Letters to Santa 2010

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Letters to Santa DEAR SANTA, I wold Love to have a pare I would like a real miniature uve RoLre BLADS for crismis chihuahua with a princess Carter Age: 7 bed, and a pink Sparley caller, and leash with pink I wit Like a Amarnc Gril cloths. doll for christmas and DS Caroline Age: 8 raglorgs and a makeup Will you bring me a Remote Ava Age: 7 I want for Christmas is a control Ironman and a x box Hello Kitty purse, arts and 360 with a Indiana Jones z I would like an elf on a crafts stuff, I want new game. shelf and a full built robot. earings and a nail kit. Porter Age: 7 Jacquelyn Age: 8 Catherine Age: 7

The Community News has forwarded all the Letters to Santa we received to the North Pole. (Some had special writing that only Santa will understand). We hope you enjoy this selection of letters from the ones we received.

I want a sony-Handycam I want a pony, a black I would like a pink Horsie Digital Cam corder. It’s blue bridle, a blue & Green and a pink piano for and that is all. halter. Christmas. Madison Age: 7 Chloey Age: 7 Kelcie Age: 3 Thank you for my gifts last year. This year I woud like Lanie’s coumper and ad So. Have a merry christmas! Hannah Age: 7 Thank you for my gift’s from last year. This year I would love a drt Bicke and all of the Beyblads. Have a Merry Christmas eve! Jace Age: 7 Thank you for my gifts last year. This yeaur I would like a Pegousis and Porkwope. Merry Christmas Carson Age: 6 Thankyou for my Gifts last year. I would love a Itouch and razor have a merry christmas Cooper Age: 6 thanks for my gifsts last year this year I want a pet trtle. Trenton Age: 7 Thank you for my gifts last year this you I would love psp and a x box 360 Have a merry christmas Luke Age: 7

I want a Baby Alive rain coat and rain shoes and a rain hat and a D.s. I X L and a elf on a shelf! I hope I didnot sound selfish. I hope you give The poor needy children what They want. Avery Age: 8

I want a dog, a zoo zoo pet, a dress, shoes, high hels, Christmas hat. Jade Age: 7 I can’t wait for you to come visit me. Haw are you and Mrs. Claus and the elves doing I can’t wait for my presents I want a Ipod touch and drums. Creed Age: 7

I would like Toy story 3 for wii, a mini 4-wheeler, a football dummy, and smackdown vs. raw for wii. Mason Age: 8 I’d like a cat, and a Lego harry potter set, a hardy I want the new purple Diary boys book, and a Lego star of wimpy kid. wars Three wii game. Jacob Age: 8 Andrew Age: 8 I want a teacup chihuahua, cloths, and toys for it, and I would like The straberry pogo sticks. shortcake remot control car, Kylee Age: 7 a new pair of boots that I can were to school. I wood like 3 moRe case’s Grace Age: 7 for my ipod. Katlyn Age: 8 I’m so glad that you make it to our house. a cat, a dog, a bird Ashlyn Age: 7 Cayden Age: 8 I want a zoo, zoo pet, Ipod I hope I’m not on the Touch, a big flat screan Tv, a naughty list. I want a girl fake Mcdonls. pass-word journal. Thank’s Skylar Age: 8 for forgiving us Toy’s. Hollyn Age: 7 all I want for Christmas is a phone and a kitten. Lyndsay Age: 8

