Community Spirit Magazine April 2019

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C O M M U N I T Y S P I R I T M A G A Z I N E | A P R I L 2 019 | V O L U M E 1, I S S U E 4

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Community Spirit Letter from the Editor

Unplanned: Interview with Robia Scott

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Cole Bayer // CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Gary L. Richardson, Sean Farver, Kirk Crossing CONTRIBUTING MONTHLY WRITERS Contributing Monthly Writers: Ryan Goodnight, Teresa Goodnight, Mike Henry Sr., and Andrea Stephens, DISTRIBUTION Community Spirit Magazine is distributed to churches, schools, restaurants, businesses, and direct to home subscriptions. Email to deliver to your church or subscribe online for a copy sent directly to your home.

Behind Enemy Lines: Indoctrination at College

Claims by advertisers, guest authors, authors, and the opinions of Claims by advertisers, guest authors, authors, and the opinions of writers within this publication do not necessarily represent the views of Community Spirit Magazine or its publisher. Omega League Media is not responsible for the reliability, suitability, timeliness of content submitted although best effort is always made to accommodate all requests appropriately.

Fear Is Never Your Friend: Gary L. Richardson

Scriptures marked NLT are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW LIVING TRANSLATION (NLT): Scriptures taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW LIVING TRANSLATION, Copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Definitely Dead. Definitely Alive. Sean Farver

Helmet. Check. Breastplate. Check. Cover Model: Allie Beach


Scriptures marked NIV are taken from the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION (NIV): Scripture taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.TM. Used by permission of Zondervan

BIBLE VERSE Romans 15:5-6 “May the God of ENDURANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that TOGETHER you may with ONE VOICE glorify the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” #onevoice #together #ChurchwithaCapitalC OUR MISSION Go into the world. Jesus said Go. To all of us. Do Something. Get in the Game. Be like Christ. Show His love.

Go. Do. Be.

LET TER FROM THE EDITOR We honestly believe that God, being so incredibly bigger than us, guides us to what HE wants us to talk about in each issue. We do our best to follow His lead. This month’s issue was so powerful that we’re forever changed due to our cover story interview. We’ve each shared the story countless times. I remember my husband overhearing the interview from our balcony and walking down the stairs to listen. We were both mesmerized and truthfully a bit afraid. Our eyes were strangely content and almost fully closed but that can’t be anymore. There are things happening in our country that we just don’t understand. We can’t wrap our minds around them. From New York to Planned Parenthood, college campuses to our schools, we as Christians are being called to stand. We can’t just pretend away these horrible realities anymore. They are here. They are real. Satan has a strategic plan in place and he thinks he’s winning. If we sit around in our

Bible studies with our friends and act like the world is just alright then maybe he’s right. It’s not alright that children are under attack before they leave the womb, through school, and then through college. It is VERY real. As our eyes keep being opened further, our lazy, happy Christian selves want to stay inside our cocoon with all our Christian friends and talk about last week’s sermon. You may be right there with us. We have seen Christians walking around in a daze since January unsure of what to do. Then, we watched them casually lull back into daily life. We can’t go on this way. WAKE UP! Listen. Hear God whisper. Then act on it in love. To paraphrase a thought from Mordecai in Esther 4:13-14--If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief will arise from some other place. Maybe you were made for just such a time as this? Community Spirit Magazine

Core: He is RISEN. He is RISEN INDEED.

Man 2 Man: Call to Arms The Battle For Hearts And Minds

16 Financial: First Bank of Owasso 18 To Pool or Not to Pool 22 Rise and Shine: Live An Unexplainable Life 30 Heart2Heart: Seaking, Thirsting, Yearning 32 Senior Moments: Stepping Up and Stepping In 34 Now THAT’S SPIRIT!


PUBLISHER & EDITOR Omega League Media Staff


SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS THE 1ST OF THE MONTH, PRIOR TO THE ISSUE. THOUGHTS/IDEAS/SUBMISSIONS Feel free to submit your feedback or ideas via the website If you want to have your work considered for publication, at the website click on “Submit Content.” COMMUNITY EXPERTS/SPECIALISTS If you are field expert and would like to learn more about being a contributing author, contact us at 918.956.0700 or

Calling All Pastors.

CSM is always looking for pastors who want to contribute articles. We have a list of topics for the year or we’re happy to discuss your ideas and see where they fit in our schedule. This magazine is meant to be a vessel for the Christian community to share God’s message.

Can’t wait to hear from you. | 918.956.0700

STUDENTS We would love to entertain your submissions, ideas and suggestions. Please hop on our website in the student stuff and submit! ADVERTISING Contact: Call 918-956-0700, or email COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION




Written by Teresa Goodnight

Easter brings about so many emotions, but gratitude usually tops the list. We stop in the season of Easter to remember Christ, His death--His burial--His Resurrection. Even when writing it seems a bit surreal to truly think through what those elements of Easter actually represent. Every one of us has made mistakes of all shapes and sizes. God being both loving and just, with our simple logic, was sort of at a crossroads on what to do with our decision. He couldn’t just forgive our sins without a payment for them being that He is just. Without a payment, our choices were deadly. They brought about a destination separating us from God for eternity. On the other hand, God created us in His image. He seriously loved us. What in the world was He to do? Being God, He knew exactly what He would do. It would require a sacrifice--the ultimate selfless act. God knew the way to bring man back into fellowship with Him was through the sacrifice of His one and only Son, Jesus. It sounds simple enough, but to truly understand the depth of that offering, it helps to think of someone we love deeply. Imagine that person tortured by ungrateful men, who didn’t care they were thrashing your loved one, while you had to watch. Imagine knowing your loved one was being sacrificed to pay for their mistakes. Imagine having the power to stop it, but choosing to love the accusers and the world so much that you let it happen. Imagine that moment, when broken, you turned your back because you couldn’t watch the final moment as the debt was finally paid. Can you even let your mind go there? Stopping to thank God for His sacrifice, for the sacrifice of His Son--it’s not to be taken lightly. It WAS a big deal. It is THE BIG DEAL God made with Himself to remain both just and still our loving Father who paid the cost for our mistakes. As you stop to do this in remembrance of Him, it might be more fitting for all of us to fall to our knees in humble gratitude. He paid a debt He did not owe. We owed a debt we 6


simply could not afford to pay. The only thing worse than not being truly thankful for His sacrifice we didn’t deserve, would be to NOT accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Who else would do that for us? For you? He leaves that all important choice to us. However, one thing we can NEVER do is doubt His love for us. He loved us so much He gave His all that we might be made right. Where can we find bigger love than that? One of my favorite Christian bands, DownHere penned one of my all time favorite Christmas songs in 2010. It brings me to tears just thinking about these lyrics:

“Follow the star to a place unexpected Would you believe, after all we’ve projected, A child in a manger? Lowly and small, the weakest of all Unlikeliest hero, wrapped in his mother’s shawl Just a child Is this who we’ve waited for? ‘Cause how many kings step down from their thrones How many lords have abandoned their homes? How many greats have become the least for me? And how many gods have poured out their hearts To romance a world that is torn all apart How many fathers gave up their sons for me?

James 15:12-13 (NLT) “This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”

This Easter: Remember His death and sacrifice. Celebrate His amazing resurrection. Rest in His love. There is no greater core to who we are as Christians than this display of UTTERLY AMAZING GRACE. Then, when you stop to really think through what He did--do what comes naturally and show that same full of grace love to everyone else. The world is waiting for us to get this right. I think God is too. #GoDoBe



MAN 2 MAN Call to Arms -

Written By: R.A. Goodnight

The Battle For Hearts And Minds they entice the population with can be “Stand firm then... dangerous lies. with the breastplate of THE LIES OF TODAY righteousness in place... It should not come as a shock that our Satan, uses this tactic in his war Take the helmet of salvation...” invader, against God’s people. The scriptures tell us, “And no wonder, for Satan himself Ephesians 6:14, 15 masquerades as an angel of light.” (2


It is a problem as old as war itself. During a war, the invading force needs a strategy to defeat the defending force, but also a plan to minimize resistance from the local population. Additionally, being able to shape the ideology of future generations is strategic to the long-term success of the conquering army. But how do you control resistance from the indigenous people as well as their children? By targeting their hearts and their minds. With physical warfare there is, generally, a psychological war that is fought simultaneously. One of the earliest secular references to this comes from India, around the 4th century B.C. In a book that was written the writer gives advice on how to wage Gudayuddha, or “silent warfare”. The invading force would use propaganda campaigns that attempted to convince the people that they were the force for good. They would try to sway the population (and even the opposing soldiers) that the invaders have the people’s interest in mind, that they were liberators and not enslavers. In the end, they offer some form of freedom to the people with the hope of winning them over to their ideology. For if you can win the people, you have a greater chance of winning the war. But, depending on who the invading force is, the ‘freedom’ 8

Corinthians 11:14) The Bible also refers to him as the father of lies. (John 8:44) Through the ages he has proven himself to be a skilled liar and an effective propagandist. At the beginning of human history, Satan employed lies and propaganda to target the mind of Eve. He presented himself as a liberator and promised her ‘freedom’ that he claimed God was withholding from her. Once he convinced her of his lie it infected her heart causing her to act on the idea. (Genesis 3:4, 5) So began human sin. It is an effective tactic that has won many over to his side. Due to its effectiveness, we should not expect him to have abandoned its use.

Bringing the application to our day, thousands of years later, Satan is still employing this tactic. He persists in his efforts to “lead the whole world astray” by use of lies and propaganda. (Revelation 12:9) Even today he builds his lies on the same fundamental deception – that God is holding us back. That we are not free. That we can have more, and that he is offering it. His ideals are embedded in the constant barrage of data offered to us by Hollywood, news outlets and politicians. The ideals we encounter include stances on sexual immorality (homosexual or heterosexual), abortion, idolatry (many times not recognized as idolatry), spirituality and religion along with many other hot topics


in the world today. He tries to convince us that these are not bad. He tries to persuade us to adopt an ‘anything goes’ attitude toward life; he presents that as being free, as us being in control of our own lives. Sadly, many of our fellow humans have given into these ideas and now find themselves in a precarious situation. Those who accept (and more importantly promote) these popular lies, knowingly or unknowingly, have become agents in Satan’s war. 2 Corinthians tells us, “It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.” (11:15) God pronounces woes upon individuals in this state, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness.” (Isaiah 5:20) This is not a situation in which we want to find ourselves or our families--taking a stand against God and his truths through the belief and promotion of Satan’s lies. Understanding that the assault is more intense than it ever has been, how do we protect our minds and our hearts?


Just as a physical helmet protects the head and brain, the source of our intellect, our hope of salvation can protect our minds. The distractions and lies presented to us by Satan’s world can have an intoxicating effect upon us. Interestingly, Paul admonished first century Christians, “But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.” (1 Thessalonians 5:8) In this verse, Paul

establishes a connection between spiritual sobriety (or mental protection) and our hope of salvation. Instead of allowing ourselves to be distracted by the promises and ‘wisdom’ of Satan’s world, a focus on our hope of salvation can help ensure that our minds are strong, aware and filled the truths from God as opposed to the lies of Satan. However, our minds require constant attention. As the flow of Satan’s propaganda exists 24/7 our consideration of God based truths need to occur daily. This counsel is given to us through scripture as well. The Bible admonishes, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) Yes, a regular renewal of our mind convinces us of God’s truth and reinforces His will as opposed to Satan’s lies that our minds encounter. Meditating on what is true, right and pure is the only antidote to the information offered to us through Satan’s world. (Philippians 4:8)


The defense of our heart begins with protecting our mind, as the path to our hearts is through our minds. This is one of the most important aspects of Christian warfare. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23) What is in our figurative hearts defines who we really are, the inner person. Our heart is our seat of motivation. Everything we do, love or hate comes from our hearts. The breastplate of a soldier’s armor protected his heart. So how can righteousness protect our figurative hearts? First, we must understand and accept that righteousness is only defined by one person – God. Not ourselves, not a politician (or other public figure), not our friends - not this world. Once we have accepted God’s standard on righteousness, this will cause us to reject any ‘wisdom’ we encounter in the world that changes, removes or disputes His standard. Over time this will develop in us a heart that hates evil but loves good. (Amos 5:15) Once our hearts have been conditioned to

love what God loves, it will govern what we say and do. Speaking of Christ, Hebrews 1:9 tells us, “You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness.” As our exemplar, we should strive to have a heart of Christ. It will define who we are as a Christian.


