6 minute read
Featuring Derek Hill and Fabian Warner, Founders of MenzLeague
Please share the story of why you founded MenzLeague?
Derek - MenzLeague. What a concept, and I am so proud and happy to be a part of this movement. When my best friend came to me, shared his story and explained this concept, something inside of me lit right up. The idea of men sharing real stories and becoming vulnerable with each other spoke to me, most likely because I have lived to see the massive value in what the idea can do. Pulling from experiencing my own hardships in life, I have come to realize that men don’t have to attack life alone. I tried that, and suffered because of it. We often try to lift the load of life on our own, and there is no need, as I can promise that men all over the world struggle with the same realities. This is for my mother, my sister, cousins, friends, ex-wife, ex-girlfriends and every woman in between. Men can be better, we can be honest and we can be vulnerable. And by doing so, our health, our relationships and our future start to look alot brighter.
Fabian - To say 2019 tested me is an understatement.The entirety of the year was full of truly impactful moments riddled with loss and regret which seemed to flow one after another. It started with the sudden passing of a close friend to cancer, not a single one of his friends even knew he was sick. The loss continued with another good friend who had some complications with drugs. Near the end of the year while I was moving out of my home as I was going through a divorce my uncle suddenly passed away. I like to pride myself on being a logical person in control of my emotions and I thought I had handled the grief and loss and digested it but it wasn’t until I was dropping to the ground in public with what felt like a heart attack that I knew something was wrong and I needed some support. After discussing my personal struggles with a professional I discovered it was panic attacks that had taken hold of my life. However, I believe you choose your reaction to adversity. I chose to use those moments as fuel to begin shaping my impact on the world, beginning with MenzLeague. If I was struggling with loss, and regret how many other men were struggling. I owed it to myself and the men I lost in 2019 to live the rest of my life trying to maximize my life, to become a better man.
Why are men struggling and having a hard time coming forward?
Derek - Ego, upbringing, the sense that men are supposed to be superhuman and take on any battle life throws your way. Some may be ashamed or embarrassed. What every single of these men don’t realize is that they are not alone. Men all around them have gone through similar struggles and it is ok to talk about it.
Fabian - the stereotype of what it means to be a man. We have spent our whole lives being told what a real man looks like! What the desired man acts like! What the cool guy talks, moves and flirts like. We are constantly told and shown not to show emotion and to man up and never show weakness. Because of this it’s never been desired or celebrated for a Man to be emotional or to share his perceived weaknesses.
What are some of the benefits of belonging to MenzLeague?
Derek - I personally believe that the main benefit from menzleague is the community. The feeling when you share a story and get the monkey off your back. The feeling when you share a secret that has been holding you back. The feeling you get when you can look at life with a clear vision. When Men can focus on their mental health, and become a better version of themselves, everybody benefits. Fabian - the biggest benefit of menzleague is that it starts to combat what men have been struggling with. By creating safe spaces for men to become vulnerable, by celebrating, encouraging and fostering a community of like minded men. The amount of weight lifted off a man’s shoulders once he’s able to shed the load of guilt, shame, suffering that he may be walking around with can never be understated.
What is next for MenzLeague?
Derek - I love this question! We have spent the better part of a year and a half building our platform and our brand. Menzleague is ready to become the premier platform for men to start to take control of their lives and improving their mental health. Whether it is through our online community, our in person community, at work or at the doctors office, Menzleague will be there with you along the way to ensure you feel comfortable starting the process.
Fabian - I think the beautiful thing about MenzLeague is we are always looking for what’s next. New and creative ways to connect with men. With the COVID-19 pandemic MenzLeague was primarily a web based membership, I think the next Chapter for MenzLeague is our in person events and fostering of our community.
If you had one piece of advice for a man struggling with any issue, what would it be?
Derek - This is simple. Find a friend and talk about it. When the conversation is over, make sure you make note of the euphoria you’re experiencing. Embrace that moment. Then reach out to Menzleague to join a community of men who have gone through the exact same steps and are striving to become the best version of themselves they can be.
Fabian - You’re not alone. On this journey of creating MenzLeague, talking & meeting with so many people Men and Women where this concept has not just been accepted but it’s been rejoiced. Men have been waiting a long time for an outlet that allows them the space to share their emotions.I can honestly say that while we as men suffer in silence the commonality of wanting to be better, wanting to evolve exists and we can’t give up. It might not happen overnight but the want is there, we just need to continue to foster the space.