C D e c e m b e r 1 7, 2 0 1 0

THE COMMUNITY NEWS w w w. c o m m u n i t y- n e w s . c o m

First merry christmas. I This chirstmas I would want a PSP, I Pod, and like a puppy, clothes from Games for ps3, some Justice. Thank you! clothes, a pillow pet. Alaina Age: 8 Landon Age: 7 I want a stuffed penguin I would like a Green and a pair of roller skates. machine, scooter, and (And please fill Cookie the stacking cups, and if you cat’s stocking). could get my little brother a Avery Age: 7 4wheeler. Rylan Age: 7 I want a sword and a pillow-pet. I also want a I would like a pillow pet bee nerf gun and a zhu-zhu pet. for Christmas, and I want Hayes Age: 4 Jason Aledean, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez cd’s. I was good this year. I Lilly Age: 7 want to give a present for Cameron. A folding airplane kit with Mackenzie Age: 7 a pairushoot man and with stickers. I was bad but I am trying William Age: 7 to be good. Can I please have go cart? What was it like when you Will Age: 7 were a kid? I would like an art kit. I’ve been good the whole Maddie Age: 8 year through. Belle Age: 6 All I want is to have is a good life and to be happy. I been very good this year And two font teeth. I care abat my mom and Natalie Age: 7 Dad I love you santa Sarah Age: 7 I would like a Wii, a bike, and some earrings, Tell all I am good every time im the Reindeer, Hi. good ps sumtimes mibrother. Savvy Age: 8 Sammy Age 6 I don’t know what I want I was good Santa so can you for Christmas but most of breg a toys. Dylan Age: 6 all my family near. Emelia Age: 8 I want a blue & black & red & black case I want a pendo and a doll Cameron Age: 6 and some fuzzoodles mabby a note book wiht blank I’ve been good this year. I pages. Payton Age: 8 want a gravity ball. P.S. say hi to Mrs. Claus. Age: 6 I hope you like your cookies. Brett I hope you don’t get stuck in Horse helpful our chimney. Age: 6 Katie Age: 7 Jada

I want a Rc. I want a I want a real horse and a This year I would like the football game. I Want a TCU hamster. pack-tape, D.S.I., a cover Lauren Age: 8 football. for a ipod, t.v., Pillow Pet. Preston Age: 6 Lyla Age: 8 the thags that I want for I bin very very godo the Christmas are a guitar, yere. So I thik I shud git orbies, and snow. Madison Age: 7 toys. Love Age: 7 I have ben good for I have nene good all year I christmas I want my brother to get a preset and doo not no whet I want Rylee Age: 6 my mom and my Dad. Madysen Age: 7 I have been godo I hope you give me gift’s I love you I want a new go car, and a Santa new wii game and a psp. Age: 6 Dyllan Age: 8 McKenzie all I want for christmas is a I’v bin good. I want games or you food to the poor. phone. I love you Santa Age: 7 Haley Age: 8 Shelton

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2C December 17, 2010


Letters to Santa

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I have been good this year. I would like a american girl doll. Jenna Age: 6 Thank you for my gfts last year. this year I want a electric DirtBike and a ipod and a xbox 360 game. Jaden Age: 7 I wunt a DSIxL. Let Uncle Kyle feel betr please. Keeley Age: 7 thank you for my Gifts Last year. This year I whould love a DSI for Christmas. Have a merry Christmas! Alyssa Age: 7 Thank you I want a a pistl for christmas. Ivan Age: 7 For Chirsmas I want a DS, housekey, age of myotholgy, badebllove. David Age: 7

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Merry Christmas this is I would like for christmas a some stuff I would like for 24 inch bike Need for speed Christmas. I would like a DSi hot pursuit kinect system. game for my DSi. Eric Age: 7 Avery Age: 8 For Christmas I would like a Thank you for my gft’s last big, bike with colorful polka year this year I would love dots. a konzow and batlzon. Rylee Age: 8 Trevor Age: 7 I would like to have a litte This year has been great, bittie walking pup! but now it’s December so I Mary Age: 7 was just hoping that I could have Age of mothology D.S. I wanta Gi Joe guy. I love Nolan Age: 8 Sata. I wanta toy. Keith Age: 7 Can you make Christmas be fun for other people. I want I hope I get more Tennis a fashigi. balls an Racket balls and Jordan Age: 8 more Rackets. Justin Age: 8 This year, I would like ? a few wii games and a play I need two boks for my stacion. dogs! I wunt a Ben 10 Connor Age: 7 psgame. You are doowing a greate job! For Christmas I would like Jackson Age: 7 the viedo game madden 4, and a psp. Thank you Santa I like Santa give presents. I I hope you get my letter. like the elves. Braxton Age: 7 Melina Age: 6 I think you are doing a good job an giving all the kids presents. Santa can I have a light blue DS? Alexis Age: 7 For chistmas I would want A DSi. Alyssa Age: 8 For christmas I would like some new Rebbok sigtech shoes. Jaxon Age: 8 I hope you are having a good day in the NORTH POLE! Amy Age: 8 How are you doing? For Christmas is baibe pupp swiming school. Alexandria Age: 8 For Christmas I well like a phone for christmas plece Santa. Lizzie Age: 8 I want a DS games. Jack Age: 6