The defense of our own hearts and minds is of utmost importance. In the outset of this article, I mentioned that a strategic initiative of an invading force would be to change the ideology of future generations as well. This means the minds and hearts of our children are prime targets. Men, the attack upon our children is as fierce as I have ever seen it. Satan is using music, movies, TV shows, even children’s books to hack their little minds and pirate their precious hearts. More importantly, through school and colleges they are taught many ideas that directly conflict with God’s standards of righteousness. Whether through poor choices in friends or through the school curriculums, there is an active campaign against our children. Are you aware of who your children’s friends are? Do you know what is being taught in their classrooms? If we do not choose to fill their minds with the pure thoughts of God and to shape their identities as Christians – Satan will do his own filling. Do not test him. The Devil would love nothing more than to have his way with our children’s minds. Our children need us to fight for them. Their futures depend on us forging childsized helmets and breastplates to protect their minds and hearts. Let’s consider for a moment the example of a Christian youth – Timothy. Paul said this of him, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5) It was Timothy’s grandmother and mother who shaped his mind and conditioned his heart. Further counsel from God’s word admonishes us as fathers, “Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 11:19) What are some practical ways we can apply this counsel? Bedtime stories are a great

way. When fishing, hiking or involved in outdoor activities – use these moments to teach your kids about our Great Creator and God. When you drive them to school, impart God’s truths and wisdom with application for their day. If practical for your family, prayerfully consider a Christian school or college for your child. If not practical, be aware and involved in what public schools are actively putting into the minds of our kids. We are their fathers. As far as it is in our power, let’s make intentional choices what we allow into their minds and hearts.


It is our responsibility to start forging for our children a strong faith and passionate love for God’s standards from the moment we see their eyes the first time. Fight with a ferocity that the Devil has never encountered before. Fight as if their futures will be shaped by the effectiveness of the defense you mount because they will be. We now have a full suit of armor that we can use to defend ourselves as well as our entire families. In this series we have considered: • The sword of the Spirit • The shield of faith • The belt of truth • Feet fitted with the gospel of peace • The breastplate of righteousness • The helmet of salvation ( or contains back issues of CSM to read the set). Equip your armor men and scream back at the Devil, “You cannot have them! Not this child, not today!” Strike you swords against your shields and fight like men, in Jesus name, Amen!





Unplanned: Robia Scott Written by Teresa Goodnight

Community Spirit was able to speak with Robia Scott, starring in the newly released movie, Unplanned that hit theaters March 29th. Robia had numerous roles in Hollywood, such as in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, before becoming a Christian and changing direction. Robia was randomly introduced to the directors of the movie in Nashville. She read a small audition for the role. They offered it. It was all pretty quick. Now she feels she’s back in the industry, as a believer, for such a time as this. Robia bought the book by Abby Johnson and read it. She said, “I was a bit hesitant to take the part. My role is pretty intense. However, I knew quickly in prayer with my husband, I was prepared and positioned for this part.” Robia says, “Instantly, I was motivated by lifting the veil off Planned Parenthood. Even though I didn’t know a ton about the abortion industry to start, I began studying and realized what they were professing was very different from who they actually were.” Robia was troubled, because she felt people were making a BIG decision on misinformation. She said, “Recognizing this was a belief people were being programmed to believe about abortion, I decided I wanted to help expose Planned Parenthood and the entire industry.” Robia said,

“Interestingly, the directors had the movie rights for 6 years, but they said ‘The Lord said not yet.’’ They weren’t really sure why they were waiting. Then, they felt God released them to make it. Coming out now with what’s happened in New York and the bills being passed,” Robia continued, “it is so ordained by God. I really believe it’s going to be a game changer.”

unite—and if you don’t want your state to look like New York, you can vote with your ticket.” Robia continued, “When there’s a big box office opening weekend, it gets Hollywood the media’s attention. It lets the movie get to stay there (in the theater) longer, to reach more people. Believers have to vote on this with our tickets if we care about this issue and it’s serious to us. How is my one little voice going to make a difference? Right here.” Robia is a full-time minister, speaker, author, and one of the stars of the movie, which was put together by the same team from God’s Not Dead. She is a gifted teacher of the Word, specializing in offering Biblical tools for transformation that promote freedom, healing, and wholeness. Robia often teaches principles from her book, Counterfeit Comforts: Freedom from the Imposters that Keep You from True Peace, Purpose, and Passion. Robia began her professional career as a dancer in Hollywood at the age of sixteen. She appeared in numerous music videos before traveling the world with Prince starring as “Pearl” in his international tour Diamonds and Pearls. When the tour ended, Robia began focusing on her acting career. She appeared in over fifty national commercials and starred in various popular television shows such as Beverly Hills, 90210 and CSI. Robia is well-known for her three-year role as Jenny Calendar on the hit TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was during her time on Buffy that Robia became a Christian. Yes, it is a great story! (We will be following up on Robia with a review on her book later this year!) Shortly thereafter, she left her career in entertainment to venture into full time ministry. For the last fifteen years, Robia has traveled extensively across the U.S. and internationally, speaking at churches and conferences. Her God-given gift of artistic expression is now being utilized to communicate truth for the Kingdom of God. She has a teaching style that is dynamic, relatable, down-toearth, and fun.

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Robia also spoke of the film’s star playing the lead role. She said, “Ashley Bratcher found out once she was filming motivation for her character. Ashley called her mom after filming for a few weeks to tell her about what she was doing. Her mom immediately broke down. Then, she revealed to her that she was on the table ready to have an abortion with her. Her mom said something like, ‘Literally in a moment, the choice could have gone either way.” Now thirty some years later, she’s the face of this film.” Robia finished, “God knows the end from the beginning. It’s all in His hands.”


Robia spoke about the oddity of the R rating. She said, “We found it interesting Hollywood thought the topic unfit for those under 17, even though they can walk into an abortion clinic without parental consent and make that decision. However, it’s ok. We want parents to go with their children. You have to decide the right age, but just know Planned Parenthood is starting their message incredibly early.” We should be seeing the headlines by the time this article is released, but Robia said, “You have to understand how Hollywood works. Opening weekend for the box office makes all the difference. As the body of Christ, we have to 10


Robia resides in Orange County, California with her husband, James, and their daughter, Gemma. COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION


Play it out however makes the point in your heart--wide is the path that leads to destruction and narrow is the road towards a life with God. Dr. Piper said, “More professors than you can imagine (even at purportedly “Christian” colleges) find it sporting to destroy your child’s faith. They take pride in tearing down a biblical worldview and replacing it with ideas that are in direct opposition to orthodox Christianity. Everything you have taught your son and daughter will be challenged and maligned before they even get unpacked in their dorm room or attend their first class.” If that is going on, and so many stories like that of Carson Lowe reflect it is happening today—then why are we just sitting back and waving goodbye as they drive off merrily toward such statistically verifiable destruction?

They Don’t Learn Everything in Kindergarten--Indoctrination COVER STORY

Written by Teresa Goodnight

Behind Enemy Lines:

Indoctrination at College 70%--that’s 7 out of 10 college students walk away from Christ by their junior year, according to Dr. Everett Piper,

President of Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU). That statistic alone should petrify parents. His haunting question: “Are you THAT sure your child won’t be one of the 7?” CSM reported in February on Carson Lowe, a student at the University of Arkansas (formerly at Mingo Valley Christian), listening to the professor of 250 students in just one classroom proclaim there is no deity. Sadly, we see college professors gaming on our children. Meanwhile, we smile at our kids’ Instagram photos from sport rallies to fraternity parties, ignoring the statistics and warnings. Or, maybe, we’re just in the dark and need someone to open our eyes. Dr. Piper started his interview with two simple questions for every parent:

“WHAT are they teaching your kids?” “WHY in the world are you not concerned?”

Honestly my mind was shaken in minutes talking with Dr. Piper. I felt like the Supers (superheroes with powers) in Incredibles 2, when someone rips the hypnotic mask placed on their eyes. OUCH. Dr. Piper had quickly volunteered to be interviewed. I sought some perspective from colleges and universities. I wanted to understand from their vantage point what exactly was going on out there. I knew how bad it was—or so I thought. Then, Dr. Piper started to speak. Our discussion made me uncomfortable—wishing it weren’t true. It was so powerful, I scrapped it for March. We changed the focus of the magazine for April to center around his warning. It was too critical to the future of Christianity to be a secondary story, too dangerous for our children graduating in just a few months to be pushed beyond a cover story. Dr. Piper needed the platform to rip off as many masks of deception possible from parents’ eyes. Walking onto the campus of a university, students expect to receive an education to change the trajectory of their lives. According to Dr. Piper, that’s exactly what’s being offered—a purposeful, powerful effort to steer Christians students off course from their faith in Christ. With Dr. Piper’s reference to the statistic, think quickly of how that might look: 21 of every 30 children in your youth groups—lost. 7 of every 10 children of parents in your Sunday School —derailed.



