CreativeLiving East | Northeast » January 2012
BODY BY ZERONA Our clients are easily losing inches » Page 5
CINCINNATI COSMETIC & VEIN SPECIALISTS Refresh the look of your skin » Page 7
INSIDE... Beat the winter blues
A little creativity and a dash of adventurous spirit can brighten gray winter days
Body by Zerona
Take off what diet and exercise won’t
Spotlight on Senior Living
Hospice is about optimal quality of life
Winter at home
Breakfast and home décor tips
An Advertising-Sponsored Magazine Published by The Community Press/Recorder
CreativeLiving Topics
Health & Finess
At Home
Mind • Body • Spirit
Fun, fast snow removal • Breakfast • Decorating
Senior Living Hospice services
Editor’s note Three weeks into January and two harbingers of spring already are on the horizon. I grew up next door to a family that every year, in the dead of winter, tucked gifts into the trunk, piled into the car and headed to family in a neighboring state to celebrate Groundhog Day. Two weeks later, it’s Valentine’s Day, and we’re more than halfway to the spring equinox. As good as this sounds, why let the longing for spring trump the joys of winter? Who can resist the marvel of a new snowfall? Or the fun of bundling the kids up and unabashedly sledding down the nearest slope, all the while keeping the prize of hot chocolate in sight? Best of all, winter’s cold temps and abbreviated daylight hours are nature’s call to regroup inside with family and friends. But as sure as spring follows winter, before long we’re all looking for ways to cure cabin fever, which is what this issue of Creative Living is all about. Plan a visit to a Creative Living advertiser today. Just like snowflakes, no two are alike. Happy reading. Specialty publications editor
Beat the winter
he holidays are over, the kids are back in school, the weatherman is predicting snow, and suddenly, you’re staring down a long, cold and lonely winter. We can’t do anything about the weather, but these tips can help you get through the next three months without therapy. The first step to beating the winter blues is understanding and accepting them. It’s natural to feel let down after the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season has passed. It’s normal to be less-than-enthused
about the idea of longer nights and the threat of severe weather. Here are some easy ways to keep those doldrums at bay until spring: » Shop local. No need to brave the malls; your neighborhood boasts lots of unique stores and boutiques offering all kinds of things for every need, often within walking distance. Plus, shopping local keeps the money right here in our community. See WINTER, Page 5
Contact Creative Living is a monthly advertising-sponsored magazine published by Enquirer Media’s Specialty Publications Department. Send questions or comments to: Jo Kovach Specialty Publications Editor Enquirer Media, 312 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Phone: 513-768-8367 To advertise call: Doug Hubbuch Territory Sales Manager, Enquirer Sales Manager Enquirer Media Phone: 513-687-4614
Because community matters.
Think your snoring is just a pain to her?
Make a New Year’s resolution to stop snoring and sleep healthier
East | Northeast
but struggled with it. He started using an oral appliance and now he and Lori both enjoy quiet, healthful sleep every night. “I used to spend half the night poking Tim to roll over and stop snoring,” Lori says. “Need-
less to say, neither of us got a good night’s sleep. Now that he is in his Oral Appliance, I sleep in quiet and no longer worry about his gasping.” “I can’t thank Dr. Kitzmiller enough for my Oral Appliance!” says Joe, a client. “I no longer have to sleep in a separate room due to my snoring. I wake up so much more rested.” Call Dr. Kitzmiller today at 513-248-8848 to set up your complimentary consultation.
Snoring can often be a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a sometimes life-threatening sleep disorder that negatively impacts the health and quality of life of millions of Americans.
Symptoms include: Snoring • Daytime Fatigue • Morning Headaches • Depression Restless Sleep • High Blood Pressure • Lack of Concentration Sleeping in Separate Rooms
Cincinnati Dental Sleep Medicine Dr. Kitzmiller and his team have been uniquely trained in state of the art dental sleep medicine to effectively treat Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliance Therapy. Visit for more information and take a quiz to see if you or someone you know may have Obstructive Sleep Apnea and benefit from Oral Appliance Therapy!
Call Dr. Kitzmiller today!
