Bulldogs lean on 2 juniors for leadership
By riCH FiSHer
The date was Oct. 8 and the Hopewell Valley Central High girls’ soccer team was playing Allentown in a key Colonial Valley Conference regular-season match. In the first half, Katie Reinhart lifted a free kick on goal that Delainey Ross headed into the back of the net to break a scoreless tie and spark what would become an important 2-0 victory.
It was a fitting connection, since it highlighted an affiliation that started 10 years ago. And that partnership will be on full display for the Bulldogs girls basketball team this season. Hopewell is in rebuild mode and the two juniors are being counted on heavily by Delainey’s mom — head coach Coleen Ross.
how far would you go if they were sick?
“Delainey is gonna be our top defender, we’ll look to her for steals, to be at the top of the press, be our rebounder,” said Ross prior to Hopewell’s season-opener. “I am calling on her to try and score a little more. She was very deferential to Kennedy Havens in the post last year. We obviously need someone to step into that role.

A student at Inclusion Sports Performance Training, which expects to consolidate its Ewing and Hopewell operations into a single facility in early 2025.
The power to move
By Joe eManSKi
Since starting Inclusion Sports Performance Training four years ago, Coach Shannon Schafer has been focused primarily on providing educational and recreation programs for the neurodivergent community.
Welcome to Capital Health.
benefit from performance training, regardless of ability. Whether they are training in gymnastics, swimming, bike riding, team sports or social skills, she believes, all students ages 6 months through grade school can benefit from the programs that Inclusion Sports offers.
Since its foundation, Inclusion Sports Performance Training has been sharing a facility on Graphics Drive in Ewing with another business, Schafer Sports Center. There, Schafer and her staff of coaches train their special needs students.
One of her philosophies since that beginning has been that everyone can See INCLUSION, Page 4
When someone you care about is sick, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they get the best care. And so do we.
With a collaborative structure so our doctors can craft a treatment that’s uniquely right for you. With primary care physicians who never schedule an appointment that’s less than 20 minutes. With world-renowned surgeons that are changing cancer treatment.
Towns wrestle with Jan. affordable housing deadlines
By Bill SanServino
New Jersey municipalities are once again under the gun to build thousands of units of affordable housing thanks to a new state law passed earlier this year.
Every town in the state is currently up against a Jan. 31 deadline to pass a binding resolution to formally adopt their affordable housing requirement over the next decade. The goal is to address a statewide demand for almost 150,000 low- and moderate-income units.
Under numbers released by the state earlier this year, Mercer County towns would be required to rehabilitate a total of 1,800 existing affordable units (mostly in the City of Trenton) as well as provide for the construction of 3,500 new units. Because the construction of these affordable units is often subsidized through the construction of market rate housing, it could result in tens of thousands of new houses in Mercer County alone.

In March, Gov. Phil Murphy and
See HOUSING, Page 14

its students, Inclusion Sports is on the go Are you happy with your

Because you’d go to the ends of the earth for the people you care about. And we do too.
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We are a newsroom of your neighbors. The Hopewell Express is for local people, by local people. As part of the community, the Gazette does more than just report the news—it connects businesses with their customers, organizations with their members and neighbors with one another. As such, our staff sets out to make our town a closer place by giving readers a reliable source to turn to when they want to know what’s going on in their neighborhood.
Joe Emanski (Ext. 120)
ConTriBUTinG WriTerS
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aD layoUT anD ProDUCTion
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11,000 copies of the Hopewell Express are mailed or bulk-distributed to the residences and businesses of Pennington, Hopewell Township and Hopewell Borough 12 times a year.
New process for the removal of trees in Hopewell Borough
There is a new ordinance governing the removal of trees in Hopewell Borough.
The ordinance states that if the tree trunk measures less than 6 inches in diameter (not circumference) at 4 1/2 feet above the ground, the tree may be removed with no application to the borough needed. If a tree is healthy and the tree trunk is greater than 6 inches in diameter at 4 1/2 feet, a permit request and fee must first be submitted to the borough. The application is online at hopewellboro-nj.us/download/ application-for-tree-removal
Residents who have “hazard” trees that they wish to remove are not required to submit a permit request or pay a fee., but they are required to provide evidence of the tree’s condition (such as photographs) to the borough before removal. The borough says that a hazardous tree is one that is dead or dying due to disease or insect infestation, or a tree that a licensed arborist deems a threat to public safety.
Hopewell pharma company changing name
BeiGene, a global oncology company that opened a clinical R&D and manufacturing facility in Hopewell Township in July of this year, has announced its intention to change its name to BeOne Medicines Ltd.
In a statement issued in mid-November announcing the change, the company noted that the new name is a way of “confirming its commitment to develop innovative medicines to eliminate cancer by partnering with the global community to serve as many patients as possible.”
The company was founded in 2010 by Oyler, an American entrepreneur, and Chinese American biochemist Xiaodong Wang, with initial operations primarily in China. BeiGene now has nearly 11,000 employees worldwide and recently reported $1 billion in quarterly total revenue.
BeiGene’s NASDAQ stock ticker name will change to ONC on Jan. 2.
Timberlane honors Students of the Month

Timberlane Middle School honors students of the month to promote student responsibility and reward extraordinary effort. The following students were nominated by their teachers and received awards for November: (front row) Timofey Gorbunov, Hailey Swanson, Arini Tripathi and (back row) Daniel Guarino, Elliot Simone, Connor McCullough, Nolan Larthey, Eva Rossy and Yamileth Sanchez Dolores.

When someone you care about is sick, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they get the best care. And so do we.

When someone you care about is sick, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they get the best care. And so do we.
Because you’d go to the ends of the earth for the people you care about. And we do too.

Inclusion Sports has also had a location on West Broad Street in Hopewell Borough, where it offers a variety of training classes to children of any neurotype.
Schafer is excited to be in the process of combining all of her operations into one at a new facility, currently under renovation, that also just happens to be about midway between the two current locations. The new facility will be on Route 31 in Hopewell Township, just barely inside the line between the township and Pennington Borough.
There, she says, she and her staff will be able to provide the kind of training they offer to both neurodivergent and neurotypical students, as well as introduce a number of new programs.
“In Pennington, we are going to expand on being extremely inclusive of neurotypical and neurodivergent students in one

location,” Schafer says. “We want to focus on inclusivity in a much larger way.”
Schafer is targeting a Feb. 1 opening of the new facility, though that may change.
“I’m combining both of my locations into one. I’ll be working with all kids, of all abilities, not just one population of kids.”
She says that the new facility will have a main gymnasium area, plus another “sensory space” for students who do better in environments with less noise and stimulation. That room will also be available for party rentals.
“We want to have birthday parties, we want to have a separate space for students who require a quieter, smaller environment than the main gym,” Schafer says.
Inclusion Sports will continue to offer gymnastics classes for students ages 6 months and up. Children ages 6 months to 3 years old can enroll in Tiny Crawlers parent-child classes, where trainers pro-

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vide age-appropriate activities designed to enhance both fine and gross motor skills and improve flexibility.
When they are ready, kids (and their parents) can advance to the Lil’ Movers class, where they can focus on coordination and balance. Once they reach preschool age, kids can progress toward more advanced classes where they can learn the fundamentals of gymnastics at their own pace, in a noncompetitive environment.
Inclusion Sports also offers bike riding classes. New students are evaluated in a private session before being placed in the appropriate classes that are held weekly in fall and spring.
Swim classes are a part of the overall curriculum as well. Again, Inclusion Sports offers private one-to-one sessions to evaluate students before placing them in the appropriate weekly classes. Because the new facility will not have a pool, swimming lessons will continue to be held in Ewing at the Schafer Sports Center.
* * *
For parties, Schafer envisions special occasions that include games, obstacle courses, music and cake. Parties can be scheduled on weekends, when the facility will otherwise be closed, allowing partygoers to tumble and climb to their hearts’ content.
Inclusion Sports also offers Kids Night Out programming, three-hour evening sessions when kids are able to do arts and crafts, play games, do gymnastics and watch a movie. These monthly sessions are already offered in Ewing, with plans to continue the program after the move is complete.

