8-24 WWP

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WW through the lens

From the vantage point of his childhood home at the crosssection of Alexander Road and Scott Avenue, Joe Ryan thought he knew every inch of West Windsor. For years, when he wasn’t walking to the local shop-

ping center, train station, or high school—all conveniently close by—he would regularly bike or drive over every inch of the town he loved.

But at the beginning of this year, the now 53-year-old IT specialist returned from his current home in a Philadelphia suburb

and surprised himself by discovering new areas off Route 1 that he had never encountered.

“I looked on a map and found that there’s a trail that walks in from Washington Road,” Ryan said during a recent Google Chat conversation. “You walk in about

See RYAN, Page 6

Leaving a legacy

Mary Gay AbbottYoung reflects on her long career at the Rescue Mission of Trenton

Over a century ago, the Trenton community was faced with the crucial need to help residents struggling with homelessness and hunger in the area. It started with a shelter that opened its doors, day and night, to those seeking refuge.

There were no criteria, just two simple questions: “What’s your name?” and “Are you hungry?”

The Shelter was more than just a safe haven—it was a symbol of hope. Today, the Rescue Mission of Trenton is dedicated to serving the same cause for all individuals in need across Mercer County. More than just hope, the mission helps find potential and opportunity.

Over the years, individuals have not just provided food and shelter, but also shown the path towards a better future. In just the last year, the non-profit has served 4,636 individuals, 193,290 meals, and provided 106 forms of housing.

Mary Gay Abbott-Young. With her contribution, alongside the help of volunteers, staff, board and donors, the Rescue Mission has become an anchor for the community. Over the years, it has addressed the needs of clients and expanded resources in eight key sectors, from the Behavioral Health Center to Vocational Development to the latest endeavor, the New Direction program.

Abbott-Young, who embodied the spirit of the Rescue Mission in her work for more than 50 years, officially retired from the organization effective June 30. With her retirement, she stepped down from her role as president.

In 2021, she handed off the position of CEO to her son, Barrett Young. The president’s job is oversight of all fundraising and grant/contract management, while the CEO has oversight of all development Work, and agency operations.

The Rescue Mission is holding a “Retirement Celebration

For Mary Gay Abbott Young” on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 2-4 p.m. at Cooper’s Riverview, 50 Riverview Plaza, Trenton. Anyone interested in joining the celebration can go to eventbrite.com and search for “Retirement Celebration For Mary Gay Abbott-Young.”

For more than half of its existence, the Rescue Mission had been led by CEO and president See ABBOTT-YOUNG, Page

Tickets for Community Partners are $50, and attendance is

Community Educa�on and Be�er Health Programs located on page 3

Lenny Anklowitz, third from right wearing teal and grey, owner of the Beverage Barn liquor store on Clarksville Road, stands with his crew in front of the business in a 1994 photo from the book “Images of West Windsor, New Jersey” by Joe Ryan. The store was torn down a short time later to make way for the Village Square shopping center.

RWJUH Hamilton August Healthy Living / Community Education Programs


Monday, Aug 5; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Monday, Aug 12; 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept 3; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

A group for anyone with diabetes or caring for one of the 37 million Americans living with diabetes. Learn and discuss healthy ways to manage diabetes alongside peers and Taryn Krietzman, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Empower yourself and others towards a healthy lifestyle and success in diabetes self-management.


Monday, Aug 5 + 19; 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Caring for a chronically ill senior can take a physical and emotional toll on family members. An Oaks Integrated Care Caregiver Specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.


Monday, Aug 5 + 19; 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

An Oaks Integrated Care caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.


Tuesday, Aug 6; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept 3; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Support group about dealing with stress. When you experience stress, your body produces physical and mental responses. Gain valuable insight about how others deal with similar situations.


Wednesday, Aug 7; 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Supportive discussion group for those caring for a loved one who is aging or has a chronic illness-shared experiences can be healing. An Oaks Integrated Care caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.


Friday, Aug 9; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Aug 20; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Friday, Sept 6; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

When in doubt, dance it out! Find your rhythm and ease the everyday stresses of life with movement. All ages welcome; no experience required.

A great way to get kid your kids out and active during these summer days off from school.


Monday, Aug 12; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Monday, Sept 9; 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Support group for people experiencing emotional eating. Peer support is key. We offer a safe space to connect with others who are going through similar experiences.


Tuesday, Aug 13; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

This support group explores how our emotional ties to our “stuff” can create clutter and affect our mood.

An Oaks Integrated Care caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.


Monday, Aug 19; 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

This Reiki Master level class is for those who have been certified in Reiki level 2 and have been practicing for at least 6 months. Master Level deepens ones Reiki practice and adds focus, clarity and integrity to go deeper within to fully integrate the Reiki tools you already have. $160


Monday, Aug 19; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Are you light-headed? Unsteady on your feet? Do you feel off balance? Join Lorraine Sgarlato, Au.D. and learn about the causes and treatment for dizziness.


Tuesday, Aug 20; 4:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Participants will attend a lecture about colon health, and receive a stool sample kit to use at home and mail back.


Wednesday, Aug 21; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Quieting your mind, even for a short while, can have profound effects on both your body and your mind. Come learn to lower the volume of your mind’s chatter. No experience is necessary.


Wednesday, Aug 21; 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Support and information for family and friends of people with Alzheimer’s disease. An Oaks Integrated Care

caregiver specialist will conduct these interactive groups on crucial topics and facilitate a supportive group experience.


Wednesday, Aug 21; 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Drum your cares away with our monthly drum circle. It’s lots of fun and a great stress reliever. Beginners welcome; drums will be provided. Mauri Tyler, CTRS, CMP $15



Thursday, Aug 22; 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

A Goodreads best Book of the Year.

“A fiery feminist fantasy tale set in 1950’s America where thousands of women have spontaneously transformed into dragons, exploding notions of a woman’s place in the world and expanding minds about accepting others for who they really are.” Bring your book to class and come prepared to have a lively discussion with other women readers.


Thursday, Aug 22; 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Join a community of women as we discuss relevant topics and find purpose, meaning and community.


Monday, Aug 26; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Join Orthopedic Program Coordinator, Denise Berdecia, MSN, RN, ONC; Lead Rehabilitation Therapists, Maureen Stevens, PT, DPT, GCS, Cert. MDT; and

Sarah Masco, OTD, OTR/L, CLT-LANA; for an in-depth discussion on total hip replacements. These experts will explain preventative treatment, talking to a surgeon, decision for surgery, hospital expectations, and recovery with outpatient therapy.


Tuesday, Aug 27; 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

This group is for you to connect with others affected. Share and explore ways to improve lifestyle changes.


Wednesday, Aug 28; 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Toxins are all around us - in the air we breathe, the products we use and the food we eat. Learn what these toxins can do to our body and ways to avoid them and live a cleaner life with Patti McDougall, BSN, Integrative Therapies Nurse.


Wednesday, Aug 28; 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

For folks who have been Reiki certified to come share the gift with fellow practitioners. Give a session, get a session. Open only to those certified in Reiki. Please bring a sheet and small pillow.

*All programs require registration and are held at the RWJ Fitness & Wellness Center, 3100 Quakerbridge Rd., Hamilton, NJ, unless otherwise noted.


Sharon B. recently shared, “I just want to mention that coming to these programs is a big stress reliever and has been life changing! I also met my best friend here. It is my ‘go to place’ to have fun and learn so much.”