513.248.8848 5722 SIGNAL HILL COURT
Dr. Tim Kitzmiller and his wife, Lori, help patients who suffer from snoring and sleep apnea. PROVIDED
January 18–19, 2012
Do you snore or know someone who does? You’re not alone! An estimated 40 million Americans snore. But while snoring can be disruptive to your or your partner’s sleep, it is often a symptom of a life-threatening condition called sleep apnea, where the airway collapses during sleep and causes the person to stop breathing and awaken with a gasp multiple times per hour. Untreated, sleep apnea can lead to excessive fatigue, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and even death. Left untreated, sleep apnea can shorten your lifespan by up to 18 years. Traditionally, obstructive sleep apnea has been treated with a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. But often patients cannot tolerate a CPAP because of the masks, hoses, noise and inconvenience. At the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Center, Dr. Kitzmiller and his wife, Lori, offer complimentary consultations to help snoring and sleep apnea patients with proper diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. If appropriate, Dr. Kitzmiller will provide the patient with Oral Appliance Therapy. An Oral Appliance is an FDA-approved CPAP-alternative that fits over your teeth and holds the lower jaw forward, keeping your airway from collapsing while you sleep. A snorer and sleep apnea patient himself, Dr. Kitzmiller tried CPAP
Easy tips for fast and fun snow removal When you look outside, do the large piles of snow leave you dreaming of spring? Since winter isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, you might as well make the most of the snowy outdoors. When you need to remove snow from your driveway and walkways, some simple tips will make the task easier. You might even enjoy getting outdoors for bit to breathe the crisp air and delight in the wonderment of winter. 1. Groups make snow fun. While the chore of keeping walkways and driveways clean traditionally falls on fathers, there's no reason the whole family can’t help
out. Once snow has stopped falling, bundle the whole family up (appropriate attire is essential) and get them outside. Adults and older teens can handle the heavier shoveling tasks, while young children can help by sweeping light snow with brooms and spreading salt and sand. 2. Play it safe. Straining your back while engaging in snow removal can leave you miserable. Before you set foot outside, make sure you have a proper snow shovel. Never use a garden spade or regular shovel to try to move snow; you'll only make the job harder. Remember to lift with your knees, avoid making
twisting motions with your back, and push snow, rather than lift it, whenever possible. 3. Plow through the pile with a sport utility vehicle. Plowing is the fastest, easiest way to clear your driveway, but until now you may have relied on professionals to do it for you or skipped it altogether because of the expense and inconvenience of waiting for the plow guy to show up. Some snowplow manufacturers are now making products that will work on most light pickups and SUVs, like the SnowSport HD by AgriCover. With no electrical or hydraulic moving parts, it’s easy to install
and use, reasonably priced, and allows you to quickly and easily move snow while in the comfort of your own vehicle. 4. Enjoy the snow and wait until the storm has passed. You might think that you're reducing your workload later by shoveling while it’s still snowing, but you're really just making more work for yourself. Wait until the snowstorm is over before you even think about snow removal. Allow yourself some time to enjoy the pristine snow with your family while looking out the window or get outside and build a snowman with the kids. 5. Take frequent
breaks. You might be tempted to just push through and get the job done as quickly as possible, but doing so means risking injury or exhaustion. It’s important to give your body a rest. Snow removal works not only the muscles in your back, arms and legs, but bright sunlight reflected on snow can strain your eyes as well. So work for awhile, then take a 10- or 15minute break. Drink a hot chocolate, check on the game, poke the fire, and take the time to relax before heading back out into the cold. Make sure to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water as well. –AraContent
STOP DEPRESSION Make a resolution to visit ...and more
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ThoughtWorXs today
The new year is usually a time of rebirth and looking forward to making the coming year better than ever. But if you’re suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia or pain, the new year may not live up to its promise. If this is the case, you owe it to yourself to visit ThoughtWorXs, LLC, using Brain State Technologies. This approach to well-being is noninvasive, uses no drugs and is individually tailored to bring balance and harmony to the brain. Patricia Trusty, owner of ThoughtWorXs, has been a
successful business professional and military spouse, but her passion has always been to help people. Patricia became a believer in Brain State Technologies after experiencing freedom from depression and anxiety (associated with fibromyalgia), with an added bonus of “weight loss” and back-pain relief from ruptured discs. When she discovered how a balanced brain improved her life, she knew she had to make the technology available to others. “It is thrilling to see the difference brain training makes in a person’s life, including and our re-
turning vets’, whether (the client is) 5 or 95,” Patricia shares. “People come into the office in pain and hopelessness and many times, in a matter of days, a completely different person walks through the door. “Whether you are dealing with a chronic or physical disability, destructive emotions, addiction or simply want to think more clearly, we are here to help.” ThoughtWorX is conveniently located on 7000 Houston Road, Suite 11, Florence, Ky. For more information, visit Or call Patricia at 808-783-7691.