Schafer and her staff always look to help students develop social as well as physical skills.
“All kids need to learn how to socialize and how to benefit from movement,” Schafer says. In (the new space) we have an opportunity to expose both populations to how to play appropriately, how to communicate appropriately with one another. It’s really about building social skills and life skills along with the movement.”
These are among the things Schafer focuses on when prospective students and their parents visit Inclusion Sports to learn what it’s all about. And that is the case whether those students are neurotypical or neurodivergent.
“For all children, socialization is really important. The physical aspect of everyday fundamental movement is important,” Schafer says. “Helping to manage behaviors is important. We tend to meet our students where they are and map out programs for each child. Because it’s such an individualized program, our programs are really dependent on the children and where they are.”
When it is necessary, Inclusion Sports coaches provide one-to-one training for their students. “The goal is to do that in a productive, nurturing way, so that we can eventually try to transition them into a semiprivate and then a small group class, where it’s appropriate,” Schafer says.
Schafer’s long-term plan has always been to eventually offer classes for every student, in the same space.
“I feel like our neurotypical and neurodivergent students benefit in so many ways from being in the same space. We want to have that family-friendly community, we want to teach our neurotypical students about inclusivity, being kind, being empathetic, being helpful,” Schafer says.” And we want our neurodivergent population to be exposed to neurotypical students so they can learn those things as well. It will make for a better community of our kids learning together.”
Inclusions Sports Performance Training also offers a summer camp. This year’s full- and half-day camps are scheduled to start on June 23 and end on Aug. 22. Camp activities include gymnastics, biking, basketball and other sports games. As always, there will be a socialand life-skills components of each activity, as well as a focus on helping students build self esteem and their motor skills.
Schafer says that being a part of a community is very important to her. She has served as president of the PTO at Stony Brook Elementary School and also served as a board member for the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation.
She has been a member of the Parent Advisory Board at Hopewell Valley Regional High School, participating in the annual Wellness Day events in the district.
“My boys grew up here and graduated from HVCHS and I still live here,” Schafer says. “So, having my new location in the district that has meant so much to me brings me so much joy and excitement. Advocating for all kids, providing recreational activities for all kids and being immersed in our community has always been a priority for me and how I live my life.”
The new location will be: 55 Route 31 South, Building B130, Pennington NJ. For more information, including updates on the scheduled opening of the new facility, go to inclusionsportspt.com.
Dear Hopewell Township Resident:
I am writing to provide you with an update on Trenton Water Works (TWW) ongoing efforts to improve the distribution system in Hopewell Township, particularly regarding disinfection byproducts (DBPs). I also want to address recent findings regarding water quality.
TWW monitors DBPs at one location in Hopewell Township, and I want to report that, last month, the Stop & Shop site at 800 Denow Road in Pennington was the only one that exceeded the Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA) limit of 80 with an average of 80.7. Notably, the other eight test sites in TWW's service area are within Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations for DBPs.
Under the SDWA, public water systems that disinfect their water must regularly test quarterly for DBPs. TWW conducts monthly testing and will notify all affected customers before January 6, 2025, regarding the Stop & Shop site DBP exceedance. This notice will also be available at trentonwaterworks.org.
DBPs form when chlorine interacts with organic materials in raw water sources such as rivers, lakes, and streams. TWW's raw water comes from the Delaware River, the longest free-flowing, undammed river in the Eastern United States, and the water filtration plant on Route 29 South in Trenton treats approximately 30 million gallons of water daily. The treated water is then pumped to the Pennington Avenue Reservoir before rechlorination and distribution to residents in Hopewell Township and surrounding areas. The water filtration plant tests our drinking water hourly.
While the Stop & Shop site had a DBP exceedance, I want to reassure you that TWW is taking immediate action to address this and maintain high water quality. In addition to continuing our monthly testing and reporting to state regulators, we are implementing the following steps:
• Installing flushing equipment to discharge stagnant water from dead-end water mains in Hopewell Township.
• Continue monthly monitoring for DBPs and testing for temperature, free and total chlorine, total organic carbon (TOC), and pH levels
It is important to note that overall water quality in Hopewell Township and throughout the TWW system remains high and fully complies with the SDWA
We are committed to ensuring your continued well-being and maintaining the highest water quality standards. If you have questions about this letter or any of TWW's ongoing projects, don't hesitate to get in touch with TWW's Office of Communications and Public Outreach at (609) 989-3033
Further efforts to improve TWW's 683-mile distribution system include the installation of two-way communicating water meters for remote reading in Hopewell Township, the construction of a multi-million-gallon tank to safeguard the water supply and improve pressure, and a new central pumping station in Trenton to strengthen distribution.

W. Reed Gusciora Mayor

After scandal, towns again ask state to step in at waterworks
By Bill SanServino
Local officials expressed outrage after Trenton Water Works revealed that an employee falsified water quality data for more than a year.
The public was first notified of the situation by TWW in a letter dated Nov. 27 to its 200,000 customers. The letter also stated that the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection found after an investigation that the utility failed to meet state and federal drinking water monitor-
ing requirements during that time. TWW did not post the notice online or notify the media about the employee’s actions.
The utility, which is owned and run by the city of Trenton, supplies approximately 29 million gallons of drinking water every day to all of Trenton and Ewing, and parts of Hamilton, Hopewell and Lawrence townships. It is also providing water service to Bordentown City on a temporary basis while repairs are made to its water-treatment plant.

Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora on Dec. 3 released a public statement after anger erupted among officials and customers in the impacted communities. He explained that that TWW discovered in the fall of 2023 that a water sample collector—one of three employees responsible for this task—was falsifying drinking water data.
“This individual’s actions were a clear violation of public trust and are deeply disturbing,” said Gusciora.
He said that after discovering the violation, TWW notified the DEP of the employees’ action, referred the matter to law enforcement and took steps to fire the employee.
The DEP investigation stated that most of the water samples collected between October 2022 and December 2023 were invalid, and the state concluded that TWW failed to adequately monitor and test for the required contaminants during that time.
TWW is required to regularly test drinking water for specific contaminants, including disinfection byproducts, E. coli, total coliform, iron, manganese, alkalinity, pH and orthophosphate. These tests are used to determine if the water meets state and federal health standards.
Officials in the affected communities reacted harshly to the news, with more than one calling for the state to take control of the utility. The incident is the latest in a long list of problems that have plagued TWW for more than a decade. It has faced numerous issues over the years, including water quality concerns, regulatory violations and operational challenges.
Hamilton Mayor Jeff Martin called for “every government, business and community leader” to demand a state takeover. “Silence or passive statements when lives are at stake will no longer be an option,” he said.
Martin added: “What this latest screwup makes abundantly clear is that NJDEP must take away control and operations of Trenton Water Works from the City of Trenton. Too many promises have been broken and the health of too many is in the balance to trust the city can operate TWW.”
Martin said he expects that that a DEP report set to be released in 2025 will “expose even more systemic negligence at TWW.”
The DEP in 2022 intervened in the daily operations of TWW after finding that it failed to address numerous prob-
See WATER, Page 12

Capital Health Medical Center –Hopewell
to U.S.
News & World Report 2025 Best Hospitals for Maternity Care
U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in hospital rankings and consumer advice, has named Capital Health Medical Center –Hopewell as a 2025 High Performing hospital for Maternity Care. This is the highest award a hospital can earn as part of U.S. News’ Best Hospitals for Maternity Care annual study.
Capital Health is one of 25 hospitals in New Jersey and the only hospital in the Greater Mercer County area to earn this recognition. This is the second consecutive year that Capital Health earned a place on the U.S. News High Performing Hospitals list for Maternity Care and the third time in four years since U.S. News published its first list of Best Hospitals for Maternity. In April 2024, Capital Health was also recognized by U.S. News for achieving excellent outcomes for cesarean section and unexpected newborn complication among black patients.
U.S. News began evaluating maternity care hospitals in 2021, rating hospitals that provide labor and delivery services and submit detailed data to the publication for analysis. Best Hospitals for Maternity Care assist expectant parents, in consultation with their prenatal care team, in making informed decisions about where to receive maternity services that best meets their family’s needs.
Capital Health Medical Center –Hopewell earned a High Performing designation in recognition of maternity care as measured by

Maternity Care.
“The hospitals recognized by U.S. News as Best Hospitals for Maternity Care showcase exceptional care for expectant parents,” said Jennifer Winston, Ph.D., health data scientist at U.S. News. “These hospitals demonstrate significantly lower C-section rates and severe unexpected newborn complications compared to hospitals not recognized by U.S. News.”

