrell 920 Horton St. Colonial Beach VA 22443 (804) 224-8329 dorifarrell@ Caterers

Passport Health

Jeanette Currence 1235 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-3162..........Fax: (540) 785-3162 info@ h ttp://w Health Related Services

Patient First - Fredericksburg

Tara Ghavam Neighborhood Medical Centers 3031 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (703) 652-1572..........Fax: (703) 592-1177 h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

Patient First - Garrisonville Tara Ghavam Neighborhood Medical Centers 60 Prosperity Ln. Stafford VA 22556 (703) 652-1572 h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

Patriot 3, Inc.

Lori Fox 10941 Houser Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-7353..........Fax: (540) 891-5654 info@ h ttp://w Government Contractor

Patterson Construction

B.J. Patterson 12315 McClain St. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-0421..........Fax: (540) 786-8577 Pattersoncc444@ Contractors - General Contractor-Mechanical


Johnny Sheffield 3960 Stillman Pkwy. #100 Glen Allen VA 23060 (804) 418-6600..........Fax: (804) 418-6629 Payroll Processing

PBMares, LLP

Keith Wampler 725 Jackson St. Suite 210 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-3566..........Fax: (540) 371-3598 kwampler@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

The Pearson Group, Inc.

M. Saundra Pearson 904 Princess Anne St. Suite 103 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-4493..........Fax: (540) 373-8893 spearson@ h ttp://w Management/Training Consultants Events Management Marketing Consulting

Pediatric Partners for Attention & Learning, Inc

Joni Johnson 282 Choptank Rd. Stafford VA 22556 540-628-4145............Fax: (540) 628-4193 drjoni@ h ttp://w Medical Profession

Peoples Community Bank

Jenny Books 175 Kings Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-6889..........Fax: (540) 371-6827 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Peoples Community Bank

Anita Churchill 8065 Kings Hwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-2914..........Fax: (540) 775-4841 rbailey@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

PermaTreat Pest ControlCorporate Office

Alex Lloyd 2864 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-5344..........Fax: (540) 288-1541 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

PNC Bank - Celebrate Branch

Amy Fears 1001 Gordon Shelton Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-4640..........Fax: (540) 548-4667

PNC Bank - Chancellor Branch

Bruce Boley 4319 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-4468..........Fax: (540) 786-0596 Banks & Banking Associations

PNC Bank - Chatham Branch

Kathleen Roscoe 371 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 899-3220..........Fax: (540) 899-9177 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Joe Wilson 405 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-4571..........Fax: (540) 370-4572 protectingyou@ h ttp://w Pest Control Services

PNC Bank - Courtland Branch

The Pet Commander

PNC Bank - England Run Branch

Donna Brehm 10430 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-1887..........Fax: (540) 898-7186 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Jonathan Watkins 8809 Jenney Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 729-1747 info@ thepetcommander h ttp://w Pet Services

Jody Buel 750 Warrenton Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 372-4013..........Fax: (540) 899-5301 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Physical Therapy of Central Virginia

Sonia Attie 2403 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-3239..........Fax: (540) 371-7480 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Aaron Perkins 10524 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 102 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-5341..........Fax: (540) 710-5372 ptofcentralva@ h ttp://w HealthCare Physical Therapy

Piccard Commercial

Anne Pates 150 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 213 Fredericksburg, VA 22406 (540) 836-5700 Real Estate - Commercial

Pierpoint Construction, Inc.

Kim Pierpoint 37 Barrett Heights Rd. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 659-8331..........Fax: (540) 288-1457 kimpierpoint@ h ttp://w Remodeling ContractorsResidential/Commercial Contractors - Home Home Improvement


Alex Kelly-Maartens 1006-A Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (804) 833-8303 alex@ h ttp://w Fitness Centers/Training

Plumb Magic LLC

Michael Taggert 425 Bunkerhill St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-0752.............. Fax: 5406562871 info@ h ttp://w Plumbing

Plumbing Innovators

Richie Cantillon 1209 Bragg Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 295-8876 richie@ Plumbing

PNC Bank

Amy Griffith 550 Celebrate Virginia Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-6240 Banks & Banking Associations


PNC Bank - Aquia Branch

PNC Bank - Fall Hill Branch

PNC Bank - Princess Anne Branch

Denise Kitchen 900 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-6240..........Fax: (540) 899-9435 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

PNC Bank - Southpoint Branch

Denise Lewis 5436 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-6621..........Fax: (540) 898-2032 donna.brehm@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

PNC Mortgage

Jim Martino 2403 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-3253..........Fax: (866) 641-0620 h ttp://w fredericksburg Mortgage Company

Poet’s Walk

Diana Bright 4621 Spotsylvania Pkwy. Fredericksburg Va 22408 540-898-1900............Fax: (540) 898-1902 dbright@ h ttp://w Nursing Facility

The Pointe at Stafford

Christina Deane 300 Park Ridge Ct. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-9770..........Fax: (540) 659-9869 h ttp://w Apartments/Townhomes

The Popcorn Bag

Jim Ford 1711 Princess Anne St Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 850-7707 jim@ https://w ThePopcornBagFredericksburg Gifts & Specialty Shops

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Potomac Gateway Alliance, Inc.

Homer Hite 12144 Canterbury Ct. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-9378..........Fax: (540) 775-9378 Non Profit

Potomac Nationals

Primary Residential Mortgage

Bette Moose 1107 Heatherstone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 540-548-8749 x237...Fax: (877) 559-0805 bettem@ Mortgage Company

Josh Olerud 7 County Complex Ct. Woodbridge VA 22192 (703) 590-2311..........Fax: (703) 590-5716 info@ h ttp://w Sports Associations

Princess Anne Animal Hospital

Potomac Point Winery

Princeton Data Source, LLC

Chelsea Sparaco 275 Decatur Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 446-2266..........Fax: (540) 658-9939 h ttp://w Winery/Wines Restaurants

Potomac Urology at Stafford

Dr. Alok Desai 125 Hospital Center Blvd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-6367..........Fax: (540) 657-6303 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Pratt Medical Center

Debbie Nance 4900 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-5243..........Fax: (540) 786-0677 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical Center

Debbie Nance 392 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 899-5800..........Fax: (540) 372-6939 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical Center Dahlgren Campus

16463 Dahlgren Rd. King George VA 22485 (540) 644-9505 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical CenterFrank Durcan Campus 4701 Spotsylvania Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-2100 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical Center Jack Johnson Campus

Debbie Nance 12101 Carol Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-5243..........Fax: (540) 372-6939 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical Center King George Campus

7967 King’s Hwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-6445 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Pratt Medical Center Stacy Lloyd Campus

1451 Hospital Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-2100 h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

Precision Doors & Hardware

Dave Heden 10941 Pierson Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-7300..........Fax: (540) 373-7650 dheden@ h ttp://w Doors Building Materials

Premium Distributors of Virginia, LLC Robby McDonald 51 Commerce Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-2074..........Fax: (540) 373-2078 Wholesale Beer Distribution

Jeannette Gibbons 2105 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-8181..........Fax: (540) 373-1203 osuvet1980@ Veterinarians/Animal Hospital Melissa Melendez 65 Barrett Heights Rd. Suite 105 Stafford VA 22556 (540) 898-8818..........Fax: (540) 288-1945 h ttp://w Marketing Research & Marketing Companies

Print Innovators

John Jenkins 1381 Belman Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-5555 contactpi@ h ttp://w Printers/Publishers Newspapers

Printpack, Inc.

Dale Cheek 3551 Lee Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-7251..........Fax: (540) 371-0742 kturner@ h ttp://w Manufacturing

Priority Financial LLC

Richard Wallace 1267 Courthouse Rd. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 318-8811..........Fax: (540) 301-6950 processing@ h ttp://w Mortgage Company

Pristine Tile & Grout Restoration Peter Diehl 235 Renegade Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 841-3907 info@ h ttp:// Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Pro-Sound of Fredericksburg, LLC Kelly Steak 1700 Caroline St. Suite B Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2281 prosound1985@ Audio-Visual-Eqpt & Production Sound Equipment

Professional Building Maintenance Corp.

Justin Thacker 56 Well Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-1921..........Fax: (540) 891-2099 PBMCO@ ATT.NET Janitorial Services Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

Professional Collision Center, Inc.

Larry Bacon 525 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-0300..........Fax: (540) 288-0331 larry@ h ttp://w ww. Automobile - Body Repair & Painting

Professional Lock & Key Service

Jay Musselman 200 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-2340..........Fax: (540) 373-5074 h ttp://w Locksmith

Project Dominic Inc.

Diana Kelly 106 Arabian Tr. Spotsylvania VA 22551 (540) 220-7686 h ttp://w Non Profit

Proshred of Northern Virginia

Steve Theobald 45668 Terminal Dr. Ste. 150 Sterling VA 20166 (571) 262-7620..........Fax: (703) 435-8245 steve.theobald@ h ttp://w Shredding

Providence Service Corporation

Michael Fidgeon 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 300 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-6085..........Fax: (540) 710-6447 comments@ h ttp://w Human Resource Management/Consulting

State Sen. Linda ‘’Toddy’’ Puller Fredericksburg VA 22401 (703) 765-1150 district36@ senate. h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

Pure Graphix, Inc.

Ashley Barber 1127 International Pkwy. Suite 109 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 737-4641 info@ h ttp://w Printers-Signs & Banners/ Promotional Items

PuroClean Property Restoration Services

Tina Allen 2024 Aquia Dr. Stafford VA 22554 703-852-1300 tallen@ h ttp://w Water & Smoke Restoration

Purvis Ford, Inc.

Eli Patrick 3660 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-3000..........Fax: (540) 710-1432 h ttp://w Automobile Dealers Q

QinetiQ North America

Dean Putnam Engineering & Technical Services Sector 800 Corporate Dr., Suite 101 Stafford VA 22554 (703) 878-6217 Dean.Putnam@ Engineering Services

Quaker Steak & Lube

Akil Courtney 1300 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-4688 h ttp://w Restaurants

Quality Inn Fredericksburg Central Park Area

Jennifer Pickerel 2310 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-0330..........Fax: (540) 371-1753 jpickerel@ h ttp://w Hotels/Motels

Quantico Regional Business Alliance 14059 Crown Ct. Woodbridge VA 22193 (703) 730-2020..........Fax: (703) 832-8778 mfriedman@ Non Profit

Quarles Petroleum, Inc.

Paul Giambra 1701 Fall Hill Ave. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-2400..........Fax: (540) 899-2242 pgiambra@ h ttp://w Petroleum Products Distributing

Quarles Petroleum, Inc.


Quin Rivers, Inc.

State Del. Margaret Ransone

Doug Edenton 3300 Beulah Salisbury Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-6933..........Fax: (540) 899-0543 dedenton@ h ttp://w Petroleum Products Distributing Laura Morgan 10718 Ballantraye Dr. Suite 402 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540)479-4370...........Fax: (540) 368-1448 lmorgan@ h ttp://w Non Profit R

R. Scott Pugh, Attorney

R. Scott Pugh 9108 Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 582-5438..........Fax: (540) 582-6803 RSPPSR@ Attorneys

Radiologic Associates of Fredericksburg

Ed Swager 10401 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 200 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 361-1000..........Fax: (540) 361-7010 rafmif@ h ttp://w Radiology

Radley Chevrolet

Karen Radley 3670 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-4000..........Fax: (540) 898-2623 mgmtoffice@ h ttp://w Automobile Dealers

RAELYN-Marketing Promotions Sharon Brill 5420 Wyndemere Cir. Mineral VA 23117 (540) 854-8414 h ttp://w Advertising Specialties Printers, Typesetters & Graphics

Rainbow International Restoration of Fredericksburg

Eric Healey 400 Nelms Cir. Suite 103 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 373-1188..........Fax: (540) 373-1123 eric.healey@ h ttp://w Water & Smoke Restoration Cleaning Service - Residential/Commercial Mold Remediation

Raj Patel, DDS, Aesthetic & General Dentistry Raj Patel 2757 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 119 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-2000 rajpateldds@ h ttp://w Dentists

Rambletype, LLC

Chris Muldrow 500 Lafayette Blvd. Suite 228 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 440-1218 admin@ h ttp://w Web Design & Hosting Services

Rand Construction Corporation

Chris Dario 1029 North Royal St. Alexandria VA 22314 (202) 449-9840..........Fax: (202) 449-9844 henderson@ h ttp://w Contractors - General

Heather Norris 3120 Cowan Blvd., #41 Fredericksburg VA 22401-4975 (540) 548-1168.........Fax: (540) 785-7159 heather.norris@ h ttp://w Employment Agencies Fredericksburg VA 22401 (804) 493-8484 DelMRansone@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging

Leigh Wade 460 Lendall Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 5403713375...............Fax: (540) 371-3384 lwade@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Rappahannock Area C.S.B.

Ronald Branscome 600 Jackson St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3223 Fax: (540) 371-3753 rbranscome@ Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Retardation Community Services, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Intellectual Disability, Prevention, Early Intervention, Counseling, Psychiatry, Housing

Rappahannock Area Council for Children & Parents Sue Parr 405 Chatham Square Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 372-1149 raccap@ h ttp://w Child Care Consulting

Rappahannock Area YMCA

Devlin Richards 212 Butler Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-9622..........Fax: (540) 899-3694 h ttp://w Health Related Services Non Profit

Rappahannock Big Brothers Big Sisters

Rappahannock Goodwill Industries

Woody Van Valkenburgh 4701 Market St. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 371-3070..........Fax: (540) 371-3775 woody.vanvalkenburgh@ h ttp://w Employment - Training/Support Non Profit Retail/Thrift Stores

Rappahannock Goodwill Stores

Donnie Tolson P.O. Box 905 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 371-3070..........Fax: (540) 371-9433 donnie.tolson@ h ttp://w Retail/Thrift Stores

Rappahannock Neurology Specialists

Dr. Maha Alattar 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 414 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-1354..........Fax: (540) 899-1359 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Rappahannock Neurosurgery Associates

Dr. Jeff Poffenbarger 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 314 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-3200 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Rappahannock Pops Orchestra Rochelle Grey P.O. Box 1662 Fredericksburg VA 22402 (540) 834-7334 h ttp://w Non Profit Entertainment

Rappahannock Refuge Hope House

Lisa Crittenden 902 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-0831..........Fax: (540) 372-6526 anngallihugh@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy

Michelle Hedrich 325A Wallace St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-7444..........Fax: (540) 371-7445 info@ h ttp://w Youth Services

Michael Harvey 3630 Lee Hill Dr. Fredericksburg, VA 22408 (540) 371-2875 mharvey@ h ttp://w Government Agency Education - Public/Private Partnership Educational Center

Rappahannock Citizens Corp.

Rappahannock Regional Jail

Lawrence Davies 1301 Cardwell St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-1022 Rental Properties Parts Assembly

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative

Ann Lewis 247 Industrial Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8500..........Fax: (540) 891-5878 office@ h ttp://w Utilities

Rappahannock Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc.

Debby Loveless 435 Hunter St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-0249..........Fax: (540) 373-0536 rems@ h ttp://w Health Related Services Non Profit

Rappahannock Foot & Ankle Specialists, PLC

Stephen Carley 195 Falcon Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 371-2724..........Fax: (540) 371-5072 h ttp://w Podiatry

Joseph Higgs 1745 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-5204..........Fax: (540) 371-6184 jhiggs@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Rappahannock Rotary Club P.O. Box 8492 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 286-1598 Clubs-Country/Private

Rappahannock Security Services

Angie Stanley 243 Industrial Ct. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-6469..........Fax: (540) 891-5939 rss@ h ttp://w Security/Safety - Products & Services

Rappahannock United Way

Janel Donohue 3310 Shannon Park Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-0041..........Fax: (540) 373-0356 h ttp://w Non Profit

RE/MAX Cornerstone Realty

Annette Roberts 1810 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-1977 Fax: (540) 361-2688 anetjim@ Real Estate RE/MAX Cornerstone is built on customer service. The firm has two offices to better serve our customers. Our Associates are ready to assist with buying or selling. We have an impeccable reputation in the real estate and business communities.