From Loretta V., “My son, at 18 years old, was diagnosed with brain cancer. I spent the next 30 years caring for him as his body deteriorated, eventually taking his life. My entire focus was caring for him and when he passed, I was at a loss as to how to fill the time and rebuild my life. That’s when I saw the Better Health Program advertised in the Hamilton Post. I was drawn to the ‘Senior Social Group.’ I became a member and registered for that first class. Now, more than a year later, I continue to attend the weekly Senior Social Group as well as many other fun and educational programs. In Senior Social Group, I have made friends and plan activities like walking, lunching, and other fun things. This program has been instrumental in helping me rebuild my life.”

A SENIOR SOCIAL GROUP Wednesday, Aug 7, 14, 21, 28; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

TAI CHI CLASSES Thursday, Aug 8 + 22; 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. YOGA CLASSES Tuesday, Aug 13 + 27; 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. MEDITATION CLASSES Tuesday, Aug 13 + 27; 11:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

CHAIR YOGA Tuesday, Aug 13 + 27; 12:00 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

GAME TIME Thursday, Aug 15 + 29; 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Scan QR code to view, learn more & register on-line for the programs listed above. Or visit rwjbh.org/HamiltonPrograms Email CommunityEdHam@rwjbh.org or call 609-584-5900 to learn more

free for clients and Rescue Mission staff.

Abbott-Young started at the Rescue Mission as a program coordinator in 1978, after serving as a social worker in VISTA, then a counselor in a detoxification center. She rose to become CEO—a position she held from 1986 until 2021.

According to a profile in the New York Times, Abbott-Young grew up in a workingclass neighborhood in Pittsburgh. Her parents never graduated high school, but they stressed the importance of education to their children.

Abbot-Young earned a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master’s in education from Temple University. Her goal was to work at a job that dealt with poverty and substitute abuse issues, and she came across a job posting at the Rescue Mission, which was relatively close to where she was living.

“It was the right place for me to be, and as it turns out, I was the right person for the Rescue Mission,” Abbott-Young said in an interview with Community News Service in July, after her retirement.

Abbott-Young talked about the challenges that came with running a non-profit like the Rescue Mission. Having seen the struggle clients have faced with substance abuse and behavioral health issues—such as relapse—and losing individuals to addic-

tion, the importance is never losing hope, and to never stop giving that same hope to clients to be excited and optimistic about their future.

“It’s fantastic work to be able to take someone in off the street, get them in, give them a bed to sleep in, get them a meal, allow them to get a shower, allow them to have access to clothing, all those kinds of things are wonderful,” Abbott-Young said. “To go to the next step and begin the process with them, of trying to involve them in the network that would be able to help them find permanent housing. It’s fantastic work.”

The business model of the organization has seen significant advancements in services with the change of licenser standards, business operation standards, and advancements in behavioral health solutions. Frequent interaction with the government has driven positive change by necessity.

As the nonprofit competed for—and was awarded government contracts—new and innovative ways to help were granted. The Medication Assisted Treatment program, for example, changed how the Rescue Mission has been able to effectively assist individuals with serious addiction problems to begin their recovery process.

Despite the challenges and uncertainty brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, staff still provided around-the-clock care. With

We are a newsroom of your neighbors. The West Windsor and Plainsboro News is for local people, by local people. As part of the community, the Gazette does more than just report the news—it connects businesses with their customers, organizations with their members and neighbors with one another. As such, our staff sets out to make our town a closer place by giving readers a reliable source to turn to when they want to know what’s going on in their neighborhood.


Bill Sanservino (Ext. 104)


Justin Feil, Kristen Hunt, Scott Murphy


Paul Ligetti


Stephanie Jeronis


Gina Carillo (Ext. 112)

Community News Service

9 Princess Road, Suite M

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Phone: (609) 396-1511

News: news@communitynews.org

Events: events@communitynews.org

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Letters: bsanservino@communitynews.org

Website: communityews.org

Facebook: WestWindsorPlainsboroNews

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17,000 copies of The News are mailed or bulkdistributed to the residences and businesses in Plainsboro and West Windsor 12 times a year.


call (609) 396-1511, ext. 110 or e-mail advertise@communitynews.org

of the pandemic, Young’s first initiative was to heighten the safety and protection of staff and clients through an unsettling time.

ronment of the rescue mission, he watched how tirelessly his mother worked to help those suffering in unimaginable ways.

the rescue mission,” Barrett Young said.

courtesy of the Rescue Mission of Trenton.)

safety measures executed by now-CEO Barrett Young, doors remained open, with food clothing and social services available, and hundreds of people coming into the shelter each night. The organization partnered to open a unit for people who were COVID positive. Staff were masked, adhering to social distancing guidelines once enforced by the CDC.

Having stepped in as CEO at the height

Coming out of the pandemic, he was then able to focus on continuing the legacy that his mother had built at the Rescue Mission. Continuing to provide these outstanding services while expanding to meet the needs of the community was and still is his top priority.

“It used to be like, mental health was over here, and substance use was over here, and the two never intersected. Whereas now, the whole focus is on how you treat the full person. And I think that that’s a wonderful shift in this industry,” Barrett Young said.

Looking at the future, he said he aims to help keep the Rescue Mission around for another hundred years. The New Direction program in development focuses on working with individuals to transform their mindset to live to their fullest potential and have higher optimism about their future.

“What it does is it says here’s a way to look at work and to look at yourself in a whole new way. You are not a loser; you are not something that can be thrown away” Barrett Young said. “You are a person of value. The person of value who can have a better future is really the business of the rescue mission,”

He has been surrounded with social work his whole life. Growing up in the envi-

The CEO explains the overarching despair that people suffer from when they come to the Rescue Mission, which he has seen since he was a child, and how it has given him a passion to help others.

He addresses the need to see people not for what they’ve become because of their circumstance, but who they have the potential to be.

“Everybody in their life has done the little worksheet that asks, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’” Young said. “I’ve never in the history of the world have seen someone write, ‘I want to be homeless,’ or ‘I want to be a drug addict,’ or have mental health issues. Nobody aspires for that. I don’t believe that they deserve that. They deserve better, but they need help.”

Young attributes much of this philosophy to Mary Gay’s proven reputation as a leader in the community, and dedication to fighting for the people she serves.

“The number of times that I’ve seen her interact with the individuals who walked in that had little to nothing. And I mean like, it was raining, and I didn’t even have a coat. She would take her own coat off and give it to somebody. And that’s one of the things that I have instilled in the staff since I’ve worked here. And it’s part of the fabric of

Abbott-Young recently received a Lifetime Transformational Leadership Award from the N.J. Association of Mental Health and Addiction Agencies and was honored by the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber with a Women of Achievement Award.

In a letter to Abbott-Young, State Senator Shirley Turner wrote, “You have not only taught those you serve to believe in themselves—you have taught our community to believe in those you serve.”

Reflecting on these words, Abbott-Young stated that the Mercer County community played a significant role in the success of the Rescue Mission, and that they have done their part promoting services to people in need.

“We hear of communities that are trying to criminalize homelessness. And so, my role in this community has been to provide the services that the homeless clients need,” she said. “But I have also been very fortunate to do that in a community that recognizes the problem and to lesser or greater extent wants to be part of the solution.”

“If we believe that they deserve different opportunities, then we should fight for them. And she lived that every day,” Barrett Young said. “And when she retires, she’s not going to stop fighting for those people. It’s just in her core.”

Mary Gay Abbott-Young, recently retired president of the Rescue Mission of Trenton, at daybreak near the Delaware River.
(Photo by Michael Mancuso,

10 minutes and there’s an unseen view of the train bridge. I’d been in the town my whole life and didn’t even know it was there.”

As a reward for his effort, Ryan used his faithful Nikon D610 to capture a striking image of the Princeton Dinky train crossing over the bridge on its way to its regular

destination in Princeton Junction.

Nearby, north of the intersection of Washington Road and Route 1, he also found the Penns Neck Cemetery, also known as the Schenk-Kovenhoven Cemetery, where he took several more photos, including one of the town’s oldest tombstones, which dates back to 1746.