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Somethe I would like I want a big buzz remote is an ipod shuffle, with control but i want a xbox 60. and a play stashin. marshmello earphons, with Wyatt Age: 6 purple peace signs. Raegan Age: 7 I love Santa claus. Can you please get an iphone four? Something I want for Caden Age: 7 Cristmas are some speakers for my ipod shuffle. Elizbeth Age: 8 I want to get my mom a new insllisr. And I want a DS. I want a D.S. I and a game Wyatt Age: 7 for a D.S. I and a Amarican girl named Emily Hayley Age: 7 All I whnt for Chrismas is a hug becas my frinds do not belev in you. How are your raindeer. For Kaleb Age: 6 Christmas I hope you get me a electric scooter. Lindsay Age: 8 I want for christmas a pink phone that takes pictures a babydoll. For christmas I would injoy Chelsey Age: 6 a Sirsoft gun. Max Age: 8 I want a dog, you have For Cristmas I would like to been so good to me I want have a lepster expler, a doll a snow glob. And Marry Cristmas, Santa. house. Age: 8 Meredith Age: 7 Annka


I want a wockplash. And I want a Xbox360. And I want a bell from Santas slaye. Brooke Age: 7 All I want is a new bike for Christmas plese! Madeline Age: 7 I what a brand new bike for christmas. I what more itido dsi game. Ashlyn Age: 7 I wood like a Dsi. A new bike that’s a red drt bike. A alekchick scooder. Reece Age: 6 I want a toy santa and a DSI and transformr and xbox 360. Charles Age: 6 I want a transformer d.s. game for chistmas. Owen Age: 6 I want some lego star wars sets. And I want a Dragoclogsis. Spence Age: 6

For christmas I woulde like a Moxie girl, book of mathy schechers, head bandes, and I want for crismis is a a i touch. Claire Age: 8 trwey Tigrw and a beis and a sTufTanrw cat. Emily Age: 6 Thank you for all you’ve done for me in the past. I want for community is a How are you and your elvs DSi and i want a doll. doing? Marry Cristmas! Age: 7 Grace Age: 8 Torrie I want a DSi and a scabord I can explain. I’m sorry and a itouch. about all the things I’ve Cason Age: 6 done. I want a compound bow for Christmas. Gatlin Age: 8 I would like A cat. Cara Age: 6 I would like a baby alive I wont a gas forweir changing time. And a bella xbox350. danerella bralerena set and Dawson Age: 6 Juie B Jones seirs. Carson Age: 8 I want a little pet sholos and a clay maker. I would like an Xbox 360. Tori Age: 6 But I want hermit crab supplies more than anything. I want a bike and a dsi and I would like dog supplies a xbox. too. Good Job!! Age: 7 Sophia Age: 8 Landon

I would like a itouch with a I would like a stuf pingone name pep. pink cover you have done a Garrett Age: 6 great job. My brother would like a Olivia Age: 8 paper gim and so would I I would like a bow in arro. and a razor scoter. My sistrs Ryan Age: 7 Thank you for giving the would love American gurl best christmas ever. And for dolls. I would like a bel frum your Trey Age: 7 christmas I would like the slay. best christmas ever! Age: 6 Rylee Age: 7 Mikey This yir I wud really love to have fruity lipglos & a thags for helping me in the I would like a pengwin webskin & a ranbow. called Penbo. Sydney Age: 6 past I wishe for I hav a Addy Age: 7 grate live and to thank you I want a DS for christmas. I for helping me. Hayden Age: 7 I would like An Elecrike gtr. love Christmas! I love you. R.J. Age: 7 Skyler Age: 6 Thank you for all the. Presents from the past. And I would like a fac dog. I really want a go-cart Gracee Age: 6 the Elfs to. razor grand driftr and a Hayden Age: 7 cafe mug for my Grandma. I would like for chrismas is Clark Age:7 I want a pelliow pet. I want bandads. Kylie Age: 7 May I have a ds? SaNTa you a dog and a frog and a elf please. are the best! Age: 7 I would like a Lolgo Bane Brandon Age: 6 Gillian From Batman. Brandon Age: 7 I want an American girl doll. I want a DSi XL and a And santa are you are doing iphone and laptop. Sterling Age: 7 I wuld like a gtre. good! Gavin Age: 6 Hannah Age: 6 I want a bockugons anda I would like a doll. dsi and a jrum set. I would like a wii. Age: 7 Age: 6 Natalie Cody Age: 7 William