factors such as severe unexpected newborn complication rates, birthingfriendly practices and transparency on racial/ethnic disparities, among other measures.
“Being named a high performing hospital by U.S. News & World Report means a lot for everyone involved in our Maternity Services Program at Capital Health Medical Center - Hopewell,” said Kira Przybylko, medical director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Capital Health. “For the incredible teams at our Josephine Plumeri Birthing Center, it validates their dedication to providing the highest level of care to expectant mothers. For the communities we serve, it lets them know they can count on us to help their growing families get off to the healthiest and safest start possible.”
U.S. News evaluated 817 hospitals from across the United States. Only

half of all hospitals evaluated for U.S. News’ 2025 ratings edition have been recognized as Best Hospitals for
The Maternity Services Program at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell makes up the most complete maternity facility in the area. From routine deliveries to highrisk needs, staff at the Josephine Plumeri Birthing Center at Capital Health Medical Center - Hopewell provide a full range of prenatal, obstetrical, postpartum, and neonatal care options so newborns have the greatest chance for a healthy start. The designated Regional Perinatal Center provides neonatal care, including Mercer County’s only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for at-risk births. To learn more, visit capitalhealth.org/maternity.
New Year, New Smile
Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute
Treating Pain with PRP and Stem Cell Therapy
It gnaws at you. It drains you. It becomes the focus of your life.
Experiencing a few pain-free moments can be euphoric; it makes you realize how long you’ve been living with aches and pain. You might wonder how you can find a solution to relieve the pain and regain your freedom from discomfort.
Dr. Ronak Patel at Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute wants you to know there are two new revolutionary answers to pain relief.
Both platelet-rich therapyotherwise known as PRP - and stem cell therapy give patients new hope by using the body’s powerful healing power to accelerate the battle against pain. Dr. Patel has seen incredible success implementing these cuttingedge treatments on hundreds of patients suffering from pain-related issues.
Hamilton Dental Associates
2025: The Year of the New Smile!
Smile, it’s a new year! A time that for many means resolutions, and a renewed commitment to health and improvement. A healthy smile is a big part of that, and now you can care for your and your family’s teeth all in one place. When families come to HDA, they are happy because they can take care of their own dental needs while everyone in their family’s oral health is being looked after at the same time. “It’s a win-win,” commented Dr. Irving Djeng, pediatric dentist, “kids get attentive, gentle treatment by a dedicated, specialist team that works only with kids, while parents and adult patients are cared for by our experienced adult staff right down the hall.” Dr. Lauren Levine, pediatric dentist, also commented, “We go to great lengths to make the children feel comfortable because we know that teaching children good oral hygiene at a very young age prepares them for a lifetime of healthy smiles.”
You may have heard the term
winter wellness
So if you are suffering from any of the ailments below, there’s a lifeline.
• Osteoarthritis
• Rotator cuff tear
• Back pain
• Meniscus tears
• Tennis elbow
• Disc herniations
• Tendonitis
• Neck pain
Here’s the best news: Neither PRP or stem cell therapy involves drug use with side effects or any surgical procedures.
Both PRP and stem cell treatments use the body’s own healing resources to repair diseased or damaged tissue — and the results are quite remarkable.
PRP therapy involves injecting concentrated platelets and growth factors into damaged tissue to stimulate the faster growth of new healthy cells. Platelets are cells that prevent and stop bleeding. If a blood vessel is damaged, the body sends signals to our platelets to get on the job and start the healing. Some call platelets the body’s natural bandage.
So how does PRP therapy work? It’s basically drawing a one small
6-Month Dental Recall, but what does that mean? A “recall” or “dental recall” visit is a regularly scheduled checkup appointment to help dentists have an ongoing knowledge of the status of their patients’ oral health. These visits are vital to both practice and patients. The more often a patient can meet with their dentist, the better care that doctor can provide. The frequency of appointments is determined by each dentist and usually coincides with a hygienist visit, usually every 6 months or twice a year. A recurring 6 month recall to your dentist is so important to supporting oral and overall bodily health, that many insurance companies outright cover many of recall services included in the visit!
The basic components of the preventive dental appointment consist of:
• Review and update medical and dental history
• Blood pressure screening
• Oral cancer examination
•Examination of the teeth and periodontal tissues (i.e. gum tissue and supporting bone). This includes a visual examination for signs of dental caries (cavities), other problems with the teeth (chips, broken fillings, etc.), looking for signs of inflammation and
vial of blood from the patient and then using a centrifuge to turn it into a potent and concentrated form of platelets. It is then injected back into the patient. Think of it as a boost of your own blood — only superpowered.
Recovery time for PRP therapy is far shorter than for surgery. Patients usually experience soreness for a week or so, but the gradual improvement soon begins. Unlike a steroid shot, which gives you immediate relief and quickly wears off, a PRP patient will see pain symptoms improve over a period of months, and up to 80 percent of patients will see relief for up to two years.
Stem cell therapy can be an even more powerful way to harness the body’s healing power. Stem cells are the building blocks for every cell in our body. These powerful cells can be harvested to produce powerful new cells to fight inflammation and disease.
For those suffering from osteoarthritis, stem cell therapy has proven very effective. That’s because the stem cells may help develop new cartilage cells and suppress
infection, and periodontal probing, which measures the depth of the gum pocket.
• Radiographic exam. The content and timing of dental x-rays can vary and are customized to the needs and disease susceptibility of the patient. The dental team weighs risk vs. benefits when taking dental x-rays, keeping radiation exposure to a minimum
•An actual prophylaxis (cleaning) to mechanically remove any build up or plaque from tooth surfaces.
•Application of a topical fluoride agent, when indicated.
Usually at the end of the appointment, the dentist will review all the findings and radiographs, make any necessary diagnoses, and recommend treatment, if indicated.
Hamilton Dental Associates (HDA) has been serving Hamilton and the Greater Central New Jersey area for over 50 years. While HDA’s roots are in pediatric dentistry, they also specialize in adult and cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, periodontics, and endodontics. Patients are treated by specialists in their field. For example, orthodontic treatment is done by an orthodontic specialist, and patients requiring

inflammation. Stem cells can be harvested through a sample of body fat or bone marrow or be harvested from donated umbilical cord tissue. And yes, you can even augment PRP therapy with stem cell therapy for an even bigger boost! Stop wondering if you’ll have to live with your pain forever. Contact Regenerative Spine and Pain Institute today at 609-269-4451 or go to www.njpaindoc.com to book an appointment and learn more.

a root canal will be treated by an endodontist — a dentist who specializes in root canals. It’s all done under one roof which is time saving and eliminates the need for multiple referrals.
Come see what all the smiling is about! To request an appointment, call 609-586-6603 or visit HamiltonDental. com. Locations are 2929 Klockner Road and 2501 Kuser Road, Hamilton, New Jersey.
Happy New Year! We look forward to seeing your smile!

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The Dental Difference
Mini Dental Implants: A True Innovation in Dentistry
Mini Dental Implants (MDIs) have changed the face of implant dentistry. Unlike traditional implant placement, where multiple dental visits are often required, MDIs can eliminate the need for extensive surgery. The most common use for MDIs is the stabilization of dentures and overdentures. MDIs firmly anchor the dental prosthesis, which means there is no longer a need to suffer with illfitting, loose and ANNOYING dentures! MDIs are designed to eliminate elaborate bone grafting and to expedite treatment. Traditional implants may require significant bone grafting and a longer recovery period. The latent period allows the anchor of the implant to properly embed itself into the jawbone. The smaller size of MDIs means that no recovery period is possible, and the denture can be fitted the same day.

winter wellness
What are the advantages of MDI placement?
MDIs are a true innovation for people who are reluctant to have invasive dental surgery and who are suffering denture wearers. One significant advantage MDIs have over traditional implants is that they offer a viable treatment choice for patients who have experienced extensive bone loss. Depending on the quality and density of jawbone available at the implant site, four or more of these mini implants may be implanted at one time. The most common use for MDIs is to stabilize a lower denture, however they can be placed anywhere in the mouth.
Other advantages associated with MDIs may include:
• Better smelling breath
• More self-esteem
• Clearer speech
• Easier chewing and biting
• Easier cleaning
• Firmer denture fit
• Good success rate
• Less denture discomfort
• No cutting or sutures
• No need for adhesives or messy

bonding agents
• No rotting food beneath the denture
• No slipping or wobbling
• Quick treatment time
• Reduced costs
How are mini dental implants placed?
The whole mini dental implant placement procedure takes approximately one hour. Generally, in the case of lower jaw implants, four to six MDIs will be placed about 5mm apart. Prior to inserting MDIs, Dr. Mosmen will use many diagnostic and planning tools to find the optimal location to implant them.
After placement, a denture will be modified and affixed to the MDIs. The rubber O-ring on each MDI snaps into the designated spot on the denture, and the denture then rests snugly on the gum tissue. MDIs hold the denture comfortably in a tight-fitting way for the lifetime of that implant.
In almost all cases, no stitching is required, and no real discomfort is felt after the procedure. When the denture placement procedure is complete, light eating can be resumed. The

denture can be removed and cleaned at will. MDIs enhance the natural beauty of the smile and restore full functionality to the teeth.
If you have any questions about mini dental implants, please call Dr. Kevin Mosmen for a FREE consultation appointment to see if you’re a candidate for this procedure or traditional implants.
The Dental Difference – 2131 Route 33, Suite A, Hamilton, NJ 08690. 609-445-3577. www. thedentaldifference.com.