“I’ve always loved history and asked the

West Windsor Historical Society online what and where the oldest headstone was in town, and they mentioned this one,” says Ryan. “The only thing you can see on the stone are the letters ‘ml’. They don’t even know who it is.”

These photos and many more can be found in Ryan’s recently released 114-page debut book Images of West Windsor, New Jersey, which is currently available for purchase online via Amazon, with other outlets to follow soon.

The book, which showcases a wide variety of areas in the town, isn’t meant to be a thorough highlight reel. Instead, Ryan intended the book to be both a journey of his three decades as a photographer as well as a nostalgic ode to a place that seems to resonate with him more and more as he gets older.

“Anyone who is looking for a definitive history book of West Windsor should get Paul Ligeti’s book (“West Windsor Then and Now: A New Perspective,” see U.S. 1, Aug. 10, 2022), which is a must-have for anyone interested in the history of the town,” says Ryan. “I hope my book brings back memories for those who grew up there or who moved away. The town has changed so fast. I feel it’s very important to save some of those everyday sites that we remember for the future.”

often be found improving his craft by taking pictures of sites around town or sneaking his camera into live rock concerts. By 1993, a publicist for the jam band Grateful Dead was impressed enough with his photos that he granted Ryan a press pass to shoot at their concert at Giants Stadium in Rutherford, New Jersey. A fanzine related to the group published the photos, and Ryan was granted access to follow-up shows.

“Looking back, I had very little experience understanding the camera and how it reacted to natural lighting and stage lighting,” recalls Ryan. “I don’t know what I would be doing if it wasn’t for the Dead. They opened up all kinds of doors for me.”

The list of bands that Ryan took pictures of afterward could fill up a book, one that he may even work on soon. Acts he filmed included the Allman Brothers, Duran Duran, James Taylor, and LCD Soundsystem. There was also a tour across the Southwest with Austin, Texas-based roots band The Gourds.

When Ryan first picked up a camera back in 1991, West Windsor had a population of just over 15,000 residents. Armed with the precious Canon AT-1 that his father had bought him, he felt a kinship with the field while taking photography classes at Mercer County Community College. When not attending school, he could

But the two acts Ryan claims to have vibed with the most are legendary New York rock band Blondie and the New Zealand-based alternative group The Church. Ryan claims a photo book of the former is a possibility in the future. As for the latter, he points to a recent band tour poster hanging on his living room wall. “You see this?” he exclaims. “That’s my photo on their poster. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t let a group do that, but they’re so nice and I love them so much.”

Over the years, as Ryan worked to perfect his craft, he claims to have learned a

Two of West Windsor’s major bodies of water in photos from Joe Ryan’s book, “Images of West Windsor, New Jersey.” At left is Grover’s Mill Pond in 1999. At right, the sun sets over the lake in Mercer County Park in 1993.
RYAN continued from Page 1

lot about making the most of the natural light, painstakingly developing his photos in a dark room and experimenting with the endless variations available via the photo editing software known as Photoshop.

“I was always interested in angles and storylines and didn’t realize for a long time that it was photography that I was really into,” he says. “Freezing a moment always represented another world to me, and I wanted to learn that.”

As he improved, Ryan switched to a Nikon and spent whatever spare time he had taking pictures of West Windsor, the best of which are in his book. He snapped whatever resonated or had “soul” as he calls it, whether that was a dilapidated red barn on North Post Road, the middle school he attended in Dutch Neck, the

classic Aljon’s pizza shop in the pre-renovated shopping center, or the fire station across from his home.

At the top of his list was always Grovers Mill, which he considers to be the ultimate heart and soul of the town. “It’s got the most spirit,” Ryan enthuses. “There’s something special about it.”

He recalls a time during the 1980s when the family’s landlord told them he was in Florida when the famous Orson Welles broadcast was on the radio. Fearing that his home was destroyed, he immediately drove all the way back, only to find that the news broadcast was, in fact, a hoax.

“I heard that from a few of the old-timers, so those stories always stuck with me,” says Ryan. “So, the pond, the mill, the water tower. There’s a beauty and energy

there and that’s why they’re my favorite photos in the book.”

When it came to assembling the hundreds, if not thousands of photos Ryan had taken over three decades, he learned that he had to consider certain legalities.

For instance, it’s illegal to include people’s homes without permission, just as he couldn’t include West Windsor-Plainsboro High School South without consent.

Instead, Ryan painstakingly considered the design elements that he wanted for his debut, as well as creating what he calls “flow”. “It’s just a seamless collection of shots that were taken over 30 years, and I want people to think about when they lived in West Windsor and perhaps it will take them back to their childhood,” he says.

Even though “Images of West Windsor”

seems to call for a sequel, Ryan claims he’s not thinking of one. At the moment, he has his hands full with consulting work, married life, and two teenage sons. He says other books, like the aforementioned concert tome, or a potential exploration of his family’s roots in Ireland, would take precedence.

Still, the experience of putting together his debut also made him fully appreciate West Windsor more than he ever did before. “There was a vibe there,” he says. “I’m so fortunate that we grew up there. I mean, I could ride my bike anywhere. It was amazing. I don’t know if I appreciated that at the time, but I do now.”

Images of West Windsor, New Jersey by Joe Ryan is currently available via Amazon’s online website.

A photo of Grover Farm (left) in 2007 and the entrance to the Schenck Cemetery in 2024 are two photos in Joe Ryan’s book, “Images of West Windsor, New Jersey.”






West Windsor Township Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Fall


Clean Up Day”

West Windsor Township Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

West Windsor Township Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Fall Clean Up Day”

Saturday, September 7, 2024 8am – 2pm

Open to West Windsor Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

“Fall Clean Up Day”

West Windsor Township Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Fall Clean Up Day”

Saturday, September 7, 2024 8am – 2pm

Saturday, September 7, 2024 8am – 2pm

Open to West Windsor Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Open to West Windsor Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Saturday, September 7, 2024 8am – 2pm Open to West Windsor Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required





Broken Items, Wood Fencing, Outdoor Play Toys, Outdoor Furniture, Small Furniture, Area Rugs




Propane Tanks, Car Batteries, Scrap Metals, Air Conditioner, Lawn Mowers, Fridge/Freezers, Exercise Equipment, Dehumidifiers, Tires (on/off rims), Used Motor Oil, Anti-Freeze, BBQ Grills, UNBOXED Electronics ; Laptop, Computers, Fax Machine, Copiers, Printers, VCRs, Cell Phones, Keyboards, Cables & Wiring and Televisions.

Propane Tanks, Car Batteries, Scrap Metals, Air Conditioner, Lawn Mowers, Fridge/Freezers, Exercise Equipment, Dehumidifiers, Tires (on/off rims), Used Motor Oil, Anti-Freeze, BBQ Grills, UNBOXED Electronics ; Laptop, Computers, Fax Machine, Copiers, Printers, VCRs, Cell Phones, Keyboards, Cables & Wiring and Televisions.

Propane Tanks, Car Batteries, Scrap Metals, Air Conditioner, Lawn Mowers, Fridge/Freezers, Exercise Equipment, Dehumidifiers, Tires (on/off rims), Used Motor Oil, Anti-Freeze, BBQ Grills, UNBOXED Electronics ; Laptop, Computers, Fax Machine, Copiers, Printers, VCRs, Cell Phones, Keyboards, Cables & Wiring and Televisions.

Propane Tanks, Car Batteries, Scrap Metals, Air Conditioner, Lawn Mowers, Fridge/Freezers, Exercise Equipment, Dehumidifiers, Tires (on/off rims), Used Motor Oil, Anti-Freeze, BBQ Grills, UNBOXED Electronics ; Laptop, Computers, Fax Machine, Copiers, Printers, VCRs, Cell Phones, Keyboards, Cables & Wiring and Televisions.