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Letters to Santa

Robert Casey Stroud, D.D.S., P.C. Jennifer Pettit Ketchel, D.D.S., M.S. Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry

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December 17, 2010



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You are the best person on Aledo a Awesome town. I have been good and cant somethings that I want is Aledo is good for christmas. earth and I Believe you are wate untalle christmas well this skateboard, and beniebo. real. Have a merry christmas. I have to go by Merry Christmas! Age: 8 Madison Payton Age: 8 Haley Age: 8 Kyndel Age: 8 Your the best person in the I hope santa give me all my presents that I put on my world. I Love the holiday list. witch is christmas. It is my Jacob Age: 8 favorite holiday in the year. MaKinzie Age: 8 I want tow things for carmas # 1 a new DS #2 All I want for Christmas maxis Drangoid is my family, friends, Jack Age: 8 and presents. And Merry Christmas. Brice Age: 8 I would like a Bayou gon and in my stocking a kunzoo. I Love the way you Bring Colton Age: 7 presents thank you. I believe in you. Kylie Age: 8 I would like an zhu-zhu pet in my stoking and a ring! Zoe Age: 7 Thank you for all of my chrismas present santa like I would like a ball, car and my psp. Gavin Age: 8 a batman. Blaze Age: 8 I am at school right now. What I want for Chrismas is I would like an xbox 360. and in my stocking I want a Paper Jams. Keenan Age: 8 DSI. Johnothon Age: 6 All I Relly want for I wolud like ipod and in Christmas is my family. My stocing I woud like a Thank you. Kaitlyn Age: 8 Football. Dawson Age: 7 I want a scooter for I would like a xbox 360 Christmas. I don’t really and in my stocking I want a want that much stuff. Madeline Age: 8 football. Daniel Age: 6 I don’t want much presents, Just a family Chirstmas I would like a baby doll in every year. my stocking I want a ds. Tucker Age: 8 Ashley Age: 6

All I want for Christmas is I wish to have a good my two front teeth. present for cristmas. Santa. Kalee Age: 7 And I can have a phone that can call poeple. Santa. DSIXL and XBoX 360 and Grayson Age: 8 Amircan gril doll the kit doll and fihs and bags. Thank you for giving us Zoe Age: 7 what we want for christmas even know it’s not about For Christmas I want a gifts. bike a skateboard a pair of Amanda Age: 8 slippers mediame a ripstick. And That is all. I have been good This year. Dillon Age: 7 So wont for Christmas a I pod, I padgard play stashin. you are the best person in Braedyn Age: 7 the world. YOU ROCK!!! Willow Age: 7 What I wod like for Christams. Is a DS and a I want a phone for black white puppy. A dress christmas and Ray Lewis up makeup set. jersey for christmas. Ashlyn Age: 8 Aiden Age: 8 This year I woud like a PS3. I would like hot weels. Billy Age: 7 Stormie Age: 7 I hop you are haveing fun I would a shed and I what at the Northpole and I hope in my stocking is kun zoo. you have a good christmas. Ayden Age: 7 Chase Age: 8 I whant a ds in my stoking For christmas I want an I and a game. pod. Sydney Age: 6 Cameron Age: 6