10 Tips for a Healthy Winter Season

Here are ten tips to help you keep your heart and overall health in check during the winter months:

1. Stay Active: Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Even a brisk walk can help maintain cardiovascular health.
2. Eat Mindfully: Balance indulgent treats with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

3. Limit Alcohol: Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum. Women should aim for no more than one drink per day.

4. Manage Stress: Practice relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or simply taking time for yourself to manage stress.

5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water, especially if you are enjoying hot beverages like cocoa or cider.

6. Prioritize Sleep: Stick to a regular sleep schedule. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night.

7. Dress Warmly: Protect yourself from the cold by dressing in layers and wearing appropriate winter gear.

8. Stay Connected: Spend time with loved ones and maintain social connections, which are important for mental health.

Source: American Heart Association

9. Practice Gratitude: Reflect on what you are thankful for and consider giving back to your community.

10. Plan for the New Year: Set realistic health goals for the year to maintain motivation and focus.

Together, we’re keeping you safe and healthy this winter. To schedule an appointment with one of our specialists or to learn more about our services, call 855-571-2500 or visit rwjbh.org/medgroupprimarycare.

• Back Pain and Neck Pain
• PRP & Stem Cell Therapy

• Knee Osteoarthritis Injections
• Non-Surgical Orthopedics

• Double Board Certified Pain Management Physician

Dr. Ronak Patel

• Regenerative medicine goes beyond disease management to search for and discover therapies that support the body in repairing, regenerating and restoring itself to a state of well-being.
• What are stem cells? Stem cells are the bank cells within your body that can morph in many different types of cell depending on what your body needs them for. Stem cells are your body’s repair systems.
• What is PRP? PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. PRP is created from a sample of your own blood, which is drawn from the patient and then put into a machine to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the rest of your blood.

• Am I a candidate for PRP or stem cell therapy? If you have pain due to injury, arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis, or any other condition, you are a candidate for cell-based therapy. Whether you are looking to heal from a traumatic injury, or regenerate older or diseased tissues, PRP or cell-based therapy could be something to help you heal and restore lost function and mobility.

lems in the provision of safe drinking water for many years.
In 2020, the state attorney general and DEP filed a lawsuit against TWW—which was later joined by the municipalities served by the water utility—seeking to compel the City of Trenton and the water utility to take the necessary actions after failing to comply with Administrative Consent Orders to provide safe drinking

Serving the Ringoes and Hopewell Area water.
Hopewell Township Mayor Courtney Peters-Manning said that she has advocated for a “direct operational takeover of Trenton Water Works by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection” since 2022. “The addition of DEP oversight two years ago, while short of a direct takeover, was a welcome change. However, the falsification of data, in conjunction with DBP exceedances in

Hopewell Township yet again, shows that more must be done. Nothing short of a wholesale change of operational control will prevent future lapses.”
Ewing Mayor Bert Steinmann issued similar remarks, although he stopped short of calling for a state takeover.
“The health and safety of our residents must never be compromised, and this latest failure underscores a persistent inability of TWW to uphold its responsibilities,” Steinmann said. “While TWW claims there is no immediate public health risk, I share the frustration and mistrust felt by many Ewing residents and our neighboring communities.”
employee could control and manipulate critical monitoring data, potentially putting customers at risk with no checks and balances in place,” Nerwinski said.
The state has said that TWW needs significant improvements to aging infrastructure, including its 7-acre, open-airreservoir that stores and provides already treated water to about 70 percent of TWW’s distribution system. The reservoir is in violation of a federal requirement that all outside reservoirs be covered.
In his statement, Gusciora gave assurances that the water is safe and that TWW has “taken decisive steps to strengthen oversight of our water sample collection process.”

Steinmann urged the DEP to increase its regulatory scrutiny and to provide clear, ongoing communication about TWW’s compliance and improvements.
He said the township will advocate for emergency measures to support residents with specific health concerns and for more robust long-term reforms in TWW’s operations.
Kevin Nerwinski, Lawrence Township’s municipal manager, called the situation “deeply troubling,” and also mentioned that township officials continue to advocate for the residents who are customers of TWW by intervening in the DEP lawsuit.
He said that TWW’s measures include installing GPS trackers on fleet vehicles; pairing employees with supervisors; requiring photo documentation of sample sites; utilizing tablets with specialized software; and providing additional training.
“TWW’s water quality testing is comprehensive and adheres to federal and state Safe Drinking Water Act regulations,” Gusciora said.
“It is incomprehensible that a single
He added that although DEP invalidated a portion of the data collected over the 13-month period, “I want to assure the public that at no point was the water provided to consumers unsafe to drink.”

R. Asher Wilson, Manager NJ Lic # 3823/Pa Lic # FD-000766 609-466-0233 1759 Linvale Harbourton Road Lambertville NJ 09830

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Wilson-Apple Funeral Home

R. Asher Wilson, Manager, Owner NJ Lic # 3823/Pa Lic # FD-000766 609-737-1498
Hopewell Township,

RWJUH Hamilton January Healthy Living / Community Education Programs
Monday, Jan. 6 + 27; 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Caring for someone with a chronic illness can take a physical and emotional toll on family members. A caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate this supportive group experience.
Monday, Jan. 6 + 27; 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Providing care and support for your parents later in their lives can be difficult and taxing. A caregiver specialist will moderate and facilitate this supportive group experience.
Tuesday, Jan. 7; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join a licensed insurance agent specializing in Medicare and ACA for a discussion on Medicare. Learn the different parts of Medicare, how to avoid penalties, and when to apply for Medicare benefits. Light refreshments provided.
Wednesday, Jan. 8; 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
A supportive discussion group for those caring for a loved one who is aging or has a chronic illness—shared experiences can be healing. A caregiver specialist will moderate and facilitate this supportive group experience.
Thursday, Jan. 9; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Many are discovering that this 1000+

year-old remedy helps with pain relief, tension, anxiety, improved function, and overall well-being. Medicare may even pay for it! Join Adam Redlich, MD, an integrative sports medicine specialist and acupuncture provider.
Monday, Jan. 13; 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Are you or a loved one concerned about your memory? Join us for a lecture on how to improve your memory. If interested, you may arrive at 1:30 p.m. to take a mini-memory screen.
Tuesday, Jan. 14; 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
What is your vision for 2025? During this workshop you will create a visual representation of your dreams and desires for the New Year. Please bring a pair of scissors; all other materials will be provided.
Tuesday, Jan. 14; 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
This support group explores how our emotional ties to our “stuff” can create clutter and affect our mood. A caregiver specialist will moderate and facilitate this supportive group experience.
Wednesday, Jan. 15; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Start off your New Year with our beginner meditation class and learn this simple, but not always easy practice to quiet your mind and soothe your body. No experience necessary.
Wednesday, Jan. 15; 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Support and information for family and friends of people with Alzheimer’s disease. A caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.
Wednesday Jan. 15; 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
This free comprehensive class, combines a lecture with hands-on self-defense training tailored to address real-life situations relevant to women of all ages. Email us at CommunityEdHAM@rwjbh.org to register for this program.
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Join our drum circle to drum your cares away, have fun and relieve stress. No experience necessary; drums will be provided. The program requires a fee of $15, payable upon registration.
Friday, Jan 17; 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
When in doubt, dance it out! Boost your well-being through the joy of dance. Whether you are a beginner or experienced dancer, this activity will lift your spirits and reduce stress. No experience required, all ages welcome.
Tuesday, Jan. 21; 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Have you been diagnosed with
Better Health is a free program
Tuesday, Jan 7 & 21; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan 7 & 21; 11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Tuesday, Jan 7 & 21; 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan 8, 15, 22, & 29; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Don’t miss an opportunity to participate in lifechanging conversations, listening, learning, and exploring for this time in our lives. Topics created for you by you. Every week is new and something different. Register for one or all.
Wednesday, Jan 8; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Have some fun while learning recipes that can help fuel your brain.