I asked Dr. Piper, “What are your thoughts on a Christian education vs. a regular secular university?” He answered, “Every parent should be asking is this - Why spend 18 years training up your child in the way he should go, only to then to send him off to a university, where the goal is to tear his mind, heart, and soul out?” Dr. Piper continued, “Parents do it every day. Homeschool parents do it every day. Some seem to think ‘Oh. my son and my daughter will stand up to the religious persecution, the mockery, and the marginalization. My child will be fine.’ I see this misguided confidence all the time, only to have that parent approach me later and admit it was the worst decision they ever made, because they have lost their child.” “When I went to college, I may have benefited from the cultural assumption that Christians, while perhaps a bit boring, were “good moral people.” We were thought of more positively. Most of our professors knew we wouldn’t lie and wouldn’t steal and wouldn’t try to hit on their wives or any of that type of thing so we were shown favor. These days are long gone. Christians are no longer treated that way.” he said. He went on, “We are now thought of as adversaries. They call us closed minded. They have decided we are judgmental. We have no right to live our lives by our religious code. We are truly the last minority group that is fair game for prejudice and persecution. So why in the world would any responsible parent want this for their 18-year old child? Since we know 70% of our kids will walk away from their faith before their junior year of college, why would you think your son or daughter is outside of that equation?” I sat there listening with my mind becoming a bit overwhelmed. It’s not like I haven’t been watching the news. There is absolutely persecution to say, “I don’t have a right to decide what is right or wrong—God decided that for me and gave me a nice little book called the Bible as a reference.” I feel the change in the air about which Dr. Piper talked. Honestly, when you think about it, don’t you? Saying “I am a Christian” now assumes “I’m a judgmental person, blinded by religious bias.” It’s not my imagination. I’ve read it on social media. I’ve heard it first-hand. Dr. Piper is right. He sees it even more clearly than we do. Students

like Carson tell us stories about it. So why do we just go on about our gullibly, sending our children off to the slaughter without much more thought than cheering with scholarships or pledging and football bragging rights? Do we even want to wake up? It sure is fun to head to the Saturday game wearing the team colors after all. However, universities today are NOT the universities of old. And, maybe more importantly, according to Dr. Piper, the Christian universities are not all not necessarily a safer place to go either. Dr. Piper warned, “Don’t be fooled. Christian colleges might not be better than any state university. You can’t just assume their marketing and nice four color brochures means they are actually faithful to the Christian beliefs and values upon which they were founded. Many Christian colleges are missing the mark. Some are, to state it bluntly, simply dishonest. Remember this simply axiom,

Wolves in sheep’s clothing are dangerous. But, wolves in shepherd’s clothing are downright deadly.” Dr. Piper emphasized, “Any school can put together a slick marketing campaign that claims they are Christian and Christ-centered but do they truly practice what they preach? Do they hold tenaciously to the inerrancy of the Word? Do they believe and teach objectively of truth? If you do not see clear evidence that all of their faculty, every single one of them, teach and live out a conservative and orthodox Biblical worldview, that’s a red flag. Many “Christian” colleges actually take more pride in challenging and deconstructing a biblical worldview rather than teaching their students why they should believe it and how to defend it. Parents have to do their homework.” Dr. Piper advises, “Never send your son or daughter

to any college or university until you pull the President aside and ask him two basic questions: What’s your view of scripture? And, what’s your view on truth? If he or she doesn’t say scripture is the inerrant word of God—run. If he or she doesn’t answer clearly, concisely, and boldly that Truth is a revelation of God, run even faster. If there is any hint that they have imbibed the Kool Aid that truth is not an objective reality but rather a mere product of cultural dialogue, this is a giant red flag. It’s just not a good place to go.” One thing Dr. Piper tells parents and students is this, “When you go to college you don’t major in opinions. I don’t grant degrees in opinions. That would be absurd. That would be an insult to you. You go to college COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION


to learn something. The point is to graduate knowing at a least a little more about what is right and true than you did when you started. Opinions always lead to brokenness and slavery. Pol Pot, Mao, and Mussolini all had opinions and it didn’t end well. But Jesus said, you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Never send your son or daughter to a university that doesn’t understand this.” Dr. Piper continued, “There is freedom in truth but opinions always lead to bondage. Almost every college I know of celebrates feelings rather than facts and politically correct opinions rather than God’s clear and unalienable truths and the end result is ideological fascism rather than academic freedom.” Dr. Piper has had many experiences with the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). This Council includes about 120 national evangelical Christian schools. Dr. Piper stated “The council is a broad umbrella representing Baptists, Wesleyans, non-denominational schools and so forth. Within that multidenominational venue, we have discussions over differences like baptism, speaking in tongues and other such matters as you would expect.” Dr. Piper went on, “Back when same-sex marriage passed as a recognized legal status, two of our universities, Goshen and Eastern Mennonite, announced they would immediately begin to hire ‘married” homosexual staff. As the result, the President of CCCU sent out a note to all member presidents saying that we needed to come together for a time of dialogue to determine how the council would move forward on this new matter.” Dr. Piper said he was a bit frustrated at the mere thought of having such a discussion. He said to the CCCU president, “Where in the scriptures are we ever told to have a conversation about sin? The Bible tells us that we are supposed to confess it, not sit around and talk about it.” He went further to confront the leadership of the Council: “You seem to be intentionally conflating a disagreement over methods of baptism with a volitional act of sodomy. How can you even suggest that these two things are 14

on the same moral plane?” Dr. Piper said “Today’s universities, have embraced agendas that are explicitly condemned in Scripture and are clearly contrary to common sense, empirical science and natural law. Christian and secular schools alike support sexual fluidity, transgender accommodations, and all things LGBTQ. There are ‘Sex weeks’ on campuses from coast to coast. Schools invite in porn stars as guest speakers. Traditional morality is ridiculed as little more than the unfortunate product of bigoted white privilege.” He added, “You would also be hard pressed to find a university that doesn’t support socialism vs. capitalism.” Dr. Piper says, “We should be teaching the next generation the virtues of American Exceptionalism* rather than tearing it down. Our culture is something to be proud of rather than something to apologize for.” *(Wikipedia defines American Exceptionalism as “an ideology holding the United States as unique among nations in positive or negative connotations, with respect to its ideas of democracy and personal freedom.”) Dr. Piper referenced a quote from Gilbert Keith Chesterton, an English writer, poet, and philosopher to name a few of his known skills,

“When you break the big laws, you do not get liberty... you get the small laws.” (July 29, 1905). Dr. Piper shared, “We have come to the point where we refuse to teach the big laws of God; ten simple and clear laws (and frankly Jesus narrowed it down to two!). We disparage those laws. We mock those laws. We malign those laws and what do we get? Thousands upon thousands of little laws from D.C. and elsewhere rushing in to fill the vacuum. This is not intellectual liberty. It’s ideological fascism. Instead of liberty, you see more and more conformity and more and more control. If you refuse to parrot the party line and or to


repeat what is popular and in vogue they will crush you.” Dr. Piper continued, “There’s a reason our culture is in a mess. Fifty percent of the country believes in socialism. We’ve lost the definition of marriage. We don’t understand the male and female physiology in our high schools and our universities. We are seeing the negative consequences bear themselves out in the nightly news. The sex-weeks on college campuses that I mention above have pornographers, adult film stars, sex therapists, booths with sex paraphernalia, lectures complete with X rated movies. This is not just in the Ivy league. It is right here in Oklahoma too.” He went on, “When you teach 18-year old men that this is the way they should think and these are the values they should embrace what do you expect? Why are we surprised to see the Matt Lauers and the Harvey Weinsteins of the world making headlines? You are going to get lechers when you teach lechery. We have taught them to behave this way. It’s really no surprise.” Dr. Piper reaffirmed to me, there is a war for the hearts and minds of our young people. They are the future. Satan knows it. He’s armed and ready to annihilate them at every chance he gets. He’s beating down the doors to the schools. He’s running rampant on the campuses. We either have to put on the armor of God or admit surrender, as this fight cannot be won with passivity. A fight like Dr. Piper references needs sound instruction for our children in God’s word, God’s laws. It needs someone willing to stand up, who knows the reasons they must stand. It needs disciples of Christ, armed and trained in the inerrant word of God. Make no mistake. It’s a war. Don’t worry though. If you aren’t seeing it, you are exactly where the enemy wants you on his way to many victories at the expense of your children and your grandchildren. Just sit there. He will make you nice and comfortable, as he gently turns up the heat to boil you in the proverbial pot.


Interestingly, as an example of a University clinging to the principles of the Bible, Oklahoma Wesleyan University is not afraid to boldly be prolife. OKWU even has a mobile ultrasound clinic, which saved the lives of over 200 children. They are simply unapologetic over their pro-life stance. We have seen another Christian university in Oklahoma shy away from such a stance because of federal funds, which cause them to remain silent in fear. It was of no surprise to me when I read OKWU’s value statement: “Unapologetic in our commitment to the truth of Christ and the truth of Scripture, OKWU models a way of thought, a way of life,

Education. Does Where it Comes from Matter? “’The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next’” Dr. Piper quoted from Abraham Lincoln. He expounded, “Where do our children spend most of their time? It’s in school. Think of the average hours in school vs. with mom and dad vs. church. There’s no question. School wins. So why would we think, when that’s where they’re getting most of their information, that these ideas aren’t going to sink in? How can we think they aren’t going to be influential in how they live their lives?” Dr. Piper is again spot on. We have to be equally engaged in the elementary and secondary school years about what’s going in, because it WILL come out. That’s how it works.

and a way of faith. This is a place of serious study, honest questions, and critical engagement, all in the context of a liberal arts community that honors the Primacy of Jesus Christ, the Priority of Scripture, the Pursuit of Truth, and the Practice of Wisdom.” THIS IS NOT AN AD for OKWU. If you were educated about what might set them apart for Christ, as I was in writing the article—well, good. I’d love to highlight all universities with this kind of commitment to the Bible and these sorts of values. They certainly aren’t as easy to find as my heart would like them to be.

Dr. Piper also talked of Richard Weaver, author of “Ideas have Consequences.” He shared, “Why is publication date (1948) of Weaver’s book important? It is because it was just a handful of years after the Nazis holocaust. Weaver was writing to the German people, his own people. He was saying that ideas have consequences. His point was very simple: ‘The terrible things we taught in our schools bore themselves out in the terrible actions of our culture.’ We would be wise to learn this lesson.” says Dr. Piper. Truth is, Dr. Piper isn’t saying anything our pastors haven’t warned us about before. It sinks in on some level. However, as Christian parents in our current culture, if we want our children following Christ, then we have got to take off the masks and see reality. We must arm them with Truth (the Bible) and an ability

to study it, understand it and apply it with precision. We must TEACH THEM how to guard their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We know we have always heard that. However, in the current climate we live in—Dr. Piper is saying we need to wake up and take heed. Don’t just read his words and this article and think, “Hmm…that’s scary,” and then wonder about what you should eat for dinner. That’s exactly the response the enemy in this war is expects to get. It’s at best lukewarm. Just put the magazine back for anyone else to take. With a broken heart, I sadly guarantee, if your child later becomes one of the 7/10, you’ll wish you could go back to this moment and choose better.


Taking A Stand. #GoDoBe

Read about OKWU taking it to the mat by taking an important religious freedom case to court and fighting for rights being stripped away by new laws:

• “A federal district court issued an order Tuesday (5/16/18) that permanently prevents the federal government from enforcing the Obamacare abortion-pill mandate against four Christian universities in Oklahoma represented by Alliance Defending Freedom. The order also declares that the mandate violates the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act.” Citation from court-orders-end-abortion-pill-mandate/

• OKWU was the only university in the country to challenge the government’s imposition in the courts. “When Oklahoma Wesleyan sued the Department of Education in 2016, we alleged that the Obama DOE had unlawfully issued Title IX guidance in 2011 and had unilaterally imposed unfair and impermissible conditions on all colleges and universities,” said Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan. “The mandate violated the privacy rights of our female students, denied due

process for all students, and undercut the role of local law enforcement to investigate and adjudicate sexual misconduct.” Their actions allowed the opportunity for all parties to comment on the proposed rules to result in a much fairer system for effectively addressing issues of campus sexual assault. https://



FINANCIAL Written By: Teresa Goodnight Named a “Top Performing Community Bank” in the United States in 2018 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, (#2 out of 4383 to be exact), First Bank of Owasso continues to push beyond their city limits to lead the banking industry in more ways than one. They are also a top bank supporting churches and ministries, where they do about 60% of their business financing for entities in Oklahoma and around the country. It’s not by accident. In fact, their vision statement is very specific to make their mission both known to all and on their hearts and minds:

“To help build the Kingdom by providing financial services and expertise in a responsive and God honoring manner.” First Bank follows this vision statement through “Integrity. Caring. Excellence.” These values are even etched in stone above the entrance to their building. It isn’t every day you find a business so bold in their statement and mission for God. As my curiosity led me to study their business model, I couldn’t help but think “People need to know what they are doing. Wouldn’t other Christians want their funds sitting where they could be used to support the Kingdom?” It frankly blew me away. Finding a group with such a mission, felt like discovering a nice little pot of gold under a rainbow. So, I called and asked Dee Sokolosky, President of First Bank, to let me come sit down for a few minutes to understand their story better. I wanted to see if it was REAL. Fortunately, Mr. Sokolosky did not disappoint! Dee dove right in. He said, “It starts with the basic premise of the banking industry--bankers should lend money to clients whose business they understand, so they can add value to the client’s business.” Dee followed, “We really don’t do oil and gas lending or aircraft financing—we just don’t know anything about those businesses and don’t add anything to the equation. You aren’t adding anything really except cash if all you do is write somebody a check. Other than money, you really haven’t done a lot to make their business better.” Dee said of First Bank, “We like to partner with clients to do just that-make the business better. So that’s how the mission to assist churches started. Not only do we have a Board of Directors who are very active in their churches, but we have five of our employees who are ordained or licensed ministers. We also have a number of pastors’ wives on staff, as well as dozens of regular church attendees. So, most of the people who work here have a very good knowledge of churches.