January 18–19, 2012
East | Northeast
Body by Zerona takes off what diet, exercise won’t body during its normal course of detoxification. The Zerona Laser can focus on areas of the body that tend to be difficult to target with regular diet and exercise. It also works on smoothing cellulite. Another benefit is that it can treat several body areas at once. The procedure consists of a Certified Tech aiming the Zerona Laser at your trouble areas on your front side. You relax for 20 minutes, flip over, and receive 20 minutes of treatment on your back side. Then you’re treated to a relaxing HydroMassage, which stimulates your lymphatics to release the melted fat. Most
clients nap or read while receiving their treatments. It works equally well on both men and women. Body by Zerona has performed more than 3,500 Zerona Laser Procedures, and 98 percent of their clients have easily lost over 3 inches or more in just weeks. They have seen as much as 16¾ inches lost in 4 weeks. Whether you have an upcoming special occasion or you just want to get in shape for bathing suit season, now is the time — just do it! Call Body by Zerona at 859212-0577. You can also visit their website for a wealth of information: www.BodyByZerona
usually for free. » Clean it out. AfterChristmas is a great time to go through your closets and get rid of all the things you haven’t worn in the last year. Box everything up and donate it to a local thrift store. Don’t forget your receipt for tax purposes. » Work it. Join a local fitness center to help rev up your energy level and take off any excess holiday weight you may have picked up (more cookies, anyone?). » Lighten up. Try to spend more time outdoors during the daylight hours and turn on lots of lighting indoors to help illuminate your spirits. » Get organized. Take an afternoon and organize recipes, photos, holiday decorations or anything else that you’ve been putting off until
“someday.” » Volunteer. There are lots of volunteer opportunities right in your own community. Schools, churches, nonprofit organizations, even a veternarian’s office all need volunteers this time of year. » Treat yourself. Visit a spa, get a massage, have a mani-pedi – you deserve it. » Seize the day. Go for a walk in the snow. Shovel a neighbor’s walk. Bundle up and build a snowman. Getting through a Greater Cincinnati winter can be challenging. But with a little creativity, a dash of adventurous spirit and a willingness to try new things, you can turn that gray winter day into a new experience that will be remembered for many years to come.
Continued from Page 2
» Have a cup of coffee. After the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s nice to take time out and linger over a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate and watch the world go by from a seat in your neighborhood coffee shop. They’re often a hub of activity in the community, so you are likely to run into friends there, either ones you know or ones you don’t yet know. » Book it. When was the last time you visited the local library? Libraries have books, of course, but you can also check out the latest edition of your favorite magazine, surf the web, rent a cherished DVD or music CD or attend a program, East | Northeast
January 18–19, 2012
The latest in safe and nonsurgical LipoLaser is here! Lose inches with personalized attention at Body by Zerona. PROVIDED
Special Discount for Community Recorder Readers! 9 Zerona Sessions for
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12 Zerona Sessions for
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To Buy Now, visit: (Click on Buy Now Tab)
Body by Zerona, located at 618 Buttermilk Pike in Crescent Springs, offers Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky residents a nonsurgical and painless alternative to traditional liposuction. The latest in safe LipoLaser is here! You can lose inches of pure body fat in just weeks – with no surgery, no pain, no shots, no pills, no starving or strict dieting, no strenuous exercise and no recovery time. This FDA-approved procedure has shown that the Zerona Laser creates a small pore in the fat cell, enabling the fat to seep out of the cell. The melted fat is then passed out of the
Or Call: (859) 212-0577
Offer Expires (must be purchased by) 2/15/12 and must start Sessions by 8/15/12.
