1 minute read

A Journey To Discovery

Arriving back in Belfast from England, I want to say that I was filled with hope, but I wasn’t. I didn’t have any direction. Ihad no idea what I wanted to do. I was probablyhappy and excited about the change in locationand about the prospect of being surrounded bypeople and places and accents that were familiarto me. My mum loves me and naturally hasalways done her best for me. She was no differentback then - she gave me a place to stay, she gaveme food and she even went so far as to find a jobfor me. As a bartender. I guess, looking back,that she had no idea that that wasn’t the mosthealthy environment for me. Of course I thoughtdifferently. It was a comfortable place for me,almost like my natural habitat. I could be with likeminded people and get paid for it. Maybe I didn’teven give it any thought back then - I think my lifeat that time was just to make it from day to day.I don’t mean in a survival way, more that I didn’thave a plan or any ambition. Im not sure that I had


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