Wednesday, Jan 8; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Who said men don’t talk? Men need a safe space to share thoughts and feelings too. That’s why this is a women-free zone just for men to talk about whatever is on their minds.
Thursday, Jan 9; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Explore the causes and treatments for tinnitus and how it impacts hearing loss with an expert audiologist.
Friday, Jan 10 & 31; 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Join us for good wholesome fun – let’s play a game! Snacks and a variety of board games will be available, or bring your own.

prediabetes? This group is for you to connect with others affected. Share and explore ways to improve lifestyle changes.
Wednesday, Jan. 22; 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join us to discuss “Remarkably Bright Creatures”, a heart-warming whimsical book about family and humanity. Please come prepared to have a lively conversation about this month’s pick.
Wednesday, Jan 22; 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
For folks who have been Reiki certified (at any level) to come share the gift with fellow practitioners. Give a session, get a session. Please bring a sheet and small pillow.
Thursday, Jan. 23; 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Join a community of women to discuss relevant topics. Let’s find purpose, meaning and community together.
Monday, Jan. 27; 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Strong, healthy relationships can reduce stress, improve mental health and even lower the risk of chronic illness. In this interactive workshop, learn practical tools from a relationship coach for improving communication, navigating conflict and building trust. Useful for family,
Thursday, Jan 23; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Are you wondering what all the buzz is around AI? Join us to learn about artificial intelligence, its benefits, and its risks. A light breakfast will be served.
Friday, Jan 24; 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Join Paula Hearle, Volunteer Coordinator, RWJUH Hamilton, and Joyce Cantalice, Manager, Better Health Program, to learn why volunteering is good for the world and you! Learn about opportunities for you to use your time and talents helping others and increasing your happiness and well-being.
Monday, Jan 27; 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join Maureen Stevens, PT, DPT, GCS, Cert. MDT, RWJ Rehabilitation in Hamilton, to learn the
friends, colleagues and partners. SACRED BREATHWORK
Monday, Jan. 27; 6:00 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
Join a Reiki Master and Certified Breathwork Facilitator to learn how sacred breathwork can help release negative patterns and fears that keep us stuck. Please bring a yoga mat, blankets, or anything else that will make you comfortable. The program requires a fee of $15, payable upon registration.
Tuesday, Jan. 28; 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Join us for the return of the Stroke Support Group. This is a place for survivors and caregivers to build a community. The group will share personal experiences, feelings, recovery strategies, and firsthand information on managing life after stroke. Meetings will be facilitated by two outpatient rehabilitation therapists: Ashley Sarrol SpeechLanguage Pathologist, and Allyson Panikowski-Berry Occupational Therapist. Survivors and care partners at any stage of recovery are encouraged to attend.
*All programs require registration and are held at the RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center, 3100 Quakerbridge Rd., Hamilton, NJ, unless otherwise noted.

importance of movement as we age and how physical and occupational therapy can help to keep you moving throughout your life.
Thursday, Jan 30; 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Join Sara Ali, MD, Board Certified in Geriatrics and Internal Medicine, as she compassionately discusses behaviors and symptoms that may be indicators of the onset of dementia and first steps to diagnosis. Learn about new medications and treatments that can help slow the progression of the disease and explore your options to best care for your loved one. This informative program will help you through this difficult journey.
Scan QR code to view, learn more & register on-line for the programs listed above. Or visit rwjbh.org/HamiltonPrograms Email CommunityEdHam@rwjbh.org or call 609-584-5900 to learn more

the state legislature approved new affordable housing legislation outlining new processes for determining and enforcing municipalities’ constitutional responsibility to provide affordable housing withing its borders.
“At this critical juncture in New Jersey, with soaring housing prices and limited housing stock, this legislation is essential,” said state Senate Majority Leader Teresa Ruiz, a primary sponsor of the bill.
She added: “Furthermore, by streamlining the process for municipalities with clear guidance and deadlines, we aim to make fulfilling affordable housing obligations less daunting while effectively addressing the state’s affordable housing shortage.”
As required by the new law, the Department of Community Affairs released new affordable housing calculations for each municipality in October. The calculations outline the affordable housing needs for the period between 2025-2035.
In addition to the resolution, the law also requires municipalities to adopt a Housing Element and Fair Share Plan by June 30 this year.
Advocates for the provision of more affordable housing units in the state have praised the legislation.
“This new law ensures that New Jersey will have one of the strongest frameworks

Hopewell Township could soon see more affordable housing developments such as those in the Hopewell Parc subdivision, which will have 216 units designated affordable. Hopewell Parc is expected to have 1,077 units in total.
in the U.S. to require affordable homes in historically exclusionary communities,” said Adam Gordon, executive director of the Fair Share Housing Center. “This will help tear down the walls that have denied too many in our state access to opportunity and create new affordable homes near jobs, schools and transportation. Opponents, meanwhile, argue that the new law puts an unfair burden on municipalities without providing other necessary land use planning tools to provide for construction of the units.
A number of towns have filed law-
suits seeking to invalidate or modify the requirements, and many believe the process is overly complex. The towns argue that the calculations of their housing needs are too high and do not consider local conditions, such as zoning limitations or land capacity.
Mercer County Superior Court Judge Robert T. Lougy was scheduled to hear arguments on Dec. 20 from Montvale and almost 30 other towns seeking a stay of the deadlines as the case progresses. To date, no town in Mercer County has joined the lawsuit.
“The growing number of municipalities joining this lawsuit highlights the deep frustration with Trenton’s unrealistic Fourth Round affordable housing mandates,” said Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali, who is leading a bipartisan coalition called “Local Leaders for Responsible Planning.”
Gordon responded to the litigation challenging the new law.
“The lawsuit will inevitably get thrown out in court,” he said. “It’s purely a smokescreen to undermine and delay the implementation of [the new law]. This lawsuit is nothing new—it’s supported by many of the same ultra-wealthy communities who have fought affordable housing for decades, every step of the way.” * *
State officials said the new law was necessary to address ongoing challenges in fulfilling municipalities’ obligations to provide affordable housing under the state’s Mount Laurel doctrine and Fair Housing Act.
The Mount Laurel doctrine, which was established through a series of state Supreme Court rulings over multiple decades, requires municipalities to provide their “fair share” of affordable housing to low- and moderate-income residents.
Problems arose, though, over the years as the process of determining and enforcing these obligations faced legal battles,