Reality Realty- Homes for Heroes

Sam Cachola 44 Mine Rd. Suite 2-169 Stafford VA 22554 (703) 785-1158..........Fax: (703) 842-8005 broker@ h ttp:// Real Estate

Rebuilding Together Fredericksburg

Larry Nelson 1321 Alum Springs Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 540 373-9807 lshack@ h ttp://w Non Profit


1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 420 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2897..........Fax: (540) 526-9898 info@ h ttp://w Economic Development Financial Services Non Profit

Reese Medical Associates

Lisa Reese 10620 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-1086..........Fax: (540) 710-1126 lisadreese@ h ttp://w Clinics & Medical Groups

State Sen. Bryce Reeves

Bryce Reeves 10151 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 645-8440 district17@ h ttp:// Government/Elected Officials

Regency Furniture

2301 Salem Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-3537..........Fax: (301) 782-3801 h ttp://w Furniture


Paul Spellman 800 Corporate Dr. 3rd Floor Stafford VA 22554 (703) 881-7600..........Fax: (703) 881-7601 staffordquanticocorporate@ h ttp://w Facilities Managment

Reid Engineering Company, Inc.

Shane Reid 1210 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-8500..........Fax: (540) 371-8576 sreid@ h ttp://w Engineering Services Consultants


Rejuvalase MedSpa, Dayspa & Salon Maggie Kleber 2785 Jefferson Davis Hwy. #119 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-8881 rejuvalase@ Day Spa

Residence Inn Fredericksburg

Ashleigh Smith 60 Towne Centre Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-9222..........Fax: (540) 786-9877 asmith@ Hotels/Motels

Ressos, Inc.

Uzo Chukwu 2107 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 5 B Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-9111..........Fax: (540) 318-8976 Chukwuue@ h ttp://w Engineering Services

Reveille Systems, Inc.

Tyler Newton 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 111-12 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9595.......Fax: (540) 373-5516 info@ Computer Consulting Computer Network Design/Maintenance Computer Services Web Design /Internet Access Computers - Services/Systems We were founded in 2010 to provide technology solutions to government, healthcare, and public sector clients; and we offer solutions in project management, technology consulting, and training.

Rheumatology Associates of Central Virginia

Dr. Avnit Ahuja 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 413 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-3595 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

Richard Green Entertainment

Richard Green 18043 Filer Ct. Milford VA 22514 (804) 241-5781 richard@ h ttp://w Entertainment

Richmond International Airport

Troy Bell 1 Richard E. Byrd Terminal Dr. Suite A Richmond Int Airport VA 23250 (804) 226-3000..........Fax: (804) 652-2607 publicinformation@ h ttp://w Airports

Richmond International Raceway

Heather Blackwood 600 E. Laburnum Ave. Richmond VA 23222 (804) 228-7617..........Fax: (804) 329-5029 h ttp://w Entertainment

RIO Car Wash

Jeff Small 70 Sebring Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 371-3636 massaponax@ h ttp://w Car Wash

Ristorante Renato

Teresa Bonilla 422 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-8228.......Fax: (540) 371-2311 info@ Restaurants Upscale dining in a cozy atmosphere, fine service with banquet facilities for up to one hundred and twenty. We also proudly make our own pasta, bread, and desserts.

River Woods of Fredericksburg

Bunny Dodson 2000 Woodlyn Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-6770..........Fax: (703) 221-9038 Apartments

Riverside Center, Dinner Theater & Conference Facility

Rollin Wehman 95 Riverside Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 370-4300..........Fax: (540) 370-4304 RiversideD@ h ttp://w Dinner Theaters Convention Center / Trade Shows Weddings/Banquets

ROB’S Car Wash & Detailing Team

John Hackney 1711 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-5959..........Fax: (540) 786-5488 jerry@ h ttp://w Car Wash

Robert B. Payne, Inc.

Robert B. P. Thompson P.O. Box 480 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 373-5876..........Fax: (540) 899-0544 bobt@ h ttp://w Heating & Air Conditioning Petroleum Products Distributing

Roberts Home Medical

Jolynn Hamelman 211 A Park Hill Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-7400..........Fax: (804) 798-6263 jth@ h ttp://w Health Aides & Personal Care Products Home Health Care

Robinson, Farmer, & Cox Associates

Andrew Grossnickle 10709 Spotsylvania Ave Suite 101A Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8983..........Fax: (540) 898-8986 jfarmer@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

RockIT Repairs

Jonathan Hawkins 1319 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 412-8824 rockitrepairs@ h ttp://w Computers - Services/Systems

Rodan + Fields

Jenny Gautreaux 11906 Teeside Dr. Fredericksburg Va 22407 540-845-5622 learn2beFit@ h ttp:// Health & Skin Care Products

Rodan + Fields Dermatologists JoDee Watkins 54 Janney Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (571) 220-9260 jodeewatkins@ h ttp:// Health & Skin Care Products

Ron Rosner’s Mercedes Benz & Volvo of Fredericksburg

Hugh Peeples 3400 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-5200..........Fax: (540) 373-4772 hpeeples@ h ttp://w Automobile Dealers


Rosner Collision Center

Steve Moore 2303 1/2 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-1310..........Fax: (540) 361-1316 smoore@ h ttp://w Auto Body Repair and Painting

Rosner Motors, Inc.

Ron Rosner 3507 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-7900..........Fax: (540) 710-8581 sales@ h ttp://w Automobile Dealers

The Salvation Army

2012 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-3431..........Fax: (540) 373-0094 matthew_satterlee@ Social Services Non Profit

Sam’s Pizza

Bob Kamel 432 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 850-4900 bob@ Restaurants

Rosner Toyota of Stafford

Jackie Solomon 95 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-4700..........Fax: (540) 720-4781 info@ h ttp://w Automobile Dealers Auto Repair and Service Automobile - Parts & Supplies

RoundTable Defense, LLC

David Thomas 306 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 318-8247..........Fax: (866) 238-9408 contacts@ h ttp://w Engineering Services

Roxbury Farm & Garden Center

Andy Lynn 601 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9124..........Fax: (540) 372-7582 roxbury@ h ttp://w Garden Centers & Nurseries

RPI Group Inc.

Sands Anderson PC

Margaret Hardy 725 Jackson St. Suite 217 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2504 Fax: (540) 371-8158 marketing@ Attorneys Our Fredericksburg attorneys represent businesses in transactions and litigation, including commercial real estate, bankruptcy, & employment law, as well as represent localities & healthcare providers.

SBG Technology Solutions

Adam Croglia 1000 North Payne St. Suite 300 Alexandria VA 22314 (703) 299-9093..........Fax: (703) 299-9240 h ttp://w Engineering Services

Schillar Enterprises

Ryan Interiors, Inc.

Paul Scott 2115 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 891-9331..........Fax: (540) 898-2915 pscottsis@ h ttp://w Insurance Employee & Executive Benefits Financial Advisors Financial Services Insurance & Health Maintenance Insurance & Investments Investment Management


S.L. Nusbaum Realty Company 440 Monticello Ave. 1700 Norfolk VA 23510 (757) 627-8611 h ttp://w

Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center

Pamela Garrett 4702 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-6280..........Fax: (540) 891-6282 h ttp://w Social Services

Safford Chrysler Jeep Dodge Commercial Sales Kenneth Jones 5202 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-7200 h ttp://w Automobile Dealers

Salon 730

Billie Armstrong 730 Kenmore Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-6040 salon730@ h ttp://w Beauty, Hair & Nail Salons Cosmetics Day Spa Massage Therapy

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Jennifer Marsh 1001 Dunes St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 940-2100 jmarsh@ h ttp://w ww.celebrate. Apartments

Seasons at Celebrate Virginia

Brittany Reese 2001 Dogwood Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-1720..........Fax: (540) 548-1723 seasons.celebratevirginia@ h ttp://w Apartments

SERVPRO of Fredericksburg

Bob Pleban 10700 Ballantraye Dr. Suite 108 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-8700..........Fax: (540) 972-8913 info@ h ttp://w Project Management Technology Service Support Mike Spriggs 70 Evans Ln. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 720-3454..........Fax: (540) 659-9847 h ttp://w Building Contractors

Seasons at Celebrate Virginia

Dave Schillar 9530 Northeast Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-9020 dschillar@ h ttp://w Cabinetry

Scott Insurance & Financial Services

ScoutComms, Inc.

Frederick Wellman 55 Chriswood Ln. Stafford VA 22556 (202) 957-2688 fwellman@ h ttp:// Contractors - Defense

The Scuba Shack, LLC

Ralph Clark 321 Wallace St. Suite 9 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1030........................... Fax: -540 ralph@ h ttp://w Scuba Instruction/Sales & Service

Sears Home Appliance Showroom

Nazli Shah 1475 Stafford Marketplace Stafford VA 22556 (540) 720-6080..........Fax: (540) 720-6082 ds7693@ h ttp://w Appliances - Sales/ Service & Repair

Seasonal Maintenance

1967 Mountain View Rd. Stafford VA 22556 (540) 752-9292..........Fax: (540) 752-9022 smcvjd@ Landscaping Services

James Wenger 11001-B Pierson Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-7000..........Fax: (540) 373-7327 servpro8323@ Cleaning Service - Residential/Commercial Mold Remediation Water & Smoke Restoration

SH3 Computer Systems, Inc.

Steven Helms 43 Norfolk St. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-1930 info@ h ttp://w Computer Network Design/Maintenance

Shane’s Rib Shack

Peggy Durrette 1150 Carl D. Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-4234 fredericksburgshack1@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Shaw’s Carpets, Inc.

Russell Shaw 4424 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-4993..........Fax: (540) 891-9960 h ttp://w Flooring

Sherry Financial Advisors, Inc. Mark Sherry P.O. Box 236 Hartwood VA 22471 (540) 379-4003 msherry@ h ttp:// Financial Advisors

Shockey Precast Group

Gregory Elliott 4717 Massaponax Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-1221..........Fax: (540) 898-4715 h ttp://w Manufacturing


Ginny Glaser 10264 Sycamore Dr. Ashland VA 23005 (804) 342-7640..........Fax: (804) 342-7646 h ttp://w Shredding Office Services-Copying, etc.

Silver Companies

Jud Honaker 1201 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-1405..........Fax: (540) 786-1406 Real Estate Developers Community Developers Land Development

Simplex Grinnell

Meredith Hamill 8555 Magellan Pkwy. Suite 1000 Richmond VA 23227 (804) 727-3890..........Fax: (804) 261-0014 MHamill@ h ttp://w Fire Protection/Fire Sprinkler Contractor

SimVentions Inc.

Hart Rutherford 11905 Bowman Dr. Suite 502 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 372-7727..........Fax: (540) 372-7244 hartrutherford@ h ttp://w Government Contractor Computer Services-Software Engineering Services

SKS Construction, Inc.

Steve Zuchowski 10900 Houser Drive Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-0713 ext. 101 Fax: (540) 898-6690 stevez@ Excavation

Sleep Medicine Specialists

Dr. Maha Alattar 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 125 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-7846..........Fax: (540) 741-1632 h ttp://w ww. HealthCare

SLJS, Inc.

Stephen Spratt 1329 Alum Spring Rd. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-0512..........Fax: (540) 371-7364 sscat2159@ h ttp://w Home Improvement Remodeling ContractorsResidential/Commercial

Smart Beginnings Rappahannock Area

Sara Branner 2300 Fall HIll Ave. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-6944..........Fax: (540) 479-1018 info@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Snowden at Fredericksburg

Charles Scercy 1200 Sam Perry Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 741-3900..........Fax: (540) 741-3926 Substance Abuse Services Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Retardation

Sodexo Dining Services

Roy Platt Sodexo Dining Services - Seacobeck Hall 1301 College Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-1930..........Fax: (540) 654-2127 dining@ h ttp://w Caterers

Sona Medspa

Trisha Frye 2128 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 201 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 658-1100..........Fax: (540) 658-1104 tfrye@ h ttp://w Day Spa Beauty, Hair & Nail Salons Laser Hair Removal Massage Therapy


Teri Tosti 2217 Princess Anne St. Suite 212-1 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-2612..........Fax: (540) 361-7727 ttosti@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Sonalysts, Inc.

Jay Sullivan 15163 Dahlgren Rd. King George VA 22485 (540) 663-9034..........Fax: (540) 663-9137 jhlackie@ h ttp://w Contractors - Defense

Sonic Drive-In - Cosner’s Corner

Dale Town 10045 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-5475..........Fax: (540) 710-6062 dalet101@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Sonic Drive-In Harrison Crossing Center

Dale Town 5817 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-0774..........Fax: (540) 548-0994 dalet101@ h ttp://w Restaurants

Southern States/ Fredericksburg Petroleum Service

Eric Harvey 11324 Tidewater Tr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 373-3631..........Fax: (540) 899-6541 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w Propane/Gas Products Oil & Gas Operators & Marketing

Spaces Design Studio, LLC

Stacey Lampman 1004 B Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (850) 485-3335 h ttp:// Architects

Spangler Erkert & Associates Jan Erkert 11705 Legacy Woods Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 412-5360 janerkert@ h ttp://w Advertising Agencies

Spencer, Mayoras, Koch & Cornick, PLC

Andy Cornick 1671 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-4046 spencer@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Spitler, Stephens & Associates, CPA’s James Spitler 1601-C Olde William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-1101..........Fax: (540) 371-0316 jspitler@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

Splitsville & Paragon Village 12

Guy Revelle 51 Towne Center Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-2695.......Fax: (407) 843-2549 Entertainment Bowling Restaurants Theaters 12 state of the art digital movie screens, 16 bowling lanes, full scale restaurant and bar including hand rolled sushi and homemade pizza dough. Specializing in everyday fun for all ages as well as large groups and corporate outings.

Sports Image, Inc

P O Box 712 Midlothian VA 23113 (804) 347-6897 glenn@ Advertising Specialties Sports Associations

Spotsylvania County Department of Tourism

Debbie Aylor 4704 Southpoint Pkwy. Spotsylvania Visitor Center Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 507-7090..........Fax: (540) 891-0693 daylor@ h ttp://w Tourist Attractions

Spotsylvania County Government

Stafford Area Soccer Association

Spotsylvania County Government Department of Economic Development

Stafford County Agricultural Fair & Hartwood Days Festival

Jane Reeve 9019 Old Battlefield Blvd. Suite 320 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 507-7010..........Fax: (540) 507-7019 cadmin@ h ttp://w Government/Elected Officials

Tom Rumora 9019 Old Battlefield Blvd. Ste. 310 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 507-7210..........Fax: (540) 507-7207 dsanders@ h ttp://w Economic Development

Spotsylvania County Public Schools

Rene Daniels 8020 River Stone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-2541..........Fax: (540) 834-2153 h ttp://w Education - Public/Private Partnership Schools/Colleges

The Spotsylvania Education Foundation

Suzie Smith 8020 River Stone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-2500, ext. 1147 Fax: (540) 834-2550 smedina@ h ttp://w Education - Public/Private Partnership

Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center

Greg Madsen 4600 Spotsylvania Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 498-4000..........Fax: (540) 498-4066 greg.madsen@ h ttp://w Hospitals & Hospital Services

Spotsylvania Towne Centre

Mark Gentry 137 Spotsylvania Towne Centre Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 786-6660..........Fax: (540) 786-9598 operations@ h ttp://w Shopping Centers & Malls

The Spotsylvanians Community Chorus

Keith Brown P.O. Box 434 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 903-1622 spotsylvanians@ h ttp://w Musical Instrument Sales/Lessons Entertainment

Spring Arbor of Fredericksburg

Stephanie Johnson 235 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 102 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-0734 office@ h ttp://w Sports Associations Non Profit

James Broad 50 Hartwood Church Rd. Fredericksburg Virginia 22406 (540) 322-6494 sitesupport@ h ttp:// Fairs, Festivals & Events

Stafford County Economic Development Authority Brad Johnson P.O. Box 339 Stafford VA 22555 (540) 658-8681

Stafford County Government

Anthony Romanello 1300 Courthouse Rd. Stafford VA 22555 (540) 658-8605..........Fax: (540) 658-7643 aromanello@ h ttp://w

Stafford County Public Schools

Valerie Cottongim 31 Stafford Ave. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 658-6000..........Fax: (540) 658-6041 h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

Stafford County Sun

Aleks Dolzenko 306 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 103 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-4466..........Fax: (540) 659-0039 info@ h ttp://w Newspapers

Stafford Cyber Hardware Reseller, LLC

Nabel Martinez Stafford VA 22554 (540) 602-7609 nmartinez@ h ttp://w Information Technology Hardware Reseller

Stafford Dance Center

Karen Wade 2608 Jefferson Davis Hwy. #101 Stafford , VA 22554 (540) 659-6044..........Fax: (540) 659-6637 karen@ h ttp://w Dance School

Connie Miller 5308 River Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-2133 h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Stafford Emergency Relief

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Linda Hill 791 Truslow Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 368-0081..........Fax: (540) 368-0082 lindahill@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Daniela Romero 4600 N. Fairfax Dr. Suite 102 Arlington VA 22203 (703) 351-5171..........Fax: (703) 469-1976 Daniela.romero@ h ttp://w Non Profit Hospitals & Hospital Services

STA Title & Escrow, Inc.

