2009 Seed Resource Guide

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2009 Seed Resource Guide Helping You Succeed...Naturally!


At Masters Choice we are dedicated, from top to bottom, to developing the healthiest corn plants in the whole industry. We have made it our goal to create healthy plants through advanced plant breeding. That program was started by our head plant breeder, John Rucker. Thirty years ago John made a conscious decision to set Masters Choice hybrids apart from the industry. At that time, the country was breeding for a flint-hard endosperm that would stay intact during export. John, knowing that the other companies were taking away sugar and density, decided to go against the industry standard and breed Masters Choice plants for natural health. Sugar relates directly to plant health, insect tolerance, and digestible energy. The unique thing about Masters Choice is that through natural plant breeding, we deliver record yields AND solid nutrition. This has been John’s focus from then until now. In the past few years, Masters Choice has seen tremendous growth and new developments. These developments include the addition of our Organic Division. At Masters Choice, we feel a need to provide resources to the organic farmer. Thus, we have devoted an entire division of our company to help service your organic needs. Masters Choice is one of the few hybrid corn companies in all of the U.S. that can claim their own proprietary genetics. These hybrids have been bred specifically for you, the organic grower. Our natural plant health, that all Masters Choice Hybrids are bred for, is very evident in an organic setting. Good plant health is essential for disease and insect tolerance along with standability and easy harvesting. We feel very confident that our organic hybrids will make a clear difference on your farm.

W e care a b o u t y o u r s u ccess 866-444-1044

O rganic H YB R I D S

M ast e rs C hoic e is a company with one focus: developing hybrids that benefit you, the grower. We are geared towards developing corn hybrids that offer you the opportunity to be more profitable in your farming operation. The corn we have bred fits into four very distinct categories: 1) digestible grain for livestock consumption 2) hybrids for maximum silage production and nutrition 3) high yielding pipeline grain 4) corn for ethanol production Because of our unique breeding formula, we can focus on corn that is capable of top-end yields and great standability. At the same time, this formula produces corn with great starch availability making for a very nutritious grain for livestock. The extensive research and breeding done at Masters Choice has also enhanced the 5 and 6 carbon sugar levels in the stalk and leaves of the corn plant allowing for high digestibility of the fodder and plant health; vital components to a top quality silage hybrid. L eading com p etitor


The f irst area, highly digestible grain produced for livestock consumption, is under more scrutiny because of the increase in grain price. Livestock producers are searching for a grain corn that increases the feeding efficiency in their operation and reduces input costs. For many years, corn breeders have been developing hybrids with hard texture (as shown above on left) for export markets. In contrast, Masters Choice has been developing hybrids that promote high nutrition (as shown above on right). With the onset of new technology for testing grain for starch availability, Masters Choice hybrids have proven to be much higher in available starch than industry flint grain for livestock feed. The analyses proved that there are significant differences in starch availability between the industry’s current grain for livestock and the floury, palatable grain from Masters Choice; up to 15% more available starch. Some companies are realizing the benefits of a high-energy grain for feeding efficiency and are attempting to breed palatable hybrids for their own lineups. Unlike Masters Choice, they are many years behind as far as advancing these hybrids to current yield levels. The unique thing about Masters Choice grain is that it maintains cell density and high test-weight while offering more nutrition.



The s e cond area for corn is for silage production. The unique combination of nutritious grain and highly digestible stalk and leaves, make the Masters Choice hybrids a very special blend that offers a more elite energy package. We have been recognized as an industry leader in the corn silage portion of the market. With more nutrients and tonnage, packed into the very dense stalk (as pictured below), livestock producers have come to appreciate that MC corn hybrids make a difference to their profitability. Our commitment to growing corn hybrids with higher levels of 5 and 6 carbon sugars (giving us that sweet smelling silage), will always be important to us.

leading com p etitor TM

The third and most obvious market in today’s corn industry is for high yielding corn that farmers can harvest and sell as pipeline grain. As a corn producer, you expect the hybrids that you plant to YIELD. Masters Choice has always had a focus on high yielding, great standing corn. Area number f our includes corn hybrids developed for ethanol production. A corn hybrid that works best for livestock nutrition is also a hybrid that works best for ethanol production. Masters Choice is working in conjunction with the National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center for further testing of our grain for ethanol production with a future interest in cellulose ethanol production. We are a small corn company, but we compete with the biggest companies very successfully. With our excellent history and our newest elite hybrids, we think you will agree. One aspect of the business, that you just cannot find with mega-companies, is the personal touch. As a company, we uphold high standards, and think of you more than just a number, you are a neighbor. We care about your success.