NO Major Construction/Renovation Debris, NO Mattresses, NO Paints


Broken Items, Wood Fencing, Outdoor Play Toys, Outdoor Furniture, Small Furniture, Area Rugs

Broken Items, Wood Fencing, Outdoor Play Toys, Outdoor Furniture, Small Furniture, Area Rugs NO Major Construction/Renovation Debris, NO Mattresses, NO Paints

Broken Items, Wood Fencing, Outdoor Play Toys, Outdoor Furniture, Small Furniture, Area Rugs

NO Major Construction/Renovation Debris, NO Mattresses, NO Paints

NO Major Construction/Renovation Debris, NO Mattresses, NO Paints

Donate your unwanted bike. NJ Bike Exchange will fix it up and give it new life. Let your bike ride on!

Donate your unwanted bike. NJ Bike Exchange will fix it up and give it new life. Let your bike ride on!

Donate your unwanted bike. NJ Bike Exchange will fix it up and give it new life. Let your bike ride on!

GOODWILL Accepting Donations: Books, Movies, Toys, Home Décor, Games, Puzzles, Housewares, Shoes, Clean Clothing & Accessories, Working Small Appliances & Electronics


GOODWILL Accepting Donations: Books, Movies, Toys, Home Décor, Games, Puzzles, Housewares, Shoes, Clean Clothing & Accessories, Working Small Appliances & Electronics

GOODWILL Accepting Donations: Books, Movies, Toys, Home Décor, Games, Puzzles, Housewares, Shoes, Clean Clothing & Accessories, Working Small Appliances & Electronics

BABY: Cribs, Car Seats, High Chairs, Walkers or Playpens (due to recalls)

NO BABY: Cribs, Car Seats, High Chairs, Walkers or Playpens (due to recalls)

GOODWILL Accepting Donations: Books, Movies, Toys, Home Décor, Games, Puzzles, Housewares, Shoes, Clean Clothing & Accessories, Working Small Appliances & Electronics

NO BABY: Cribs, Car Seats, High Chairs, Walkers or Playpens (due to recalls)

NO BABY: Cribs, Car Seats, High Chairs, Walkers or Playpens (due to recalls)



Donate your unwanted bike. NJ Bike Exchange will fix it up and give it new life. Let your bike ride on!




OCTOBER 5, 2024

Hazardous materials (aerosol cans, pesticides & herbicides, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains & varnishes, gasoline, driveway sealer, thermostats/mercury, fluorescent & CFL bulbs, insect repellents) liquids, heating oil, infectious waste, radioactive materials, explosives, munitions, railroad ties, asbestos, acetylene tanks, mattresses, latex paint, construction/renovation debris

Hazardous materials (aerosol cans, pesticides & herbicides, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains & varnishes, gasoline, driveway sealer, thermostats/mercury, fluorescent & CFL bulbs, insect repellents) liquids, heating oil, infectious waste, radioactive materials, explosives, munitions, railroad ties, asbestos, acetylene tanks, mattresses, latex paint, construction/renovation debris


Thank you for keeping West Windsor clean! 

Township of West Windsor Public Works

Township of West Windsor Public Works

Thank you for keeping West Windsor clean! 

70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Hazardous materials (aerosol cans, pesticides & herbicides, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains & varnishes, gasoline, driveway sealer, thermostats/mercury, fluorescent & CFL bulbs, insect repellents) liquids, heating oil, infectious waste, radioactive materials, explosives, munitions, railroad ties, asbestos, acetylene tanks, mattresses, latex paint, construction/renovation debris


Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Thank you for keeping West Windsor clean!

70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Paper Shred Event”

Shred Event”

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Shred Event”

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Thank you for keeping West Windsor clean! 

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Hazardous materials (aerosol cans, pesticides & herbicides, paint thinner, oil based paint, stains & varnishes, gasoline, driveway sealer, thermostats/mercury, fluorescent & CFL bulbs, insect repellents) liquids, heating oil, infectious waste, radioactive materials, explosives, munitions, railroad ties, asbestos, acetylene tanks, mattresses, latex paint, construction/renovation debris

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor

Township of West Windsor Southfield Road, West Windsor “Paper

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Paper Shred Event”

Township of West Windsor Public Works 70 Southfield Road, West Windsor “Paper

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Shred Event”


Shred Event”

Shred Event”

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

“Paper Shred Event”

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Saturday, October 5, 2024 8AM – 12PM

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Limit papers to

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

NOTE: May end prior to 12pm if shred trucks reach capacity Open to Residents ONLY – Proof of Residency Required

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

confidential/sensitive materials only

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

against identity theft shred materials with your Social Security numbers,

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Limit papers to confidential/sensitive materials only

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger. NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

Protect against identity theft – shred materials with your Social Security numbers, account numbers, confidential passwords, medical information, financial records and other confidential/sensitive personal documents.

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

*LIMIT 8 boxes–10lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger. NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger. NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides

*LIMIT 8 boxes–10lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger.

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

*LIMIT 8 boxes–10lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

No need to remove paper clips, staples, rubberbands, heavy file folders. Please remove heavy metal-backed binder clips due to fire danger. NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

*LIMIT 8 boxes–10lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes.

NO magazines, hardcover books, newspapers, junk mail, online catalogs, coupon circulars, travel guides – these items can be recycled in your curbside recycling bin. NO photos, x-rays, CD’s, plastic credit cards or 3-ring binders.

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!


*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!

*LIMIT 8 boxes 0lbs each* Please do not tape or seal boxes. Reusable containers are welcome & will be returned to you!
















Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.



(individual bowl or small boxes),


Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned & Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.


Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Send Hunger Packing WW-P and The Little Free Pantry are local programs of Mercer Street Friends addressing food insecurity. Food donations are needed to support these important programs. Shelf stable items most in need: Cereals (individual bowl or small boxes), Oatmeal, Rice, Dried Beans, Canned Microwavable Soup Bowls, Canned & Tuna to go (Starkist, Bumble Bee or vegetarian equivalent), packaged Dried Fruits, Chef Boyardee Microwave Bowls or vegetarian equivalent, Hormel Complete entrée or vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING






GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s lothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

vegetarian equivalent. Grocery store cards are also welcomed. NO GLASS items please.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.


Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING


Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats,

Don’t need it anymore? Don’t throw it away! RECYCLE BY DONATING YOUR CLOTHING

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats, scarfs, gloves, coats, purses, belts & ties.

GOODWILL will be on site collecting clean gently used women, men and children’s clothing & accessories such as shoes, hats,


On the Cover

Prehab: Pete Davidson sets Aug. 18 tour stop in Trenton

Saturday Night Live alumnus Pete Davidson is set to take the stage at Patriots Theater stage on Saturday, Aug. 18 as part of his “Prehab” comedy tour.

Davidson, who starred in the 2023 Peacock comedy-drama series Bupkis, has been on tour all summer, including a July 20 show at Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City that one fan on Reddit’s Pete Davidson forum called “hysterical.”

He is scheduled to appear at the Trenton War Memorial at 7 p.m. on Aug. 18. Tickets are available online through Ticketmaster.

Bupkis, a semi-autobiographical comedy series that also starred Edie Falco and Joe Pesci, ran for one season on Peacock. It was picked up for a second season, but Davidson announced in March that the show would not continue.

Davidson joined the cast of NBC’s Sat-

another, Turbo Fonzarelli, debuted on Netflix in January.