Sonia Kuppert 101 Westwood Office Park Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-5501..........Fax: (540) 368-5504 sonia@ h ttp://w Title Insurance/Services

Marilyn Stevens 15 Upton Ln. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-9603..........Fax: (540) 288-9599 Non Profit

Stafford Junction

Stafford Printing

Howard Owen 2707 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-4554..........Fax: (540) 659-7399 info@ h ttp://w Printers, Typesetters & Graphics

Stafford Rotary Club

Mary Rose Cannon Ridge Golf Club 475 Greenbank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22403 staffordrotary@ h ttp://w

The Stafford SPCA, Inc.

William Hoyt 140 Andrew Chapel Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-7387(PETS) Fax: (540) 288-9194 lori@ h ttp://w Non Profit Pet Supply Shoppe/ Grooming & Boarding Kennels Veterinarians/Animal Hospital

Stafford Women’s Health Associates

Tammy Leonard 125 Hospital Center Blvd Suite 313 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 656-2830..........Fax: (540) 656-2856 fredwha@ h ttp:// Medical Profession

Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner

Dana Beck 23 Commerce Pkwy. Suite 109 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 371-7621..........Fax: (540) 372-2005 dana.beck@ h ttp://w Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

The Star Radio Group

Paul Jones 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5505..........Fax: (540) 374-5498 pjones@ Radio Station Web-Based Media

Station Square at Cosner’s Corner

Camelita Dallas 9419 Cumberland Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 891-9200..........Fax: (540) 891-9200 h ttp://w Apartments


Mark Loncar 4805 Lassen Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-1110..........Fax: (540) 898-0567 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations


Terri Sorensen Downtown Office 1016 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9700..........Fax: (540) 373-9838 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations


Scott Hine 25 Banks Ford Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-8001..........Fax: (540) 752-8003 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations


John Knapp 18121 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Ruther Glen VA 22546 (804) 448-4345..........Fax: (804) 448-4379 h ttp:// Banks & Banking Associations


Linda Caporali 1016 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-9700..........Fax: (540) 373-9838 lcaporali@ w

Sterling Optical Store # 119

Matthew Scott 440 Towne Centre Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-2272 sterlingoptical119@ h ttp://w Optical Services

Sterne Agee

Donald Newlin 509 B Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1821..........Fax: (540) 899-6381 h ttp://w Stocks/Bonds/Securities


Steve Guy & Associates, P.C.

Suburban Extended Stay Hotel

Steve Guy 4900 Southpoint Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-7555..........Fax: (540) 891-7543 sguy@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

Adam Jackson 3097 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-9051..........Fax: (540) 288-9052 h ttp://w hotel-stafford-virginia-VA641 Hotels/Motels

Steven Kahle Architects

Sullivan, Donahoe & Ingalls

Steven Kahle 47 Randall St. Ste. 2 Annapolis MD 21401 (301) 858-5853..........Fax: (301) 858-5854 skahle@ h ttp:// Architects

Stevenson Ridge

Jennifer Hawkins 6901 Meeting St. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 582-6263..........Fax: (540) 582-5640 info@ h ttp://w Bed & Breakfast/Inns Conference/Banquet Facilities Weddings/Banquets

Stocking Insurance Group, LLC

Donna, Stocking 9010 Old Battlefield Blvd. Suite 102 Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 507-8296.........Fax: (540) 507-8299 h ttp://w donnastocking Insurance

Stone’s of Fredericksburg

Ed Dihlmann 6374 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 120 Spotsylvania VA 22551 (540) 507-8485..........Fax: (540) 507-8486 h ttp://w Copiers & Facsimile/Sales/Service/Repairs

Storage 2000 - Spotsylvania

Susan Head 4720 Business Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-8288..........Fax: (540) 898-8883 spotsy@ h ttp://w Self-Storage

Storage 2000 - Stafford I

Laura Hetzel 521 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 657-2440..........Fax: (540) 657-0882 stafford@ h ttp://w Self-Storage

The Story Collaborative

David Mills 560 Celebrate Virginia Pkwy. #103-115 Fredericksburg VA 22406 (888) 652-0119 dmills@ h ttp:// Non Profit

Stratford University

Peter Bartell 14349 Gideon Dr. Woodbridge VA 22192 (571) 408-2441 pbartell@ h ttp://w Schools/Colleges Education - Public/Private Partnership

Strayer University

Duan Butler 150 Riverside Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 374-4300 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

State Sen. Richard Stuart

P.O. Box 1146 Montross VA 22520 (804) 493-8892 richard@ stuartfor Government/Elected Officials


10720 Columbia Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-5878..........Fax: (540) 898-3390 rfurnival@ h ttp://w Engineering Services Surveyors

Summit Electrical Services Co.

William Klotz 1127-B Summit St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-5001..........Fax: (540) 371-5454 contact@ h ttp://w Electrical Contractor

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Darlene Mullins Chancellor Branch 3557 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 899-5630..........Fax: (540) 899-5633 darlene.mullins@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Jeff Davis Four Mile Fork Branch 5101 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 899-5620.........Fax: (540) 898-5621 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Sandy Heckman Spotsylvania Courthouse Branch 8970 Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553-2516 (540) 899-5640..........Fax: (540) 582-2610 sandy.heckman@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Shaun Brown Garrisonville Branch 40 Prosperity Ln. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-2780.........Fax: (540) 288-2789 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Susan Carol Associates Public Relations, Inc.

Susan Carol 1040 Hotchkiss Pl. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 361-1274 sca@ h ttp://w Public Relations & Advertising Marketing and Advertising

Sutton & Associates, LLC

Ralph Sutton 904 Princess Anne St. Suite C-6 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 370-0045.........Fax: (540) 370-0049 info@ h ttp://w Accounting & Tax Service T

Tactical Micro, Inc.

Mike Hayden 3509 Shannon Park Dr. Suite 103 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-0954 haydenm@ h ttp://w Electrical & Electronic Equipment & Supplies

Tanner/Zaremba Construction

Glenn Tanner 1207 Spotswood Dr. Locust Grove VA 22508 (540) 423-1055..........Fax: (540) 423-1054 Building Contractors

Taskforce Staffing Inc.

Dorrie Chason 969 Taskforce Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-6666..........Fax: (540) 785-6660 Dorrie@ h ttp://w Employment Agencies

TEREX Government Programs

Thomas Manley 150 Riverside Pkwy. Suite 203 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 361-7755..........Fax: (703) 997-1092 thomas.manley@ h ttp://w Manufacturing


Thomas Callahan h ttp://w Business Financing Business Develpment

Amy Thamvanthongkham Southpoint Branch 10000 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-5683..........Fax: (540) 891-8053 amy.thamvanthongkham@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Thirty-One Gifts

SunTrust Banks, Inc. Commercial Banking

The Thos. J. Wack Company

Matt Ayers Southpoint Branch 10000 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-6595..........Fax: (540) 891-8053 andrew.m.kerr@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

SunTrust Business Banking Division

3557 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 899-5613..........Fax: (540) 899-5633 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Surgical Arts of Virginia

Jason Seutter 306 Cambridge Street Stafford VA 22405 (540) 371-7372 jason@ h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

Kim Stricklin 443 Ridgemore St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 834-6977 kimspchef1@ h ttp://w ww.thirtyonetoday/kstricklin Gifts & Specialty Shops Thomas Wack 400 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-4565..........Fax: (540) 371-2868 Contractors - Commercial

The Thrasher Group

Doug Richmond 236 Cambridge St. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 372-3499..........Fax: (540) 372-6746 drichmond@ h ttp://w Engineering Services

THRIVE-The Healing Center

Christine Slattery 10700 Ballantraye Dr. Suite 104 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 361-1331..........Fax: (540) 301-0500 h ttp://w Non Profit

Thurman Brisben Center

Kim Lally 471 Central Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-9853..........Fax: (540) 373-5442 bmelzer@ h ttp://w Non Profit

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

The Title Professionals, LLC

Mark Steele 1010 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 310-4804..........Fax: (540) 310-4807 h ttp://w Title Insurance/Services

The Title Professionals, LLC

Mark Steele 11 Hope Rd. Suite 215 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 288-0205..........Fax: (540) 288-0360 h ttp://w Title Insurance/Services

The Title Professionals, LLC

Mark Steele 10708 Ballantraye Dr. Suite 204 Fredericksburg VA 20407 (540) 891-4055 mark@ h ttp://w Title Insurance/Services

TML Copiers & Digital Solutions

John Hughes 9385 Innovation Dr. Manassas VA 20110 (703) 330-1010..........Fax: (703) 330-8823 h ttp://w Copiers & Facsimile/Sales/Service/Repairs Copier/Fax/Printer Supplies/Products

Angela Tsai, O.D., F.V.A.O.; Samuel C. Smart, O.D., F.V.A.O., F.A.A.O.; Jason Hair, O.D. Samuel Smart 230 Butler Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 373-3021 Fax: (540) 373-5565 Optometrists How clear is your vision? Drs. Smart, Powell, Tsai, & Hair is the leading provider of optometry services and vision care products in the Fredericksburg community, and we want to help you achieve and maintain a clear vision for years to come.

Tuck Technologies

Stephen Lee 1316 Wilcox Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 693-0766 slee@ h ttp://w Telecommunication /Equipment & Services Communications

Tommy Mitchell

Tommy Mitchell 614 B Caroline St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-5554............................. Fax: (NA h ttp://w Rental Properties

Tommy Wallace Electrical

Alan Merryman 3410 Shannon Park Dr. Suite 120 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 899-2334..........Fax: (540) 371-8795 Electrical & Electronic Equipment & Supplies

Dr. Thomas J. Tomzak

1218 Sophia St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 (540) 207-7899 ttomzak@

Total Construction Services, Inc.

Keith Machleit 675 Nelms Cir. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 374-0537..........Fax: (540) 374-0533 keith@ h ttp:// Contractors - General

Travel Leaders of Fredericksburg

Mike King 4113 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-4000..........Fax: (540) 720-0498 Mike@ h ttp://w FredericksburgVA Travel Agencies

Tricord Homes, Inc.

Tulip Salon & Spa-Aveda

Priscilla Priebe 1 Towne Centre Blvd. #5700 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-4004 info@ Beauty, Hair & Nail Salons Day Spa Tulip Salon & Spa is an Aveda lifestyle salon providing services in beauty, hair, skin, nails and spa. We offer Aveda products exclusively. Aveda’s mission is connecting beauty and well-being while setting an example for environmental responsibility.

Turner Construction Company

Will Wong 3865 Wilson Blvd. Suite 300 Arlington VA 22203 (703) 841-5200..........Fax: (703) 841-4556 h ttp://w Contractors - General

Twana’s Creation, LLC

Twana Jones 44 Mine Rd. Suite 2-190 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 693-7601 twanacreation@ h ttp://w Gift Baskets U

Mike Jones 1143 Heatherstone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-8400..........Fax: (540) 785-8412 homes@ h ttp://w Real Estate


Trinity Construction Group, Inc.

UMW Center for Economic Development

Steve Chaplin 19152 Germanna Hwy. Culpeper VA 22701 (540) 423-1753..........Fax: (540) 423-1752 schaplin@ Commercial Construction

Triple K Fence, Inc.

Keith Lake 32 Joseph Mills Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 374-9283..........Fax: (540) 374-9338 Fences/Decks/Docks

Trivett’s Family Furniture

Michael Trivett 3986 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-6311..........Fax: (540) 785-7040 Furniture

Erica Mann 305 Charlotte St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 540-898-1773 h ttp://w Non Profit

Brian Baker 1125 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Suite 400 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-1096 bbaker@ h ttp://w Government Agency Non Profit

Union First Market Bank (Berea Marketplace Branch)

Solomon McClintock 1044 Warrenton Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-6618 customerservicecenter@ w

Union First Market Bank (Chancellor Branch)

Union First Market Bank (Ladysmith Branch)

Union First Market Bank (Colonial Beach Branch)

Union First Market Bank (Leavells Branch)

Kimberly Seacrist 4210 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-2265..........Fax: (540) 786-4406 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Sylvia Buffkin 840 McKinney Blvd. Colonial Beach VA 22443 (804) 224-0101 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Commercial Lending)

Jon Wallace 2811 Fall Hill Ave. (To move to Lassen Lane) Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-8800..........Fax: (540) 371-1875 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Cosner’s Corner Branch)

Terria Spencer 10131 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-1212 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Fall Hill Branch)

Ana Day 2811 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-7760..........Fax: (540) 372-7768 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Falmouth Branch)

Ana Day 622 Cambridge St. Falmouth VA 22405 (540) 374-1300 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Four Mile Fork Branch)

Steve Baker 4540 Lafayette Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 898-5100..........Fax: (540) 898-8891 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Harrison Crossing Branch)

Jackie Pope 5831 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-3400 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Kenmore Branch)

Sue Bridi 725 Kenmore Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 371-0108..........Fax: (540) 372-9439 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (King George Branch)

Priscilla Morgan 10045 Kings Hwy. King George VA 22485 (540) 775-9300 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Donna Norton 7349 Ladysmith Rd. Ruther Glen VA 22546 (804) 448-3100..........Fax: (804) 448-9217 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Gloria Wolcott 10415 Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 898-2700..........Fax: (540) 898-4150 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Shannon Park Branch)

Lynn Riggleman 3301 Shannon Park Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 735-0311 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union First Market Bank (Thornburg Branch)

5510 Morris Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22551 (540) 582-7666..........Fax: (540) 582-8667 customerservicecenter@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Union Mortgage Group

The UPS Store - Plank Road

The Virginia Bazaar

Virginia Partners Bank

The UPS Store, The - Stafford

Virginia Breast Health Center

Virginia Paving Company


Virginia Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

Gregory Hall 2215 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 656-2677..........Fax: (540) 656-2582 store6102@ h ttp://w Mailing Services/Packaging & Shipping Shinae Kang 11 Hope Rd. Suite 111 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-8850..........Fax: (540) 659-3737 h ttp://w Mailing Services/Packaging & Shipping Ray Harmon 16156 Dahlgren Rd. Dahlgren VA 22448 (540) 663-9300..........Fax: (540) 663-9359 h ttp://w Contractors - Defense

Utility Professional Services, Inc. Fred Howe 406 Chatham Square Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 604-5877 fredhowe@ h ttp://w Utilities - consulting V

Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance

Glen Lanford 10131 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-1215 glanford@ Mortgage Company

Richard Pleasant 416 Hudgins Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (571) 2214957................ Fax: 5407102270 rpleasant@ h ttp://w Landscaping Services

United Bank

Van Zandt Restoration, LLC

Kevin Fastabend 10800-A Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 710-0606..........Fax: (540) 710-6999 kevin.fastabend@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

United Bank

Matthew Mitchell 1304 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 548-7040 matthew.mitchell@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

University of Mary Washington

Richard Hurley 1301 College Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-1000..........Fax: (540) 654-1076 h ttp://w Schools/Colleges

University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra

Dr. Kevin Bartram 1301 College Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 654-1324..........Fax: (540) 654-1966 philharmonic@ h ttp:// Entertainment Non Profit

University of Maryland University College at Quantico

Kevin Holmes Quantico Corporate Center 525 Corporate Dr., Suite 101 Stafford VA 22554 (703) 441-7000..........Fax: (703) 441-7010 quantico@ Schools/Colleges

University of Richmond School of Professional and Continuing Studies

John Zinn 28 Westhampton Way Richmond VA 23173 (804) 287-6378..........Fax: (804) 289-8138 jzinn@ h ttp:// Schools/Colleges

Jon VanZandt 700 Hanover St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-1883 jvz@ h ttp://w Contractors - General

Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, P.C.

