Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority seeks a visionary, proven, and ethical economic development leader to serve as its next...
President and Chief Executive Officer The Community Cincinnati, the Queen City, is a picturesque city on the Ohio River in Southwest Ohio at the junction of Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. The City has a population of nearly 300,000 and Hamilton County has a population of over 800,000. With affordable housing, attractive and unique neighborhoods, friendly neighbors, and diverse religions, the area offers an attractive place to live, work and play. There are many attractions and venues available for residents and visitors alike, with over 100 museums including the outstanding Cincinnati Art Museum, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, as well as an outstanding Zoo, the Krohn Conservatory, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Cincinnati Ballet, and Cincinnati Playhouse. Sports fans have the choice of seeing the National League Central Division Champion Cincinnati Reds, the National Football League’s Bengals, or the two-time Kelly Cup Cyclones. Other sites and attractions include the Riverfront and Fountain Square as well as the Rosenthal Center for Contemporary Art, the Aronoff Center for the Arts, and the nearby Cincinnati Shakespeare Company. Excellent public and private schools are available including the outstanding post-secondary options - the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati State and Xavier University. Cincinnati is fortunate to have its diverse economic base with 43% of the nation’s population, 41% of the nation’s purchasing power, 44% of the nation’s manufacturing
establishments, and 54% of the nation’s value added by manufacturers within 600 miles. There are more than 6,000 small businesses in Cincinnati, while 10 Fortune 500 companies are headquartered there, and 85% of the Fortune 500 companies have a Cincinnati presence. Among the top employers are Kroger Corporation, Proctor and Gamble and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Governance Since 2000, the Port Authority has focused on brownfield redevelopment, economic development finance, and economic inclusion. Through public-private partnerships the Port Authority has remediated 155 acres and issued over $450 million in revenue bonds. In 2008, the City and County worked with the Port Authority Board of Directors to reform the agency to provide it the full governing authority of a port authority under Ohio Revised Code (ORC) Section 4582. The Port Authority was charged with identifying and implementing economic development initiatives throughout Cincinnati and Hamilton County to sustain and grow the region’s economic base. The Port Authority is now governed by a 10-member volunteer Board of Directors appointed by the City of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. These appointees represent a broad mix of business expertise including real estate development, design, human resources, finance, and marketing. The Port Authority is developing a number of new programs to achieve their ambitious new goals: •
bank initiative. These programs will be implemented in partnership with the City and the County and in a manner consistent with existing land use plans. •
Common Bond Fund Program: This is a creditenhancement vehicle supported by a system of common program reserves, designed to achieve an investment grade rating. The fund may be used to provide businesses and 501(c)3 organizations access to long-term, low cost, fixed rate financing. The Port Authority may issue an individual revenue bond for each project, typically $1 to $6 million.
Inland Port: Work on behalf of the City and the County, as directed, to advocate for and implement freight transportation improvements designed to leverage the region’s existing freight infrastructure (river, rail, and highway).
Staffing: Structure the organization for optimum effectiveness to include the hiring, promotion, and compensation of key personnel.
Technology: Ensure that the staff is supported by appropriate technology.
Contracts: Authorize and execute such contracts and commitments as may be required by law, the Board, or established Port Authority policies.
Marketing: Initiate Port Authority-wide marketing, planning, and policy development, and approve staff marketing programs in support of such policy.
Relationships: Maintain relationships with legislative officials, public bodies, industry, and the general public as are necessary. Specifically, collaborate with the City, County, and Chamber on projects which they have attracted to the area.
Key Contacts: 1. Port Authority, 2. General, environmental, and bond legal counsel, 3. Representatives of business, development/real estate, and financial community, 4. Port Authority vendors, insurers, bankers, grantors, and clients, 5. Local, state, and federal elected and appointed officials, as well as public employees and community leaders, 6. Representatives of other port authorities, 7. General public.
Development: lead the development of real estate projects identified by the Board and in the Strategy and Goals of the Port Authority to support the economic development initiatives of the City, County and Chamber.
Land Acquisition and Repositioning: It is anticipated that the Port Authority will operate programs to assemble, remediate and reposition sizable development-ready sites, revitalize neighborhood commercial areas, and assist the County with a new county-wide land
Position & Organizational Profile The President/CEO is expected to lead and manage the implementation of the Port Authority’s mission utilizing the full powers of the ORC Section 4582 to collaborate with the City, County and the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber on economic development initiatives throughout the Cincinnati and Hamilton County area to grow the region’s economic base. This position’s responsibilities are: •
Board Relationship: Inform the Board on the Port Authority’s activities and on all important factors influencing said activities, and ensure that the Board is properly represented to employees, local and state government, and the general public.
Planning: Develop and recommend to the Board plans to bring major developments to fruition; recommend objectives to the Board to meet changing needs.