They are passionate about being followers of Christ. So, it’s what we believe we’re called to do--assist the Kingdom by doing what we know how to do.” The bank started in 1962, as Owasso’s first financial institution. The two biggest things needed to have a vibrant community are a good school, of course, and a local financial institution for businesses to deposit and borrow money. Dee said, “In the 1990’s when things in Owasso really took off, there was a conscious decision by our board to focus on the faith-based community. All our board members are believers. All have been very active in church from Sunday school teachers to treasurers, elders, trustees, pianists and so forth. Three of our seven board members have even started a church. It’s just who we are.” As most of us know, the banking industry has consolidated quite a bit over the last decade. Dee said, “When I got into banking 20 years ago, there were 365 banks in Oklahoma now there are 199 and the consolidation continues. So, the banking industry has become more and more corporate. Doing business with churches is difficult for some banks because churches often do not have audited financial statements. So, there’s a narrowing number of financial institutions serving this community. In fact, a lot of the big banks nationwide have gotten out of the church business altogether for this reason.” Dee went on, “As the shift happened, First Bank of Owasso stepped up to fill the gap. It allowed us to expand beyond Oklahoma, where we now serve about 225 churches in 28 states. With the word-of-mouth and building relationships with denominational leaders, in less than 20 years, First Bank has gone from lending $3 million to churches to over $185 million. Plus, it’s now 60% of our business.” First Bank of Owasso is also different in how they hire. They don’t spend a lot of time looking for someone with any banking experience. In fact, Dee said that it’s not even on the checklist. “What’s on the checklist,” according to Dee, “is having a servant’s heart.” Dee stated, “We tell employees we work in the second most emotional profession. Healthcare is number one, but finances is number two. People have issues. They have challenges. Everything from the enormous length of a home mortgage application to people losing their debit card or having difficulties balancing their checkbook. So, if you get frustrated helping people in that arena, you’re simply not the right employee for us. You need to want to remove obstacles and make people’s lives a little easier in this one area that we know something about.” One thing Dee mentioned that CAN be tougher for First Bank is getting enough deposits in the bank for all the opportunities out there to help churches. Dee said, “When you are a community bank in a



community of about 36,000 residents, getting funds is key.” Dee went on, “To be a national church lender when you’re raising deposits from a small group requires like-minded partners from other locations, more than just Owasso. So, the First Bank team started deposit gathering efforts to fund our purpose. People just assume banks have a supply of money, but we’re not the federal government. We obviously can’t go print money.” Then he added, “We can only loan money that somebody puts in the bank. So, we’ve really been reaching out to the nonprofit community and other Christian business people with savings accounts or cash reserves they aren’t currently using. Those deposits can help us have greater reach to help churches.” Dee gave a great example, “There might be a church in a building campaign, but they haven’t started using the money yet. They are still gathering funds and making plans. So, we can be the bank to hold those funds until that client needs them for their own use. That’s been a real focus--developing a quality deposit product and paying a really good rate of interest.” he said. Dee added,

“Other strong candidates for the bank are Christian Universities and private Christian schools wanting to further increase their impact with their reserves.” One of the critical enablers for First Bank of Owasso has been electronic account management. Dee said, “With current technology, you now don’t need to live across the street from your bank. The number of people walking in to cash a check is reduced. The number of people that need to come to your drive-in is also reduced. When you can have your account here electronically and you can use your debit card it’s just a much easier way to join us in our mission.” Dee also shared “First Bank is also part of the Transfund ATM network, so any of the Transfund ATM’s in Tulsa allow banking with First Bank. It’s just taking the time to open an account and transfer funds.” Dee added, “We even have some nonprofits in places like Kansas City sending their

money here to be part of what we do. We have other clients closer, in Oklahoma City, with money here as well. The whole face of banking has really changed; thus, making our mission part of your own mission is pretty simple to do.” “It’s an interesting element to banking. It’s relatively simple. It just takes time to meet people and tell your story. Once they understand what we’re doing with their money, they get excited.” said Dee.

“A lot of us have never been on a mission trip or don’t have the opportunity to go to challenging parts of the country,” he said, “but they can be a part of reaching all kinds of places right from their homes.” Dee added, “We have probably 25 loans in North Tulsa to different churches, but we also have loans to churches in East Cleveland, Ohio, Baltimore, MD, Grand Rapids, MI and the outskirts of Chicago, IL. Those are places many of us would not visit to go on a mission trip to help the kingdom in that area. However, for our customers to know their deposited money is on a missions trip, because we’re loaning it to minority churches in Chicago is a big deal.” Dee said, “A third of all of our loans to churches are to a minority congregation--to Hispanic churches, Korean churches, Slavic churches, and African-American churches, to name a few. We’re spreading our help beyond our city walls.” Dee laughed, as I ended my interview with such a baffled look. I have no poker face. I just wondered if Christian businesses knew First Bank of Owasso’s mission, why everyone wouldn’t want to move their money there. Where else can money you need to have sitting safely in a bank earning interest be put to so much good for the Kingdom of God? Then my mind started thinking about the tithes from the payroll local churches must get. I knew right then it was a story that needed told! COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION


We told Fiesta they had created the ultimate lazy man’s pool. By the time they added the iPhone control system—it became even more than the backyard in our dreams. We could flip on the hot tub from dinner to have it heated just perfectly by the time we walked in the door. There are some little convenient luxuries that leave you feeling 100% spoiled. Fiesta helped us pick and choose what worked best with our dreams and our budget. Fiesta even had quick service to head over to tweak anything needed. Travis made sure our experience was so good that we headed back in for round two just a few years later!

To Pool or Not to Pool? We pooled. TWICE.

People always get a little torn about why they would or wouldn’t want a pool. There are good reasons on both sides. There’s always the kids and the grandkids enjoyment for an easy win. They love pools. Many adults do as well. However, we pooled twice, because we are BIG on aesthetically pleasing living environments. Our pool is NOT just a place to swim, although our daughter definitely enjoys it more than we have room to share. But, there are 12 months in the year--we wanted a pool to help us enjoy every one of them. We wanted our pool to create an atmosphere for our patio and home, where it could be enjoyed from all vantage points. We wanted to incorporate fire and water elements to bring a big dose of ambiance. We have traveled all over the world and always enjoy the fire and water elements of hotels. Colorado and New York probably have our favorites. So, we needed an “out of the box” dreamer to work with us in Tulsa. We hadn’t seen a lot of what we liked anywhere here. Enter Travis Hogan and team with Fiesta Pools.

little Italian heaven in Tulsa idea into reality. Curving around from the large hot tub, the team built up a 20-foot firewall utilizing water scuppers Fiesta suggested to add even more water flow and a warmer contrasting characteristic for the pool. Scuppers create flowing water and a remarkable level of sound for just the right atmosphere. Curving even further to the right, Fiesta suggested a rainfall curtain that aligned with the opening on our patio to give visibility from the kitchen and dining areas out to the feature. The rain fell onto a lovely tanning ledge, as Fiesta had us add 3 of those areas to the pool. With an infant, they gave wonderful areas for her to sit and play in the pool with us; then, they doubled for a great place to put a lounger and soak up the sun from the cool of the water. Fiesta was so creative along the way as they partnered with us. We wanted some form of table in the water. They suggested building out seating around the pool edge that provided a uniquely enjoyable area to eat and

In the first pool, we used Fiesta to create an Italian-themed water space. Due to smaller yards in today’s neighborhoods, we chose a freeform pool to best fill the space with an outdoor oasis. Starting to the left, Fiesta created a hot tub with water flowing over into the pool, giving us a completely peaceful mood both in our outdoor space, as well as in our covered patio area. In fact, the view went throughout our kitchen/dining space in the house to bring the outdoors in. The sound of beautifully flowing water cascaded throughout our home. Every party guest or visitor to our home marveled at the calming effect. Fiesta worked with us to transform this dreamy 18


drink in the pool while soaking up the views and sounds. The table was equipped with a removable umbrella, just like the tanning ledges, which gave shade when needed from those fierce Oklahoma heat waves. As if their design help wasn’t enough, Fiesta also led us to the best “We love it but don’t wanna mess with it” pool system we’ve ever seen. We’re also not the biggest fans of over-using chemicals in pools. Fiesta suggested an Ozone system with ultraviolet light to clean the pool, which barely required any chemicals be added at all. They paired it with jets on the bottom of the pool, which pushed any debris out through the filter. Having had a standard pool before—we could NOT believe how little we ever did to the thing to keep it looking perfect all the time. As busy career travelers, we didn’t spend a lot of time at home. So, we would come back to the pool and find it pristine, WITHOUT the expense of the weekly pool teams coming around. (No offense pool teams—because Fiesta has some great ones!). It was unbelievable.

Take Two:

Funny enough, we wanted to take a little break from Tulsa life before our daughter entered school. We think it was the clanging sounds of lost freedom for the older parents ringing. We weren’t sure, but we happened to have an adventurous little traveler side kick and thought let’s go. So, we sold the new house with the new pool. Yeah. We know. Ugh. However, the pool recouped much of our expense when we sold the house because there was no house with a matching ambiance. Truth is, if you do it right—it’s a serious selling point. Fast forward. We quickly found we were past the jet setting free-spirited lifestyle. The little one loved her exploratory time all over Florida, from Disney to the Keys, but we were ready to come home. (Don’t let my husband tell the story without me, as he makes me out to be the bad guy who enjoys buying and selling houses!). Anyway, we started the ever-long pilgrimage for a new house. We knew we wanted to recreate the feel we had before—as much as possible in a new yard. In fact, we even wanted to upgrade our view from our living area to really bring the outside into our main living space. We settled on a fun fixer-upper house in South Tulsa with a pre-existing, outdated pool. Someone had actually re-plastered it but we soon realized that what appeared to be dirt on the floor were actually footprints walking out of the pool. And, that long line of dirt—that was from the hose. We CANNOT stress the importance of finding someone skilled like Fiesta to do the job correctly. Once we realized the mess, it was beyond our ability to not be frustrated every time we

BEFORE looked at it. The pool also had a long diving board that felt a little dangerous for our little one. So, we called Fiesta to see what we could do to create the same type of atmosphere at our new place. We did give a few others a chance to bid, as we felt that was the must-do step in the process. However, Fiesta came back both with the best design and a price that fit nicely in our budget!

room on the back of our house. We found an incredible black and cream designed tile which coordinated with our fireplace rock and our reclaimed wood surrounding our patio fireplace. Plus, as an added bonus, the tile matched our indoor design perfectly, creating another beautiful backyard retreat to be enjoyed year ‘round inside and outside of our home.