Holly Hazard 700 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 479-4275..........Fax: (703) 369-3653 hhazard@ h ttp://w Attorneys

Veolia ES Technical Solutions Anthony Hudson 24 Commerce Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 368-9780 anthony.hudson@ h ttp://w Environmental Services

Verizon External Affairs - Virginia

Douglas Brammer 10421 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax VA 22030 (703) 886-3033..........Fax: (703) 886-3050 douglas.e.brammer@ Telecommunications

Verizon Wireless at BJ’s Fredericksburg

3985 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-0129 douglas.e.brammer@ verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless at Fredericksburg

Elizabeth Overington 1580 Central Park Blvd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 207-0523 elizabeth.overington@ Wireless

Verizon Wireless at Massaponax 5426 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 710-2503 douglas.e.brammer@ verizon Wireless

Nicole Garrison 8436 Ladysmith Rd. Ruther Glen VA 22545 (804) 448-9488..........Fax: (804) 448-5477 info@ h ttp://w Flea Market Dr. Premal Sanghavi 125 Hospital Center Blvd. Suite 125 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 741-7933.........Fax: (540) 741-7934 h ttp://w HealthCare

Dr. Tim Sherwood 1101 Sam Perry Blvd. Suite 211 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 372-7792..........Fax: (540) 372-2093 h ttp://w ww. Physicians & Surgeons

Virginia Community Bank

Dave Herold 10645 Courthouse Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-5474..........Fax: (540) 891-9204 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Virginia Credit Union

Renee Mezzasalma Fredericksburg Branch 2101 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (800) 285-6609..........Fax: (804) 323-2594 memsvc@ h ttp://w Credit Unions Financial Services

Virginia Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center

Mark Eid 1985 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-6647..........Fax: (540) 479-1656 vadssc@ h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

Virginia Economic Development Partnership Matt McLaren 901 East Byrd St. Richmond VA 23219 804-545-5736 mmclaren@ Government Agency

Virginia Employment Commission

Deborah Warf 10304 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 100 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 322-5757..........Fax: (540) 891-3128 fredericksburg@ h ttp://w Government Agency Employment Services

Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance

Bill Barham 1931 Plank Rd. Suite 106 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-9454..........Fax: (540) 899-9455 h ttp://w Insurance

Virginia Home Care Partners

Karen Koudelka 1135 Heatherstone Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 419-1615 karen@ w Home Health Care

Virginia Interventional Spine Associates

Tracey Quance 4710 Spotsylvania Pkwy. Suite 201 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 374-3233..........Fax: (540) 374-3234 h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons

William Young 410 William St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-2265..........Fax: (540) 899-2272 wyoung@ h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations Josh Mattera 1190 Ramoth Church Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 720-7550..........Fax: (540) 720-7044 h ttp://w Paving Contractors

Virginia Properties, Inc.

Donna Hart 6308 Five Mile Centre Park Suite 215 Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-9090.......Fax: (540) 785-9117 d.hart@ Real Estate - Commercial Contractors - Commercial Contractors/Metal Buildings Real Estate Developers We are a Building & Land Development Company/Real Estate Brokerage Firm specializing in Commercial properties for sale and lease. With over one million sq. ft. of Medical, Professional, Retail & Industrial properties, call us for your business needs.

Virginia Tourism Corp Fredericksburg

Janet Kimble Interstate 95 Fredericksburg VA 22404 (540) 786-8344..........Fax: (540) 786-0778 jkimble@ h ttp://w Government Agency Welcome Organizations

State Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel 117 E. Picadilly St. Suite 100-B Winchester VA 22601 (540) 662-4551 district27@ h ttp://w Government/Elected Officials

Vulcan Materials Company

Jess Brindisi 6860 Commercial Dr. Springfield VA 22151 (703) 813-3770..........Fax: (703) 354-2709 brindisij@ h ttp://w Stone Products/Crushed Stone W

W & G Construction

470 Central Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-2688..........Fax: (540) 368-2988 cwhite@ h ttp://w Contractors - General

Wal-mart Store#4258

Kenneth Bradford 11 Village Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 752-2125 h ttp://w Department Stores

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

Stephen Nelson 125 Washington Square Plaza Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 899-8890 h ttp://w Department Stores

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. SouthPoint

Ed Husn 10001 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-4142..........Fax: (540) 834-4273 h ttp://w Department Stores



Rick Conner 5650 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-5883..........Fax: (540) 785-9088 h ttp://w Pharmacy

Walter J. Sheffield, Attorney at Law

Well Adjusted Healthcare

Justin Bryant 10685 Spotsylvania Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 834-4100..........Fax: (540) 891-2070 dr@ h ttp://w Chiropractors

Walter Sheffield 904 Princess Anne St. Suite 207 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-2500..........Fax: (540) 373-2529 law@ Attorneys

Wells Fargo

Walton Development & Management

Wells Fargo

Kevin Crown 11800 Sunrise Valley Dr. Suite 300 Reston VA 20191 (571) 490-8077 kcrown@ h ttp://w Real Estate Developers

U.S. Sen. Mark Warner

Mark Warner 475 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 (202) 224-2023..........Fax: (202) 224-6295 Government/Elected Officials

Warren Whitney

Greg Mellors 614 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-1350..........Fax: (540) 899-0108 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations Cynthia Cestare Fredericksburg Shopping Center 501 1/2 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 899-0506..........Fax: (540) 372-7799 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Wells Fargo

Aaron Simien Salisbury Branch 131 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 374-1350..........Fax: (540) 720-6489 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Gene Gregory 7231 Forest Ave. Suite 203 Richmond VA 23226 (804)282-9566............Fax: (804)285-7990 h ttp://w Management/Training Consultants

Wells Fargo

Washington Heritage Museums

Wells Fargo

Anne Darron 1200 Charles St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 373-1569..........Fax: (540) 373-1569 mwhouse@ h ttp://w ww. Non Profit

Washington Square Associates, Inc.

Steven Thomas 125 Woodstream Blvd. Suite 101 Stafford VA 22556 (703) 333-3381..........Fax: (703) 333-3399 jbraford@ h ttp://w Telecommunication /Equipment & Services IT Support Services Telecommunications Telecommunications and Internet

Waste Management

Andrew Turner 45 Utah Place Falmouth VA 22405 (540) 287-3351..........Fax: (866) 317-0254 aturner6@ h ttp://w Trash Hauling-Commercial

Web Business Solutions Inc.

Lance Deffenbaugh 425 Queen Anne Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 286-0368..........Fax: (540) 286-0405 lance@ h ttp://w Government Research

Webb & Associates

Chad Webb 11903 Bowman Dr. Suite 106 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 371-1209 chad.webb@ Engineering Services

Wegmans Food Market

Chris DePumpo 2281 Carl D Silver Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 322-4800.........Fax: (540) 322-4899 h ttp://w Grocers


Doc Stone Branch 290 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 720-1119..........Fax: (540) 720-3964 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations Julie Sayasithsena Courtland Branch 10424 Courthouse Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 891-2024..........Fax: (540) 891-8995 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Wells Fargo

Dianne Barker Harrison Crossing 5636 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 786-9485..........Fax: (540) 785-6604 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Wells Fargo

Jessica Pierce Salem Church Branch 4246 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-6794..........Fax: (540) 785-3865 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations

Wells Fargo

Eric Cronin Southpoint Branch 9906 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 834-4820..........Fax: (540) 834-4825 h ttp://w Banks & Banking Associations Bank Equipment & Services

Wells Fargo

Catherine Pollard Jefferson Davis Branch 325 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (800) 922-4684 h ttp://w

Wells Fargo

Tammy Michaux-Green Celebrate Branch 35 Banks Ford Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 286-1700 h ttp://w

Wells Fargo

Rob Burke Salisbury Branch 131 Garrisonville Rd. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-2102 h ttp://w

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Brian Brooks 3447 Fall Hill Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 785-3301..........Fax: (540) 785-3585 brian.brooks@ h ttp://w fredericksburg-builderva Mortgage Loans & Bankers

Westmoreland Berry Farm

Kane Lloyd 1235 Berry Farm Ln. Oak Grove VA 22443 (804) 224-9171.........Fax: (804) 224-8967 sales@ h ttp://w ww. Farm-Produce/Grain


K.C. Haile 14900 Conference Center Dr. Suite 550 Chantilly VA 20151 (703) 817-0300.........Fax: (703) 817-1097 kempton.haile@ Building Contractors

Wilburn Gardens

Karen Bland 3500 Meekins Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 785-3600..........Fax: (540) 785-3700 wilburngardens-ed@ h ttp://w Retirement Home Independent & Assisted Living

Wilderness/Presidential Resorts

R. Allan King 9220 Plank Rd. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 972-7471..........Fax: (540) 972-7913 Resorts

William Taylor & Associates Insurance William Taylor 8904 Commons Cir. Spotsylvania VA 22553 (540) 582-5230 Insurance

Willis Falkenberg Eyecare

Thomas Falkenberg 10 Chatham Heights Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-2777..........Fax: (540) 371-0922 williseye@ h ttp://w Physicians & Surgeons-Ophthalmology

Winborne’s Cleaning & Janitorial BIZ

Alvin Winborne 11602 Kenton Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 845-2179 alvin.winborne@ h ttp://w index.html Cleaning Service - Residential/Commercial Janitorial Services

Wingate by Wyndham

20 Sanford Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22406 (540) 368-8000..........Fax: (540) 368-9252 jchilds@ Hotels/Motels

Wingate by Wyndham - Stafford

Jennifer Childs 15 Salisbury Dr. Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-3600..........Fax: (540) 659-8995 hparrish@ h ttp://w hotels/virginia/stafford Hotels/Motels

WJ Vakos Companies

William Vakos 4830 Southpoint Dr. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 898-3242..........Fax: (540) 898-4051 bill@ h ttp://w Real Estate Real Estate - Commercial Real Estate - Management

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

WNTX 1350 AM/96.5 FM

Paul Jones 616 Amelia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 374-5500..........Fax: (540) 374-5525 h ttp://w Radio Station Web-Based Media

Woehrle, Franklin & Dahlberg John Franklin 2016 Lafayette Blvd. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 898-8881 jfranklinlaw@ Attorneys

Woodcock & Associates, P.C.

M. Jeanette Woodcock 818 Sophia St. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 368-8040..........Fax: (540) 368-8044 jeanette@ h ttp://w Accountants-Certified Public

Woodmont Health Care Center

Sally Pleasants 11 Dairy Ln. Fredericksburg VA 22405 (540) 371-9414..........Fax: (540) 371-4501 Nursing Facility

Worrell Management Group

Linda Worrell 1200 Rappahannock Ave. Fredericksburg VA 22401 (540) 847-2540 linda@ http://www. Business/Development Consultants Consultants Worrell Management Group provides business development, organizational development, strategic planning and facilitation services to organizations and individuals. Our clients include both pubic and private organizations.

WVTF/Radio IQ Public Radio 88.3

Sandy Hausman 216 W Water St. #11 Charlottesville VA 22902 (540) 898-8900..........Fax: (540) 776-2727 wvtf@ h ttp://w Radio Station

WyteStone Suites of Fredericksburg

Pat Gray 4615 Southpoint Pkwy. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 891-1112..........Fax: (540) 891-5465 pgray@ h ttp://w ww. Hotels/Motels Y

Y-OPA Consulting Group

Connie Whittingham 685 Garrisonville Rd. Suite 103 Stafford VA 22554 (540) 659-8480..........Fax: (540) 720-1529 info@ h ttp://w Bookkeeping Z

Zekiah Technologies

Steven Kuiper 103 Centennial St. Suite G La Plata MD 20646 (540) 644-8609..........Fax: (540) 644-8607 steve@ Technology

Zinga Frozen Yogurt

Julie Kreider 10400 Courthouse Rd. Spotyslvania VA 22553 (540) 645-0915..........Fax: (540) 371-2329 zingajulie@ h ttp://w Ice Cream & Frozen Confections


Catherine DeConcini 4465 Brookfield Corporate Dr. Suite 203 Chantilly VA 20151 (703) 818-0120 (ext. 3345) Fax: (801) 722-1685 catherine.deconcini@ h ttp://w Telephone Directory Advertising Advertising Specialties

Zips Dry Cleaners

Anne Ramos 4230 Plank Rd. Fredericksburg VA 22407 (540) 548-2070..........Fax: (540) 710-6966 h ttp://w Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services

Zope Corporation

Robert Page 10300 Spotsylvania Ave. Suite 101 Fredericksburg VA 22408 (540) 361-1700..........Fax: (703) 995-0412 info@ h ttp://w Computer Services-Software

Membership Directory Categorical Listing For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28. ACCOUNTANTS-CERTIFIED PUBLIC

Bowling, Franklin & Co., L.L.P. 1207 Charles Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Ph: (540) 373-8973 Fax: (540) 371-5391 Web:

Bowling, Franklin & Co., L.L.P. (540) 720-2606

Commonwealth Business Services (540) 371-1133

Marshall Consulting Group, LLC (540) 373-3658


Richmond International Airport (804) 226-3000

Aquia Terrace Breezewood Apartments (540) 898-4411

Brittany Commons Apartments (540) 891-2990

River Woods of Fredericksburg (540) 371-6770

Seasons at Celebrate Virginia

Spitler, Stephens & Associates, CPA’s

Station Square at Cosner’s Corner

Steve Guy & Associates, P.C. (540) 891-7555

Woodcock & Associates, P.C. (540) 368-8040


Accounting Solutions, LLC (540) 479-3541

Commonwealth Business Services (540) 371-1133

Johnson Tax & Business Services, LLC

(540) 940-2100 (540) 548-1720

(540) 548-8055

Sutton & Associates, LLC (540) 370-0045


Media Partners, LLC (540) 371-2402

New Home Media 1-703-550-2233

Spangler Erkert & Associates (540) 412-5360

(540) 786-1144

Mobile Branders, LLC (540) 446-3666

RAELYN-Marketing Promotions (540) 854-8414

Sports Image, Inc (804) 347-6897



Paramount Aviation Resources Group (800) 620-7130

Law Firm of Evan H. Farr

Rosner Toyota of Stafford

(540) 479-1435

The Law Office of Tonya N. Gibbs, PLC 540-548-8749 x 234

Law Offices of Amanda Anne Reid, PLC (540) 373-2871

Parrish, Houck & Snead, PLC (540) 373-3500

R. Scott Pugh, Attorney (540) 582-5438

(540) 310-0137 (540) 720-4700


Professional Collision Center, Inc. (540) 288-0300


Purvis Ford, Inc. (540) 898-3000

Radley Chevrolet (540) 898-4000

Ron Rosner’s Mercedes Benz & Volvo of Fredericksburg (540) 373-5200


Rosner Motors, Inc.

Banks Property Management

(540) 898-7900

(540) 372-7272

The Evergreens at Smith Run (540) 374-1544

The Pointe at Stafford (540) 659-9770


Sears Home Appliance Showroom (540) 720-6080


Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture (540) 899-9898

Spaces Design Studio, LLC (850) 485-3335

Steven Kahle Architects (301) 858-5853

Sands Anderson PC

(540) 373-2504 Our Fredericksburg attorneys represent businesses in transactions and litigation, including commercial real estate, bankruptcy, & employment law, as well as represent localities & healthcare providers.

Spencer, Mayoras, Koch & Cornick, PLC (540) 372-4046

Vanderpool, Frostick & Nishanian, P.C. (540) 479-4275

FastFrame Custom Framing (540) 657-5453


A. Blanton Massey & Associates (540) 373-1818

Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen

Woehrle, Franklin & Dahlberg (540) 898-8881

(703) 583-6060

DurretteBradshaw, PLC (540) 371-3900

Elizabeth McMaster Attorney & Counselor at Law, PLC (540) 371-1181

James W. Hilldrup, P.L.C. (540) 786-6670

Jarrell, Hicks & Waldman, P.C. (540) 582-5300

(540) 373-0654

Carter Bank & Trust (540) 659-2126

Carter Bank & Trust (540) 371-0550

Carter Bank & Trust (540) 898-6366

Carter Bank & Trust (540) 368-1566

Carter Bank & Trust (540) 658-0143

Community Bank of the Chesapeake

1320 Central Park Blvd Suite 408 Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Ph: (240) 682-4831 E-mail: Web:

First Citizens Bank (540) 786-2709

M & T Bank

(540) 898-8787

M & T Bank

Safford Chrysler Jeep Dodge Commercial Sales

M & T Bank

(540) 898-7200


Rosner Toyota of Stafford (540) 720-4700


Downtown Garage & Auto Body (540) 898-4300


Wells Fargo


(540) 374-1563 (540) 548-3395

Peoples Community Bank (540) 371-6889

Peoples Community Bank (540) 775-2914

PNC Bank

(540) 752-6240

PNC Bank - Aquia Branch (540) 659-5344

PNC Bank - Chancellor Branch (540) 786-4468

PNC Bank - Chatham Branch (540) 899-3220

PNC Bank - Courtland Branch

Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center

Bank of America Small Business Center

(540) 710-1887

(540) 371-5668

(540) 395-9656

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania Nat. Park


PNC Bank - Fall Hill Branch


PNC Bank - Princess Anne Branch


PNC Bank - Southpoint Branch









BB&T Bank


Cardinal Bank

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Cardinal Bank

SunTrust Banks, Inc.