H el p ing y o u s u cceed . . . nat u rall y ! 866-444-1044

O rganic H y b rids

M asters C hoice O rganic silage h y b rids are industry leading hybrids because of their unique stalk and leaf density, helping you with your profitability. This density is a high carrier of the thick, syrupy 5 and 6 carbon sugars that ferment into sweet smelling silage that cows love when fed properly. With higher starch availability, you may find you need to lower your starch levels. M il k Prod u ction G enetics Milk/Meat Production Genetics are unique corn hybrids that have been developed specifically for milk and meat production. MPG hybrids are a product of 30 years of breeding by Masters Choice. You can feed an MPG hybrid with confidence that your livestock will enjoy good health, breedback, and outstanding milk or meat production. MPG hybrids are only available from Masters Choice, Inc. and their distributors. M P G f or S ilage Harvesting silage at the correct moisture content is extremely important when producing a corn silage crop. When a moisture tester is available, recommended moisture should be 63-70% (harvest on the wet side of the range for bunkers/bags and the dry side of the range for upright silos). When chopping at ideal moisture content, farmers should consider chop length greater than ½’’ with ¾’’-7/8” being a good target. The increased levels of 5 and 6 carbon sugars found in Masters Choice hybrids will aid in a quicker fermentation. Because of the density, the fodder will pack well when harvesting, ensuring best fermentation. With fermentation complete, an analysis of feed quality from a reputable lab will provide your nutritionist the information needed to balance your cows’ diets. Masters Choice is the leader in 12-18 hr. whole tract digestibility!


Dry Down

Ear Placement

Plant Sugar


Stress Tolerance

Fert. Requirement

Stay Green

Plant Health

Stalk Quality













































OG-530 105 Day M-T



OG-550 110 Day M-T




OG-618 112 Day






OG-515 98 Day





Plant Height

Early Vigor


Grain Quality


Test Weight



OG-463 83 Day



Ear Pick

Relative Maturity





M ast e r G ra z e ™ One of the new applications for grazing corn and forage corn is utilizing the extreme digestibility of the brown midrib gene. Brown midrib (BMR) corn varieties have a natural mutation that results in lower concentrations of lignin produced in the stems and leaves during plant development; this results in higher fiber digestion. Dense stalks with an abundance of select sugars provide more energy and nutrition than any other type warm season forage with dry matter yields of up to 5 tons in only 7 to 8 weeks. This produces more tonnage and higher quality in a shorter period of time than any other forage type, period! OG-MasterGraze™ BMR is known for expressing itself in foliage, not grain, meaning grain production is very minimal. The foliage production is due in large to the tillering capabilities, tillers that have regrowth potential after grazing or cutting in the early stages. Organic MasterGraze™ is only available in plateless seed.


O rganic H y b rids


83 Day

Excellent emergence and seedling vigor for quick canopy closure Dark green attractive plants maintain structure and yield under stress Excellent plant health and stress tolerance allow for south of zone utility Quick set up and very good grain quality for great northern movement

One of best short season crosses in an 83 day hybrid. OG-463 is very adaptable east-west and north-south. Its rugged dependability will really please you! Plant 24,000-32,000. Silage & Grain

Very good ear flex allows for population flexibility


98 Day

Great on low input to yield scores Very dependable, solid work horse Stable yield from east to west Solid, semi-girthy ears High quality grain Potential MPG hybrid

OG-515 is a very dependable hybrid with high-end yield potential and good yield stability. OG-515 gives good yield stability under heat and moisture stress. We think you will soon come to appreciate the hard working hybrid that OG-515 is becoming known for. Plant 25,000-30,000. Silage & Grain


105 Day

High, stable yield across years and geography Very good standability Outstanding yields in marginal conditions Very girthy and expandable ears High quality grain Best used north of I-70


OG-530 has been and will continue to be “Mr. Dependable”. You just can’t match this one up wrong because of its wide range of adaptability. It is very digestible, high quality nutritious grain. This hybrid is best when planted early, not late. Has earned the prestigious MPG rating. Plant it at rates of 24,000-32,000 seeds per acre. Silage & Grain

110 Day

High quality grain Outstanding top-end yield across a wide range of environments Solid agronomics, good grain and test weight Girthy, sweet stalks make great silage Long flex ears Prolific hybrid (at 15-18,000 population)


OG-550 is known for extremely high quality grain. In addition to the great quality, it is one of the most prolific grain hybrids we’ve ever produced. Has earned the prestigious MPG rating. Plant 27,000-30,000 on best soils for silage or grain or plant at 15,000-18,000 for prolific grain on less productive soils. Grain & Silage

112 Day

Very dense leafy stalks High plant sugars Excellent plant health Handles marginal conditions and stress well

= M il k / M eat Prod u ction G enetics

OG-618 is a modestly priced hybrid that handles stress extremely well. Great plant vigor and excellent nutrition describes this hybrid. It will not quite yield with our top hybrids under optimum growing conditions. Plant 24,000-30,000. Silage & Grain = G rain


= S ilage

Masters Choice, Inc. 3010 St. Rt. 146 East Anna, IL 62906 866-444-1044


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