Davidson co-wrote and starred in the 2020 Judd Apatow movie The King of Staten Island, which like Bupkis, is said to be partly based on the life of Davidson, a Staten Island native. He has also appeared in the movies The Suicide Squad, Bodies Bodies Bodies, Meet Cute, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and Dumb Money. He is also set to play the role of Joey Ramone in the planned future Netflix movie I Slept With Joey Ramone, currently in production.

urday Night Live in 2014, when he was just 20. He remained a part of the performing ensemble through 2022, becoming known in his tenure for his “Weekend Update”

sketches. He returned to host the premiere episode of the 49th season of SNL on Oct. 14.

He filmed his first stand-up comedy special, Pete Davidson: SMD, in New York in 2016. His stand-up special, Alive From New York, ran on Netflix starting in 2020, and

Tickets for the Prehab show at Patriots Theater start at $49.50. The show is billed as a “phone-free experience,” with the use of phones, smart watches, and other digital accessories prohibited during the show. Guests must agree to secure their devices in locked Yondr pouches for the duration of the show. Guests keep the pouches with them and can open them in designated Phone Use Areas if needed. Guests who use devices during the show may be removed from the venue.

Raymond C. Staub

David P. Schroth

Kimberly A. Greenberg


Community News Service 9 Princess Road, Suite M

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

Phone: (609) 396-1511

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Six09 is inserted into each of Community News Service’s nine hyperlocal monthly publications. Over 125,000 copies are distributed each month in the Greater Mercer County, N.J. area.

TO ADVERTISE call (609) 396-1511, ext. 110 or e-mail advertise@communitynews.org

the War Memorial in trenton, home to Patriots theater. (Photo courtesy of the state of New Jersey.)

Butterfly Festival returns to Watershed institute Aug. 3

The 24th annual Watershed Butterfly Festival is set to take place this year on Saturday, Aug. 3 at the Watershed Institute.

The event will feature tours of the Kate Gorrie Butterfly House and the Insect Zoo. Live music and entertainment is planned for throughout the day, including animal shows featuring Eyes of the Wild. The Butterfly and Bug Parade, led by Lady Monarch, Ms. Allison, is intended for young children.

At the festival, adults and children alike can learn through hands-on exhibits about watersheds and the need to protect rivers, lakes and streams. Food and drink will be available for sale, including a water truck provided by New Jersey American Water. Festival goers will also be able to purchase butterfly wings and other items at the Watershed Gift Shop.

There are two sessions scheduled: one for 9:30 a.m. to noon, and another for 12:30 to 3 p.m. Eyes of the Wild shows are scheduled for 10 a.m. for the morning session and 12:45 for the afternoon session. Pre-registration is available online



at thewatershed.org/butterfly-festival. The price is $10 per person or $25 per carload up to six people per car.

and how you live.

AllCure Spine and Sports Medicine is pleased to announce their new program for treating Peripheral Neuropathy, which includes a combination of advanced FDA-cleared treatments with breakthrough technology that aids in healing the damaged nerves. The effects of this program can be felt on the first few visits. This treatment restores, stabilizes, and rebuilds the nerves in your extremities. Treatment has also been effective in addressing painful symptoms of arthritis, MS, and other forms of chronic pain. Patients generally feel relief physically throughout the treatment period and even feel better emotionally after experiencing a reduction in pain.

The Kate Gorrie Butterfly House opened in 2000. The outdoor structure features native plants that provide nectar for butterflies and other pollinators.


viable solution. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned symptoms, we can help.


is a condition that affects millions of Americans, commonly resulting in pain, tingling,


symptoms in the hands, legs and feet. This pain changes your life and affects how you work, how you play and how you live.

CBD oils Have had successful results with treating patients with Inflammation, muscle, joint, and nerve related pains. CBD is a especially promising due to its lack of any intoxicating effects and lower potential for side effects compared to many other pain medications. At AllCure, we want to maximize patients efforts in getting them back to the quality of life that they want and deserve, and CBD treatment is the newest tool to help us do so. Please call us today and we will be happy to answer any questions

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Potty trained Full- 1/2 day, early morning drop off, late pick up schedules

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Peripheral neuropathy is the consequence of damage to your peripheral nerves. There are over 100 different kinds of peripheral nerve disorders or neuropathies – some are the result of a disease like diabetes, while others can be triggered by a viral infection. Still others are the result of an injury or compression on the nerves. No matter where the problems begin, it is imperative nerve disorders are resolved as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage. Many people suffer with pain for years, not realizing that their symptoms may be due to Peripheral Neuropathy. Symptoms start gradually, then get worse, including numbness, burning or tingling sensations and sharp, electrical-like pain. Treatment options have been limited to a small assortment of pain medications, which can lead to further issues. Ignoring the problem or masking the symptoms has never been a viable solution. If you suffer from any of the aforementioned symptoms, we can help.

CBD oils Have had successful results with treating patients with Inflammation, muscle, joint, and nerve related pains. CBD is a especially promising due to its lack

350 Forsgate Dr, Monroe Township, NJ 08831


AllCure Spine and Sports Medicine is pleased to announce their new program for treating Peripheral Neuropathy, which includes a combination of advanced FDA-cleared treatments with breakthrough technology that aids in healing the damaged nerves. The effects of this program can be felt on the first few visits. This treatment restores, stabilizes, and rebuilds the nerves in your extremities. Treatment has also been effective in addressing painful symptoms of arthritis, MS, and other forms of chronic pain, Patients generally feel relief physically throughout the treatment period and even feel better emotionally after experiencing a reduction in pain. FREE 15 Minute consultation for the first 30 callers!

allcurespineandsports.com We accept most major insurances and medicare!

children at the 2023 Watershed Butterfly festival. (facebook photo.)

‘Grown Up Camp’ offers adults a

For the parents out there who drop their kids off at summer camp each day and wish they could stick around and play along, there is an answer: Grown Up Camp.

On Aug. 10, Screamin’ Hill Brewery, Liberty Lake Picnics and Events and Blend Bar and Bistro will host the third annual Grown Up Camp at 60-acre Liberty Lake.

Planned “grown-up” activities include boating, rock climbing, water balloon tosses, swimming, mini golf and something called archery tag.

Also on the schedule are a threelegged race, wall ball, 3-v-3 hoops, pickle-

ball, tug of war, Wiffle ball, water trampoline, laser tag, kickball and flag football.

Live music will be provided by Jakfire. Craft beer will be provided by Cream Ridge-based Screamin’ Hill Brewery.

Food trucks Relish the Dog, Smokin’ Rev and Toscano’s will also be on hand.

Grown Up Camp is for grown-ups only and costs $30 to attend ($40 at the door).

To purchase discount tickets in advance, go to libertylakepicnic.com/grownupcamp. The event is semi rain or shine; in the event of extreme weather, the rain date is Sunday, Aug. 11, but mere rain will not be expected to be cause enough for cancellation.

Candlelight Concerts coming to Masonic Temple on Aug. 17

Candlelight Concerts look to bring the phenomenon of a live, multisensory musical experience to locations throughout the world.

On Saturday, Aug. 17, the concert series will be at the Masonic Temple in Trenton for a performance of the music of Antonio Vivaldi, followed by a second concert, a tribute to Taylor Swift, all under the gentle glow of candlelight.

The Highline String Quartet are set to take the stage at the Masonic Temple at 6:30 p.m. to perform works from Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” as well as selections from “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saens.

That concert will be followed by a second concert, “A Tribute to Taylor Swift,” at 9 p.m. The Highline Quartet will play interpretations of Taylor Swift songs including “Love Story,” “Cardigan,” “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” “Anti-Hero,” “You Belong With Me” and “Shake It Off.”