(540) 371-0802

James Monroe Museum (540) 654-1043

(540) 786-0294 (540) 374-5159 (540) 374-5166


Nicholls Auction Marketing Group (540) 898-0971


Pro-Sound of Fredericksburg, LLC (540) 656-2281

Hirschler Fleischer (540) 604-2100

Carter Bank & Trust

(540) 720-4700

(540) 373-2500

(540) 786-4100

Compton & Duling

Rosner Toyota of Stafford

Walter J. Sheffield, Attorney at Law



Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC


3 Star Auto, LLC

(540) 891-9200

(540) 479-6969

Liberty Tax Service

(540) 361-1310

Kurylo & Gold, PLC (540) 656-2210

(540) 288-9800

Robinson, Farmer, & Cox Associates (540) 371-1101

Rosner Collision Center

(757) 624-3295 APARTMENTS

Seasons at Celebrate Virginia

(540) 898-8983

(540) 372-1020

Kaufman & Canoles, P.C.

PBMares, LLP (540) 371-3566

Kathleen Dooley, City Attorney


Ascent Audiology & Hearing (540) 373-6797


Downtown Garage & Auto Body (540) 898-4300

(540) 374-5163 (540) 288-1207 (540) 786-1498 540 786 1498 (540) 899-5500 (540) 899-7799 (540) 288-3900

PNC Bank - England Run Branch (540) 372-4013 (540) 899-3239 (540) 899-6240 (540) 710-6621 (540) 361-2612 (540) 898-1110 (540) 373-9700 (540) 752-8001 (804) 448-4345 (540) 899-5630

(540) 899-5620



SunTrust Banks, Inc. (540) 899-5640

SunTrust Banks, Inc. (540) 288-2780

SunTrust Banks, Inc. (540) 891-5683

Highlightz Entertainment Center (540) 374-5672

Battlefield Homes, Inc.

Worrell Management Group

(540) 786-2388

The Charleston Company, Inc.

Kenmore Inn of Fredericksburg (540) 371-7622

(540) 775-6788

Clayton Homes (540) 898-4955


SunTrust Banks, Inc. Commercial Banking

European Wax Center

(540) 891-6595

(540) 548-0000

SunTrust Business Banking Division

Salon 730

(540) 899-5613

(540) 373-6040

Union First Market Bank (Chancellor Branch)

Sona Medspa

Dameron Home Builders CABINETRY

Creative Design Interiors

(540) 548-3740

(540) 899-0900

Hazel Land Companies

MidSouth Building Supply

(540) 891-1091

(540) 658-1100

(540) 891-4400


Schillar Enterprises

(540) 786-4444

Union First Market Bank (Colonial Beach Branch)

(540) 710-9020

Ryan Interiors, Inc. (540) 720-3454

Union First Market Bank (Commercial Lending)

Tanner/Zaremba Construction

Comcast of Fred., Stafford & Spots.


Comcast Spotlight

Union First Market Bank (Cosner’s Corner Branch) (540) 834-1212

Union First Market Bank (Fall Hill Branch) (540) 372-7760

Union First Market Bank (Falmouth Branch) (540) 374-1300

Union First Market Bank (Four Mile Fork Branch) (540) 898-5100

Tulip Salon & Spa-Aveda

(540) 785-4004 Tulip Salon & Spa is an Aveda lifestyle salon providing services in beauty, hair, skin, nails and spa. We offer Aveda products exclusively. Aveda’s mission is connecting beauty and well-being while setting an example for environmental responsibility.

Braehead Manor Inn at Kelly’s Ford (540) 399-1779

Inn at The Olde Silk Mill

Union First Market Bank (Kenmore Branch)

Kenmore Inn of Fredericksburg

(540) 371-0108

Union First Market Bank (King George Branch) (540) 775-9300

Union First Market Bank (Ladysmith Branch) (804) 448-3100

Union First Market Bank (Leavells Branch) (540) 898-2700

Union First Market Bank (Shannon Park Branch) (540) 735-0311

Union First Market Bank (Thornburg Branch) (540) 582-7666

United Bank

(540) 710-0606

(540) 371-5666

(540) 548-7040

Virginia Community Bank (540) 891-5474

Virginia Partners Bank (540) 899-2265

Wells Fargo

Lavender Heights Bed & Breakfast (540) 361-4593

(540) 899-0506

Drafting & Surveying Supply Co. (540) 373-5800

(540) 891-2024

Wells Fargo

(540) 786-9485

Wells Fargo

(540) 785-6794

Wells Fargo

(540) 834-4820

Advantage Business Advisors (540) 371-7640 (540) 372-4444


(540) 318-1500 (703) 622-5282

Accounting Solutions, LLC (540) 479-3541

(540) 809-0524

Y-OPA Consulting Group


Jabberwocky Inc. (540) 371-5684


L & L Delivery, Inc. (540) 428-0011

Splitsville & Paragon Village 12 (540) 785-2695

(540) 371-2337


America’s Home Place (540) 785-5841

American Heritage Homes (Pruitt Subsidiary) (540) 785-4444

Professional Building Maintenance Corp. (540) 371-1921

Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner

Party Services by Dori (804) 224-8329


Caroline County Chamber of Commerce

Flatter & Associates

(804) 448-5264

Frederick L. Weckler Company

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

(540) 658-1922 540-693-6962

(540) 373-9400

Hoffman Consulting Services Inc. (HCSI)

King George Chamber of Commerce

(540) 273-3752

Martha Snapp (540) 220-7714

Atlantic Builders, Ltd. (540) 891-8540 (703) 890-1085

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

(540) 741-7000

Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic/ Fred. Area Reg (540) 741-1061

NextCare Urgent CareHarrison Crossing (540) 785-3348

NextCare Urgent Care-White Oak (540) 373-2424

Pratt Medical Center (540) 786-5243

Pratt Medical Center Dahlgren Campus

(540) 654-1930

(540) 429-4720


Fredericksburg Ambulatory Surgery Ctr.

Je T’aime Catering

Sodexo Dining Services


(540) 845-2179

Pratt Medical Center

(703) 432-0219

(703) 378-3973

(540) 373-1188

Heaven’s Gate Catering

Marine Corps Community Services


Austin Ridge in Stafford


(540) 841-3907

(617) 792-8916

Discover Next Step BREWERIES

Pristine Tile & Grout Restoration

(540) 659-9687

Cox Business Services BOWLING

Winborne’s Cleaning & Janitorial BIZ

(540) 786-5959



(434) 760-1565

(540) 373-7000


(540) 395-9656

(571) 989-3039

ROB’S Car Wash & Detailing Team

Creative Design Interiors

Bank of America Small Business Center


SERVPRO of Fredericksburg



(540) 479-4116

RIO Car Wash

(540) 899-0900

(540) 479-6969

Micah Ecumenical Ministries, Inc.

Rainbow International Restoration of Fredericksburg


Johnson Tax & Business Services, LLC

Faith Christian Center/Academy

Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa

(540) 371-7621

Elite Visual Solutions, LLC

(540) 659-8480



Claxton Logistics Services, LLC

(540) 834-4100

More 4 Less

(540) 371-3636

Coach Keny

Well Adjusted Healthcare

Comcast - Stafford

(540) 374-5228

Johnson & Glazebrook, Inc.

(703) 680-2548

Honor Chem-Dry


Dwayne Baptist & Associates

Ale House of Fredericksburg, LLC

Wells Fargo

(540) 898-6959

Minnieland Private Day School, Inc.

Comcast of Fred., Stafford & Spots. (703) 567-4655


(540) 374-1350 (540) 720-1119

(540) 834-4900

Martz Virginia

(540) 741-3740

(540) 374-1251

Comcast Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania

(540) 373-7300


Kids’ Station





Wells Fargo Wells Fargo


Precision Doors & Hardware

(614) 975-6575

(540) 582-6263


Family Preservation Service

(703) 567-4655 (540) 834-0300

Stevenson Ridge

(540) 374-1350

Wells Fargo

(703) 817-0300

(540) 371-7622


United Bank

(540) 423-1055

(540) 361-2629

Union First Market Bank (Harrison Crossing Branch) (540) 548-3400



(540) 372-1149


(804) 224-0101

(540) 371-8800


Rappahannock Area Council for Children & Parents

(540) 710-5810

(540) 310-4758

DLR Contracting Inc.

(540) 786-2265

(540) 847-2540 Worrell Management Group provides business development, organizational development, strategic planning and facilitation services to organizations and individuals. Our clients include both pubic and private organizations.

(540) 899-5800

(540) 644-9505

Pratt Medical CenterFrank Durcan Campus (540) 786-2100

Pratt Medical Center Jack Johnson Campus (540) 786-5243

Pratt Medical Center King George Campus (540) 775-6445

Pratt Medical Center Stacy Lloyd Campus (540) 786-2100

Reese Medical Associates (540) 710-1086

(540) 663-0966

Orange County Chamber of Commerce (540) 672-5216


The Boutique at Caroline Street (540) 373-1888

Cose Belle Boutique (540) 361-1400

Dancer’s Wardrobe (540) 899-9880

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.


Arts & Flowers

SH3 Computer Systems, Inc. (540) 752-1930

(540) 368-9553


The Fredericksburg Rotary #5804 (540) 373-5519

Rappahannock Rotary Club (540) 286-1598


Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa (540) 374-5228

L & L Delivery, Inc. (540) 428-0011


Commonwealth Financial Solutions Inc. (540) 373-6441

ODC Recovery Service (540) 741-3525


Abby Construction (540) 371-3615

DaFore, LLC.

(540) 368-2880

DLR Contracting Inc. (540) 548-3740

Donley’s LLC


Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC (540) 786-1144

Northern Virginia Computer Systems (540) 479-4455

Reveille Systems, Inc. (540) 373-9595

(540) 310-0066

Finish Line Construction (540) 840-1152

Trinity Construction Group, Inc. (540) 423-1753


Gannett Direct Mail Solutions (651) 274-0412

Tuck Technologies (540) 693-0766


Del Webb Communities of VA, Inc. (540) 374-8700

Silver Companies (540) 786-1405


Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC (540) 786-1144


Capriccio Software, Inc. (888) 693-8946

Carter-McGowan Services, LLC (540) 693-0578

Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC

Northern Virginia Computer Systems (540) 479-4455

Reveille Systems, Inc.

(540) 373-9595 We were founded in 2010 to provide technology solutions to government, healthcare, and public sector clients; and we offer solutions in project management, technology consulting, and training.


(540) 786-1144

Infinity Technologies (540) 602-7344

Reveille Systems, Inc.

(540) 899-9898

Honor Revenue Solutions (571) 989-3039

Jack Rowley, Inc.

Worrell Management Group (540) 847-2540


(703) 689-3048


Patterson Construction (540) 786-0421


Zope Corporation (540) 361-1700

DLR Contracting Inc. (540) 548-3740


Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC (540) 786-1144

DPW Training & Associates, LLC (800) 379-9720

Mid Atlantic Construction Group (540) 368-0540

The Thos. J. Wack Company (540) 372-4565

Virginia Properties, Inc. (540) 785-9090

Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC (540) 786-1144

Identity Management Systems LLC (540) 656-2277

(540) 310-4758

Pierpoint Construction, Inc. (540) 659-8331


(540) 785-9090


(540) 658-1090

MLT Systems

(540) 318-6378


(540) 370-4300

TML Copiers & Digital Solutions (703) 330-1010


TML Copiers & Digital Solutions (703) 330-1010


Mary Kay Cosmetics (540) 720-7729

Salon 730

(540) 891-1200

Fredericksburg Country Club

NSWC Federal Credit Union (540) 663-2181


NSWC Federal Credit Union


Fredericksburg Expo & Conference Center (540) 548-5555

(540) 663-9300 CONTRACTORS - GENERAL

All Pro Insulation (IBP) (540) 479-1666

Commonwealth Custom Restoration (540) 479-1816

Highlightz Entertainment Center

DLR Contracting Inc.

Stevenson Ridge

DPR Construction

(540) 374-5672 (540) 582-6263

Centennial Contractors Enterprises, Inc. (540) 286-6940

DLR Contracting Inc. (540) 548-3740


DPW Training & Associates, LLC (800) 379-9720

(540) 548-3740 804-433-4160

Patterson Construction (540) 786-0421

Rand Construction Corporation (202) 449-9840

Total Construction Services, Inc. (540) 374-0537

Turner Construction Company (703) 841-5200

Van Zandt Restoration, LLC (540) 368-1883

(540) 373-9595

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.

(540) 371-2611


(540) 899-5451

(540) 775-5774 (540) 657-0867

Matthew H. Caspersen, Orthodontists (540) 371-2611

Raj Patel, DDS, Aesthetic & General Dentistry (540) 659-2000



(540) 786-7100

Wal-mart Store#4258 (540) 752-2125

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (540) 899-8890

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. SouthPoint (540) 834-4142


Riverside Center, Dinner Theater & Conference Facility (540) 370-4300

(540) 663-9034

(540) 710-0075

Matthew H. Caspersen, Orthodontists


Sonalysts, Inc.

Chaney Enterprises

(540) 898-7211


Capital Caring, Inc.

(800) 227-3967



Fredericksburg Orthodontics

(540) 507-8485

Marine Federal Credit Union

(540) 412-8824

(540) 785-4004

Stone’s of Fredericksburg

(202) 957-2688

RockIT Repairs

Tulip Salon & Spa-Aveda

Family Dentistry


ScoutComms, Inc.

(540) 373-9595

(540) 658-1100

Dr. Wendy M. Moore, DDS, PC

Reveille Systems, Inc.

Northern Virginia Computer Systems

Sona Medspa

Riverside Center, Dinner Theater & Conference Facility

(540) 786-8321

(540) 479-4455

(540) 548-0908

(540) 373-6040

Fredericksburg Hospitality House

(540) 413-1050 Parsons provides world-class technical products and services to the defense, intelligence and homeland security sectors of the US federal government.

Infinity Technologies

Salon 730

David F. Huddle, DDS Family Dentistry


Catalyst Solutions, LLC

(540) 374-9244

Dameron Home Builders

(540) 373-6040



(540) 809-5820

Virginia Properties, Inc.

Northern Virginia Computer Systems (540) 372-7727

Adamson Homes

Reid Engineering Company, Inc.

JRM Enterprises, Inc.

SimVentions Inc.

(540) 720-8881 CONTRACTORS - HOME

(540) 548-3740

Center for Innovative Technology

(540) 479-4455

Rejuvalase MedSpa, Dayspa & Salon

DLR Contracting Inc.

(540) 220-8332

(540) 752-2525

(540) 368-2688

(540) 455-0027 (540) 371-8500


W & G Construction

Maneward Strategic Solutions, LLC


(540) 548-0908


Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture



Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC

(703) 967-0010

Intuit Inc.

(800) 379-9720 (540) 548-0908

Ecocentrics, Inc.

(540) 786-1144

DPW Training & Associates, LLC Infinity Technologies

(703) 622-5282

(540) 538-7417

(804) 560-7820

Falls Run Stone & Stucco

Dwayne Baptist & Associates

(540) 373-8781


Brain Injury Services (540) 785-8836


Marine Federal Credit Union (800) 225-3967

(540) 361-2215

Virginia Credit Union (800) 285-6609

disABILITY Resource Center, Inc (540) 373-2559


A. Smith Bowman Distillery (540) 373-4555


Design Storage & Handling, Inc. (540) 898-8636



Dovetail Cultural Resource Group (540) 899-9170


Arts & Flowers (540) 368-9553


Coleman Homes, Inc.


(540) 656-2893 Digital storage transition specialists, delivering scalable business records management services. Paperless office solutions, document scanning, industry leading cloud storage & content management platform.

(540) 898-3030


Artistry Dance Center (540)370-4866

Inspire Dance 540-373-7700

Stafford Dance Center


Precision Doors & Hardware (540) 373-7300


Medical Arts Pharmacy (540) 741-1425

(540) 659-6044



One Click Cleaners (540) 907-0895

Zips Dry Cleaners (540) 548-2070


Caroline County Office of Economic Development (804) 633-4074

Fredericksburg Regional Alliance (540) 361-7373

King George County Economic Development (540) 775-9181


(540) 373-2897

Spotsylvania County Government Department of Economic Development (540) 507-7210


Baxter & Company, LLC

(540) 373-7741 Core business focus is employee benefits, group life, health, dental, STD & LTD, vision, etc; we also excel at Individual and Family insurance coverage. We are a brokerage company that cares!