delays and inconsistencies.
The previous system, overseen by the state Council on Affordable Housing, struggled with inefficiency, frequent litigation and a lack of clear standards—leading to a backlog of unmet housing needs.
In 2015, the state Supreme Court transferred oversight of affordable housing obligations to the courts due to COAH’s dysfunction.
The stated purpose of the law was to create a standardized framework, streamlining the calculation of housing needs and making municipalities more accountable for meeting their obligations.
By outlining a clear methodology for determining present and prospective housing needs and introducing specific criteria for identifying deficient housing, the law aims to resolve the confusion and delays that previously hindered the construction of affordable housing.
Under the new law, the Department of Community Affairs was made responsible for calculating both regional housing needs and individual municipal obligations for affordable housing under the latest “round” of requirements.
Present, prospective need
The first step in this process was determining the “Present Need,” which is defined as the number of “substandard” housing units currently occupied by lowand moderate-income households. The new affordable housing law defines deficient units as those that are overcrowded, over 50 years old, or lacking complete kitchen or plumbing facilities.
In order to meet present need, towns will need to create rehabilitation programs to help renovate and preserve existing affordable housing units. One way to do this, for example, would be to offer grants or low-interest loans to homeowners or landlords to improve substandard units.
The second, and in most towns, larger piece of the affordable housing puzzle is the prospective need obligation—the number of housing units needed to provide for low- and moderate-income residents over the next 10 years. The state calculated the number based on projections of population change, employment growth, economic trends and development potential in the state’s six housing regions.
Nonresidential property values, income levels and land availability were calculated using data from local property assessments, census income figures, and land use maps. They were combined to assign each municipality its housing obligation.
Hopewell Borough’s present need is 0 units, and its prospective need is 39 units.
Hopewell Township must provide for the third highest number of new units in Mercer County under the new numbers released by DCA (West Windsor is high-
est and Hamilton is second). Its present need is 8 units, and its prospective need is 543 units.
Pennington Borough present need is 4 units, and its prospective need is 58 units. Municipalities are now required to create plans to meet these needs through zoning changes, building projects, or other measures, often in cooperation with developers or nonprofit housing organizations.
The law contains provisions outlining how municipalities may receive “bonus credits” that allows units of affordable housing to be credited as 1.5 or 2 units in certain circumstances. It allows towns to satisfy up to 25% of their housing obligation through these incentives.
They include housing for individuals with special needs, partnerships with non-profit developers, transit-adjacent housing, large units with at least three bedrooms, housing exceeding very lowincome thresholds, and projects on previously developed land.
Who qualifies?
Eligibility for low- and moderateincome affordable housing is based on household income relative to the area’s median income, adjusted for household size. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines income limits for very low, low, and moderateincome households.
Very low-income households can earn up to 30% of the median income, lowincome households up to 50%, and moderate-income households earn up to 80%. These income limits vary by county and household size.
For example, in the Mercer County region, the 2024 income limits for very lowincome households are $44,100 for one person, $50,400 for two, $56,700 for three, and $62,950 for four. Low-income households have limits ranging from $68,500 for one person to $129,100 for eight. Moderate-income limits range from $109,600 for one person to $210,000 for eight.
Each town offers a variety of affordable housing, including for-sale and rental units; senior communities; housing for people with disabilities and special needs; and group homes. More information can be found online at nj.gov/dca/codes/ publications/guide.shtml.
Hopewell Township offers 424 units of affordable housing at 10 sites. For more information on the municipality’s affordable housing program and how to apply, call (609) 924-3822, ext. 2 or go to hopewelltwp.org/150/ Affordable-Housing.
Pennington offers 229 units of affordable housing at four sites. For more information go to penningtonboro.org or call (609) 737-0276.

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“Katie is definitely gonna be an offensive threat. She, too, was deferential last year to Gillian (Magner). She needs to step out of that shell and come alive.”
With the two being asked to provide leadership, they are happy to have each other to lean on as they set the tone.
“I think it is great that we have a young team,” Ross said. “It provides us with new talent, new people, and new skills. I am happy to have Katie by my side to help with the leadership role. We are both pretty vocal and outgoing which allows us to connect with the younger kids. It also will help by balancing the pressure. It will be split between both of us and not just one person.”
Reinhart was in hearty agreement, adding that “Having Delainey here to help lead will make it so much better. We can both rely on each other for different things, and we both have the necessary experience to know how to lead effectively. We’ve seen in the last two years how other groups of upperclassmen have acted as leaders, and now we know what to replicate and what to change in how we interact with the team.”
* * *
The two friends began playing soccer together in first grade, and Coleen Ross remembers being part of the car pools that took them to different practices and games. She recalls when they started basketball in fourth grade that her daughter had a little meltdown en route to the first practice.
“I remember clearly Delainey screaming in the car, ‘Oh my

God, I forgot my shin guards!’” Ross said. “I told her ‘You don’t need shin guards for basketball.’”
They have played both sports ever since, and have been on the varsity teams since they were freshmen. Despite being a basketball coach’s daughter, Ross considers soccer her number one sport, while Reinhart said “both are pretty even in which one has a bigger impact on my life.”
Through her first two hoop seasons Ross averaged 4.1 points and 6.3 rebounds while collecting 38 assists, 32 blocked shots and 91 steals in 46 games. Reinhart averaged 6.0 points and 1.8 rebounds while amassing 36 assists, 12 blocks and 46 steals.
“Katie is definitely our offensive threat,” Coleen Ross said. “She can shoot the three, she can drive and pull up. She can control the tempo of the game for us. Delainey is more of the defensive threat. She’s setting the tone at practice and in the game defensively. She’s the vocal one on the floor. We’re gonna need her to not be 5-8 and to actually be 6-foot and box out and grab a rebound.”
Ross feels that to overcome her height disadvantage she can use her strength as an advantage. She also gets opponents off balance on defense and is tenacious in clearing space underneath.
“Delainey is a great leader who always brings the energy
and enthusiasm to practices and games,” Reinhart said. “She’s aggressive and not afraid to dive on the ground to secure a loose ball. Not only that, but she’s a great post-player who can take on many opponents, and she’s one of the best rebounders in the CVC.”
Reinhart is looking forward to the challenge of increasing her scoring output. She is known as a 3-point shooter but is looking to penetrate more to give herself increased opportunities. Over the summer she spent her weekends practicing ball handling, which helped improve other areas of her game.
“Katie is a great basketball player,” Delainey Ross said. “She is an amazing shooter. She can
shoot threes and score from anywhere in the paint. She’s good at taking on players one-v-one and finishing. Katie is also a great leader. She is vocal and positive. She is one of the hardest workers on the court, and I am glad to have her as a teammate.”
She better be glad, considering how long they have been teammates. Coleen Ross loves watching their chemistry on the court and marvels at how well they anticipate each other’s movements.
“We’re gonna benefit from that once they get the confidence to be the go-to players this year,” the coach said.
Reinhart feels that playing two sports together in which teamwork is so important, has helped immeasurably.
“We’ve grown to trust each other on and off the court, and we’re able to easily communicate,” she said. “On the court, Delainey and I have a really strong, unspoken connection. We’re always looking for the backdoor cuts from each other and we always know when to switch on defense. We are always looking for each other to make plays.”
The fact they have become close friends also helps.
“We have a lot of chemistry,” Ross said. “Especially for basketball, Katie and I work very well with each other on the court. I would say we are very in sync and we know what we want to do when one of us has the ball.”
And while their cohesiveness is an attribute, so is the fact they are coming off a highly successful soccer season in which Reinhart scored the game’s lone goal against Allentown in the

know that I can trust her.”
“We’re in a building year,” Coleen Ross said. “We lost six seniors, we lost 70 percent of our scoring. But they came in with the mindset it can be done. It’s not gonna be easy and we’re gonna have to do whatever we have to do to get there. They’ve been bringing that mentality into the season, piggy backing off their tremendous soccer season and showing the younger kids ‘Hey it’s gonna be tough but we’re gonna get there.’”
The players want to do well for their coach as well as their team and themselves. In a way, they are both like daughters to Ross.
“Knowing Ms. Ross personally for all these years has increased our relationship during basketball season,” Reinhart said. “She has shown that she trusts me and believes in me to help lead the team. Knowing her on a personal level has also given me confidence in myself because I
‘It is great that we have a young team,” says Ross. “We are both outgoing, which allows us to connect with the younger kids.’
And then, of course, there is Coleen’s real offspring, who said, “Having my mom as a coach is great. She can be a bit tough on me since I am her daughter, but I love learning from her. She gives me advice on my shooting, and we always discuss our game plan for upcoming games. Basketball has brought us closer and I am grateful for that.”
As for the coach herself, it has been a rewarding ride watching the two close friends come up through the ranks and improve as athletes.
“It’s been great just seeing how much they’ve grown, from that first basketball practice I drove them to,” Ross said. “And now, to see the two of them be such great leaders on the court for the younger kids; and to see the maturity and how they came over from the soccer field to the basketball court leading us into the season, it’s just great to see.”