Travis and his team came right over with their design ideas and went to work. They treated the old plaster to replace it with a new gray, bringing a nice teal color out in the water. While doing so, they created a tanning ledge. They also completely updated our walkway with a new color complementing the whole scene.

We personally found using a high-quality pool company, like Fiesta, was the right decision for us--twice.

And, of course, Fiesta put in an extended firewall, with scuppers, creating a beautiful waterfall effect. The wall is about 15 feet long and curved around the edge. With the new look of our patio and windows, the wall of fire and water can be seen from the living room sofa, as well as the covered three season

Plus, their pricing was well within our project budget. In fact, they gave us a little back in the end on the second project, as they actually came in UNDER budget. (Yeah. You read that right!) That financial surprise was just icing on the gorgeous backyard cake! (And, for the record, this dual set of positive experiences with award-winning style backyards was all BEFORE we ever thought about buying the magazine and sharing our experience with you in here!)



WITHOUT SCREEN Flies. I won’t lie. The little guys drive me nuts. They land on my arm, my food, my glass. They are annoying. We built this beautiful patio with slide open doors looking over an amazing pool, but there were flies in my soup for crying out loud. Plus, I found mosquitos hovering over my bare skin eager to pass on whatever they picked up from their last meal. I may be the fan of the outdoors, but on the flipside, I’m the biggest wimp about exasperating insects. Call me high maintenance. I don’t care. It’s just my reality. Dinners on the patio exasperated me. Finally, my husband and I would bring our food back indoors. I know. Everyone thinks screens. However, my high maintenance side didn’t want small sections of screens and their vertical guides disturbing my view. They weren’t part of my sanctuary. Enter Heidi Roy with Tulsa Area Screens. I found her screens while dining in south Tulsa. I needed to know more. Heidi came over to explain her Phantom Screen product. I began to imagine a beautiful bug free life for my backyard oasis without obstructions. The Phantom screens were automatic, hidden when retracted, and created a whole new living area for the house. They were essentially screen walls. With Heidi’s screens installed, I would FINALLY enjoy everything I loved about the outdoors without suffering from everything I didn’t. Remote controlled. Really? With the touch of a button,

WITH SCREEN there they were (or weren’t). Instead of creating a sun room with permanent screens and multiple pieces of wood in my view, she could install large spans of screens without all the barriers blocking my view. (Our current screen is just over 20 feet long!) My husband jokes, “Those screens saved our marriage.” Laugh if you want, but we could now BOTH enjoy dinner on the patio while taking in the waterfall, fire wall, pool, and a flick on our outdoor tv. It was literally just an extension of our living area. We could throw open our giant sliding doors and let the sound of the water into the living area. Parties were now incredible, as the screens brought the outdoors in without everything small and annoying. Plus, the screens offered protection from the sun, as the back of our house was blessed with lovely sunsets beaming in our eyes nightly. With the new home, we created our pool redesign discussed with Fiesta Pools, but we immediately called Tulsa Area Screens. Heidi laughed, as we were a bit away from being able to install when we called her. However, we wanted to map out a plan to redesign our outdoor escape. The team consulted with us on how to accommodate a straight screen wall. Our entire patio design was purposeful to accommodate the screen, although they can be installed along any straight edge. When done, once again, we could throw open doors out of our living room and walk into our backyard, bug-free, paradise.




As if the bliss from a fly-free, mosquito-free zone wasn’t enough, the first time we purchased the screens, we found they offered my paranoid parent self an additional barrier between my daughter and the pool. We could never throw open the doors and walk around the house doing other things if the screens weren’t such a protective device. As a mom who invented my own brand of supersonic helicopter parenting, the screens gave me peace of mind. Plus, of course, a peaceful ambiance for my entire house and outdoor living area. We chose the screens with the most unobstructed view, but Tulsa Area Screens offers multiple options based on your specific needs. Our first patio mixed sun blocking dynamic screens to offer protection from the beautiful sunsets reflecting off tv screens and electronic devices. Can you imagine working at home from a screened patio with sun and wind protection, while allowing the soothing sound and beauty of your outdoor pool from Fiesta to set the relaxing tone? Now that’s a home office! Fiesta Pools and Tulsa Area Screens were a match made for my heaven it seemed! I strongly recommend you try one or both out before summer gets here. Just sayin’. | (918) 249-1756


Partner with Spirit Come partner with Spirit and advertise your business. It’s a great way to advertise while also impacting the city for Christ. Community Spirit magazine prints 15,000 copies with 5000 being sent directly to homes. We are a content based magazine where people come to read up on Christian topics and events in our community. Talk about a two-for-one special!




Mike Henry Sr. is the president and founder of a new ministry called Follower of One. Check it out at

Written by Mike Henry Sr.: Follower of One

Live an Unexplainable Life “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” (Matthew 19:29-30 ESV)

Unexplainable Despair

we still project negative motives on people we

If I lived that day, I think my energy and

don’t know. We assume most people are “in

national pride had a chance. When the Roman

it for themselves.” We have an expected level

soldiers buried Jesus, they also buried the hope

of civility for business interactions. Operate

of many Jews. Even though Jesus tried to tell

beneath that level and we think you’re a jerk.

them, no one dreamed what would happen

Be more civil, more graceful, more giving and


we wonder what you’re up to.

Unexplainable Savior

When a Jesus-follower exceeds norms for

On Sunday, everything changed. I like to

generosity with our time (not our boss’

imagine walking to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

time), our energy, money, career, attention,

that day. Imagine having Jesus explain the

or gratitude, others might notice. If we try

prophecies that pointed to him from Scripture.

to make them notice, we have our reward

After Pentecost, the Holy Spirit indwells and

(Matthew 6:1-6). But a humble, generous,

transforms Christ’s followers and they begin

graceful life is unexplainable. If we give

Put yourself at the site of Jesus’ crucifixion.

their eternal life. We can live our eternal life

our loaves and fish, or if we give grace and

Imagine asking, “Wouldn’t Jesus be the king

every workday of every week. But do we? Can

generosity beyond our job expectations, we

that would restore, or establish, Israel as a

your coworkers explain your life?

join Jesus as he makes himself visible.

kingdom of heaven?” Before this day, many

No one could explain the resurrection. And it’s

God gives you life as you give your life away. In

Jews expected God’s kingdom to reign and end

hard to explain a life Jesus changes. When we

the civilized American work world, we rarely

Roman rule any day. But in a matter of hours,

live a genuine, authentic, transformed life God

suffer, but we could get ostracized or passed

they arrested, convicted and killed the King of

mixes our life with our coworker’s experiences

up for promotions. Even if we receive harsh

the Jews.

to make himself visible.

treatment, we know God causes good from all

Jesus’ death must have dumbfounded many.

Unexplainable Work

Jesus says we will receive a hundred times as

Days earlier people laid palm branches and

When a Christ-follower gives away their life,

much and eternal life. As we give, we join Jesus,

praised him. Then the Jewish leaders arrested

that’s unexplainable. When I first started my

in his kingdom now and forever and we receive

him, tried him illegally, and treated him worse

career, business was all about climbing your

a huge reward.

than a common criminal. Then the Romans

way to the top. Terms like “dog-eat-dog” and

and the Jews together ridiculed him, beat him,

“corporate ladder” were in fashion. While

If we serve others with an ulterior motive,

and killed him.

business became more civil over the years,

people will sniff it out. We each have sincerity

world power?” “Didn’t he tell of the coming


radar. We can sense when someone fakes sincerity, empathy and

of your coworker’s family members. The Holy Spirit may challenge you

compassion. But if you give your stuff and your life away simply because

to work late or come in early to help others. You may need to get ahead

Jesus saved us to, over time your coworkers’ explanations won’t fit. Then

in your job so others can interrupt you without affecting your overall

they must search for a different explanation.


Unexplainable Life

Whatever you do, give your company a great effort, and give even

Begin your new, eternal, unexplainable life with prayer. Tell Jesus,

more to the people you interact with most. Use your personal time

“Here I am” each morning. Ask him to use you in the lives of everyone

and resources to bring favor to the people you interact with every day.

you meet. Jesus may challenge you to write notes to people or to give

Your unexplainable life will cause people to question and God will their

away small gift cards. He may challenge you to remember the names

curiosity to accomplish his purposes.

A Biblical Approach to Life Planning

things (Romans 8:28). Whatever we give away,


Dr. R. Henry Migliore



Church pastors receive a free membership. Say, what? That’s right. I talked with Journey Fitness about their heart for ministry. They are a different kind of gym. Most don’t realize they are a fitness center built on their call from God. As such, they operate a different kind of facility. Kindness—check. Integrity—check. Amazing facility—check. They even have a slightly stricter dress code to create a healthier atmosphere. How people are dressing in a co-ed environment, like a gym, matters. If you can walk in and feel comfortable with the people you see—it sets a better tone for working out.

face enormous amounts of criticism with our ever-growing opinion-sharing society. Their time is spent counseling when there’s a need for conflict resolutions, which can center around personality-type disputes in the congregation rather than issues needing Biblical clarity. Add in trying to find time for their family or some “me” time to just decompress and it’s no wonder many pastors face depression. Plus, let’s face it, we don’t often hear of pastors bringing home enormous salaries. They are often struggling financially, which can also leave their marriages struggling. If all of these weren’t enough—we also know burnout is real when you’re working in a capacity under so much stress with less support than needed. They are called to care for their church and it takes on a whole host of meanings depending on their church; the weight of that burden alone can feel perilous.



What brought me to write a book on the subject of FEAR? Growing up on a cotton farm in Deep South Texas, way out in the country, I was a kid that lived with a lot of fear. I didn’t ask for the fear, it was just there.

In my late 30s I decided to do something, whatever, to deal with my fear issue. In doing so, I went to the Scriptures to learn what was said about the subject of fear. Thus, my book evolved from several years of studying.

For Zachary and Michelle, their heart is to offer pastors a safe place to come, where they can take a little personal time without hurting the family budget. Working out can be such a great stress reliever as we all know. (Well, we all know it—we don’t always all do it!). When pastors come together, they can gain support from each other, learn from each other, and pray with each other. Sometimes it’s nice to have someone outside of your circle to confide in as you try to sort through your struggles whatever they might be. Sometimes it’s nice to slip into a safe environment, surrounded with some like-minded individuals and breathe. Zachary and Michelle hope Journey Fitness can be all of that PLUS a great way to stay healthy for these pastors. They want to support them. So, they just thought, “Let’s just give them that opportunity.”

In this book, Fear Is Never Your Friend, you will learn what I have learned that has resulted not only in the book but also in my reputation for fearing no man. To understand more you will need to read my book and learn from a Spiritual basis as well as a practical basis why FEAR IS NEVER YOUR FRIEND.

We suggest you give it a try to feel the difference. With a 1-day pass available right on the internet, you can hop in and check it out. Plus, send your pastors their way. Free is great. Super facilities and kind staff for free, well that’s something really worth sharing.

Several years ago I had a meeting with a banker friend, and after greeting one another, she asked, “Anything new going on in your life, Gary?” I replied that I was working on a new book. “What’s the title,” she asked. As I said the words “Fear Is Never Your Friend,” I could discern by the look on her face that she wasn’t buying into that thought, so I asked her to explain why. She said, “Well, if I saw a snake on the floor that was set to strike, I think my fear could help me remove myself from danger.” I then asked what she thought a two-yearold child crawling on the floor would do under similar circumstances, and she responded, “Probably go to the snake,” to which I agreed. My point was that it was her knowledge (dangerous snake set to strike) and her wisdom (need to get out of harm’s way) that caused her reaction, neither of which the two-year-old was equipped with. When my banker friend and I had that conversation, I already had discussed the subject of my book with numerous friends and had received responses from them similar to hers.