Chambers Training Academy (540) 940-2906

Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy (540) 371-2875

Spotsylvania County Public Schools (540) 834-2541

The Spotsylvania Education Foundation

(540) 834-2500, ext. 1147

Stratford University (571) 408-2441


Cut Right Now to Education, LLC (540) 760-5346


Insights Training Group (Job Corps) (540) 710-9172


Mid-Atlantic Mobile Notary Services, Inc (804) 240-3631


Career Training Solutions (540) 373-2200

Gladys H. Oberle School/ Employment Resources (540) 372-6710

Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy (540) 371-2875


Leading Edge Electric (540) 848-4016

Reid Engineering Company, Inc. (540) 371-8500

(540) 891-9331


At Once Staffing, Inc. (540) 604-5000

Employment EnterprisesTemporary Solutions


(540) 548-1168

Taskforce Staffing Inc. (540) 785-6666


Express Employment Professionals 540-720-7007, Inc.

(540) 373-3373

Virginia Employment Commission (540) 322-5757


Employment Resources Incorporated (540) 372-6710

Express Employment Professionals 540-720-7007

Rappahannock Goodwill Industries (540) 371-3070


Grumbach Consulting, LLC (540) 654-5080

Johnson Controls Inc 804-382-8274


BAE Systems

(540) 288-5800

Basic Commerce and Industries, Inc. (540) 663-3321

Black Knight Technology, Inc.

Harley-Smith Personal and Professional Event Consulting/Planning

(540) 318-8247

(540) 220-8471

Occasions by M & K, LLC

(703) 299-9093

(703) 509-3432

SimVentions Inc. (540) 372-7727


Sullivan, Donahoe & Ingalls

Highlightz Entertainment Center

(540) 898-5878

(540) 374-5672

The Thrasher Group

Honor Revenue Solutions

(540) 372-3499

(571) 989-3039

Webb & Associates

(540) 373-4493 ENGRAVERS


Crown Trophy

SKS Construction, Inc.

(540) 374-8118

(540) 898-0713 ext. 101



Apple Music Pro Sound

Kee World Group

(540) 693-8888

(540) 288-9293

Central Park Fun Land (540) 785-6700


Gravatt Entertainment

Banks Property Management

Rappahannock Pops Orchestra

Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture


(540) 372-7272

(540) 834-7334

Richard Green Entertainment (804) 241-5781

Richmond International Raceway (804) 228-7617

Splitsville & Paragon Village 12

(540) 710-7200

McQ, Inc.

(540) 373-2374

Tactical Micro, Inc. (540) 898-0954

Tommy Wallace Electrical (540) 899-2334


(540) 785-3790

Nu Wave Embroidery


The Spotsylvanians Community Chorus

Greenline Service Corp.

(540) 373-1294

Stafford County Agricultural Fair & Hartwood Days Festival (540) 322-6494


(540) 373-7520

(540) 903-1622

University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra (540) 654-1324



(804) 224-9171


(540) 374-9283

(540) 373-3482



Cary Street Partners (540) 735-2840

Community Financial Group (540) 604-5690


13575 Heathcoat Blvd Suite 130 Gainesville, VA 20155 Phone: (703) 468-2211 Web Site:

ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC (540) 785-6100

The Engineering Groupe, Inc. (540) 710-5987

EOIR Technologies, Inc. (540) 834-4888

Breg Environmental

(540) 373-1805

New York Life (540) 720-7858

Scott Insurance & Financial Services (540) 891-9331

Sherry Financial Advisors, Inc. (540) 379-4003

ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC

Froehling & Robertson

Froehling & Robertson

Grumbach Consulting, LLC

Marstel-Day, LLC

(540) 654-5080

Edward Jones Lee Murray, Financial Advisor

20 Joseph Mills Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22408 Ph: (540) 373-3482 Fax: (540) 371-9393 E-mail Address: Web Site:

(540) 785-6100 (540) 891-2771 703-839-5512

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

(540) 659-7060

ILG LLC Financial (540) 720-5656

Marine Federal Credit Union (800) 225-3967

New York Life (540) 720-7858

Nicole Cole Financial Services Group, D.B.A The College Money (540) 318-0007

Northwestern Mutual (540) 370-1886 x106


(540) 373-2897

Scott Insurance & Financial Services (540) 891-9331

Virginia Credit Union (800) 285-6609


Extinguish Fire Corp. (540) 370-4321


Simplex Grinnell (804) 727-3890


American Family Fitness (540) 898-6111

Fly Fitness Inspiration Studio, LLC (540) 847-5614

Fredericksburg Fitness, Inc. (540) 479-1877

Gold’s Gym Fredericksburg (540) 368-0032

Healthy Beginnings Weight Loss (540) 656-2933


(804) 833-8303 FLEA MARKET

The Virginia Bazaar (804) 448-9488


Shaw’s Carpets, Inc. (540) 898-4993

Westmoreland Berry Farm

Triple K Fence, Inc.

Breg Environmental

(540) 834-6238


(703) 881-7600

Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair, Inc.

(540) 551-4514

(540) 891-2771

CSL Media


(540) 785-2695 12 state of the art digital movie screens, 16 bowling lanes, full scale restaurant and bar including hand rolled sushi and homemade pizza dough. Specializing in everyday fun for all ages as well as large groups and corporate outings.

(540) 371-5001

Capital Tristate

(540) 899-9898

(540) 371-7234

Circinus, LLC

First Command Financial Planning

The Pearson Group, Inc.

(540) 371-1209


(540) 374-5672


(540) 659-9111

Express Employment Professionals 540-720-7007

Highlightz Entertainment Center

Ressos, Inc.

SBG Technology Solutions

Scott Insurance & Financial Services


(703) 878-6217

Northwestern Mutual (540) 370-1886 x106

(540) 368-9780

QinetiQ North America

RoundTable Defense, LLC

(540) 548-8344

Veolia ES Technical Solutions

(540) 479-8100

Liberty Mutual-Fredericksburg


HDT Engineering Services




Community Financial Group (540) 604-5690


Jan Williams Florals (540) 373-8826


Je T’aime Catering (617) 792-8916

Marine Corps Community Services (703) 432-0219


Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC (540) 786-1144

Northern Virginia Computer Systems (540) 479-4455


Honor Revenue Solutions (571) 989-3039


Covenant Funeral Service (540) 898-4326

Found & Sons Funeral Chapel & Service (540) 891-9735

Mullins & Thompson Funeral Service (540) 373-5842

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.


D’Marie’s Antique Reproductions (540) 582-6220

Regency Furniture (540) 785-3537

Trivett’s Family Furniture (540) 786-6311

(540) 623-5040

Marstel-Day, LLC

Roxbury Farm & Garden Center (540) 373-9124


ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC (540) 785-6100

Froehling & Robertson (540) 891-2771


ElderCare Connections (540) 419-4387


Twana’s Creation, LLC (540) 693-7601


Dancer’s Wardrobe (540) 899-9880

Mail & Gift Connection (540) 785-7447

The Popcorn Bag (540) 850-7707

Thirty-One Gifts (540) 834-6977


Augustine Golf Club (540) 720-7374

Forest Greens Golf Course 703-221-0123

Lee’s Hill Golf Club (540) 891-0111


The Gauntlet at Curtis Park (540) 752-0963



(804) 818-3302

NSite, LLC

540 479 1819

Obsidian Solutions Group Patriot 3, Inc.

A-T Solutions, Inc. (540) 373-9542

King George County Government (540) 775-9181

Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy

(540) 322-4800

SimVentions Inc. (540) 372-7727


Eldon James & Associates, Inc. (540) 907-2008

Marstel-Day, LLC 703-839-5512


George Washington Regional Commission (540) 373-2890

Web Business Solutions Inc. (540) 286-0368


Caroline County Government (804) 633-5380

City of Fredericksburg (540) 372-1010

Congressman Eric Cantor (540) 825-8960

Congressman Rob Wittman (202) 225-4261

Homecare America (540) 741-3538

Roberts Home Medical (540) 373-7400


Alzheimer’s Association (540) 370-0835

Cancer Center of Virginia (540) 786-5262

Fredericksburg Area HIV/AIDS Support Services (FAHASS) (540) 371-7532

Fredericksburg Emerg. Medical Alliance (540) 741-1167

(540) 741-3100

Mary Washington Healthcare (540) 741-9000

Mary Washington Healthcare

(540) 899-3595

Sleep Medicine Specialists (540) 741-7846

Virginia Breast Health Center (540) 741-7933


(540) 371-1263

(540) 785-4676


(540) 373-2424

(540) 373-0249


Rodan + Fields 540-845-5622

Rodan + Fields Dermatologists (571) 220-9260


Central Virginia Perinatology (540) 741-3260

Central Virginia Surgical Specialists (540) 374-3212

Dantra Healthcare, Inc.

(540) 654-5518

Robert B. Payne, Inc. (540) 373-5876

Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture (540) 899-9898


Herlong Associates Inc. Facilities Management & Architecture (540) 899-9898

Home Helpers of Stafford (540) 602-7023

Home Instead Senior Care (540) 899-1422


UMW Center for Economic Development

State Sen. Linda ‘’Toddy’’ Puller

Endocrinology & Diabetes Associates

Home Instead Senior Care

(540) 654-1096

(703) 765-1150

(540) 374-3290

(540) 899-1422

Virginia Economic Development Partnership

State Del. Margaret Ransone


Interim HealthCare

(804) 493-8484

(703) 929-8048

(540) 785-1577

State Sen. Bryce Reeves

Horizon Plastic Surgery & Dermatology

Mary Washington Hospice

Virginia Tourism Corp Fredericksburg (540) 786-8344


Cogent Solutions (540) 372-7707

Cortek, Inc.

(540) 891-8315

Five Stones Research Corporation 540-242-8482

Spotsylvania County Government (540) 507-7010

State Sen. Richard Stuart (804) 493-8892

State Sen. Jill Holtzman Vogel (540) 662-4551

U.S. Sen. Mark Warner (202) 224-2023


Michael Neely Signs and Banners (540) 854-0446

Mary Washington Hospital Foundation (540) 741-1512

Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center (540) 498-4000

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (703) 351-5171


(540) 899-1600

(540) 891-1200

Mary Washington Hospital Home Health

(804) 281-0451

(540) 741-1667

Infectious Disease Associates

Medi-Home Health & Hospice

(540) 374-3277

(540) 361-7696

Ladysmith Medical Center

Roberts Home Medical

(804) 448-0198

(540) 373-7400

Mary Washington Eye Care Center

Virginia Home Care Partners

Mary Washington Surgical Specialists (540) 741-2865

(540) 371-5050

(540) 659-0022 (540) 376-7244

Country Inn & Suites, Fredericksburg South Courtyard by Marriott (703) 221-6293

Courtyard by Marriott Fredericksburg Historic District (540) 373-8300

Courtyard by Marriott-Quantico (703) 221-6293

Days Inn Days Inn North Days Inn South (540) 898-6800

Fairfield Inn and Suites Stafford-Quantico (540) 720-1299

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott (540) 891-9100

Fredericksburg Hospitality House (540) 786-8321

Hampton Inn & Suites Fredericksburg (540) 786-5530

(540) 741-3580

Hospice of Virginia

(540) 741-2733

(540) 752-7170

(540) 373-5340 HOME CARE/NON MEDICAL

(540) 371-2875

(540) 322-5757

(540) 741-1100


Capital Caring, Inc.

(540) 645-8440

Mary Washington Hospital

Candlewood Suites

(540) 373-1403

(540) 604-9703

Virginia Employment Commission

(540) 368-7300

I.C.E.Heating and Cooling

(540) 741-7025

(540) 288-0950

State Del. Bobby Orrock


HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital

BEST WESTERN PLUS Aquia Quantico Inn

U.S. Sen. Timothy Kaine

(540) 891-1322

(540) 891-4485

(540) 373-8471

Medical Imaging of Fredericksburg, LLC

Rappahannock Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc.

(804) 786-2078

Rheumatology Associates of Central Virginia

Comfort Heating & Cooling, Inc.

(540) 741-0655

State Del. Peter Farrell

Lt. Gov. Ralph S. Northam

(540) 374-3200


Children’s Hospital of Richmond @ VCU-Fredericksburg Multispecialty Center

Best Western Fredericksburg

(540) 371-9622

(804) 730-1026

Rappahannock Neurosurgery Associates

(540) 710-0776

Childress Heating & Air Conditioning

(540) 752-8200

State Sen. Ryan T. McDougle

(540) 899-1354

CSI Home & Commercial Services

Mary Washington Hospital Radiation Oncology

Rappahannock Area YMCA

(202) 224-4024

Rappahannock Neurology Specialists

(540) 741-1494

(540) 785-3162

State Del. William J. Howell House Speaker


(540) 657-6367

Affordable Suites of America

State Del. Mark Cole

(571) 494-1520

(540) 371-0512

Air Tech Solutions Inc.

(540) 658-8605

State Del. Michael Futrell

(540) 659-8331

Potomac Urology at Stafford

Mary Washington Healthcare

Passport Health

(804) 305-8867

SLJS, Inc.

Kube & Associates, Inc. d/b/a Central Park Hearing Aid Center

(540) 741-1061

Stafford County Government

State Del. Hyland F. “Buddy” Fowler

Physical Therapy of Central Virginia

Hearing Resources

NextCare Urgent Care-White Oak

(804) 644-0266

Pierpoint Construction, Inc.

(540) 659-4157

Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic/ Fred. Area Reg

King George County Government (540) 775-9181

Medical Center of Stafford (540) 710-5341


(540) 891-7353

(540) 371-1612 GOVERNMENT AGENCY

Wegmans Food Market




Harkcon, Inc.

(540) 419-1615


Mr. Handyman of Fredericksburg Region

Hampton Inn & Suites Fredericksburg - South

(540) 898-5000 Offering friendly service, 121 well appointed rooms, Hilton honors program earning both points and airline miles for same stay. On the house complimentary hot breakfast, suite shop, and wireless high speed internet.

(540) 654-5542

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.


Hampton Inn & Suites Stafford-Aquia-Quantico (540) 657-0999

Hilton Garden Inn Fredericksburg (540) 548-8822

Holiday Inn Express Fredericksburg Southpoint (540) 898-5550

Homewood Suites (540) 786-9700


Eagle Eye Insurance, LLC (540) 628-2673

Elite Group Insurance Services

Academy Leadership Associates, LLC

(571) 228-3349

(540) 369-5056

(540) 899-2998

Farmers Insurance

Coach Keny


(614) 975-6575

G.L. Herndon Insurance Agency, Inc.

Jenna Cooley Coaching (formerly ELQ Coaching)

(540) 898-1987


Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C.

(540) 371-5666

The Insurance Guys, LLC

Conscious Security, Inc.

Law Firm of Evan H. Farr

Quality Inn Fredericksburg Central Park Area

The Insurance Marshall, LLC

EIT Solutions

Law Offices of Amanda Anne Reid, PLC

Inn at The Olde Silk Mill

(540) 898-5549 (540) 372-6444

(540) 371-0330

(540) 370-0104

Residence Inn Fredericksburg

Lee-Curtis Insurance Service

(540) 786-9222

(540) 373-3333

Suburban Extended Stay Hotel

Lethia Minor Farmers Insurance

(540) 288-9051

(540) 786-1050

Wingate by Wyndham

Lewis Insurance Associates

(540) 368-8000

(540) 659-2121

Wingate by Wyndham - Stafford

Liberty Mutual-Fredericksburg

(540) 659-3600

(540) 548-8344

WyteStone Suites of Fredericksburg

McAvinney & Associates

(540) 891-1112


FRSHRM- Fredericksburg Regional Society For Human Resource Management (540) 368-2230

Providence Service Corporation (540) 710-6085



(540) 373-0084

(540) 720-7858

Scott Insurance & Financial Services (540) 891-9331

Stocking Insurance Group, LLC (540) 507-8296

Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance

(804) 787-4332

Zinga Frozen Yogurt (540) 645-0915

William Taylor & Associates Insurance (540) 582-5230

Always Best Care Senior Services (540) 548-2884

Comfort Keepers (540) 370-0008

One on One Care (540) 288-1300


Stafford Cyber Hardware Reseller, LLC (540) 602-7609

Danaher- Skewes & Associates, Inc. (540) 370-4886

Scott Insurance & Financial Services (540) 891-9331


Frederick L. Weckler Company 540-693-6962

McAvinney & Associates INSURANCE

(540) 373-0084

(540) 373-3500


(540) 602-7344

Northern Virginia Computer Systems (540) 479-4455

Washington Square Associates, Inc.

(540) 372-1144


Capital Tristate

Professional Building Maintenance Corp.