No matter what your budget or decorating experience, you can give your home a cozy, comforting feel easily and affordably. ARACONTENT PHOTO
s the chill of winter sets in, your home interior may be lacking the warmth and comfort you’d prefer. Fortunately, creating an inviting atmosphere does not require huge amounts of time or money. And you don’t need to be a professional interior designer – or even have experience in decorating – to transform your home into a welcoming haven. To bring your decor into the season and give your home noticeable appeal, follow a few easy tips. Paint Color has an enormous effect on mood and it greatly influences the atmosphere of a room. Neutral and white walls can feel stark and cold during 6
easy ways to warm up your home décor
the winter months, so consider warming them up with rich hues like those found in Dutch Boy’s palette. Yellow Springs, Reservoir Red and Loden Wool will create the perfect cozy feel, and accents of Ultra White will make your new colors stand out even more. Rugs Hardwood and natural stone floors have become extremely popular in the past several years, but these options can be cold and unpleasant underfoot in the wintry months. Adding rugs in visible areas will instantly give any room a more inviting look, as well as warmer feet on cold winter mornings. Experiment with different sizes, styles, shapes and designs
throughout the home. You might even consider switching out current kitchen and bathroom rugs for more seasonal choices. Lighting Now that winter is here and days are shorter, depending on natural sunlight to brighten a room past mid-afternoon is no longer an option. But instead of harsh white ceiling lights, give your home a cozy glow with strategically placed lamps, candle sconces and wall lights. A variety of light sources creates a welcoming feel that still allows occupants to entertain or read comfortably. A trip to any home improvement store will prove there are endless possibilities to light your home, with
many unique and easy-installation options to choose from. Accessories It’s the little things that can make the biggest difference, and accent items have a great effect on the ambiance of your home. From decorative sofa pillows, to festive candles, to holiday table runners, the details of a room determine its mood. If you’re feeling creative, many home and craft magazines have hundreds of ideas for do-it-yourself wreaths, centerpieces, wall hangings and other accents. And appealing to other senses with a scented candle or seasonal bowl of potpourri will instantly make a room more inviting. –ARAContent
January 18–19, 2012
East | Northeast
It’s a new year and there’s a new way to age gracefully. Refresh the look of your skin cians of Cincinnati Cosmetic & Vein Specialists stand out as a group attentive to the health of its patients, as well as providers of exceptional cosmetic results. The highly trained physicians are interventional radiologists whose experience with nonsurgical, minimally invasive treatments range from 8 to 12 years. The combination of experience and training provides them with the precision necessary to ensure each patient’s individual needs are met with excellent cosmetic results. Obagi Nu-Derm Systems is a medical-grade skin-care line that can stop the signs of aging and photo damage caused by over-exposure to the sun. The system treats age spots; fine lines and wrinkles; rough skin; loss of elas-
ticity in the skin; redness and sallowness of the complexion; and hyperpigmentation. Young skin naturally contains collagen, which gives it volume, flexibility and strength. As we age, collagen breaks down and the loss of elasticity and volume causes wrinkles, facial lines and skin laxity that deprive the skin of its youthful appearance. Cosmetic facial injections strive to stimulate collagen production to tighten skin and decrease wrinkles. Cincinnati Cosmetic & Vein Specialists use Botox, Juvéderm and Radiesse to smooth wrinkles, increase volume and create a more youthful appearance. Cincinnati Cosmetic & Vein Specialists also provide non-surgical treatments for varicose
Meet the staff at Cincinnati Cosmetic & Vein Specialists. Back row, from left: Faith M. Leson, R.N. CMCN; Joseph E. Bernstein, M.D.; James T. Traiforos M.D.; center row: Daniel E. Long, M.D.; Eugene Paik, M.D.; front: Elizabeth A. Weaver, M.D. PHOTO BY ALICIA WEDDLE East | Northeast
January 18–19, 2012
and spider veins. Some of the procedures are covered by medical insurance; all are done in our clinic office. The physicians have extensive experience and are fellowship-trained, with a very well-trained support staff. At Cincinnati Cosmetic & Vein Specialists you get the advan-
tage of well-respected physicians who focus on patient health, and understand the importance of looking and feeling your best. For more information about cosmetic or vein treatments call 513-5279999 or visit
It’s that time of year again when we begin to think about making improvements in our lives. Gym memberships skyrocket and suddenly there are new faces around you while you take your daily jog on the treadmill. Some of the enthusiasm eventually wears off and most of the New Year enthusiasts are gone by March. This year, there are affordable ways to improve your look with facial skin treatments, including Obagi NuDerm Systems, facial fillers and Botox, as well as treatments for leg varicose or spider veins. The new way to age gracefully is with nonsurgical cosmetic treatments. In a market inundated with physicians who offer vein treatments, Botox, Juvéderm and Radiesse, the physi-
Hospice services: It’s all about a loved one’s life
It’s about patients and families; it’s about quality of life.