Fiscal Responsibility: Serve as Secretary and Fiscal Officer to the Board, as well as direct and manage such other matters as requested by the Chairman of the Board.
Finance and Accounting: Develop and maintain a sound financial system encompassing the generation of revenue, control and accounting of expenses, capital development, and ensure safeguards of Port Authority funds, assets, and properties.
Policy Implementation: Execute policy decisions of the Board. Develop specific policies, procedures, and programs to implement the general policies established by the Board and ensure that these policies, procedures, and programs are effectively administered and controlled.
Current Challenges & Opportunities The following listing is representative of the challenges and opportunities the new CEO will deal with in the first twelve to eighteen months on the job, and is not intended to be a comprehensive listing. •
Establish Stability and Credibility for the Position – This position is a critical one for the Port Authority, City and County. These organizations are investing a great deal of resources in the ability of the selected candidate to expand their tax base by getting land and infrastructure ready for development. The successful candidate will be a seasoned leader and executive with the ability to proactively remain current about development, redevelopment and business expansion opportunities, as well as demands in the Greater Cincinnati/Hamilton County area. A person known for producing results with deliberate action, the CEO will operate in a proactive nature, anticipating needs and opportunities within the sphere of economic development. The successful hire will be expected to build on past successes and move the organization forward. He/she must be politically astute and able to manage the public nature of such a role with confidence and authority. The person must be respectful of the political nature of the job, while not allowing the politics to distract from the goals set forth and supported by the Board.
Organizational Assessment and Development – The Port Authority has been working with a highly dedicated and small team since its inception. The next CEO will be expected to work with the Board and staff in the validation of this business model and organizational structure for the current and future needs of the Port Authority.
External Relations – This position will be working closing with City, County, and State officials, as well as financial institutions, the development community, and the citizenry.
Education & Experience The successful candidate will be expected to have experience managing complex organizations, including the management of staff, property, capital, budgets, and communication/marketing programs. He/she must have experience generating the funds needed to maintain the organization and support organizational growth, the management and oversight of public funds, as well as responding to public information requests, and public bidding processes. The CEO will have successful experience in real estate development, including the ability to lead development teams, as well as negotiate and monitor contracts. The successful candidate will have familiarity with the Ohio Revised Code as it relates to port authorities. The Board of Directors is seeking a proven candidate with a record of successful performance in positions of organizational leadership for 7 – 10 years, preferably involving public financing. He/she must demonstrate the ability to lead a public organization culture of integrity and transparency. In addition, the candidate must have hands-on experience with economic development, bond financing, and brownfield cleanup and redevelopment. The successful candidate will have experience with establishing and implementing public-private partnerships as well as experiences in policy and project formulation, including working with multiple stakeholders. He/she will have proven success in working with elected and appointed officials, as well as the general public. The CEO will have a degree from an accredited college/university in Business/Public
Administration, Economics, Urban Planning, Finance, Marketing, or related field. Preferred candidate will have a Master’s degree as well as an Economic Development Certification.
Candidate Profile
Compensation & Benefits
The candidate must demonstrate excellent strategic planning skills, the ability to develop goals and objectives, and the passion to sustain the achievement of those goals and objectives. As an advocate for the community, the CEO’s approach must be tempered with realism and a clear and deep understanding of the business, political and economic climate of the area. He/she will be expected to appreciate and execute against the Port Authority’s need to maintain and promote a leading presence for the City and County. The CEO should be prepared to balance an established business oriented culture with the needs of an entrepreneurial organization, as well as the nuances of being an evolving presence in this community. The candidate will have the ability to prepare and present short- and long-term return on investment analysis on development proposals. Also, the ability to make effective presentations and present issues in writing with an understanding of complicated development agreements and an appreciation of their necessity.
The starting salary and benefits are highly competitive and negotiable, depending upon the experience and qualifications of the successful candidate, with an anticipated starting range of $190,000 to $220,000. The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority will negotiate employment agreement and relocation assistance with the successful candidate.
Application & Selection Process Qualified candidates please submit your resumé online by visiting our website at
www.watersconsulting.com/recruitment This position is open until filled; however, the first review of applicants will take place mid to late September. Following the first review date, resumés will be screened against criteria outlined in this brochure and the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority will consider offering interviews to selected candidates. Final interviews in Cincinnati will be offered by the Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority to those candidates named as finalists, with reference checks, background checks and academic verifications conducted after receiving candidates’ permissions. The final interview process will be held in late October 2011. For more information please contact Andrea Battle Sims by calling 216.695.4776 or by visiting our website at www.watersconsulting.com. The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values diversity at all levels of its workforce! For more information, view the Port Authority’s website at www.cincinnatiport.org.
WATERS-OLDANI EXECUTIVE RECRUITMENT A Division of The Waters Consulting Group, Inc.