(540) 710-7200

Winborne’s Cleaning & Janitorial BIZ

Fredericksburg Limousine Inc.

(540) 371-1921

(540) 899-6150

Professional Lock & Key Service (540) 373-2340

(540) 720-2022



Fredericksburg Machine & Steel

Any Lab Test Now

(540) 373-7957

(540) 368-9000



Mail & Gift Connection

Silver Companies

(540) 785-7447

(540) 786-1405


Brickman Landscape Maintenance (804) 852-6866

The UPS Store - Plank Road (540) 656-2677

The UPS Store, The - Stafford (540) 659-8850

Fox Fyre Nurseries (804) 659-0318


Lawn Doctor of Stafford-Culpeper (540) 286-3074

Seasonal Maintenance

Coach Keny


(540) 752-9292

Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance (571) 2214957


(540) 318-7848

FirstService Residential

AFLAC District Office Lewis M. Gale

New York Life

Allstate - Stacy Horne

Northwestern Mutual

American Laser Skincare

The Pearson Group, Inc.

American Insurances

Scott Insurance & Financial Services

Sona Medspa

Warren Whitney

(919) 368-1835 (540) 373-5146 (540) 479-6623

B H Baird

(540) 645-2993

Bankers Insurance, LLC (Fredericksburg) (540) 735-1706

Baxter & Company, LLC (540) 373-7741

Benefits by Choice (540) 373-2121

Corderman Insurance Agency (540) 891-9980

Danaher- Skewes & Associates, Inc. (540) 370-4886

(540) 720-7858

(540) 370-1886 x106 (540) 891-9331


Creative Design Interiors (540) 899-0900

Decorating Den Interiors (540) 369-3738

(540) 373-4493



(540) 658-1100

Lawn Doctor of Stafford-Culpeper (540) 286-3074



Clayton Homes (540) 898-4955


Dickinson Equipment, Inc.

B & H Wood Products, Inc.

Banks Property Management

Greenline Service Corp.

Mid-Atlantic Foam

(540) 372-7272

(540) 373-7520

Community Financial Group

Mortons Power Equipment

Printpack, Inc.


(540) 604-5690


The Pearson Group, Inc. (540) 373-4493

Princeton Data Source, LLC (540) 898-8818


Massage Matters Therapy & Wellness Center (540) 288-0111

Salon 730

(540) 373-6040


Design Storage & Handling, Inc. MEDIA PRODUCTION (703) 217-3072


Allergy Partners of Fredericksburg (540) 971-5660

Associates in Gastroenterology (540) 659-9359

Community Health Center of the Rappahannock Region (540) 735-0560

Neuropsychology & Complementary Medicine, Inc. (540) 999-6221

Old Dominion Osteopathic Medicine (540) 322-5040

Pediatric Partners for Attention & Learning, Inc 540-628-4145

Stafford Women’s Health Associates (540) 656-2830


LifeCare Medical Transports, Inc. (540) 752-7721


Dangler, Joseph H. (540) 854-7750


(540) 786-8383

(540) 898-8738

Scott Insurance & Financial Services (540) 891-9331

Dominion Eagle Insurance Agency (540) 458-8588


(540) 891-8677


(540) 361-1274

(540) 898-8636 LOCKSMITH


Kitchens For You, Inc.

Susan Carol Associates Public Relations, Inc.

(540) 658-1100


(540) 845-2179

(540) 809-0524


Central Rappahannock Regional Library

(703) 333-3381

(540) 373-0084 (540) 720-7858

Parrish, Houck & Snead, PLC

(540) 891-5821



(703) 300-2044

Lockheed Martin

McAvinney & Associates New York Life


(540) 752-6691



(703) 525-4000

(540) 373-2871

Express Technologies, Inc.

(540) 422-5163

(540) 899-9454

Kona Ice of Fredericksburg

(571) 969-7253

Nationwide Insurance- Central Park New York Life


(540) 479-1435

(540) 318-0909

(540) 659-1128

Elite Visual Solutions, LLC


(800) 841-3000

(540) 654-3333

(540) 710-0303


(540) 760-6402

Athio Technologies

J&J Tile & Marble

Hope Springs Marina, LLC

(540) 369-4464 ext. 101 Your Technology Resource & Advisor “A Veteran Owned Business”

Hyatt Place



Apex Data Systems Inc.

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

(540) 752-2480 (540) 373-1800 (540) 373-7251

Shockey Precast Group (540) 898-1221

TEREX Government Programs

Fallon, Dennis (Denny) (540) 659-5233


Mental Health America of Fredericksburg (540) 371-2704

Rappahannock Area C.S.B.

(540) 373-3223 Community Services, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Intellectual Disability, Prevention, Early Intervention, Counseling, Psychiatry, Housing

(540) 361-7755

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.

Snowden at Fredericksburg (540) 741-3900


Fort A.P. Hill

(804) 633-8206

Marine Corps Base Quantico (703) 784-3058

Naval Support Activity South Potomac (540) 653-8153


Rainbow International Restoration of Fredericksburg (540) 373-1188

SERVPRO of Fredericksburg (540) 373-7000


Bayfield Home Loans, LLC (540) 318-6108

BB&T Mortgage (540) 786-4819

C & F Mortgage Corporation (540) 548-8855

Mortgage Express Co. (540) 809-6162

Movement Mortgage (540) 645-6262

PNC Mortgage (703) 217-3072

The Free Lance-Star (540) 374-5000

The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co. (540) 374-5000

The Journal Press, Inc. (540) 775-2024

Gladys H. Oberle School/ Employment Resources (540) 372-6710

Greater Fredericksburg Habitat for Humanity (540) 891-5009

Historic Fredericksburg Foundation, Inc. 540-371-4504

Print Innovators (540) 654-5555

Hope For The Warriors (910) 378-6181

Stafford County Sun (540) 659-4466

Hospice Support Care, Inc. (540) 361-7071


Alzheimer’s Association (540) 370-0835

American Red Cross, Rappahannock Area

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (804) 673-5690

Lloyd F. Moss Free Clinic/ Fred. Area Reg (540) 741-1061

(540) 735-0500

March of Dimes

American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)

Marine Corps Heritage Foundation

(804) 968-4120

(540) 368-1701

(703) 649-2361

Area 11 Special Olympics

Marine Federal Credit Union

(540) 891-0099

(800) 227-3967

Boys & Girls Clubs of Fredericksburg

Mary Washington Healthcare

(540) 368-9531

(540) 741-1494

Brain Injury Services

Mary Washington Hospice

(540) 785-8836

(540) 741-3580

Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Mary Washington Hospital

(540) 372-1144

(540) 741-1100

Central Virginia Housing Coalition

Mary Washington Hospital Foundation

(540) 604-9943

(540) 741-1512

Priority Financial LLC

Community Found. of the Rappahannock

Mary Washington Hospital Home Health

(540) 373-9292

(540) 741-1667

Union Mortgage Group

Dahlgren Heritage Foundation

Mary Washington Hospital Radiation Oncology

(540) 899-3253

Primary Residential Mortgage 540-548-8749 x237 (540) 318-8811 (540) 834-1215


(540) 374-5401

disABILITY Resource Center, Inc (540) 373-2559

(540) 741-0655

MediCorp Properties, Inc. (540) 741-1428

Chancellor Mortgage & Funding Co. (Pruitt Subsidiary)

The Doctor Yum Project

Corridor Mortgage Group

Employment Resources Incorporated

Fidelity Bank Mortgage

Empower House

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

Fairy Godmother Project

National MS Society, Central & Eastern Virginia Chapter

FedWell LLC


Old Dominion University, Distance Learning

Fredericksburg Ambulatory Surgery Ctr.

Open Hand of Fredericksburg

(540) 786-1187 (540) 479-1099 (540) 785-3334 (540) 785-3301


Coleman American Moving Services (703) 490-4910

College Hunks Hauling & Moving (540) 322-1128

Dave The Mover, LLC (540) 373-4717

Hilldrup Moving & Storage (703) 221-7155

Kloke Mayflower (540) 373-7666


The Spotsylvanians Community Chorus (540) 903-1622


(540) 834-6306 (540) 372-6710 (540) 373-9372 5406454282

(540) 741-7000

(540) 371-7532

Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center (540) 371-5668

Fredericksburg Area Service League, Inc. (540) 368-5053

(540) 834-4455 (540) 370-0008

Project Dominic Inc. (540) 220-7686

Quantico Regional Business Alliance (703) 730-2020

Quin Rivers, Inc.

Fredericksburg Jaycees

Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging

(540) 371-6005

Fredericksburg Moose Lodge #1655 Fredericksburg Regional Alliance FredX Change, Inc (540) 227-0706

Friends of the Rappahannock George Washington Regional Commission (540) 373-2890

Rappahannock United Way (540) 373-0041

Rebuilding Together Fredericksburg 540 373-9807


Rappahannock Area YMCA (540) 371-9622

Rappahannock Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc. (540) 373-0249

Rappahannock Goodwill Industries (540) 371-3070

Rappahannock Pops Orchestra (540) 834-7334

Rappahannock Refuge Hope House (540) 371-0831

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.



Cartridge World Fredericksburg (540) 621-0320

Office Depot

(540) 786-7708


(540) 373-2897

The Salvation Army (540) 373-3431

Smart Beginnings Rappahannock Area (540) 479-6944

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (703) 351-5171

Stafford Area Soccer Association (540) 657-0734


Office Depot


Anderson Oil Company (540) 373-9331

Southern States/ Fredericksburg Petroleum Service (540) 373-3631

Stafford Emergency Relief (540) 288-9603

Stafford Junction


Sterling Optical Store # 119 (540) 786-2272

(540) 368-0081

The Stafford SPCA, Inc. (540) 657-7387(PETS)

The Story Collaborative


Eye Care Doctors of Optometry (540) 548-2345

(888) 652-0119

THRIVE-The Healing Center (540) 361-1331

Thurman Brisben Center (540) 899-9853



UMW Center for Economic Development (540) 654-1096

University of Mary Washington Philharmonic Orchestra

Angela Tsai, O.D., F.V.A.O.; Samuel C. Smart, O.D., F.V.A.O., F.A.A.O.; Jason Hair, O.D. (540) 373-3021 How clear is your vision? Drs. Smart, Powell, Tsai, & Hair is the leading provider of optometry services and vision care products in the Fredericksburg community, and we want to help you achieve and maintain a clear vision for years to come.

(540) 654-1324

Washington Heritage Museums (540) 373-1569


Banks Property Management (540) 372-7272

Mid-Atlantic Mobile Notary Services, Inc (804) 240-3631



Coach Keny

(614) 975-6575

CParker Consulting, Inc. (540) 623-7454

Organization Direct (540) 220-5912


A - Annandale, Inc. (540) 479-1441

Falls Run Nursing & Rehabilitation Center (540) 752-0111


Rappahannock Citizens Corp. (540) 372-1022

Poet’s Walk


Woodmont Health Care Center (540) 371-9414

(540) 775-9378


(540) 373-3448 NEWSPAPERS

(540) 834-1046

(540) 786-4831

Clayton Homes 540-735-2320

(804) 353-5008

Potomac Gateway Alliance, Inc.

(540) 361-7373

NVR INC., Ryan Homes

(703) 606-8195

Fredericksburg Area HIV/AIDS Support Services (FAHASS)

(540) 786-8963

(540) 898-4955

National Academy of Environmental Design

Partners in Aging

(540) 371-7666

(540) 288-5204

(540) 479-4116

Fredericksburg Area Food Bank

Beazer Homes (540) 399-1385

Micah Ecumenical Ministries, Inc.

Rappahannock Regional Jail


Carriage Hill Health & Rehab. Center (540) 785-1120

Golden Living Center


Gator Paving

(540) 834-0086

P.C. Goodloe & Son, Inc. (540) 373-5863

Virginia Paving Company (540) 720-7550

(540) 786-8351


Generations of Women - OBGYN

Direct Connect of Virginia (703) 481-7000

(540) 654-8400


American Office (434) 327-1180

Dominion Payroll Services (804) 355-3430

Office Depot

Johnson Tax & Business Services, LLC

(540) 786-7708

(540) 479-6969

Office Products, Inc.


(540) 785-9372


Office Depot

(540) 786-7708


Connor’s Pest Control (540) 548-4844


CSI Home & Commercial Services (540) 710-0776

Orkin Pest Control (540) 361-4307

PermaTreat Pest ControlCorporate Office (540) 370-4571


Animal Rites, USA (540) 361-7487

Plumb Magic LLC (540) 370-0752

Plumbing Innovators (540) 295-8876


Rappahannock Foot & Ankle Specialists, PLC (540) 371-2724


Allegra Marketing Print & Design PET SERVICES

The Pet Commander (540) 729-1747


The Stafford SPCA, Inc. (540) 657-7387(PETS)


Columbia Gas of Virginia (540) 368-3230

Quarles Petroleum, Inc.

(540) 891-1885

Billingsley Printing (540) 373-1166

M-J Printers, Inc. (540) 373-1878

RAELYN-Marketing Promotions (540) 854-8414

Stafford Printing (540) 659-4554


Allegra Marketing Print & Design

(540) 371-2400

(540) 891-1885

Quarles Petroleum, Inc.

CSL Media

(540) 373-6933

Robert B. Payne, Inc. (540) 373-5876




Allegra Marketing Print & Design (540) 891-1885

CSL Media

(540) 786-5883

(540) 785-3790


Hartwood Photography (540) 455-1117

Pure Graphix, Inc. (540) 737-4641



Physical Therapy of Central Virginia (540) 710-5341

Children’s Hospital of Richmond @ VCU-Fredericksburg Multispecialty Center (540) 891-4485

Community Health Center of the Rappahannock Region (540) 735-0560

Orthopedic Clinic of Central Virginia (540) 370-1600

Patient First - Fredericksburg (703) 652-1572

Patient First - Garrisonville (540) 371-7372

Virginia Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery (540) 372-7792

Virginia Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center (540) 373-6647

Virginia Interventional Spine Associates (540) 374-3233

Access Eye Centers, P.C. (540) 371-2020

Willis Falkenberg Eyecare (540) 371-2777

(540) 657-5404

McK Company, Inc. (540) 604-9782

MediCorp Properties, Inc. (540) 741-1428

The Journal Press, Inc.

Neuropsychology & Complementary Medicine, Inc. (540) 999-6221


Marketing & AdvertIsing Business Unlimited, Inc. (MABU) (540) 370-0030

(540) 361-1274

Minuteman Press (540) 898-7888


Banks Property Management (540) 372-7272


CBAI & Associates (540) 604-9731


FastFrame Custom Framing

(540) 659-2192

(540) 899-5353

Fredericksburg Parent & Family Magazine

Assist 2 Sell, Sellers & Buyers Realty Inc. (540) 288-9880

(540) 657-5404

Keller Williams Superior Realty (540) 785-2225

(540) 374-5505

Long & Foster, Realtors (540) 371-5220

99.3 The Vibe

(540) 374-5505

MacDoc Realty, LLC (540) 372-7777

B101.5 & WFVA-AM1230 (540) 373-7721

The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co. (540) 374-5000

Military Plus Realty & Property Management, LLC (540) 270-9541

Nest Realty Fredericksburg

The Star Radio Group

(540) 455-7657

(540) 374-5505

Nicholls Auction Marketing Group

WNTX 1350 AM/96.5 FM

(540) 898-0971

(540) 374-5500

(540) 786-4500 (540) 372-7272

(540) 372-318-8818

Nest Realty Fredericksburg (540) 455-7657


Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer EXIT Realty Expertise John Goodman Investing/ Commercial Real Estate (804) 994-1206

Piccard Commercial (540) 836-5700

Virginia Properties, Inc.

(540) 785-9090 We are a Building & Land Development Company/Real Estate Brokerage Firm specializing in Commercial properties for sale and lease. With over one million sq. ft. of Medical, Professional, Retail & Industrial properties, call us for your business needs.

WJ Vakos Companies (540) 898-3242


Johnson Realty Advisors, Inc.

(540) 898-8900

(540) 604-9095


Austin Ridge in Stafford


(703) 890-1085

Radiologic Associates of Fredericksburg

Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer (540) 373-0600

(540) 361-1000


Southern States/ Fredericksburg Petroleum Service (540) 373-3631

Banks Property Management (540) 372-7272

(540) 657-5453

RE/MAX Cornerstone Realty

(540) 361-1977 RE/MAX Cornerstone is built on customer service. The firm has two offices to better serve our customers. Our Associates are ready to assist with buying or selling. We have an impeccable reputation in the real estate and business communities.