Journey Fitness |(918) 895-9098 | 10846 S Memorial Dr, Ste 103 Tulsa, Oklahoma

The Bible is replete with the admonition that fear is never our friend (with the exception that we are to fear God, which is a reverence of God). Yet, it is

Zachary said, “We’re not the gym for everyone and that’s OK. We’re more the gym you think of when you’re sitting around wanting a gym where you can feel at home.” The gym has 24/7 access, parking right at the door, and cancelation notices of only 48 hours. Their policies are really in line with their character.

Zachary and Michelle might be more right than they even realize. Pastors are on a tough road. In some ways, they are just taken for granted as they carry their crosses to impact the city for Christ. They

Written By: Gary L. Richardson

I could tell a number of stories as to how fear displayed itself in my life when growing up. But, as I grew older, becoming a teenager, I came to hate the fear that I lived with even more. Most wouldn’t guess it, since today I stand 6’ 2” tall, that I was very small for my age when growing up. When I graduated from high school I was still only 5’11,” having grown two inches in the previous two years. So, I was always small for my age until my second year in college. I later learned that this was something that happened in the Richardson lineage. The men got their height much later than normal, just as I did.

Journey Fitness appeals to all ages, shapes and sizes, but the 45+ crowd really love to call it home. It’s a great environment for people wanting a more pleasing ambiance to get fit or stay healthy. Journey doesn’t offer childcare, but older children can sit quietly at the table up front with homework, a book or even iPads. The facility itself is impeccable, with all the equipment you would expect. Plus, it offers super clean locker rooms, showers, and even great lockers. However, the difference doesn’t stop there. Zachary and Michelle Buford, owners of Journey Fitness, felt called to open their gym to pastors for their use without needing a membership. Zachary said, “We know pastors carry a bigger burden than most realize. We feel they can create peer relationships with pastors from other churches. Those relationships can be beneficial in all sorts of ways-from simply workout partners to accountability partners outside their circle. It really depends on what they need. They can share struggles they face with their congregation or in their personal lives as pastors. They can offer solutions they’ve found to those problems. When these pastors get together, they can take the relationship to whatever level makes sense.” Zachary and Michelle both have a heart for reaching out and supporting pastors and really the body of Christ. They also love the concept of the “C”hurch coming together in all areas of life for strength and encouragement.

Fear Is Never Your Friend all too common for believers frequently to use the words, “I was afraid to do” such and such, much like those who say, “I don’t do this or that for fear of getting hurt.” In Fear Is Never Your Friend, you will learn in a meaningful way the truth of taking fear out of your thinking. Again, it’s knowledge and wisdom that are your friends. I have found over the years of doing seminars on this subject that it greatly impacts a person’s life by learning the importance of taking the word “fear” out of his or her conversations. In the seminars, time permitting, I give an overview of every chapter in the book, which is a great help, possibly a “must,” in impacting individuals to the place where they can walk away from the seminar totally convinced to remove fear from their lives and conversations. Much of the same can be accomplished by reading Fear Is Never Your Friend.

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” My friend Rev. Wade Burleson wrote a four-page foreword for my book, and in conclusion he wrote these words: Former Prime Minister of India Jawaharial Nehru is quoted as saying, “There is perhaps nothing so bad and so dangerous in life as fear.” Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American lecturer-philosopher, wrote, “The wise man in the storm prays to God not for safety from danger, but for the deliverance from fear; it is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without.” Fear has reached epidemic proportions in America today. It’s as if it is almost a contagious disease rendering a person weak and ineffective, robbing him or her of the joy of life. Noted Christian writer Oswald Chambers says in his daily devotional book, “If Jesus ever commanded us to do something that he was unable to equip us to accomplish he would be a liar.” In reading the book Fear Is Never Your Friend you can come to the place of overcoming the fear that many live with. As I said to my doctor once when he commented, “The only thing we have to worry about is…” I stopped him and said, “Doctor, I don’t worry about anything,” and then I added, “but if you tell me it will help to worry, then I will.” Of course, he did tell me to do that.

Read Fear Is Never Your Friend and become one of the many that have shared with me over the years how they have been liberated in removing fear from their lives. Here is what one reader wrote that stands out among the many responses I have received from those that have read Fear Is Never Your Friend. It is rare that a writer captures just the right words with just the right story examples with just the right tone to create a desire for change by and within another person, but that is exactly what Gary Richardson has accomplished with his remarkable book, Fear Is Never Your Friend. I have agonized many times about making a decision – sometimes professional, sometimes personal – simply because I “feared” that someone would like me less or think less of me because of my choice. Sound familiar? Well, making those torturous decisions got easier a few years ago after I first read Fear Is Never Your Friend, which I describe to others as “medicine for a bad case of ‘I’m afraid to …’” In this inspirational book, Gary lays out key tactics to help overcome fear, and it is these life’s lessons of his that have helped me navigate through life a lot easier. Here are a few of my favorites: * We have the right to decide what will be a part of our lives. * If we allow negative and fearful thoughts to live in our minds, we will discover they are expensive tenants; instead, stop negative thoughts with hopeful, faith-filled thoughts. * Choose your thoughts wisely; monitor what enters your mind and heart. * Choose your words carefully. My summation of these gems of wisdom is, “Do not fear your fearful feelings. Challenge them and focus instead on how you will defeat them.” Fear Is Never Your Friend will not miraculously get rid of fear in your life, but it definitely will teach you how to do so. Joyce Gideon Public Relations, Editor, Writer Check out where 3 other books I have also written can be seen. “Thank God They Ate The Apple”, “Black Robe Fever” and “I Want You To See Me”.

Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.” COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION


You hear it all the time. You probably even believe it. However, most do not act on it.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to our bodies in order to function properly. The problem is we can survive for quite a long time with a deficiency without seeing the devastating effects to our bodies. Suddenly, we are faced with a health crisis. We start to treat it with the pharmaceutical of the day. However, in many cases, we can course correct with a special diet and nutrition. Oftentimes we are not tested for vitamin deficiencies, which might be at the core of our problem. Problems from vitamin deficiency don’t crop up overnight. They come from a lifetime of not paying attention to what matters most.



In some cases, those deficiencies can be caused by our genes. Dr. Gonzales’ office offers a wellness section inside their clinic testing on vitamins and nutrition deficiencies. Many patients can reverse inflammation, exhaustion, skin disorders and even infertility with modifications to their regimen. In one case, a female who had faced multiple miscarriages found out her body didn’t properly process folic acid, which is needed for a baby’s neurological development. The patient started quality supplements to treat another health condition and found herself pregnant at 44, delivering her first perfectly healthy child. Proper treatments MAY help course correct some of the effects patients are experiencing.

right here in Tulsa, we wanted to tell our readers. Dr. Andre Alexander Kulisz is an international consultant in the area of neurotoxicity and chronic inflammatory conditions. We have seen first hand the detrimental effects of inflammation caused by everything from food allergies to improper dietary choices. If you or a loved one experiences any kind of health condition possibly related to these conditions, it’s worth dropping by for the event. It could be the key to healing and restoration you’ve been seeking!

Date: April 12, Friday at 10-1:30 Where: Tulsa Neurospecialists 5010 Esat 66th Street #102 Tulsa, OK 74136

When Community Spirit Magazine found out Dr. Gonzalez was hosting a free Wellness Education Seminar with a renowned naturopathic doctor for FREE




Definitely Dead. Definitely Alive. Written by Sean Farver I’m not ashamed to admit it... The Princess Bride is one of my

favorite movies of all time. There. I said it. It has everything: sword fighting, a fire swamp, rodents of unusual size, quicksand, the Cliffs of Insanity, iocane powder, more sword fighting and, of course, a six-fingered man (oh yeah, and some romance as well... but let’s be honest, you can find romance in tons of other movies but only one combines it with the magic of shrieking eels). What’s not to love? Like many adventure stories, the drama is heightened because it centers on matters of life and death - most notably, the (presumed) death of Westley at the hands of Count Rugen in the dreaded Pit of Despair. After being examined, however, the best news the audience could have hoped for is delivered by the aptly-named Miracle Max: “It just so happens that your friend here is only mostly dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.” So, all is not lost; true love can go on and the evil king can still be defeated. The hero is only “mostly” dead. Why am I yammering on about an old movie? Well, believe it or not, it offers us a chance to reflect on a true matter of life and death. There’s no question that Easter is for many reasons the most important day of celebration, worship, and reflection that Christians enjoy. The main reason, of course, is summed up in one word: resurrection. We bank everything on it. We believe that Jesus’ resurrection not only confirmed God’s promises to bring salvation but also that it paved the way for those who are in Christ to one day be resurrected as well. Jesus’ resurrection was God’s way of driving the final nail into the coffin of death itself. No longer would sin and death hold any power over us. We believe that when Jesus was resurrected, death died. 28


No wonder the Apostle Paul joined with the prophets Isaiah and Hosea and wrote these stirring words in

1 Corinthians 15.54-55: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” There is a nagging question, however, that has been asked for the past 2000 or so years: did Jesus really rise from the dead? After all, it’s not our normal experience that people who are truly dead come back to life. For many, it seems like a far too convenient ‘plot twist’ meant to prop up the desired outcome of a larger religious story. At best, it’s wishful thinking. At worst, it’s a dangerous delusion. In that spirit, many alternative theories have been proposed as to what Jesus’ (supposed) resurrection is all about. The most obvious theory is that, perhaps, Jesus wasn’t really dead. He was only what Miracle Max would call “mostly dead.” I see two issues with this explanation. First, it seems to imply that ancient people might not have known when someone was really dead; those who crucified him and those who buried him were simply mistaken in thinking that he was actually dead. After all, we are much more scientifically advanced than they were! We forget, however, that ancient people lived in much greater proximity to death than we often do. They witnessed it in their homes and communities. For us, it’s often hidden away in modern clinical institutions. I think they knew when someone was truly dead.

Second, the Bible’s witness is that Jesus didn’t simply ‘come back to life’. He wasn’t merely resuscitated, he was resurrected. He didn’t appear in the same state as prior to his death, he appeared in a state that represents the other side of death. He had a resurrection body, one that actually made him hard to recognize by those who first saw him. He wasn’t “mostly dead.” He was totally dead and came out on the other side!

on ‘the google’), argued many times that some of the most powerful men in American government couldn’t keep their Watergate conspiracy together for more than a few weeks before it fell apart as they all gave way to self-preservation. What hope would the small band of Jesus’ first followers have in the face of persecution? The entirety of Christian faith resting on a conspiracy seems more far fetched to me than someone being “mostly dead.”

Another theory is that Jesus’ resurrection was a fabrication, the result of a conspiracy among his followers that involved stealing and hiding his (actually) dead body and claiming that he had risen. Again, I believe there are at least two difficulties with this explanation. First, the gospel writers and especially Paul stake their message, their reputations, and even their lives on the eye witness testimony of those who saw the risen Jesus. In a culture that was steeped in oral tradition (the passing on of truth, history, memory, etc. in oral form), it would literally have been incredible for Paul to have claimed that so many people (hundreds, several of them named) had seen the risen Jesus and to make those claims within the lifetime of those same witnesses if they did not concur. Paul’s claims would have been very easy to falsify.

A third explanation is that what we call Jesus’ resurrection is really just a metaphor for how he lives on in the memory and even the mystical experiences of those who follow him. In this view, Jesus didn’t literally rise in resurrection-bodily form but instead ‘lives on’ in the lives of his people (for one explanation of this view, see Marcus Borg’s chapter called The Truth of Easter in the book The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions).

