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Is Our Current Education System Preparing Our Children for The Future? Or are we just carrying on with what worked in the past?
Is Our Current Education Is Our Current Education System Preparing Our Children System Preparing Our Children for The Future? for The Future? Or are we just carrying on with Or are we just carrying on with what worked in the past? what worked in the past?
The key take away is to find a problem to solve, engage with people that have done it before, and succeed, or fail, fast. One action can create a tidal wave.
Scott Pickard
Traditional learning models are DYING!
“I can study for a test in half the time other people can. I can crank out an assignment the night before and get an A. I can show up at the SAT after one hour of studying and score in the 98% percentile. I’m an amazing student. But guess what. I don’t know anything”.
This comes from a 20 something year old student that is realizing how much more there is to learn than what comes from behind a school desk. Traditional learning and engagement have changed with recent events. Of course, we need schools, post secondary and vocational institutions BUT the opportunities to learn far surpass the confines of a classroom and challenge the need for traditional
brick-and-mortar locations. Connectivity through the internet has fundamentally changed learning opportunities forever and eliminated geographic borders. With the right amount of time and focused effort, there are no limits for anyone as to what they can learn, in or out of school. Traditional learning models are dying but exciting new modalities are being created that expand reach and accessibility for everyone in nontraditional ways. My work is in the tech space and I am writing this article through the lens of the ‘build to scale’ education model.
Using the general model of tech, one of the key drivers of the exponential growth in not only some companies but in overall sector growth is mentorship and accelerated programming. The key take away is to find a problem to solve, engage with people that have done it before, and succeed, or fail, fast.
There are thousands of programs available to people that are interested in learning this philosophy and as many modes of delivery. The model is not perfect but has a proven track record as a model for future learning and growth, personal or business. Short, iterative, outcome-based learning/growth models are proving very successful.
When we step away from the tech sector and take lessons learned to our personal journeys, education can take on many definitions. There are countless ways to learn outside traditional education offerings or to augment traditional methodologies with online resources, for everyone. For those who may experience learning difficulties, come from under resourced home situations, have ethnicity and language barriers, or experience gender bias, of face discrimination of any kind there are many other ways to educate yourself other than through traditional means, if the desire is there.
Education is no longer about school-based learning. Education is about enlightening yourself with ideas and new-to-you knowledge about any subject, anywhere. This can happen within the community, amongst peers, in extra curricular activities, from elders and from nomad working – a new trend in the remote worker sphere. No one can use the excuse that they cannot become educated any longer. One of the fastest trending online growth areas is e-learning largely due to its accessibility and ease of delivery. Short, concise and module-based courses cover practically any topic of interest. A few clicks and the journey begins. Outside of the online world, people-based learning continues to grow through community organizations, niche programming offerings and generally passionate people using crowd sourcing, social media and other creative ways to engage and interact. Even in the most obscure or specific areas of interest, there are others just like you who are gathering, talking, and sharing.
The question looms: are we preparing our children for the future, or just carrying on with what worked in the past? Like everyone, you will have your opinion, and it is just that. You will go about your life and either settle with the status quo, or change, or aggressively redefine yourself and maybe have some influence with your kids, peer group, colleagues or friends. Either way, the world will continue to progress. Even if you think it is too late for yourself (and you’d be wrong in that thinking) to make any significant change, imagine what impact you could have on someone else who is looking for change or does not even know that there are other opportunities available to them? One action can create a tidal wave. This is a non-traditional ripple that learning, being more educated, enables. Imagine if you inspired one younger person to do something they never thought possible. And they did the same, and they did the same. One action creates a sustainable wave.
For the older generation, are you done expanding your education? Old dogs can learn new tricks and the opportunity is right before you to take up that hobby, engage with your passion, add a side hustle. The limitations are only ones you have put on yourself. Just because you don’t have the knowledge today does not mean you can’t start the journey to get educated tomorrow.
Education should be never ending; however you define it. Embrace the endless opportunities that exist to enhance yourself and those around you and challenge our children and younger generation to experience the world as it was meant to be, not behind a desk but through experiences and engagement.