Admission to each concert is separate. Tickets for the concerts range in price from $35 to $60. The Highline String Quartet are scheduled to return on Saturday, Sept. 28 for an encore performance of Vivaldi, followed that night by a tribute concert featuring the music of Coldplay. The Masonic Temple is located at 100 Barrack Street, Trenton. Web: feverup. com. A candlelight concert in Madrid. (Photo courtesy

• 6 Weeks to 6 Years

• 6:30am - 6:00pm Year-Round

of fever.)

At St. George Preschool, we believe that each child has an innate drive for exploring, discovering, communicating, and learning. Our purpose is to provide a safe, warm, and nurturing environment for children to develop this innate drive to the fullest, and become life-long learners. Our goal is to help each child develop his/her individual interests, creativity and potential at their own pace by providing a wide variety of fun and age-appropriate activities and materials.

In addition to the developmental goals in the areas of math, language, science, cognitive skills, motor skills, etc., stipulated by the state, the school aims to promote learning skills for life. At the same time, we aim to enhance the child’s social, moral, cultural and spiritual growth through group interactions, uplifting stories, cultural events and gentle guidance. Since “a healthy

mind is in a healthy body” as the Ancient Greeks said, we provide a huge indoors

gym and a beautiful play ground with regular physical activities.

We offer high quality academic English programs for Preschool (3 years and potty trained) and Pre-K (must be 4 years old by October 1 of school year). Early morning care, after care, and enrichment programs are also available. We are part of the Saint George Greek Orthodox Church and state licensed by the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services. Our experienced staff has a passion building a foundation for a life-long love of learning. We are truly a family and we treat your children as such. For more information regarding our program, please visit our website: stgeorgepreschool.org.

Saint George Preschool, 1200 Klockner Road, Hamilton. 609-586-2223. Contact director Angela Gering at director@ stgeorgepreschool.org.

At Your service -

To book a classified ad in this section, please email your text and any other information to sjeronis@communitynews.org. Classifieds run at 75 cents per word with a $20 minimum per month. For more information, call 609-396-1511, ext. 132. SERVICES

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Cash paid for World War II Military Items. Helmets, swords, medals, etc. Call: 609-

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Happy Heroes used books looking to buy old Mysteries, Science Fiction, Children’s Illustrated, kids series books (old Hardy boys-Nancy DrewJudy Bolton- Dana girls, WITH DUSTJACKETS in good shape), Dell Mapbacks - Good Girl Art PULPS - non-sports cards, good conditioned pre 1975 paperbacks old COLLIER’S. Call 609-619-3480 or email happyheroes@gmail.com.


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Greater Access to Emergency Care at Capital Health Regional Medical Center

Expanded Emergency Department Capacity Part of Continuing Investments in Trenton

Capital Health has officially opened expanded Emergency Department space for patient care at Capital Health Regional Medical Center (RMC) located at 750 Brunswick Avenue in Trenton. The Emergency Department at RMC has added 16 new beds to allow for 50 beds total (including fast track beds) with an additional trauma bay bringing the total of trauma-dedicated beds to three.

The project benefited significantly from a $6.3 million grant through the American Rescue Plan Act and a partnership with the Department of Community Affairs.

“The health care landscape in the City of Trenton has seen significant changes in recent years, so it’s more important than ever for Capital Health to preserve and expand key medical services and patient-centered care,” said Samuel J. Plumeri, Jr., chairman, Capital Healthcare Inc. Board of Trustees. “By pairing Capital Health’s commitment and vision with the key support of our elected officials, the Department of Community Affairs and the Department of Health, and other key partners, we can keep working to increase the breadth of emergency care available

to accommodate more patients and continue to address the pressing health care needs our neighbors face every day.”

“The expansion of our Emergency Department at Capital Health Regional Medical Center would not have been possible without the support of our elected officials as well as New Jersey’s Department of Community Affairs and Department of Health,” said Al Maghazehe, president and CEO of Capital Health. “Thanks to their support, we are able to make ongoing investments in the communities we serve and foster our shared commitment to providing Trenton area residents with access to advanced, comprehensive health care.”

This increase in capacity at the Emergency Department marks the beginning of extensive renovations at RMC that include additional patient floors and a new state-of-the-art cardiac surgery suite. The projects will all benefit from funding from the state, thanks to the support of the state legislative delegation for the 15th district and the Governor’s Office. Additional projects beyond the ED at RMC will also benefit from a $500,000 grant from Bank of America which was awarded to Capital Health to support expanded access at the Trenton location.

Capital Health Regional Medical Center is home to a state designated comprehensive stroke center (part of the Capital Institute for Neurosciences), the Level II Bristol-Myers Squibb Trauma Center, a cardiac surgery and cardiovascular services program, and Mercer County’s designated Emergency Mental Health Services Center. RMC also offers inpatient and outpatient radiology services, dialysis, and numerous other medical services.

For more information about Capital Health, visit capitalhealth.org. If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Pediatric-Friendly Emergency Care at Capital Health – East Trenton

A trip to an emergency room can be overwhelming for anyone, but for children it can be especially scary. To help families in Trenton feel more comfortable while their children receive emergency care, Capital Health recently added pediatric-friendly rooms to the Emergency Department at Capital Health – East Trenton. Located at 601 Hamilton Avenue in Trenton, New Jersey (where St. Francis Medical Center used to be), the East Trenton emergency room facilities feature a section of rooms designed to put children more at ease with pediatric seating, a toy closet, and brighter new fabrics and décor.

“As health care evolves in Trenton, residents can rest assured that we continue to provide emergency care for our younger patients and that we are responsive to what the community needs and asks for,” said Al Maghazehe, president and CEO of Capital Health.

“The satellite emergency department at Capital Health – East Trenton is open 24/7 to the community with emergency room physicians and nurses who are specifically trained to care for all kinds of emergencies that children experience, including injuries and illnesses.”

The toy closet in the new pediatric-friendly Emergency Department space was made possible through the generosity of the Capital Health Auxiliary. The Capital Health Auxiliary is a dedicated group of individuals organized to support educational and health programs at Capital Health that benefit its patients and communities.

On December 21, 2022, Capital Health assumed responsibility for health care services previously provided by St. Francis Medical Center in Trenton, New Jersey. That campus, which now operates an Emergency Department and some outpatient services, has been renamed Capital Health – East Trenton and is home to an

outpatient medicine clinic, the Capital Health School of Nursing and School of Radiologic Technology, and the CARES Child Wellness Program.

In addition to the new pediatric-friendly area of the Emergency Department at Capital Health – East Trenton, Capital Health continues to operate a specialized Pediatric Emergency Department at its nearby Hopewell campus for patients in Mercer and Bucks counties who are newborns through 20 years of age. From the waiting room to all clinical areas, this 16-bed unit is designed just for children and parents and is staffed by boardcertified physicians and pediatric-trained nurses. Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell is also home to a Pediatric Observation Program that allows children who are not well enough to go home, but not sick enough to stay be admitted as inpatients to receive continuous, quality, family-centered care under observation for complaints such as respiratory disorders, dehydration, and illnesses by fever to name a few. If at any time a child requires additional care or an extended stay, Capital Health partners with local children’s hospitals who will assume care and help coordinate a transfer to their facility. For more information about Capital Health – East Trenton, visit capitalhealth.org/easttrenton.

Capital Health Partnering with TVAX Biomedical to Offer Brain Cancer Immunotherapy Trial

Only Participating Clinical Site in the Northeast United States

Capital Health Cancer Center has announced that it has joined TVAX Biomedical, Inc.’s clinical trial to study a potential novel therapy for glioblastoma (GBM), the most common type of malignant brain cancer. Capital Health Cancer Center is one of five clinical sites open in the United States and currently the only East Coast location north of Florida to offer access to the TVAX trial.