Second, it seems highly unlikely to me that a small band of people could have perpetrated a conspiracy of this magnitude in the face of the Roman Empire, literally altering the trajectory of world history by virtue of their own efforts. Charles Colson, who was convicted and served prison time for his role in the Watergate cover-up (young people, look it up

On the surface, this view might seem to have great appeal for modern (or maybe postmodern) people because it makes the question of a literal resurrection irrelevant (Borg’s point) but still allows for Jesus to be remembered, honored, and even worshipped. It seems to make Christianity and naturalism compatible by eliminating the need for the supernatural. The ‘reality’ of the resurrection is that it is real to me (metaphorically speaking), not that it actually happened in any literal sense. One of the issues that I have with this view of resurrection is that I’m fairly certain that someday I will die (insightful, I know). What I mean is that my death won’t be metaphorical, it will be real (certainly not ‘mostly’!). And, it raises

real questions. What happens to us when we die? What eternal significance does our present embodied existence have? I need more than metaphors and I believe God’s Word gives us more. It gives us real substance. It tells us that God created us with bodies. It tells us that Jesus entered the creation and was embodied himself. It tells us that he rose bodily from the grave and that someday I will as well. I love metaphors as much as the next person, but they only make sense if there is some reality to which they point. So, why does all of this matter? One main truth that underlies our celebration of Easter is that Jesus was really dead. Not ‘deceivingly’ dead. Not ‘mostly’ dead. Dead. Period. And so will you and I... someday (unless he returns beforehand). The other main truth, however, is that he is now alive. Not ‘metaphorically’ alive, but alive in the same way that all who believe in him will someday be alive. For people of faith, Easter is a glimpse of the future. It fills us with hope. It reminds us that life is not, “as you wish” (yeah, I had to get one more movie reference in there; I saw that eye roll...) but is based on the certainty of God’s promises and power. I don’t know about you but I need more certainty, not more speculation. I need more hope, not more wishful thinking. I need a Savior who was fully dead but is now fully alive because I can be certain that’s exactly what I will be.

May your celebration of Easter fill you with hope and joy!

Sean Farver, Kirk Crossing Campus Pastor Sean worked as the youth minister for The Kirk for six and a half years before transitioning into other ministry roles which included overseeing the The Kirk’s communications, directing some adult discipleship programs and being the first worship leader for The Kirk’s contemporary worship service. He then went to Seminary and afterward, returned to The Kirk in a pastoral role. Currently, Sean is the campus pastor at Kirk Crossing - The Kirk’s second campus in Jenks.



HEART2HEART Written by Andrea Stephens

Seeking, Thirsting, Yearning I’d been on mission trips before, but this one was different. Having recently been given the opportunity to write a column in Focus On The Family’s BRIO Magazine for teen girls, I was invited to be part of their annual mission trip. That year they were headed to Costa Rica. Hmmmm. Sharing the gospel, leading a team of eager young women who loved Jesus, and getting to experience a different culture—I was in! The plan was to have the girls, coming from all over the U.S., meet in Miami for several days of training. Then on chartered planes, all 250 of us would fly to San Jose, (I thought organizing 250 excited teenager girls sounded like the challenge of a lifetime until several years later when the group had grown to 850!). Right after the early morning breakfast buffet, the girls were divided into twelve teams and taught choreography to a powerful 25-minute drama presentation of the gospel called Spellbound. They also had daily sessions of language learning and the opportunity to fine-tune their personal testimony of God’s work in their lives which they would be sharing at their various ministry sites around San Jose. My main assignment while in Miami was to encourage my team during rehearsals, make sure everyone had called home at least once, help finalize costumes, and practice Spanish phrases. The days were long and rushed but worth every second 30

once we touched down on Costa Rician soil, ready to tell others of the love of God and saving grace of Jesus. I was excited that these precious girls were about to be obedient to Jesus’ command to go into all the world and preach the gospel (Mark 16:15). Each morning I led team devotions, then getting on our knees, we asked the Lord to lead us, guide us, and grant us favor as we presented the drama at parks, schools, and open market squares. We asked the Holy Spirit to be at work in the hearts of those watching the drama and, in our hearts, as well. Each night, at the close of an adventure filled day, all the teams gathered together to share stories and to thank the Lord for all He was doing. The worship offered during these times was very genuine. Coupled with my private morning devo time, I began to experience a stirring deep inside of me—an unsettled feeling that I had felt before. Call it a yearning, a feeling of discontent, a touch of heart ache. Being on a mission trip where I was able to spend extra time in the Word and prayer drew my attention to the stirring. At home, with the busyness of life, it is both easier and necessary to push down the thoughts and feelings that are trying to rise to the surface; the very things that the Holy Spirit is wanting to use to get our attention about something. Well, this was one of my somethings. So, I asked the Lord to explain this to me. And he did. His answer came the next afternoon. We returned from ministry a little early so the teams had free-time until dinner. Ah! I welcomed the extra


time to recharge alone in my room. I had been reading in the Psalms, so I picked up my Bible to continue looking into these/ this collection of thoughts and prayers as expressed through their author, King David. I was reading Psalm 63 when I got it. This Psalm talks about seeking God, thirsting for Him, and yearning for Him. Seeking, thirsting, yearning. Another word to express how David was feeling is the word longing. David was longing for God. This is when the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to what was really stirring around deep inside of me. I was feeling what I was feeling because I was actually…homesick. Homesick? The idea took me by surprise. Yet it explained the days when I felt out of sorts, not quite comfortable whether I’m at work, in line at Starbucks, rushing through Walmart or reheating leftovers for dinner. I knew this was more than just needing a long soak in a hot tub with lavender scented bath salts. It would easily be mislabeled as loneliness or interpreted as depression. But those words did not accurately describe what I felt. These were times when it feels like something is missing and I just long for more. Now I understood. I was longing for my heavenly home. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not talking about an eerie death wish. I’m talking about a deep longing to be in that place where we, as believers and children of God, will experience belonging, satisfaction, wholeness, total acceptance, and of course, a love like no other. When we have developed an intimate personal relationship with Jesus—the kind

that goes beyond Sunday morning casual Christianity—our longing for home makes total sense. Girlfriend let’s do a quick review: We have been transferred from the Kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of Light. Yes, out of the Dominion of Satan into the Kingdom of God. We have become new creations—made new in our spirit which now houses the Holy Spirit, which now makes us children of the most High, ever-present, ever-loving Father! Right now we are citizens of Heaven, our real home. We are God’s ambassadors here on this earth from that moment on. We are on assignment, getting our orders from headquarters, fulfilling God’s purpose for us to love others and tell them about Jesus. (Colossians 1:13, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Philippians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 5:20, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Matthew 22:37-39, Mark 16:15). So this longing in me was not a bad thing, it was a good thing; not a negative feeling, but a positive one. Have you felt the longing? Perhaps you chalked it up to PMS or your biorhythms being off or a general dissatisfaction with life. If so, knowing it is a desire to be more deeply connected with your Heavenly Father is very freeing. And very good. So what do we do to help satisfy the longing until the day our Heavenly Father calls us home? We spend more time in the Word, pray without ceasing, surround ourselves with worship music, serve Him by serving others, fellowship with other believers—all things that help us keep our hearts and minds set on Jesus so that we will have peace for our longing. And we choose to rejoice in the Lord always and give thanks in everything (Philippians 4:6-9). Yes, I have learned to be content and grateful for the stirring inside of me. It is confirmation that I am connected to my Heavenly Father and that my longing will one day be fulfilled when I live in my heavenly home

where I will spend eternity. None of this would be possible without the sacrifice that Jesus made on my behalf by going to the cross. He willingly chose to die a painful criminal’s death in order to break the power of sin and death, to pay the penalty I could never pay for myself, to provide the beautiful gifts of salvation, forgiveness and grace, and to open the door for me to be in direct relationship with my Father-God. Because of God’s incredible love, He would have done all of this just for me. But He didn’t. He did it for you, too. This month as we celebrate Jesus’

resurrection let’s also rejoice that we experience a sense of longing every now and then. Let it be a reminder that because we have accepted Jesus into our lives as Savior and Lord, we are now the children of God. Our culture teaches that we are all God’s children yet the scripture is clear that Jesus gives us the right to become children of God. We are all God’s creations, yet we become His children through Jesus. (John 1:12). In God’s selected timing, we are children who will one day be home where that longing will be turned into fullness of joy. (Psalm 16: 11).

“We can’t say enough about how FamilyLife Blended and the Smart Step Family Program has impacted our marriage and family dynamic. It’s been transformative! Asbury United Methodist Church in Tulsa will be hosting a life steam of this event on April 27th. We’d love to see other blended families be blessed like we have! This event will not only be great for blended families but also those close to a blended family as it will help you understand the complexity involved in this dynamic! “ -Beverly Bryan, Asbury United Methodist Church

Manners4Kids Classes and Camps Sign-Up NOW

Introductions, Conversing with Adults, Place Setting, Utensil Use, Napkin Folds, Dining Etiquette, Social Behaviors, and more! Andrea Stephens, Licensed Instructor 918-252-1974




Senior Moments, sponsored by Visiting Angels 918.609.5600 Tulsa or 918.333.7400 Bartlesville

Written by Teresa Goodnight

Stepping Up and Stepping In We had a fair critique of the March magazine. “Some of the print fonts in the Community Spirit Magazine are very hard to read...I know my vision is not what is used to be (I am almost 70), but I enjoy reading the magazine.” Nancy Kopper. So, we told Nancy we would ABSOLUTELY get rid of the tiny fonts. We actually agreed with her when the print came out. We were so wrapped up in content that we just didn’t pay enough attention! Thanks again Nancy!!! Nancy’s suggestion actually made me think about the plights of aging. It’s a bit overwhelming at times. My husband and I sit around trying to figure out who feels the oldest somedays. I’m always certain he wins. I don’t fight hard for that victory. We’re still hanging around in our forties. We hope those battles continue until we’re old enough to not hear each other complaining. In all seriousness, aging has its challenges in every arena. Our bodies don’t want to work like they used to work—or rather, like we are used to them working. Stairs. Driving. Networked thermostats. We’re all facing change at a rapid pace in most every aspect of our lives. DVRs. Computers. Tiny cell phones. Ugh. Just as soon as I have one device down— someone brings out a new one. When my mom’s credit union switched to a new computer system, she wanted to retire right then and there. She stuck it out. Figured it out, but wow. If you could have heard the complaints along the way. She just felt too old to learn something new. She wasn’t of course, but the changes these days are so rapid—it feels like everyone 32

is out to make life a little more difficult rather than easier. Wouldn’t it just be nice if a few things stayed the same? The one place where we feel we should get to see a little consistency is in our churches. However, with the drive to reach Millennials, even there, we sometimes just don’t feel like we fit as we did before either. I’m sure I could get a big amen out of the crowd if I were on a podium and mentioned new styles of worship, new younger leadership and pastors in skinny jeans (who in the WORLD invented those things?). So how do you adjust even in the one area you grew to love at your church home? Embrace and encourage it. Yep. I know. You were hoping with all of my heartfelt sympathy I might go in a different direction. The thing is—YOU are needed in your church. YOU are a Biblically trained, disciple of Christ, who has been fed and nurtured for possibly decades. The church ABSOLUTELY needs seniors to invest back in the next generations. A couple I know started a Life.Group, where they mentor younger couples. They embraced the change, modified, and took on a needed role in a much younger church community. My mom? She’s now retired and greeting at Sunday morning and Monday evening services at Life. Church. She hosts the same door week over week using her God-given ability to carry on a loving conversation with a wall. She still steers clear of the computers when possible. At a Tulsa Women’s Fellowship luncheon, Kim Pence, President said, “Ted Robertson gave us some advice for the


group. He said to do x, y, and z. If you know him, he’s not the kind of guy you can say no to easily.” Why? Because he’s a known Christian leader in the Tulsa community with incredible wisdom and ideas based on experience. Our community is hungry for those leaders to step up and share their ideas and insight. He knows how to help ministries succeed. He’s done it so many times. Where else can you step in? You likely also know how to make sure the changes stay true to the Bible. Let me say very clearly, by NO MEANS should any adaptation cause any altering of what the Bible says or changing our stance on anything in the Bible. Be the strength and wisdom younger leaders need to make sure your church modifies but stays true to God’s word. That kind of wisdom and leadership is absolutely necessary as newer generations come into the mix. Discipleship itself isn’t some kind of new idea—Jesus kinda started that in the Bible. Pouring into the next generation is a critical piece of building the church on solid ground.