I want a x box 360 and a I would like to spend more ipod. time with my cousins. They Cale Age: 6 are in Illinois. Tori Age: 8 I want a x box 360 and more toys. For christmas I want a Mason Age: 7 Hamster. It’s almost Christmas. And I I would like a shell neckless Nayeli Age: 6 am so excited. So can I have and in my stoching I want I want a DS and DS games. a phone? lip-liner. Candy Age: 6 I’v been a good boy this Dylan Age: 8 Anne Marie Age: 7 year. so this is what I want I would please like a gold an I pod touch Cd with all For Christmas I want an I would like an DSI and in paper. A toy panda. spong bob songs. ipod. my stocking I would like Brittin Age: 6 Brady Age: 8 Emily Age: 8 some ZhuZhu pets. Stephanie Age: 7 I was a very good girl this I have been good this year. I am a good girl and would year. I want a I pod and a Can I have a Easy Bake you give me a cupcake I would like a big rubber DSI. Oven? mach. candy cane, and in my Emily Age: 7 Olivia Age: 7 Jaelin Age: 8 stocking I want some candy. Emily Age: 7 I want a lego power miner set! And DS gams! I would like a bug neckless, Austin Age: 7 with a my LEGO persen and a wii. I am trusting you this Ben Age: 6 Christmas to deliver all the gifts this year. xoxo. in my stocking I want Jada Age: 8 a Zhu-Zhu pet and for Christmas i want a door For christmas I want a sing Bell. a ma jig. Maitlynn Age: 6 Elyssa Age: 8 I would like a black ds and I want a psp and a lot!! of in my stocking I would like a video games. Call of duty baby dog. black ops and TronLegacy Brett Age: 7 for pso. Brett Age: 8 are you really busy this year. I have been really For Christmas I would like good. I want the iphone my very own horse. P.s. very fare. good horse back rider. Colby Age: 8 Madison Age: 7 How is the Reindeer doing? For christmas I want Hope you are reading your suprises. toy lists. Caitlin Age: 8 Ryan Age: 7 I have Been a really good girl this year. How are The raindeer? What is the tempicture up north? Reide Age: 8


I hope you have a safe travel this year. I want a Build-a-bear, and American girl doll, and a kung-zoo animal. Trinity Age: 8



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Merry Christmas

Cheryl Cooper, Realtor® 105 COLLEGE AVE, WEATHERFORD, TX, 76086


Cell: 817-307-5993 cherylcoopertx@yahoo.com

4C December 17, 2010


Letters to Santa

I would like a bell from All I want for Christmas is.. I would like a bay blade. I a wii!! I hope you have a would like a football helmit. your sleigh a scooter and a DSi. great Christmas! I would like a DSI. Age: 7 Amy Age: 6 Brady Age: 5 Sam I want an American Girl I want a bike, Barbie doll, doll, an a easy bake oven Nintendo games, and toys. Jaclyn Age: 5 and an elf. Taylor Age: 7 I want a double life saber. Teague Age: 5 I would like a zhu zhu pet. Sydney Age: 7 I want a zuzu pet. Ella Age: 6 I WNT LEgos Harry PottR and STaR WaRs Age: 6 All I wut for Christmas is to Garrett see Cupid the reindeer and I would like a DSi and an I you to. Maverick Age: 7 pod. Addy Age: 6 I would like a Fich, an I pod, and a book on wild life. Ethan Age: 7

I want a ipod. I want a elof I love you. on a shef and a snowman. Lane Age: 7 Josh Age: 7 Santa get me a good presit. I have been a vary good Lauren Age: 6 girl this year. For christmas I would like a itoch and a I what a foot ball helmit. Artset. Thank you santa! Caleb Age: 7 Morgan Age: 7 I wot a Geman shepherd. Please bring me aqua sand I wot creepy crawler bug and a coloring book! maker. Jore Age:6 Jacob Age: 6 What kind of Christmas I want a creepy bug maker. ornaments do you have on Nikki Age: 6 your tree? Brynn Age: 5 Santa get me a good present I would like ice skates. Lauren Age: 6 Skylar Age: 5 I want a cat. I want a I want an I pod. I want to zooball. see Rudolph. Eleanor Age: 6 Grace Age: 6 I what a dress and high I want an American girl. heels. Shyanne Age: 7 Nicole Age: 6 I want a live elf on the I like you Santa! shelf. Aiden Age: 5 Kannon Age: 6 You are good at giving us I want tHree ELvs an I pod presents! I Touch Caden Age: 6 Tyson Age: 7 I wish you wr hre. I want a bell from your Christian Age: 6 sleigh! I hope you have a good Christmas! I want to have bay blades. Georgia Age: 7 Max Age: 6 I want a eif on a shelf. All I want for Christmas is Aiden Age: 7 a motor bike. Brandon Age: 6 I really want a hamster and teacher stuff and a magic I wut A DOG. I wut a purs. set. I wut a bok. Shelby Age: 7 Averi Age: 6