“Our participation in clinical trials is critical to Capital Health’s focus on providing the best and most personalized care possible for our patients,” said DR. NAVID REDJAL, director of Neurosurgical Oncology at Capital Health.

“Thanks to the efforts of our amazing clinical and research teams, we’re excited to offer this groundbreaking trial to our patients and contribute data to a study that could lead to an exciting new therapy for treating GBM.”

There have been many trials over the past 20 years seeking to use the power of the immune system to attack GBM. None to date has proven effective. The investigational approach proposed by the TVAX protocol utilizes a patient’s own tumor cells to create a vaccine, which then is given to the patient to generate a specific immune response to their tumor. The laboratory collects, activates and expands these anti-tumor immune cells, which may lead to a more robust immune response when given back to the patient. The goal of this study is to evaluate whether or not this approach will overcome the natural tumor immune suppression of GBM and allow the immune system to kill remaining tumor cells.

“We’re excited to be part of studies like the TVAX trial and offer patients new possibilities for treatment of glioblastoma,” said DR. MICHAEL SALACZ, director of Medical Neuro-Oncology at Capital Health. “This is a true personalized treatment approach that uses a patient’s own tumor to unlock the power of their immune system to kill any remaining cancer cells. Our participation in the study could lead to better outcomes for patients and their families fighting brain tumors like glioblastoma in our region and beyond.”

“TVAX Biomedical is very pleased to include Capital Health and the expertise of Drs. Navid Redjal and Michael Salacz and their entire staff in this study. We hope this late-stage clinical study will significantly improve clinical outcomes for these patients with so few options,” said Dr. Wayne Carter, CEO of TVAX Biomedical. The TVAX clinical trial at Capital Health Cancer Center is open to adults from age 18 to 80 with a new diagnosis of glioblastoma with methylguanine methyltranserase (MGMT) that is active or “unmethylated.” Because collecting enough cells to create the vaccine is the first step of this immune treatment, patients will need to be able to have surgery at Capital Health. Trial screening is required to determine if candidates meet the full criteria for participation in any clinical trial.

The Center for Neuro-Oncology, part of Capital Institute for Neurosciences and Capital Health Cancer Center, is a referral center for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer involving the brain and spine. The Center is housed in state-of-the-art facilities where patients have access to an experienced and caring team of physicians, nurses and staff who work closely with referring physicians to facilitate rapid and thorough evaluations and recommendations for patients and their families. In addition to providing advanced neuro-oncologic and neuroscience care, the Center participates in clinical trials to develop better ways to fight cancer. To learn more, visit capitalhealth.org/neurooncology.

To learn more about this and other ongoing trials available at Capital Health’s Center for Neuro-Oncology, please call 609.394.4130.

Capital Health Attains National Reaccreditation from the American College of Surgeons National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers

Fourth consecutive accreditation demonstrates Capital Health’s commitment to improving comprehensive breast care

Capital Health’s Center for Comprehensive Breast Care, part of Capital Health Cancer Center, has received reaccreditation under the American College of Surgeons (ACS) National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC).

“With this reaccreditation, patients can have confidence in our ability to accurately diagnose and provide the best possible treatment for breast cancer and other breast health conditions,” said Dr. Cataldo Doria, medical director of the Capital Health Cancer Center. “With a full range of breast care available under one roof, such as annual screenings, advanced diagnostics, genetic counseling and testing, leading-edge oncology care and a high risk breast cancer program, patients benefit from the combined knowledge of an expansive medical team that includes breast surgeons, radiologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, plastic surgeons, pathologists, rehabilitation services, and related support services.”

Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women in the United States after skin cancer. Programs accredited by the NAPBC follow a model for organizing and managing a breast center to facilitate multidisciplinary, integrated, and comprehensive breast cancer services. The NAPBC focuses on the spectrum of a patient’s journey with breast cancer or breast disease, including prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship. By setting high standards, NAPBC accreditation guides breast centers in providing comprehensive breast care based on scientific evidence.

“ACS Quality programs are grounded in more than a century of experience and participation is an important measure of a hospital’s surgical quality. As an ACS Surgical Quality Partner, Capital Health has shown a commitment to providing the best possible patient care, evaluating that care in a rigorous fashion, and dedicating themselves to continuous self-improvement,” said ACS Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Patricia L. Turner.

As an institution accredited by the NAPBC, Capital Health also becomes an ACS Surgical Quality Partner in recognition of its dedication to consistently improving procedures and approaches while maintaining a critical eye on process at every step. The Surgical Quality Partner designation lets patients know that Capital Health’s Center for Comprehensive Breast Care is dedicated to quality and relentless self-improvement and has been accredited by the ACS. Patients can trust that the care they receive at Surgical Quality Partner hospitals adheres to the most rigorous standards in surgical quality.

Capital Health’s Center for Comprehensive Breast Care offers a complete range of personalized, breast care programs and services from advanced diagnostics and genetic testing to leading edge cancer care all at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell. From cancer to cysts, abscesses, lesions, breast pain and other breast-related disorders, patients receive care from a multidisciplinary team that collaborates closely to develop a personalized treatment plan. For more information, call 609.537.6767 or visit capitalbreast.org.

Capital Health Cancer Center, located at Capital Health Medical Center – Hopewell, is home to the Center for Comprehensive Breast Care as well as other centers of excellence specializing in lung care, liver health, neuro-oncology, pancreatic health, and robotic-assisted surgery. To learn more, visit capitalhealthcancer.org.

WW-P high schools’ first cricket season a success

Representation can provide validation and support.

That’s exactly what happened when the sister schools in the West Windsor-Plainsboro District offered cricket as a schoolsanctioned sport for the first time last spring. It gave validation and support to the schools’ population with roots in the sport that ranks second in the world in popularity behind only soccer.

Both High School North and High School South had strong turnouts for their first seasons with more than 100 players joining the sport between the schools. Teams were co-ed. They played a schedule that matched them against each other as well as J.P. Stevens and Monroe.

“There were a few kids who were playing professionally. And there were few kids who played in their backyard. So it was a combination of both and it was a great experience,” said North coach Deepali Rokade. It was designed to be inclusive with the schools playing the shorter T20 version that

will be used in the 2028 Olympics, and electing to use a softball rather than the leather ball used in international play. Using the softer ball kept costs down by not forcing students to buy the full protective equipment necessary with the harder ball.

“It’s just a matter of time before cricket becomes very big,” said South coach

Edward “Tito” Odumbe. “This is just the beginning, because most of the players who actually play cricket in the U.S. in the youth league did not come because it was softball. They thought they are past that stage. But now that they realize what it is, as much as it was a softball thing, most of them as the games continued and progressed they came

and joined the team.”

Cricket came about when the schools polled their students about the possibility of adding sports. They haven’t added anything since fencing in 2006. Students were asked about the emerging sports of flag football and cricket, both of which will be included in the 2028 Olympics. While flag football had little interest, initial sign-up numbers in cricket were close to 200 students.

“We had several students tell us that they were happy to have something that represented them and wear the school colors,” said South athletic director Kate Dobinson.

When registration officially opened, South had 56 students and North had 44 students sign up.

With a good number participants, the next step was leadership, and both schools were fortunate to hire highly qualified coaches to lead their programs.

Odumbe was once named the best upcoming Kenyan player in the early 1980s. He was on the 1996 Kenya team that made its Cricket World Cup debut and took down

See CRICKET, Page 14



Members of the WW-P High School South cricket team.

travel talk with Caryn and Aron trip of a lifetime

We recently returned from the prestigious Elite Summit in the Arctic, held aboard the luxurious Ponant Le Lyrial. This exclusive event for a select few top advisors was hosted by Cruise Planners executives and 14 of the industry’s leading cruise and tour suppliers for an unforgettable voyage through the breathtaking landscapes of the Arctic region. And I thank my clients for helping me achieve this status so we were given the opportunity to go on this trip.