Reality Realty- Homes for Heroes (703) 785-1158


Certified Plumbing, Inc. (540) 786-0776


(540) 840-4879

(540) 372-7675

WVTF/Radio IQ Public Radio 88.3

IntelliWare Systems, Inc. RPI Group Inc.

Allison James Estates & Homes, The Holt Group, LLC

(540) 775-6555

JON Properties, LLC

96.9 The Rock

(540) 735-0783

Hazel Land Companies (540) 373-8151

(540) 891-9696


1st Class Real Estate

(540) 373-0600

Hilldrup Properties

93.3 WFLS

(540) 373-5570

Danford Barton Real Estate Inc. (540) 891-1091


Lewis Appraisal Services, LLC

Elite Realty Plus

(540) 371-2080


(540) 786-4500

Century 21 New Millennium Fredericksburg

(800) 460-4284 PUBLISHERS


Appraisal Group of Fredericksburg & Northern Virginia - Chris Kaila

Banks Property Management

CTI Real Estate


(540) 372-7272

Century 21 AdVenture Redwood

(540) 659-2141

(540) 775-2024

Banks Property Management

Appraisal Group of Fredericksburg & Northern Virginia - Chris Kaila

Coldwell Banker Elite

The Journal Press, Inc.

(540) 786-4500

Bowman Companies, Inc.

(540) 373-2000

(540) 374-1495


Appraisal Group of Fredericksburg & Northern Virginia - Chris Kaila

Arista Real Estate

(540) 898-2900

Fredericksburg GuideBook



Aquia Realty

(540) 370-1761

95.9 WGRQ/Thunder 104.5 Radio

(540) 710-0944

(540) 735-0783

(540) 710-8800

Print Innovators

FedEx Office-Southpoint Pkwy.

1st Choice Better Homes & Land, LLC

Blackwood Real Estate

Susan Carol Associates Public Relations, Inc.

(540) 374-5505


(540) 372-7272

(540) 898-1010

(540) 775-2024 (540) 654-5555


Banks Property Management

1st Class Real Estate


(540) 374-5000

(540) 898-8700


JON Properties, LLC

WJ Vakos Companies (540) 898-3242

(540) 786-0088 1st Choice Better Homes & Land LC is locally owned and operated by local business people who put their community first. We take great pride in helping people find solutions to make their home-buying or home-selling dreams come true.

(800) 460-4284

The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co.

(703) 652-1572

Surgical Arts of Virginia

CTI Real Estate

(540) 368-5053 (540) 374-5000


(540) 548-3790 Central Park is the East Coast’s largest power center, offering some of the nation’s prominent retailers and a wide variety of restaurants and helpful services. Located just off of I-95 in Fredericksburg. The Free Lance-Star


Central Park The Rappaport Companies

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

Tricord Homes, Inc. (540) 785-8400

Del Webb Communities of VA, Inc. (540) 374-8700

Hazel Land Companies (540) 891-1091

Horstick Developments, Inc. (540) 548-2077

JON Properties, LLC (540) 657-5404

The Malone Schooler Company (540) 373-6000


(540) 786-4444

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.

Newland Communities (703) 740-7607

The Evergreens at Smith Run (540) 374-1544

NTS/Virginia Dev. Co. TA/Fawn Lake

Rappahannock Citizens Corp.

Silver Companies

Tommy Mitchell

(540) 972-0400 (540) 786-1405

Virginia Properties, Inc. (540) 785-9090

Walton Development & Management (571) 490-8077

(540) 372-1022 (540) 899-5554


Banks Property Management (540) 372-7272 (540) 371-3406

Banks Property Management


(540) 372-7272

Dinwiddie Properties, LLC

Fantasy World Entertainment

Foundation Companies

Fredericksburg Rentals


(540) 373-5639

John Goodman Investing/ Commercial Real Estate (804) 994-1206


Austin Ridge in Stafford

(540) 786-1710

Jay’s Restaurant & Lounge (540) 479-6000

(410) 414-9400

(540) 372-7272

Coldwell Banker Elite


Wilderness/Presidential Resorts (540) 972-7471

(540) 659-2141

Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer


(540) 373-0600

Ale House of Fredericksburg, LLC

Elite Realty Plus

Applebee’s of Central Park

(540) 372-318-8818

Johnson & Glazebrook, Inc. (540) 372-4444

JON Properties, LLC

(540) 371-2337 (540) 785-9944

Applebee’s - Stafford Market Place (540) 658-0717

(540) 657-5404

Applebees - Massaponax

Landmarc Real Estate, Inc.

Bonefish Grill

(540) 371-3406

WJ Vakos Companies (540) 898-3242


1st Choice Better Homes & Land, LLC (540) 786-0088

Banks Property Management (540) 372-7272

Clayton Homes (540) 898-4955

Coldwell Banker Elite (540) 659-2141

CTI Real Estate (800) 460-4284

Nest Realty Fredericksburg (540) 455-7657


Allison James Estates & Homes, The Holt Group, LLC (540) 840-4879


Allied/BFI Waste Services, LLC (540) 373-2016


Pierpoint Construction, Inc. (540) 659-8331

SLJS, Inc.


King’s Remodeling & Restoration (540) 710-8902


Banks Property Management

(540) 898-7441 (540) 548-1984

Buffalo Wild Wings (540) 288-0580

Burger King Restaurant (540) 786-8306

Burger King Restaurant (540) 891-0158

Castiglia’s Italian Restaurant (540) 373-6650

Chick-fil-A - Central Park (540) 786-7979

CMRF Enterprises: Happy Endings Bar & Grill (540) 273-5555

Cosner Management, LLC (540) 371-8040

Cracker Barrel Old Country Store (540) 785-8352

Dickey’s Barbecue (540) 710-0700

El Dorado Family Restaurant (540) 368-3907

Firebirds Wood Fired Grill (540) 548-5100


(540) 479-1370

The General Store Restaurant (540) 371-4075

The Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille (540) 785-4832

The Orion Sushi Bar & Ultra Lounge Outback Steakhouse (540) 786-2343

J W & N, Inc.

(540) 891-0158

(540) 371-3464 (540) 898-8288 (540) 657-2440

Fredericksburg City School System Germanna Community College (540) 423-9030


Caring Transitions of Fredericksburg & the Rappahannock Region (855) 592-5093

Gladys H. Oberle School/ Employment Resources (540) 372-6710

Hazelwild Farm Educational Foundation Minnieland Private Day School, Inc. (703) 680-2548


Dancer’s Wardrobe (540) 899-9880


Spotsylvania Towne Centre (540) 786-6660

Mount Hope Academy & Church (540) 785-4631

Pancho Villa Mexican Restaurant (540) 368-9470

Potomac Point Winery (540) 446-2266

Quaker Steak & Lube (540) 786-4688

Ristorante Renato

Proshred of Northern Virginia

(858) 642-8225

(571) 262-7620

Old Dominion University, Distance Learning


(804) 342-7640

(540) 834-1046

Spotsylvania County Public Schools (540) 834-2541

Stafford County Public Schools (540) 658-6000

Stratford University

Sam’s Pizza

(540) 654-1000

(540) 850-4900


National University

(540) 371-8228 Upscale dining in a cozy atmosphere, fine service with banquet facilities for up to one hundred and twenty. We also proudly make our own pasta, bread, and desserts.

(571) 408-2441

Strayer University


Creative Signs, Ltd. (540) 899-0032

CSL Media

(540) 785-3790

Michael Neely Signs and Banners (540) 854-0446

(540) 374-4300

University of Mary Washington


Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center (540) 891-6280

University of Maryland University College at Quantico

The Salvation Army

(540) 785-4234

(703) 441-7000

Sonic Drive-In - Cosner’s Corner

University of Richmond School of Professional and Continuing Studies

Apple Music Pro Sound

Shane’s Rib Shack (540) 710-5475

Sonic Drive-In Harrison Crossing Center (540) 548-0774

Splitsville & Paragon Village 12 (540) 785-2695


Dollar Store USA (703) 926-4400

Liberty Pawn & Gold (540) 898-8499

(804) 287-6378


Nu Wave Embroidery (540) 834-6238


The Scuba Shack, LLC

(540) 373-3431


(540) 693-8888

Pro-Sound of Fredericksburg, LLC (540) 656-2281


Fredericksburg Area Museum & Cultural Center (540) 371-5668

(540) 373-1030



Potomac Nationals

Rappahannock Goodwill Industries

CGC Solutions, Inc

(703) 590-2311

(540) 371-3070


Rappahannock Goodwill Stores

Dependable Global Solutions

(804) 347-6897

(540) 371-3070

(540) 845-8774


Chancellor’s Village Retirement Community (540) 786-5000 (540) 479-3788

The Evergreens at Smith Run (540) 374-1544

(540) 220-5675 (540) 374-8200

Heartfields Assisted Living at Fred. (540) 373-8800

Spring Arbor of Fredericksburg (540) 548-2133

(540) 372-7272

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.

Sports Image, Inc Stafford Area Soccer Association (540) 657-0734

(703) 967-0010


Accolade Security Network (503) 931-3730


Fredericksburg Machine & Steel (540) 373-7957


(540) 775-8501

The Crossings at Falls Run

Greenfield Senior Living


Storage 2000 - Stafford I

(540) 891-8751

Hooters of Fredericksburg J. Brian’s Tap Room

Fredericksburg Christian Schools (540) 372-1130

Greenfield of Fredericksburg & Stafford

(540) 898-8044

Storage 2000 - Spotsylvania

Ledo Pizza & Pasta / Tamark Enterprises

Home Team Grill (540) 479-1011

Faith Christian Center/Academy (540) 373-5355

(540) 710-7775


Falmouth Self Storage

Kybecca Wine Bar & Shop (540) 373-3338

(540) 898-6469


(540) 374-1251

(540) 374-5228

Rappahannock Security Services

Caroline County Schools

Keystone Coffee & Auto Spa

(703) 890-1085

Banks Property Management

(540) 785-3600

(804) 633-5088

(540) 656-2234

(540) 891-8244 FSR is family owned and has been in operation since 1998. We offer a one stop experience for all your rental needs whether for a wedding, corporate event or any type of party. We provide excellent products and service at a competitive price.

Wilburn Gardens

Kenmore Inn of Fredericksburg (540) 371-7622

Landmarc Real Estate, Inc. REAL ESTATE - INVESTMENT

Javed & Sons, LLC./ Vocelli Pizza Salem Fields


Masego Security (540) 841-6218


Fredericksburg Machine & Steel (540) 373-7957


Masego Security (540) 841-6218


Davenport & Company, LLC (540) 373-1863


Dillard Alarm

(540) 898-0771

National Protective Services (540) 372-1823

Merrill Lynch

(540) 373-8475

Sterne Agee

(540) 373-1821



Vulcan Materials Company (703) 813-3770



Christian Youth Theater of Fredericksburg

Parrish Learning Zone

(540) 604-5156


Snowden at Fredericksburg (540) 741-3900

Marquee Cinemas (540) 710-0401

Splitsville & Paragon Village 12 SURVEYORS

(540) 785-2695

(703) 468-2211

Drafting & Surveying Supply Co.


Little Tire Company, Inc.

(540) 999-8759


Birchwood Power Partners, L.P. (540) 775-6300

Dominion Virginia Power

(540) 373-1141

The Engineering Groupe, Inc. (540) 710-5987

Sullivan, Donahoe & Ingalls (540) 898-5878


Little Fish Swimming (540) 785-2222


Johnson Tax & Business Services, LLC (540) 479-6969


Cask Technologies (540) 628-7366

Colonial Circuits (540) 752-5511

Mobile Branders, LLC (540) 446-3666

Zekiah Technologies (540) 644-8609


RPI Group Inc. (540) 898-8700


McKinley Consulting Group, Inc. (540) 368-0007

Tuck Technologies (540) 693-0766


Ekko Title

(540) 899-1992

Guaranty Title Agency, Inc. (Pruitt Subsidiary) (540) 786-7271

STA Title & Escrow, Inc. (540) 368-5501

The Title Professionals, LLC (540) 310-4804

The Title Professionals, LLC (540) 288-0205

The Title Professionals, LLC (540) 891-4055

(540) 898-8500

(804) 448-9385


Caroline County Tourism (804) 633-4074

Fredericksburg Visitor Center (540) 373-1776

Spotsylvania County Department of Tourism (540) 507-7090


American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) (540) 368-1701

Fredericksburg Assoc. of Realtors (540) 373-7711

(703) 333-3381

Express Technologies, Inc. (540) 752-6691

McKinley Consulting Group, Inc. (540) 368-0007

Utility Professional Services, Inc. (540) 604-5877

L & L Delivery, Inc. (540) 428-0011


(540) 373-8181


95 Express

(571) 419-6105

Keolis Rail Services Virginia (703) 369-6225

Infinity Technologies (540) 548-0908

McKinley Consulting Group, Inc. (540) 368-0007

Washington Square Associates, Inc. (703) 333-3381



(703) 818-0120 (ext. 3345)

(540) 373-2016 (703) 368-0500 (540) 373-8560 (540) 287-3351


AAA Mid-Atlantic (540) 785-0282

Travel Leaders of Fredericksburg

Riverside Center, Dinner Theater & Conference Facility Stevenson Ridge (540) 582-6263

Medifast Weight Control Center (540) 548-2305

(540) 786-8344



Complete Nutrition 319-213-2433


(540) 786-4831

J.F. Fick, Inc.


PuroClean Property Restoration Services

(540) 891-0195

Premium Distributors of Virginia, LLC (540) 373-2074

Rainbow International Restoration of Fredericksburg (540) 373-1188


C I Destinations (559) 573-7156


Crown Trophy (540) 374-8118

(540) 361-1949

(540) 785-1163


(540) 373-7000


(540) 834-5600


Culligan Water Conditioning (540) 834-0406


Backer Blitz Print & Web Design Big Cloud Media (210) 519-7729

(540) 786-1144

McLane Mid Atlantic

(540) 374-2000 McLane is a highly successful supply chain services company, providing grocery and foodservice supply chain solutions for thousands of convenience and drug stores, mass merchants, military locations and chain restaurants throughout the US.

(703) 407-8605 (540) 479-3911

Deedod, Inc.

(540) 227-0706

Rambletype, LLC (540) 440-1218


93.3 WFLS

(540) 374-5505

96.9 The Rock (540) 374-5505

99.3 The Vibe

(540) 374-5505


(540) 479-3911

Line-X of Fredericksburg


Costco Wholesale

SERVPRO of Fredericksburg

(540) 786-4000



(703) 509-3432

Fredericksburg Area Service League, Inc.


(540) 371-7444

(540) 786-8321

(540) 842-3744


(540) 369-6945 x412

Fredericksburg Hospitality House


Rappahannock Big Brothers Big Sisters

Virginia Tourism Corp Fredericksburg


Waste Management

EtherSpeak, Inc.

(540) 374-5500

Kevin Henry Mileposts


(540) 374-8536

WNTX 1350 AM/96.5 FM

(540) 710-2503


(540) 657-7387(PETS)

County Waste

Cox Business

Verizon Wireless at Massaponax

The Stafford SPCA, Inc.

Computer Medics of Northern Virginia LLC

(540) 288-0871

The Star Radio Group


Princess Anne Animal Hospital

American Disposal Services, Inc.

Cellular Sales of Virginia, LLC

(540) 207-0523

(540) 898-5388

Washington Square Associates, Inc. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INTERNET

Verizon Wireless at Fredericksburg

(540) 374-5000

(540) 370-4300

Four Paws Animal Hospital & Wellness Center

Verizon External Affairs - Virginia (703) 333-3381

The Free Lance-Star Publishing Co.

Occasions by M & K, LLC


Allied/BFI Waste Services, LLC

(703) 886-3033

(540) 548-0129


Washington Square Associates, Inc. TELECOMMUNICATIONS

(540) 374-5000




Ladysmith Tobacco, LLC

The Free Lance-Star

(540) 374-5505

Rappahannock Electric Cooperative

(540) 373-5800


Verizon Wireless at BJ’s Fredericksburg

(540) 368-5053

(804) 755-5426


Deedod, Inc.


Eagle Clear View, Inc. DBA Fish Window Cleaning (540) 628-0926


Eagle Clear View, Inc. DBA Fish Window Cleaning (540) 628-0926


Kybecca Wine Bar & Shop (540) 373-3338

Lake Anna Winery (540) 895-5085

Potomac Point Winery (540) 446-2266

(540) 227-0706

Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce

For full member contact info, please see alphabetical listings beginning on page 28.



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