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A million dollars and other meaningful routes to happiness

As I wrote in my January 2024 column, my annual New Year’s intention is to bring more happiness into the world both for myself and others. While in the past, I’ve touted professional research studies for maximizing happiness, this year I’m getting personal.
Last month, Princeton Area Community Foundation announced they were donating $1 million to the Outdoor Equity Alliance. As OEA’s cofounder, this brought me immense joy, as the grant ensures an enduring future for a nonprofit whose mission is to ensure Nature For All.
Despite the OEA’s recent fundraising success, the early days were fraught with challenges.
In 2019, the first alliance of committed individuals gathered to discuss the purpose and confirm there was a need. Yet a recognized need doesn’t always ensure that funders share our vision.
As FoHVOS executive director, I developed OEA’s flagship internship
Of the many enthusiastic and talented supporters who joined the Outdoor
and both Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County and Hopewell Valley Regional School District signed on, joining the program for January 2020. Despite their backing, we could not attract corporate or nonprofit grants.
So instead, in December 2019 we launched a GoFundMe to raise $10,000 to implement the series.
In 2020, a generous benefactor agreed to fund half of OEA’s first staff member, if I personally matched their donation. FoHVOS became the OEA fiscal sponsor and from then on, I contributed thousands to ensure that the OEA sponsored project was always a net financial positive for FoHVOS.
The same benefactor funded OEA’s first strategic plan. Once developed,
Princeton Area Community Foundation’s Bunbury Fund provided $50,000 in seed money to implement the plan. Jamie Kyte Sapoch, lead adviser to the Bunbury Fund, said that strong leadership to drive the mission was a major grant consideration.
Implementation included establishing a board and bylaws and hiring an executive director, William Wilson, whose guidance would propel OEA’s future.
Flash ahead to when I sent thanks to Jamie for OEA’s $1 million grant. She replied: “Will be watching in the wings as OEA grows into its full potential under William’s leadership…”
And as we ring in this New Year, I can joyfully say, so will I.
Of the many enthusiastic and talented supporters who joined the OEA board, one unsung hero was the first treasurer, Damon Missouri. Damon had a strong financial background and even stronger moral compass. He was the first to apply for a PACF grant after OEA’s formation, ensuring that PACF management was well aware of the OEA mission.
Damon continued as OEA treasurer until his military deployment to the Middle East as a senior chaplain. At that time, I took over as a temporary treasurer until his return.
Damon was overseas for 11 months. When he returned in December, I indicated that my Hopewell Express readers might benefit from insights into his considerable life experience that provide an interesting contrast to my own.
I asked what advice he would give to those seeking a happier life. Here is his answer.
My name is Damon Missouri, I am a husband of 24 years and counting, a father of seven, private wealth advisor, Army chaplain, board member, son,

friend, devout Christian and a five-year resident of Hopewell Township, just to name a few. Andy Stanley, some years, ago wrote a book called Choosing to Cheat, which pretty much sums up my life, when it comes to balancing my various roles, time, my identity and the looming thought of who and what I am cheating, to include myself.
This is less about the book, and more about my personal journey and a recent life event that demanded me to answer the profound questions of what keeps me fulfilled and what I would share with others who seek to lead a happier life. I recently returned from a nearly 11-month combat deployment, where I spent most of my time in Iraq and Syria, with travels to both Jordan and Kuwait as part of a Combined Joint Task Force, or CJTF, in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, or OIR.
Upon entering theater, I led as the CJTF-OIR command chaplain, where I coordinated coverage plans, provided guidance and overall supervision to as many as 17 U.S. Army subordinate religious support teams and 5 coalition chaplains in four countries. Despite being understaffed, I excelled at my job, which led to great success and accolades.
crept in, my faith was the anchor that allowed room for true fulfillment and hope. It was my faith that reminded me that I was there to serve no matter what role I was in and that I can make it through all difficulties or challenges.
As a command chaplain, I was missing something important. Proximity.
I learned that being close to the brokenhearted, being with people as they suffered trauma, navigated fears, lost relationships and loved ones, they often were spiritually bankrupt and needed words of hope and life through the gospel and love, were the most important things I could offer.
It was something I needed too. Leadership can be lonely at times. My own kryptonite became apparent when it came to my family back home. Capacity, albeit limited, was created for me to be more emotionally present, where I had “cheated” my family. I am grateful that God provided this shift in my priorities and focus.

One of the most disappointing and best things that could have happened to me at point in the deployment, was when one of the generals I worked for decided to restructure organizationally mid-rotation, which moved me to an undescriptive senior task force chaplain role. But this allowed me the opportunity to take a step back, reassess my priorities in theater and focus on my relationship with my wife and children and where I could make the most impact while being over 5000 miles away and 8-hour times difference.
I will tell you, I was not happy, initially! I was angry about the way the change was made, even though I was commended for how well I performed and the outstanding work I accomplished.
However, with change comes opportunities. What I learned was that everything around me can change and upend in a moment, especially after many of my fellow service members and I came under multiple drone and rocket attacks by Iranian aligned militia groups. What would not be upended was my faith. It was my faith in God that allowed me to remember why I was in the desert. When fear of loss of life, family or control
Opportunities were also created to actively support the military religious community in Erbil, Iraq, fill gaps, support senior leaders, take care of special force community members, mentor and advise other senior chaplains, and go where the trouble was whether is was in Syria or other parts of Iraq, to support my fellow chaplains and leaders when things got scary.
Jesus said: “What do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” Jesus said this in the context of staying focused on your purpose, not seeing things simply from a purely humanistic perspective, but from a higher level. True joy, fulfillment and happiness is not in the title, roles, wealth we may or may not have or social status, and rank. Fulfillment and happiness come by serving motivated by love.
If we operated in a posture that is transactional, selfish, harboring unforgiveness because of actual or perceived wrongs, seeking things that are temporary which has no eternal impact, we sell ourselves and others short. We will miss joy, and our purpose. We cannot control everything that happens to us, but we can focus on how we will respond.
Lisa Wolff Lisa Wolff is the co-founder of the Outdoor Equity Alliance and an enthusiast for all things inspiring, generous, and local. Email: lwolffhome@gmail.com.

Traffic safety improvements coming to Hopewell in 2025

Courtney Peters-Manning From tHE
In 2025, Hopewell Township will see at least three significant traffic safety improvements. These critical upgrades are the result of cooperation and work by all levels of government. First, the Hopewell Township Committee is partnering with Mercer County for a new four-way stop at the intersection of Pennington-Harbourton Road and Scotch Road/Burd Road, along with a reduced speed limit on PenningtonHarbourton Road.
Next, we are working closely with the State to secure a long-awaited traffic light at the intersection of Route 31 and Ingleside Ave. Finally, the township is in the process of implementing several safety upgrades at the intersection of Pennington-Titusville Road and Scotch Road, including a four-way stop and reduced speed limits.
Pennington-Harbourton and Scotch/Burd
Last month the HTC passed two resolutions supporting Mercer County’s critical safety improvements at the intersection of PenningtonHarbourton Road (County Route 623) and Scotch Road/Burd Road. These improvements come at the urging of the HTC in response to a fatal crash at this intersection and are part of an ongoing effort to enhance road safety and prevent future incidents.
The county will establish a 4-way stop at the intersection, ensuring safer conditions for drivers and pedestrians alike. Currently, only traffic traveling on Burd/Scotch Rd is required to stop, while traffic on Pennington Harbourton Road does not have a stop sign. Further, the speed limit along PenningtonHarbourton Road between County Route 579 (Trenton-Harbourton Road) and Route 31 will be reduced to 35 mph, a move the HTC has advocated to improve safety along this heavily traveled route.
The family and loved ones of the victim of the recent, tragic crash have been important advocates of this change, and there is hope that these changes will help prevent future tragedies.
Ingleside and 31
The intersection of Ingleside Avenue (County Route 631) and State Route 31 has long been a concern of community members and the HTC, which has been asking the Department of Transportation
to install a full signal there for years. A cost sharing-agreement with the DOT was signed in October 2024, and the flashing light will be upgraded to a full traffic signal in 2025.
The intersection is problematic because the current signal does not provide adequate gaps for drivers to turn onto Route 31 or cross over to Ingleside Avenue, and risky maneuvers have become all too common. The tTownship police fepartment has reported 31 crashes there in the last three years — 11 of which resulted in injuries — highlighting the need for change.
The new traffic signal will provide smoother access onto and across Route 31 and enhance safety for everyone — whether in a car, on foot, or on a bike. Plus, it will result in improved circulation for important local routes, including the proposed Great Western Bikeway, which, when complete, will increase the number of cyclists crossing Route 31 at this intersection.
Pennington-Titusville and Scotch/Burd
Improvements are also coming at the intersection of Pennington-Titusville Road and Scotch Road. Because these are both local roads, the HTC has the authority to act unilaterally. You may have already noticed the new “Cross Traffic Does Not Stop” signs bordered in highvisibility yellow, and new LED flashers added to the stop signs on Scotch Road in December to augment the rumble strips and warning signs already in place. Driver speed limit feedback signs are also coming very soon. Most importantly, in December the township engineer completed a traffic study which indicated that a four-way stop and reduced speed limits on the approaches are warranted at this intersection. An ordinance allowing for both of these changes will be introduced in early 2025, and the stop signs and reduced speeds will be implemented shortly thereafter.
More to come
Traffic Safety is of the utmost importance to the HTC. There are several other areas of the Township that are currently under review for similar improvements, and we look forward to continuing to move forward to improve the safety of all residents and visitors.
Courtney Peters-manning is a member of the Hopewell Township Committee, which provided this content.