The Elite Summit commenced with embarkation in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, where attendees were warmly welcomed by Captain Fabien Roché. In a heartfelt message, Captain Roché shared his lifelong passion for the sea and his extensive experience with Ponant, promising a unique and enriching journey for all participants.

The itinerary included stops at some of the most picturesque and remote locations in the Arctic region. And because it is an expedition cruise, we were able to make changes enroute so we did not miss seeing Walruses or Polar bears or the iceflow.

The expedition featured daily zodiac tours searching for polar bears, walruses, seals, Arctic foxes, and whales, along with landings to explore the natural tundra of the Arctic region. The experience was not only a reward for being a top advisor for Cruise Planners but also aimed to enhance our knowledge and expertise in expedition travel. The summit also featured presentations from top suppliers, providing valuable insights into the latest

trends and products in the travel industry. And helped strengthen our relationships so we can better serve our clients.

If you are interested in seeing pictures from our journey then join our Facebook page which provides snapshots of this journey and other trips. We can be found at Facebook.com/ makingvacationmemories

The experience was beyond anything I had ever experienced and completed one of my bucket list desires – to see a Polar Bear in their natural environment. But we saw so much more and it surpassed our Safari experience in the sheer magnitude of natural beauty. Next on our bucket list will be Galapagos or maybe Antarctica!

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two-time world champion West Indies. He brought international and professional playing experience and managing experience to South.

“My playing days are gone and I’m semiretired, so I have all the pleasure I need,” he said. “I’m doing what I like most, playing cricket and teaching it.”

Rokade was captain of the Junior Girls team in India, and the only two-time national champion while playing for her state of Maharashtra. She went on to coach the India U16 boys to silver at the Commonwealth Cricket Series. Coach Deepali also coached Maharashtra U19 girls during 2006 and 2007. In the United States, she previously served on the USA Cricket Women’s Selection Panel, which identified talented players for the U-19 and senior women’s national teams.

“When I moved here, my father told me now you will help that region and you will contribute your knowledge towards USA Cricket,” Rokade said. “So that is what happening right now. I’m happy to be part of this growing stage of USA Cricket.”

Coaching many beginning players was an adjustment for both, but what they found were students eager to play the game and represent their schools. And the new opportunity gave them a more convenient way to learn and grow.

“The convenience is massive and not only that, as a parent, you are more settled when you know your kid is in school rather than just going to an institution elsewhere where you’re not very sure about the safety and everything so there’s a lot,” Odumbe said. Academies—the equivalent of clubs in other sports—have limited space, he said, and focus on the highest level cricket players. Starting school cricket gave a more egalitarian opportunity and one that was financially considerably easier on families.

The schools saw their veterans and beginners improving through the spring. They learned terminology and all the rules of the game and the proper way to play. It was important for coaches to be patient with the new players.

They had the chance to test their growth in games. The four teams played each other with games between the WW-P teams held at Community Park.

“I feel like they were initially nervous,” Rokade said. “That was very obvious... But they were more excited and when they faced really good teams like Edison and Monroe, they know where they stand and how much they have to work.”

The season culminated with an end-ofseason tournament in which WW-P South reached the final before falling to J.P. Stevens. The Pirates would like another chance at Stevens next year.

Said Odumbe: “The final was very competitive as well, and it could have gone either way. The competition was very good.”

The coaches encouraged their players to continue playing outside of school. There is growing momentum for cricket in the United States. The men’s national team advanced to the second round of the ICC World Cup for the first time in June. American cricket fans were inspired after Team USA beat world power Pakistan and narrowly lost to India in group play.

Their advancement to the Super 8 also qualifies them automatically for the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2026. The 2028 Olympics are only two years later and will include cricket for the first time.

“When you involve the school cricket, I’m very positive it’s going to spread like anything,” Rokade said, adding that she saw a swelling pride from her team as they season evolved. The season together helped foster more excitement.










While the teams were co-ed this year. If the numbers get large enough, the schools are looking to break them out and continue to expand opportunities for their students.

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“Ultimately we’d like to be able to have two teams,” Dobinson said. “It depends on what the schools involved can field. We at High School North and High School South, we did have some JV matches to provide those kids some opportunities. The biggest thing is to grow the league to have more of a matrix to have more games.”

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More New Jersey schools are exploring starting cricket teams, and WW-P is getting in on the ground floor for a movement that is gaining traction as an opportunity to validate and support the interest of significant part of their student population. Cricket provides that representation.

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“The interest is there,” Odumbe said. “The numbers are there and the management has the zeal and the will to take the game to the next level. I don’t see anything stopping it from growing in the schools.”

The Washington Road Elm Allée


The Historical Society of West Windsor – a 100% volunteer nonprofit that preserves and promotes local history –explores the story of an elm corridor in West Windsor that’s also on the National Register of Historic Places.

Drive down Washington Road west of Route 1 and you can’t miss the rows of tall, stately trees lining either side of the road. While many might not give it a second glance, this corridor is, in fact, one of West Windsor’s notable historic icons.

Called the “Washington Road Elm Allée,” is noteworthy as a 1920s-era planned arboreal gateway linking West Windsor and Princeton. It is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a contributing element of the historic West Windsor community of Penns Neck.

Lining streets and roads in cities with trees, of course, was not a new development, even in the 1920s. However, at the time, particular attention was being given to plantings along countryside roadways across the nation, as part of a broader movement to “beautify” public areas outside of cities. Locally, Princeton University, and William Flemer II of Princeton Nurseries, were proponents of this concept.

Around 1920, Flemer cultivated the “Princeton Elm” as a variety of the “American Elm.” For generations, elms had populated older colonial towns as stately symbols of history, patriotism, strength, and longevity. Princeton University’s campus was no exception. Although it’s unknown how many were planted along Washington Road in the first year, there were 136 young elm trees typically spaced about 50 feet apart by the year 1940. As these trees matured, they

The scenic row of elm trees lining Washington Road between West Windsor and Princeton is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

would eventually develop large spans of branches arcing over Washington Road, creating a “tunnel” effect with dappled light peeking through the canopy.

These trees are also noted for their resilience. In 1930, Dutch Elm disease arrived in the United States and began killing the majority of American Elm populations (hundreds of millions of deaths) across the nation. Despite preservation efforts, Princeton University did not escape this havoc, and the number of elms there dwindled from around 1,000 in 1944 to 238 in 1964. However, the “Princeton Elm” variant that Flemer had cultivated proved especially resilient, with death rates along Washington Road in the single-digits.

However, other factors - age, storms, inconsistent/infrequent feeding and sanitation, stresses from passing automobile traffic, and more - have led to the loss of dozens of the original 136 elms. Yet, dozens of the original plantings

Over the decades, the vast majority of shade tree allées along open public roads have disappeared or declined significantly. However, despite many changes over the decades, the Washington Road Elm Allée remains a particularly wellpreserved collection of horticulturally and scientifically significant specimens. In fact, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1999. It is also one of the last and the most extensive surviving elm corridors lining a public roadway in New Jersey, and a superb example of early 20th century attempts to beautify the American landscape.

still stand at the time of this writing and a variety of other species have been planted over the decades, notably Norway Maples (1960s), forsythia (probably 1960s), Delaware Elms (1983), Liberty Elms (1990s).

Both the West Windsor History Museum and the Wicoff House Museum were established to preserve local history for the benefit of the public. We always invite volunteers to join our organizations and can give credit hours for students. Visit westwindsorhistory.com and wicoffhouseplainsboro.com to learn more about us. Also find us on social media and around WW-P in general during our many events each year!

Paul Ligeti is the president of the Historical Society of West Windsor.

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