Servicesthataredesigneduniquelyforeachindividual; care that is based on comfort and support; a team of dedicated professionals and volunteers focused on meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of both the patient and family—that’s what Cedar Village Hospice is all about. Built on a foundation of Jewish values, Cedar Village Hospice is here to help you or your loved one, in your own home, with the quality, sensitivity, dignity and compassion that have long been the hallmarks of Cedar Village. ............................................................................................
Cedar Village is a nonprofit retirement community, located in Mason, Ohio.
Cedar Village Hospice 5467 Cedar Village Drive, Mason, Ohio 45040 Telephone: 513.754.3100, CE-0000490051
There are some who think that the word “hospice” means that death is imminent. They equate hospice with the last days or even hours of life, and that can be a frightening thought. There are others who have the perception that receiving hospice care hastens death. But the truth is, that’s a misconception. Hospice services are, indeed, available to those who have a diagnosis of six months or less to live. But many hospice patients live longer than that and, in fact, several studies have shown that those receiving hospice care live longer and with an enhanced quality of life. Why hospice and what does it provide? Hospice services have existed since the late 1960s, when Dame Cicely Saunders founded the first modern hospice in a suburb of London, England. Hospice came to the U.S. just a few years later and was
publicly supported in her breakthrough work, “On Death and Dying,” by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. Kubler-Ross testified in support of hospice services before the U.S. Congress, stating, “We live in a very particular death-denying society. We isolate both the dying and the old, and it serves a purpose. They are reminders of our own mortality. We should not institutionalize people. We should give families more help with home care and visiting nurse, giving the families and the patients the spiritual, emotional and financial help in order to facilitate the final care at home.” Although hospice benefits became legislatively covered in the late 1970s, hospice is far more than a Medicarefunded program. Hospice services incorporate the use of a multidisciplinary team which includes physicians, nurses, social workers,
chaplains and volunteers. The emphasis is on pain control, palliative care rather than curative treatment. And the goal of hospice is to provide an optimal quality of life for whatever time the person has remaining, meeting their needs as a whole person – physically, emotionally and spiritually. The team not only works with the patient but also with the loved ones, both family and friends as appropriate. Helping the loved ones to support the patient through the journey can make a tremendous difference. Family care continues with a full year of bereavement services following the patient’s death to help with grief and move loved ones forward. Hospice provides the extra care and support to ease the transition for patient and family. It is not about death, rather it is about life.
NUTRITION FOR ACTIVE FAMILIES To get you on the road to high-energy eating, here is a nutrient-packed breakfast recipe.
Hass Avocado and Veggie Scramble
Serves: 4. Prep time: 10 minutes. Cook time: 10 minutes. Total time: 20 minutes Ingredients: 4 eggs 8 egg whites 1 tsp. olive oil 1 small zucchini, cut in half lengthwise and sliced ½ medium red onion, diced 1 cup cherry tomatoes,
quartered 1 ripe, fresh 8-oz Hass avocado, seeded, peeled and diced ¼ cup coarsely chopped basil leaves cup low-fat shredded mozzarella cheese Salt and pepper, to taste
Place eggs and egg whites in a bowl and beat until combined. Set aside. Place oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add zucchini and onion and cook, stirring frequently, until softened, about 3 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook for an
additional 3 minutes. Lower heat to medium and pour in eggs. Add avocado, basil and mozzarella to eggs. Using a spatula, stir and turn eggs until cooked through. Season with salt and pepper before serving. Serving suggestion: Serve over a toasted whole wheat bagel, English muffin or toast. Per Serving: Calories 250; Total Fat 15 g (Sat 4.5 g, Trans 0 g, Poly 1 g, Mono 5 g); Cholesterol 275 mg; Total Carbohydrates 8 g; Dietary Fiber 4 g; Protein 19 g. – NAPS
January 18–19, 2012
East | Northeast