There are also some pretty neat things about the younger folks coming in with ideas and changes. For one, have you downloaded the “YouVersion Bible App” yet? It’s maybe the best app out there for your phones and iPads. Aside from having about every translation of the Bible available, the app will actually read you your Bible from your device. I listened to Daniel in the car just this week in fact! You can listen to God’s word while you work out, while you take a nice walk, while you sit in a lovely park taking in the lovely scenery God created. Nancy—That’s our little tip for you since you were so kind to give a tip to us! Thanks again for speaking up. It may not have felt like much, but God used you to help inspire a whole article—and hopefully many others who read it!

Here’s how: Go to the app store on your phone. Search for YouVersion. (BTW—there’s YouVersion for kids and it’s FANTASTIC). Click to download it. Click the app. Click Read. Click Versions at the top in the middle. Pick a version with a sound sign beside it. Press play at the bottom of the screen.

Churches have to adapt for the next generation, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for the pillars of the church (that’s YOU!). Step up and step in. Your wisdom, prayers, financial resources, ideas and everything you’ve been doing for possibly decades--God used your talents to bring the church where it is and He absolutely wants to use you to help lead in where it is going.



Now THAT’S SPIRIT! Twelve tons of food. Can you imagine? Well, save your imagination, because you can see it right here! Mingo Valley Christian just wrapped up Spirit Week 2019, where they brought in 24,911 pounds of food. With 305 enrolled, that comes in at 82 pounds of food per student over the course of a week. “For what?” you might be asking yourself. Sure, the winning secondary team received a gift card generously donated by Raising Canes, but you should prepare to be amazed. These kids, faculty and families brought in all of that food to feed the homeless at John 3:16 mission here in Tulsa. I asked Senior Pastor, President & CEO Steve Whitaker of John 3:16 about the impact Mingo Valley Christian has had on their ministry. Steve said,

the hungry and homeless of our community. This year, they blessed us with 24,911 pounds - the biggest yet. It's truly amazing. Awesome job, Mingo Valley!” The school divided into teams with Elementary Team 1 and Secondary 9th grade taking the prizes with their efforts. When you think about it--that means several more years with these overachievers, who worked so selflessly to help the homeless; MVC has been doing this event since 1990 and will be celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2020! Shannon Lowe, Director of Communications and Development, said “We try to build a sense of service and leadership into every part of our school culture, and Spirit Week is a very tangible way our students can give to their community. We’re honored to have partnered with John 3:16 in this way for so long.”

“John 3:16 Mission's relationship with Mingo Valley Christian School has been singularly defining in my 30 years here at the Mission. The first really big food donation we ever received at John 3:16 came from Mingo Valley and they've come through year after year to help feed 34




spiritual ground for me. I know that even in the temptations, I’ll always know where to turn.” Allie added, “I’ll never be able to forget God, because He’s always been such a deep part of my life. So, I hope to be a light for others. It’s not just about trying to protect myself but also the people around me.” We discussed faith groups like Cru, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and others who are on campus to keep you strong while in school. Allie has already been thinking about how to connect, but still needs to work on the plan for her spiritual side at school. Even the most amazing Christian students tend to focus on path of study and the location of the school before thinking about how to stay protected from outside forces on campus.

Helmet. Check. Breastplate. Check. Cover Model: Allie Beach

Our April cover girl model was right for the cover in more ways than one. Alexandria Beach (Allie) is a junior at Victory Christian School, who has been serving as a role model for as long as she can remember. Allie’s father is the minister of Wesley United Methodist Church in North Tulsa. She grew to love the church’s ministry and has been diving in since she was at least seven with ministries like the Tulsa Pizza Kitchen also in north Tulsa. The thing is, when we raise our children with mission and purpose, they grow strong hearts of service and love. Allie’s family always trained her to go into the daily battles. Allie remembers in elementary her father driving her to a private Christian school. On the way, her dad walked her through putting on the full armor of God. Allie said, “We did it so that I would be ready for the day and anything I faced.” Allie continued, “Dad and I would start with the helmet of salvation and then the breastplate of righteousness and then the belt of truth and then the feet fit with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace and then the shield of faith and then the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. It was fun, but it also helped me grow up with a sense of protection and courage. I knew I wasn’t going to battle having fear, but God was with me.” Allie’s words were both beautiful to hear and further inspired me as a parent to pour, pour, POUR God’s truths into my daughter, training her for her protection against whatever she might face. Allie didn’t hesitate to walk through the full armor. She knew every single piece and its purpose. After Allie’s school shut down, her parents moved to homeschooling from third through eighth grade. Then Allie started Victory Christian School her freshman year. Allie had enjoyed the time with her parents, but found time with students to be 36


exciting as well. Allie said, “I just love the people here at Victory. When you are homeschooling it’s fun because of the freedom, but it’s also good to be around other peers.” At Victory, Allie pursues athletic training. She volunteers with the basketball teams. She hopes to attend college and study athletic training at the University of Oklahoma. Allie is also a gymnast but had a back injury benching her from the sport. In line with her beautiful heart, she now teaches gymnastics for Aim Academy in Tulsa, who has programs in north and south Tulsa. It’s a faith-based, non-profit operation helping kids. They teach gymnastics, but they also pray with students and have the kids say ‘God made me special’ before they leave. They try to help students know their true worth to God and to the world. Allie’s family also started a Tulsa Youth Ranch for their church out of their home. It allows kids to come take care of animals, to be accountable, but also a place for them to recharge mentally. Many of the kids don’t have a great home environment. For them, it’s a break to come to a place where it’s quiet and they can focus on caring for the animals while we care for them. When I asked Allie if she was ready for the battles she might face in college, she said she felt about 50/50 excited and scared. Allie said, “It’s hard to think about going to college and being away from mom and dad for that long. Plus, having to do everything on my own is a bit scary, but I’m excited.” Allie has another year left to get prepped. When I asked Allie about facing temptations at college, she said “I know it will there will be lots of temptations. There’s a lot of temptations in high school today, even at Victory, but I know that my parents have set a really good

Allie hopes to be a light wherever she goes. Allie said, “My focus is trying to protect myself but also to be a light to the people around me. We discussed faith groups like Cru, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and others who are on campus to keep you strong while in school. Allie had already been thinking about how to connect, but still needs to work on the plan for her spiritual side at school. Even the most amazing Christian students tend to focus on path of study and the location of the school before thinking about how to stay protected from outside forces on campus. Luckily, with the training from her parents, Allie looks better poised to beat the “7 in 10 statistic for walking away from God” at college than most. Allie’s beyond her years sage advice was “I would say the best plan for students heading to college is to always find a group of people or at least one other person who has strong faith that way you can always help you and be around and be an accountability partner while you’re in high school or college.” She went on, “It’s important to have a friend so that you can always turn to each other if you’re ever tempted or people are ever trying to push you off the path.” Funny enough, that’s not just true in college but in life. Like-minded friends can help keep us on the right path. Thanks Allie for being the face of spiritual training for the magazine—and thank your parents for us. They are doing exactly what God has called us as parents to do,

Proverbs 22:6 (NLT) “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” *Allie’s cover look was created & styled with clothing from Jenny Faye at Hape Chic and makeup from Emily at Brushed By Emily. They were instrumental in creating this month’s cover.



Best. Summer. Ever.

| Kanakuk Kamps

Kanakuk Kamps began in 1926 with a group of boys from Texas trekking to the Ozarks for eight weeks of character and confidence building alongside great Christian role models. Today, Kanakuk is one of the nation’s largest Christian, athletic summer camps. Each year, Kanakuk serves more than 16,000 boys and girls, ages 6-18, with five overnight summer camps in Branson and Lampe, Missouri, plus a traveling day camp called KampOut! that brings summer fun to churches and schools across the nation. Each term is specifically designed to serve a particular age group, ranging from one-week opportunities to one-month stays. Kanakuk also serves entire families through its family Kamp, K-Kauai, located in Branson, Missouri, welcoming more than 2,500 Kampers each summer. Finally, unique to other summer camp destinations, Kanakuk offers two specialty Kamps: Scuba Kamp, and Worldview Kamp, a one-week addition to a traditional term for ages 16-18. The mission of Kanakuk Ministries is to equip next generation leaders. We do this through life-changing experiences, Godly relationships and spiritual training. Kanakuk provides Kampers the opportunity to play, train, laugh and learn in a safe and spiritually encouraging environment. Kanakuk also allows Kampers the chance to explore more than 70 athletic endeavors and activities that are central to the Kamp experience. Water sports, canoeing, kayaking, tennis, soccer, archery, basketball, lacrosse, mountain biking – the possibilities truly are endless and help to

fill Kampers’ summer days with new skills, healthy mindsets and memories that far outlast their time at Kamp. More information about Kanakuk can be found at www. In addition to traditional summer camp terms, KampOut! brings the exciting experience of Kanakuk to communities around the nation. KampOut! offers five days of faith-based, non-stop excitement to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Kampers will have a blast flying down our zipline, scaling the climbing wall, bouncing in the inflatables and laughing at staffers’ entertaining skits, while also seeing and hearing that God is a caring Father and wonderful Creator who loves them and desires for them to love others. KampOut! provides a perfect introduction to summer camp for younger children while also sharing the heartbeat and ministry behind Kanakuk. Throughout the week, attendees will grow in courage and confidence, while fostering relationships with others in their community. This summer, KampOut! will make three Tulsa-area stops in partnership with local churches. These locations include Metro Christian Academy, Redeemer Church, and Harvard Avenue Christian Church. For more information including pricing and arrival details, or to enroll for KampOut!, visit

r e m 2019 m u s

sessions begin

june 3

august 2

half day & full day options

for students pre-k thru 12th grade

Get to NYC! *Be sure to check out for information on a remote simulcast right here in Tulsa!


MAY 4, 2019 | Times Square

Focus on the Family (with pro-life Americans)

sessions end

ALIVE FROM OKLAHOMA May 4 in Tulsa “Alive from Oklahoma” event to stand in love.




Community Spirit, pregnancy resource centers, post abortion recovery ministries and more will be hosting an event coinciding with Focus on the Family. We want to make Green Country aware of the incredible resources in our community to help women/men and families in a crisis pregnancy situaition or who might need counseling services from a previous abortion. God loves us all and we want to show get together and show that love! Location and details are coming. Stay tuned to and our facebook page to get details as the date gets closer. COMMUNITY SPIRIT • NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S LEADING FAITH-BASED PUBLICATION


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