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Caring for our Community...Since 1880

















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Age: 6

I want some Maro games. Leav some for my sister. I want Rudof the rednose raindeer. Ashton Age: 6


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I want a dog. Savanna










I hope that you give me a big present! Eduardo Age: 8

Thanks Santa for making Please bring presents to kids happy and all the Cooks Hospital. presents. But the most Wyatt Age: 7 important thing about Christmas is Jesus’ birthday. I wish I can come To the Charlie Age: 7 Santa all I whant for chrsitmas is Grandma Cooley North pole. Tayton Age: 7 Thank you for giving us and Antie Reata gifts! Shelby Age: 7 All I want for christmas is Vanessa Age: 6 A dirt bike and A fone. for chrismas I want a Gavin Age: 7 I want to have bay blades computer. and I want to have a dog. Taylor Age: 6 All I want for Christmas is Jack Age: 5 my Grandma to vizit. I want a dog pillow pet. Age: 7 I wanted to see you. Kaden Age: 6 CJ Ryder Age: 5 I have been really good all For Christmas I want an year. I would like a transformer. electric scooter and go car. Daniel Age: 6 Dylan Age: 5 I hope you have a merry christmas. I want a motorcycle. I want Carter Age: 7 I know christmas is a busy day for but good luck. a gator jersey. I want a Age: 7 stuffed animal. i would like an american Girl Emma Nicolas Age: 6 Doll for christmas. Plus I would like a Jingle Bell from Can you tell me abat you santa? I want a remote control flip your sleigh. Macy Age: 7 car and spy Gear stuff. Ashlyn Age: 7 Trevor Age: 5 I wunt a x box 360 and the I would like a Harry Potter Tigr game for the x box I want a DS. Also a bike. DS game! And a teddy bear. I like Clide Age: 6 360. And a SDI. Matthew Age: 7 Santa. Lesley Age: 5 I would like a paper jamz. Mackenzie Age: 6 I Luv you Santa wut I wot for christmas is you. Do you have puppies at your Rhett Age: 7 work shop because I want I would like a toy horse and one. a Rector and a Wii Game. Isabella Age: 7 Gracie Age: 6 I hope you had a good visit evrwer. Alejandro Age: 8 I would like a ride in your I would like silly bands easy sleigh for christmas. bake oven and a scooter. Will Age: 6 Rachel Age: 6 All I want for christmas is to Roodof. Shelby Age: 6 I want blocks, legos and I would like x box 260 an I brownie mix. phone and I pad. Rachel Age: 5 Corbin Age: 7 All I whant is to have a time with my cusins. Age: 7 For christmas I want a I want an x box 360, a Fish, Caitlin science lab. Thank you and an I pod. Thomas Age: 6 Maveric Age:6 Thank you for all the presents you give all the kids. I will give you a I would like an I touch present. and to spend time with my Kailey Age: 7 family Madison Age: 7 I hope you have a merry christmas. I wante a nintndo. Age: 6 Ashlee Age: 6 Libby

I would like a docter bons I hope you get me a good coler lab. I hope you can present for chrismis you are bring it in your slay. the best. Joseph Age: 8 Sarah Age: 7


You are one of my bigest heros. All I’d like for christmas is a chance to be like you. Carson Age: 8

220 Palo Pinto Street • Weatherford, Texas 76086 817-598-4900 • www.fnbweatherford.com

Bring the family by First National Bank Weatherford to make a donation to a hometown charity through Dec. 20. MEMBER



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