40 HolidaythAnnualWalk

Thanks to our generous supporters!
Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s International Realty • SAX Wealth Advisors
GOLD SNOWFLAKE ($500 -$999)
Bank of Princeton • Blackwell Memorial Home • Corcoran Sawyer Smith/Sue Thompson First Bank • Pennington Quality Market • The Pennington School
SILVER SNOWFLAKE ($250 - $499)
A&E Construction • BHHS Fox & Roach/Michelle Needham • Butrym & Cassavelle, P.C. • Creative MediaWorks
Delis Lawn Service • DeSimone Orthodontics • First Steps Financial • Andrew Hamlin & Kathleen Deignan
Erwin Harbat Hopewell Valley YMCA • Knox Grove Financial • Jason Meyer & Princeton Business Law
Pennington Montessori School • Poppy Boutique • Regent Flooring • The Front Porch • Vito’s Restaurant
BRONZE SNOWFLAKE ($100 - $249)
Anonymous (4) • Katherine Bailey • The Caiola Family • Alisandra Carnevale, Esq. • Suzanne Ellliott • Emily’s Café & Catering
Hopewell Valley Fitness • Carole & John Jackson • Frank Jankoski • Bonnie Lieu • Joanna Long • The MAX Challenge of Lawrenceville
McCabe Electric • Mark McDonough Orthodontist • MercerMe • Anastasia Millar • Mischief Studios • Chris Murphy & Jon Bulter
The Patchwork Bear • Road Runner Cleaners • Tim and Nancy Smith • Sumo Sushi • Walsh Senior Solutions
PATRONS ($25 - $99)
Anonymous (7) • Amber Spa • Graham and Carol Cole • Katrina Delark • Aubrey Dunn • Kathleen Edwards
Yvette Garabedian • Amanda Gillum • Jazzercise - Pennington Fitness Center • Geralyn Koblis • Kollevoll & Associates LLC
Kristen Kramley • Mollie McGill • Kate O’Neill • Sentiment Depot Antiques & Collectibles • Kimberly Sherman
TheMuDojo LLC-The Trauma Sherpa • Village Salon • Young Nails • Zoe Graphics
Erin Armendinger • Pat Barch • Margaret Caulfield • Julia Crislip • Thomas Delark • Suzanne Elliott • Jacquelin Flannery
Charles Hamlin • Andrew Hamlin & Kathleen Deignan • Brian Hofacker • Maureen Kimball • Melissa Klausner
Kimberly Lee • Marni Lun • Jennifer Mahan • Keith McGregor • Kara Paul • Jennifer Petri • Ryan Schwab
Heather Scott • Kaitlin Small • Nancy Smith • Jiwon and Matt Tilghman • Kristin Tunkel • Walsh Senior Solutions
Caroling by the Hopewell Valley Girl Scouts
The Pennington Studio of Dance
Erwin Harbat
Pennington Bagel
Pennington Fire Department
Pennington Presbyterian Church
Pennington Quality Market
Pennington United Methodist Church
Uncle Ed’s Creamery
FrontRoom Images/Heather Raub
HTS Tree Care/Brian Hartel
Notre Dame High School Volunteers
Pennington Fire Company
Pennington Flower Market
Pennington Police Department
Pennington Public Works
Pretium Property Mgt. LLC/Howe Commons
Santa’s Elves Sierra Mitchell & AJ Raub
Terra Momo Bread Company
The Vinci Family
Town pictures taken by Helen Pidhajny
Zoe Graphics/Kim Waters
Marie Bardzilowski
Kit Chandler
Andy Hamlin
Erwin Harbatt
Larissa Kelsey
Jason Meyer
Chris Murphy
Michelle Needham
Jeremy Rhen
Brit West
Special thanks to Snowflake Sponsors, Volunteers and Friends that made this event possible! Thanks to the Vinci Family for lighting up 1 N Main and making it Santa’s home for the event!

Beaver fervor

Robin Schore sCHorE to PLEAsE
In fall 2023, I was biking over the wooden bridge in the middle of St. Michael’s Preserve when I noticed that there was less water than usual in Beden’s Brook. When I looked upstream, I found a beaver dam that had been broached and a mudflat where a pond might have existed.
When I went by a few weeks later, the dam had been rebuilt and the pond refilled. Beavers in the Borough!
By this fall, the dam has been well established, so much so that grass is growing on top of it. I haven’t seen any beavers, but tracks are everywhere as are the stumps of trees with the characteristic points showing the beavers’ toothy work.
This fall, Beden’s Brook below the dam had no water, just some slimy mud, but after the December rains offset the threemonth drought, the waters are flowing briskly again.
When I contacted Tina Notas, director

or valuable crops. Beavers provide benefits for both animals and people (who need a pond).
He said that trappers tend to be from families with a long-standing tradition of “harvesting” beavers, but there’s not much of a market for beaver pelts these days. Pelts go for $20 to $30 each.
While currently there is little interest in hats and coats, people do like beaver blankets. When was the last time you saw someone wearing a beaver hat?
Extract from the beaver’s castor glands is also used in both perfumes and medicine.
Locally, you can observe beaver activity in the Mountain Lakes Preserve in Princeton, near the DMV on Bakers Basin Road, in the Delaware and Raritan Canal and in the Delaware River. With their increased presence in New Jersey, beavers do get into trouble. I remember biking past at least one flattened creature on Route 29 in Titusville.
of land stewardship for D&R Greenway, she wrote: “I’ve noticed beaver activity at the preserve for a few years now. We welcome these natural engineers. I do

monitor to make sure the flooding isn’t reaching the paved road. Beavers can create wetland habitats that lead to an increase in floodwater holding capacity which in turn mitigates the effects of climate change.”
Mike Van Clef, stewardship director of Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space, said: “Generally, beavers are exceptionally important, and their relative absence on the landscape compared to pre-Columbian times has profound negative impacts. At the same time, they can really screw things up in particular places (for humans that is).”
Beavers were practically extinct in New Jersey, and in much of the country, by the early 1900’s due to people’s fondness for beaver pelt hats. New Jersey protected beavers from trapping in 1903. By 1947, their numbers had increased sufficiently that limited trapping was once again permitted. These days, if you want to trap beavers, you have to enter a lottery. In the 2023-24 season, up to 200 beaver permits were available from NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife for a trapping season that lasted from Dec. 26 to Feb. 29. The fee for this permit was $15. Fish and Wildlife may issue permits to landowners to control beavers that are destroying their property.
As of 2016, the beaver population of New Jersey was estimated to be about 7,500. According to Adam at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is usually no response to beavers damming areas unless there is damage to property
According to the director of the Mercer County Wildlife Center, which last year treated 2,472 injured animals of nearly 130 different species, beavers’ curiosity puts them at risk. At times, canoeists on the Delaware will smack beavers with their paddles when they approach, alarmed by these rodents that can weigh up to 70 pounds and have big teeth. The center rescues and rehabilitates the beavers when possible. Not to be ignored is “Beaver Fever,” aka giardia, a loathsome intestinal parasite that can be contracted from contaminated water. However, despite the name, giardiasis infection occurs in a wide variety of domestic and wild mammals including dogs, cats, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, coyotes, rodents, and raccoons as well as beavers and people. The rule of thumb (or lips): When water is splashed, keep your mouth shut.
In November, a most unusual incident occurred when a man fishing in the South Branch of the Raritan River was bitten by a beaver. According to Adam at the USDA, beavers tend to be unaggressive. The belligerent animal had to be suffering from some disease, perhaps rabies or distemper.
To date, the beaver perp has not been apprehended.
But Happy Beaver Year anyway. In the coming year, I’ll need something to be happy about — desperately.
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